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"Master Object Oriented PHP by Building a Web Application"
"Thank you for checking in. My name is Caleb and in this course we will take a deep dive into the world of Object Oriented Programming in PHP.As the world of technology grows more dynamic, it is everyone's duty to grow along with it. That's why I decided to create this course to help you in your endeavor as you journey across to the world of technology.This course is for everyone, I have designed this course in such a that you will get every minute details of this course. All I ask is that you come open minded ready to receive at my table.So with all this said I really anticipate that you take this course.Thanks in Advance.Love Chibuike."
Price: 39.99

"Complete PHP7 and MYSQL MasterClass Course (10 Projects)"
"Hey you!Welcome to this Complete PHP 7 and MYSQL masterclass course.Let me just say you've come to the right place to master PHP and MYSQL to the tip of your finger, this course entails everything that is needed for you to master PHP all in one pack (Procedural, Functional and Object Oriented Programming). Yes it's all in here.There are 10 projects in this course and I will certainly walk you through every step of the way. I have designed this course in such a way that you won't get bored, sweet codes are all entailed here.What others are saying.Monday Ineme: This a really nice course and I can say its really hard to find this type of course in the internet or even here on Udemy. I really learnt a lot and this course is up to date.Caleb Joseph: This is a very nice course.And many more...So what are you waiting for to take this course. I hope you are really excited to dive deep into this course.Projects in this course:Simple Calculator.Password Generator.Todo List Application.Blogging System.Slug App.Voting App.And many more...See you in the course.Love Chibuike."
Price: 199.99

"How To Become a 3D Artist/Visualiser Introduction"
"In this Introduction course ""How To Become a 3D Artist/VIsualiser I will be introducing my self ""Romas Noreika Design"" who I am, what computer specification you need buy to properly work in Architectural Visualisation Industry. What is most common softwares used in Architectural Visualisation companies. I will be showing how to properly setup you 3Ds Max. I will talk about most common scripts and plugins in ARCH VIZ and I will show how to install some of them. And at the end I will finalize my course and talk about what I will be teaching in my other courses."
Price: 19.99

"How To Clean AutoCAD DWG Drawings For CGI Work"
"If you want to start learning Architectural Visualisations. You also need to learn how to properly prepare your DWG Drawings for your 3D Modeling Software. Because this will be very important when your will start working in a company or freelancing with your clients. You will get all sorts of drawings. Floorplans, elevations, sections and other kind of drawings. Sometimes you will get a PDF format drawing instead of DWG. And the worst case scenario is working from a JPG image.This caurse will teach you how to work with DWG Drawings. How to clean your drawings and prepare them for 3Ds Max. How to rescale using a scale factor or reference points. Ho to convert a PDF to DWG and how to rescale a JPG Drawing to a correct scale factor and more.In this course I will be using Autodesk AutoCAD 2018, but you can use an erlier version or later. It will work the same."
Price: 59.99

"Polyglot Masterclass: Become Fluent in any Language for Free"
"Would you like to be able to learn and speak another language completely for free?There are so many ways that you can learn a language for free, without ever having to sign up for a language course or buying a really expensive textbook or taking an expensive trip to another country where they just speak English to you anyways. In this course, I have put together every single tip, trick, resource, app, and secrets that I could think of to help my students learn a language for free.As a college French professor, I love languages. I have been a polyglot for the past few years. I want to share my love of language with the world and help people all around the globe learn different languages. This course is designed for people who want to learn to speak another language. WHY IS THIS COURSE UNIQUE?This course is five courses in one.Unlike other courses, I have significant experience learning many languages and I have incorporated the lessons I have learned in these courses.Using my knowledge of linguistics, I will teach you about the science behind language to help you learn your language more efficiently.You will learn about the hidden features of all the free resources available online.This course is effective for any language spoken in the world.As with all my courses, you can purchase this course risk free with my 30-day money back guarantee.Go ahead and click ""Register"". You have nothing to lose and so much to learn from this course.I look forward to getting to know you and working with you."
Price: 199.99

"IB Mathematics SL - Past Paper Solutions"
"Hello,I am Ekber Shahkeremov - a Mathematician that has finished his Bachelor's Degree at Jacobs University Bremen/Germany and currently following his Master's Degree at University Trento/Italy. I have been tutoring students from all around Europe (up to and including Master's Level) for almost 3 years now and since I have obtained IB Diploma, I am offering tutoring to the IB Students especially as well. In this course, I will upload solutions to the past exam papers from IB and planning to expand the video types in the future (e.g. topic review, summary, tips, strategies etc.). I am more than eager to hear your comments and advises on the course & Good Luck! :)Thank You,Sincerely,Ekber Shahkeremov."
Price: 19.99

"Programmation de jeux vidos avec Monogame"
"Un cours pour apprendre programmer des jeux avec le langage  C#, reconnu sur le march du jeu vido. Mais aussi le Framework : Monogame, qui permet de crer des jeux pour Windows phone, iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS,  Linux, PS4, PSVita, Switch et Xbox One ! Des jeux comme Paladin, ""Zero falls"", ""Re dungeon"", ""Chasm"", ""Celeste"", ""Axiom verge"", ""Stardew valley"" sont dvelopper avec monogame !"
Price: 69.99

", , . , , , , ? ? !"
Price: 29.99

"Indstria 4.0 e seus Desdobramentos"
"O curso de Indstria 4.0 aborda os seguintes temas:- Indstria 4.0: os aspectos, conceitos, exemplos prticos, elementos fundamentais e estruturantes;- Agricultura 4.0: os conceitos e exemplos que podem ser encontrados no mercado- Sade 4.0: So apresentados os conceitos e 2 projetos do uso de Sade 4.0- Logstica 4.0: apresentado um galpo conceitual da Logstica 4.0 e seus fundamentos.H tambm a recomendaes de leituras!"
Price: 39.99

"Abordagem Canvas - Jogos Digitais"
"Este curso ensinar a planejar um jogo digital!Sero abordados as formas de criar, monetizao, universos, formas de engajamento dos jogadores, Engines e a criao por meio da Abordagem Canvas de um jogo.Aquilo que voc precisa saber ANTES de programar!O curso apresenta formas de conceituar o jogo para depois ser codificado (programado)."
Price: 39.99

"Makeup the Easy and Professional way!"
"Have you ever had your makeup done professionally and say to yourself, ""How do they do this!""Do you want a clean, natural and beautiful finish from your makeup?Has your makeup cracked, looked blotchy or didn't last hours?In this course you learn how to:Get a long-lasting, clean finished makeup look.How to add dimension to the face for a more glam appearance.Eye shadow techniques to create any look!Do your own makeup like a professional!These techniques would revamp your makeup.Have you watched Youtube videos and tried to replicated but it never turned out the same? I've taken my time to explain all steps clearly for you to follow. Have you been confused about brushes, which brush to use where? Or are you a complete beginner and new to makeup?This course explains all of this! You learn the simplest way to achieve a flawless look!"
Price: 64.99

"Curso de Docinhos Funcionais - Sem glten e Sem lcteos"
"Sem Glten/Sem LcteosToda nossa linha sem glten e sem lteos!At diabticos podem comer!Receitas com Baixos ndices Glicmicos Testadas por Milhares de pessoasReceitas reguladas com fibrasComprando o curso voc vai encontrar:Aulas Cursos de Doces FuncionaisLivro de Receitas.Receita - Brigadeiro de Biomassa (sem glten/sem lcteo)Receita - Bolo de Festa de chocolate (sem glten/sem lcteo)Receita - Cupcake de Chocolate Funcional (sem glten/sem lcteo)Receita - Creme prestigio Funcional (sem glten/sem lcteo)Receita - Beijinho 100% Natural Funcional. (Sem glten/Sem lcteo)Docinho de pasta de amendoim Funcional - (Sem glten/Sem lcteo)Trufinhas de amendoim (Sem glten/ Sem Lcteos)Trufinha de Nozes (Sem glten e Sem lctos)ExtrasComo Fazer Biomassa de Banana Verde? O que ? para que serve?Tutorial - Leite de amndoasTutorial - Leite de coco.Receita - Bolo de Chocolate funcional bsico (sem glten/sem lcteo)Receita - Mousse de Chocolate Funcional (sem glten/sem lcteo)Receita - Bolo e pote (Sem glten/ sem lcteos)"
Price: 294.99

"final cut pro X"
"? . . . . .1. ? 2. ? ? . . .3. ? .4. . . . ."
Price: 33000.00

"Da 0 ad Hacker...Per Principianti Assoluti!"
"Adesso ti spiego perch questo Corso differente da tutti gli altri!Innanzitutto, questo corso destinato e dedicato a tutti i PRINCIPIANTI ASSOLUTI, quelli che hanno SOLO sentito parlare di Hacker, di Ethical Hacker e del mondo della Sicurezza Informatica in generalePrincipianti ma con un gran curiosit e voglia di scoprire e di affrontare nuove sfide.Questo corso differente perch affronteremo lEthical Hacking da una prospettiva differente, da un punto di vista in cui pochi formatori lhanno trattato: cercheremo di eliminare completamente la complessit di tale materia e di ridurre quindi al minimo lesecuzione di comandi dal terminale e leventuale scrittura di codice (questa sar argomento di corsi pi avanzati).In altre parole, utilizzeremo SOLO strumenti e tool accessibili tramite unINTERFACCIA GRAFICA, sia per sistemi Windows che per sistemi Linux.Lobiettivo sar comprendere il CONCETTO, il modus operandi rimuovendo tutto ci che non strettamente necessario, come appunto lesecuzione di lunghissimi comandi o lutilizzo di un linguaggio di programmazione.Inutile dirlo: se avete gi esperienza in queste materie allora questo NON il corso che fa per voinon acquistatelo!Entrando nel dettaglio, percorreremo tutte le fasi di un PENETRATION TEST, semplificando il tutto e mostrando, passo dopo passo, linstallazione di ogni strumento o tool che andremo ad utilizzare.Il percorso strutturato in dieci semplici passi:1. PRIMO PASSO: Preparati all'Attacco!2. SECONDO PASSO: Raccogli le Informazioni!3. TERZO PASSO: Scansiona la Rete!4. QUARTO PASSO: Enumera le Risorse!5. QUINTO PASSO: Identifica le Vulnerabilit!6. SESTO PASSO: Attacca il Sistema!7. SETTIMO PASSO: Attacca la Web Application!8. OTTAVO PASSO: Attacca la Rete Locale!9. NONO PASSO: Mettiamo Insieme il Tutto!10. DECIMO PASSO: E Adesso Cosa Faccio?Per ognuna di queste fasi ci appoggeremo ad un LABORATORIO che ci servir per svolgere tutti i nostri testi in un ambiente sicuro e protetto.Lo scopo di questo corso quello di farti appassionare a questa materia e di spronarti successivamente ad approfondire lo studio sempre pi!Seguendo questo corso NON diventerai un Ethical Hacker ma avrai tutti i requisiti per esserlo in un futuro molto prossimo!Che altro dire? In Bocca al Lupo e Buono Studio!Alla Prossima!"
Price: 199.99

"Sicurezza Informatica Corso 100% Pratico per Principianti!"
"Non puoi pensare di Attaccare una Rete se prima non impari a DIFENDERLA! Ecco quindi il motivo di questo Corso!Insegnarti le Principali Tecniche di Difesa di un'Architettura di Rete...e lo faremo partendo COMPLETAMENTE da zero!Preparati perch sar un Viaggio Affascinante, ti ritroverai ad affrontare tematiche particolari ed interessanti che ti porteranno ad acquisire, passo dopo passo, abilit che saranno utili alla tua crescita professionale in questo settore.Affronteremo la materia considerando sempre il Punto di Vista di un eventuale Attaccante e scopriremo come quest'ultimo pu essere utilizzato a nostro favore per Proteggere e Gestire adeguatamente il nostro contesto di Rete.Studiare la Cyber Security pu sembrarti qualcosa di complesso, ma non preoccuparti: ho ideato un percorso che, partendo dalle Basi ti condurr verso i concetti pi avanzati e complessi.La Sicurezza Informatica deve tener conto di tutti i possibili Vettori di Attacco ad una Rete e perci gli argomenti che affronteremo saranno molteplici.Partiremo dall'Analisi del Traffico di Rete che ci permetter di comprendere come i Pacchetti fluiscono all'interno dei dispositivi e quali sono i protocolli maggiormente utilizzati.Seguir la parte di FIREWALLING: il firewall perimetrale spesso il primo elemento di protezione di una rete e quindi fondamentale conoscerlo bene.Passeremo poi alla parte di IDS/IDP/HIDS che ci permetter di anticipare, rilevare e bloccare molteplici attacchi.E poi tanti altri argomenti, tra cui:Sistemi di Endpoint Protection.Soluzioni di Data Loss Prevention.Honeypot.Network Access Control (NAC).SIEM.Proxy ServerEcc.Insomma, cosa stai aspettando?! Iscriviti ed entra a far parte di questa avventura! Che altro dire? In Bocca al Lupo e Buono Studio!Alla Prossima!"
Price: 199.99

"Beginners guide to microservices with Go, Spring and RaspPi"
"This course starts with introduction to microservices in context of ""classic"" monolith applications. It explains how to combine two different frameworks (Spring and Go), to use their strong sides on very small, but also pretty strong hardware - Raspberry Pi.It shows  how to combine simple sensors with ESP8266 Wifi modules and collect measurements from many places and use microservices to create small but yet complex application with dashboard, searching and simple configuration.Finally in this course you will learn a little bit about docker and how to compose your microservices as good as your angular ui application into docker containers, which can be then stopped/restarted/rebuild/replaced easily within couple of steps.  I hope you will enjoy learning from the course as much as I have  had fun creating it."
Price: 24.99

"Professional Trading Through RSi in HINDI"
"RSI is just not an Indicator, it is a tool for Making Huge Money in the Stock Market, without any Hesitation you can trade with this tool at its best, i will teach you how to use RSI? in proper manner so that you can make a handsome amount in the stock market"
Price: 2560.00

"Basic and Essential Maths For Students, Parents and Work"
"The time has come for Maths to stop being about memorising formulas. Don't we all want to actually understand what is going on...This course has been designed with my personal approach to Mathematics, improved and tested with my current students, to finally analyse the detail of basic mathematics properly. Together we will work through the fundamental elements of Mathematics needed in all industries including school, work, university and for parents to help their kids with homework without needing tutors for the basics. No need to swallow rules and laws that become confusing; this course will help you understand why numbers and maths works the way it does. Master the Core Topics of Mathematics Quickly Understand the Number System and how to classify numbers (Number Classification)Learn the theory and application of the 4 Essential Operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and how to solve popular questions in school tests (Arithmetic and Operations) Understand factors and multiples and why they allow us to simplify our calculations (Factors and Multiples)Learn about and finally stop the confusion and fear of fractions. They can be fun and easy (Fractions)Learn about variables, see why you've been already been using them without knowing it and grasp how to use them properly (Variables)Overcome struggles with exponents and roots (Exponents) Master Equations and apply the first sections together to prove you can do Mathematics without absorbing a formula. (Equations)Learn to see numbers differently. See that Mathematics can be fun and simple when you understand it through your own experience with the material.Organise your learning to your own preference. Keep track on Udemy or download the content outlines, questions and answers to file in the manner you prefer. Control how you learn. There is no concept in Mathematics that is too simple to be taught properlyThe need for this course began years ago in a classroom in which work would be rushed through. The goal has become to complete a syllabus, not to truly understand the work. I was lucky to grasp the concepts quickly, but many of my class mates were not so fortunate. My observations were confirmed through tutoring; it it time to return to the basics. More students are struggling with advanced work because their basic knowledge is filled with gaps.It is made harder by it being difficult to find and/or admit one needs help. Tutoring is helpful, but also expensive. An online course is cheaper and can be done privately.I want to help you.  There is no such thing as a concept being simple; it can only become understood. It was also new to us that now teach Mathematics. I expect mistakes and confusion, let us work through it together. If you didn't need help you would not be reading this.Today we begin a new approach to Mathematics and it applies to more than just school children. Adults in functioning professional jobs still lack understanding of essential maths skills. Some are parents wanting to simply help their children with their homework for at least another year. For others, it may be necessary to simply refresh the basics.This course has over 9 hours of video lectures, over 20 downloadable materials (which keeps growing), worked solutions with attached pdf's, examples, quizzes and exercises galore and more will always be added. The Number System is the crucial idea of appreciating the simple digits we use. This course will explain their 'links', as I like to say, and allow for grouping of numbers. In the real world we want to be efficient. Calculators and computers allow us to solve arithmetic problems with great ease, but what happens if you don't have one (forgotten just before a test). Arithmetic and Operators will give you a detailed approach of the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This expands to easy methods to deal with large numbers.Everyday, we unknowingly simplify and relate numbers to make life easier. Dividing a salary increase into weekly grocery benefits. Marks needed to improve a section of a subject. Factors and Multiples expands on these hidden links between numbers and opens the door to advanced topics like ratios and rates. All school mathematics and other subjects including Physics and Geography expand on Fractions and their operations. Professionals use them from dividing the costs of an order sheet to sharing a pizza fairly. Fractions can be easy to understand as their laws are based on the real world implications that you already know!3 plus 'what' equals 4. If you new the answer was 1 then guess what... you understand the basics of Variables.  You and I can see together that variables can be really easy to understand.Exponents are only a fancy way of talking about a specific type of multiplication. Roots are simply their opposites. Detailed lectures, breaking each concept down await. Learn to avoid unnecessarily writing long statements when a simple exponent can help you out. If Maths is not constrained to the real world it becomes a theory. We need to be able to bring it back to reality. Equations allow us to 'quantify' Mathematics by equating values. This topic also brings the work from the previous sections together, linking it all.You Are In ControlAn online course allows you to control your learning time and the amount of content you learn in each sitting. I have taken another aspect into account which is the manner in which you organise your learning. For some, Udemy's environment alone is perfect for organising your learning online.For others, you want to keep a file or 'paper-trail' of your work. To help you, I have added PDF'S for every section of the course based on:Order and Title of Section LecturesAll Practise ExercisesAll Practise Exercise SolutionsBonus Questions and Tests that will continue to be addedThis is your course too, control how you want to learn.Purchasing this course will give you Lifetime Access to all the lectures and downloadable resources.  You will also gain my experience, knowledge and guidance in the beautiful subject of Mathematics. The Essential Skills of mathematics learnt will help you throughout your school career and extends to becoming a functioning adult. Maths is unavoidable, so let us begin to build or re-build your Mathematical knowledge together."
Price: 200.00

"Scratch 3 ile Oyunumu Kodluyorum"
"Scratch dnyann en ok kullanlan kodlama programlarndan biridir. imdi 3. versiyonu ile karmza kt. nternette nceki srmleri ile hazrlanm bir ok proje mevcut ancak yeni versiyonla yaplan almalar ok az. Bu dersim sayesinde sizde artk yeni versiyonu kullanmay ve ince ipularn renebileceksiniz.Kursumda toplam 93 tane video bulunmaktadr. Bu videolar sayesinde scratch 3 ile istediiniz oyunlar rahat yapabileceksiniz"
Price: 69.99

"The Foundation to successful project management"
"Introduction to project management :laying the foundation I.Understanding Project Goals and carry out Needs AssessmentsII.Differentiating between different types of projectsIII.Understanding Project Management and distinguish between functional and project managementIV.Explaining the role of project management in business today.Types of projects ; type 1 up to type three projectsProject constraints : time , scope and budgetCharacteristics of ProjectsProject management guiding principles to successful project management"
Price: 19.99

"Corporate Success for Beginners"
"Targeting:20YO -25YO and everyone who is into a corporate and want to succeed furtherFinished a Diploma in any categoryLooking for entry in a Multi National CompanyLooking for long term success in a Multi National EnvironmentWhoever looks for Practitioners GuidanceYou will learn about:Finding the right target companiesHow to applyInterview ProcessContract NegotiationHow to make a first good impression on your first day/week at workHow to build trust with your boss, bosses and peersHow to build a networkHow to increase your chances of promotionHow to be a successful Team Leader / Manager"
Price: 24.99

"Comment conduire des runions toniques et utiles"
"Comment animer une runion utile qui fera dire vos participants "" j'ai bien fait d'y participer !"" ? Comment garder le cap  (et son sang froid) quand les tensions apparaissent ?  Comment devenir un animateur reconnu pour son efficacit  ? C'est ce que vous allez voir dans ce cours !  tudes de cas vidos courts (- de 2mn)  avec des vraies runions observer : points faibles, points forts, ce qu'il faut retenirmthodologies pragmatiques appliquer quizs dentranements pour s'exercergrilles de rflexion et dorganisation personnelle rcuprerressources complmentaires pour s'enrichir ...Un cours suivre dans l'ordre propos, ou dans celui qui vous sera le plus utile : allez directement au chapitre qui vous intresse !COMPTENCES ACQUISESA l'issue du parcours, vous saurez :prparer une runion pour aller l'essentielrussir l'animation des premires minutes pour stimuler l'attentioncrer les conditions de l'implication, de la participation effective du groupeadapter votre mode d'animation la runion distancegarder le cap, notamment en situation dlicate (runion tendue, manque d'attention...).utiliser les principaux outils de communication pour faire passer vos messagesdevenir un animateur entendu et suivi !Un +... nos ressources tlchargeables : auto-questionnement, support de travail personnel,  synthses pratiques, ressources inspirantes.  A garder porte de main pour vos prochaines runions !Dcouvrez le profil de votre formatrice Catherine Barbon : Animatrice exprimente de formations en entreprise auprs de managers d'quipe, intervenante en universit (notamment l'universit de Paris-Dauphine) et co-fondatrice du Gymnase du Management .Ma conviction : on apprend par  l'entranement !"
Price: 19.99

"Mindful Breathing"
"This one-hour course is intended to be a self-help experience for those interested in mindfulness practices and a practitioners guide to mindful breathing. The key factor being that mindfulness and mindful breathing practices are immediately useful to many types of people in all walks and stages of life. Whether you are learning about mindfulness for the first time, or continuing to learn more to refine your own mindfulness practice, you will find this course expands on what we currently know about mindfulness as a meditative practice for regulating attention and emotions, and as a psychological intervention for improving mood and enhancing well being.Goals for this courseAs a learner, you will be experiencing this course with the goal of developing a mindful breathing practice. Simply allow the experience of developing this practice to inform your thinking about how you feel when you are engaged in mindful breathing. Let the experience be joyful and relaxing. Try not to have perfectionistic expectations or express too much judgment about your ability to immediately sustain your attention and emotions. That will improve with practice.Your goals for this course are:1) to become open to mindfulness2) to be present in the moment3) to be self aware and self compassionate4) to learn about yourself from this experience5) to learn the diaphragmatic breathing technique6) to develop a mindful breathing practice"
Price: 19.99

"Nachhilfelehrer werden"
"Als Nachhilfelehrer hilfst du anderen Schlern dabei, ihre grten Probleme zu bewltigen. Dabei kommt es nicht nur auf deine schulischen Kenntnisse, sondern auch auf deine kommunikativen Fhigkeiten und deine persnliche Herangehensweise an. Kein anderer Nebenjob ist deshalb so abwechslungsreich, spannend und gut bezahlt. Dieser Kurs zeigt dir nicht nur, wie du diesen Job bekommst, sondern vor allem, wie du gut darin wirst."
Price: 24.99

"How to get started on your WordPress website using Gutenberg"
"This is a starter course, that assumes a basic knowledge of WordPress and leads you through the building process, not writing the content. In just over an hour, youll have 3 to 4 pages that gets you started with your WordPress site. While the types of pages on content on those pages can be transferable to any website system, this course focuses on WordPress and uses the Gutenberg Blocks to get it up and running. Ill even give you a sandbox in which to play if you dont want to use your own live website!"
Price: 49.99

"Just Linux"
"Just Linux Kursu'na Ho geldiniz!Bu kursta tamamen sfrdan balayarak detayl bilgilere kadar Linux tabanl iletim sistemlerindeki dosya sistemi hiyerarisi ve terminal komutlarn reneceiz. Siz de bu kurs sonunda Linux datmlarndan birini bilgisayarnza kurup kullanmaya balayabillirsiniz. Kurs boyunca tm sorularnz ve eletirilerinizi ekinmeden bana iletebilirsiniz. Ayrca kursun ierii, geri bildirimlere gre ierik eklenmesi ve olan ieriklerin dzenlenmesi ile gelitirilebilir olacaktr.Linux dnyasna birlikte giri yapalm."
Price: 59.99

"Criao de Personagens 3D no Blender 2.8"
"Aprenda o Fundamental sobre modelagem de Personagens em 3D.No necessrio conhecimento prvio algum, basta seguir passo a passo que voc poder criar no decorrer no curso seus prprios modelos em 3D, sejam lowpoly (de baixa taxa de polgonos como jogos de Playstation1) como em HighPoly (Alta taxa de polgonos como jogos com grficos incrveis de geraes atuais de console).Aprenda todos os conceitos necessrios para modelar personagens com preciso e segurana.Faa a MODELAGEM de Personagens em 3D, MAPEAMENTO e TEXTURIZAO passo a passo!Ingresse no mercado de modelagem 3D que vem crescendo cada vez mais em desenvolvimento de games, cinema, arquitetura, engenharia, entre outros."
Price: 519.99

"Aprenda Modelagem e Animao com o MARIO no Blender 2.8"
"Um Curso super completo para voc que quer ingressar no ramo de Desenvolvimento de Games!Aprenda a fazer Modelagem de Personagens, Mapeamento UV, Texturizao, Rigging, Animao e Exportao para Engines em um nico curso utilizando o poderoso Software Gratuto Blender 2.8!Neste curso faremos a Modelagem do Personagem Mario, Criaremos texturas para dois tipos de roupas para o personagem e configuraremos os ossos para criar animaes de corrida, pulo, ataque, Pegar objetos do Cho, Caminhar segurando um objeto pesado, Animao do Personagem Morrendo e Puchando Alavanca!Animaes direcionadas para Criao de Jogos!Aprenda ainda a exportar seu modelo 3D com as Animaes para Engines como Unity 3D e Unreal Engine."
Price: 579.99

"Start a Professional Podcast"
"People always laughed at my big goal to help the world. ""You're just a small town guy, how could you ever do that?""I knew the ""How"" was podcasting, but it just sounded too hard and complicated. I had attempted to start many times since I had listed to my first show in 2011, but the lack of technical knowledge and even my own limiting beliefs stopped me every time.Then, in early 2015 I launched a show, that flopped. It didn't just flop, it crashed and burned and in 60 days it was done. To save my pride it didn't crash that hard, I had less than 200 downloads in the 60 days it existed.Later that year I made a decision, I could do this, I would treat it like a professional and really have that impact where I would reach the world. I launched the Create Your Own Life Show later that year, and the difference was astounding.Now, my show is listened to in 195 countries, been downloaded over 1 million times and been featured in places like INC Magazine and Forbes. I've gotten to speak to so many of my heroes, including: Grant Cardone, Seth Godin, Danica Patrick, Robin Sharma, Russell Brunson, Jen Sincero, Jim Tressel and over 500 other world-changers.I created my world changing platform and this course will set you up in the position to do the same. You can reach a global level and having a podcast can help you to do that.INTRODUCING...The ""How to Start Podcasting Course""It's taken me almost 4 years to become the go-to the podcast space. You don't have to wait that long! This course sums it up into a step-by step process to get your started and have you inspiring your audience fast.I've overcome all the stops, tech problems and slow downs. In this course, I'll show you exactly how to record, edit and publish your show, as well as show you the exact tools and software that will make it easy for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduo ao Desenvolvimento RPA com UiPath Studio"
"O UiPath uma plataforma de desenvolvimento grfica para a criao de robs RPA, sem praticamente nenhuma programao.Por isso, dentre outras coisa, est figurada como lder no quadrate mgico da Gartner.Com UiPath, possvel automatizar praticamente todo tipo de aplicao, seja ela uma aplicao Desktop, por Browser, terminal ou Ambientes virtuais, simulando, ou imitando, as aes que um ser humano realizaria nos aplicativos como uso do Mouse, digitao do teclado, acesso sites, cpia de arquivos, download e Uploads, envio de e-mails e tambm vrios tipos de arquivos de textos como DOC, TXT e o CSV, planilhas eletrnicas, como o MS Excel, arquivos de Imagens como JPG, PNG e at mesmo arquivos PDF, sobretudo utilizando a tecnologia de reconhecimento ptico, o OCR, e tambm fazendo acesso a ambientes como Citrix, SAP ou Remote Desktop.Nesse curso de introduo ao UiPath Studio, ns vamos ter a oportunidade de programar nosso rob para automatizar tarefas que vo fazer uso de diversos desses componentes e voc ter um bom conhecimento para automatizar muitos processos de negcios, seja para a sua empresa ou para as suas tarefas rotineiras.Venha comigo nessa jornada."
Price: 369.99