"Spring MVC" |
"Spring MVCSpringFrameWorkSpring Web FlowSpring Web MVC Spring MVC SpringWEBSpringSpringMVCMVCStruts1Struts2SpringMVCSpringMVCStruts2SpringMVCSpirngHibernate1SpringMVC2SpringMVC3SpringMVC4SpringMVC5SpringMVC6SpringMVC7SpringMVC+Spring+Hibernate"
Price: 29.99 |
"Spring Security" |
"Spring SecuritySpringSpringBeanSpring IoCDIInversion of Control ,DI:Dependency Injection AOPSpring Security4Spring SecuritySSMSpring BootSSM+Spring SecuritySpringBootSpringSecurity"
Price: 39.99 |
"Apache Shiro" |
"Apache ShiroJava,ShiroAPI,,ShiroShiroWebSpringSpring Boot1JavaShiro2Shiro3SpringShiro4ShiroWeb5ShiroSpringBoot"
Price: 39.99 |
MyBatis |
"MyBatis apacheiBatis, 2010apache software foundation google codeMyBatis 201311GithubMyBatis3.x"
Price: 29.99 |
"Spring Boot" |
"Spring BootPivotalSpringSpring Boot(rapid application development)Spring BootSpring BootSpring Data JPAQuartzSpring Boot"
Price: 49.99 |
"Spring Cloud" |
"Spring CloudSpring Cloud1Spring Cloud-Eureka2Spring Cloud - RibbonOpenFeign3Spring Cloud- Hystrix4Spring Cloud-Zuul5Spring Cloud-Spring Cloud ConfigSpring Cloud Bus6Spring Cloud - Spring Cloud SleuthZipkinSpring Cloud"
Price: 49.99 |
"Apache CXFWebService" |
"Apache CXF = Celtix + XFire Apache CeltiXfire Apache CXF CXFCXF Celtix XFire JAX-WS Binding DataBindingTransport Format Code First WSDL WSDL First Web Services Apache CXFApacheCXFWebServiceSpringSpringBootCXF"
Price: 29.99 |
GitJava |
"GitGitGit Linus Torvalds Linux Torvalds Git BitKeeper Linux BitKeeper Torvalds Git Linux Git Freedesktop Git GitGitTortoiseGitgithub"
Price: 19.99 |
"Subversion SVNJava" |
Price: 19.99 |
"Apache Maven" |
Price: 29.99 |
"SpringMVC+Spring+Mybatis SSM" |
Price: 29.99 |
"Struts 2" |
"Struts2MVCWebservletMVCStruts2(Controller)Struts 2Struts struts 1WebWorkStruts 2Struts 2Struts 1Struts 2WebWorkServletAPIStruts 2WebWorkStruts 1Struts 2WebWorkStruts 21Struts22Struts23ContextMapOGNL4Struts2"
Price: 29.99 |
"How to be an expert in Algebra 1 - Part 1" |
"This 100+ lesson course includes video, worksheets without solution and quizzes (with a solution) of everything from Algebra, to help you test your understanding along the way. How to be an expert in Algebra 1 - Part 1 is organized into the following sections:Variables and Expressions.Order of Operations.Properties of Numbers.he Distributive Property.Relations.Functions.Writing Equations.Solving One-Step Equations.Solving Multi-Step Equations.Solving Equations with the Variable on Each Side.Solving Equations Involving Absolute Value.Ratios and Proportions.Literal Equations and Dimensional Analysis.Graphing Linear Functions.Zeros of Linear Functions.Rate of Change and Slope.Slope-Intercept Form.Transformations of Linear Functions.Arithmetic Sequences as Linear Functions.Piece-wise and Step Functions.Absolute Value Functions.Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form.Writing Equations in Standard and Point-Slope Forms.Parallel and Perpendicular Lines.Inverses of Linear Functions.Solving Inequalities by Addition and Subtraction.Solving Inequalities by Multiplication and Division.Solving Multi-Step Inequalities.Solving Compound Inequalities.Inequalities Involving Absolute Value.Graphing Inequalities in Two Variables.Resources:Algebra 1 (Glencoe) - 2018 McGraw-Hill Education.Algebra 1 (Prentice Hall) - 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates."
Price: 104.99 |
"RxJava2 w Android" |
"W tym kursie przeprowadz Ci od podstaw przez zagadnienie programowania reaktywnego na platformie Android. Staraem si nie stworzy nudnego wykadu, take co jaki czas wplecione s praktyczne uycia wczeniej nauczonej teorii. Kurs kocz poczeniem z baz danych wykorzystujc ju nabyte umiejtnoci. Jeeli chcesz szybko i przyjemnie obsugiwa:StrumienieWtkiFiltrowanieSortowanieOdwieanieTo technologia RxJava2 jest zdecydowanie dla Ciebie. Gwarantuj, e wsplne pisanie kodu bdzie przyjemnoci."
Price: 69.99 |
"Dagger2 w Android" |
"Dagger 2 nie jest prosty. Dagger 2 nie jest oczywisty. Na pewno te nie jest atwy do nauki.Dla tego wanie powsta ten kurs. Powsta, eby przekaza w sposb bezporedni jak dziaa oraz jak zacz uywa tej biblioteki.Jeeli chcesz dowiedzie si jak pisa i jak dziaaj:ModuyWstrzykniciaKomponentyAdnotacjeSubkomponentyoraz adnotacje jak: @Singleton, @Reusable czy @BindsInstanceSprawd mj kurs ju teraz!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Retrofit 2 w Android" |
"Ciko znale aplikacje, ktre w dzisiejszych czasach nie komunikuj si z internetem. Wikszo z nich uywa do tego REST API - udostpnionego przez serwer zestawu linkw zwracajcego dane. Biblioteka Retrofit 2 znacznie uatwia obsugiwanie zapyta i odpowiedzi do serwera w jzykach takich jak Java czy Kotlin sprowadzajc kod czsto do jednej linijki.W tym kursie poznasz jak:Wysya i odbiera odpowiedzi od serweraParsowa i edytowa odebrane daneKontrolowa zapytania z wykorzystaniem nagwkaStosowa mechanizm paginacjiReagowa na bdy i poprawnie je obsugiwaSerdecznie zachcam do wyprbowania kilku darmowych odcinkw. Sprawd jak Retrofit 2 uatwia prac!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Transformacin Digital basada en Big Data & Machine Learning" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Transformacin Digital, basado en la implementacin de Tecnologas Big Data y modelos de Aprendizaje Automtico.La estructura del curso est formada por cuatro temas principales:El primer tema tiene como objetivo, comprender el proceso que permite transformar datos en informacin analtica, para alimentar Cuadros de Mando que mejoren la eficiencia en la Toma de Decisiones.El segundo tema permitir, tras adquirir una visin de la Transformacin Digital orientada a negocio, saber cul es el Modelo de Machine Learning ms apropiado a implementar en cada caso, para optimizar los Ratios principales de la compaa, y por tanto aumentar as su rentabilidad.Para complementar este tema, presentar algunos ejemplos de Modelizacin basados en casos reales que he llevado a cabo para diversas compaas y que servirn para mostrar la relacin existente entre los procesos de Big Data Analytics y la Toma de Decisiones vinculada a los Departamentos o reas de actividad de la empresa. He realizado, concretamente, una seleccin de cinco ejemplos prcticos, para tratar de diversificar el tipo de modelos a mostrar, y stos son los siguientes:-Deteccin de Anomalas, para realizar Mantenimientos Preventivos; vinculados a reas o departamentos de Produccin.-Anlisis del comportamiento de compra de los clientes y su Cesta de la compra asociada; para definir acciones y estrategias relacionadas con los departamentos de Marketing o Ventas.-Gestin de Riesgo de Impago; actividad directamente relacionada con los departamentos de Clientes o Deudores.-Anlisis de Redes Sociales: para la gestin de actividades relacionadas con el Marketing Digital.-Y Modelos de Prediccin de la Demanda: en este caso un ejemplo vinculado a la Optimizacin de Precios de Venta.Evidentemente no son todos los posibles, pero s una muestra suficientemente representativa para ver el potencial que tiene la Transformacin Digital una vez llevada a cabo sta.El tercer tema, desarrollar una metodologa de trabajo para realizar, desde el punto de vista de la Ciencia de Datos, un Diagnstico de la Situacin Actual de una Empresa, que permita definir la estructura de un Plan Director para la Transformacin Digital de una compaa u organizacin.Por ltimo, en el cuarto tema, se analizar un Caso de Estudio de una empresa real para que, a travs de un Master Plan estructurado en forma de Mapa Mental, el alumno pueda tomarlo como referencia en trabajos futuros.Adems, se ha aadido al curso un Bonus, estructurado en dos temas:Un tema en el que se realizar un anlisis de las principales Herramientas y Tecnologas que existen en el mercado, relacionadas con la Transformacin Digital, al objeto de orientar en la seleccin de las ms adecuadas, segn los requerimientos de un proceso de Big Data Analytics.Y finalmente, un tema, el en que en base a un proceso de Big Data Analytics, definir los perfiles profesionales principales para configurar un equipo de trabajo que lleve a cabo un proceso de Transformacin Digital.En definitiva, el curso parte del estudio y la comprensin de cmo se desarrolla un Proceso de Big Data Analytics y del modo en el que los Modelos de Machine Learning y la Tecnologa Big Data impactan en el Negocio.Lo que implica que a partir de estos conocimientos, el alumno adquiera una metodologa de trabajo para realizar un Diagnstico de una empresa u organizacin, evidentemente, desde el punto de vista de la Ciencia de Datos, que le permita elaborar un Documento Director, el cual le sirva a su vez como hoja de ruta para llevar a cabo una Transformacin Digital con xito, sobre la base de la implementacin de Tecnologas Big Data y Modelos de Aprendizaje Automtico.Espero encarecidamente que el curso despierte tu inters, te permita tener una visin en profundidad del desarrollo de un proceso de Transformacin Digital y que este conocimiento adquirido, quede patente en tu propio desarrollo personal y profesional en el futuro.Muchas gracias por tu inters en el curso.Jos Luis CUBERO-SOMED"
Price: 129.99 |
"Complete Personal Branding Course with Etien Yanev" |
"Complete Personal Branding Course with Etien Yanev: from A to ZOver 50 videos included in the courseUpdates and bonus content to stay up-to-dateProfessional content that will bring your career to next levelBy the end of this course you will be able to understand all the principles behind successful personal brands, to identify your strengths, to analyze your digital footprint, to manage your social media strategy, to optimize your personal blog and to network more effectively.In this Personal Branding course You will learn how to:Choose the right mentor for youFinding the whitespace opportunity in your fieldUnderstand basic marketing principlesIdentify your strengths and position them onlineBuild a complete marketing strategy for your brandDiscover your digital footprintCreate viral content for social mediaImprove your LinkedIn profileHack your Instagram growthCreate visual content for social mediaOptimize your personal websiteBenefit from speaking opportunitiesBecome friends with mediaHow to make money out of your personal brandIf you want to achieve everything said above join this course NOW! , master personal branding and take your career to the next level with ""Complete Personal Branding Course with Etien Yanev: from A to Z"" course."
Price: 44.99 |
"Performance Testing Using Apache JMeter ()" |
"JMeter JMeter"
Price: 59.99 |
"Farsa Kursu" |
"Farsa renmek ve pratik konuma becerisi kazanmak artk ok kolay!Sfrdan balayarak Farsa renmek istiyorsanz, anlalr anlatm ve mfredatyla bu kurs tam size gre. Videolar izlerken bir yandan renecek, bir yandan da Fars dilinin telaffuzuna inalk kazanacaksnz. Pratik testlerimizle seviyenizi lerek eksik noktalarnz tamamlayacak, bunun yan sra yazl ve szl rneklerle de Farsa konumanz gelitireceksiniz."
Price: 59.99 |
"Basics of Facebook marketing -How to make good content Ads" |
"In this course you can learn Facebook marketing concepts and how to create an targeting ad using Facebook page and how to create a lead generating ads in Facebook ad managerMainly having introduction to Facebook ads andHow to create an lead generation adFacebook ad managerFacebook pixelHow to create an A/B split testing ad"
Price: 1280.00 |
"The Web Development Bootcamp - HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript" |
"My course will teach students to create responsive web development using Html 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript. I will also teach my students to stylize there web pages using Html to create beautiful masterpiece. My objective will be to make them more creative and help the arouse their own imaginations which will help them build practical web pages using Html. CSS and JavaScript in no time."
Price: 189.99 |
"Learning Python For Beginners" |
"My course will teach the basics of python programming language to its advance concepts. I will also teach my students to stylize there codes to create beautiful masterpiece. My objective will be to make them more creative and help the arouse their own imaginations which will help them build real life python projects."
Price: 149.99 |
"Curso de DJ Bsico" |
"Este curso o primeiro passo para uma carreira como DJ iniciante, como hobby ou profisso.Oque voc vai aprender:1- Equipamentos Bsicos do DJ2- Analgico ou Digital 3- Software de Mixagem (Virtual DJ)4- Economize nos Eqipamentos5- Estdio em Casa 6- Equipamento para Apresentao7- Msicas Online para Tocar (Deezer e Beatport)7.2- BPM e Estilos de Msica: House7.3- Trance7.4- Techno7.5- Big Room7.6- Dance Music8- Palavras Finais"
Price: 39.99 |
"20+ Magical Watercolor Techniques" |
"Hi, I'm Kimma Smith ~ Im a self-taught artist and am head-over-heels in love with watercolor.I'm inspired by nature, color, and watercolor itself. Watercolor does enchanting things all on its on. Truly magical things happen by simply dropping watercolor into other wet colors or just dropping color into a clear wet spot on watercolor paper, and letting the watercolor do its thing. Adding splashes of water and sprinkles of salt do spellbinding things, causing blooms of magic to appear before your eyes.As Im sure you can tell, watercolor has captured my heart and soul. It never fails to engage my mind and delight my inner child.Besides making art...My other creative passions are music and writing. I play the classic (silver) flute and Native American flutes. I'm also teaching myself to play the ukulele."
Price: 39.99 |
"Create Beautiful Color Palettes with Ease" |
"Do you worry about color choices in your watercolor paintings? Color choices can seem so hard when we have hundreds to choose from. How do you narrow them down? What if they look terrible together?When youre using watercolor, you cant just paint over it like you can with acrylic and oil paints. So, making color choices with watercolor can feel even more precious and restricting and fearful.Ive discovered a way to completely rid myself of all of my color fears. This process brings me so much delight and joy. It feels playful and free, and I have discovered so many gorgeous new and exciting color palettes to use in my paintings that I wouldnt have thought of if not for my color blocks practice.Join me as I show you my process for choosing colors (I actually dont make the choices myself at all!), preparing our watercolor paper, and finally the fun part painting our blocks! I will show you how to create color blocks that are alive with color, movement, and luminous depth!Benefits of creating Color Blocks:They are sure to inspire youThey help you to get to know and understand your watercolors better which builds your color confidenceThey help you to discover exciting new limited color palettesThey are easy to do and so are great for those times when you want to paint but maybe are feeling uninspired and unmotivatedThey are meditative and so are a great tool to reduce stress and anxietyThey are just plain gorgeous, and you can hang them all around your studio (or wherever you paint) for some pretty eye candy"
Price: 39.99 |
"Adorable Watercolor Faces for Beginners" |
"Welcome you to Adorable Watercolor Faces for Beginners!If youve ever wanted to paint watercolor faces but felt too intimidated by mixing skin tones and shading, then this is the perfect class for you!A couple of years ago, I felt the exact same way as you. Completely intimidated and full of self-doubt. Never being one to completely give up, I started painting monochromatic girls as a way to be able to paint the sweet and adorable little girls that I longed to paint without having to learn to mix and apply skin tones.This method has enabled me to focus, instead, on learning to paint eyes, noses, and mouths in different ways, and to develop my own unique style. This class is for beginners to advanced watercolor lovers.In this class youll learn:How to mix three different shades of black light, medium, and darkHow to begin doing basic shadingTwo different ways to start your painting so that you can try them out and choose what method you like bestAn easy way to paint eyes, noses, and mouthsYoull get to see me create two watercolor faces, one which came out great and one which came out not-so-great. I decided to keep the not-so-successful face in this class because it is super encouraging and motivating to me when other artists share their not-so-great works.So, come along with me as I take you step-by-step through my super fun and easy process of painting sweet and adorable watercolor faces. I cant wait to see you in class!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Machine Learning for Android Developer using Tensorflow lite" |
"This course is designed for Android developers who want to learn Machine Learning and deploy machine learning models in their android apps using TensorFlow Lite. This course will get you started in building your FIRST deep learning model and android application using deep learning. We will learn about machine learning and deep learning and then train your first model and deploy it in android application using tenserflow lite . All the materials for this course are FREE.Course includes examples from basic to advanceA very simple examplePredicting fuel efficiency of automobiles (Regression Example)Predicting Fitness of a person (Classification example)Recognizing hand written digitsFlowers Type Recognition ExampleStones Type Recognition ExampleFruits Type Recognition ExampleWe will start by learning about basics of Python programming language. Than we will learn about some famous Machine Learning libraries like Numpy, Matplotlib and Pandas. After that we will learn about Machine learning and its types.Than we look at Supervised learning in detail.We will try to understand classification and regression through examples. After we will start Deep learning.We start by looking and basic structure of neural networks.Than we will understand working of neural networks through an example. Than we will learn about Tensorflow library and how we can use it to train Machine Learning models .After that we will look at how we can convert our model to tflite format which will be used in Android Application. There are three ways through which you can get a tflite file From Keras ModelFrom Concrete FunctionFrom Saved ModelWe will cover all these three methods in this course.We will learn about Feed Forwarding, Back Propagation and activation functions through a practical example.We also look at cost function,optimizer, learning rate, Overfitting and Dropout. We will also learn about data preprocessing techniques like One hot encoding and Data normalization.Next, we implement a neural network using Google's new TensorFlow library.You should take this course If you are an Android Developer and want to learn basic of machine learning(Deep Learning) and deploy ML models in your Android applications using Tensorflow liteThis course provides you with many practical examples so that you can really see how you can train and deploy machine learning model in android. Another section at the end of the course shows you how you can use dataset available in different format for a number of practical purposes.After getting your feet wet with the fundamentals, I provide a brief overview of how you can add your machine learning model in google existing android machine learning projects templates.Suggested Prerequisites:Android Development using javaBasic Programming skillsTIPS (for getting through the course):Write code yourself, don't just sit there and look at my code.Who this course is for:Students interested in machine learning - you'll get all the tidbits you need to add machine learning models in androidProfessionals who want to use machine learning models in Android Application."
Price: 79.99 |
"How To Save Money" |
"This course covers practical ways to reduce your monthly expenses.We examine the top 10 areas you spend money each month and dive in to uncover ways to spend less and get more value for your money.Teach you how to analyze your spend decisions and patterns so you can reduce your house hold expenses, debt and save money.Importance of Interest Rates and Credit ScoresStarting with the Importance of creating a Budget.Recognize areas to save money. (House Food Interest Insurance Communication - Transportation Entertainment Utilities - Shopping)and much more."
Price: 39.99 |
"Code Like a Pro: Create a NEWS website with PHP in 2019" |
"Welcome to this course my dear student. In this course we will create a fully functional news website from scratch using PHP and MySQL.All you need to do is get your PC, MAC or Laptop ready for coding.Firstly you must have a basic understanding of PHP both procedural, functional and OOP.Don't worry everything will work out fine.I have designed the course in such a way that it won't bore you out, I promise you that for sure.There will be stages that things will seem not to make sense to you but all you need to do is take a break either coffee break or a walk then come back to the course and have the full benefit of it.With all these said, i hope to see you in the course."
Price: 34.99 |