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Price: 220000.00 |
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Price: 220000.00 |
"[ MBA ] ." |
"The University of Texas at Austin - McCombs Business School MBA. 2011 8 Class of 2014 , Cisco Business Consultant / Data Scientist , / . 1 MBA . ."
Price: 220000.00 |
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Price: 220000.00 |
"Social Media Designe -Artes profissionais para Redes Sociais" |
"Nesse Curso voc vai aprender a criar artes profissionais para mdia social em alguns minutos usando o Photoshop. Do bsico ao avanado.Tudo passo a passo. e vou mostrar como agencias trabalham com gerenciamento de redes sociais Voc vai aprender a:Gerenciamento de redes sociais. como algumas agencias trabalham Usar as teclas atalho tornando-se mais produtivoCriar um arte limpa e organizada Criar suas artes em poucos minutos.Voc tambm vai conhecer os principais sites para que uso para baixar fontes e imagens gratuitas para o seu projeto.E irei disponibilizar pacote de Templates prontos pra voc editar.Seja bem vindo ao Criar Imagens profissionais para as Redes Sociais. Aproveite bem o seu curso!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Analise de Desempenho no Voleibol" |
"Neste curso introdutrio, iremos falar como e porque feita uma avaliao, conceitos, critrios, cruzamento de dados e projeo de dados. Reconhecimento de zonas da quadra.Fundamentos e como avaliar.Formas e conceitos de avaliao.Raciocnio e pensamento lgico para qualificao dos fundamentos com base a analise composta. Como deve ser criado relatrios objetivos."
Price: 474.99 |
"Python for beginners (Updated!)" |
"Python 3 bootcamp for beginners is a playful introduction to the coding language of python. This course will teach all basic and some expert and intermediate concepts in python, and should take a few weeks. I hope you have fun and learn something new. Includes coding exercises and assignments. You can learn python very quickly. If you spend an hour a day on this course you can learn python in less than 1 week. You will be able to build many things including a quadratic equation calculator. Don't worry I will add more videos. The course will be updated regularly to make sure the content is not old."
Price: 19.99 |
"Yoga Fundamentals For healthy posture and alignment" |
"Im Thomas Pedersen a UK trained osteopath with over 16 years of experience developed in my private practice. Ive been practicing yoga for 20+ years and Ive developed a style that combines my expertise as an osteopath with the benefits and flow of several yoga styles. Working with hundreds of patients in my clinic and helping them address various issues caused by sedentary lifestyles, injuries, diverse hobbies or simply genetics highlighted to me the major impact a healthy and safe yoga practice could have on their recovery and future. In my classes, you wont be balancing all your weight on one finger or expected to become a professional contortionist. During these 10 classes you will be doing basic movements and postures with easy to follow guidance from me on alignment, strength, flexibility and grounding. We will progress the postures over time to stronger poses but this will only happen when you are ready.Each of my lessons is about 75 minutes long and I strongly recommenddoing each lesson a few times before moving onto the next one. Feel confident with a lesson before progressing onwards.Ive created this format because I want you to understand how each move affects your body, how to do it right in order to get the full benefits of a yoga session but also how to avoid common alignment mistakes that can cause potential injuries.Before each lesson I introduce specific movements that we are working on, and discuss alignment and the purpose of the movement using my body and props to illustrate it. We then start with some settling breathing and gradually work our way up from lying to kneeling to standing. Towards the end of most of the lessons, we spend a few minutes practicing breathing techniques and finish with guided relaxation on the floor.In my opinion, breathing techniques are an integral part of a healthy yoga practice and have immense benefits for your health, improving both the body and mind. With these carefully crafted classes and clear instructions, you'll be able to enjoy a full range of yoga poses, designed to improve flexibility, strength, posture and alignment for a healthier and happier life. From the comfort of your own home, you can now choose when to practice without having to attend expensive classes or stress about making a class at a specific time and place. I really hope you enjoy these classes and please get in touch if you have any questions or feedback. namaste"
Price: 19.99 |
"Yoga Bites -20 Mini Workouts For Healthy Posture & Alignment" |
"Im Thomas Pedersen a UK trained osteopath with over 16 years of experience developed in my private practice. Ive been practicing yoga for 20+ years and I've developed a style that combines my expertise as an osteopath with the benefits and flow of several yoga styles. Working with hundreds of patients in my clinic and helping them address various issues caused by sedentary lifestyles, injuries, diverse hobbies or simply genetics highlighted to me the major impact a healthy and safe yoga practice could have on their recovery and future. In my classes, you wont be balancing all your weight on one finger or expected to become a professional contortionist. During these 20 classes you will be doing basic movements and postures with easy to follow guidance from me on alignment, strength, flexibility and grounding. We will progress the postures over time to stronger poses but this will only happen when you are ready.Each of my lessons is about 10 to 14 minutes long and I strongly recommenddoing each lesson a few times before moving onto the next one. Feel confident with a lesson before progressing onwards.Ive created this format because there is a demand for bite size chunks of yoga sessions that can be practiced in those spare moments when you do not have time for a full workout .In my opinion, breathing techniques are an integral part of a healthy yoga practice and have immense benefits for your health, improving both the body and mind. With these carefully crafted classes and clear instructions, you'll be able to enjoy a full range of yoga poses, designed to improve flexibility, strength, posture and alignment for a healthier and happier life. From the comfort of your own home, you can now choose when to practice without having to attend expensive classes or stress about making a class at a specific time and place. I really hope you enjoy these classes and please get in touch if you have any questions or feedback. namaste"
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende a producir Msica Electrnica en Ableton Live" |
"Te presento mi curso de Ableton Live.El curso est orientado para aquellos que quieren dominar este reconocido y ms que utilizado secuenciador de Audio.El curso conforma5 mdulosdonde aprenderemos a configurarlo, dominar la produccin a travs de pistas MIDI y Audio, insertar efectos, conocer trucos y procesos esenciales de produccin.Quienes utilizan este secuenciador? Productores tan reconocidos comoChainsmokers, Skrillex, David Guetta, Armin Van Buurenutilizan a diario este potente DAW para realizar sus xitos.Un aprendizaje realizado minuciosamente donde no me dejo nada y que estn orientados para aquellos que no tienen ni idea o que no han conseguido dominarlo por ellos mismos.Youtube est lleno de vdeos que explican como producir msica pero hay tantos y tan pocos especficos para lo que realmente necesitas para producir msica electrnica que es muy difcil aprender y pocos lo consiguen.Mi curso rene lo nico que necesitas para producir msica electrnica. Nada ms y nada menos."
Price: 19.99 |
"Construye un track EDM de forma profesional Paso a Paso" |
"En este curso no me dejo nada, cada proceso de la produccin ha sido grabado, vers que se necesita para componer una meloda rompedora, como crear el synth, elaboracin de una parada impactante, efectos, drop de infarto, como poner originalidad en tu track.Todo realizado por uno de los ghost producer ms famosos de Espaa.Te veo dentro!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso produce un track Melodic Techno desde 0" |
"En este curso enseo a producir un track Melodic House como los que hago a mis clientes Djs. Firmar por un gran sello de este tipo de msica no es fcil y requiere elaborar cada detalle de forma profesional. En este curso aprenders esto y mucho ms.Preprate para firmar por un gran sello!Te veo dentro!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende Logic Pro X para la produccin de msica electrnica" |
"Aqu te presento mi curso de Logic Pro X.El curso est orientado para aquellos que quieren dominar el DAW de apple, uno de los ms potentes del mercado y el que ms ofrece en relacin calidad precio.El curso lo conforman5 mdulosdonde aprenderemos a configurarlo, dominar la produccin a travs de pistas MIDI y Audio, insertar efectos, conocer trucos y procesos esenciales de produccin y un mdulo completo realizando un track desde 0 para que veas como trabajo en l.Quienes utilizan este secuenciador? Productores tan reconocidos comoArmin Van Buuren, Hardwell, Dannic, Albert Neve, Coyuutilizan a diario este potente DAW para realizar sus xitos.Una formacin donde no me dejo nada y que est orientada para aquellos que no tienen ni idea o que no han conseguido dominarlo por ellos mismos.Preprate para crear tu propia msica en este increble secuenciador!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Make a Katamari Damacy Style Game in Unity" |
"Learn how to make an amazingly fun sticky ball game in Unity!This short course will take you step by step into making an awesome game that you can show off to your friends and family, or publish for others to play!We will:start with a blank Unity project and create a fully working gamecreate your own unique sticky ball, and completely customizable scenes with unique assetswrite our own C# scripts line-by-line to get user input, control our camera and pickup sticky objectsroll onto objects, grow in size and unlock bigger and bigger objects to roll up"
Price: 19.99 |
"5 Argumentos Infalibles sobre el rendimiento de las AFORES" |
"Los asesores comerciales que cualquier AFORE encontraran:Novedosos argumentos comerciales sobre el Rendimiento NetoFuentes de Informacin Fiables y ObjetivasConocimiento compartido en un lenguaje de fcil aprendizaje, pues el objetivo es que los clientes comprendan la informacinEjercicios bsicos y valiosos para que domines clculos financieros en beneficio de tus negociacionesEl curso presenta una serie de videos e recursos adicionales que te llevan de la mano desde un conocimiento bsico hasta convertirte en un asesor con excelente conocimiento del tema, con argumentos comerciales efectivos y con herramientas de apoyo para explicar o debatir respecto al rendimiento netoSeguro aumentas tus tratos, tus ventas, tus ingresos"
Price: 1920.00 |
"Curso Completo de Finanzas Personales para No Expertos" |
"Ms de 3700 alumnos de todo Latinoamrica ya participaron de esta charla! Imperdible!Te enseamos de una forma simple un plan de largo plazo para manejar tus ingresos, gastos, deudas y todo lo relacionado a las finanzas personales para no expertos! Es ideal para todos aquellos que quizs no tienen bien definido qu hacer con su dinero cada vez que cobran, o sino para aquellas personas que siempre gastan de ms con su tarjeta de crdito (y que tienen muchas deudas).Para que te empiece a rendir el dinero y tengas un ao con unas finanzas en crecimiento continuo!!* No importa tu edad, tu nivel de ingresos o a que te dediques. * No te pierdas esta oportunidad para mejorar mucho ms en el manejo de tu dinero y tu economa personal!Cientos de personas ya participaron del curso (ms de 5 aos brindando los seminarios), con RESULTADOS CONCRETOS.TEMARIO DEL CURSOPARTE 1. CONTENIDO TEORICO: A) INTRODUCCION: Conceptos y aclaraciones basicas sobre Finanzas Personales. Principales interrogantes sobre las Finanzas. B) DESARROLLO: CashFlow: Estructura General y Conceptos Basicos. Estado de Resultados y Balance. Flujo de dinero de las Personas. Diferencias entre los distintos tipos de Ingresos. Objetivo de largo plazo en Finanzas Personales. Gastos: Decisiones Emocionales vs. Racionales. Como funciona el cerebro de los consumidores a diferencia de los inversores? Pasivos y Gastos Futuros: Definicion de objetivos concretos. Tips para Deudores. Metodo de Administracion y Creacion de Capital. Ahorro: Funcionamiento, sugerencias y ejemplos. Impacto financiero del ahorro (Total/Excedente). Negocios e Inversiones: Diferencias. Inversiones: Tipos, impacto financiero. Educacion por areas para la evolucion financiera continua. Periodicidad en el Armado del CashFlow. Objetivo mensual (mes a mes), en Finanzas Personales. Procedimiento para gestionar y atesorar el dinero en forma diaria. C) CONCLUSIONES: El impacto del dinero en la felicidad de las personas. Similitudes o Puntos en Comun de la gente millonaria. Respuestas a los interrogantes planteados al inicio."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Finanzas Personales: EJERCICIOS PRCTICOS" |
"Ms de 700 alumnos de todo Latinoamrica ya participaron de este curso! Imperdible!Te enseamos, a partir de 2 casos prcticos, cmo armar tu cashflow completo (incluido el cuadrante de Gastos Futuros).Es ideal para todos aquellos que quizs no tienen bien definido qu hacer con su dinero cada vez que cobran, o sino para aquellas personas que siempre gastan de ms con su tarjeta de crdito (y que tienen muchas deudas).Para que te empiece a rendir el dinero y tengas un ao con unas finanzas en crecimiento continuo!!* No importa tu edad, tu nivel de ingresos o a que te dediques.* No te pierdas esta oportunidad para mejorar mucho ms en el manejo de tu dinero y tu economa personal!Cientos de personas ya participaron del curso (ms de 5 aos brindando los seminarios), con RESULTADOS CONCRETOS."
Price: 19.99 |
"Overcoming Daddy Issues" |
"How to move on from not having your father in your life & end negative impacts. Being able to release this gives you mental and emotional closure that enables you to be at peace. You will be able to continue your life in a more positive manner and start tackling whatever your real self wants to. Imagine your perfect life & begin to make it happen. Imagine your perfect relationship and start going for partners that fit that vision. It all starts with the mind."
Price: 29.99 |
"Estado del arte" |
"En el presente se abordar la construccin de un estado del arte. partiendo de los fundamentos, pasando por la recopilacin de la informacin y el anlisis de los documentos y finalizando en la escritura del mismo; al finalizar la seccin encontrars un documento escrito como inicial y otro documento pulido ya convertido en artculo, asunto que le ayudar en su propio proceso de escritura.Se asume el estado del arte como una bsqueda de la produccin investigativa, terica o metodolgica, donde emerge la posibilidad de articular las conceptualizaciones, discursos y prcticas, as como indagar por la dinmica y lgica de dicha produccin (Barbosa Chacn, Rodrguez Villabona & Barbosa Herrera , 2013, pg. 90), se proponen unos protocolos de bsqueda de la informacin y revisin de fuentes bibliogrficas; para ello se siguen las sugerencias de Caro Gutirrez, Rodrguez Ros, Calero, Fernndez y Piattini (2005)Por tanto, el presente curso le ayudar en la construccin del E.A que es un insumo inexcusable de los procesos investigativos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Learn How to Design Electronics for Computer Systems" |
"At the end of the course, students will be able to:Analyze RC, RL and RLC circuits using time and frequency domain methods (including Laplace). Design circuits with diodes, MOSFETs and bipolar transistors, including open drain and open collector circuits. Design TTL and CMOS logic circuits, CMOS-TTL interface. Understand electrical characteristics of sensors and design sensor conditioning circuits using operational amplifiers. Design simple A/D and D/A converters. Understand advanced VLSICMOS circuit design, storage elements (latches and flip-flops), clocking and timing."
Price: 99.99 |
"Create Professional Web Banners; taught simply in Photoshop" |
"With over 2.4 billion people using smartphones on Android or iOS-- there are more people online now than ever before; Facebook alone has over 500 million using their platform alone.The potential to reach more people greater now with your message; whether it's for business, charity, a cause that you love or a family member who needs help-- you can reach so much people especially with unique-looking, DIY, banner. Whether it's B2B or B2C, this is drastically improve yourself or your business's position in the marketplace. Let me share my graphic design secrets with you.The job of a graphic designer/artist is not merely to make something beautiful, but to truly make something unique-looking. Something that stands out from the crowd. Adesign will normally attract a few people, but a unique, bold, colorful yet simple design will not only attract a crowd but loyal consumers. A Unique Perspective.Ihave over 10+ years as a mixed media artist, Ihave work with publications such as DIWA newsletter as their head layout artist and with companies that are in, what you might call boring fields i.e. Law, Human Rights,NGO, NPO, Charity, Anti-Human Traffickingm etc. It has been my pleasure, to turn their companies into ""human"" instead of feeling, very ""corporate.""How is this course different?There are lots of great courses on banner ads. Shame they never really go much further than a simple text, some colors and normal-looking design. They upload it on the web, or on mobile hoping that it'll receive traction not understanding there's a direct marketing element involved..In this course, Ifocus on helping you master the techniques that you will need to create your own unique, eye-catching and ever so colorfully conservative. Helping you understand that there is a flow that must be instilled. As this course grows with more students enrolling; new topics, case studies and walkthroughs will be introduced. All taught in simple, non-technical and easy to follow language.Who will benefit?Who will benefit? Well, freelancers, entrepreneurs, start-ups, small business owners even people who just want to expand their skill-set and earning capacity. And so will any person responsible for their company's marketing; wanting to improve their skills and their conceptualization of promotions. And remember, this is a Udemy course, you have the security of a no-quarrel, 100% money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose, so join me right now and see for yourself the creative and fascinating journey."
Price: 44.99 |
"Photo Manipulation Made Easy" |
"Do you want to learn how to create stunning artworks in Photoshop? Then you came to the right place!In this course, I will show you the complete process of becoming great in Photoshop, especially Photomanipulation. Whether you are new to graphic design or a young artist, this course will change the way you create photomanipulations.Let me share my graphic design secrets with you.Photomanipulation can make you not only creative, marketable but increase your income. Agood graphic work can do a whole lot better, but a world-class graphic design can make you a leader in the industry. I'm going to show you, step-by-step.You will master tips & tricks that Iuse for perspective or compositing, including secrets to coloring, blending and shading multiple images and making them feel as if one.A unique insiders viewI am a self-taught mixed media artist. Ihave multiple backgrounds in multiple fields i.e. journalism, video production, audio engineering, layouts, brochures, etc. Ihave worked mostly with firms or corporations; and Iturn their graphics into friendly, approachable and ""human"" designs.How is this coursedifferent?There are lots of great courses on graphic design. Shame, they make things so long. I'm not like that. Ilike my lessons; simple, to-the-point and step-by-step. But it doesn't mean just because Ilike it simple that, Iwon't answer a complicated question. If you have them, just ask. I'm here 24/7 (or as my work allows me to)Wholl benefit?Who will benefit? Well, students, teachers, young professionals and most especially those who do not want to learn this in 3+ years (that's how long it took me)."
Price: 34.99 |
"How to Change & Fix ANY Color in Photoshop" |
"Have you always want to learn how to change the color of anything?Ever wanted to turn blue eyes into green eyes?Change hair color. Blend multiple color complexities into a harmonious artwork?Don't know where to start, and everything that you've researched, seems to be so full of nonsense, Iremember that feeling!In this course, Ill teach you how to practically apply color theory concepts to your digital art whether that be drawings or photography, so that you can stop being afraid of color and start using it to elevate your talents as an artist.Color can be scary, color harmony is just horrifying. When I was just a beginner, I struggled trying to find the perfect balance, the tutorials that Istudied were ultimately disappointing. All theory, actual application. Ihated it. If you know this feeling; then this course is for you!In addition real-time, step-by-step video lessons, youll also get:All Assets that will be used in the video seriesActual Live examples from my pro work as an environment artist.Challenge series to help you master each technique, that'll make you go from beginner to professionalAlthough Photoshop is used throughout this course, the techniques that Ishowed you applies to every single digital medium ranging from artworks, publications, banners, VFX, movie & video production and more.So if you're ready to learn, join us as Iteach you step-by-step with no puff, no nonsense, straight, direct, to-the-point... I'll see you inside."
Price: 19.99 |
"Values based decision-making" |
"Learn how to make great decisions, fast. This 1hr course will show you how to use values and goals as guiding principles. This method can make you a hero at work, and youll able to enjoy more in your personal life because it will have direction and meaning.Our decisions build on themselves to create our work and personal life, so even small choices can lead to big significance. This course will get you set up to make great decisions in 3 areas. If you work for a company, you'll be able to find their values and quarterly goals, plus know how to use them as your guiding principles. Then youll learn to create your own set of decision-making principles for if you have your own business, getting everyone working in the same direction. The same concept will then be applied to your personal life so you can make choices that will bring meaning and purpose to your world. You'll get the tools to make great decisions fast, and set up a life you love."
Price: 19.99 |
"Break free: 5 steps to break out of your comfort zone" |
"Our comfort zone will become a danger zone. Find out why, and how to break free by using 5 simple steps to make the leap easier. You'll learn to take control of your thoughts, build resilience, manage change, minimize risk, and then have the confidence to go for it. Lectures also come with mindset strategies from great thought leaders on the subject, so you can take your learning to a deeper level."
Price: 19.99 |
"Career 2.0: Find work that inspires you" |
"Work, work, work, work, work, live, work work, work, repeat.Need off the hamster wheel?Hopefully youre enjoying your career. But, if youre feeling like there must be a better way, I made this course for you. A couple years ago I gave my career a kick in the butt. After the shakes subsided, I realized I had entered a whole new way of life. Im absolutely loving it and I want that joy for you too. We'll use the design thinking method to help you figure out what's next."
Price: 19.99 |
"Fast Track to Earned Value Management - Earn 2.5 PDUs" |
"The course Fast Track to Earned Value Management, introduces the participants to the basics of the Art of Earned Value Management applied on Projects. It provides the participants with the basic terminology used in Earned Value Management and defines the different parameters and formulas.The Fast Track concept focuses on the main principles of earned value, introduces the concepts and calculations that will help you to understand the basics and will help you understand what EVMis and how it can improve your projects.Project Management has become a need for any company to survive in these fast changing times. Successful projects drive companies and determine their success over other companies and Earned Value Management has become an important element in project success evaluation and decision making.This course follows the PMI standards and terminology based on the PMBOK6th Edition and is a perfect first step in acquiring more knowledge in project management for people who are new in the topic and for people with experience, it is an interesting way to review the basics and earn PDUs.When you claim PDUs or use the course to specify your formal training you can use the following information to complete the application related to the talent triangle:Provider:De Ceuster Academy @APraCom, s.r.o.Technical: 2Strategic &Business: 0.25Leadership: 0.25ContentIntroduction, How to use the Course, Content and Learning OutcomesProject Follow Up and Earned ValueThe Earned Value ApproachPractical Use of Earned Value ParametersReview and Final TestLearning OutcomesAt the end of the course, the participants will be able to:Define and Calculate the EVMparameters Planned Value (PV), Earned Value (EV) and Actual Cost (AC)Report the project schedule and cost position using the EVMparametersCalculate the Schedule and Cost Variances and Indices and the Cost Schedule IndexDetermine the status of the project using different parametersEstimate the Cost at Completion, and Variance at Completion using different approaches and formulasIdentify the problem using Schedule VarianceApply the Formulas on a Case Project"
Price: 159.99 |
"Fast Track to Project Success - Earn 3 PDUs" |
"The course Fast Track to Project Success, introduces the participants to the basics of the Art of Project Management. It provides the participants with an introduction to the basic vocabulary, definitions and terms and terminology.The Fast Track concept focuses on the main principles of project management, introduces the concepts and calculations that will help you to understand the basics of project management. At the end of the course the participants will better understand project basics.Project Management has become a need for any company to survive in these fast changing times. Successful projects drive companies and determine their success over other companies.This course follows the PMI standards and terminology based on the PMBOK6th Edition and is a perfect first step in acquiring more knowledge in project management for people who are new in the topic and for people with experience, it is an interesting way to review the basics and earn PDUs.When you claim PDUs or use the course to specify your formal training you can use the following information to complete the application related to the talent triangle:Provider:De Ceuster Academy @APraCom, s.r.o.Technical: 2Strategic &Business: 0.5Leadership: 0.5ContentIntroduction, How to use the Course, Content and Learning OutcomesA Short History of Project ManagementProjects and Strategy, Business Case and ROIThe Project Management ProcessTechniques Used in Project ManagementDifferent Project Management EnvironmentsReview and Final TestLearning OutcomesAt the end of the course, the participants will be able to:define a project according to the PMIexplain the differences between project, programs and processesidentify the Return on Investment policyapply the tools on projectsdifferentiate between waterfall and agile"
Price: 159.99 |
"PMP EXAM PREP FULL TRAINING && 7 hours of Quizzes" |
"Welcome to our Project Management Professional PMP - 35 Contact Hours full course collection. Now that you have enrolled in this course the following suite of courses will help prepare you become a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). These courses teach the principles, techniques, and tools needed to successfully prepare for and pass the certification exam. Whether you are looking to pass the CAPM, the PMP, or already experienced project manager, you are also eligible to submit any and all of your well-earned contact hours required to earn and maintain your project management certification with the Project Management Institute.The sections and lectures listed align with PMI's A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMBOK Guide - Sixth Edition. Knowledge areas and are displayed by the 10 knowledge areas and topic order. These courses can be taken in any order, as a review of a concept or knowledge area. However, if you are just becoming familiar with project management and the Project Management Institute, it is recommended that you view the courses sequentially. To meet the PMP requirements you must complete ALL the courses. With this course completion:You will learn the skills you need to be an effective project managerGain the full knowledge necessary to pass the CAPM and/or PMP certification exam.Register your hours spent in studying to PMI as 35 contact hours to meet PMI requirement to take the PMP examYou will be eligible to print your Certification of Completion for submission to PMI.PMP and CAPM are registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.Who is the target audience?Existing project managers wishing to get certified in recognition of their skills and experience, or others who wish to train to become accredited project managers.New managers interested in understanding the key project management concepts to improve their skills and professional credibilityProfessionals in the Project Management space who desire to learn the content necessary to become a PMI certified PMP credential holderDo NOT take this course if you are looking to fulfill PDU requirements (This is applicable only after you pass PMP exam)."
Price: 34.99 |
"Meditation: Learn How to Manifest your Intentions" |
"Did you know that just 10 minutes of meditation a day will give you more energy and focus, increase your self-awareness, and add more joy to your life? By putting aside just a few minutes to meditate daily, you'll become receptive to the wisdom of your spirit. And it's actually from this place of deep calm that you can focus on realizing your most important life goals and intentions--and create your heart's desire.Learn How to Meditate DailyIn this unique 7-week course, you'll learn how to begin your own meditation practice--and your daily practice will nurture your ability to create through deep inner-listening. You'll receive step-by-step instructions on how to get going, so you can start with a simple practice in just 10 minutes a day. Over the course of the 7 weeks, you'll receive the positive benefits of meditation practice that include more energy, focus, and overall happiness.Find Your Inner CalmCultivating a calm inner state is instrumental to realizing your deepest goals and intentions. By starting your day grounded and centered, you'll experience more balance and flow throughout your day and into each evening. The practice of meditation helps you raise your energy and self-awareness. By expanding your consciousness, you create a clear, inner space that allows you to move towards the center of your creations.Receive Clarity of VisionIt's from this place of grounded awareness that you'll really focus on what's most important to you. Through guided meditations designed to help you relax and center, you'll have an opportunity to hone in and refine your inner vision. You'll also get to experience meditation coaching; the combination of meditation and life coaching, to help you receive further insight and clarity. These practices include topics for contemplation with action steps to move you forward on your life path.Develop Your IntuitionOne of the key aspects of learning meditation is developing your intuition. The practice of inner-stillness connects you to your higher-self. You could call this your soul, your inherent wisdom--or even your true self. When you learn how to quiet your mind and balance your body, you become receptive to intuitive insights that guide you readily on your path. This may include subtle impressions, visions, and guidance that you receive from your higher self.Tap into Your Gifts, Purpose & PassionWhen you set your life intention, it also sets your intuition in motion. Meditation cultivates inner listening and receptivity. Your ability to trust and follow your own inherent guidance will accelerate you towards creating your true intentions. This experience of being open to your deeper wisdom is vital to helping you discover your own gifts, innate passions, and life purpose. You may even experience synchronicities and unexpected miracles that will affirm you along the way.Anyone Can Learn How to MeditateEach session will provide you with guided meditations that include new techniques to help you develop your own practice. This multi-media course includes written content, guided videos and audio meditation practices--and is appropriate for all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners.In this course you will:Learn the essentials of meditation and how to get started in a daily practiceDiscover how meditation helps you manifest your true desires and intentionsReceive inspiration and intuition for your personal visionDevelop clarity for your true life intentions and personal goalsLearn different practices that will help you raise your energyReceive homework lessons each week to help you integrate your practices and help you progress in your personal goalsRealize Your Deepest IntentionsEach week is designed to take you on a journey of exploration to help you cultivate and deepen your personal practice, as well as clarify your goals and intentions.Week 1- Create Sacred Space with Daily PracticeWeek 2- Receive Inspiration for Your Life IntentionWeek 3- Joyfully Develop Your Personal VisionWeek 4- Create Your Desire through Self-LoveWeek 5- Find True Freedom through ForgivenessWeek 6- Take Inspired ActionWeek 7- Surrendering to True SelfHow Does It Work?Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every week for 7 weeks (total of 7 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it."
Price: 24.99 |