"Curso de Fundamentos da Linguagem JavaScript" |
"JavaScript uma linguagem de programao interpretada. Foi originalmente implementada como parte dos navegadores web para que scripts pudessem ser executados do lado do cliente e interagissem com o usurio sem a necessidade deste script passar pelo servidor, controlando o navegador, realizando comunicao assncrona e alterando o contedo do documento exibido. atualmente a principal linguagem para programao client-side em navegadores web. Comea tambm a ser bastante utilizada do lado do servidor atravs de ambientes como o node.js. Foi concebida para ser uma linguagem script com orientao a objetos baseada em prottipos, tipagem fraca e dinmica e funes de primeira classe. Possui suporte programao funcional e apresenta recursos como fechamentos e funes de alta ordem comumente indisponveis em linguagens populares como Java e C++.JavaScript tem se transformado na linguagem de programao mais popular da web. Inicialmente, no entanto, muitos profissionais denegriram a linguagem pois ela tinha como alvo principal o pblico leigo. Com o advento do Ajax, JavaScript teve sua popularidade de volta e recebeu mais ateno profissional. O resultado foi a proliferao de frameworks e bibliotecas, prticas de programao melhoradas e o aumento no uso do JavaScript fora do ambiente de navegadores, bem como o uso de plataformas de JavaScript server-side."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de CSS Flex Box + Projeto" |
"O CSS Flexible Box Layout Model ou simplesmente Flexbox faz parte da especificao do CSS3 que promete organizar elementos na pgina previsivelmente quando o layout precisa ser visualizado em diversos tamanhos de tela e em diversos dispositivos.O Flexbox nos ajuda a organizar esses elementos sem a ajuda do float e tambm nos ajudam a sanar problemas de Box Model que normalmente acontecem quando acrescentamos, padding, margin e border alm da largura do elemento.A ideia simples: os filhos de um elemento com flexbox pode se posicionar em qualquer direo e pode ter dimenses flexveis para se adaptar. Voc pode posicionar os diversos elementos independente da sua posio na estrutura do HTML, o que muito bom. Um dos problemas do float a sua dependncia com os elementos na estrutura do HTML. Estes elementos precisam estar em uma ordem especfica, se no o layout no d certo. Com o Flexbox essa ordem no importa, isso quer dizer que voc pode organizar a informao do seu HTML de beneficiando o SEO e Acessibilidade. O cdigo da estruturao destes elementos fica mais simples e fcil de manter."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de CSS Grid Layout + Projeto" |
"CSS Grid layout uma Especificao do W3C projetada para proporcionar um mtodo bi-dimensional para criao de layout CSS que oferece a possibilidade de ""layoutar"" itens da pgina com uso de linhas e colunas. CSS grid poder ser usado para obter uma infinidade de diferentes layouts. O diferencial desse mtodo de criao de layouts reside na possibilidade de se dividir uma pgina em grandes regies e de se definir o relacionamento em termos de medidas, posicionamento e camadas entre os diferentes componentes da marcao HTML.Tal como as tabelas, grid layout permite ao autor alinhar os componentes da pgina fazendo uso de linhas e colunas. Contudo ao contrrio das tabelas, grid layout no se baseia em estruturao de contedo, possibilitando uma enorme variedade de layouts, o que no possvel de se obter com uso de tabelas. Por exemplo: elementos filhos de um grid container podem ser posicionados vontade se sobrepondo ou mudando de layer, de modo idntico como se faz com uso das funcionalidades do nosso j conhecido posicionamento CSS."
Price: 39.99 |
"Gagnez de l'argent avec BUILDERALL plateforme TOUT-en-UN" |
"Comment gagner de l'argent sur internet avec BUILDERALL en crant votre machine vendre EFFICACEMENT en automatique ! Machine vendre : Formation complte sur l'affiliation avec BUILDERALL : page de capture, campagne email, tutoriels vidos de chaque tape pas pas, vidos sur la stratgie, sur la technique. Une formation pas pas avec des vidos dtailles et simples suivre.La page de capture et la squence emails (8) ont t rdiges pour vous, vous n'avez plus qu' copier-coller et ajuster quelques dtails votre cas.Une ""boucle virale"" Facebook est incluse pour attirer gratuitement des nouveaux visiteurs tous les jours dans votre machine vendre.Une formation concrte qui va droit au but, votre machine vendre sera prte en 1 2 heures environ, selon votre propre rythme.Cetteformation pour dbutantsvous guide pas pas pour crer votre machine vendre EFFICACEMENT l'affiliation BUILDERALL.Une fois le principe assimil vous pourrez crer d'autres machines pourvendre TOUT en automatique, produits et services, en affiliation ou vos propres produits...Le principe expos dans cette formation estla diffrence entre un dbutant et un amateurou un professionnel.Le formateur est lui mme unaffiliqui vend beaucoup avec BuilderAll, co-fondateur du rseau ""BuilderAll France Acadmie"" (plus de 100 affilis !). l'issue de cette formation vous possderez votre propre machine vendre EFFICACEMENTl'affiliation BUILDERALL. Elle vous permettra de gnrer un revenu mensuel qui augmente au fil du temps. Ce revenu est bas sur descommissions rcurrentes vie de 30 %issues de la vente par abonnement d'un service en ligne facile vendre et dont il est difficile de se sparer. C'est l'idal en affiliation !"
Price: 99.99 |
"Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Course - The Armbar Course" |
"Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Course - The Armbar Course is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu based course. Improve your game... This course has everything you need to know about the armbar. Learn the finer details of- Set ups from every position- Combination Attacks- Defences and Escapes- Grip Breaks for Submissions- Ground and Standing Attacks- Build for Competition & Self Defence - Health and fitness- Build your confidence - Take your game to the next level... "
Price: 34.99 |
"The Fitness Course - Body Weight Exercise Course" |
"The Fitness Course - Body Weight Exercise Course - Is for everyone who is sick of not getting the results they are after. Anyone looking to build their confidence by getting fit, toning up & losing body fat through a scientifically proven training methods. Upon completing this course you will have a much better understanding about health & fitness. You will know how to exercise properly along with having the knowledge to be able to design your own ongoing fitness training programs."
Price: 39.99 |
"Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Course -Ultimate Guard Passing Volume 1" |
"Brazilian Jiu jitsu Course -Ultimate Guard Passing Volume 1 is a course based on the art of Brazilian Jiu jitsu. You will learn the proper ways of how to pass all the different types of guards you may come across in Brazilian jiu jitsu & grappling martial arts sports/competition. Broken down in easy to follow step by step instructional's. Don't be left behind, be ahead of all your competitors..."
Price: 34.99 |
"Productividad Personal: Eficiencia y Alto Rendimiento" |
"Recorre el camino hacia la libertad.Aumenta tu productividad en un 50% con nuestro curso. Djate guiar paso a paso hacia tus niveles de rendimiento ms altos.Muchas veces nos vemos desbordados por tareas que parecen no tener nunca fin, por esa sensacin de sentirnos ocupados, pero nada productivos. Nos gustara disfrutar de ms tiempo libre o, incluso simplemente, hacer las cosas con mayor eficacia de las que las hacemos. Estos problemas de falta de productividad hacen que vivamos en situaciones de estrs constante, lo que provoca en nosotros mal humor, inestabilidad y falta de progreso en nuestras vidas. Pero... qu pasara si encontrsemos la manera correcta de encajar todas las piezas que llevasen nuestra vida a un siguiente nivel de satisfaccin personal mediante el incremento de nuestra productividad . No esperes ms, ni un da... Y empieza YA a implementar esos cambios en tu vida. Soy Mara Gil, especialistaen alto rendimiento, y quiero ayudarte a que alcances el balance perfecto en tu vida desde hoy. Confo en ti y en tu capacidad para hacer que las cosas mejoren.Ms de 1000 estudiantes han pasado ya por mis cursos de alto rendimiento y he sido nombrada como instructor destacado en Udemy dentro de la categora 'Productividad Personal'.Personalmente la productividad ha sido el elemento que ha cambiado por completo mi vida tanto a nivelpersonal como profesional. Quiero compartir contigo todo lo que me ha ayudado a realizar los cambios ms positivos en mi vida para que puedas aplicarlo de igual modo a la tuya.A lo largo de este programa aprenders:- A implementar los hbitos y rutinas adecuados para ser una persona altamente productiva.- A descubrir cules son las reas que afectan directamente en el alto rendimiento.- A identificar tus objetivos y llegar a ellos de una manera mucho ms rpida.- A estructurar tu agenda diaria y semanal de forma ptima.- A detectar cules son las cosas que te impiden avanzar en la vida y de qu manera evitarlas.- A descubrir el secreto del xito en la vida.BONUS- La Rutina de Maana Perfecta.- Cmo Meditar en Casa Paso a Paso y Correctamente.- Acceso a Grupo Privado de Facebook.- Y Muchas Cosas Ms!Cada clase consta de un audio para que puedas descargrtelo y escucharlo donde y como tu quieras. Tambin tienes a tu disposicin ejercicios prcticos para que notes los cambios en tu productividad desde el primer da.No pierdas la oportunidad de escalar al siguiente nivel y de desarrollar tu mximo potencial como persona.Nos vemos dentro!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Autoestima y manejo de emociones. Crea tu propia autoimagen." |
"Convirtete en la persona que siempre has soado ser.Crea una autoimagen que eleve tu vida a niveles que jams imaginaste.Seguramente muchas veces tienes la sensacin de que no te valoras lo suficiente. S que te encantara levantarte un da y ser una persona completamente nueva, libre y duea de s misma. Pero entiendo que la ansiedad y el miedo son dos enemigos difciles de hacer desaparecer. Lo s porque yo estuve en el lugar donde te encuentras t: sin ver una salida que me mostrase el camino hacia la construccin de la persona que siempre haba querido ser. Tras un ao de bsqueda constante por fin llegu a encontrarme a mi misma y a darme el permiso de ser quien realmente soy.Hoy mi objetivo es ayudarte a encontrar la solucin que te lleve hacia la libertad de ser T, de darte la confianza y seguridad necesarias para que alcances la libertad como persona.Mi nombre es Mara Gil, especialista en hbitos de alto rendimiento, y quiero guiarte paso a paso hacia tu mayor potencial como persona. Vienes?Ms de 2000 estudiantes han pasado ya por mis cursos y he sido nombrada'instructor destacado' en Udemy.La autoestima ha sido el elemento que ha cambiado mi vida a nivelpersonal y profesional. Quiero compartir contigo lo que me ha ayudado a realizar cambios positivos en mi vida para que puedas aplicarlo a la tuya.A lo largo del curso aprenders:- A crear dilogos internos positivos que dirijan tus acciones hacia los resultados deseados.- A optimizar tus estados para poner en marcha el 100% de tus recursos.- A crear nuevos vnculos contigo mismo y con los dems que desaten tu potencial.- A construir una imagen de ti mismo/a que te capacite para lograr la satisfaccin personal.- A manejar tus miedos para avanzar hacia tus objetivos.- A utilizar un sistema de pensamiento correcto para la toma de decisiones.BONUS- Respuestas a las preguntas ms frecuentes sobre autoestima.- Acceso a Grupo Privado de Facebook.- Y muchas cosas ms!Cada clase consta de un audio para que puedas descargrtelo y escucharlo donde y como tu quieras. Tambin tienes a tu disposicin ejercicios prcticos para que notes los cambios en tu autoestima desde el primer da.No pierdas la oportunidad de escalar al siguiente nivel y de desarrollar tu mximo potencial como persona.Nos vemos dentro!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Metas Estratgicas. Tu Gua Avanzada sobre Fijacin de Metas" |
"Convirtete en la mejor versin de ti mismo.Aprende a lograr metas que eleven tu vida a niveles que jams imaginaste.En ocasiones empezamos a imaginar cmo sera nuestra vida si utilizsemos todo nuestro potencial. Seguro que soando despierto te has visualizado en la casa de tus sueos, viviendo en el lugar de tus sueos y sintiendo esa sensacin de bienestar, que es realmente por la que nos merece la pena vivir. Qu pensaras si te dijese que dentro de ti se encuentra esa persona... La persona capaz de conseguir los resultados que siempre has querido lograr en tu vida. La fijacin de metas nos ayuda a alcanzar lo que queremos de forma sencilla. Solo tenemos que marcarnos un objetivo y establecer un plan. El 90% de las personas no logran los resultados que quieren en sus vidas por la inexistencia de un plan de vida. Ahora que conoces el secreto, te gustara empezar a crear la vida de tus sueos desde hoy mismo? Mi nombre es Mara Gil, especialista en hbitos de alto rendimiento, y quiero guiarte paso a paso hacia tu mayor potencial como persona. Vienes?Ms de 2000 estudiantes han pasado ya por mis cursos y he sido nombrada'instructor destacado' en Udemy.La fijacin de metas ha sido el elemento que ha cambiado mi vida a nivelpersonal y profesional. Quiero compartir contigo lo que me ha ayudado a realizar cambios positivos en mi vida para que puedas aplicarlo a la tuya.A lo largo del curso aprenders:- A identificar las creencias que te estn impidiendo prosperar en la vida.- A identificar tu propsito de vida para fijar tus metas en torno a l.- A construir objetivos S.M.A.R.T. que aseguren tu xito.- A crear estados favorables para evitar el auto sabotaje.- A organizar tu agenda para priorizar las acciones que te van a llevar a los resultados deseados.BONUS:- Cmo ACELERAR el proceso.- Acceso a Grupo Privado de Facebook.- 1/2 hora de coaching personal GRATIS.Cada clase consta de un audio para que puedas descargrtelo y escucharlo donde y como tu quieras. Tambin tienes a tu disposicin ejercicios prcticos para que notes los cambios hacia el logro de tus metas desde el primer da.No pierdas la oportunidad de escalar al siguiente nivel y de desarrollar tu mximo potencial como persona.Nos vemos dentro!*Foto del curso diseada por jigsawstocker / Freepik"
Price: 199.99 |
"Tarot Cards - An Enlightened Path to the Divine Wisdom" |
"Discover the mystical symbolism believed to reveal the divine law of the universe.The secrets of Tarot have been a continual source of mystification and fascination for over 500 years. The most popular form of divination in the west, the 78 Tarot cards offers a chance to explore yourinner subconscious and learn from it andenhance your lives. This course will give you detailed instructions on how to perform a Tarot reading and understanddifferent Tarotspreads."
Price: 4800.00 |
"Elementary Maths Olympiad Level 2" |
"Are you keen on expanding and sharpening your mind? Here are 12 lectures across 6 topics that will definitely push you to the limit! You'll be using the four operations like never before; finding your way through a mind-boggling mass of numbers.You may even start seeing number patterns and geometric figures in everyday life!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Elementary Physics Olympiad - A Crash Course in Mechanics" |
"Are you keen on expanding and sharpening your mind? Here are my lectures about introductory mechanicsthat will definitely push you to the limit! You'll be using algebra and diagramslike never before; finding your way through a mind-boggling mass of numbers and variables.You may even start seeing physics equations in everyday life! No calculus is involved."
Price: 49.99 |
"Industrial Robotics" |
"Learn how an industrial 6-axes anthropomorphic robot works. We will start by building its kinematic model step-by-step, then plan geometrical paths and optimize motion trajectories. We will learn how to correctly size the electric motors and understand the fine-tuning procedures for the servo drives. We will describe calibration procedures for the arm, tool and cell, and finally generate a realistic digital twin for your simulations!New bonus lecture at the end: kinematic model of UR robot!"
Price: 24.99 |
"How to get band 7-9 on IELTS Writing Task 1 (academic)" |
"Hi Leyla! Got more than 7 in all sections. It could not have been possible without your help. Thank you for your guidance!If you wish to get band 7-9 on the IELTS writing task 1 (academic)and be confident in your skills to write academic analytical essay, this course will help you achieve just that!I did it! Thank you so so so much for all your help!In this course you will learn how to:Approach both types of question types of the IELTS Writing Task 1 (academic).Properly manage time to writeand revise the essay.Use academic vocabulary and linking words in the essay.Ability to write detailed but concise sentences.Write in the correct format of the IELTS Writing Task 1 (academic).Paraphrase sentences effectively.Write in a cohesive and logical manner, while using transitions and linking words.Strategies for checking the essay to ensure as little errors as possible.Score 7-9 on the IELTS Writing Task 1 (academic).Achieve maximal points according to the IELTS Writing Task 1 academicrubric.Know what the examiner expects and deliver on that.Be confident in yourself and your ability to write an academic essay for the IELTS test or for future purposes.Thank you for helping me pass my test. Im forever grateful to you.This coursewill help you achieve the needed results with tips and tricks on how to effectively write an academic essay for the writing module of the writing test (task 1 academic). You will understand what the examiner is looking for and will be able to deliver on that. Furthermore, a lot of practice will be provided so that you can prepare for your test.Thanks to you I got accepted, because you helped me. If I didnt meet you, I would have never gotten accepted to university."
Price: 104.99 |
"How to get Band 7+ on IELTS Writing Task 1 (General Module)" |
"Thank you so much Leyla for helping me pass my test. Im forever grateful to you.If you wish to get band 7+on the IELTS writing task 1 (general)and be confident in your skills to write academic letters, this course will help you achieve just that!I did it! Thank you so so so much for all your help!In this course you will learn how to:Approach both types of question types of the IELTS Writing Task 1 (general).Properly manage time to writeand revise the letter.Use academic vocabulary and linking words in the letter.Ability to write detailed but concise sentences.Write in the correct format of the IELTS Writing Task 1 (general).Paraphrase sentences effectively.Write in a cohesive and logical manner, while using transitions and linking words.Strategies for checking the essay to ensure as little errors as possible.Score 7+on the IELTS Writing Task 1 (general).Achieve maximal points according to the IELTS Writing Task 1 Generalrubric.Know what the examiner expects and deliver on that.Be confident in yourself and your ability to write an academic letterfor the IELTS test or for future purposes.Hi Leyla! Got more than 7 in all sections. It could not have been possible without your help. Thank you for your guidance!This coursewill help you achieve the needed results with tips and tricks on how to effectively write an academic letterfor the writing module of the writing test (task 1 general). You will understand what the examiner is looking for and will be able to deliver on that. Furthermore, a lot of practice will be provided so that you can prepare for your test.Thanks to you I got accepted, because you helped me. If I didnt meet you, I would have never gotten accepted to university."
Price: 104.99 |
"How to Write IELTS Task 2 (Demo)" |
"Thanks to you I got accepted, because you helped me. If I didnt meet you, I would have never gotten accepted to university.If you wish to get band 7-9 on the IELTS writing task 2 and be confident in your skills to write academic essay, this course will help you achieve just that!You will observe a LIVE demo of me writing the IELTS Task 2 Essay.Hi Leyla! Got more than 7 in all sections. It could not have been possible without your help. Thank you for your guidance!In this course you will learn how to:Quickly come up with a plan for any topic in IELTS Writing Task 2.Properly manage time to plan, write, and revise the essay.Use academic vocabulary and linking words in the essay.Ability to write detailed but concise sentences.Write in the correct format of the IELTS Writing Task 2.Paraphrase sentences effectively.Write in a cohesive and logical manner, while using transitions and linking words.Strategies for checking the essay to ensure as little errors as possible.Score 7-9 on the IELTS Writing Task 2.Achieve maximal points according to the IELTS Writing Task 2 rubric.Know what the examiner expects and deliver on that.Be confident in yourself and your ability to write an academic essay for the IELTS test or for future purposes.Thank you for helping me pass my test. Im forever grateful to you.IELTS Writing Task 2, will help you achieve the needed results with tips and tricks on how to effectively write an academic essay for the writing module of the writing test (task 2). You will understand what the examiner is looking for and will be able to deliver on that. Furthermore, a lot of practice will be provided so that you can prepare for your test.I did it! Thank you so so so much for all your help!"
Price: 114.99 |
"Python: Everything you need to know to become a developer" |
"Learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2018!Become a Python Programmer and jumpstartyour career!You are learning from an industry veteran with over 30 years of programmingexperience and over 15 patents to his name! No boring PowerPoint slides - just workingcode that you can learn fromand use,Don't worry if you have never programmed before. This course gives you the foundation to start your programming career today.Every module has labs. Verify your knowledge of the topic with your lab and then check how you did with Chuck's solution.A large number of topics are coveredincluding:Pythonvariables, numbers andprintingHow everything in Python is an objectPython Lists (and lists with loops)Reading from filesHow to print formatted dataHow to parse multiple items from a filePython data structures: listsPython data structures: dictionariesPython data structures: sortingPython data structures: nested data structuresPython while loop with dictionary searchPython functions Python function parameter types (positional, keyword, default)Python modulesPython parsing data informationPython writing output to filesAnd labs for you to complete in each module.You will get lifetime access to all lectures and code samplesfor boththe lectures and labs!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are in any waynot satisfied with the course, you'll get your money back. Plus you will keep the code asthank you for trying out the course!So what are you waiting for? Learn Python practically to jump startyour career and increase your knowledge, with an expert helping you each step of the way!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Ingls completo Do Nvel Intermedirio ao Avanado." |
"Depois do grande sucesso do curso de ingls 1- Do nvel zero ao intermedirio, chegou a hora de ir alm ,para voc atingir agora a fluncia no idioma mais importante do mundo. Com o curso ingls completo-Do nvel intermedirio ao avanado, voc ir usar videos e udios com pronncia americana para finalmente atingir o seu grande objetivo de proficincia, alm de ter tambm a pronncia do teacher Saulo Duarte, que lhe guiar at o nvel mais alto do idioma usando um material premium extrado dos melhores documentrios da National Geographic.Esse curso no somente voltado apenas aos que fizeram o curso 1 mas todos aqueles que j comearam e desistiram de um curso de ingls antes de atingir o grande objetivo de sair falando o idioma, por no ter se adaptado com a metodologia.Em poucas aulas voc ser capaz de se comunicar de forma mais efetiva, seguindo uma tcnica em que o aluno desenvolve naturalmente as 4 reas do idioma: LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING and WRITING. Esse curso foi projetado para todos aqueles que j estudaram o ingls bsico e precisam ir alm.Descubra agora o que voc vai aprender nesse programa.Parte 1: Objetivo que voc ir conquistar: Voc Conseguir treinar a sua pronncia para manter uma conversao de ingls com nativos.Voc descobrir porque as vezes no entendemos ingls ao ouvir mas entendemos ao ler.Parte 2: Objetivo que voc ir conquistar: Voc conseguir usar o Present Perfect para se comunicar de forma mais avanada. Entender como usar os nmeros para expressar datas e anos- ao interpretar textos- Voc comear a criar conversas sobre um determinado assunto estudado. Aprender vocabulrio sobre comida e assistir um video sem legenda.Parte 3: Objetivo que voc ir conquistar: Ir aprender uma das partes mais difceis do idioma, as a palavras com TH. Aprenda a pronunciar palavras com th da mesma forma que os nativos pronunciam. Desenvolva um vocabulrio para discutir opinies sobre como concordar ou no concordar com algo.Parte 4: Objetivo que voc ir conquistar: Aqui voc aprender a fazer comparaes no idioma discutindo assuntos ligados a algo perigoso. Use o superlativo para se expressar no idioma.Parte 5: Objetivo que voc ir conquistar: Nessa unidade voc estar pronto para participar de discusses abrangentes em ingls, ouvir, ler e interpretar ingls avanado, assim como assistir filmes sem legenda. Ter aprendido os principais verbos e adquirido o vocabulrio necessrio para se expressar na lngua de forma desenvolta na prtica."
Price: 579.99 |
"Visually Understanding Derivatives" |
"In this course we focus on interpretation of derivative for understanding the main theorems from mathematical analysis(Role, Lagrange, lHopital etc)Also, the course illustrates examples when these theorems are not applicable.The course clarifies how to use algebraic rules for computation of derivatives in a point where we do not know if derivatives exist in that point, but we know the derivatives in neighboring points. Exercises from course illustrate how visually we solve some problems(Newton method for ecuations aproximation, etc)"
Price: 24.99 |
"Bu kurs, 2018 yl ilkbahar dneminde ve 2017 yl sonbahar dneminde km YDS sorularyla kendinizi denemenize olanak vermekte, hatalarnzn kaynan renmenizi salamakta ve stratejilerinizi gelitirmenize yardmc olmaktadr. Tm bunlarn yannda, olduka youn bir akademik kelime destei de salamakta ve bu kelimeler ayrca dkmanlar ierisinde sizlere sunulmaktadr. Hem de lk Hoca kalitesiyle! Kursumuzda grmek dileiyle."
Price: 49.99 |
"Must-Have Tools for Virtual Assistants" |
"So you've launched your own Virtual Assistant business. Congratulations! Now you want to know which tools will help your VA business succeed. You're in the right place! We'll go over 20+ tools to help you manage every aspect of your business: From financials to self care, we've got you covered.Who am I?I launched my VA business in 2012. Learn from my successes and mistakes as I share the tools that I use everyday with my own clients. Who this course is for: VA's who are new to the industry and are looking for a guide to help them choose the right tools for our trade.What this course covers: Tutorials that show you how to set up accounts for each tool and what makes each product so unique and handy. You can follow me along to create your accounts and learn the basics of how each tool functions as this course progresses.Do you have a suggestion for a great tool?Write to me and I will test it out!If it becomes a favorite, I'll add it to the course!I'm really excited to see you in the course!***************************See what others are saying about the course! *********************""I've signed up for previous VA courses and they were all helpful in there own way. This course however, tops them all in my opinion. Lots tips provided that I haven't got from other VA courses I've taken It has made me feel a lot more confident about getting out there as a fledging VA. Thanks loads Erin."""
Price: 29.99 |
"Attract New Clients and Grow Your Business Using LinkedIn" |
"If you've ever thought, Ive been on LinkedIn for years, and no one has ever reached out to me to ask if I'm taking on new clients,"" don't be so quick to blame LinkedIn. Instead, let's take a look at your networking strategy, and how you can start using LinkedIn to its full potential!In this course, we will focus on the networking component of LinkedIn. Specifically, how to make new connections, how to nurture current connections, and how to attract future clients who want to hire you.We will dive deep into how to make networking less fake and horrible, the do's and don't of networking, and we'll even provide templates that you can copy and paste to help make growing your network easy. This course is designed to help you win the long-game by cultivating genuine connections that lead to business opportunities take time and consistent effort.This course is not for the person who is interested in achieving overnight success blasting people with a pitch about your product or service and wondering why no one responds to you. Why trust me? Im a freelance Virtual Assistant who got really serious about LI and not only grew my network from under 500 to over 1,500 relevant connections quickly, but am now fielding job offers for my freelance services through the platform. Im excited to share my tips to help you do the same, and I look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Create an Efficient Calendar with Time Blocking" |
"""If it's your job to to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first."" -Mark TwainIn this course, were going to show you how and why your calendar is the best way to tackle your daily to-dos and achieve peak productivity. Well also discuss why things like traditional to-do lists and apps often fail.The idea that a calendar could result in changing your behavior and boosting your productivity may seem far fetched, but youll be amazed how effective this strategy is.This course is perfect for:Busy parents Freelancers who juggle multiple clients Employees who struggle to get their work done each dayAnyone who's tired of saying ""If only I had more time.""Yes, by the end of this course, your calendar will look like a glorious rainbow of productivity, but you deserve it! You deserve to actually get stuff done and tackle the projects that keep getting put on the back-burner, just like you deserve to fully disconnect and be guilt-free and present when you're hanging out with friends or family (or just watching Netflix as you soak in a glorious bubble bath).So schedule some time (hint hint) to take this Udemy course and start tackling your to-do's like an efficiency machine!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Continue to Grow Your VA Business with Next-Level Skills" |
"There are lots of great courses that help VA's set up their business from the ground-up, but many of them miss the essential skills it takes to keep your business in business. That's where this course comes in.This course is NOT for beginners. If you are new to Virtual Assistance and have not yet set your rates or found clients to work with, do not take this course. If you are an already established VA who has been in business for at least 1 year and are ready to take your business to the next level, then keep reading!Youll learn crucial skills to ensure long-term success, like:The right way to prioritize your highest earning tasks or clientsProductivity and energy hacks How to market yourselfHow (and why) to build your own VA networkHow to fire a client without burning a bridgeThis course also comes with: A worksheet to help you identify your ideal client, their pain points, and how to use those pain points in your marketing materialsA worksheet to help you identify your greatest revenue-generating tasks and/or clientsA live spreadsheet to capture and share crucial details about your clients.**What other students are saying about this course**""This course tells you how to run your business the smart way without hitting pitfalls that will surely derail your enthusiasm and confidence. Learn from her example. It will save you time and money. A couple of stand out lectures, batching and 80/20 rules. Great advice for a new mindset. Thank you, Erin!""More about the instructor:I'm Erin, a 6-figure freelancing VA who wasn't always so lucky in business. In 2011, I started an in-person concierge company and learned the hard way that without the right skills to ensure you're focusing your energy on the right clients or marketing effectively, businesses can close (ahem, as mine did). In 2012, I launched my fully remote VA business and, using these skills, maximized my income and transformed my business. If I can do it, so can you."
Price: 19.99 |
"INGLES BASICO-DOMINA todos los tiempos bsicos del ingls" |
"En este curso veremos en 4 etapas SIMPLES,PERFECTOS,PROGRESIVOS Y PERFECTOS PROGRESIVOS, todos los tiempos verbales del Ingls.Esta es una clase muy compacta, precisa y concisa y por sobre todo muy fcil de entender, que estas esperando, DOMINA de una vez por todas todos los tiempos bsicos del Ingls. Disfruta de esta clase."
Price: 19.99 |
"Gesto de Operaes Logsticas Globais" |
"Ol!Seja muito bem vindo as operaes globais da logstica internacional!!!Com o aumento da concorrncia em nveisglobais asorganizaes esto focadas em atender os clientes com qualidade, prazo e custosadequados no se esquecendo, claro,de otimizar seus processos internos com a reduo dedesperdcios aumentando assim,sua eficincia operacional. Tomar decises de maneira correta, torna-se essencial para o sucesso do negcio.Em nosso curso de Gesto de Operaes Logsticas Globais com diversas aulas, testes e exerccios prticos,voc vai aprender analisar situaes utilizando estratgias logsticas para resolver corretamente problemas que envolvam a otimizao de processos e operaes.Fao votos de queas ferramentas, contedos e modelos ensinadosno curso sirvam como base para a correta tomada de deciso na logstica internacional l!Seja bem-vindo e te vejo no curso!Prof. Julio Cesar Passos"
Price: 549.99 |
"Fundamentos do Lean Six Sigma" |
"Ol Alunos,Tudo bem? Espero que Sim! Desejo a vocs as boas-vindas ao curso Fundamentos doLean Six Sigma!Antes de falar do curso essencial que se faa uma anlise contextual dos seguintes itens abaixo:Mercado Alta competitividade das empresas no mercado e alto volume de produtos Ciclo de vida dos produtos mais curtos. Velocidade de atendimento com produtos de alta qualidade. Empresas Foco na alta produtividade e eficincia dos processos e operaes: zero desperdcios. Crise e presso por reduo de custos. Profissionais Capacidade de analise e viso sistmica dos processos Capacidade de reinventar processo para ser mais eficiente e produtivo. Trabalho em equipe e saber ouvir os clientes. Relevncia da Filosofia Lean Manufacturing e Six Sigma Ferramentas para a gesto sistmica dos processos. Analise de dados para a tomada de deciso (eliminao do empirismo). Eliminao de Desperdcios.Voltados para planejamento, organizao e controle de processos.Diante disso,neste curso sero apresentados os conceitos do Lean Six Sigma divididos nos seguintes mdulos e respectivos contedos: MDULO I. LEAN MANUFACTURING Iniciando o mdulo I, o mesmo abordar os seguintes assuntos: Conceito do lean manufacturing, as origens do lean manufacturing, os desperdcios do lean manufacturing, princpios do lean manufacturing e as ferramentas do lean manufacturing.MDULO II. SIX SIGMA Chegando ao mdulo II, abordaremos os seguintes assuntos: o conceito do six sigma, o histrico do six sigma, a lgica do six sigma, o mtodo DMAIC e os especialistas do six sigma. MDULO III. LEAN SIX SIGMA Passando pra o mdulo III sero abordados os seguintes assuntos: integrao lean manufacturing e six sigma, as caractersticas benficas do lean manufacturing e six sigma e a integrao do lean manufacturing com o DMAIC.MDULO IV. CONCEITOS ESTATSTICOS E GAUSSIANOS J o mdulo IV abordar os seguintes assuntos tais como: conceitos estatsticos do six sigma, analise de capabilidade, distribuio normal, capacidade de um processo, ndices de capacidade (cp e cpk) e nmero de sigmas comparado a defeitos.MDULO V. LEAN SIX SIGMA NA PRTICA COM USO DO EXCELFinalmente, no ultimo e quinto mdulo sero abordados os seguintes assuntos tais como ferramentas estatsticas do Excel, construo de histograma, construindo a curva normal no Excel e caso prtico seis sigma no Excel. Alem destes tpicos abordados nos mdulos, o curso ter foco em casos prticos atravs de exerccios e discusses.Desejo um Excelente Aprendizado para Voc!Prof. Julio Cesar Passos"
Price: 579.99 |
"Beat Overworked and Overwhelmed" |
"Are you overworked and overwhelmed? If so, you're not alone. On average we receive 120 e-mails a day and check our phones 150 times a day. We have a constant stream of crises that only we can handle, with our bosses demanding more output with fewer resources. We leave meetings early only to arrive late for the next one. At home? Well, we are so exhausted that were not the loving partner and parent we wont to be. Being overworked and overwhelmed drags you into a downward spiraling pit of despair and shame. Course description This course takes you through a step-by-step process for you to beat overworked and overwhelmed. There are seven sections: Changing the story of your life. After analysing what's created your overworked and overwhelmed, you will create a new vision for your ideal life. You will work to achieve this in the rest of the workshop. Calming yourself. You will identify your own coping strategies to calm yourself in really stressful situations. Taming your monster emotions, like anger, fear and shame. You will use a step-by-step process to understand what you are really feeling and why. Keeping perspective. You will use three practical steps to silence your inner critic and change the way you deal with the difficulties and setbacks. Taming your work overload. You will analyse your workload and prioritise to achieve the most important things every day. Dealing with really difficult people. You will use a straightforward four step process to get what you need from really difficult people. In addition, you will use a variation to get unstuck when there is strong emotion and high-stakes outcome. Making changes that stick. You will sustain the changes that you have made in your life to beat overworked and overwhelmed once and for all. The course consists of: Videos which explain the concepts. A workbook with examples and exercises for you to apply what you have learnt. Practical supporting articles giving additional information in each section. Self-coaching exercises in each section to deepen yourself insight and sustain your personal changes. By following the structure of this course, you will beat overworked and overwhelmed and you will achieve the professional success you deserve, while enjoying a balanced, rewarding life. If this sounds exciting, sign up for this course right now!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Bachata Partnerwork Mastery The Ultimate Bachata Course" |
"In this course you'll learn Bachata from one of the Bachata Pioneers Worldwide. In 2013 Jorge Contreras was recognized as the 8th Top Bachata Instructor & Dancer in the World. Jorge co-founded the first Bachata Dance Company in Los Angeles, the first Bachata Festival in Los Angele, started the first Bachata Night Club in the US and has traveled to over 25 countries teaching Bachata frombeginners with zero experience to training other Instructors around the World.Jorge has inspired over 8 million new and experienced Bachata enthusiast in person and on YouTube and has personally trained 10's of thousands of students.You'll learn Jorge's Partnerwork Library that he has used over the last 10 years. From beginner partner-work combinations to intermediate and to Advanced.Get ready to take your Bachata to levels you never imagined before."
Price: 99.99 |