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"JavaScript & MySQL"
"JavaScript uma linguagem de programao front-end, isto , uma linguagem que interpretada diretamente no cliente (navegador). Nos ltimos anos, JavaScript vem se destacando como a linguagem preferida entre todos os programadores web, por isso to importante estud-la. Neste curso, voc aprender os conceitos bsicos da linguagem JavaScript.MySQL um dos sistemas de gerenciamento de bancos de dados mais utilizados em todo mundo. Este curso ir lhe ensinar a criar bancos de dados, atualizar tabelas, fazer buscas em bases de dados, e muito mais. Aprenda a utilizar a ferramenta MySQL Workbench e a controlar bancos de dados em seu browser usando o PHPMyAdmin. Como unir ambos? Usando AJAX! AJAX uma tecnologia que permite o acesso assncrono entre usurio e o sistema de banco de dados. Para isso, ele executa por trs das conexes, a linguagem PHP.Neste curso voc ver no apenas JavaScript & MySQL, mas tambm AJAX e PHP.Matricule-se j!"
Price: 39.99

"Desenvolvimento Web com PHP e Banco de Dados MySQL"
"PHP & MySQL a combinao poderosa usada em muitos sites. PHP a principal linguagem usada para criao de Websites em toda a Internet. Ela uma linguagem back-end, isto , executada em servidor e acessada por clientes atravs dos chamados navegadores.MySQL o sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados gratuito mais popular da atualidade. Neste curso, voc aprender os fundamentos para criar websites robustos integrados a bases de dados. Matricule-se j!"
Price: 54.99

"Python & MySQL"
"Python uma linguagem de programao de alto nvel que vem sendo adota em todas as grandes universidades do mundo todo. MySQL o sistema de gerenciamento de bancos de dados gratuito mais popular da atualidade. Neste curso voc aprender conceitos bsicos da linguagem Python e a construir programas conectados a bases de dados MySQL. Tudo isso apresentado com uma metodologia simples, direta e sem enrolao. Matricule-se j neste curso e comece a aprender."
Price: 54.99

"Freelancing to Agency in 1 Month - Major Income Growth"
"Have you been freelancing for a while and just not sure what is the next step? If you answered yes, then this course is for you. I've built my business from the ground up, now making 6 figures with recurring payments and endless repeat high paying clients. Through 5 years of trial and errors, I've created a system that works. This business model can be easily replicated if you are serious about starting your own web design agency."
Price: 49.99

"Invertir en [ Forex ] y Acciones EEUU - 0 a experto (16hs)"
"Aprend a invertir en Forex (divisas, materias primas, ndices, etf, criptomonedas) y en Acciones de EEUU ?? de manera prctica y didctica con ejemplos reales usando herramientas del Anlisis Tcnico. No se necesitan conocimientos previos ya que empezamos desde cero y avanzamos paulatinamente hasta llegar a conocimientos avanzados.EXTRA: usando el cdigo DESCUENTO3 puedes obtener un descuento importante en el precio marcado.  TE INVITO A VER LAS RESEAS    Alvaro ChirouExcelente Curso. Muy recomendable tanto para principiantes como para personas que ya tengan experiencia en el tema. En mi caso no tengo conocimientos del tema y me siento seguro de sumergirme en las inversiones al tomar este curso. Excelente profesor, muy didctico y directo al grano.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Marcos VillabasaUn excelente curso para comenzar en este mundo. Muy bien explicado y ordenado.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Miguel Angel Garcia SantiagoMuy buen curso, eh estado practicando lo aprendido y eh mandado preguntas al instructor, me responde sin mucha demora y me ayuda a superar los errores, un curso muy recomendable----------------------------------------------------------------------------Mariano ReyesMuy buen curso, supero mis expectativas al costo que tiene, recomendado.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------En el presente curso aprenders todas las herramientas para poder analizar y tomar decisiones de manera independiente. Al terminar el curso estars capacitado para empezar de manera real a invertir controlando el riesgo y diversificando.Sobre qu temas aprenders?: - Plataformas Webs y Simuladores- Diversificacin - Control del Riesgo - Gestin del Patrimonio- Anlisis Tcnico e interpretacin de grficos (Indicadores, Osciladores y Figuras Tcnicas)- Cmo transferir y retirar dinero a un broker real de Acciones y Forex- Psicologa del Trading (comportamiento ante prdidas, miedo, codicia, euforia)- Sistemas de Trading con Precio - Volumen (Scalping) y Sistema de Vueltas- Tipos de Brokers- Bibliografa- Introduccin y Caractersticas del Mercado FOREX y Acciones- Ejemplos prcticos de anlisis en vivo- Utilizacin de plataforma web/mobil de Broker- Impacto de Noticias y Operaciones en Corto (Short)- Usar un Sistema de Seales o Alertas que ayuden a identificar fcilmente las mejores acciones y activos donde invertirINSCRIBETE YA y comparte este gran curso conmigo!Nos vemos dentro !Cristian GuerenuInstructor de Udemy - Ingeniero Industrial - Experto Universitario en Mercado de Capitales"
Price: 89.99

"Como Gerar Receitas com seus Aplicativos"
"Esse curso tem a finalidade de ensinar diversas formas de voc gerar receitas com seus aplicativos. A maioria das pessoas apenas conhea a forma gratuita e a paga, mas alm dessas vamos ensinar diversas outras formas de voc est monetizando seus aplicativos para que possa decidir qual o melhor modelo de monetizao para o seu modelo de negcio.E mais ao matricular-se nesse curso voc vai levar de Bnus mais 5 modelos de receitas que a maioria das Startups esto utilizando no momento que est revolucionando seus faturamentos, ou seja, pode ser 1 desses 5 modelos que voc poder escolher no seu negcio."
Price: 39.99

"Footwear design: digital drawing in Pixelmator"
"If you have a head full of ideas but need to learn or improve your CADing skills this course will take you from beginner to pro in no time. In few short classes, you will find out how to easily and quickly create professional footwear design drawings on Pixelmator software on your Mac. You will be able to quickly trace around your own sketches or photographs with the pen tool, apply colour and patterns as well as add the 3D shading effect that will make your drawings stand out. All of that with just 3 basic tools and few optionsWith this basic knowledge, you will be able to put any design ideas you might have in your head onto your computer screen."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Futebol Trader"
"Curso voltado para pessoas que gostam de assistir a jogos de futebol e que tenham interesse na possibilidade ter uma fonte de renda extra. O curso Futebol Trader vai ensinar aquilo que voc precisa saber para operar na bolsa esportiva no mercado de Futebol. Ensinamos o que voc realmente necessita de maneira RPIDA e OBJETIVA, sem enrolao, pois sabemos que o seu tempo vale ouro."
Price: 144.99

"How to Create Characters"
"This online Screenwriting Course will teach you how to create your characters starting at your protagonist.This course is designed to teach you, not only the steps and basics of creating characters but the connections you and the rest of the world have as humanity. While there are plenty of video courses, it's hard to find a comprehensive course that teaches you everything you'd want to know about being a writer.In this course, you'll learn:Writing from the inside outInciting incidentThe Desire of the CharacterThe Need of the CharacterEmpathy and SympathyThe Powers of your CharacterCharacterization and True CharacterThe Masks of the SelfDesitions Under PressureThe Human ExpirienceIt doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a pro. It's always great to find new ways to improve our writing.If you want to learn how towrite a complex character and understand the importance of storytelling, this is the course for you."
Price: 34.99

"Transform Your Space, Transform Your Life"
"Do you live in a home that is messy, disorganized, dysfunctional, or just plain ugly? Do you feel embarrassed, frustrated, or fed up every time you come home?Most people just dont have the time or the resources to sink into a full-on interior design degree or even to hire someone for a one-off design that can be hit-or-miss.And although theres so much information online about design, its too darn overwhelming for most people to sort through it all and figure out how to apply whats out there to their own homes.Thats why I created Transform Your Space, Transform Your Life, an online class that walks you step by step through my feng shui-inspired design method. If you are ready to take back control of your space, youll want to learn this method that combines modern design theories and age-old feng shui principles to help you create a home that looks and feels great.No more overwhelm. No more shame. No more design paralysis.With the guidance of my class, your home will become what you've always wished for: your soft landing place, your getaway, the center of your vibrant social life, the place where your new business blooms or family grows, or whatever else you dream of for your best life."
Price: 99.99

"Transform Your Space for Baby"
"Congratulations on your upcoming baby!As excited as you are, youre probably feeling a bit nervous, wondering if youre ready for the big changes coming your way. Have you got the right crib? Do you even have a crib? Do you need to babyproof your entire house? Will your baby hate you if you dont have an Instagrammable nursery ready for her? How are you going to pay for the endless array of baby products your friends swear by?Fret no more! My new e-course, Transform Your Space for Baby, breaks down the components of a safe and happy home for a baby and shows you whats important and what you dont need to worry about. I share with you everything about preparing a home that I wish I had known before I had my two kids.By taking the course, you will be able to answer all of those nagging questions:-What do I look for in a crib?-Do I need a bassinet, glider, toddler bed, etc., etc.?-What should I put in a babys room?-How do I ensure my babys safety at home?-How do I maintain my own identity and stay calm in the face of all these new responsibilities?Most of all, youll gain peace of mind knowing that your home is ready for your new bundle of joy. Instead of scrambling in a mad panic at her arrival, you can enjoy quality time with your baby--lots of cuddling and staring wondrously into each others' eyes--from day one!Create a home that your whole family can enjoy!Take the course, follow its recommendations, and then enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, knowing that you got this. Enroll today!"
Price: 49.99

"Transform Your Space Into an AirBnB Hit"
"Do you have a space you've been considering renting? But you don't know exactly what's involved and whether you have the design or marketing chops to make it work? Well, I was there once, and I can help you get started with my step-by-step plan of setting up and marketing your space. I've learned through research and trial and error just how to get my short-term listings rented out for top dollar and I want to share what I've learned with you.For instance, you might be wondering:-Should I rent short- or long-term?-How should I design my space?-What will prospective guests be looking for in a listing?-How do I make my listing stand out?I'll answer these questions and so many more. Once you implement my lessons and start seeing your space generate serious money, you'll be wondering why you didn't do this sooner!Enroll now! My course is chock full of valuable information and resources that will help you get started on your amaaaazing AirBnB hosting journey!"
Price: 49.99

"Transform Your Space with Color"
"Color is one of the most powerful forces in our environment. Color influences us psychologically, emotionally, even spiritually. Yet most of us have no idea how to pick the right colors for our homes where it matters the most. With so much information out there and so many choices, we feel paralyzed and stay stuck with the wrong colors for far too long.Thankfully, this class will get you out of your color rut. My feng shui-inspired design method will help you to plan and implement a color scheme for your home that transforms a ho-hum space into an extraordinary one. By practicing my method, you will be able to identify color relationships that work and understand how certain colors and combinations of colors feel just right for a space. This course also provides practical tips that walk you through the process of changing your homes color scheme, step by step.Create a home that makes your soul sing.If you want a home that supports your best life, you cant afford to miss this course!"
Price: 49.99

"Control Your Subconscious Mind: Neuroscience Hidden Secrets"
"Congratulations! You just found the Top 1% Course on Controlling Your Subconscious Mind to help you live the FUTURE you really want.DISCOVERthe 9 step Neuroscience Blueprint to Control Your Subconscious Mind. Learn the basic foundations of neuroscience and the brain and how can you control your brain to take actions automatically towards your desired future and not for survival. Have you ever strongly desired for a future, yet you couldnt achieve it, just because your mind didnt support the actions that needs to be taken to realize that future?Have you ever wondered who makes you take decisions or act on them?Have you ever wondered who generates your life? Do you really want to tackle such situations of your life, where your brain takes action just to survive, and not towards creating a desired future?If YES, then this course is for you! In this course, you will learn how to control Your Brain to realise the future you really want. You will learn many concepts and principles, and when you're attuned to them, when you understand them, when you know them, when you make them part of who you are, then these principles will impact each and every transaction, each and every dialogue that you have. They will help you to be ready for each and every challenge you face. It's not about forcing your brain to do some actions, its about understanding timeless principles and applying those principles through stories, through analogies, through anecdotes and exercises and then begin immediately applying them in your real world, in the things that matter most to you. I promise you that by the end of the course, you will be able to take your personal and professional life to the next level of success. After attending this program, you wont remain the same; the impact will be severe. AND undoubtedly, massive! Your brain and Your life will change forever. This is the surefire mantra to big-ticket successes. Your brain will literally work for you to generate the actions for you consciously and sub-consciously to help you realize the future you want. You will be able to experience immediate results.This course is so much more than a simple set of video lectures.It's really a complete blueprint which can transform your life and take it to the next level. If you don't like the course, I will refund you, no questions asked, request for a refund within the 30 days and I will promptly refund you. If you have any doubts in the course, feel free to send it to me. I will respond in a short time frame. I will keep on updating the content and keep it up to date based on new scientific research and studies.Ready to experience the unknown, look at the world with new set of lenses and recognize the underlying patterns that govern our decisions and actions for everything around us. Expect exercises, homework, putting theory into practice in a fun and entertaining way. .There are no previous requirements necessary, and Ii only ask you to Watch, Learn and Implement.So what are you waiting for? Click the ""BUY NOW"" button and Ill see you inside the course.To your success!"
Price: 199.99

"Docker Zero To Hero Complete Guide + Docker With AWS"
"Containers,images,jenkins image,nginx image,ubuntu,aws,networking,swarm,single host,multihost All Practical Session covered with cloud as aws(amazon web services).i will cover how to create aws free tier account once you setup account in cloud you can practise docker as i mentioned in videos way you can become teacher and master on docker.Each and every video very long practical sessions on respective topics.."
Price: 19.99

"Scala Zero To Hero Complete Guide"
"write applications in Scala from scratch.Think code differently with functional programmingcontribute to products and open-source projects written in Scala.understand Scala code in production environments or open-source projects Scala's complex features promote better coding and offer a performance increase. Functions, macros, and tuples are just a few of the advancements Scala offers. Scala incorporates functional programming andobject-oriented programming into a powerful language."
Price: 19.99

"Apache Spark zero to Hero Ultimate Complete Guide"
"Apache spark core and Spark SQL In depth concepts coveredTransformation nearly 60+ will be covered with practical session you will be become master on apache spark.spark core main part in Apache spark for developing projects on spark streaming,spark sql ..etc..and plus scala crash courseList of Transformations CoveredRDD basicsMapFlatmapreduceaggregatestatistical functionsfilter mappartionswithindexglomfoldmany more..70+ transformations"
Price: 44.99

"Big Data Zero to Hero -Hadoop Ultimate Complete Master Guide"
"Apache Hadoop and All its 25+ Components In depth concepts coveredComponents nearly 25+ will be covered with practical session you will be become master on apache Hadoop.Apache Hadoop for developing projects on Big data..List of Components CoveredHDFS CommandsHive && its Practical SessionsHbase && its Practical SessionsCassandra && its Practical SessionsMongodb && its Practical SessionsOozie && its Practical Sessionssqoop && its Practical Sessionsmysql && its Practical SessionsFlume && its Practical SessionsZookeeper && its Practical SessionsKafka && its Practical SessionsImpala && its Practical SessionsYarn && its Practical SessionsPhoenix && its Practical SessionsPig && its Practical Sessions"
Price: 19.99

"Blockchain Technology: A Guide for Beginners"
"The blockchain is a revolutionary technology that allows for the secure, distributed, decentralized storage of information. Over the past few years, the blockchain has taken the engineering landscape by storm. Many people in the industry predict that the blockchain will disrupt the ways we interact with technology on the same way the Internet did in the early 2000s.The blockchain is the main technology behind Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the other prominent cryptocurrencies that we read about in the news today. By leveraging the blockchain, cryptocurrencies create a system of trustlessness. This cuts the need for middle men like banks and traders in economic systems.Specifically, we cover: What is Blockchain?What Blockchain is NOT!Blockchain ArchitectureHistory of BlockchainBlockchain VersionsBlockchain VariantsBitcoin cryptocurrency: Most Popular Application of BlockchainIssues with the current Banking SystemHow Blockchain Transaction Works?Blockchain vs. Shared DatabaseMyths about BlockchainBlockchain Use CasesImportant Real-Life Use Cases of BlockchainLimitations of Blockchain technologyWhy do we need Blockchain?Who will use the blockchain?"
Price: 1280.00

"Your Ultimate Guide for Importation- From Scratch to Advance"
"Get the best of the world imporation fingerprint.As of 2018, over1 BILLION peopleare purchasing products online, and the number just keeps growing. There's no doubt that e-commerce is the future. And with low start up costs and the ability torun your business anywhere in the world, it's no surprise that importation is a popular choice for business owners.... but what if you don't have a product to sell?Many assume that you need a product and inventory to get started.But that's where print on demand kicks in:these are the companies that willprint and ship your products to you. - so all you have to do is focus on making a sale. No dealing with the post office or companies like DHL, and without wasting time you can use to grow your business.All you have to do is to focus on making sales.This course will walk you through everything you need to know to get your importation business up and running.The first section focuses onWebsites and shipping companies- the heart of your business. You will learn different profitable e-commerce websites you can import from ship your product.The second section focuses on How to use the sellected E-commece websites to your advantage. Because, as we all know, there's no importation business without knowing how to surf through the websites and buy from. You will learn how to surf through different profitable websites you can import from.The Third section focuses on How to Choose a Profitable Product. Using the You will learn into detail how to find a profitable niche.The fourth focuses on how to calculate your Shipping Cost and Total Cost And Selling Price. This will help you to understand the business and to make net profits not gross profitsThe second section focuses on Marketing. Because, as we all know, there's no business without Marketing. You will learn:How to develop your own marketing plan, tailored for your business.How to get customers via social media.The final Section focus on a clear strategy to make huge sums of money within 2 years.If you're looking for a way to start a profitable importation business that will help you stand out, with low investment - print on demand is the solution for you.Get started today by clicking ""Take This Course"" and get full, lifetime access with all future updates and all current and future course materials included!Who is the target audience?Students who want to start their own business while in school.Business owners who want to expand their business.Anyone who wants a way to make additional income."
Price: 19.99

"Impact Investing: Making Use of Finance to Change The World"
"1. Introduction to Impact Investing a. Impact Investing definition, core characteristicsb. Impact investing in capital spectrum, emphasizing distinction of impact investing to sustainable investing. Adding a third dimension of investments: risk, return + impactc. Segmentation of impact investing: finance first vs. impact first investments, range of return & impactd. Impact investing themes and practical examples on each of the mentioned themee. State of the field: market players, market size & potential, risks and challenges 2. Aligning Your Values with Impact Themes and SDGs a. SDGs, definitionb. Impact investing & SDGs. Why Impact Investing is important for our planet and peoplec. Wicked problems and leadership: explaining the complexity of the problems targeted by SDGs and importance of holistic approach when doing impact investingd. What is my moral responsibility when it comes to investments?e. Connecting impact investing themes with SDGs and your values. Finding your favorite investing themes 3. Measuring and Understanding Social & Environmental Impactsa. Why, what, who and when to measure social and environmental impact? b. Theory of Change: linking actions to impactc. Impact Measurement approaches and toolsd. Impact measurement: how it works in practice?e. Call to action to create bigger impact on the world4. Impact Investing in the Practice Across Asset Classes a. Cash & Fixed Income b. Public Equityc. Hybrid instrumentsd. Private Equity e. Real assets5. Incorporating Impact Investing in Your Lifea. Get inspired by Impact Stories (Interviews with Social Entrepreneurs, Impact Investors etc.)b. Your decisions matter to Planet and People becoming a conscious consumer, conscious investor and conscious human beingc. Increasing sense of fulfillment in life by following Impact Investing Career d. What can You do to help Impact Investing to becoming a New Normal or Mainstream?This online course is our pilot project! We are continuously working to improve all aspects of the course (technical, design, and animation) for future participants. The symbolical price that You pay will be used for this purpose. Thanks for supporting the development of Impact Investing towards mainstream and THENEWNORMAL!"
Price: 19.99

"Make YouTube App with ReactJS - For Absolute Beginners"
"In this course we will start from absolute beginner and end this course as a hero. After this course you will have enough knowledge and command over ReactJs and you will feel yourself confident as a developer.Why Student bored in tricky Courses:Because the course videos are very long and also does not have exciting content in it.So i have tackled this problem in this course: Because i have keep things exciting, simple,clear,shorter and to the point.And you will enjoy this course alot.What we cover and Build in this course:The main thing in this course is we are covering this course by making real world app and you can easily understand the main and tricky concepts of ReactJs.Simple introduction of ReactJs by making Hello world Project.We will cover this course by making real world exciting app ""Youtube"".Import StatementExport StatementPropsStatesHandling EventsLists And keysFunctional ComponentsNon Functional ComponentsJSXHow to use APIHow to Get API from GOOGLEHow to get data from SERVERAJAX RequestStyling Your Components"
Price: 199.99

"ARCore in UNITY 3D"
"In this course you can learn making basic ARCore project. We work on Solar System AR project. Working on Solar System project you can basicly understand the fundamentals of the ARCore. Able to learn Motion Tracking, Creating Anchor, Detected and Tracking Trackable Plane and Using UI elements We use ARCore SDK version 1.0 and Unity. Before you start project you have to dowload Android SDK and jdk."
Price: 19.99

"Complete C# Unity ARCore Developer-Learn to Making AR APPs"
"In this course you can learn making basic ARCore project. We work on Solar System AR , Measure AR, Paint AR projects. Working those projects make you can basicly understand the fundamentals of the ARCore. Able to learn Motion Tracking, Creating Anchor, Detected and Tracking Trackable Plane and Using UI elements. We use ARCore SDK version 1.5 and Unity. Before you start project you have to dowload Android SDK and jdk."
Price: 19.99

"STM32F4 ile ARM Programlama"
"IDE olarak kullandmz Keil uVision MDK-5 te uygulamalar iin byk kolaylk salayan STM32Cube ile ARM Cortex-M4 programlayarak gml sistemler sektrnde her trl elektronik uygulama iin gereken tm bilgilere sahip olabilirsiniz. Bu kurs sayesinde dier mikrodenetleyici mantn ok daha rahat anlayabilirsiniz. Her bir blm iin ileyi u ekilde olacaktr.-Konu anlatm-Registerlar hakknda bilgi -en az 2 uygulama rnei-Kaynak Kitap-dev-Soru cevap ksmKursta yaplan uygulamalar:-Verilerin Flash memory ve SRAM de sakland adreslerinin debug ksmnda gsterimi-HSI,HSE clock kaynaklarnn frekanslarnn osiloskop araclyla lm-Bord zerindeki 4 adet ledin istenilen frekansta yanp snmesi-Timer araclyla giri k pinlerine istenilen frekansta lm yaplmas-Bir sinyalin herhangi birinde giri sinyali yakalama(Input Capture)-Sinyalin kn karlatrarak yeni bir sinyal retimi(Output Compare)-Potansiyometreden ADC ile bilgiler alnarak motorun duty cycle n ayarlama-DAC vastas ile sinuzidal sinyali retimi-PCF8574 I2C entegre ile 7 segment led yaklmas-Bord zerindeki accelerometer(ivmeler) sensrnn SPI haberleme ile konum bilgisinin alnmas-Bluetooth ile USART aracl ile telefon ve bilgisayardan veri gnderimi ve alm"
Price: 49.99

"C++ in Detail: Exceptions"
"This course is about exceptions handling in C++, including 11-17 standards. You will learn about throwing and catching exceptions, re-throwing and nested exceptions, user-defined and standard exceptions, dynamic exceptions specification, noexcept specifier, noexcept operator. Moreover, you will also learn exception safety guarantees, concept that will help you write robust code in C++ and other similar languages.Lectures are provided with references to relevant C++ Core Guidelines about error handling.Please note that this course is not for complete beginners."
Price: 44.99

"PHP Cetified 100% practice (for free code SREXPERTCOM )"
"The Rogue Wave Zend Certified PHP Engineeris an industry-wide standard that recognizes PHP expertise and is a measure of distinction that employers use to evaluate prospective employees. Join the thousands of PHP professionals who have received official certifications and be recognized for your PHP expertise. List of Exam TopicsPHP BasicsFunctionsData Format & TypesSyntaxOperatorsVariablesControl StructuresLanguage Constructs and FunctionsNamespacesExtensionsConfigPerformance/bytecode cachingArgumentsVariablesReferencesReturnsVariable ScopeAnonymous Functions, closuresType DeclarationsXML BasicsSimpleXMLXML ExtensionWebservices BasicsSOAPJSONDateTimeDOMDocumentWeb FeaturesObject Oriented ProgrammingSecuritySessionsFormsGET and POST dataCookiesHTTP HeadersHTTP AuthenticationHTTP Status CodesI/OFilesReadingWritingFile System FunctionsStreamsContextsInstantiationModifiers/InheritanceInterfacesReturn TypesAutoloadReflectionType HintingClass ConstantsLate Static BindingMagic (_*) MethodsInstance Methods & PropertiesSPLTraitsConfigurationSession SecurityCross-Site ScriptingCross-Site Request ForgeriesSQL InjectionRemote Code InjectionEmail InjectionFilter InputEscape OutputEncryption, Hashing algorithmsFile uploadsPHP ConfigurationPassword hashing APIStrings & PatternsDatabases & SQLArraysQuotingMatchingExtractingSearchingReplacingFormattingPCRENOWDOCEncodingsSQLJoinsPrepared StatementsTransactionsPDOAssociative ArraysArray IterationArray FunctionsSPL, Objects as arraysCasting"
Price: 19.99

"YouTube Expert Class & YouTube Marketing/SEO with Google Ads"
"Hi,First of all, Thanks for checking out this course.In this course, you will learn each and every step and YouTube Secrets for becoming a Pro YouTuber from a Beginner. Also, you will be able to promote your videos on your own without looking for a Social Media Expert, Company or Agency for YouTube Marketing, Promotions and SEO for your YouTube videos and channel. Earn more money with your YouTube videos and other earning methods. Hope you are gonna like it.Watch the Promo to know more.Eagerly waiting for you to enrol.Thanks!"
Price: 34.99

"Windows Movie Maker Complete Guide"
"Complete guide on movie maker, In this you will learn beginning from interface, adding video / photo/ music , Adding Titles, captions, credits, Transitions, Pan and zoom, e.t.c and many more topics will be covered in this movie maker tutorial series, please check the curriculum for full details, enroll the course and start learning today, enhance your movie maker skills"
Price: 19.99

"Senaryo Yazarl Eitimi: Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Adm Adm"
"Tam 13 yllk sinema eitimi tecrbesi, artk bilgisayar ekrannzda! SinePlus Akademi'nin yllardr devam ettirdii Senaryo Kursu; tm detaylar ve pf noktalaryla burada! Videolarda hem teknik hem teorik detaylar paylalyor, onlarca filmden sahne rnekleri veriliyor ve rnek dkmanlar paylalyor!stelik SinePlus Akademi'nin sunduu imkanlar da sizlerin elinde, kurs srasnda ve sonrasnda sorduunuz sorulara uzman eitmenlerimiz cevap veriyor. Hep elinizin altnda olacak saatlerce uzunluunda Senaryo Eitimi Videosu imdi burada!"
Price: 229.99