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"Aprendendo a emitir passaporte+Visto Americano+dicas viagem"
"- Solicitando e emitindo um passaporte brasileiro pela policia federal- Preenchendo Ds-160- Documentos necessrios para levar na entrevista ao consolado americano- Agendando visita ao CASV- Como se comportar na entrevista- Planilha de levantamento de gastos de viagem- Pesquisando melhores passagens - Pesquisando melhores hotis- Solicitando chip internacioal- Alugando um veculo- + Dicas Extras"
Price: 39.99

"Generacin de ventas con Whatsapp Marketing"
"Con este curso aprenders estrategias que puedas implementar por medio de Whatsapp con clientes que ya tengas para estimular a que vuelvan a comprar y a usarlo con personas que puedan convertirse en clientes. Incluye un ejercicio para que puedas conseguirlo sin problemas. Si lo haces, estoy seguro que conseguirs un gran retorno de inversin"
Price: 49.99

"REIKI (Usui, Kahuna, Tibetano) nvel 1"
"Este o curso que apresenta o primeiro nvel da tcnica REIKI. O Reiki uma tcnica natural de tratamento energtico que, possibilita ao seu praticante tratar a si mesmo, a outras pessoas, animais, plantas, equilibrar lugares e ambientes.Esse benefcio realizado atravs da canalizao da energia positiva (boa) existente na natureza e oriunda do Creador. ministrado em nveis, com, pelo menos, 21 dias de intervalo entre as sintonizaes, que so processos realizados pelo Mestre, que permitem ao aluno a canalizao dessa energia.Como este um curso, on-line, as sintonizaes sero realizadas distncia pelo seu mestre. Maiores detalhes podem ser vistos nas aulas liberadas do curso..."
Price: 144.99

"Reiki nvel 2 Usui, Kahuna, Tibetano"
"Neste curso o aluno galgar um novo degrau no uso das tcnicas do Reiki. Receber mais duas chaves importantes que abriro a possibilidade de trabalhar com problemas mentais; psicolgicos e tambm enviar Reiki a distncia, porm ainda com a limitao de um nico assistido por vez. o passo intermedirio da tcnica."
Price: 159.99

"Mirror Glaze White Chocolate Mousse Cake Master Course"
"Learn how to make the world wide famous mousse cake. Although it is very famous, only few people know how to make it. On top of all of that, you will learn how to make a mirror glaze from scratch. I am sure you will be very happy and satisfied with the skills and techniques you will learn with me. Your family and friends will fill in love with the cake you will be sharing with them after learning how to make it from this course.In this course, you will learn who to make the entire cake from scratch. So, all its parts are homemade. The course consists of 7 lessons which are:1. Gelatin Mass2. Coconut Dacquoise3. Strawberry Confit4. White Chocolate Mousse5. Mirror Glaze6. Building Up the Cake (Layering)7. GlazingAre you ready to master this elegant french cake?"
Price: 69.99

"Forensic Medicine Practice Test Course"
"Forensic science is a vital instrument for the investigation of crime and the administration of justice, providing crucial information about the evidence found at crime scene. A forensic scientist must be capable of integrating knowledge and skills in the examination, analysis, interpretation, reporting, and testimonial support of evidence. Forensic scientists investigate crimes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence. Often, they specialize in areas such as DNA analysis or firearm examination, performing tests on weapons or on substances such as fiber, glass, hair, tissue, and body fluids to determine their significance to the investigation. Forensic medicine is one of the largest and most important areas of forensic science. Forensic medicine has also become increasingly important in cases involving rape, murder, homicide, suicide and accidental deaths. Modern techniques use such specimens as semen, blood, and hair samples of the criminal found in the victim's bodies etc."
Price: 99.99

"Medicolegal Autopsy practice test"
"All deaths due to unnatural causes and deaths that are believed to be due to natural causes but where the medical cause of death is not certain or known are subjected to an inquest. The objective of an inquest is to ascertain facts pertaining to the death. The inquest system exists in all parts of the world. A postmortem examination may become necessary in certain deaths that come up for inquests. In these situations the authority which conducts the inquest will order a doctor to perform a postmortem examination (medico-legal autopsy). To perform a medico-legal autopsy, consent from the relatives of the deceased is not required. In an unexpected sudden death, only a doctor after a postmortem examination may be able to determine the cause of death. However, it is often wrongly assumed that the objective of a postmortem examination is only to ascertain the cause of death. Besides, medico legal autopsy is also performed to find out the time and manner of death. In certain cases to establish the identity and in newborn infant to determine live birth and viability."
Price: 99.99

"Practice Exam - Forensic fingerprint identification"
"Almost everyone has heard of using fingerprints to identify people iss one of the oldest bio-metric identification technologies known to mankind. Today, fingerprint identification is used forensically to identify victims of crimes and place suspects at crime scenes. This practice exam is for forensic students who want to prepare for fingerprint detection, identification and analysis exam!Deliberate impressions of fingerprints may be formed by ink or other substances transferred from the peaks of friction ridges on the skin to a relatively smooth surface such as a fingerprint card. Fingerprint records normally contain impressions from the pad on the last joint of fingers and thumbs, although fingerprint cards also typically record portions of lower joint areas of the fingers.With over 80+ multi-choice questions, you will be able to crack forensic fingerprint exam.The first characteristic that is critical to fingerprint identification is that fingerprints donst change over time. That is, everyone's fingerprints are the same from birth until death. The size of the finger changes, but the fingerprint pattern does not. The second critical characteristic is that no two fingerprints are ever exactly alike in every detail. Interestingly, even identical twins do not have the same fingerprints."
Price: 99.99

"Amazon Web Services (AWS) Exam Prepration"
"This course is designed to help you pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate Exam. By the end of your AWS training you will be able to take the CSA exam. No programming knowledge needed and no prior AWS experience required. With this AWS certification under your belt , you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.In this course we will start with a broad Set of MSQs of the AWS platform and then deep dive into the individual elements of the AWS platform. You will explore Route53, EC2, S3, Cloud Front, Autoscaling, Load Balancing, RDS, RedShift, DynamoDB, EMR, VPC etc."
Price: 4800.00

"Build No-Code Software Solutions with Microsoft Dynamics 365"
"When organizations search for a software solution to help them run their operation, they often must choose whether to ""Build"" or ""Buy."" It's quite difficult to find an off-the-shelf solution that meets their specific requirements, and it's expensive to hire experts to customize a solution for them. This course is taught by a consultant that has designed, built and deployed Microsoft Dynamics 365 (and Dynamics CRMbefore it) for over 12 years for organizations of all sizes, from thousands of users to just one. The course invents an imaginary non-profit organization with requirements like event-planning, volunteers, and multiple program management, and walks learners through the steps of building a software solution the way professionals do it:Requirements Gathering and DocumentationAnalysis and Entity Relationship DesignCreation of entities, workflows and user interface customizationDeploymentLearners who complete this course will be able to construct a working software solution using Microsoft Dynamics 365 that is tailored to their needs. Most consulting firms specializing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 would charge between $7,500 and $15,000 in fees to build a solution the likes of which is covered in this class. This class is not for everyone. For the class to be valuable, the prospective learner should be highly motivated to learn the principles of database entity relationships and how they are expressed in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 interface, and they should not be fearful of rolling up their sleeves and building a solution for themselves."
Price: 144.99

"Leather Craft BeginnersMake Personalized Leather Keychains"
"Would you like to learn leather crafting techniques?Want to learn to create your own personalized leather accessories?If you want to kick start a career in leather or are just curious , then this is the perfect introductory leather class.For this Keychain class, you only need a little bit of leather and a few basic leather working tools (a great investment) which you can then go on to use in all other other leather projects. Key chains are a very popular leather accessory and are the ideal leather project that you can make to keep, give or sell.You will learn to make them extra special by adding your chosen designs, initials, names or other text. Personalized leather items, especially for wedding anniversaries (3rd year) are highly sought after!Skills you learn on this course can be used for all your other leather projects!So, join the small, friendly leather crafting community by learning how you can easily make your own personalized leather key chains. If you've ever been a little scared about working with leather, it's okay...we are only working with small bits or scraps of leather. Making Keychains are often the very first projects many experienced leather crafters begin with because there as so many different essential leather working skills that you can gain by making them. In this lively class, you will learn how to: Choose leather appropriate for your projectCut leather with confidencePrepare your leather for surface decorationAdd images and text to your leatherPaint and antique dye your keychainsOnce you learn the techniques in this class you will have acquired an excellent foundation on how to add your own surface decoration to all things leather-related. This class has a lot of information packed in and is going to be a lot of fun! Enroll now and see you in the class!"
Price: 19.99

"CMS Shop Paypal - Praktyczny projekt"
"Projekt ten czy w sobie funkcjonalno CMSa systemu do zarzdzania  treci oraz funkcjonalno sklepu internetowego. Wszystko to jest  zrealizowane w jednym projekcie. Zawarto kursu moga by by  wykorzystana w kilku osobnych kursach takich jak: mvc,  bootstrap, adminLte, cms, sklep. Cao stanowi jeden duy praktyczny  projekt, ktry musi by realizowany zgodnie z kolejnoci nagranych  odcinkw i ktry zosta podzielony na mniejsze moduy funkcjonalne takie  jak:  Moduy funkcjonalne kursu:rozpoczcie projektu, konfiguracja, administracja CMS CMSShop sekcja 1administracja sklep internetowy CMSShop sekcja 2front cms, sklep internetowy CMSShop sekcja 3sklep koszyk CMSShop sekcja 4rejestracja, logowanie, role CMSShop sekcja 5zamowienia, paypal, template adminLTE CMSShop sekcja 6W projekcie zostay wykorzystane technologie: ASP.NET MVC Entity Framework LocalDB Rejestracja, logowanie, role Widoki, widoki czciowe Ajax Routes Bootstrap AdminLTE GIT CKEditor, Roxy File Manager, Drag And Drop i inne Kod rdowy dostpny na github:      mariuszjurczenko/CmsShop   "
Price: 444.99

"C# Seria Programista - cz 1"
"Szkolenie powstao z myl o osobach pocztkujcych, ktre chciayby nauczy si podstaw programowania w jzyku C# na praktycznych i prostych do zrozumienia przykadach. C# jak kady jzyk programowania ma mocne i sabe strony. Niektre jzyki s wydajne, lecz podatne na bdy lub trudne w stosowaniu, podczas gdy inne s prostsze, lecz mog mie ograniczon funkcjonalno lub sabsz wydajno. C# jest jzykiem zaprojektowanym tak, aby stanowi optymalne poczenie prostoty, efektywnoci oraz uytecznoci.W trakcie kursu bdziesz budowa proste aplikacje, co pozwoli Ci pozna dobrze rne obszary jzyka. Przyswoisz sobie wiele przydatnych wskazwek i dobrych praktyk, ktre pozwol Ci zachowa czytelno kodu i unikn najczciej popenianych bdw. Tworzenie klas to istota programowania. To wanie dlatego powiciem im cay rozdzia. Dowiesz si z niego midzy innymi jak funkcj peni klasy w jzyku C#, jak je tworzy oraz czym rni si one od zmiennych. Poruszymy rwnie bardzo wany temat hermetyzacji, modyfikatorw dostpu oraz budowy konstruktorw. Seria Programista C# :cz 1: C# Podstawy programowania cz 2: C# OOP (obiektwka)... Kod rdowy dostpny na github: mariuszjurczenko/CSarpKurs"
Price: 414.99

"ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC - Seria Web Developer - cz 1"
"W kursie bdziemy budowa nasz pierwsz aplikacj ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC z Visual Studio 2017. Ten kurs ma na celu da ci praktyczny sposb, aby dowiedzie si jak najwicej o ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC. Zbudujemy pen aplikacj w Visual Studio 2017. Dowiesz si jak robimy konfigurowanie witryny. Zobaczysz, jak zastosowa wzr MVC, tworzy model, repozytorium, budowa widoki, pracowa z prawdziw baz danych i wiele wicej. Niektre z gwnych tematw, ktre omwimy, to budowa w peni dziaajcej aplikacji, zaczynajc od Plik -> Nowy Projekt. Dowiesz si o nowych funkcjach ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC, takich jak :Tag helpers, dostp do danych w bazie danych, przy uyciu Entity Framework Core 2, omwimy ASP.NET identity, aby umoliwi uytkownikom uwierzytelnianie w naszej witrynie. Pod koniec tego kursu bdziecie wiedzie, jak zbudowa w peni dziaajc, rzeczywist aplikacj przy uyciu ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC w Visual Studio 2017. Seria Web Developer :cz 1: Budowanie pierwszej aplikacji ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC z Visual Studio 2017cz 2: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery Szybki Start dla .Net Corecz 3: Budowanie aplikacji ASP.NET Core MVC Entity Framework Core, Bootstrap, i Angular... Kod rdowy dostpny na github: mariuszjurczenko/Komis"
Price: 429.99

"C# Seria Programista - cz 2"
"Programowanie obiektowe to fundamentalna cecha jzyka C #. Tematem tego kursu bdzie programowanie w jzyku C #, a dokadnie wszystko co powiniene wiedzie o programowaniu obiektowym. Po podaniu specyfikacji nowej funkcji lub nowej aplikacji zacznij od zidentyfikowania klas z wymaga lub specyfikacji. Programowanie obiektowe reprezentuje encje i koncepcje aplikacji jako zbioru klas. Nastpnym krokiem jest przeanalizowanie zidentyfikowanych klas i podzia obowizkw w zalenoci od potrzeb. Chodzi o to, e aplikacja powinna zosta rozoona na czci z minimalnym nakadaniem si funkcji. Jeli kada klasa ma jeden cel, atwiej jest pisa, testowa, a pniej znajdowa t klas, gdy trzeba j zaktualizowa lub rozszerzy. To sprawia, e kod jest atwiejszy do modyfikacji i dostosowania do nowych wymaga i przyszych wymaga. Nastpnym krokiem jest przyjrzenie si zwizkom. Relacje midzy klasami definiuj sposb, w jaki obiekty utworzone z tych klas mog wsppracowa w celu wykonywania operacji aplikacji. Ostatnim krokiem jest wykorzystanie ponownego uycia. Sia programowania obiektowego ley w obietnicy ponownego uycia. Poprzez wyodrbnienie podobiestwa midzy zestawami klas do oddzielnej klasy, masz wicej kodu wielokrotnego uytku. Rozbudowane ponowne wykorzystanie istniejcych, sprawdzonych klas nie tylko skraca czas opracowywania, ale take prowadzi do bardziej niezawodnych aplikacji. Przykadowa aplikacja zostaa ponownie wykorzystana poprzez klas bazow z wykorzystaniem dziedziczenia. Nastpnie zademonstrujemy ponowne uycie poprzez bibliotek komponentw klas oglnych. I wreszcie, zobaczymy ponowne uycie interfejsw. Interfejsy zapewniaj czysty sposb interakcji aplikacji z innymi klasami, komponentami, aplikacjami lub systemami. Kurs opisa rwnie cztery filary lub cechy programowania obiektowego. Abstrakcja, enkapsulacja, dziedziczenie i polimorfizm.Abstrakcja opisuje jednostk w prosty sposb, ignorujc nieistotne szczegy. Zmniejsza zoono, koncentrujc si tylko na tym, co jest wane dla celw konkretnego zastosowania. Enkapsulacja polega na enkapsulacji lub ukrywaniu danych implementacji w obrbie klasy. Dane s przechowywane w polach w klasie i dostpne dla reszty aplikacji tylko za pomoc metod pobierajcych i ustawiajcych waciwoci. Kod jest rwnie hermetyzowany w klasie i dostpny tylko poprzez interfejs klasy. Ukrywanie danych moe chroni dane przed nieautoryzowanym dostpem lub nieprawidowymi danymi. Ukrywanie implementacji pomaga zarzdza zoonoci i uatwia konserwacj. Implementacja moe zosta zmieniona w dowolnym momencie bez wpywu na aplikacj. Dziedziczenie pozwala klasom pochodnym lub klasom potomnym na ponowne uycie caego kodu z klasy podstawowej lub macierzystej. W demonstracji stworzylimy klas bazow encji, ktra zawieraa standardowy zestaw waciwoci i metod sprawdzania poprawnoci. Kada klasa encji odziedziczya po tej klasie bazowej, aby ponownie wykorzysta jej funkcjonalno. Ale w niektrych przypadkach nie chcemy ponownie korzysta z caej funkcjonalnoci klasy podstawowej, wic moemy przesoni jej czci tak, jak zrobilimy to za pomoc metody sprawdzania poprawnoci. Polimorfizm jest koncepcj, e pojedyncza metoda, taka jak metoda sprawdzania poprawnoci, moe zachowywa si inaczej w zalenoci od typu obiektu, ktry j wywouje. Tak wic sprawdzanie poprawnoci obiektu zamwienia moe zachowywa si inaczej ni obiektu klienta, ktry sprawdza poprawno, a obiekt klienta moe zachowywa si inaczej od sprawdzania poprawnoci obiektu produktu i tak dalej. Metoda o podanej nazwie moe mie rne ksztaty, a aplikacja okrela, jaki ksztat metody naley zastosowa w momencie wykonywania. Ide polimorfizmu opartego na dziedziczeniu jest to, e klasa bazowa moe definiowa metod, a kada klasa pochodna moe przesoni t metod, aby zapewni wasn definicj i implementacj, zasadniczo zapewniajc wasny ksztat tej metody. Ide polimorfizmu opartego na interfejsie jest to, e interfejs moe definiowa metod. Kada klasa moe nastpnie zaimplementowa ten interfejs i zdefiniowa wasn implementacj dla tej metody, zasadniczo zapewniajc wasny ksztat dla tej metody. Seria Programista C# :cz 1: C# Podstawy programowania cz 2: C# OOP (obiektwka)...Kod rdowy dostpny na github: /mariuszjurczenko/Kaczorek"
Price: 309.99

"Criando ilustraes com Zbrush"
"O ZBrush o software de escultura digital que revolucionou o mercado de imagens geradas por computador. Com uma interface elegante e um conjunto de ferramentas poderoso, utilizado pelos maiores estdios de cinema, TV e games do mundo para a criao de modelos tridimensionais profissionais. No incio do curso veremos como utilizar as ferramentas no programa, criando tcnicas para modelar o nosso personagem de forma eficiente atravs da tcnica com a zspheres de forma prtica.Em seguida iremos modelar atravs da tcnica com Dynamesh logo aps uma topologia mais leve com a tcnica do Zremesh.Tambm incluso pequenos mini exerccios onde o aluno aprende os conceitos essenciais de cada programa utilizado. Aqui voc aprender a modelar, pintar, criar seus alphas no photoshop, aplicar textura, pose do personagem, render e uma ps produo no photoshop.Para quem se destina este curso?Voc que j designer, artista digital, ilustrador 2D ou 3D, diretores de arte e tambm aqueles que esto iniciando no programa mostrarei todas as etapas para esta ilustrao. Quais so os requisitos? Voc deve ter noes bsicas de informtica.Voc deve ter o ZBrush 2018 instalado em um computador que atenda aos requisitos mnimos exigidos no site do desenvolvedor do software. Photoshop CS6 ou CC.Voc deve ter uma Pen Tablet. At mesmo um modelo simples ser suficiente.O que serei capaz de fazer depois deste curso?Esculpir e pintar personagens digitais 3DVoc mesmo poder criar outros novos personagens atravs das aulas.Exportar os modelos criados para usar em outras aplicaes como ilustraes digitais como e-books, revistas, propagandas em geral.Expandir a sua criatividade."
Price: 39.99

"Manage and run projects in Indonesia"
"Latest update: now this course has strategic level!!In the new section you will learn how to manage your project in Indonesia strategic level. It's not only communication, it's not about people. It's about YOU. How you make it happen? What is your goal? Make it strategic.It can be different to work, manage and run projects in Indonesia. In this course you'll learn about people, culture and organizations, how they work and what's important to know to be successful.If you don't have any experience about Indonesia, you will find out would it be a place for you to successfully manage a project. And if you are going to work in Indonesia, in this course you'll learn how to avoid making mistakes in the first place.There will be also document templates with explanations available for you to have a kick start for your project even without prior experience."
Price: 29.99

"Manage and run projects in Vietnam"
"Latest update: now this course has strategic level!!In the new section you will learn how to manage your project in Vietnam strategic level. It's not only communication, it's not about people. It's about YOU. How you make it happen? What is your goal? Make it strategic.Take this course to be prepared your first business trip to Vietnam. Learn how to successfully manage and run projects or other practices in this wonderful country.My useful tips from project practices and phases will help you in each step in your first project in Vietnam. You will learn also differences from Vietnamese style, what you should know and how to prepare.This course will not require previous experience in working abroad. If you're interested to relocate in Vietnam, this will offer you a short view what can be expected.There will be also many templates for your kick start in project with explanations. These will help you in any case you might be asked for with Vietnamese customer.Join the course to avoid any problems in the beginning of theproject.Get advanced templates, learning and advice from an expert."
Price: 29.99

"Manage and run projects in Taiwan"
"Latest update: now this course has strategic level!!In the new section you will learn how to manage your project in Taiwan strategic level. It's not only communication, it's not about people. It's about YOU. How you make it happen? What is your goal? Make it strategic.This course is a must do if you're going to work in Taiwan, either in project management or other part. It will teach you most important things you must know about habits, culture and management in Taiwan.Taiwan has a history, it's actually called Republic of China, but because of the politics it never got independence as an independent country. However Taiwan is like any other country, own legislation and customs. You will learn about people. You will get examples how people behave, but also get foreigners view how to cope with issues or problems you may confront. Be prepared and take the course!"
Price: 29.99

"Manage and run projects in Finland"
"Latest update: now this course has strategic level!!In the new section you will learn how to manage your project in Finland strategic level. It's not only communication, it's not about people. It's about YOU. How you make it happen? What is your goal? Make it strategic.In this course Iwill tell you about Finnish working culture, people and specific project related topics you must know before starting with a new team and environment.This course is especially oriented to project managers, but also other professionals may find its content useful. First part is general about Finland, what you can expect, what kind of culture and how you live there. Second part goes through topics like documenting, communication and management. Also practical examples and template files are provided. Third part is about different project phases: what to do and what to accomplish. There will be document templates and other material to have your very first project all you need. Last section will summarize what has been learned."
Price: 29.99

"Manage and run projects in Germany"
"Latest update: now this course has strategic level!!In the new section you will learn how to manage your project in Germany strategic level. It's not only communication, it's not about people. It's about YOU. How you make it happen? What is your goal? Make it strategic.In this course Iwill tell you about German working culture, people and specific project related topics you must know before starting with a new team and environment.This course is especially oriented to project managers, but also other professionals may find its content useful. First part is general about Germany: what you can expect, what kind of culture and how you live there. Second part goes through topics like documenting, communication and management. Also practical examples and template files are provided. Third part is about different project phases: what to do and what to accomplish. There will be document templates and other material to have your very first project all you need. Last section will summarize what has been learned."
Price: 29.99

"Manage and run projects in Singapore"
"Latest update: now this course has strategic level!!In the new section you will learn how to manage your project in Singapore strategic level. It's not only communication, it's not about people. It's about YOU. How you make it happen? What is your goal? Make it strategic.In this course Iwill tell you about Singaporean working culture, people and specific project related topics you must know before starting with a new team and environment.This course is especially oriented to project managers, but also other professionals may find its content useful. First part is general about Singapore, what you can expect, what kind of culture and how you live there. Second part goes through topics like documenting, communication and management. Also practical examples and template files are provided. Third part is about different project phases: what to do and what to accomplish. There will be document templates and other material to have your very first project all you need. Both project principles and phases contain also questions to make sure you understood the correct points and will follow important things.We usually think that Singapore is very modern, first in everything, super clean and safe place. It's all true, but how are the people who are you going to work with?Are they easy to get to know, do they expect you extra effort, how you can communicate with them?All this and much more will be trained in this course. It's based on long co-operation with Singaporeans and will tip you up to next level of management as well."
Price: 29.99

"Manage and run projects in Poland"
"Latest update: now this course has strategic level!!In the new section you will learn how to manage your project in Poland strategic level. It's not only communication, it's not about people. It's about YOU. How you make it happen? What is your goal? Make it strategic.In this course Iwill tell you about Polish working culture, people and specific project related topics you must know before starting with a new team and environment.This course is especially oriented to project managers, but also other professionals may find its content useful. First part is general about Poland, what you can expect, what kind of culture and how you live there. Second part goes through topics like documenting, communication and management. Also practical examples and template files are provided. Third part is about different project phases: what to do and what to accomplish. There will be document templates and other material to have your very first project all you need. Last section will summarize what has been learned.Poland used to be part of Soviet Union, it can be seen in some specific situations likehierarchy or needed documentation. This course cab also help to understand Baltic countries or Eastern Europe becausethey have similar history. The country is changing and wemay need to adapt to course later. At the moment you still must know certain cultural things before landing."
Price: 29.99

"Successful cross-cultural management"
"We are living in multi-cultural world!Do you have a cross-cultural team to manage? Do you need to move to another country? Look no further, enroll to this course and you will learn perfect skill set to manage people from different background successfully. In today's working life we have our history and background, you as a manager need to understand how it affects to your team success.UnderstandingIt can be difficult to meet new people, get to know about culture and be in new situations. Cross-cultural management is often underestimated, but it's something we are constantly working in. We are no longer in one location, we come from different backgrounds, experiences and cultures. People also move to new locations.Take this course to be ready for your next position. Take this course to understand people.How to communicateHow to be advance leaderHow to setup targets and follow resultsExecutingDuring the course you will learn management tools, techniques and strategic  perspective for cross-cultural management. You're not only learning to understand, but also to make next movement fast in cross-cultural environment. While you take these lectures, you will get to know more and more about the differences and how you should manage it out.Take this course to learn how to manage. Take this course to have new mindset, strategic mindset.Tools for managementTechniques to master leadershipWays to be strategic manager, future leaderExperiencingI will teach you not only theories, but also best practice in different countries. You will see how countries with different history have affections to current culture, management and communication. Combined by effective tools, you learn to how deal with people and structures. You must be better in understanding, but also in putting yourself into new situations. Be more open.Take this course to learn about culture. Take this course to get keen on new ways to do things.Best practice, learn from othersExamples from different culturesGet new job, change a career pathThe course has all you need to be a next generation cross-cultural managerMethodology - as a key to startTools and practice - to become betterExamples - to understand moreTips - not to failBackground - as a context.Continuous updates and new materials!Course has recently more content to learn how to avoid failures and reach success since beginning of your new assignment or team change. New section describes typical problems and gaps in cross-cultural management and tips. And once you know this, you are able to avoid any issues later.If you ever need advice or want to ask your instructor is available. New materials and lectures are added all the way your learning, come back often."
Price: 39.99

"Strategic project management"
"Become strategic project manager!Do you have any issues in completing your projects in budget, schedule and scope which were decided? Did you know that by advanced techniques you can reach your targets easier? This course is about strategic project management: what it means and how you can take your projects into next level.Each projects have successes and failures. I will share you tips how to change, how to do and manage and go to strategic level from the beginning of your project. This is the basis. First you analyze the current level.You can learn all thisMake strategic project planKeep your strategic project budgetFinish your strategic project within given scheduleThe course starts with basics and goes deeper!In this course you will learn to how to establish enterprise project management office. It will start with basic level and continue to more strategic. Our starting point is often project office, then we start using same templates and methodologies across teams and departments. This will link project management into enterprise strategy process. You will get sample tools and templates in this course.You will get to know needed tools, frameworks and strategic decision making process. You will also learn how to put your exact project into program context and later all of the projects and programs as a part of enterprise project management office. You will learn strategic decision making in order to make strategic portfolio management.How to link all into oneUnderstand and study enterprise expectationsLink desired outcomes to enterprise levelFollow templates, tools and methodologies in all projects and programsEvaluate each project and program, take input to enterprise levelCycle from enterprise level to projects and take KPI results back to strategy processGet instant start with this course!To make it simple: you will be able to evaluate your current level after completing this course. This is important in the journey of taking your management to the next level. To become better leader and change the future, enterprise thinking. Through out the course you get  more and more tools and techniques in an easy way.Continuous updates!Recently this course has examples of how to differentiate project strategy around the world. This helps you to make successful strategy in each and every time you go to other countries or work with different nationalities. Strategy is always part of background and it gets input from people around. Learning this helps you to be always on top.Your instructor will be available throughout the course and you can ask questions. Whenever there's a need new materials and lectures will be added. Keep updated!"
Price: 39.99

"Mastering the English tenses"
"This grammar course consists of several gapped sentences that the learner has to fill in with the right tense of the bracketed verb. Every verb to put in the right tense is supported with clear explanation for better and easier understanding. To boost his acquisition and understanding, the learner is given an opportunity to practice what he has just learnt through other gapped sentences .The learner can actually check his answers by referring back to the key answer."
Price: 19.99

"How to Write a Business Plan - Do What You Love!"
"Business plans can help convey the organizational structure of your business and act as a management tool to help you as an entrepreneur stay on track with your business goals. The plan is ultimately your roadmap on how to operate your business.But more importantly, as a new business, it can help you think through how your business should be designed and how things will work economically.Every business plan has seven distinct areas of focus:-Executive Summary:""The Punchline To The Story.""-Business Description:""What Problem Are You Solving?""-Products & Services:""What Do We Offer & Why?""-Sales & Marketing:""Who Are Our Customers & How Do We Connect With Them?""-Operations:""What Must We Be, What Can We Be, What Should We Be?""-Management Team:""Who Is The Boss With The Sauce?""-Future State:""What Does it Look Like Five Years From Now?""-Financial Summary:""Secure The Bag.""During this course, we will walk through each of the seven components, including what language to use, where to go to find information and why each section is important.Each student will receive a template business plan and template financial statements."
Price: 24.99

"Come creare cosmetici naturali in casa - corso base -"
"Questo corso della durata di 30 minuti, insegner delle regole base universali per cominciare ad approcciarsi al mondo della cosmesi naturale fai da te! Non si focalizza su un solo tipo di cosmetico, ma ne abbraccia diversi per consentire ai principianti di avere una base ampia e variegata. Comprende teoria e pratica guidata passo passo alla realizzazione di quattro ricette cosmetiche (scrub volumizzante, tonico viso astringente e purificante all'argilla, fard in colato in crema, impacco ristrutturante per capelli)"
Price: 24.99

"Parlare in pubblico in 4 mosse"
"Il public speaking larte della comunicazione efficace, labilit che ti permette di migliorare te stesso, la tua vita e la tua carriera.Quello che conta, nella vita e nella carriera, sono le relazioni interpersonali. Costruirle, svilupparle e renderle solide la chiave del successo.Arriva per ognuno di noi, il momento di salire sul palco, parlare ad un pubblico ampio, magari impugnando un microfono, magari dovendo sostenere un discorso di unora, due, tre!Ma arrivano anche le riunioni tra colleghi, arriva la data di presentazione di un progetto al resto del team, arriva il giorno di un colloquio con una grande aziendaSe vuoi diventare padrone della tua comunicazione smetti di procrastinare e passa allazione.Sono Carlo Loiudice, sono un attore professionista, di base a Berlino dal 2011, e la mia mission farti scoprire lo speaker che in te, perch ognuno pu essere leader, in tutto quello che fa, giorno dopo giorno, discorso dopo discorso.Parlare in pubblico in 4 mosse un corso pratico e intensivo che segner linizio di un affascinante viaggio, quello del miglioramento personale."
Price: 109.99

"Leggere ad alta voce in 4 mosse"
"Leggere straordinario, ma leggere ad alta voce lo ancora di pi. Leggere ad alta voce significa dare corpo ai personaggi e  tridimensionalit ai luoghi; significa far risuonare le parole scritte in un libro, portarle fuori e se si legge a qualcuno, condividerle, celebrarle; significa tuffarsi ancora pi a fondo dentro un libro, sviscerarlo, carpirne i segreti. Cosa ti blocca? Provo ad indovinare:non ti piace il tono della tua voce; quando leggi ad altri, ti senti ridicola/o; ti mangi le parole; non hai ritmo.Questi sono solo alcuni dei classici problemi che riscontra chi legge ad alta voce, niente paura, non sei sola/o.Lavoreremo sulla tua voce e attraverso l'apprendimento di diverse tecniche potrai acquisire sicurezza in te stessa/o (self-confidence) e smetterla di essere vittima del tuo auto giudizio (self-judgment).Leggere ad alta voce una via di mezzo tra l'interpretazione, la lettura e il parlare in pubblico (public speaking).Quattro mosse: gli strumenti, per esempio la voce; il mixer, la tua potenzialit di lettore; la grammatica del lettore, che diversa da quella di chi scrive; la costruzione dei mondi, un vero e proprio viaggio attraverso le pagine di un libro.Armati del tuo romanzo preferito e comincia questa nuova avventura. Alla fine di questo corso, amerai ancora di pi leggere e di condividere storie e racconti con il tuo pubblico.Vedrai che questo viaggio ti garantir sviluppo e miglioramento personale.Cominciamo subito.Carlo"
Price: 69.99