"Preparacin al parto para embarazadas y enfermeras" |
"Tomar consciencia y resolver las dudas que se presentan durante la gestacin es muy importante para vivir y disfrutar plenamente la transicin del embarazo. Muchos cambios en tan poco tiempo necesitan de asesoramiento.En este curso la embarazada aprender qu pasa semana a semana en su cuerpo y como se desarrolla su beb. Podr aprender como hacer ejercicio de manera responsable durante el embarazo, cuidarse y saber cosas bsicas y necesarias, como las seales de alarma, saber cuando estamos de parto, qu es lo que pasa durante el parto, cmo son las primeras horas despus de haber dado a luz, y mucho ms.Un curso completo y ameno para vivir el embarazo plena y feliz.Tambin lo pueden cursar enfermeras y matronas con la finalidad de aprender cmo elaborar clases pre parto a las embarazadas de su consulta."
Price: 49.99 |
"Mastering AWS: Featuring S3" |
"Did you know that Amazon Web Services (AWS) has a 47.1% market share of cloud computing (as of the Q1 2017)? Also, were you aware that S3 is there most popular Service? Finally, did you know you can create websites with S3 like Amazon's sales website?My name is Alston Godbolt, and Ill be your instructor. This course is important to me because it provides me an opportunity to share my knowledge and teaching approach with you, the student. I have over five years of teaching adult students, and mentoring instructors. In addition, I am both an AWS Certified Solutions Architect and a Certified Developer. Finally, I am a Full Stack Developer working with the S3 Service daily. This combination of knowledge and experience makes me well suited to lead you through the wonderful world of S3. My journey with AWS started off rough. I was looking for a place to host a personal web site. AWS was suggested to me as one option. As I attempted to navigate the site I was quickly overwhelmed by the number of services. I quickly left that page and found a service less intimidating. The purpose of this course is to ensure that my students never feel intimidated by AWS. I will break down S3 so that you know the power S3 contains, and by extension, give you the power to create on S3. This course is designed for both beginners to AWS and experienced developers. First, after a brief course introduction, we will dive into what AWS provides to its customers. Next, we will take a very through deep dive look at S3. We will discuss what S3 is, use cases, and key terms to ensure you know the fundamentals. After mastering the fundamentals, we will get our hands dirty by navigating to the AWS and S3 console. We will create buckets, store objects, create static web pages, and delete buckets. Once we have successfully completed the console, we will take things a step further by creating, listing, and managing buckets the command line. Finally, using Node.js and Software Development Kits (SDKs), we will create a series of short programs to further cement our acquired skills. Remember no prior experience is necessary for taking this course. We will install the necessary software and create an AWS free account during the course introduction.Thank you, and Ill see you in the course!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Mastering AWS: Featuring SQS" |
"Did you know that Amazon Web Services first service is the Simple Queue Service (SQS)? Did you know that SQS can be scaled to meet the needs of a company of any size, including Amazon and travel sites?This course, Mastering AWS Featuring SQS, will provide everything you need to apply SQS to your everyday life. This course begins at the very beginning, creating an aws account and creating a User. Next, we define both SQS and AWS. We then take a deep dive into SQS. This course discusses sqs pricing, sqs vs sns, sqs api, and much more. We then apply the fundamentals weve learned to programming with SQS. We will program in the AWS management console, in the aws command line (aws cli), and using the aws node.js sdk. Each programming section provides three detailed sqs tutorials. Using the AWS management console, we will create basic queues, queues with attributes, and queues with different configurations. Once these queues are created, we will send messages and observe the results. In addition, we will use SNS and SQS together to send messages to multiple queues. After weve created and modified queues in the management console, we will step out game up by manipulating sqs on the command line. Using Cloud9 we will create an EC2 environment and create, modify and delete queues in the aws cli. Next we create sqs queues using the aws node.js SDK. In conjunction with Cloud9, we will use an EC2 instance to create tags for our queues, list queues, create queues, and delete queues. As a bonus, we will use the following AWS services to assist our learning of SQS: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Simple Queue Service (SNS), AWS Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), and AWS cloud9. By the end of this course, you will be able to: Discuss SQS pricingDiscuss SQS key terms: visibility timeout, FIFOCreate an EC2 instance using Cloud9Send messages t multiple recipients using SNS and SQSCreate SQS queuesCreate SQS FIFO queuesAdjust SQS queue attributesSend messages via the SQS queueDelete SQS queuesDelete SQS messagesYou should consider this course if you are: Interested in Amazon Web Services most used Service,Want to take a deep dive into SQSWant to learn how to program on the CLI, management console, or use the node.js SDKWant to learn how to use Cloud9Want to create an AWS account"
Price: 99.99 |
"Programacin de juegos para nios." |
"Una vez a la semana me junto con mi hijo y programamos vdeos juegos. En este tiempo desarrollamos el pensamiento sistemtico, aumentamos nuestra imaginacin y fortalecemos nuestra habilidad para compartir. Este curso es la versin ""inicial"" en vdeo y ordenada de esta actividad semanal. El curso esta dividido en secciones, en cada seccin creamos un vdeo juego distinto. Comenzamos con 3 juegos y si el curso tiene buena aceptacin y demanda ir subiendo ms juegos de los creados."
Price: 19.99 |
"Management and Leadership for all levels" |
"This course is a complete and professional guide in business, management and leadership. It is a step-by-step guide and a radical approach to critical issues in management and leadership from the scratch.It addresses key issues in business, management and leadership and lays much emphasis on milestones to business success. Among the issues discussed are: the reasons why many people spend time but only a few use it, the difference between doing things right and doing the right things, how to do business, marketing strategies, building relationships, time management, team building, managing people, crisis management, true leadership among others.Taking this course will enable you to have a change of perception and see business, management and leadership with a new look, because of the use of illustrations and true life experiences put together.To manage is to manage something, and in as much as one cannot manage what one does not know about, there is the need to address the foundation. It is for this reason that this course starts off by taking a look at the business world.After taking this course, you should be loaded with all it takes to thrive in the business world and manage with a difference. Not only that, you will also make a good leader because you will have been exposed to contemporary issues in management and leadership beyond the conventional mode. Thus, you will be able to stand out as a distinction in all corners of life."
Price: 19.99 |
"Mind Programming For Peak Performance" |
"Our life is the creation of our mind. ~ Buddha When I read this quote by Buddha , a light bulb went off for me.this one secret alone can kick-start your success right out of the gate!Look here,Think back for a second to when you were a child...Maybe you wanted to be a world-class athlete, a music artist, basketball player or an entrepreneur. And Maybe you still do.But let me ask you a personal question..What happened then? What happened to your Big dreams?Did you ever dream that you would make a dent in this universe?Even the most negative person on Earth would say,""Hell, Yeah Prateek !""But What Kills Success of So Many People despite their Good Intentions?Why some hard working people never see a constant flow of abundance in their life?Is there any strange secret for attracting abundance and prosperity?Its all about how you program your mind with right thoughts to act at the right moment, and you realize when the lifetime opportunity, is gazing you right in your face.Even as you are taking action reading the words in this description, they are conditioning your mind for success, and achievement. You will soon realize that this short description is the key to all your dreams becoming a reality.Listen to me for a moment It has been PROVEN again and again that ""The One absolute, undisputed, greatest asset any Human Being can possess on Earth is a Strong and Powerful Mind!""If you are an Entrepreneur, Corporate Executive,Student or anyone who want more out of life with a Burning Desire to succeed then this course is absolutely for you.I know you might have so many hats to wear in your life, youre always on the go and theres always about Ten different areas that are crying for your attention.But don't worry this course is jam packed with only stuff that you need to know to become a Success Machine.I have made sure that you extract GOLD from this course. Even if you dont decide toclick on the button to get access to the Mind Programming For Peak Performance, you will still notice your mind will be trained and conditioned with modern day mystic techniques hidden from the masses to help you:Manifest your deepest inner desires using techniques taken from peak performers and popular Business TycoonsSee the MOST precise route to becoming Successful that average people cant seeLearn how to use your Mind to become an Unstoppable success magnet to Manifest your dreamsGet aware of the Most Common Pitfalls that holds many people back!Break Through Your Self-Limiting Beliefs Geta Simple to Use Tracking Tool to help you get started & accelerate your way to success!Completely heal your old negative thought patterns with programming and open the door to a new life Package Includes Downloadable Motivational Posters which you can Print and Paste.And so much more...Im excited to have you on boardLet our journey begin.Disclaimer:This course is not a get rich quick scheme or a course to make a lot of money but to program your mind to reach Abundance.Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, skills and experience.Information provided in the course is for Educational purposes only."
Price: 199.99 |
"Data Science and Machine Learning with R and Python" |
"Data Science with R:Types of operators used in R,IF statements,IF then else statement,nested IF, ifelse() function,switch statement,FOR loop,While loop,repeat,break,next statement Data types in R-Vector,Scalar,Matrix,accessing a matrix by dimensions,creating matrices from vectors Importing the data set. Setting up the working directory,creating a duplicate file,Data Exploratory functions in R such as str, summary for descriptive statistics of data,names,head,tail,sd(standard deviation),var(variance),mean,minimum,level,dim,unique,duplicate,range,tolower,toupper. Functions in R such as apply,lapply,sapply,tapply,mapply Data manipulation in R-Dply,Filter,multiple filter,mutate,arrange,summarize. Functions in R such as apply,lapply,sapply,tapply,mapply Data manipulation in R-Dply,Filter,multiple filter,mutate,arrange,summarize. Data visualization in R-Bar graphs,Stacked bar,grouped bar graph Data Visualization in R Data Visualization in R-Line chart for time series data,Box plot to calculate mean, median, min ,max ,3rd quartile and 1st quartile values Logistic Regression using Cancer remission data set. Clustering using KmeansAssociation Analysis in R using Market Basket analysis Machine Learning using RData Science with Python:Basics of Python,importing sys library,platform,checking the platform,run a code,checking data type,performing calculations,concatenating of strings,conversion of values,working on tuples, Working with tuple continued,list,tuple,dictionaries(key value pair),set,In keyword,define a function,sorting using sorted function. Data mapping and indexing using enumerate,creating dictionaries using enumerate,sorting without order,reversing the list,append the list.Zip function,Iterate the value of tuple,If statement,else if statement,for loop,while,exception handlingMathematical on Array using Numpy,decalring the 2D array,3D array,dtype,numpy operations,boolean array.Shape manipulation on Arrays,flatten the data set,reshape the data set,resize the array,split array,stacking of arrays,broadcasting,scalar on arrays,transpose function,inverse function on arrays using linalg function,sum of diagonal elements using trace.Pandas,series containing data and label,list,series from a scalar,creating series from dictionary,access the element in series according to location using iloc()Vector operation with data alignment,creating data frame out of dictionary of equal length list,create Data frame by combining two series,create Data frame from array.Vector operation with data alignment,creating data frame out of dictionary of equal length list,create Data frame by combining two series,create Data frame from arrayGrouping by variable,Sorting of Data,standardization of data,apply standardized function to data frameLinear regression in pythonClustering using KmeansData Visualization using matplotlibMachine learning using PythonQuizzes and practice tests included for knowledge test"
Price: 94.99 |
Price: 64.99 |
"Utilisez Jupyter pour le machine learning" |
" Le notebook jupyter est une application web open-source qui prend en charge plus de 40 langages de programmation, y compris ceux qui sont populaires en science des donnes comme Python, R, Julia, et Scala.Ce parcours d'apprentissage est une srie de vidos en Franais pour tout ce que vous voulez savoir sur Jupyter. Il vous apprendra tout ce que vous devez savoir pour prendre en main facilement et rapidement lenvironnement de jupyter. Avez-vous hte d'crire, d'excuter et de commenter votre code et vos formules dans un mme document ? Ou voulez-vous une application qui vous permettra d'oublier vos soucis dans le dveloppement d'applications scientifiques ? Si oui, alors cette formation gratuite vous aidera srement en vous fournissant tout ce que vous devez savoir pour travailler avec le Jupyter Notebook. Cette formation commence par une brve introduction Jupyter Notebook et son installation partir danaconda.Vous dcouvrirez comment crer un tableau de bord depuis vos scripts.Vous pourrez raliser une prsentation interactive depuis un notebook.Vous saurez accder aux commandes systmes de votre ordinateur directement depuis Jupyter. Cette formation est VOTRE formation. Si vous avez des questions durant votre formation, nhsitez pas me contacter. Cette formation est VIVANTE. Il y a de frquentes mises jour de lenvironnement Jupyter. En prenant cette formation vous tes certains davoir les informations sur les mises jour et les dernires nouveauts de Jupyter. Cette formation est un investissement pour votre avenir !"
Price: 29.99 |
"ManyChat: Make a Facebook Messenger Bot From Scratch" |
"Facebook messenger have almost 1.2billion active users per month . So messenger is a very potential platform to build audience . So if you want to learn how you can make bots on messenger using a simple tool called Manychat then this course is for you . This course is designed in such a way that after taking this course , you will be able to create your own Facebook messenger bot in less then 1hr . In this Facebook messenger course , we will cover everything from scratch so if you don't have any previous knowledge about this , then don't worry we will discuss everything from A-Z here . This tool enables you to make your bot with no coding experience required , YES!! You don't need to write any code , this tool will automate everything for you ."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Beginners: How to begin trading in stock market?" |
"This course provides detailed knowledge in stock trading and investment and helps you start your journey with stock market without any external help. This course also provides you learn basics of trading and investment before getting started.Things that can be learned from this course:Fundamental analysis of stockHow to start trading and its regulationTypes of tradingBasic strategies to begin trading."
Price: 19.99 |
"Rubiks Cube hypnotized" |
"Complete steps of solving a Rubik's cube with explanation of each and every possible case. I have covered each and every nook and corner of this solving technique. I, being a speed cuber and having been able to solve the Rubik's cube in under 15 seconds I can guarantee you that your average speed for solving this cube after watching my course will definitely be less than 5 minutes and with practice it will go as low as 1.5 minutes. The important thing if that you will have to be little aware of the fact that solving this cube just needs curiosity and zeal. Then success is all yours !!!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Technical analysis from zero to hero using secret formulas" |
"Provides details about technical trading patterns and help traders to earn profits from the market. This also helps the traders understand how the share market works and provides details on how to reach to various news.This course includes the below mentioned details:Tips for the investors/tradersHow to read charts to enter and exit the trade.How to fix the stop loss40 chart patterns with detailed analysis.Volume trading and many more intraday strategies."
Price: 44.99 |
"Build Apps with Modern JavaScript" |
"Thiscourse is for anyone looking to learn the modern approach tobuilding apps in JavaScript. In this course, we will build aJavaScript web app (with no frameworks) from scratch.The app we will build will be aGithub user finder, and along the way we'll learn how to use essential developmenttools such as Webpack 4 and Babel, the most practical features of ES6, like classes, modules, promises, arrow functions,destructuring and the spread operator, as well as workextensively with DOM.This course was designed to teach you thefundamental techniques and features of modern JavaScriptto give you a direct path to startbuildingapps with React.Our app will be built in the same fashion that React apps are structured. In the end, we will compare our application with the same app built using React to show youjusthowsimilar they are!"
Price: 34.99 |
"JavaScript Tricks" |
"Are you looking for the techniques to become a first-class JavaScript developer? This is the course for you!These lectures cover the JavaScript techniques that other courses leave out.Throughout these lessons, we'll learn by doing. We won't waste time on theory or extended explanations; we'll dive straight into the code and I'll show you the tricks to shortcut and supercharge your JavaScript development. In this course, we'll learn through solving practical, real-world problems using the best JavaScript features. And in every step, when we solve a problem, we'll abstract our solution to give you powerful functions and patterns that you can use in your own projects. I'll show you multiple ways to solve the same problem, to give you the resources that will help you find the techniques that are right for you. We'll cover tricks and techniques in all aspects of the languageobjects, arrays, functions, strings, numbers, you name it! We'll work a great deal with ES6 features that will allow you to get the job done with less code.The 50+ plus tricks that are included in this course will make you an overall better, more productive and resourceful JavaScript developer.This course will be your practical guide to become a better all-around JavaScript programmer by showing you how to get things done and do what you want with your code."
Price: 34.99 |
"Full-Stack Vue with GraphQL - The Ultimate Guide" |
"Includes Apollo Server 2, Apollo Boost and the Vue CLI 3!Interested in building next-level apps with Vue and GraphQL? Look no further than this course! This course is your one-stop guide to learning...Complete CRUD functionality (create, read, update, and delete) with Vue and GraphQL / Apollo 2The latest and greatest Apollo tools: Apollo Server 2, Apollo Boost and Vue ApolloUsing the new Vue CLI 3 to create/scaffold Vue apps, add plugins and deploy to the webGraphQL Syntax, including types (scalar/object), and creating schemas with typeDefsWriting and executing GraphQL queries and mutations on both the client and serverEssential Apollo features such as the update function, optimistic responses, and refetching queriesError handling with Apollo Server 2 with the new AuthorizationError and formatErrors featuresUser authentication with JSON Web TokensState management with Vuex, in concert with ApolloClientStunning UIs with Vuetify, a Material Design Component Library for VueForm Validation with the help of VuetifyVue Router (including protected routes, page transitions, router props, and dynamic segments)Building resolvers using many MongoDB methods and operators Search Functionality with MongoDBAdvanced GraphQL features such as infinite scrollingGraphQL shorthands to make our schemas and queries concise, such as inputs and fragmentsLots of work with the Chrome/Firefox Vue Dev Tools Extension to Debug Vue / Vuex / ApolloUsing the service Now to deploy Vue / GraphQL AppsAdvanced UI tricks, including notifications and loading skeletonsApp Deployment with Heroku and Now v2And more...What will we be building? What is the course based on?This entire course within the context of a practical application that we will build literally from the first line of code to live deployment on the web. We'll be building an image-sharing social application called VueShare, similar to that of Pinterest or Instagram. Authenticated users of our app will be able to like and unlike, share, comment on, search for, edit, and delete image-related posts. How does the course develop as we go along?In the beginning of the course, we'll cover the basic GraphQL / Apollo concepts that we need to get started, then dive into building our app. We'll build out our backend, cover creating a GraphQL server and database (hosted by MongoDB Atlas), and how to write resolver functions with MongoDB. Then we'll move over to the frontend, create our Vue app and connect it with our backend, develop an interface and build client-side functionality with Vue, Vuetify, and Vue Apollo / Vuex. We'll learn how to write and execute queries and mutations using Apollo to our backend to get and modify what we need. Once we cover and integrate all the essential features of our application (listed above), we'll move on to deploying our app to the web. After deployment, for those who want to stick around and make their app truly production-ready, we'll cover a number of cool features to make our app more functional, attractive and reliable.I wanted to make this course as comprehensive as I could, but also give you the fast track to learning new technologies in an engaging way. GraphQL is an exciting new technology in the web development community and new Apollo releases such as Apollo Server 2 and Apollo Boost have made working with GraphQL easier than ever. There's never been a better time to start working with GraphQL, especially as a JavaScript developer. Join me and let's get started!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Build an Online Store with React and GraphQL in 90 Minutes" |
"Interested in building impressive full-stack apps with React and GraphQL in record time? This is the course for you!Here's what we will cover:Creating a complete E-commerce app with React, GraphQL, Stripe and the Headless CMS Strapi from scratchWriting and executing GraphQL queries on the client and serverPerforming precise queries and searching operations with GraphQLProcessing credit card payments and creating orders with StripeIntegrating Stripe with React using the React-Stripe Components libraryUsing the Headless CMS Strapi for lightning-fast project creation and prototypingJWT Authentication for Users with Sign in / Sign upSending emails to users with the email service/API SendGridBuilding unique, attractive, mobile-first UIs using the new React Component library, GestaltCreating private routes in React for authenticated usersExtensive work with the LocalStorage API to persist data on the clientToast notifications for our users to give users feedback about successful actions as well as errors Custom loading animations with the library React SpinnersResponsive Design using CSS FlexboxEssential work with React Router 4 (route params, the history object, withRouter, NavLinks, etc.)Tons of work with ES6 / 7, particularly async / await functions (with error handling)And more!What will be building in this course?Throughout this course, we'll be building an online store called BrewHaha, an E-commerce app that will allow users to order for delivery drinks on demand.This will be a full-stack application from scratch, made with React, and GraphQL on top of a Node API created by the tool Strapi. We will create and use a MongoDB database, hosted by MLab. It will utilize industry-renowned tools such as Stripe to process credit card payments made within our React app and the email client SendGrid to send our users emails upon performing certain actions (like making a payment). How will we build our app so fast (within 90 minutes)?The secret to making our app so quickly is through the help of the headless CMS, Strapi. It's a tool that, with a single command, will create both a complete Node API and administration panel for us to interact with our data. In the end, this will make building full-stack apps with React (and all JavaScript libraries) much easier. We won't need to reinvent the wheel for future projects we build--the basic things we need to do across our apps (data management, roles and permissions, authentication) will be made much easier And we won't be taking any shortcuts in creating our app. By the end we will truly have a complete app which we'll be able to deploy to the web and have visitors register, add products to their user cart, checkout their items and have their credit card processed for payment!What is a headless CMS?Headless refers to a lack of a frontend; in other words, a headless CMS doesn't give us the client to our app for users to interact with (we will be doing that with React), it gives us a better way to work with the data in our apps, as you'll see. CMS stands for 'content management system'. It provides us with a rich, intuitive interface to, well, manage content within our projects! To create new types of data with ease, manage the roles and permissions of users; in general, to give us extensive control over our app in one convenient place.If you've not working with content management systems before, you're in the right place. I'll show you how to get up and running with Strapi to create a Node backend and complete API, to customize plugins and features within our app and to become productive quickly."
Price: 34.99 |
"Build a Slack Chat App with React, Redux, and Firebase" |
"Interested in building impressive full-stack apps with React, Redux and Firebase? This is the course for you!Here's what we will cover:Creating a complete Slack chat application with React, Redux, and Firebase 5 from scratchSending and receiving messages instantly with the real-time Firebase DatabaseUploading and displaying image messages using Firebase StorageNotifications to display new messages in other channelsSending Direct Messages to other users in our chatTracking / showing when users are online / offlineSearching messages within created channelsCustom animations to see when other users are typing in the same channelCreating, cropping and uploading user avatars The ability to favorite / unfavorite public channelsAdd emojis to our messages with an Emoji Picker componentUser authentication with FirebaseForm validation for our Login and Register formsState management with Redux, with simple, straightforward patternsCreating stunning user interfaces with Semantic UI ReactEssential features of React Router 4 (Switch component, withRouter HOC, history object)Tons of work with ES6 / 7Helpful browser tools such as React / Redux Dev ToolsSecuring our application with Firebase RulesDeploying our chat app to the web using Firebase ToolsKeyboard shortcuts to rapidly send messagesAnd more!What will be building in this course?Throughout this course, we'll be building a live chat app for developers called DevChat, where users will be able to create channels, to send messages to other users on those channels, send media files, see when other users are typing, add emojis to their messages, favorite and unfavorite channels they like or dislike, and get notifications about new messages on other channels."
Price: 149.99 |
"Build a Real-World App with Nuxt and Firebase" |
"RECENTLY UPDATED FOR LATEST VERSION OF NUXTInterested in building impressive, practical full-stack single page + server-rendered apps with Nuxt and Firestore? This is the course for you!Here's what we will cover:Creating a complete news feed / aggregator with Nuxt 2, Firestore and Vue Material from the first line of code to deployment on the webFull CRUD functionality (create, read, update, delete) with the new real-time NoSQL Firestore DatabaseComprehensive work with News API in order to dynamically fetch top headlines around the world (by news category, by country, by news source, etc.)Adding search functionality to query all headlines according to search terms, by date and various criteria Creating the ability for users to bookmark headlines to add to their personal feedTurning live news headlines into separate pages within our app upon which users can commentExtensive coverage of making HTTP requests with axios (Nuxt module, proxies, setting headers)Built-in Nuxt data-fetching with the methods asyncData and fetchWorking with Nuxt plugins to incorporate third-party libraries with our Nuxt applicationImplementing liking / upvoting user comments on news articlesAuthentication with JSON Web Tokens and session management with both Cookies and LocalStorageUser authentication with the Firebase Auth REST APIForm validation with Vuelidate for our Login and Register formsState management with Vuex, with the help of simple, straightforward patternsCreating attractive, responsive, feature-rich Uis with the Material Design library Vue MaterialEssential features of Vue Router (in relation to Nuxt)Building Nuxt middleware functions to work as authentication checks and navigation guards Use Vue filters to format date / time values with the popular package date-fnsTons of work with ES6 / 7, especially async / await functionsHelpful browser tools such as Vue / Nuxt Dev ToolsBootstrapping new Nuxt 2 projects with the create-nuxt-app CLISeamless App Deployment with HerokuAnd more!What will be building in this course?We'll be building a real-time news feed called NuxtNews, where users will be able to see live news headlines as they are published from around the world, search through them with search terms, by date and search criteria, where users can select headlines by their country, by news category, by news source, and take a look at these headlines as individual pages within our app. And when users are authenticated (using JSON Web Tokens and the Firebase Auth REST API), they will be to bookmark the headlines they want to save and put within their own personalized news feed, comment on articles of their choosing and like / upvote comments by other users on those individual headline pages.It's truly a fully-featured application where you'll learn tons of Nuxt / Vue concepts along the way, so let's dive in!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Universal React with Next.js - The Ultimate Guide" |
"Do you want to make amazing, performant, and overall better React applications? Look no further than Next.js. This course is the best guide you'll find to learn the Next.js framework. In it, we will be making FOUR complete React / Next.js projects, each from project start to deployment on the web. Here's what we'll be making:A full-stack social media application, built with React.js / Next, a complete Express API, Mongoose / MongoDB, Passport Authentication, and Material UIA Hacker News progressive web app that can run offline and has a perfect (100/100) Lighthouse scoreA user authentication system which uses signed, secure cookiesA portfolio application built as a static siteWhat will be covered?User Authentication with Passport in Next.jsCookie Authentication in Next / Getting Cookies from Server and the ClientLifecycle Methods like getInitialProps for Fetching Data and User AuthenticationProtected Routes / Route Guards in NextNext Router, along with Page PrefetchingQuery Params in Next.js and Custom Routes with ExpressIntegrating Next with a Custom Server Setup Like ExpressBuilding APIs with the help of NextMaking Progressive Web Apps in Next.js (Web App Manifest and Service Workers)Pagination using Query ParamsDeploying our projects with Now v2 and Heroku (both as static sites and Node.js apps)Improving SEO with the help of the custom Head component in NextCustom Error Pages for better Error HandlingCustom Pages in Next (_App and _Document)Styling our Apps with Styled-JSXBuilding impressive user interfaces with Material-UIIntegrating CSS-in-JS options like Material-UI with Next.jsSnackbar Notifications with Material UIAnd much more..."
Price: 29.99 |
"React Hooks" |
"What are React Hooks?React Hooks are a groundbreaking feature in React that fundamentally change the way we create React applications.What do React Hooks change? Everything! No need for class components!No more this keyword!No more Redux!No more lifecycle methods!No more props drilling!React Hooks remove the need for all of these things! How? That's what this course is all about. This course will give you everything you need to learn and be effective with the latest features of React Hooks. These features are a huge change in how we make React apps. Don't delay in learning what hooks have to offer. Don't get left behind.Start using the latest and greatest features in React right now with React Hooks!What will we build in this course?Three (3) unique projects made with React HooksCreate an entire CRUD application from scratch with React Hooks as well as its own APIBuild a news application where we can search for and fetch articles on programming topics like React HooksWhat will we cover in this course?How to use and be effective with the major hooks (useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext, useRef)Understand in-depth how each of these hooks work and what they replace (according to our class components)See how to replace state management libraries like Redux with the useReducer HookRemove the need to pass data around using props with React Context and the useContext HookHow to fetch data with async / await functions with the useEffect hookHow to effectively manage state in function components with the useState HookWorking with / manipulating React elements using the useRef HookSee how to create your own custom hooks for your own purposes and individual applicationsHow to work with external / browser APIs using React HooksLearn the TailwindCSS Framework to rapidly style your React appsUse the Global Serverless Deployment tool Now to deploy our API and final projectAnd much more...No matter where you are in your React abilities, in a few hours, I'll take you from knowing nothing about React Hooks to being able to build complete, practical web apps with them. I'll give you detailed explanations so you know exactly what's going on. And we'll also be making useful, enjoyable projects every step of the way to reinforce what you've learned.Don't delay. Let's get started making next-generation React apps with React Hooks."
Price: 34.99 |
"Draw Realistic Eye, Nose, Ear, Lip In Pencil Shading Medium" |
"Here I Came To Introduce The realistic Pencil Shading Art.I am Glad to Share With you how to shade real live drawings.in pencil medium..The 1st Episode is how to make a realistic Nose in pencil shading The 2nd Episode is how to make a realistic beautiful Eye in pencil shading medium.,.The 3rd Episode is how to make a realistic Ear in pencil shading medium..The 4th Episode is how to make a realistic Lip in pencil shading medium I hope you guys you will like this course .wish you best of luck"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Paint Hyper Realistic Oil Painting of Leafs" |
"Hi Guys This is N S Limaye .I am Ace Artist In Drawing & Paintings. Here I came to introduce hyper realistic work in oil painting of dry mango leaf & hyper realistic hibiscus leaf in oil paint ..This work is expert type .you have to idea of shade & light .While working in oil medium you have to be very patiencethen you can achieve the goal..1 Hi Guys This is N S Limaye .I am Ace Artist In Drawing & Paintings.in this video I will show you How to make hyper realistic dry mango leaf in oil painting..i make 7 videos for that work ..2 Hi Guys This is N S Limaye .I am Ace Artist In Drawing & Paintings In this video I will show you how to make hyper realistic hibiscus leaf in oil painting. I make 6 videos for that workSo guys thank you very much for watching this video hope you enjoy watching.Wish You Best Of Luck"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn DevOps Helm/Helmfile Kubernetes deployment" |
"The main motivation for this course was to provide Students a comprehensive explanation of the applications deployment to Kubernetes cluster by using the standard called HELM CHARTS via helm and helmfile binaries. In order to achieve this goal, the course is using particular HELM CHARTS such as:Jupyter Notebooks,Gogs, Jenkins, Grafana and Prometheus,Nginx-Ingress,helm charts to make it happen. This course is not getting to deep detail about every single detail specified in HELM CHARTS which will be used throughout all the examples rather, I will try to explain everything in practical context so everybody can put together thoughts accurate to her/his thinking process."
Price: 49.99 |
"GDPR: Certification for EU Small Businesses-Windows 7" |
"If you are a Small Business or a Crowd Worker, this course will help you to become and remain Data Privacy (GDPR) Compliant. This course delivers walk-through step-by-step tutorialsusing MicrosoftWindows 7 for the Technical Measures and has loads of resources to compliment your compliance efforts. Completing the training course, successfully completing the exam will allow your small business to attest to Data Privacy Compliance and your businesswill be certified as compliant also.If you areINSIDE the EU, that is you are a European Union based small business, you are required to become Data Privacy Compliant to work with other businesses because you will need to attest to your level of competency.YouMUSTbe Data Privacy Compliant, that isthe law!This video training course is perfect for small business owners that are located inside the European Union (EU) or, perhaps, you just want to be safer in managing your PersonalData.There are new laws that will effect the way and manner that you do business in theEU. Also, it is becoming increasingly more important to be Data Privacy aware if your business deals with other businesses that now require that you are GDPR compliant or require that you have a working knowledge of Data Privacy in your smallbusiness.This course will provide all theTECHNICALandORGANIZATIONALmeasures and considerations that your small business located inside the EUwill need to implement tobecome Data Privacy Certified and GDPR Certified andcompliant.You will learn what the various Data Privacyterms mean and how to apply these to your contracts, business dealings and business negotiations.Take control of your data, know how to manage it, what you can do with it and how to practically, secure it, simply and quickly.This video training course is only part of Data Privacy Compliance, there are some other things that you will need to do to get your small business Data Privacy Compliant and Certified.You need to implement the Policies and Processes that are provided in the resources and discussed in the videos.Complete this training course to learn what is required.Apply all the Technical Measures to your Computers and Mobile Devices.Sit the exam and get a passing grade of at least 75% (45 Minutes to complete)and get your Certification. Find our more about the Free Exam from our training page (https://www.dp.services/training)Data Privacy Compliance is a JOURNEY not a destination, so jump on board and let's go for a ride."
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso de Fundamentos da Linguagem Python" |
"Python uma linguagem de programao criada por Guido van Rossum em 1991. Os objetivos do projeto da linguagem eram: produtividade e legibilidade. Em outras palavras, Python uma linguagem que foi criada para produzir cdigo bom e fcil de manter de maneira rpida. Entre as caractersticas da linguagem que ressaltam esses objetivos esto:baixo uso de caracteres especiais, o que torna a linguagem muito parecida com pseudo-cdigo executvel; o uso de identao para marcar blocos; quase nenhum uso de palavras-chave voltadas para a compilao; coletor de lixo para gerenciar automaticamente o uso da memria; Alm disso, Python suporta mltiplos paradigmas de programao. A programao procedimental pode ser usada para programas simples e rpidos, mas estruturas de dados complexas, como tuplas, listas e dicionrios, esto disponveis para facilitar o desenvolvimento de algoritmos complexos Este curso GRATUITO fornece embasamento necessrio para que o aluno possa avanar seus conhecimentos em lgica de programao, resoluo de algoritmos complexos em PYTHON bem como se preparar para adentrar a uma rea mais complexa dessa linguagem, que a Orientao a Objetos, contedo de outro curso desta plataforma. O instrutor ir guiar o aluno passo a passo com explicaes, resoluo de exerccios e dicas de programao em PYTHON. Todos os cdigos feito nas aulas, estaro disponveis para os alunos baixarem."
Price: 69.99 |
"Organizao e Arquitetura de Computadores" |
"Este curso traz contedos essenciais para o seu aprendizado sobre arquitetura de computadores. Um bom entendimento sobre o funcionamento do computador indispensvel para que qualquer profissional tcnico em sistemas para internet ou reas afins possa desenvolver um bom trabalho.A parte fsica do computador (hardware) est intimamente ligada parte lgica (software) e somente juntando as duas, que o usurio poder dispor dos recursos que necessita. O profissional tcnico que souber aliar uma soluo de hardware e software que atenda ao usurio com o melhor custo benefcio, com certeza, ir se diferenciar no mercado de trabalho. importante para o seu xito profissional que neste curso voc procure ver, e rever este material, se necessrio, bem como consultar os materiais indicados e solicitar ajuda ao seu instrutor, sempre que surgirem dvidas."
Price: 39.99 |
"Rede de Computadores e Internet" |
"As redes de computadores so estudadas tomando como referncia s tecnologias de rede mais difundidas atualmente, como a Internet e as redes locais Ethernet. A partir destas tecnologias, inicialmente dirige-se o foco para as aplicaes de rede, tratando sua utilidade e importncia na sociedade contempornea. Depois, procura-se trabalhar os conceitos de base envolvidos nesta temtica, explorando o software e o hardware de suporte para as aplicaes, onde esto envolvidas questes como: conectividade entre as mquinas, comutao de circuitos e comutao de pacotes, protocolos de comunicao e arquitetura em camadas das redes de computadores. A arquitetura das redes de computadores estudada em torno dos protocolos TCP/IP, principais protocolos da Internet, no que se refere s redes geograficamente distribudas, e das tecnologias Ethernet, no que se refere s redes locais de computadores."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Fundamentos da Linguagem HTML5" |
"HTML uma das linguagens que utilizamos para desenvolver websites. O acrnimo HTML vem do ingls e significa Hypertext Markup Language ou em portugus Linguagem de Marcao de Hipertexto.O HTML a linguagem base da internet. Foi criada para ser de fcil entendimento por seres humanos e tambm por mquinas, como por exemplo o Google ou outros sistemas que percorrem a internet capturando informao.Tim Berners-Lee, esse o nome do homem que criou o HTML. Ele criou o HTML para a comunicao e disseminao de pesquisas entre ele e seu grupo de colegas. O HTML ficou bastante conhecido quando comeou a ser utilizada para formar a rede pblica daquela poca, o que se tornaria mais tarde a internet que conhecemos hoje."
Price: 54.99 |
"Curso de Fundamentos da Linguagem CSS 3" |
"CSS3 a segunda mais nova verso das famosas Cascading Style Sheets (ou simplesmente CSS), onde se define estilos para pginas web com efeitos de transio, imagem, e outros, que do um estilo novo s pginas Web 2.0 em todos os aspectos de design do layout.A principal funo do CSS3 abolir as imagens de plano de fundo, bordas arredondadas, apresentar transies e efeitos para criar animaes de vrios tipos, como um simples relgio de ponteiros.Isso se deve aos novos browsers que esto chegando, com suporte essa linguagem, como o Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer 9, Safari e Mozilla Firefox. Assim, o CSS3 facilitar o trabalho dos que trabalham com web e tambm dos usurios, pela variedade de transformaes na apresentao de um website."
Price: 39.99 |