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"Learn English Grammar: Elementary Level"
"Are you learning English? Do you need help with basic grammar?This course will cover all elementary-level grammar topics (A1 and half of A2) in English. Your course instructor is a qualified and experienced English teacher, and he will take you through all of the grammar topics one-by-one. You will watch videos explaining all of the grammar structures in complete detail. You will also do a lot of exercises, and then you will watch your instructor explain what the correct answers are and why. At the end, you will do a 50-question final exam, and again your instructor will explain to you what the correct answers are. And if you ever have a question for your instructor, there is a Question and Answer Forum where you can ask any questions you have.If you want to improve your elementary English grammar, don't miss this opportunity! Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Ballonmodellieren fr Beginner - MeineZauberschule"
"Du willst der Held des nchsten (Kinder-)Festes sein, als Erzieher ein neues Ausdrucksmittel lernen oder Dir sogar ein nebenberufliches Zusatzeinkommen aufbauen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.Ich bin Uwe von Grafenstein und seit fast 30 Jahren Zauberknstler und Ballon-Knstler. Ich habe an manchen Tagen mehr als 400 Ballons modelliert und sogar meine eigene Zaubershow im deutschen Fernsehen gehabt. In meinem neuen Kurs zeige ich Dir, wie Du Herzen hher schlagen und die Welt ein bisschen bunter machen kannst.Du kannst den Kurs BALLONMODELLIEREN FR BEGINNER von MeineZauberschule sofort und ohne Vorwissen starten. Du bentigst lediglich die entsprechenden Ballons und eine Pumpe. Wo Du beides bekommst, erklre ich Dir ganz genau im Kurs.Nach dem Kurs bist Du vollstndig in der Lage, mehr als 16 verschiedene Ballonfiguren zu modellieren. Du weit genau, welche Materialien Du dafr bentigst, wo Du diese kaufen und wie Du mit den Ballons witzige Tricks und Gags vorfhren kannst. So wirst Du der Held des nchsten Familien-/Kindergarten-/Schul- oder Sommerfestes. Du kannst Dir damit wie gesagt sogar ein nebenberufliches Zusatzeinkommen aufbauen. Ich zeige Dir alles Schritt fr Schritt und vor allem mit viel Spa!Bis gleich im Kurs, Dein Uwe"
Price: 24.99

"Gewohnheiten: Optimiere dich selbst durch Gewohnheiten"
"Du mchtest endlich Deine Tage optimieren und starke Gewohnheiten aufbauen? Dann bist Du in diesem Kurs genau richtig! Du lernst, was Dich bisher dazu verleitet hat schlechte Gewohnheiten aufzubauen und beizubehalten und wie Du das endlich ndern kannst! Die richtigen Gewohnheiten bringen Dich schneller an Deine Ziele und helfen Dir dabei Dich selber zu optimieren. Schritt fr Schritt erklren wir Dir wie Gewohnheiten entstehen und welche Tipps und Tricks Du anwenden kannst um die richtigen Gewohnheiten aufzubauen. Zustzlich erfhrst du was die Must-Have Gewohnheiten von erfolgreichen Personen sind und wie auch DU sie implementieren kannst. Und zwar so, dass du tatschlich dranbleibst!"
Price: 199.99

"Medium Blogging Masterclass: Blogging on Medium successfully"
"Have you always wanted to start your own profitable online blog?!Do you want to succeed on the biggest online blogging platform and a huge audience in a short period of time?!If yes, then now is the best time to start!Medium enables you to start blogging by only setting up a basic profile within a couple of minutes. This is an A-Z complete Masterclass on how to successfully start blogging on Medium, grow your audience and make an additional income. After introducing you to the basics of Medium I will share my top tips on how I achieved it to become a Top Writer on Medium in my first 3 weeks. Besides of how to become a Top Writer you will also get all the knowledge that I used to make my first $$$ through blogging on Medium, without any previous blogging knowledge!----The course is structured into 12 Core Topics in which you will get to know everything that you need to succeed.1. Introduction and my Proof of Expertise 2. Reasons to start Blogging 3. Medium Basics 4. Publishing killer Stories on Medium 5. Medium Open Paywall6. Growing your Medium Account 7. Medium Publications8. Medium Series 9. Blogging Tools10. A-Z Blogging Tips 11. How to use TRELLO for optimizing your Blogging Process12. How to start your own Blog with WORDPRESS---This course provides you with all the knowledge that you need to instantly start blogging and earning an additional income. The only thing that you need to start this course and succeed is the will to develop yourself and start something new. I managed to make it as a Top Writer and earn an additional income without having any previous blogging skills and you can do that as well! Let me introduce you to Medium and the easiest way to succeed through blogging - LET'S GET STARTED.ENROLL NOW and get additional access:to all Medium Slides of this courseto the Medium Masterclass PDF, consisting of:a daily Medium checklist a list of top Medium Publications top Facebook Blogging Groups to promote your blog postsa Medium tracking Spreadsheetand much more!"
Price: 199.99

"Productivity: The best productivity hacks"
"In this course you will learn the key elements of productivity and how to get more done. I will teach you hacks that you can instantly try out and immediatly increase your productivity.All you need is the right amount of motivation to get started and make the most of your life. You will learn about various time management tricks, how to create habits that lead you towards your goals, tips on reflecting and meditation that will make it easier to become more productive and much more. Enroll NOW and let me help you to reach your goals!"
Price: 199.99

"Productivity: Increase productivity through time management"
"Do you know this moments when you feel like working for hours but there is simply no outcome? Everyone has the same amount of 168 hours per week. If you want to become more productive and reach your goals you have to know how to use those hours wisely. We have tried so many tips and tricks on time management and want to share the most powerful hacks with you.In this course you will learn to use your time wisely and increase your overall productivity in an enormous way. Productivity is not about working hard and a lot but about working smart! In this course you will find out the smartest way to increase your own capabilities. You will learn how to manage your energy, including sleep hacks and you will learn how to make use of your environment in the best way. Connecting with likeminded people can hugely effect our performance and will also be taught in this course. ENROLL NOW and become your best version by increasing your own abilities and performance!"
Price: 199.99

"Personal Improvement: The best hacks to improve yourself"
"Did you ever feel like you need some tips and tricks on how to increase and improve your performance and get more done?You will get those tips in this course! You will learn some of the best hacks to improve yourself and become your best version through using your time and energy wisely. Why you should enroll for this course?Because you will learn from a coach who has a lot of experience in the field of personal development and found out the best ways to improving. I made almost all mistakes that are possible and found out what really works out when you want to become your best version!ENROLL NOW and don't miss the chance to improve yourself!"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Personal Education: Personal Education for Success"
"Have you always wanted to educate yourself to be more successful but felt like you are lacking time and resources?This course will teach you everything that you need to know to finally succeed in your personal development! Educating yourself to be more successful can be so easy. You just have to be aware of the right ticks, tips and tools!We will show you how you can improve yourself every day and become the best version of yourself. You will get various insights into the methods that we selected and which work best for us.-----Success is a matter of choice and we believe that everyone can achieve more. If YOU want to reach your full potential and get all the success that you can then THIS COURSE is just right for you. -----If you want to achieve more than average, if you are striving for high success and productivity enroll now and let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Goals Masterclass: Success and Achieving all your Goals"
"''Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals.''Welcome to the Ultimate Goals Masterclass! This course is a whole A-Z Guide on how to:find set and achieve all your Goals. In this course, you will learn everything that you need to know to kickstart your life and finally reach your whole potential.Transform your Life by finding, setting and achieving your Life GoalsThis course is structured into 10 main sections: Understanding the importance of GoalsProperly setting your GoalsActively achieving all your GoalsUnderstanding the most common mistakes and avoiding them Setting up your Life for SuccessTaking ACTIONGetting Inspiration Increasing your Productivity to reach all your GoalsOptimizing your Daily Life for ultimate SuccessMastering personal education and becoming YOUR best version''Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor.''The importance of goal setting and achieving your goals is proved in many studies around the world. Setting the right goals and setting up your whole life to achieve your goals is what the most successful people on this planet all have in common. You will learn everything that you need to know in this Ultimate 7-hour Goals Masterclass. This course is packed with +100 short videos so that you can learn the most and instantly apply your learnings into your own life. Are you ready to transform your life and reach all your goals?We are ready to help you make the most out of your life! ------We offer you a 30-day money back guarantee - so you have nothing to lose.If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.ENROLL NOW - and start transforming your life, let's meet in the first video of this course and start making the most of your life. Sinem &Philip - your instructors"
Price: 199.99

"Bloggen auf Medium: A-Z Guide fr deinen Blog auf Medium"
"Hast du Lust deinen eigenen Blog zu starten?Eine treue Leserschaft aufzubauen und fr deine Artikel bezahlt zu werden?Oder bloggst du bereits erfolgreich und willst deine Artikel fr noch mehr Menschen zugnglich machen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich!***Dieser Medium Blogger Kurs ist die kompakteste Mglichkeit um in krzester Zeit das relevante Wissen ber Medium zu erhalten und durchzustarten. ***In diesem Kurs lernst du alles um auf Medium erfolgreich durchzustarten, eine groe Audience aufzubauen und monatlich fr deine Beitrge bezahlt zu werden.Ich zeige dir alle Tipps und Tricks die ich angewendet habe um:in 3 Monaten ber 1.000 Follower zu bekommenein Top Autor in mehreren Kategorien zu werden fr die grten Publikationen auf Medium zu schreiben und ein monatliches passives Einkommen aufzubauen** Auf Medium bloggen und Geld verdienen **Folgende Themen gehen wir im Kurs durch:Was ist Medium berhaupt?Was sind die Vorteile davon auf Medium zu bloggen und wieso kann ich es dir empfehlen?Medium Grundlagen verstehen und dein Profil sowie deine erste Story erstellenErlerne die Grundlagen: Erstelle deine erste Story und bekomme einen berblick ber das Analysetool und Publikationen. Geld verdienen mit der Medium Open PaywallWie und warum kann man auf Medium berhaupt Geld verdienen?Und wie funktioniert die Auszahlung?Eine groe Audience aufbauen Nutze tglich die Medium Power Hour um deine Audience zu vergrern, ein Top Autor zu werden und ein immer greres passives Einkommen aufzubauen. Blogging Tools, die dir das (Blogger-)Leben erleichternMeine top Geheimnisse um deinen Account und deine Artikel von der Masse hervorzuheben.Atemberaubende Stories erstellenDesigne Artikel die sofort herausstechen und angeklickt werden.Die Macht von Publikationen nutzenWerde Teil von den grten Publikationen auf Medium und nutze ihre riesige bestehende Leserschaft.Checklisten und zustzliche MaterialienNutze meine Checklisten und Zusatzmaterialien um in krzester Zeit erfolgreich auf Medium zu sein.Bloggen auf Medium: A-Z Guide fr deinen Blog auf MediumDieser Kurs ist ein kompletter Guide um endlich deinen Blog auf Medium zu starten und dir ein zustzliches Einkommen aufzubauen. Viele bekannte Blogger und vor allem Unternehmen verwenden heutzutage Medium um ihren Content fr eine noch grere Masse zugnglich zu machen, worauf wartest du noch?Ich habe mein gesamtes Wissen ber Medium in kompaktester Form in diesem Kurs zusammengefasst damit auch du auf dem schnellsten Weg erfolgreicher Medium-Blogger wirst.Schreibe dich jetzt ein und starte deinen Blog auf Medium!In diesem Kurs lernst du alles was du ber Medium wissen musst um sofort loszulegen und durchzustarten. Du lernst wie du ohne jegliche Vorkenntnisse tolle Beitrge verfasst, die aus der Masse herausstechen. Du lernst wie du dich selber auf Medium als Experte positionieren und deine Personal Brand verstrken kannst. Du hast eine 30-Tage Geld zurck Garantie und somit nichts zu verlieren. Also schreibe dich jetzt ein und lass uns gemeinsam durchstarten! Wir sehen uns im Kurs!Sinem"
Price: 199.99

"Administre o tempo e seja mais produtivo"
"O tempo o mesmo para todos. A diferena est no modo como cada um aproveita sua poro, afinal, uns produzem muito e outros to pouco no mesmo espao de tempo.Este curso vai trazer ferramentas e conhecimentos para voc administrar melhor sua poro de tempo e ficar mais perto dos seus objetivos.Neste curso voc vai ver coisas como:Aprender outra noo de tempoPor qu importante administr-lo melhorComo utilizar um cronogramaAdministrar a memria para poupar tempoDesviar de ""sugadores de tempo""Elementos necessrios para administrar melhor o tempoA influncia de aparelhos eletrnicos na administrao do tempo"
Price: 39.99

"Curso CPC para Escrevente TJ-SP: 60 Artigos ESQUEMATIZADOS!"
"Voc precisa de um contedo RPIDO e ORGANIZADO para estudar o CPC?Acredito que voc acaba de encontrar.Veja o que voc vai encontrar neste curso:60 Artigos (Visualize quais so na grade do curso)Esquematizados com mapas mentaisNenhum artigo foi desprezadoAplicao da regra 80/20Possibilidade de impresso de todos os esquemas apresentados (vedada divulgao para no inscritos no curso)Auxlio: tire suas dvidas sobre o contedoTodo contedo em 1h40minSe voc no vai prestar o concurso, mas est estudando a matria, esse curso para voc tambm."
Price: 39.99

"Carreira Certificao CISCO CCNA Simulados PT-br + BRINDES"
"-->>>> # BRINDES # LEIA OQUE VOC RECEBE GRTIS _________#### # LEIA # ####_________ A lgica simples, h um banco com mais de 500 questes atualizadas regularmente em cada verso da prova ( ICND1 & ICND2 CCNA), as provas do-se sempre em um numero dentre 50 a 65 questes cada. O aluno que se preparou para as 500 questes certamente atingir a excelncia em qualquer sorteio de questes, prepare-se estimulando seu crebro a fazer inmeras questes dirias, facilmente, pois com as perguntas em portugus e com a agilidade do aplicativo Smartphone ou Web da Udemy voc ser capaz muito mais rpido!!Os Simulados do curso ""Carreira Certificao Cisco CCNA"" buscam atualiza-se a cada verso da prova para deixar o aluno o mais prximo darealidade da prova atual Venha praticar e chegue preparado para a prova - questes atualizadas fazem a diferena # BRINDES # ########################################################################################GRTIS# # CURSO COMPLETO CISCO ACADEMY_BR COM 4 MDULOSGRTIS# # CURSO COMPLETO CISCO CCNA VOICEGRTIS# # CURSO COMPLETO CISCO FIREWALL ASAGRTIS# # CURSO COMPLETO CLI CISCO - Linha de Comando de Switches CISCOGRTIS# # CURSO COMPLETO CISCO ICND1 em Vdeos (4 CURSOS COMPLETOS )GRTIS# # CURSO COMPLETO CISCO ICND2 em Videos GRTIS# # AULAS DE LAB COMPLETAS COM INSTALADORES + VDEOS + ARQUIVOS DE IMPORTAO PARA CENRIOS GNS3 E PCKTT# NO TOTAL MAIS DE 117 VDEOS DE AULAS / LABS - sim, 117 Vdeos !!! 15GBGRTIS# # Assine o curso e tenha acesso ao BOX com tudo oque voc precisa para sua carreira na cisco, entre eles: GRTIS# # Simuladores com arquivos de provas completos para pratica da prova real # Vdeos de treinamentos completos de CCNA, de diversas fontes pagas reunidas pela vida de professor GRTIS# # Arquivos IOS - SO dos Switch para o GNS 3 para voc treinar no EXATAMENTE como um Switch na vida real -c1200 -c1700 -c2500 -c2960 -c2600 -c3725 -c3825 arquivoc .BIN e .TAR# Resumos por tpicos de alunos e de professores facilitando o aprendizado durante os vdeosGRTIS# # Mapas mentais para todo o contedo em uma nica imagem facilitando a absoro e gravao# Guides de principais comando CISCO para virar pr.# Blueprints das provas# Links de sites de treinamentos com voucher para entrada########################################################################################"
Price: 19.99

"Aplicaciones web en tiempo real con SignalR Core"
"Seguramente te has preguntado alguna vez como se construyen las aplicaciones web en tiempo real y te has lanzado como loco a buscar por internet donde te has encontrado con un montn de tecnologas y no has sabido por donde empezar Verdad?Pues has dado con el curso adecuado. A lo largo de este curso aprenders a desarrollar aplicaciones en tiempo real utilizando las tcnicas ms conocidas para poder crear aplicaciones web en tiempo real: Polling, LongPolling, Server Sent Events y WebSockets. Adems, aprenderemos a trabajar con SignalR Core, un framework desarollado por Microsoft que simplifica la adicin de funcionalidades web en tiempo real a nuestras aplicaciones. y nos abstrae de los detalles a bajo nivel. Te he preparado una serie de vdeos para explicarte paso a paso todos los conceptos bsicos y una gran cantidad de ejemplos que te guiarn hasta dominar por completo este framework y sus bases. Todo el cdigo fuente del curso lo tienes disponible en mi repositorio de GitHub.Si quieres aprender a desarrollar aplicaciones web en tiempo real utilizando una de las libreras ms populares y cotizadas, este curso es para ti."
Price: 19.99

"The Foundations of Arabic Language for English Speakers"
"This course is for beginners who wish to start learning Arabic. The course aim is to provide you with the proper foundations you must acquire in order to learn Arabic.The course will take you through all the Arabic letters one by one. How to read the letters depending on the designated movements. While going through the letters, you will learn how to write all the letters depending where is their positions in the word. You will see me write each letter and each example on the screen in front of you. We will write words and analyze them letter by letter while pronouncing them until we read the word.At the end of the course you will be able to read, write words. be able to analyze them letter by letter. in which will be the foundation to start the next course in that you can read, write and construct sentences and start basic grammar.I advice you to follow the course in order, As I am introducing new things during the lessons and building the information slowly from lecture to lecture. There could me more into the lecture than the title of the topic.The course is easy and is not using complex lingual rules or words. I tried to give you what do you need to set the foundation without wasting your time in unnecessary theory.I hope you will enjoy the courese"
Price: 19.99

"Autodesk Revit - beginner to an intermediate level"
"Throughout this course I will be using the 2018 metric version in conjunction with the UK component library. If you are using the Imperial version and / or a different regional library, dont worry. All the steps and process will be the same.As with BIM you work solely on one single project, so I have constructed this course in the same manner. We will be modelling one single project throughout the course. If you do not have previous experience with Revit or any CAD based software, dont worry. I will start off from the beginning building you up to be more than capable at creating your own Revit models.The course will start off with the basics; from the terminology which Revit uses to the tools and interface.We will then begin to build on our project, introducing a new tool and feature as we progress. Adding in the datum elements; such as the levels and grids. Structural components; such as the Structural and Architectural columnsMajor and Minor Components like the; walls, windows, doors, floors, stairs, ceilings, curtain walls and roofs. We will then take it to the next level and learn how to create 2D details, how to tag the components, create schedules & legends, creating render images and video walk-throughs.Finally we will set up our sheets and send it to print. Along side the videos I have supplied you with course notes to follow along with as well as some files to work with. When we complete this course you will have the skills and knowledge to take a project from start to finish using the tools and library provided by Autodesk. So lets get started!"
Price: 49.99

"Even experts struggle with how to best present their ideas to an audience.With the unprecedented growth of video content, experts and thought-leaders are increasingly expected to appear on camera despite having no formal training in presenting skills. Whether youre self-shooting, or in a studio, you want your presenting skills to carry the same weight and authority as your expertise, but all too-often the alien nature of filming and speaking under pressure can be our undoing.This can lead to under-performance, negative experiences, and future avoidance of projects which could raise your profile and catapult your career to new heights!But it doesn't have to be this way. Presenting is a skill - not an inborn talent. Armed with these extensively field-tested techniques and in-depth industry knowledge, Presentable will make sure you're never caught short on camera again.This course will teach you how to: Deliver clear, professional, and powerful performances and presentations Tackle & harness stage -fright and nerves Feel comfortable and project confidence on camera Succeed in video & audio interviews (as host or guest!) Understand the power of non-verbal communication and body language for the screen How to harness and bring out the best in your facial expressions Use the correct posture & breathing techniques Work with the camera, line of sight and walking whilst on camera Increase your vocal power, and speak with clarity Tailor your scripts and reports for the screen into a style that suits you Work comfortably with a prompt or Autocue Know what to expect on set & working in television Recover quickly and gracefully from on-screen fluffsYour videos are only as strong as your presence on camera! I'll take you through all the core skills I've honed in my time as a subject-communicator- with over a decade's worth of experience on major networks like Sky and the History Channel.Our Alumni includes presenters on Bloomberg, Nat Geo and The Science Channel! -Join us and own the only presenting course tailored for experts, thought-leaders, subject-communicators and instructors!A New Way of LearningThis course includes self-assessment exercises to track your progressBroken down into 10 categories with manageable sub- topicsBuilt-in exercises & self-testingNot just a filmed seminar or screen-captureTwenty-five tailored video topics, with ten sections & assignmentsCommunicate ideas that create impact. You'll need clarity, confidence, and poise to get your ideas across. To maximize impact, the quality of the medium has to match the quality of the message. Don't let inexperience on camera water down your impact on screen! Learn how the professionals stay on point, and deliver with authority!Learn from an industry expertTaught by an industry professional, with over 15 years of tuition and a decade of professional media experience, Dr Paul Harrison has appeared on major networks, working with industry titans like Sky News, The History Channel, The Science Channel, and Sega. But don't let his experience fool you - he's the first to admit that his early camera appearances were less than dazzling! And having worked consistently at his craft, he's aware of the most common pain points and obstacles to progress.Learn how to harness your camera presence and capitalize on the video marketing explosion.Sign up now to take advantage of the fastest growing marketing medium on the Internet, and learn wherever you want, at your own pace!ZERORISK30-DAYMONEYBACKGUARANTEE - WHYDELAY?SIGNUPTODAY!"
Price: 69.99

"Arduino desde Cero - Primer Mdulo"
"PRIMER MODULOPor favor no se inscriban, ya que he creado material extra de ayuda que solo esta disponible en la plataforma de cursos de Innova Domotics, aca en Udemy no se actualiza el contenido.Por favor no se inscriban, ya que he creado material extra de ayuda que solo esta disponible en la plataforma de cursos de Innova Domotics, aca en Udemy no se actualiza el contenido.El curso indica los conceptos tericos y prcticos acerca de arduino enfatizando al inicio en los principios basicos que permiten desarrollar proyectos ms avanzados. El curso a medida que continua aumenta en su nivel de dificultad ya que va integrando conceptos explicados anteriormente con los nuevos temas explicados. Tambin me preguntan varias  vaces la diferencia entre este curso y el que tengo en mi canal de Youtube de Innova Domotics de Arduino desde Cero y a nivel de vdeos, la informacin es identica, pero aca adems encuentras audios que son respuestas a varias preguntas que me formulan en Youtube y en este curso que no encuentras en Youtube y finalmente cuando te inscribas te llega un mensaje al cual luego de responder te enviare informacin relacionada con las bases de electronica.Los temas totales a indicar sern:- Introduccin del Curso- Placas de Arduino- Configuracin de Pines- Lcd 16x2- Tipos de Variables- Sentencias de Control- Conversin Anloga a Digital- Modulacin de Ancho de Pulso- Servomotores- Ejercicio Integracin:  Sensor MQ2, Servo Motor, RGB- Bonus Bsico - Mdulos - Joystick- Bonus Bsico - Mdulos - Lcd I2CSEGUNDO MODULOEl segundo mdulo del ""Curso de Arduino desde Cero"" son tems del siguiente curso que tambin lo encuentras en Udemy y esta enfocado a explicar los aspectos tcnicos de arduino, orientado al entorno de trabajo.Los temas a tratar  son los siguientes:- Teclado- Display de 7 Segmentos- Mdulo RTC DS1307- Interrupciones- Comunicacin Serial Primera Parte- Comunicacin Serial Segunda Parte- Motores Paso a Paso- Configuracin del Modulo Bluetooth- Introduccin a la Robtica- Carrito Robotico Primera Parte- Carrito Robotico Integracin Bluetooth - Segunda Parte- Carrito Robotico Tercera Parte- Carrito evasor de obstaculos - Ejercicio- Protocolo RS485- Arduino e integrados Avr que no conocas- Arduino Ventajas y Desventajas, enfocado al desarrollo de proyectos.Los materiales que requieres son: PRIMER MODULO1 Arduino Uno1 Cable de Arduino4 Leds de 5mm4 Resistencias de 330 Ohmios o      220 Ohmios a 1/2 Watio4 Resistencias de 5,6 K o 4,7 K      a 1/2 Watio1 Resistencia de 47 K a 1/2      Watio1 Foto Resistencia1 Potenciometro de 5 K4 pulsadores de 6mm - 2 pines1 Motor DC a 5V SEGUNDO MODULOUn Mdulo Arduino DS1307 1 Batera redonda de 3,3 V para  el mdulo DS13071 Motor Paso a Paso Unipolar1 Driver ULN para el motor paso   a paso.1 Servo Motor SG 90 o SG 92 R1 Teclado 4x4 - Dependiendo del  teclado se tiene que soldar postes Hembra para las conexiones 1 Display 7 segmentos de 4      digitos de Anodo      Comun - Se debe de construir una placa y las especificaciones las encuentras al final.1 LCD 16 x 2 al cual se soldara      pines macho - Adicional se debe de construir una placa y las      especificaciones las encuentras al final. La construccin es opcional pero la placa que se presenta facilita las conexiones entre la placa de Arduino y el LCD.1 Modulo Bluetooth  HC-051 Protoboard de 400 Puntos o el      que poseas a tu disposicinDos Baterias de 9 VoltiosPRIMER Y SEGUNDO MODULOUn conector de Batera  de      9 Voltios con Jack para Arduino18 cables de Arduino Macho -   Macho, cortos.8 cables de Arduino Macho -   Macho, largos.8 cables de Arduino Macho -   Hembra, cortos.8 cables de Arduino Macho -   Hembra, medianos.8 cables de Arduino Hembra -   Hembra, cortos. los cables de Arduino deben de ser del tipo que se indica      en la figura ya que facilitan las conexiones.Para la parte de la introduccin con la robtica (SEGUNDO MODULO) es necesario que adquieras los siguientes  elementos1 chasis simple de tres llantas1 integrado L293D1 sensor hc-sr04 (opcional)1 mdulo max485 para Arduino,  esto es opcional pero si deseas solo al ver el vdeo tendrs la nocin      clara de cmo utilizar el mismo.1 conversor USB RS485, esto es opcional pero si deseas solo al ver el vdeo tendrs la nocin      clara de cmo utilizar el mismo.El archivo de la placa para el LCD y el Display fue desarrollado para que solo se imprima, compre los elementos y suelde o solo lo puedes enviar a realizar a cualquier electronica ya que en los archivos se detallan todos los componenetes, estos los encuentras en las ayudas del primer vdeo o en la pagina web de Innova Domotics - Productos y Servicios - Cursos - Kit Curso Basico."
Price: 199.99

"Arduino desde Cero - Segundo Mdulo"
"Por favor no se inscriban, ya que he creado material extra de ayuda que solo esta disponible en la plataforma de cursos de Innova Domotics, aca en Udemy no se actualiza el contenido.Por favor no se inscriban, ya que he creado material extra de ayuda que solo esta disponible en la plataforma de cursos de Innova Domotics, aca en Udemy no se actualiza el contenido.El necesario tener bases en Arduino y esto lo puedes aprender de una manera totalmente gratuita en los tutoriales de la lista de reproduccin del ""Curso de Arduino - Primer Mdulo"" que estn en mi canal de Youtube de Innova Domotics, o puedes optar por el ""Curso de Arduino - Primer Mdulo"" que lo tengo en Udemy el mismo que es de pago pero que esta complementado con informacin extra y la misma forma parte de varias preguntas que me han realizado en mi canal de Youtube y resolvera muchas dudas que obtengas a lo largo del primer mdulo del curso de Youtube.El curso se enfoca en la explicacin del control de mdulos, principios de robtica, aplicaciones y consejos prcticos, para que al final del mismo puedas plantear la solucin de tus futuros proyectos sin haber iniciado a desarrollar el cdigo.El fuerte de este curso se basa en una explicacin a nivel de integracin entre programas, limitando el uso de libreras que en muchos casos son innesesarias.El curso a medida que continua aumenta en su nivel de dificultad ya que va integrando conceptos explicados anteriormente con los nuevos temas explicados.El programa de este curso NO SE RECOMIENDA A PERSONAS que consideran que programar se basa solo en utilizar libreras, sino que trata de obviar las mismas en la mayoria de los vdeos, centrandose en los aspectos a nivel de programacin y aspectos tcnicos que todo buen programador o persona que desea aprender de esto una profesin tiene que conocer."
Price: 199.99

"Video Editing Level 1 (KIDS)"
"This home school friendly course, helped you guide your child into understanding the basics of video editing. Media has become a way of life and having editing skills can come in handy in all walks of life. Learn the Basics of Video Editing, which is now available Online.Equip yourself with the skills to excel in your basic media projects, for school projects or develop in your hobbies.This course is especially designed as a good starting point to help kickstart your passion for video creation."
Price: 5120.00

"Your Brand on YouTube"
"Youtube is not as easy as it looks.This course gives you an all rounded look at starting Youtube from scratch. Beginning from the important questions you should ask yourself before you build a brand online, it gives you an detailed insight into equipment, filmmaking, and video production and finally uploading and marketing your videos. This course helps you get on the social media map and stay its course."
Price: 5120.00

"Stress und Entspannung. Basis (vom Ministerium anerkannt)"
"Der Kurs wurde vom Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung anerkannt. Bei der Entwicklung des Konzeptes haben die Wissenschaftler der Deutschen Sporthochschule Kln und der Technischen Fachhochschule Kln mitgewirkt.Strategien zur Stressbewltigung werden mittels Videos, Texten und Schaubildern vermittelt und ber Aufgaben interaktiv erarbeitet. Zustzlich werden diverse Entspannungsbungen vorgestellt.Der Kurs besteht aus Basis Kurseinheiten und wird durch ein Internetforum und einen Blog begleitet. Die Social-Media-Angebote wie Facebook-Seite begleiten den Kurs.Eine Kurseinheit dauert etwa 30 - 45 Minuten und kann online berall und jederzeit abgerufen werden.Zustzlich bekommen Sie zum Kurs Geschenke: zwei E-Books.  Das erfahren Sie bei der Bonuslektion."
Price: 49.99

"Schnupper-Angebot zum zertifizierten Stressmanagement Kurs"
"Strategien zur Stressbewltigung werden mittels Videos,Texten und Schaubildern vermittelt und ber Aufgaben interaktiv erarbeitet. Zustzlich werden diverse Entspannungsbungen vorgestellt.Der Kurs besteht aus Kurseinheiten und wird durch ein Internetforum und einen Blog begleitet.Die Social-Media-Angebote wie Facebook-Seite begleiten den Kurs.Eine Kurseinheit dauert etwa 30 - 45 Minuten und kann online berall und jederzeit abgerufen werden.Der Kurs wurde von den Krankenkassen zertifiziert und gefrdert.Zustzlich bekommen Sie zum Kurs Geschenke: ein Massage-Gert und ein E-Book. Das erfahren Sie bei der Bonuslektion.Das kompakte Massage-Gert ist der ideale Begleiter. Massagen wirken entspannend und werden gerne bei Muskelverspannungen und Mdigkeit eingesetzt. Das Gert ist ideal fr die Behandlung von Schmerzen und Verspannungen im Rcken und Nacken, sowie an Armen und Beinen."
Price: 19.99

"Stress und Entspannung. Basis + (vom Ministerium anerkannt)"
"Der Kurs wurde vom Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung anerkannt. Bei der Entwicklung des Konzeptes haben die Wissenschaftler der Deutschen Sporthochschule Kln und der Technischen Fachhochschule Kln mitgewirkt.Strategien zur Stressbewltigung werden mittels Videos, Texten und Schaubildern vermittelt und ber Aufgaben interaktiv erarbeitet. Zustzlich werden diverse Entspannungsbungen vorgestellt.Der Kurs besteht aus erweiterten  Kurseinheiten und wird per E-Mail sowie durch ein Internetforum und einen Blog begleitet. Die Social-Media-Angebote wie Facebook-Seite begleiten den Kurs.Eine Kurseinheit dauert etwa 30 - 45 Minuten und kann online berall und jederzeit abgerufen werden.Zustzlich bekommen Sie zum Kurs Geschenke: zwei E-Books.  Das erfahren Sie bei der Bonuslektion."
Price: 89.99

"Curso de Retoque Profissional no Photoshop"
"Retoque um negcio vasto e complexo.Neste curso, Jonathan mostra sua abordagem analtica e as melhores tcnicas para retoques. Jonathan o guiar a cada passo, desde a limpeza inicial da imagem, at algumas de suas tcnicas mais avanadas, que eliminam muitos dos desafios enfrentados na hora da edio.As lies oferecidas lhe traro no apenas uma maior compreenso das melhores prticas de retoque, mas tambm ensinaro como dar mais profissionalismo s suas imagens."
Price: 234.99

"Escribe la letra de una cancin paso a paso"
"Escribir una cancin parece una tarea difcil, sin embargo no tiene por qu ser as.Todo lo que necesitas saber para escribir la letra de una cancin exitosa est en este curso.Tipos de letras, disparadores creativos, figuras retricas, rimas y slabas hasta el esqueleto de una cancin y el paso a paso (acompaado de ejemplos prcticos) para que tu proceso sea un xito."
Price: 270.00

"Kreativitt und Inspiration fr Fotografen"
"In diesem Kurs nehme ich dich mit auf eine Reise zu den Quellen deiner Kreativitt. Der Kurs ist in erster Linie an Fotografen und Fotografie-Interessierte gerichtet. Die Inhalte lassen sich aber auch auf jede andere Form der bildenden Kunst bertragen.Dieser Kurs beschftigt sich mit dem Menschen hinter der Kamera und nicht mit dem Werkzeug. Es wird daher weder um fotografische Techniken gehen, noch spezielle Kreativittstechniken wie Mindmaps oder dergleichen - dafr gibt es gengend andere Kurse. Vielmehr mchte ich aus meinen persnlichen Erfahrungen als professioneller Landschaftsfotograf berichten und dir die Wege zum eigenen fotografischen Ausdruck aufzeigen, die ich selbst erfolgreich gegangen bin. Wir beginnen mit der Frage, wie wir vom inneren zum ueren Bild kommen und befassen uns dann damit, wie uns Achtsamkeit zu Kreativitt fhren kann. Weiter geht es mit dem Thema Inspirationsfindung und schlielich der Frage wofr wir berhaupt fotografieren und wie wir mit Feedback umgehen knnen.Also melde dich an, begleite mich auf dieser Reise zu dir selbst und setze deine persnliche kreative DNA frei!"
Price: 49.99

"Marketing para Pequenos Negcios"
"Para um pequeno negcio ser grande, necessrio trabalhar adequadamente estratgias de Marketing. S assim ser destaque entre os consumidores, ter crescimento e, principalmente, ser referncia no mercado.O Curso aborda os principais tpicos a serem observados em sua empresa para o desenvolvimento do seu Marketing. O material disponibilizado ser seu apoio para consultas quando voc estiver com alguma dvida de que estratgias deve tomar."
Price: 99.99

"Gesto do Tempo e Produtividade"
"OCurso Gesto do Tempo e Produtividadetrazuma abordagem que provocareflexes sobre nosso comportamento diante do uso adequado do nosso tempo.Gerenciar o Tempo uma questo comportamental. Nossas atitudes diante da forma que usamos o tempo que vai diferenciar a nossa produtividade.NesseCurso voc vai refletir sobre:I -Como voc usa seu tempoII -Quais bases deve ter para gerenciar seu tempoIII -Produtividade pessoalIV -Ladres do tempoV -Seleo do tempo - pesquisa sobre o uso do tempo (ou da perda de tempo)VI -Suas atitudes diante do uso do tempoVII- Planejamento do tempo"
Price: 39.99

"Plano de Cargos, Carreiras e Salrios - PCCS"
"Esse curso um tutorial de como construir, em sua empresa, ou para outras empresas, um Plano de Cargos, Carreiras e Salrios. O CursoPlano de Cargos, Carreiras e Salrios PCCS o que voc procurava para entender como realmente desenvolv-lo. Prtico, claro, funcional, o curso permite clareza em como desenvolver um Plano de Cargos, Carreiras e Salrios para uma empresa. No curso, voc vai compreender os conceitos e prticas de:Cargos, Anlises e DescrioAvaliao de CargosPlanos de Cargos e SalriosAdministrao de RemuneraoEstrutura de CarreirasO curso, alm das vdeos aulas, conta com apostilas em cada mdulo, alm dos modelos e formulrios para desenvolvimento do plano. Ainda disponibilizaremos, no final do curso, um Modelo de PCCS."
Price: 219.99