"Introduo Neuropsicologia" |
"Neste curso vamos conhecer a forma como o nosso crebro funciona, e de como um crebro saudvel nos permite comunicar, sentir, recordar, agir, e reconhecer as pessoas e os objetos nossa volta. Vamos tambm conhecer como diferentes patologias cerebrais do origem a perturbaes ao nvel das funes mentais. Para alm dos vdeos, o curso inclu um manual, em Portugus, que sumariza os conceitos mais relevantes, e aprofunda alguns dos tpicos. O curso segue o modelo de cursos presenciais dados pelo formador, que contaram com muitas edies, e tiveram uma excelente aceitao."
Price: 19.99 |
"Psicologia Clnica" |
"Neste curso, vamos falar sobre o modo como os Psiclogos, e outros Tcnicos de Sade Mental, aplicam estratgias teraputicas para ajudar pessoas em situaes de desequilbrio e sofrimento psicolgico.Abordaremos temas como as crises emocionais, a noo de transio, a sexualidade e as suas perturbaes, a comunicao na famlia, e ainda falaremos sobre algumas patologias (como a neurose fbica, as crises de ansiedade e a esquizofrenia)."
Price: 19.99 |
"Confirmatory Factor Analysis with SPSS Amos" |
"In this course you will learn how to develop valid and reliable instruments to collect data.You will learn how to measure item reliability in the context of confirmatory factor analysis.You will be able to assess the validity of your constructs (by measuring convergent and discriminant validities).The course contains very detailed exercises, that are solved step by step, so that you can understand how to apply each step to your own models."
Price: 79.99 |
"SPSS Amos - Curso Completo com Exerccios ( em Portugus )" |
"O Amos um mdulo de extenso do SPSS que permite fazer anlises muito requeridas em artigos cientficos, trabalhos de adaptao de instrumentos de avaliao e teses de Mestrado e Doutoramento. Neste curso, ir aprender a:- fazer anlise de vias (com e sem variveis latentes) e anlise fatorial.- medir a validade discriminante e convergente dos seus construtos.- resolver exerccios cuidadosamente escolhidos para exemplificar todos os conceitos de forma clara e acessvel."
Price: 199.99 |
"Personal Branding - My BRANDWORTH" |
"My BrandWorth is a course that will help you gain the self-worth, the confidence, and the skills you need to shine and become a leader inside the company you are currently working. Every business owner knows that the success of a company depends on the well-being of the workers. Fortunately, there are case studies where the performance has raised along with the sales when the employees are in a friendly, safe environment.What is this course all about? Is an online course with tools that help you find the best version of yourself and allow you to earn the money you deserve.The topics to work on are:1. The Power of the Positive Mind2. Identify the Self-worth or the value you have to give3. Financial Education4. Goals Setting5. Visualization Map6. Personal Brand in the office 7. Skills and abilities for employees8. Make the Change"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Inside-Out Branding to sell up!" |
"Hi, and welcome to the Inside-Out Branding course. This is a class that sells up!You'll get facts and tools to increase your teams' productivity in less time. The cool part is that the level of productivity will happen with the people's will and even self-motivation.Ultimately, your brand will be visible and chosen, and your sells will climb up up up.All the content taught in here is proven methods that have to make big corporations beat the market regardless of their geography and demography.My name is Carol Zurita, an expert in Marketing & Branding. I'm originally from Ecuador, Latin America, and lived in Asia for eight years. I have built three strong brands in Latam, Asia, South East Asia, and North America. Also, I have helped thousands of people from 35 countries develop their business and boost their sales.All the steps I teach you in my course are practices I apply with my consultees and even my company.I am here to help you grow your business! Are you ready?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Youtbe SEO Pro -Tenha Mais Visualizaes e Cresa seu Canal" |
"J pensou aumentar as visualizaes de seus vdeos, por consequncia CRESCER seu Canal no Youtube, sem precisar investir em anncios pagos?O curso Youtube SEO PRO foi pensado tanto para as pessoas que esto comeando a trabalhar com o Youtube, como para aquelas pessoas que j trabalham e desejam otimizar as visualizaes dos vdeos.Tambm para quem deseja aprender para oferecer consultoria para outros youtubers.O curso apresenta de maneira prtica e estruturada como trabalhar com SEO.No curso usamos e indicamos todas as ferramentas e abordamos estratgias profissionais."
Price: 234.99 |
"Adobe XD ile UI/UX Mobil Arayz Tasarm Kursu" |
"Neden Mobil Arayz Tasarm? Gnmz teknolojisi trendini artk mobil uygulamalar alm durumda. Bu eitimde reneceimiz mobil arayz tasarmyla amzn en revata mesleklerinden biri olan UI/UX tasarmcln renmi olacaz.Neden Adope XD? Tasarla , protatiple ve payla. Mobil arayz tasarmnda bize olduka kolaylk salayan Adope XD'yi tercih etmemizde bir ok neden var. 1) Aralar ve kullanmnn basit olmas 2) Protetiple zelliiyle ngrl olarak tasarladmz arayzleri adm adm grebileceiz. 3) htiyacmza gre video seklinde veya kod eklinde insanlarla paylaabileceiz.Sadece Mobil Arayz Tasarm m?Hayr, rendiimiz bilgilerle ayn zamanda web sitelerininde arayzn tasarlayabileceiz."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pruning Trees and Shrubs - Everything you need to know" |
"Do you stand in front of a tree or shrub and wonder what to prune? Are you afraid that you will kill the plant?Do you ask yourself why a plant needs to be pruned?If these questions sound familiar then this course is for you.This course will take you through the complete process of pruning trees and shrubs. It is designed for the gardener that wants to understand their plants better, and use pruning to produce healthier plants that produce more blooms.I am a big believer in learning the ""WHY"" and not just the ""HOW"". Once you understand the why, the how becomes so much easier to learn and understand. In this course I will explain how woody plants grow, and what effects pruning has. Then I will show you how to prune. THIS COURSE WILL COVER THE FOLLOWING:Help you eliminate the fear of pruningExplain differences between trees and shrubsDiscuss the effect pruning has on bud growthDiscuss various reasons for pruningPresent a simple 3-step plan that works for all you pruning jobsReview each step in detailDiscuss the best time for pruningExplain the differences between pruning deciduous and evergreen plantsProvide numerous examples of pruning specific trees and shrubsThe information presented in this course is appropriate for pruning fruit trees, but the focus is on ornamental plants. BONUS:This is not just a slide show with talking points. Many of the videos are shot in my 6 acre garden where I show you how I prune my own plants. Lecture notes are good, but there is nothing that compares with learning this type of activity in a real world setting.I SHARE A LIFE TIME OF EXPERIENCEThe information in this course is an accumulation of professional train and over 40 years of practical experience. I'll not only give you the technical information, but I will also provide you with my personal insights. You will learn things that took me a lifetime to learn by trial and error. WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL TODAYIf you are still reading this page, you have a desire to become a better gardener. You want to learn how to prune. The only thing holding you back is a lack of knowledge and perhaps a bit of fear. Professionals have made pruning sound so difficult - but it's not. I guarantee that I will simplify the whole pruning process into manageable steps that you can easily learn. But this will only happen if you take the first step - Start the course today. Your plants will love you for it!I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR SUCCESSSee you inside!Robert"
Price: 49.99 |
"Leading the Next Generation" |
"Are you a healthcare professional or a parent that would like to better understand the youth today?Are you in a position where you encourage our future generation to love and respect themselves, get clear on what they want, know their boundaries, stand in their personal power, and to express themselves authentically?Then welcome to my course, Leading the Next Generation.Im Alexandra, Im 24, and I am all about self-empowerment.As a healthcare professional myself, I felt a strong call within me to create this course as a way to bridge the gap between the previous and the next generation.I would love to see a world where youth and parents, teachers, and therapists relate harmoniously with each other.In the course, I speak on behalf of my generation and I introduce you to what we really need to thrive.Together well explore problems and solutions pertaining to boundaries, consent, communication, and current and common familial patterns.The course is packed with slideshows, videos, quizzes, and 1-on-1 assistance!I'm excited to share with you everything I've learned along the way.Join me, and well unpack it together!"
Price: 44.99 |
"SQL Essencial!" |
"Ensinar o essencial do SQL sem que voc precise despender muito do seu tempo, o objetivo deste curso.Muitas vezes em empresas gestores precisam de certas informaes, porm seus relatrios no esto preparados para tal, tendo o bsico de conhecimento em SQL, o mesmo seria capaz de buscar dados rapidamente sem precisar de auxilio.Assim, de forma prtica e voltada para o aprendizado de pessoas que possuem pouco ou nenhum conhecimento de bancos de dados, vamos explanar e desmistificar a linguagem SQL."
Price: 39.99 |
"Video Curso de Trading - Anlisis Tcnico Forex Profesional" |
"Este curso rene tres pilares esenciales que constituyen la forma ms objetiva y rentable de hacer trading:1. Price action y volumen. Entender la oferta y la demanda y la forma como estos contrincantes dejan sus huellas en el grfico y en el volumen es la forma ms profesional y objetiva de observar el mercado, sin la subjetividad y contrariedad que generan los Indicadores tradicionales que tanto se mencionan en la informacin gratuita y comn que se ofrece en internet. 2. Principio de liquidz(Manipulacin institucional, Mtodo de Wyckoff): Entender este concepto tan importante podr llevar tu trading a otro nivel, difcilmente encontrars otros cursos que incorporen este tema en su pemsun. No es un concepto del que se hable mucho all afuera porque justamente este concepto REVELA como las grandes instituciones manipulan el mercado generando movimientos falsos que engaan a los traders minoristas para usar su dinero como contrapartida a las inversiones que ellos desean realizar. 3. Gestin de Capital. Con este importante pilar, aprenders un plan concreto de gestin de capital porque ser fundamental para que tengas xito en el trading, podrs ser el mejor analista tcnico en lo aprendido en los pilares 1 y 2, pero sino haces una buena gestin de capital, no te convertirs en un trader profesional. Estos tres pilares aprenders a aplicarlos a un mercado en particular, sin embargo en un futuro podrs llevarlos a otro tipo de mercados. Este curso se especializa en aplicar estos conceptos en el Mercado del Dlar. La experiencia de tantos aos me ha permitido filtrar los activos financieros a operar para tener una ptica ms precisa y objetiva del mercado que consiga bajo la observacin conjunta de todos los pares que cruzan con el dlar, analizar todo el mercado como un todo y no solamente un activo de forma independiente, al observar todo un mercado y entonces poder determinar cuan fuerte o dbil se encuentra el dlar en un momento dado, poder entonces plantear ahora si hiptesis de entradas en las divisas majors, a saber: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, USDCHF, USDCAD; USDJPY. Esto permite OBJETIVIDAD, y la objetividad es clave en el trading para dejar de un lado o al menos disminuir las EMOCIONES que tanto frustran los deseos de muchos para convertirse en traders. Otra caracterstica clave de este curso es que te permite aprender a observar el mercado desde una perspectiva macro, reconociendo lo que est haciendo el precio en marcos de tiempo Semanal, Diario y 4 horas, y entonces realizar una operativa de acuerdo a las tendencias que estn determinando esos marcos de tiempo. Ten presente que las grandes instituciones, dicindolo coloquialmente *No hacen Scalping* , ellas se mueven en los marcos de tiempo que te acabo de mencionar, quizs sea mejor decir MUEVEN los mercados en esos marcos de tiempo que te acabo de mencionar, entonces hace todo el sentido que nosotros tambin operemos bajo la misma perspectiva.Los tres pilares son explicados en 7 Mdulos o Captulos:1. Especializacin en el Mercado del Dolar2. Operativa Intradia y Swing 3. Price Action4. Principio de Liquidez (Manipulacin Institucional, Mtodo de Wyckoff)5. Anlisis de Volumen en Tiempo6. Anlisis de Volumen en Precio7. Gestin de CapitalSin embargo ya para efectos de dividir estos mdulos en videos de fcil y cmoda asimilacin, todo este contenido es presentando en20 Lecciones: 14 Videos de Contenido y 6 Videos de Prctica. Los videos de prctica son muy importantes pues all te muestro como conjugo toda la teora del curso en operaciones reales en MI CUENTA REAL DE TRADING.Mi objetivo con estos 7 mdulos distribuidos en 14 videos de contenido y 6 videos de prctica es que puedas lograr 3 cosas: la primera, acortar el proceso de formacin (tiempo el tiempo es oro) que no tengas que perder horas en contenido irrelevante, la segunda, reducir las posibilidades de prdida de capital y finalmente sentar todas las bases para que puedas convertirte en un trader rentable y consistente.He creado este Curso de Anlisis Tcnico Profesional para ayudar a TRADERS de todos los niveles de experiencia a alcanzar sus objetivos en este retador pero rentable negocio. Este curso ofrece una forma nica de aprender ms de media DCADA de conocimiento en un total de 20 videos. Por supuesto luego tendrs que dedicar un buen tiempo a la PRCTICA; es esta la que realmente permitir que todo lo aprendido realmente logres aplicarlo con xito en tu trading y llegues entonces a los resultados esperados. Para mi ser un placer ser tu instructor en este Curso Especializado de Trading. Como Trader Profesional espero aportar significativamente toda mi experiencia en tu proceso de formacin.Nos vemos en el curso!!Marlon MartnezTrader Profesional"
Price: 199.99 |
"Trading Profesional Con El Mtodo De Wyckoff" |
"Richard Wyckoff fue un operador de acciones en los aos 30 cuando se hacia trading de forma sumamente manual, observ y document muy bien los movimientos que hacia el mercado especialmente en los giros(cambios de tendencia). Se bas adems en el anlisis de volumen y esto lo llev a unas conclusiones sobre lo que es la necesidad de liquidez que tienen las grandes instituciones y por cuenta de esto tengan que provocar movimientos engaosos que generen liquidez en el mercado, por ejemplo, si los grandes quieren comprar un activo despus de una tendencia bajista, primero frenarn la tendencia y luego dejarn de nuevo una sensacin de que el precio podr seguir cayendo(manipulacin) para entonces absorber estas ventas con compras y obtener la liquidez que requieren para entonces lanzar los precios al alza. El Mtodo de Wyckoff empieza primero definiendo 3 leyes muy importantes para entender el comportamiento del mercado, La ley de Esfuerzo-Resultado, Oferta-Demanda, Causa y efecto, posteriormente se detalla completamente cada una de las fases del Mtodo de Wyckoff tanto para un giro Bajista-Alcista, como para un giro Alcista-Bajista.Este curso es un compendio muy completo y profesional del Mtodo de Wyckoff, explicando al detalle cada principio del mtodo pero sobretodo mostrndolo con ejemplos del mercado real. Este curso te lleva a entender el mercado en su naturaleza ms profunda, entendiendo como se mueven la oferta y la demanda y en especial te permite evitar ser victima de movimientos manipulativos y por el contrario, aprenders como sacar provecho de ellos y hacerlos Rentables en tu trading. El Mtodo de Wyckoff puede ser usado independiente de tu estrategia de trading, cualquier persona que haga trading, bien sea usando estrategias como el Chartismo, indicadores, patrones armnicos, coberturas, price action, etc, debera conocer los principios del mtodo de wyckoff porque se trata de aprender por qu y cmo se mueve el mercado en su forma ms natural, as que estas ideas podrn complementar muy bien cualquier otra estrategia de trading que el estudiante est aplicando o vaya a aplicar en su carrera como trader.Un plus muy importante de este curso es que, a pesar de que el Mtodo de Wyckoff se document muy bien para los giros del mercado, los mismos principios de este mtodo pueden ser aplicados para movimientos donde ya hay una tendencia definida, en estos casos tambin se pueden presentar movimientos manipulativos de bsqueda de liquidez, y este curso explica tambin de manera muy clara y prctica estos escenarios. El curso esta conformado por tres completos videos de contenido y dos videos adicionales de prctica, donde te mostrar con ejemplos reales EN MI CUENTA REAL DE TRADING, cmo aplico este mtodo para aumentar las probabilidades de xito en mis operaciones.Como ancdota personal, puedo contarte que cuando aprend los principios que ahora enseo en este curso, mi trading pas a otro nivel!! y por eso espero que aproveches al mximo toda la informacin que recibirs. Ser un placer para mi ser tu tutor en este fascinante curso!Atn,Marlon MartnezTrader Profesional"
Price: 69.99 |
"Business Model Canvas for Small Business" |
"In years past, there was always talk of your 30 page Business Plan being super important. In this age, Business Advisors talk more to a key tool and methodology that enables you to assess your new (or existing) business through the frame of 9 key areas of business. The Business Model canvas supports you to visualise how your business with work, its a strategic template which will get you thinking and testing your current hypothesis. Another thing we love about this business tool? It evolves with your business, it's not something you just put on a shelf and never refer to again. Print it out as large as possible and stick it on the wall in your office or workspace.The Business Model Canvas (BMC) provides a team with a shared language when discussing your business, the value you offer to customers right through to how cost impact of the way you resource and manage key activities in your business.Paulina Mangano, Business Advisor and Trainer at The Business Centre, will take you through a short text theory on each area of the canvas, then show you context through video.We have also included bonus learning and tools; Vision to Strategy and Financial Viability to get you on the road to success.Enjoy!Brooke PhillipsBusiness Advisor, Education and Programs"
Price: 24.99 |
"Learn Swahili Greetings and Conversations - All-In-One" |
"In this Swahili course, you will learn the way Swahili people greet each other in different contexts. Several lessons have been explained based on common contexts that everyone must be or visit such as office (workplace) context, school context, market (buying) context, hospital context and bus stand context. The course has been packed with the General Swahili Questions (e.g. Nani - Who? Lini? - When? Nini? - What? with several examples of its uses."
Price: 19.99 |
"Recovery Coach Bilingual - Mental Health & Addiction" |
"In this course we will delve into the balancing and managing of a successful life for those that are currently battling addiction and/or mental health issues. Having addictions or mental health diagnosis does not mean that happiness in life is limited in fact you are starting a new fascinating journey into Recovery of mind & body. A transformation "
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Create a Book of Shadows/Light" |
"Merry meet,Enjoy this new and exciting course on how to make a Book of Shadow/Light. The world you will enter is about magik and the necessities you will need to fight the forces out there ready to harm you. ""Harry, I am your teacher for the dark arts."" Said no one ever. That was just a bit of humor. Now lets get serious or as serious as I can get with this crowd in here.Merry Part, so mote be, and Blessed be.~Sarah"
Price: 159.99 |
"Create A Website Using Elementor Pro" |
"Hi there, my name is Florin Buzea and together were going to build a professional and responsive website with Wordpress using the all-powerful Elementor Pro.During this course, we are going to build a landing page that looks and works great on all of your devices. The skills that you'll pick up will help you create your own website for a potential customer or for a personal project.This course was created with beginners in mind with no prior experience in web design or for creatives who are thinking of integrating Elementor into their workflow.Along the way expect to learn tips and tricks, shortcuts, some do's and don'ts alongside some other resources.Sign up for the course and lets make you a web designer"
Price: 19.99 |
"UI & Web Design with Illustrator" |
"Hi there, my name is Florin Buzea and together were going to design a website using Adobe Illustrator.We'll start by meeting our customers, we'll learn about their objectives, we're going to create a quick identity for them and then we'll move on to Illustrator to design the website.Along the way, I'll show you what my favorite resources are when it comes to gathering images, choosing fonts, creating a color pallet and others. I'll also show you my favorite shortcuts and other useful tips and tricks.This course was created with beginners in mind so you won't need any previous experience with Illustrator. If you've used Illustrator in the past feel free to jump in between episodes to get whatever information you're looking for.Sign up for the course and lets make you a web designer."
Price: 19.99 |
"Design a Drink Label in Illustrator" |
"Hi there, my name is Florin Buzea and together were going to design a drink label using Adobe Illustrator.We'll start by choosing our fonts and colors, we'll add a bit of structure in the design and after we'll tie it all up by adding a few details, we're going to present the label design by adding it on a mock-up in Photoshop.This course was created with beginners in mind but you do have to have a bit of experience with Illustrator.Once you completed the course please make sure to leave a review."
Price: 19.99 |
"Drawing From Line to Artwork for Beginners" |
"Welcome to Drawing From Line to Artwork for Beginners!My name is Antonia and I've been active in the art field for about ten years. This is the first in a series of courses where I show you how to create art from start to finish.In this first course we'll lay down the foundation for your art studies with some essential lessons to get you started. What you will learn in this course will help you understand some fundamental aspects of drawing. These lessons will carry you through even the most difficult pieces.Here is what you will learn:How to Draw a Straight Line with EaseHow to Work with Perspective (One-Point, Two-Point and Three-Point Perspective)The Effect of Lights and ShadowsHow to Shade Objects Using Several Shading TechniquesHow to Draw a Still-Lifeand MORE!If you are looking for a drawing course that will take your from the first step to still-life, this is the course for you. I will see you in the first lesson!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Learn Homeopathy- medicine for injury,bleeding,clots,coma" |
"This course is designed for the better learning of homeopathy and homeopathic medicines.This course will help you in dealing with acute emergencies too with confidently.This will remove the confusion of all homeopaths about which book to read for proper understanding of the constitution, it contains the material from all the stallwarts of homeopathy in a very easy and simple way."
Price: 2240.00 |
"Depression - How to cure depression by Homeopathy completely" |
"This course is designed for the better understanding of what actually depression is and it's cure by homeopathic medicines.This course will help you in dealing with acute and chronic depressions by Homeopathic treatment with confidently.This will remove the confusion of all homeopaths ie students and doctors as well about how to deal a case of depression , in selection of medicine and selection of potency as well"
Price: 5440.00 |
"Basic Python Programming for Beginners for Data Analysis" |
"In Power of the Programmer we will teach you how to use Python to get your next job, career, or build your big app. In the course we cover automation, data analysis, programming fundamentals, advanced libraries, Instagram Automation, building Web Apps, and so much more. This course is great for beginners!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Introduction to Reading JSONs and Data Analysis in Python" |
"Learn how to read and understand JSON files. JSONs are an important file format for Data analysis and machine learning. Come learn with me, Justin Barnett, as we dig into an example of AirBnB Open Data and learn how to read the data set comparing it to CSVs and weighing the Pros and ConsTop 26 Subject Areas:CAN, JUST, REALLY, DATA, PRICE, READ, SORT, SEE, RIGHT, KNOWCSV, LOT, ONE, SOMETHING, OPEN, BASICALLY, DEVIATION, LEARNING, STANDARD, MACHINE, HOST, NOW, WAY, EVERYTHING, GOOD, DICTIONARY"
Price: 19.99 |
"Cmo ser Influencer y monetizar tu Instagram" |
"Si quieres dedicarte profesionalmente a Instagram, necesitas conocer el testimonio de la Influencer Andrena Pealoza (@andreina_p, 40.000 seguidores), quien te contar los pasos que sigue para crecer en seguidores, mantener la comunidad y la interaccin con ellos, y contactar con las marcas para conseguir posts pagados. Tampoco puedes perderte los consejos del empresario David Tomas, experto en Marketing Digital y CEO de Cyberclick, que te explicar desde su experiencia qu buscan las marcas y cmo acercarte a ellas como influencer."
Price: 24.99 |
No11 |
Price: 24000.00 |
"How to cook a Tunisian Tajine for aperitif easily?" |
"If you want discover other culinary cultures while staying in your home. You just have to follow us in this course. In fact, in this course, we will show you how to prepare a traditional Tunisian dish called the Tunisian Tajine, it is a dish that you can prepare it for the Christmas aperitif and during the holidays of end of the year, it is very easy to remake, it's at the same time very delicious and very healthy . So if you're on a diet, or you're vulnerable to keeping your line during the end-of-year celebrations, do not hesitate to follow us in this class. If you are Arabic speaking, French speaking, or anlophone, you can follow us in this course. In fact mom who is experienced in Tunisian cuisine will explain the different steps of preparation in Arabic and I Maroua I'll explain the secrets of preparation in French and English. See you very soon."
Price: 19.99 |
"Journalism Extra Class - Introduction to Data Journalism" |
"Data journalism is helps provide the audience clarity, and understanding of complex issues, while allowing them to interact with data and contribute to the story-telling process through social media, comments, and sharing. Data journalism is an integral part of news in this data and age. Providing engaging visualizations and info-graphics helps the audience pay attention to a story, fully comprehend it and make better-informed decisions. Data can be gathered in different ways, through copy/paste, web scraping, or requesting it from people. Data journalists must become familiar with the different techniques that are available to them, and use them to tell more compelling stories that gain the audience's attention. Once collected, it's a data journalists job to find a story in the data, pinpoint surprising facts or prove something that was otherwise unseen."
Price: 19.99 |
"Auto Spray Paint Learning" |
"I have Created this Course especially for people like me who wanted to learn spray painting and for people who want to paint their own vehicles by themselves, as you know that there is very less knowledge about this topic in the Indian market.I have struggled a lot to get information about the painting, but actually, there is nobody who really wants to share anything about their skill.I finally managed to get some people to whom I paid to get useful information about spray painting and so I started with this course to answer all the questions and problems which you are facing.In this course, I will share some of the important information which you will need to start off with the spray painting. If you follow instructions from this course for sure, you will be able to accomplishpainting your vehicle flawlessly, and it will even improve your skills.Spray painting is not as easy as you think it is, if you are really interested in it then only you should jump further in this course.It is not just about spraying the paint, the more important part of painting is the preparation on the surface for painting, once you have prepared the surface well then only you can get good results, believe me even a slight flaw in your prep will show once you spray the paint.So the moral is you will need lots of patience while doing this, you will get errors, you will mess up somewhere, but that is the part of learning, if you mess up somewhere that doesnt mean that you will not be able to do it, I have messed up many times and I have learned well from it, believe me, this mess will make you a better painter.This course will give you all the information that you will need to do basic bodywork, laying the primer, sanding the surface for painting and laying the clear coat.The major topic I want to discuss here is safety, most people neglect this topic and then finally end up in a hospital, and that is the end of their carrier. Make safety your first priority as you will be dealing with harmful chemicals here so make sure you protect your lungs and hands properly, always wear respiratory mask and gloves while handling paints, thinners, reducers, primers, hardeners, and clear coats etc. and of course, use your common sense.Preparing the body for painting is the most important stage in any paint job, if you did not prepare your body well then for sure that you will not get good results.This book can take you to the professional level if you follow each and everything from it carefully.It is a complete step by step guide on how to spray paint your bike, car or just anything else. The process is the same for everything, you just have to know the right process and paint like a professional.This course will cover topics on:SafetyTools you will needBody preparationApplying puttyLaying primersSpray painting tips and tricksColour sanding and buffingThe simple Spray Painting Multimedia training EVER"
Price: 12800.00 |