"Salesforce Sharing and Visibility Designer Practice Exams" |
"A Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer credential is created for architects, analysts, and administrators who want to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to design secure, scalable security models on the Lightning Platform. A Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer should be able to communicate technical solutions to technical stakeholders and provide a project delivery framework that ensures quality and meets business requirements. Here are examples of concepts you should know in order to pass the exam:Design a security and sharing model within Salesforce based on complex requirements.Articulate system design considerations, benefits, tradeoffs, and recommendations for a security and sharing model. Use best practices and know which standard Salesforce functionality to use when designing to complex requirements.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 121 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"SalesForce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Practice Exams" |
"The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist credential is designed for those who can demonstrate knowledge, skills, and experience in email marketing best practices. Includes message design, subscriber and data management, inbox delivery, and external integrations with the Marketing Cloud email application.The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist has an awareness of marketing terminology and best practices and has the experience, skills, and knowledge to:Build email marketing campaigns utilizing the various tools within Email Studio, including Content Builder.Build relational data models.Send emails using email application sending methods.Build complex email automations.Create reports of email tracking data.Invest time in studying the resources listed in this exam guide and the additional required study materials provided by Salesforce.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 186 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant Practice Exams" |
"Prepare for Your Salesforce Service Cloud Consultant CredentialThe Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant program is designed for consultants who have experience implementing Salesforce Service Cloud solutions in a customer-facing role. The intended audience has proven experience with the administration and configuration of a Salesforce application, as demonstrated through successful completion of the Salesforce Certified Administrator exam. The Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant is able to successfully design and implement Service Cloud solutions that meet customer business requirements, are maintainable and scalable, and contribute to long-term customer success. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 159 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"Salesforce Sales Cloud certification Practice Exams" |
"Prepare for Your Salesforce Sales Cloud Certification CredentialThe Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant program is designed for consultants who have experience implementing Salesforce Sales Cloud solutions in a customer-facing role. The audience has proven experience with the administration and configuration of a Salesforce application, as demonstrated through successful completion of the Salesforce Certified Administrator exam. The Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant is able to successfully design and implement maintainable and scalable Sales Cloud solutions that meet customer business requirements, and contribute to long-term customer success*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 258 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer Practice Exams" |
"Prepare for Your Salesforce Integration Architecture Designer CredentialThe Salesforce Certified Integration Architecture Designer credential is designed for architects, analysts, and application managers who want to design secure, scalable integrations with the Lightning Platform. The certification exam is designed to determine a candidates fluency in effectively communicating technical solutions to technical stakeholders and providing a project delivery framework that ensures quality and success. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 145 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist Practice Exam" |
"Prepare for Your Salesforce CPQ Specialist CredentialThe Certified Salesforce CPQ Specialist credential is designed for individuals who have experience implementing the Salesforce CPQ solution. This credential is targeted toward the Salesforce customers, partners, and Salesforce employees who want to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in designing, building, and implementing quoting flows through the Salesforce CPQ platform. Once credentialed, Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialists will have demonstrated their ability to build bundle configurations, pricing, output documents and renewals, and amendments.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 163 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"Salesforce Certified Field Service Lightning Consultant Exam" |
"Prepare for Your Salesforce Certified Field Service Lightning Consultant CredentialThe Salesforce Certified Field Service Lightning program will define a standard body of knowledge to build a structured skill set within the market and to achieve consistency in skills and knowledge within the Salesforce Certified Field Service Lightning community. The objective of the Salesforce Certified Field Service Lightning Consultant program is to test and certify qualified implementation consultants for Partners and Salesforce teams (such as Services, CFL and Support). It also applies to Senior Salesforce Administrators for organizations deploying Field Service Lightning*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 110 questions ***"
Price: 19.99 |
"Salesforce Platform Developer I Practice Exams - SET 1" |
"Prepare for Your Salesforce Platform Developer I CredentialThis is a first Set of Practice Exams for this certification .The Salesforce Platform Developer I credential is intended for individuals who have knowledge, skills, and experience in building custom applications on the Lightning Platform.This credential encompasses the fundamental programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform to develop custom business logic and interfaces to extend Salesforce using Apex and Visualforce. To achieve this credential, a candidate must successfully pass the Salesforce Platform Developer I exam. This exam is also a prerequisite to the Salesforce Platform Developer II Multiple Choice exam.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 300 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"Salesforce Platform Developer I Practice Exams - SET 2" |
"Prepare for Your Salesforce Platform Developer I CredentialThis is the second Set of Practice Exams for this certification .The Salesforce Platform Developer I credential is intended for individuals who have knowledge, skills, and experience in building custom applications on the Lightning Platform.This credential encompasses the fundamental programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform to develop custom business logic and interfaces to extend Salesforce using Apex and Visualforce. To achieve this credential, a candidate must successfully pass the Salesforce Platform Developer I exam. This exam is also a prerequisite to the Salesforce Platform Developer II Multiple Choice exam.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 300 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"Salesforce Platform Developer II CertificationPractice Exams" |
"Pass the Salesforce Platform Developer II certification on the first attempt. 134 questionsThe Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II program is designed for individuals who would like to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in advanced programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform and data modeling to develop complex business logic and interfaces. The candidate can design, develop, test, and deploy programmatic solutions that are maintainable and re-usable and follow design patterns and object-oriented programming best practices. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 134 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 |
"Immobilien Meisterkurs fr Anfnger - Lerne vom Investor!" |
"Wrdest du gerne in Immobilien investieren und dadurch finanziell frei werden? Willst du durch Immobilieninvestments deine EIGENE Rente erschaffen? Dann ist dieser Immobilien Meisterkurs fr Anfnger genau das richtige fr dich!In diesem Kurs werde ich dir zeigen, wie du an das Thema Immobilieninvestments heran gehst, in einfachen Worten, keine komplexe Theorie! Alles was ich dir beibringe, habe ich selber getestet und meine Erfahrungen gemacht!Was genau wirst du aber im Detail hier in diesem Kurs lernen?Vor- und Nachteile von Immobilieninvestments: Auf was lsst du dich berhaupt ein, wenn du dir ein Vermgen mit Immobilien aufbauen willst?Makrolage/Mikrolage: In welcher Stadt und welchem Bezirk sollst du eigentlich Immobilien kaufen und auf was musst du achten bei der Standortauswahl?Wo findet man Wohnungen: Es gibt ja die bekannten Internetportale wie Immobilienscout24 und Immowelt. Aber es gibt noch ganz andere Mglichkeiten an Deals dran zu kommen und der Mehrheit damit berlegen zu sein!Prfung Objekt/Wohnung: Hast du gewusst, dass wenn du eine Immobilie kaufen willst, zu aller erst in den Keller gehen sollst? Hier erklre ich dir warum und warum die Besichtigung der Wohnung erst zum Schluss kommt...Unterlagen: Welche Unterlagen bentigst du UND die Bank zur Durchsicht, um eine Immobilie optimal analysieren zu knnen? Sei gespannt....Renditeberechnung: Welche Kennzahlen sind wichtig, um die Rendite einer Immobilie berechnen zu knnen? Wenn du das weit, kannst du in Zukunft innerhalb von Sekunden ausrechnen, ob sich eine Immobilie rentiert oder nicht!Finanzierung einer Immobilie: Wie finanzierst du eine Immobilie und auf was musst du dabei achten?Notar und Kaufvertrag: Was passiert beim Notar? Und ich erklre dir, wie du einen geeigneten Notar findest und warum du nicht einfach irgend einen Notar nehmen sollst, denn mit speziellen Notaren kannst du dir Vorteile erschaffen!Verwaltung: Wer verwaltet deine Immobilien eigentlich? Ich erklre dir, dass wenn du es richtig machst, so gut wie keine Arbeit mit deinen Immobilien haben wirst!Tools zur schnellen Einsicht der Immobilie: Ich werde dir noch Tipps geben, indem ich dir zeige, wie du schnell herausfinden kannst, wie ein Standort sich entwickelt, wie die Preise dort sind und was du da an Miete verlangen kannst! Sei gespannt...Nachteile von einem Eigenheim: Hier zeige ich dir EINIGE Nachteile, die durch den Kauf von einem Eigenheim enstehen. Nicht nur fr deine Bonitt, sondern auch fr dich!Und, und, und... Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast:Du weit, dass es sich extrem lohnt in Immobilien zu investierenDu wirst einen geeigneten Standort zum investieren finden Du bist deiner Konkurrenz voraus, da du andere Wege findest, an Immobilien dran zu kommenDu weit bei der nchsten Besichtigung auf was du achten musstDu hast alle Unterlagen parat um schneller Immobilieninvestments abschlieen zu knnen Du kannst sofort die Rendite einer Immobilie ausrechnenDu weit wie du zuknftige Immobilien finanzierstDu wirst dir (hoffentlich) kein Eigenheim kaufen! :)Deswegen schreibe dich JETZT ein und werde zum Immobilieninvestor! Worauf wartest du? Leg los und starte mit deinem Vermgensaufbau und deiner EIGENEN Rente! Wir sehen uns gleich im ersten Video! Ich freue mich auf DICH!Viele Grsse!Mathias Klavina- Dozent -"
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprenda a tocar violo em 11 aulas." |
"Nessa srie inicial ensino:1 - Apresentando o violo (Casas, cordas e o todo) 2 - Como ler cifras3 - Os elementos bsicos da msica4 - Focando nos ritmos. 5 - Introduo PESTANA6 - Uma breve histria da msica. (Surgimento da escala natural (Pitagrica).Todas as aulas contm na sequncia uma aula de exerccio. So 5 ao todo."
Price: 69.99 |
"Real analysis Part 1" |
"Course Introduction:In the mathematics world, Real analysis is the branch of mathematics analysis that studies the behavior of real numbers, sequences and series of real number and real-valued function. Some particular properties of real-valued sequences and functions that real analysis studies include convergence, limits, continuity, smoothness, differentiation, and integrability.Key content of the course:Construction of real numbersOrder properties of real numbersTopological properties of real numbersSequences, limits, and convergenceUniform convergenceContinuity, Uniform continuity, absolute continuitySeriesRiemann integrationLebesgue integration and measureCompactnessBolzano Weierstrass theoremHeine Borel theoremsSo enroll the course and explore the content. See you on the course!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Microsoft Excel - 40 Exercises for beginners. Learn by doing" |
"The best way to learn Excel is by doing practical exercises. Do you have little or no experience with Microsoft Excel? We will go through more than 40 practical exercises, where you will learn everything you need to know to use Microsoft Excel as an effective tool!We will start with 10 basic exercises, where you will learn the fundamentals of how to use Excel. Then you will learn how to make reports and dashboards, use PivotTables and PivotCharts, analyze datasets and how to use the 30 most used formulas and functions in Excel.Each module in the course is divided into two parts, one theory part and one practice part where you use what you have learned. All exercises have video solutions.This course is for you, if you want to:stop struggling with Excel formulas that are not working!easier understand other people's Excel worksheets!easier find the formula you should use!build your own Excel sheets, instead of asking other people to make them for you!easily analyze important parameters and become one of the management's most important assets!impress colleagues with your Excel new skills!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Aprende guitarra de manera fcil y divertida" |
"Aprende a tocar la guitarra en una manera fcil y divertida. En este curso de tan solo cinco clases, aprenders a tocar la guitarra, ya que conocers los acordes ms utilizados, as como, ejercicios de tcnica que te ayudarn a independizar las manos y dos digitaciones de la escala mayor."
Price: 270.00 |
"Apprendre l'art du Ho'oponopono" |
"Ce cours de Ho'oponopono contient 6 modules.Ds origines du Ho'oponopono jusqu' sa mise en pratique dans notre vie quotidienne.Modules: Module 1Ho'oponopono - Les OriginesModule 2 Ho'oponopono - La technique du verre d'eauModule 3 Ho'oponopono - L'eau solariseModule 4 Ho'oponopono - EFT ou Tapping avec Ho'oponoponoModule 5 Ho'oponopono - Exercices PratiquesModule 6 Ho'oponopono - Faire Confiance et Lcher Prise"
Price: 59.99 |
"Python Programming Bootcamp" |
"What You'll LearnLearn the Core Python 3 Language at a Deep LevelLearn how to Solve Real Programming Problems with a Focus on Teaching Problem Solving SkillsUnderstand Python as an Object Oriented and Functional Programming LanguageCreate GUI Applications using TkInter, Kivy and soon PyQtCreate Applications that Utilize Databases We will Expand into Algorithms, Django, Flask and Machine LearningA Living Breathing Course that will Grow with YouInstructor has 26 Years of Professional Experience and a Decade of Experience Making Educational VideosCourse Focused on Teaching How to Solve ProblemsDo you want to develop the skills required to solve real world programming problems? This course will turn you into a real Python programmer that has a complete understanding of everything Python can do!Most tutorials are just video versions of cheat sheets. This course is different. It teaches you how to solve problems like you will have to do in the real world. It does that by making you solve ever increasingly complex problems.Dont worry. I will be there to help along the way. I work through the solutions and also provide heavily commented code and quizzes that will turn you into a Python Master!This course provides numerous problems followed their solutions while teaching the core language through database, GUI and soon web development. Start Slow and Aim to Learn EverythingWe start by installing Python on Windows and MacOS. The core language will then be taught. Between each main lesson Ill break down the solutions through diagrams. This is a living breathing tutorial! Ill be adding more on Algorithms, Data Structures, PyQt, Django, Flask, Data Analysis, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow and More!You will get lifetime access to this growing course along with all the heavily commented code, quizzes!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not completely satisfied you get your money back.Youre ready to become a Python Master and this course will get you there! Learn to solve real problems and advance your career to the next level. Ill be there to help for each step."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cost Estimation - Basic course" |
"Cost Estimation is very important process in construction.This course construction cost estimation is a proficient especially for engineers and student and all related to construction work.This course is experience in field for the cost estimation and control.this course gives you the main core of cost estimation you can apply for any item (Civil, Architectural and MEP) With this course and case study you will learn and be able to:Identify and define detailed scope of each construction Items.Select appropriate methodology as the availability of data and project phase.Prepare data required to estimate items.Normalize and describe items and packages breakdown Based on historical data and experience.Use the best templates and forms in cost estimate.Extract equipment's rates and labor wages from finance data. Build a cost estimation procedures.Build your site observations, productivity, material wastage and cost data base.How to quote items and analyze quotations.Negotiate prices with suppliers and sub-contractors."
Price: 34.99 |
"Cost Estimation - Advanced course" |
"In this course you will learn with more and deep detailed for two cases study.And you will learn how to breakdown items and analyze work into detailed component and tasks. Cycle time analysis and use of site observations is a part of this course.This cours is very important to start your work as a cost estimator.By end of this course you will be able to:1- Use estimation technique and methods.2- Identify direct and indirect cost.3- Classify fixed and variable cost.4- Breakdown items into its component and elements.5- Use and build historical data and site observation.6- Analyze items tasks and recorded cycle times.7- Build company cost procedures.8- Cost estimate 2 cases studies."
Price: 44.99 |
"Cost Control - Construction Material" |
"Materials represent a large proportion and high weight of most construction items and vary in form and measurement method from raw materials to mixtures and stationary machines and equipment and tools and pipes and multiply significantly.Therefore, the cost of materials should be monitored, and management strategies identified to control their quantities and costs."
Price: 34.99 |
"Finding my authentic self, when in the presence of others" |
"In this course, we will explore what helps to see you moving in a positive direction with respect to finding your authentic self, when in the presence of others.Which really means, we explore how to move to a place where, in both social and professional settings, you behave in a manner that feels right to you. A place where you feel you are being authentic. In this place your behavior is aligned with what you value, and think is important.This course is hands-on. It is designed so that you spend most of your time learning through exploration. This exploration will draw on your experiences, your thoughts, your needs, and your wants. This is achieved through guided coaching questions, very similar to those used in actual one-to-one coaching sessions.In SECTION 1 you will hear about the objectives and structure of this course. I will share some stories from my personal experience relating to behaviors in social and professional settings. And, youll learn how to make the most of the time you invest in taking this course.In SECTION 2, you will identify your typical behaviors when with others, both in social and professional settings.In SECTION 3, you will explore two topics. Firstly, you will explore where you feel your authenticity is compromised. And, secondly, you will explore what it would take to see you moving in a positive direction with respect to finding your authentic self, when in the presence of others."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Shoot Photos That Sell" |
"SELL YOUR PHOTOS ONLINEIf you're interested in selling your photos online, this is the right course for you. We'll cover EVERYTHING you need to know to successfully upload and sell your photos online. In this course you'll learn how to plan, shoot, retouch, keyword and upload your photos and sell them online.I'll share with you all my knowledge and secrets acquired through 8 years of uploading more than 20,000 photos and selling more than 700,000 photo licenses worldwide!This course is for you whether you're just looking to make some extra bucks with photos you have lying around in a hard drive or if you're an experienced photographer looking to become a full-time photographer and make a living out of it.What's so great about being a stock photographer you ask?1. Be your own boss - You decide what to shoot, who to shoot, when to shoot. Just make sure you DO shoot and work, this is not an easy money scheme. More on that below!2. Manage your time - Work whenever you can, at your own pace. If you have another job, you're a student or anything else and you just have a few hours a day or weekends free, that's fine, that's enough to get you started. That's how I started anyway, and now I'm a full-time stock photographer. I work when I want, I have spare time to spend with my family, friends, I decide when to work and what to work on.3. Do what you love - If you love to travel, you love food, love pets, love people, anything's fine. You can shoot what you love and still make some money from it. No dealing with clients or bosses, just follow your passion.You won't get rich overnightDon't get me wrong, getting paid for your photos feels great. Finding some of your photos being used across the world is also really great. However, like all good things in life, you have to put some work in it. Stock photography is NOT about taking photos of things you have lying around your house, it's about finding your passion and giving it value by creating a photograph. And sometimes, if you get lucky, you may get that one photo or shoot that becomes viral and gets sold thousands of times! Becoming a successful stock photographer takes time and a lot of work, but you're already ahead of so many people just by taking this course. I'll give you a head start, I'll share with you everything I've learned over the years."
Price: 69.99 |
"Facebook ads for beginners" |
"This class walks you through each step that you need to start using Facebook ads.This class is structured towards online entrepreneurs, small business owners and content creators.You will learn:How to set up business manager on Facebook so you can keep your private profile separate from your business page.How to navigate business manager and read and analyse your metrics.How to set-up and install the Facebook pixel to your WordPress website.What objectives you should be using.How to use Facebook to research your audienceHow to set up custom and saved audiencesHow to write a strong ad copyHow to create visuals for your adsAt the end of the class you will have a full walk-through of how to create an ad from beginning to the end!After taking this class you will have a thorough understanding of how Facebook ads work, how to read the metrics, set up an audience and run your own ads!"
Price: 99.99 |
"How to Navigate with a Traditional Nautical Chart" |
"In this course, you will learn the basics of how nautical charts are made to represent a portion of the Earth's surface, as well as how to use nautical tools to help you navigate on a chart. You'll learn how to plot your position with latitude and longitude, or with bearings and radar ranges to objects. Finally, you'll begin to understand compasses and magnetism and how they can affect your journey at sea."
Price: 19.99 |
"Dart - La Gua Completa 2019 (OOP, Funcional y Asincrnica)" |
"Ingresa a la Gua Completa de Dart!En este curso veremos todo lo necesario de Dart para que puedas dar un gran salto en tu carrera y que seas totalmente capaz de crear aplicaciones mviles nativas utilizando Google Flutter.Dart naci como un lenguaje destinado a la web como alternativa a JavaScript. Debido a la fama y uso de JavaScript, Dart se mantuvo en las sombras hasta dar un gran salto y hoy puedas utilizarlo de forma profesional.En este curso te explicar de forma clara y concisa desde lo ms bsico hasta temas ms avanzados como paradigmas de programacin. Este curso incluye Programacin orientada a objetos, y lo ms moderno como programacin funcional y asincrnica con ms de 150 clases y ms de 7 horas para ti.Toma este curso y gurdatelo de por vida, aprenders:IntroduccinPrimeros pasos - Variables y Tipos de datosOperaciones aritmticas y castingFlujo del programaTipos de datos complejosFuncionesInstalacin y utilizacin de paquetesTipos de datos complejosProgramacin Orientada a Objetos (OOP)Programacin FuncionalProgramacin AsincrnicaBuenas prcticasUnit TestingBonusDart en la WebAlgoritmosPrximos pasosY mucho mas!16 secciones y ms de 150 clases que, al completarlas, tendrs los conocimientos necesarios para crear aplicaciones nativas con Flutter e introducirte en otros lenguajes de programacin.Si ya tienes experiencia en la programacin puedes saltar de seccin en seccin. No pierdas esta oportunidad de tener la gua completa de Dart en tus manos, y aprender de una forma distinta."
Price: 19.99 |
"CAD for Kids - Intro to 3D Design & 3D Printing" |
"This course offers an introduction to the fundamentals of 3D design for elementary and middle school students. Students work on hands-on projects and learn how to use Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software to create their designs. They are introduced to 3D printers and learn how to export their files to bring their designs to life."
Price: 74.99 |
"How to Create Videos using Adobe Premiere Rush" |
"If you're looking for a tool to kick-start your video editing journey, look no further. Chances are you've heard of Premiere Pro. Premiere Rush is Adobe's newest addition to the video pro family and what sets Premiere Rush apart is, it is also available on mobile devices. If you're contemplating learning Premiere Pro, take a look at Premiere Rush first!More and more people are capturing video on their mobile device, which is why Adobe has released a tool where you can start editing on your mobile and finish editing your project on your desktop. What's even better is, because it is an Adobe product, it has integrations with Premiere Pro, so if you want to take your projects further, you can open your Rush projects in Premiere Pro. Best of all, Premiere Rush is FREE!If you've been contemplating learning how to edit videos, look no further. In this course, you will be able to download the same video files used in the tutorials and follow along. No video editing experience is necessary. Whether you're an Influencer, Vlogger, YouTuber, aspiring film-maker or just someone who wants to learn how to edit videos, you've come to the right place. This course will give you a jump-start to the world of video editing and equip you with the skills required to create beautiful, high quality professional videos.About the tutor:Rosie Sue is Adobes New Zealand-based Solution Consultant. For over three years Rosie has worked closely with the country's largest organisations, fostering creativity and inspiring best practice design workflows. She runs workshops and offers product training on a range of Adobe Creative Cloud apps.Rosie has a YouTube channel with educational content, which has over 230,000 views. She is also an influencer on Adobe's Education resource site, the Education Exchange."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Cryptocurrency Course 2020 : Become Expert in 6 Hrs" |
"By Enrolling this course, You Will Learn ""How To Retire Rich"" & ""Never Worry About Your Future Again"" With Your Cryptocurrency Investments. You Will Learn:How To Secure Your Future With Cryptocurrency InvestmentHow To Retire Rich With Your Cryptocurrency InvestmentTotal Transparency Of My Personal Cryptocurrency InvestmentsA-Z what needs to be known about CryptocurrencyA-Z what needs to be known about Cryptocurrency InvestmentWhich Cryptocurrency is GOOD to Invest inWhich Cryptocurrency you SHOULDNT Invest inHow & Where you can buy Crypto safelyHow & Where to store your bought Crypto safelyHow & Where to sell your Crypto safelyHow to pick winning Crypto without falling into scam"
Price: 199.99 |
"Financial Statements Audit Test - Current Assets" |
"The Financial Statements Audit - Non Current Assets course teach how to test the following account balances: - Inventory: Inventory Count, Deposit confirmation letter, Cut-off & In transit material, Pricing of purchased and produced material, Obsolescence, Fair value based on sales price - Account Receivables: Reply to customer confirmation letter, Alternative procedure, Roll-back and roll-forward, Bad debt provision, Factor - Cash & Cash Equivalents: Reply to bank confirmation, Bank reconciliation, Cash count - Related Parties balances, including Intercompany reconciliationThe course is taught by the founder of HAW - How Audit Work that is an organization that provide audit related services, including teaching. The founder, Mk, is an auditor with soon 10 years audit experience in different countries (as US, UK, Netherland and Italy) always working in Big4 audit firms.Don't fall behind the best version of yourself and learn now HAW to perform any Audit Test!""Just focus, learn & do it!"" - Mk -"
Price: 29.99 |
"Financial Statements Audit - Planning" |
"The Financial Statements Audit - Planning course covers: - Understand the Entity & its Environment - Financial Data Analytical Review - Risks Assessment: Risk of material misstatement, Significant accounts and assertions - Accounting Procedures Assessment - Assertions by Category - Risks by Category - Balance Sheet & Income Statement - Determine Materiality, Performance Materiality & Threshold - Plan the Audit - Plan the Group AuditThe course is taught by the founder of HAW - How Audit Work that is an organization that provide audit related service, including teaching. The founder, Mk, is an auditor with soon 10 years audit experience in different countries (as US, UK, Netherland and Italy) always working in Big4 audit firms.Don't fall behind the best version of yourself and learn now HAW to plan the audit of financial statements!""Just focus, learn & do it!"" - Mk -Full list of HAW - How Audit Work courses available include: 1 - AUDIT PLANNING 2 - Accounting Procedures & Internal Controls 3 - Confirmation Letter 4 - Audit test - Non-curent Assets 5 - Audit Test - Current Assets 6 - Audit Test - Equity & Liabilities 7 - Audit Test - Income Statement 8 - Audit Test - All Others 9 - Audit Operative Overview 10 - Audit High Level Overview 11 - Audit Summary 12 - Audit Insight - Become & Evolve to be a Good Auditor - FREE 13 - Audit Insight - Career & Lifestyle of an Auditor - FREE 14 - Audit Insight - Audit Perception & Career After-audit - FREE"
Price: 29.99 |