"Dimensionamento de vigas em concreto armado NBR-6118 de 2014" |
"Neste curso breve curso, iremos aprender de forma objetiva a dimensionar vigas em concreto armado, seguindo os preceitos da NBR 6118 de 2014. Iremos abordar desde os conceitos bsicos do concreto armado at o completo dimensionamento de vigas. Passando pela introduo, Domnios do concreto, Estdio de deformao, posio da linha neutra, altura til mnima, armadura dupla at espaamento mximo de armadura transversal."
Price: 39.99 |
"The 10 Rules for Achieving a Proper Termination" |
"Every High-Performance Work Team needs to be comprised of High-Performance Team Members. Often either poor hiring or a Team Member who is no longer able to meet the changing requirements of their job must be removed from their position for the welfare of the Team. The ability to properly terminate a Team Member is a skill set that every Manager/Team Leader needs to develop.This Course provides the 10 essential elements of a proper termination, and explain the reasons why every termination must be based on Critical Thinking and Emotional Intelligence to be both legal and humane."
Price: 29.99 |
"The 10 Rules for On Boarding Good Hires" |
"Students will discover, understand and be able to implement the 10 Rules to Properly On-Board Good Hires, who have the potential to become High Performing Team Members while ensuring Bad Hires and The Working Dead are discovered and, either receive the additional training required to be able to competently do the job they were hired for or are rejected by the organization."
Price: 24.99 |
"The 10 Rules for Finding & Hiring High Performing Employees" |
"Students will discover, understand and be able to implement the 10 Rules to Properly Recruit and Hire employees who have the potential to become High Performing Team Members while ensuring Bad Hires and The Working Dead are discovered and not hired. By implementing the 10 Rules, the organization will benefit from increased New Hire engagement and retention and New Hires will more quickly contribute to their Team's performance. "
Price: 24.99 |
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Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 29.99 |
"Wedding Planning Made Easy" |
"The proposal is over, you've shared the excitement with your family and friends, and you're slowly getting used to becoming a ""Mrs"".Now what?If we're being honest, you're starting to feel completely overwhelmed by everything you have to do to plan your dream wedding.First, you don't really know what tasks to tackle when, and in what order, so you just sort of start a bunch of things at once, never finishing anything.Second, staying on top of your growing to-do list feels impossible, especially given everything else you have on your plate (um, hello full-time job!).And last, you're trying to plan your wedding on a budget without hiring an expensive wedding planner, but the sheer amount of things to be done is getting out of control.Introducing Wedding Planning Made Easy: A step-by-step planning guide for busy brides-to-be.Learn how to craft the wedding of your dreams with confidence and ease. This incredibly thorough course holds your hand throughout the entire planning process. Get instant access to:5 hours of video lessons where I teach you my best tips9 helpful worksheets to guide you through the process8 tools and templates, including sample budgets, timelines, and trackersGet started now, and be on your way to planning your dream wedding, without the overwhelm."
Price: 69.99 |
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Price: 19.99 |
"French for Tourism" |
"Going on vacation to a new country is very exciting because you will visit all the places you dream about and also discover a new culture but when you do not know the original language you will not be able to communicate in a proper way in some situations.French for Tourism is a very specific course, all lessons are related to tourism situations and it will provide all you need to feel confident to communicate without depending on someone or your phone translator.General rules about pronunciation, grammar and writing are explained. This course includes 6 dialogues of the real-life situation and 10 different touristic destinations.Lesson 1: Basic Notions of Pronunciation and Numbers.Lesson 2: Professions of Tourism.Lesson 3: At the airport.Lesson 4: Make a hotel reservation.Lesson 5: Touristic Places and Activities.Lesson 6: Give and ask for an address.Lesson 7: At the restaurant.Lesson 8: Shopping."
Price: 29.99 |
"Treine em Casa com apenas 5 minutos" |
"O mundo est cada vez mais dinmico e cada vez mais nos sentimos com pouco tempo, dedicando mais para as tarefas dirias e esquecendo de movimentar nosso corpo por falta de tempo ou mesmo por falta de conhecimento. meu trabalho garantir que voc esteja preparado para seguir sua jornada, que voc tenha um corpo saudvel, conectado com uma mente poderosa e cheio de energia. Meu objetivo ajudar as pessoas a aprimorar sua energia e atingir sua alta performance.Aps o curso Voc estar familiarizado com o seu corpo, Voc saber quais so os ""snacks de movimentos"" (exerccios) bsicos e Voc ser capaz de se integrar sua vida.Esta rotina feita para voc, para despertar o seu corpo e comear a desfrutar de movimentos simples. garantido para qualquer nvel de condicionamento fsico, porque temos exerccios para todos os nveis. E mesmo que voc nunca tenha feito nada pode comear.Assuma o controle de sua sade e do seu prprio corpo, treine agora!O que voc aprender? Voc ser capaz de isolar movimentos articulares Voc ser capaz de encontrar desequilbrios em seu corpo Voc vai ganhar coordenao e auto-conscincia Voc vai conseguir em cada dia fazer um treino diferente e simples de realizarPr-requisito para o curso No ter nenhum impedimento mdico A nica coisa que voc precisa querer fazer algo de bom para vocPara quem este curso: Qualquer pessoa que queira iniciar sua jornada para a liberdade fsica e aprender a cuidar de sua sade. Para aqueles que querem aprender a treinar sozinhos sem depender de um instrutor"
Price: 129.99 |
"Program Management Course - Program Manager Essentials" |
"Do you want to learn leadership and Program Management skills that will help you to progress up the corporate ladder faster? Great, then this course is for you!This course is for anyone who wants to rapidly progress at work and get that promotion faster.After taking this course, you will have a good understanding of the skills necessary for effective leadership in Program Management. Until now, you might have struggled to get noticed and get ahead in the workplace...Or, you have found incomplete or bad advice or explanations that just don't make sense.If this sounds like you, then I'm here to help!Who is your instructor?Michael James is a UK Business and Leadership Instructor who has over a decade of experience in management and leadership in the corporate environment.This course covers the essentials and more of Program Management including:Program vs ProjectProgram vs PortfolioStakeholder managementProgram Manager Responsibilities and SkillsProcurementResource ManagementBenefits Identification and ManagementRisk ManagementPlanning...and much more!Anyone who is looking to build a career in Program Management must understand the above. If you don't, then this course is perfect for you.So go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Mike"
Price: 99.99 |
"Excel Para Investidores" |
"Voc sabe o que empresas como Google, Facebook, VALE, Petrobrs, Ambev e Ita tem em comum ?Todas elas esto listadas na bolsa de valores e so financiadas pelo mercado financeiro. Voc inclusive pode adquirir um ""pedacinho"" dessas empresas, comprando aes e assim, participar da diviso dos lucros.Certamente, empresas como essas, buscam incessantemente por profissionais que entendam o mercado financeiro e os clculos que precisam ser feitos o tempo todo para se tomar decises mais assertivas com o dinheiro.Voc tambm precisa deste conhecimento para suas decises pessoais, seja para no ser passado para trs em emprstimos e financiamentos, ou at mesmo para se tornar um investidor, e fazer seu dinheiro se multiplicar e gerar cada vez mais prosperidade.O curso de Excel para Investidores, o nico curso do mercado que, alm de ensinar os clculos e como execut-los, tambm te apresenta o mercado financeiro e as oportunidades mais comuns de investimento.Isso tudo, mesmo que voc no seja da rea de finanas ou um gnio da matemtica, pois o Excel faz todo o trabalho pesado para voc."
Price: 339.99 |
"Magic PPT" |
"A forma como voc transmite as suas ideias influencia em grande parte seu sucesso.Seja na universidade ou no mercado de trabalho, transmitir a mensagem de forma brilhante, far com que voc se destaque da multido e seja reconhecido pelo capricho e pela boa comunicao.O PowerPoint uma ferramenta incrvel que possibilita que voc crie apresentaes que prendem a ateno do seu pblico e passe sua ideia de forma interessante com um visual bonito. No curto prazo, voc receber muitos pontos e elogios, vindos de professores admirados pelo seu trabalho. No mdio e longo prazo, voc ter a oportunidade de se diferenciar da massa, que muitas vezes apresenta suas ideias em slides primitivos e sem criatividade nenhuma. Isso com certeza far com que voc suba mais rpido a escada do desenvolvimento profissional.Neste curso voc aprender todas as ferramentas necessrias para fazer a sua mensagem chegar com qualidade e interatividade at sua audincia. Abordaremos todos os recursos que a Microsoft traz na mais recente verso do PowerPoint, para que voc esteja atualizado(a) com as melhores prticas do mercado."
Price: 249.99 |
"Energy Enhancement Meditation - Intro" |
"On the Energy Enhancement course you will learn about Energy Blockages & How to Remove them, Inner Child work, Integrating the Ego, Healing Trauma, Cleaning the Emotional Body, How to Clear Karma, and how to Manage Energy Connections and Relationships.Introduction- Initiation 1: MeditationStopping the mind and squaring the circle. Alignment with the energies from the Center of the Earth into the Center of the Universe.---For now, the remainder of the techniques, including the below, are available directly through Energy Enhancement.Initiation 2: Energy CirculationMicrocosmic orbit and Kundalini Kriyas. Energy Circulation: Microcosmic Orbit. This gives the Hidden Taoist Secrets of the Microcosmic AND the Macrocosmic OrbitInitiation 3: The Grounding of Negative EnergiesEarth Connection, Guided meditation of Grounding, transmuting all trauma caused negative energyInitiation 4: Accessing the Universal Energy SourceMacrocosmic Orbit, Chakras above the Crown, The Energy Enhancement Supra Galactic Orbit, Advanced Kundalini KriyasWhy Energy Enhancement?Energy Enhancement has the techniques for a complete spiritual practice:Speeds UP the Process of Enlightenment.Stop the Trauma Energy Enhancement teaches how to dissolve old trauma.More Energy - Less Sleep, More Vigour, More ability to do.The Grounding of Negative Energies and the Removal of Pain.Soul Fusion, Access to your Genius.The Mastery of Thoughtforms.The Mastery of Energy Connections Between People.The Mastery of Relationships.The above listed techniques are missing from contemporary teachings of meditation - and they are essential! And this is just the beginning - there are 24 further initiations that Energy Enhancement teaches to empower you to deal with anything along your Spiritual Path.Without Energy Enhancement Meditation, it is unlikely, if not impossible to speed up the Spiritual Meditational process such that is possible to achieve Enlightenment in only one lifetime.With Energy Enhancement techniques, you'll accelerate your spiritual growth tremendously, ensuring you're not limited by your techniques - with persistence and dedication, you may find what you're seeking in this lifetime!"
Price: 179.99 |
"Ultimate Options For Beginners" |
"The Perfect Beginners Course for you to learn about OptionsOur Options for Beginners is designed to help you learn the absolute basics of what Options are, how they are priced, and how to trade them. This program is ideal for the beginner who is looking to start learning about Options Trading. This course does not teach a strategy but does give you the foundation to continue learning about how to build a strategy which you will find in our future courses.So why should you learn Options?Well, options are one of the only investment vehicle that can allow your to design your reward curve. There are strategies that can profit in up, down, or in a sideways market. It can be the perfect vehicle to help diversify your portfolio. Best of all, most strategies can be done while working a full-time job! In fact many Option traders out perform regular stock traders because of the greater degree of flexibility and leverage.What's in this course?So whats in this course. This introductory course will provide you with the foundations needed for our more advanced strategies courses. You will start by learning the following:What are OptionsCalls and PutsOptions PricingThe GreeksFrequently Asked QuestionsIs This Course Right For Me?This course is perfect for:any trader who wants to learn about options.Anyone who wants to add options to their trading strategiesAnyone who wants to get better leverage on their stock traders with options.Who Isn't This Course For?This course is not good for:People who already have a basic understanding of Options and are looking for more advanced strategiesPeople who are looking to make get rich quick. Like everything in life, Options require commitment and time to master"
Price: 149.99 |
"Nutrio Bsica I" |
"Bem vindos ao Curso de Nutrio Bsica do Sci Nutri! Neste curso voc assistir vdeo-aulas ilustradas e com boa qualidade de somO curso ser dividido em 10 sesses. Cada sesso ir apresentar um assuntoAps assistir a vdeo aula voc responder um Questionrio - Exerccio de Fixao sobre o contedo aprendidoCada aula possui um Material de Apoio que estar disponvel para download. Voc pode optar por ler antes ou depois das aulas. Para melhor fixao da matria, recomendamos a leitura antes e depois das vdeo aulas. As referncias utilizadas para elaborao do material sero colocadas em um arquivo a parte. Para o contedo base, focamos no livro ""Nutrio:Conceitos e Controvrsias"", que apresenta um linguagem acessvel, de fcil entendimento e que define os principais conceitos pertinentes ao tema. Ao final de cada captulo, o livro traz temas relevantes e polmicos sobre Nutrio, que levam a vrias controvrsias; mantivemos todas as discusses feitas no livro resumidas no material didtico. Nosso Material Complementar contm: Referncias utilizadas para elaborao do curso Tabela TACO de Composio dos Alimentos Apostila Bnus ""Nutrientes e seu Metabolismo"" com 91 pginas - recomendamos a leitura aps a concluso do curso. Material Complementar (leitura opcional), que inclui: ""Conceitos Bsicos de Fisiologia"" (17 pginas); ""Dieta, Sade e Doena"" (14 pginas); ""Fome e Ambiente Global"" (6 pginas); ""Nutrio e Atividade Fsica"" (18 pginas); ""Nutrio nas fases da vida"" (16 pginas); ""Nutrio em gestantes e lactentes"" (15 pginas); ""Segurana Alimentar e Tecnologia"" (17 pginas)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Observaes: As apostilas bnus incluem contedos mais aprofundados sobre o tema, pertinentes ao segundo mdulo do curso. Portanto, recomendvel terminar todos os mdulos e ler todos os materiais de apoio pois ser uma leitura mais ""pesada"". O material complementar so contedos que no foram abordados neste curso. A leitura deles trar uma melhor compreenso dos termos utilizados em diversas reas da Nutrio."
Price: 54.99 |
"Science Nutrition Level 1" |
"Welcome to Science Nutrition Level 01! After watching video lesson you will answer a Quiz - Fixing Exercise on Learned Content Each class has a Handout that will be available for download. You can choose to read before or after classes. For better fixation of the subject, we recommend reading before and after the video lessons.References used to prepare the material will be placed in a separate file. For the basic content, we focus on the book ""Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies"", which presents an accessible language, easy to understand and which defines the main concepts pertinent to the theme. At the end of each chapter, the book brings relevant and controversial topics on Nutrition, leading to various controversies; We kept all the discussions in the book summarized in the teaching material.Our Complementary Material contains:References used for course design 91 91-pages ""Nutrients and Their Metabolism"" Handout - we recommend reading after completing the course.Compl Complementary Material (optional reading), which includes: ""Basic Concepts of Physiology"" (17 pages); ""Diet, Health and Disease"" (14 pages); ""Hunger and Global Environment"" (6 pages); ""Nutrition and Physical Activity"" (18 pages); ""Life Phase Nutrition"" (16 pages); ""Nutrition in Pregnant Women and Infants"" (15 pages); ""Food Safety and Technology"" (17 pages)Comments:Extra handouts include more in-depth content relevant to the second module of the course. Therefore, it is recommended to finish all modules and read all background material as it will be a ""heavier"" reading.Complementar Complementary material is content that has not been covered in this course. Reading them will bring a better understanding of the terms used in various areas of nutrition."
Price: 19.99 |
"CFA Level 1 (2019) Exam - Complete Ethics Full Module Course" |
"This course is on CFA Level 1 Exam and here I will be teaching on Ethics which is an Important Module. Now, Ethics could be very easily understand by going through the video lecture course. In this Ethics Course for CFA, every thing will be covered and not even single bit will be left out. It is prepared in such a way you will like that you are studying in a Physical Coaching Center. By Going through our videos you could easily answer all the questions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Corso Trasformazione Digitale Piccole e Medie Imprese" |
"IL PRIMO e unico video corso specifico per Attivit Commerciali e Liberi Professionisti sul mercato Italiano che in sole 3 ore ti insegna a costruire il proprio ecosistema di acquisizione clienti online nel proprio mercato di riferimento ed acquisire nuovi e migliori clienti sin da subito e in modo continuativo."
Price: 99.99 |
"Maltego Forensic Tool For Beginners" |
"Welcome to my comprehensive course on Maltego open-source intelligence and forensics tool, This course assumes you have no prior knowledge in Hacking & Maltego forensic tool, after done this course you'll get knowledge and able to understand and use Maltego tool.########################################################################################1. This curse video is very easy and able understand you.2. This course is highly practical. I will not teach you the boring Hacking stuff that you can get from Google.3. All the videos in this course are simple and practical.4. You will learn how to get Maltego community edition Transform Hub under in tools API Keys.5. You will learn how to Maltego permits creating custom entities, allowing it to represent any type of information in addition to the basic entity types which are part of the software, and focus of the application is analyzing real-world relationships between people, groups, Webpages, domains, networks, internet infrastructure, and among its data sources are DNS records, whois records, search engines, online social networks, various API sand various meta data.I will start by teaching you the basics of Maltego tool, like as about maltego, which maltego version we use for, download maltego, Install maltego, how to get API keys and use maltego tool for online investigations for finding relationships between pieces of information from various sources located on the Internet.When I learn something new I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.You are guys facing any kind of problems use Maltego tool message me NOTE:- This course only for educational purpose do not misuse this course knowledge any kind of Illegal way.See you in the course!Sincerely,Rohon"
Price: 2880.00 |
"Big Traffic Fire sale - Big Traffic Generation Master Class" |
"Whatever your intentions are, whether you are Starting a new Business, trying to Grow an Existing Business, or simply to Gain Popularity. in this Masterclass, you will learn The Best Methods for Generating Massive Traffic using Paid & Free Methods.Why is Traffic Important?1 - it is the main Driver for Sales in any Business2 - You can have the best sales funnel on the planet but if no one is visiting your website, it doesn't mean a thing3 - The theory is Simple, The higher your Traffic, The higher probability it converts to Sales.There are only 2 types of Traffic, PAID & FREE Traffic, and in this Master Class you will Learn How to get the Best Results out of your desired Traffic Source using both PAID & FREE METHODS"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Ultimate Passive Income Course" |
"Over the years I have learned many ways to make money online and make passive income. In this course I combine all of the areas I have learn to help YOU make passive and achieve financial freedom. This is the one stop shop for all things passive income. In this course it is all put together to help you. I plan on updating this course regularly so feel free to offer constructive feedback on things that you would like to learn that I have not mentioned. Also you get 3 FREE downloadable e-books-Amazon FBA Success-The Internet Marketer's Handbook-Facebook Ads"
Price: 19.99 |
"Dental Caries" |
"Are you struggling for course in Dentistry?? Then this course is for you..This course will cover everything you need to know about dental caries under following heading:1. Definition of Dental Caries.2. Symptoms associated with Dental Caries.3. Location of Dental Caries.4. Commonly used index for Measuring Caries Activity.5. Various Theories suggesting Caries mechanisms.6. Factors responsible for Caries.7. Classification of Dental Caries.8. Histopathology of Dental Caries.9. Various Diagnosis Aids for Caries Detection.10. How to Prevent Caries.The complete content is developed using Animation, which will help you to understand the topic.Viewing the videos and completing the supplementary readings will take approximately 12-15 hours, however i will advice students to complete a topic per day."
Price: 19.99 |
"Impacted Third Molar" |
"Well, actually person might not even have the molars (flat teeth in the back of the mouth) known as wisdom teeth. They aren't necessary for overall chewing ability, so not everyone develops them. Wisdom teeth are like the appendix of your mouth.But when we talk about dentistry it is the major topic in oral surgery. And when it comes with third molar one, the topic becomes quite confusing. Well in this course i tried my level best to make this vast topic i.e IMPACTED WISDOM TOOTH, simple and concise to make it easy to understand and learn by using simple notes technique.In this course i attempt to cover all the headings which comes under Third Molar Impaction like Local and Systemic Causes, how to identify problems, what will happen if not treated at right time, its exact position defining classification, what all needed before planning for its removal, Disimpaction i.e. surgical wisdom tooth removal, and the problems which patients face generally after the surgery."
Price: 1280.00 |
IllustratorWeb |
Price: 24000.00 |
"IllustratorAdobe Fonts" |
"Adobe FontsCreative CloudAdobe Fonts"
Price: 24000.00 |
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Price: 24000.00 |
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"What will you learn?"
Price: 24000.00 |
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"What will you learn?"
Price: 24000.00 |
Photoshop16 |
Price: 24000.00 |