"Shopify Dropshipping - Genera Ventas con una Tienda Online" |
"Aprende como conseguir ventas, automatizar, crecer y escalar tu tienda de shopify.Esta guia paso a paso esta diseada para llevarte por todo el proceso, no solo de la creacion de tu tienda. Tambien aprenderas como correr tu tienda virtual como una empresa (ya que es una). Aprenderas como analizar a la competencia, tener una vision global y escalar tu imperio virtual.- Curso Shopify para Dropshipping y Comercio Digital"
Price: 194.99 |
"Millennial Mastery" |
"Selling to your next millennial client is easy when you know this generation. Millennial Mastery Course Millennials are similar to social butterflies while previous generations embody worker bumblebees, exemplifying the vast differences of the attitudes and motivations behind millennials vs previous generations. In this course, you will learn the millennial mindset and have a better understanding of their communication style in order to know how to easily close deals faster and more efficiently. After taking this course you will: Have the opportunity to increase your revenue stream by understanding the largest generation; millennials Know how to create a seamless transaction from start to close with your millennial buyer Be able to maintain relationships with your millennial buyer in order to create future business Be able to know what motivates/ demotivates a millennial Older millennials, also known as Gen Y, were out of the market for a good eight years until now. Last year alone, 3 million first time homebuyers purchased a home and half of all buyers are under the age of 36. -Real estate expert, John Adams, on CNN The millennial generation is now starting to buy! Are you ready to serve? This course is not designed as a technology course. This course is designed to show how you can have a better understanding of the millennial generation in order to have a seamless real estate transaction process and maintain a professional relationship for further business transactions."
Price: 199.99 |
"ISO 27001: Curso completo para certificao EXIN ISFS!" |
"Treinamento atualizado em Abril de 2019, incluindo um simulado adicional e um questionrio extra, no total so 120 questes para voc se preparar para o exame de certificao!====Ateno: Este curso prepara o aluno para a certificao ISFS, que faz parte da carreira oficial da EXIN para formao de DPO (Data Protection Officer), os encarregados de proteo de dados, exigidos tanto pela LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados) quanto pela GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation da Unio Europia)!Esse o completo, preparatrio para a certificao EXIN Information Security Foundation baseado na ISO/IEC 27001, e fornece ao aluno conhecimentos essenciais de Segurana da Informao incluindo:Detalhar fundamentos de informao e segurana da informao: seus princpios bsicos confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade, os conceitos, o valor da informao e da importncia da proteo da da informo para organizaes.Compreender o que so Ameaas e riscos, e qual a relao entre as ameaas e confiabilidade da informao.Fundamentar a abordagem e organizao da Segurana da Informao, incluindo a poltica de segurana da informao e organizao de papis e responsabilidades.Detalhar medidas de segurana da informao, incluindo controles de segurana fsica, tcnica e organizacional.Entendimento de como leis e regulamentaes so importantes para segurana da informao, incluindo a recm lanada LGPD a lei geral de proteo de dados do Brasil.A segurana da informao a proteo das informaes de uma grande variedade de ameaas com o objetivo de assegurar a continuidade do negcio, minimizar o risco do negcio e maximizar o retorno sobre os investimentos e as oportunidades de negcios.A segurana das informaes vem ganhando importncia no mundo da Tecnologia da Informao (TI). A globalizao da economia est gerando uma troca cada vez maior de informaes entre as organizaes (seus funcionrios, clientes e fornecedores) bem como uma exploso no uso de computadores em rede e dispositivos de informtica.A norma internacional para Gerenciamento de Segurana da Informao ISO/IEC 27001, uma norma amplamente respeitada e consultada e fornece uma estrutura para a organizao e o gerenciamento de um programa de segurana das informaes. A implementao de um programa com base nesta norma ser muito til para o objetivo de uma organizao de atender a muitas das necessidades apresentadas no complexo ambiente operacional da atualidade. Uma compreenso categrica desta norma importante para o desenvolvimento pessoal de todos os profissionais de segurana das informaes.A Segurana da Informao lida com a definio, a implementao, a manuteno, a conformidade e a avaliao de um conjunto coerente de controles (medidas) que garantam a disponibilidade, a integridade e a confidencialidade da fonte de informaes (manual e automtica).Neste curso preparatrio para o exame EXIN Information Security Foundation baseado na ISO/IEC 27001 so detalhados os conceitos essenciais de segurana da informao e suas relaes."
Price: 189.99 |
"ServiceNow system admin Exam (CSA)" |
"Simulado para certficao do ServiceNow administrator CSA Certified System AdministrorTest exam for ServiceNow system administrator examServiceNow system admin ExamServiceNow certified system administrator / ServiceNow FoundationAs perguntas e respostas esto em ingls. Certificao Service NowServiceNow certificationEste simulado tem a inteno de apoiar seus estudos e fornecer subsidio para aprovao no exame de certificao.Link oficial Explicaes em ingls e portugus.O exame oficial composto por 60 questes em um perodo de 90 minutos e os conhecimentos exigidos seguem os seguintes domnios de conhecimento, so eles:20% User Interface and Navigation10% Users and Tasks30% Data Administration20% Service Automation20% Introduction to Scripting and DevelopmentPerguntas e respostas em Ingls (ENGLISH)Explicaes em Ingls e algumas vezes em portugus.===> Entenda neste simulado como funciona o Exame90 Minutos70% para aprovaoQuantas perguntas h no exame? R. 60Qual a durao do exame? Quanto tempo tenho para fazer?R.90 Minutos1,5 minutos por questo (No pouco quando j tem o conhecimento)As pessoas que me reportaram terminam em mdia em 60-70 minutos.Quais so as reas de conhecimento?R.20% User Interface and Navigation10% Users and Tasks30% Data Administration20% Service Automation20% Introduction to Scripting and DevelopmentQuando saberei se fui aprovado?R. Na mesma hora, assim que finalizar o exame.No h um feedback, apenas informa aprovado ou reprovado.Qual o Idioma do exame?R. Ingls (No h disponvel em outro idioma.)Quanto custa o exame?R. U$150 por exameOnde fao o exame?R.Na KryterionOnline (necessrio uma cmera externa): obs: No compartiha tela, no faz Alt+tab, voc ser monitorado por cmera e voz.Centros no Brasil: (SP, Campinas, Fortaleza, Joinville, Brasilia)Produzido por TiagoMacul"
Price: 24.99 |
"3 Cursos em 1: Mtodo Completo para Conseguir um Bom Emprego" |
"Ter um bom emprego interessante para voc? Assim como voc considera bom aquele emprego que atende as suas expectativas, as empresas tambm so assim. Como Recrutadora e Selecionadora de profissionais h alguns anos, recebo com frequncia pedidos de dicas para que as pessoas possam ter uma chance no mercado de trabalho para conseguir uma vaga de emprego. Pensando nisso eu criei este curso, que abrange 3 temas:Orientao para carreira: descubra qual seu tipo de perfil e crie um objetivo profissional;Estratgias de RH: aprenda a ter currculos atrativos e comportamentos relevantes nas dinmicas e entrevistas de emprego;Avaliao de desempenho: saiba como voc ser avaliado e esteja um passo a frente de passar na experincia.Hoje so quase 13 milhes de desempregados, mas em mdia uma vaga demora 60 dias para fechar. Alm disso, 46% das causas das demisses acontecem porque os funcionrios no conseguiram dar o resultado que as empresas buscavam nos candidatos durante os processos seletivos para emprego. Estes dados me fizeram criar este curso com a expectativa de:Primeiro, te ensinar a criar o seu objetivo profissional, analisando o mercado e identificando o que est de acordo com o que voc precisa;Segundo, te mostrar como as empresas fazem para escolher o candidato ideal para elas, permitindo que voc consiga entender o que um Analista ir observar em voc durante o processo seletivo e, assim, te dar uma oportunidade maior para se preparar e conquistar sua vaga de emprego ;E, por fim, te ensinar na prtica, a sempre ter bons currculos e comportamentos significantes nos testes, dinmicas e entrevistas de emprego, para que voc no perca tempo com vagas de emprego que no esto dentro dos seus objetivos profissionais.Com exerccios prticos e dados relevantes este curso traz, em poucas horas, contedos completos que te faro terminar ele com outros olhos sobre o mercado de trabalho e ter suas chances aumentadas para conquistar seu emprego novo.Minha misso aqui te qualificar para este mercado to competitivo, atravs de conhecimento e treinamento. Prepare-se para se tornar um candidato diferenciado no mercado!Eu disponibilizo aqui 3 aulas gratuitas, para que voc conhea melhor minha metodologia de ensino e entenda a proposta do curso. Alm disso, estou sua disposio, caso queira tirar algumas dvidas antes de se matricular.O tempo est passando e mais um ano comea... a hora de investir em voc para conquistar seu emprego novo agora. Voc vem?"
Price: 99.99 |
"This course gives you the answers you need to get a high score in IELTS General Training. In this course you will learn ESSENTIAL strategies that are required for a high score.All of the IELTS test modules are covered: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Each section is packed with useful examples that you can use. These examples make it easy and fast for you to improve your IELTS result in general training.You will get a series of video training lessons for each module. You also get the slides for each lesson to download. In addition, there are even more bonuses besides!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Guide to Business Website Optimization" |
"Most business websites are generating sales like a glorified billboard. They exist because someone told the business owner they needed a website, and the hope is that visitors will buy off the business.This course has been developed to teach business owners how to make their website far more profitable through implementing a strategy that is unique to your business.We teach you everything from how to define your strategy, to how to design your website to increase the chances of your visitors buying off you, to generating more targeted website traffic.This specific version of the course is our beta version (which is why it has been reduced heavily in price). You get the same high quality content as what our clients pay $7,000 for in one-on-one sessions, however the production quality is lower than what will be produced in the final product."
Price: 199.99 |
"Twitch: O Guia Definitivo Para Livestreams" |
"Nos ltimos anos, livestreaming deixou de ser um hobby para se tornar profisso. Existem milhares de pessoas dispostas a compartilhar suas jogatinas, suas rotinas, seus talentos, e a Twitch uma excelente ferramenta para isso! No decorrer do presente curso, discorreremos sobre o que necessrio para ingressar nesta que est se tornando uma tendncia atual, com cada vez mais adeptos. Veremos desde configuraes simples, como os primeiros ajustes no nosso perfil, at assuntos mais avanados, como pr-mixagem de microfone, e transmisses remotas. Cada sesso do curso abranger um assunto diferente, para que ao final possamos tornar nossa vida paixo por games, uma realidade! O que ser ensinado no curso:Configurao inicial do seu canal;Esttica Bsica do Canal;Configurao de Bots (Nightbot);Configurao de Bots (StreamElements);Configurao Bsica do OBS;Criao de Overlay;Configurao bsica do Streamlabs;Fazer Lives Diretamente de Consoles Sem Placa de Captura (PS4 e Xbox One);Configurao de Ferramentas Extras;"
Price: 219.99 |
"Credit Risk Analysis and Modeling" |
"Credit Risk and Rating plays a major role in any of the organizations lifespan. It is basically determining the funding requirement of the business. So how is it done? Its very simple if few steps are followed for analysis purpose. So one of the steps in this process is Credit Risk and Rating Modeling. The training will include the following;1) Different measures of credit risk2) Traditional credit models credit rating & credit scoring strengths n weaknesses3) Probability density function of credit losses (discussion on VaR)4) Parameter specifications eg. Loss given default, prob of default etc.5) Structural models6) Reduced form models7) Term structure of credit spreads This course is ideal for Financial Analysts, Credit Rating Analysts, Private Equity Analysts, Credit Analysts, Investment Bankers, Corporate Bankers, Business Analysts. The students looking for a career in Finance can take this course. This course will help you a lot in financial sector, may it be Private Equity, Asset Management, Investment banking, Equity Research etc. The course provides hands-on practical training. This can also help you crack your upcoming interviews easily in finance sectors."
Price: 99.99 |
"Mergers and Acquisitions - The Ultimate M&A Modeling 2019" |
"In this course, we will first understand about the various terminologies being used in merger modeling and discuss various merger case studies. We will also understand the how the merger deal would be funded. There are various expenses such as the financing expenses, advisory fees, purchase price allocation that would be calculated with specific to the deal. This course is a guide that will cover the theoretical parts of M&A. We will be covering all the key concepts about mergers and acquisitions by going through some real life examples and case studies. Further, we will go through with the detailed merger model, wherein we will learn, how to create assumption sheet, calculation of the purchase price. Further, we will also understand the how the merger deal would be funded. There are various expenses such as the financing expenses, advisory fees, purchase price allocation that would be calculated with specific to the deal. Next comes the main part of M& A modeling where we would be creating the proforma balance sheet and P&L, accretion/dilution analysis and preparing the sensitivity tables. Through these tutorials we are going to learn merger modeling concepts with the help of case studies. We have used companys result press releases and investor presentation to find out relevant data, hence this can assure the reliability of any past data and future projections.The training will include the followings in details;What is M&A?Why M&A?Distinction between M&A?Types of MergersValuation MethodsWhat to Look For?Why Merge?Stages involved in M&ADoing the DealWhat M&A Firms Do?M&A EffectsMerger failuresDue diligenceCase StudiesAnalyze a live merger deal and how was the target valued (EV and EV / EBITDA multiples)Prepare pro forma 3 statements for the acquirer in the year the deal was completedValuationPro forma adjustmentsBy the end of this course, You will understand all the important concepts of M&A. You will became familiar with M&A process and you will have mastered Mergers and Acquisitions Modeling."
Price: 199.99 |
"Company Credit Rating and Analysis" |
"This course on Credit Rating and Analysis involves assessment of credit worthiness of a company. This course will equip the participants in forecasting future financial position of the company using spreadsheet, determining the outstanding debt position, the degree of risk factor involved and finally giving a rating to the firm based on various financial and non-financial indicators. The tutorials will include the following:1. What is credit rating and how it came into being2. Importance of credit rating in financial set up3. What are the processes involved in credit rating.In this course, You will understand What is Credit Rating and Analysis, How to analyse Financial Statements, evaluation Credit Proposal and much more."
Price: 99.99 |
"Fixed Income Securities - Bond Valuation Basics" |
"Fixed Income (Bond) valuation and analysis is a strategy or process which is often used by the government or companies to determine the correct market value of the instrument. Through these tutorials we are understanding the calculation of present and future value in bond valuation and Term Structure concepts. The training will include the following;1. Basics: The fundamentals(a) FV of an investment and compounding, single-period, multiple-period, FV equation, compounding more than once a year.(b) PV and discounting, single-period, multiple-period, PV equation(c) Excel formulae for FV, PV2. Introduction to Term Structure concepts:(a) Yield, Time to Maturity, Yield to Maturity or promised yield(b) Term Structure of Interest Rates when the interest rate is constant over all future periods(c) Term Structure of Interest Rates when the interest rates vary through time(d) Graphing the Term Structure, Yield curve"
Price: 99.99 |
"Fixed Income Securities - The Ultimate Guide" |
"Fixed Income valuation and analysis is a strategy or process which is often used by the government or companies to determine the correct market value of the instrument. Through this course we are going to be learning bond pricing techniques, bond mathematics and curve trading. The training will include the following;Understanding Bond MathematicsPractical Bond Pricing TechniquesTerm Structure of Interest RatesUsing Duration as a Hedging or Trading Technique (Concept of Duration and convexity)Trading the Yield Curve with Cash Market SecuritiesYield CurveAn Introduction to Curve TradingMoney market InstrumentsCertificates of Deposit (CDs)"
Price: 99.99 |
"Venture Capital Financial Modeling" |
"Venture capital is financing, also a type of private equity that investors provide to startup companies, emerging firms and small businesses that are believed to have long-term growth potential. To determine such their growth viability there are various financial factors which are considered. These are determined with the help of Venture capital modeling. Through these tutorials we are going to learn about Venture capital, its financial modeling and valuation with the help of a case study. This training would include the followings:About venture capital, the need for fund raise and considerations on the minds of VC fundsKey types of business models seen in various investee companiesIntroduce case study with a hypothetical investee company and a VC firmDeep dive into the financial model and bring out absolute valuation numbersWork on transaction comps in excel and talk about deal KPITalk of prevailing industry multiples and course summarization"
Price: 99.99 |
"Pitch Book for Investment Bankers" |
"Through this course we are going to learn how to create pitch books for M&A advisers and investment bankers to avoid the common mistakes and discuss some tips for crafting the perfect pitch book. The main purpose of a pitch book is to provide a realistic overview of a business being marketed for sale. Additionally, a pitch book needs to communicate some insight into the personality and culture of the business being pitched. Both parties need to get to know each other and determine if they can work together, because the goal is a long-term relationship.The training includes the following:Introduction to TopicWhat is a Pitch Book?Who uses a Pitch Book?What is the basic format of a pitch book?Types of Pitch Books and their General FormatsContents of a Pitch BooksWhat to highlight in a pitch bookCase study- Creating a Sample pitch book Previous Deal Highlights, League Tables, Industry Landscape, Company Profiles, Board Profiles, Team description, Financial Outlook for the sector and the company, Trading Stats, Share price Graph with Annotations, Comps Template, Revenue Breakdown of Subject companies, Ownership, Multiple History and Outlook, Broker Outlook, Management Commentary and DisclaimerCreating Excel BackupsFormatting the Pitch book to improve the look and feelConcluding the presentationCommon Interview questions"
Price: 99.99 |
"Relative Valuation" |
"Relative Valuation is a corporate value techniquewhere the price earnings ratio and earnings per share of a company is compared with its sectoral companies and hence the companys performance is evaluated. This training is dedicated to learning about this mostcommonly used valuation techniqueswherein you shallunderstand relative valuation right from scratch. With the help of practical application and examples you shall understand the Earning Multiples such as PE ratio, Value/ EBIT , Value / EBIDTA, Ent value/ EBIDTA, Book Value Multiples, Revenue Multiples such as Price / Sales per share, Value/ Sales and industry Specific variables. All these valuation concepts have been taught w.r.t to thefinancial model of a company.By joining this training you would benefit by: Learning how to do relative valuations on companiesfinancial statementsLearning various earnings multiples, book value multiples, revenue multiples and industry specific variablesValuation techniques"
Price: 99.99 |
"Fixed Income Instruments" |
"Fixed Income valuation and analysis is a strategy or process which is often used by the government or companies to determine the correct market value of the instrument. The valuation process factors in the current value of interest payment connected with the bond, and also the full value at the time of maturity, which is also known as the face value. Determining the fair value of a bond helps investors to find out the final return from investment and also whether its worth the money and time required for acquiring the bond and keep holding on to it till the time of maturity.Through this course we are going to be learning the basics of fixed income, learn about the various types of fixed income instruments and their life cycles from trading till settlement. Most importantly we are going to learn the pricing and valuation of all fixed income instruments practically."
Price: 99.99 |
"Mergers & Acquisitions - M&A Modeling" |
"In this course, we will first understand about the various terminologies being used in merger modeling. Post which, we will go through with the detailed merger model, wherein we will learn, how to create assumption sheet, calculation of the purchase price. Further, we will also understand the how the merger deal would be funded. There are various expenses such as the financing expenses, advisory fees, purchase price allocation that would be calculated with specific to the deal. Next comes the main part of M& A modeling where we would be creating the proforma balance sheet and P&L, accretion/dilution analysis and preparing the sensitivity tables. Through these tutorials we are going to learn merger modeling concepts with the help of case studies. The training will include the following;Analyze a live merger deal and how was the target valued (EV and EV / EBITDA multiples)Prepare pro forma 3 statements for the acquirer in the year the deal was completedValuationPro forma adjustments"
Price: 99.99 |
"Project Finance and Financial Modeling in Excel" |
"For any large construction there is a huge finance that is required. One has to arrange those huge amount and they have 2 ways of financing that huge amount that is through corporate finance or project finance. Project finance is the financing of this long term, projects based upon a non-recourse or limited recourse financial structure, where the debt and equity are paid back from the cash flow generated from the project. The training will include the following;Briefing on what is project finance and relevance.Agenda and road map.Understanding Dates function ( Necessary as basics clearance for project finance )Incorporating delays.Interest during construction period ( Case study )Cash waterfall ( Case study )This course is ideal for Treasurers, Project Managers, Accountants Analysts, Sales Managers, Investment bankers, Fund managers, Finance professionals and Anyone who want to learn project finance."
Price: 99.99 |
"Valuation of Stock & Impact with Dividend Policy" |
"This course is ideal for Financial analyst, Bankers, Risk Managers and Credit Analysts. The training will include the following;The basic characteristics of Preferred StockValuing Preferred StockThe basic characteristics of Common StockValuing Common StockCalculating a stocks expected rate of returnDividend policy affecting stock priceDifferent Dividend decisionsComputation of dividend on stockThe course will help you learn about valuing of companys stock while financial decision making discussed with the help of a few case studies."
Price: 99.99 |
"DCF Valuation Model - DCF Valuation in Financial Modeling" |
"This course is dedicated to learning about this most commonly used DCF valuation techniques wherein you shall understand its techniques right from scratch on a financial model. One of the valuation methods Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) is used to determine the worth of investing. With the help of practical application and examples you shall understand different valuation methods available to investors, what is DCF? , where is it used, benefits of using DCF comparability with other methods, projecting cash flows, determining levered and unlevered beta, calculating cost of equity, calculating after tax cost of debt, calculating WACC, calculating a terminal value using Gordon growth as well as the multiples method, discounting the cash flows at WACC, finding the per share intrinsic value, concluding the analysis, creating share price sensitivity tables and constructing a football field valuation"
Price: 99.99 |
"Credit Analysis with Real Estate Sector Case Study" |
"Credit Analysis is the most important step in the credit decision making process of a bank. The intensity and rigour of the analysis helps lenders take a well-measured risk while lending to Real Estate players. In this course, we will be covering the various parts of credit analysis, with focus on Real Estate projects and companies. This course is helpful for Credit Analysts, Investment Bankers, Credit Rating Analysts and Project Finance Analysts for real-estate companies. A basic understanding of financial statements and concepts of discounting is a recommended pre-requirement for the course.Through this course you would be understanding Real Estate Properties, Real Estate Property as a Financial Asset, Valuing Real Estate Properties in Theory and practice.Next we would be understanding the cash flow analysis which would be to develop & Sell Model of Real Estate Business, Leasing Model of Real Estate Business, Building a Real Estate Model: (i) Develop & Sell (ii) Leasing and Sensitivity Analyses on the Cashflows & Ratios. After this we would do the Valuation of Real Estate Properties in Practice. At the end we would understand the Financing and Loan Structuring."
Price: 99.99 |
"Credit Derivatives" |
"The course discusses about the Derivative market and understanding the forward contracts and its relationship with interest rates. This training are for all those who are new to credit derivatives but want a deeper understanding of them and how they work with practical examples.The training will include the following;Overview of Credit DerivativesTypes of Credit DerivativesPricing considerationsRegulation and Risk"
Price: 99.99 |
"Structured Finance - Credit Derivatives" |
"The main aim of this course is to teach you what credit derivatives are, what the different forms of credit derivatives are. You will be also learning how credit derivatives is priced with the help of simplified assumptions.Through this course you will be also learning about credit risk, credit default swaps, credit events, credit linked notes, other credit derivatives, and what are the uses of credit derivatives in market.The course covers the in-depth explanation about the credit derivatives along with the practical examples for the proper understanding about credit derivatives structured finance."
Price: 99.99 |
"Financial Analysis Masterclass for Financial Analysts" |
"In this course, we will first understand about the companys different business lines. Post which we will understand different factors, which can affect the revenue of the company in the long run. As Praj is involved into the ethanol segment so we will understand how ethanol is made and then we will project the demand of petrol. This will help us to project the demand of ethanol and expected order flows into the country. Once we will understand the ethanol projections, we will start creating assumption sheet, wherein we will project order flows for ethanol, brewery and emerging segment for the company over the period of next 2 years. Further, we will project revenues for each segment based on book to bill and execution ratio of the company. Thereafter, we will start projecting the operating margins through top down approach and will go through the conference transcript of the company to understand the expectation of management for OPM over the period of next 2 years. We will also create Asset schedule and debt schedule to project depreciation and interest cost. Once we will complete the projection of depreciation and interest cost, we will finally project other income. Other income will be calculated based on Cash yield. Post completing the projection of income statement, we will project working capital and complete the projection for balance sheet and thereby cash flow statement. At last, we will project the target value of the stock through forward P/E, for which we will understand how to create 1 year and 2 year forward P/E chart.We have used companys result press releases and investor presentation to find out relevant data, hence this can assure the reliability of any past data and future projections."
Price: 99.99 |
"Investment Banking Training - LBO Modeling" |
"A model of leveraged buyout shows what all takes place when a company is acquired by a private equity firm by using a combination of equity or cash along with debt which is then sold off within a period of 3-5 years. By taking such a step, the aim of the private equity firm is to earn a return of 20 -25 percent which is far in excess of the historical average annual return in case of the stock markets. The leveraged buyouts are more or less same to the normal deals of merger and acquisitions; the only difference is that in a leveraged buyout, the assumption is that the buyer will be selling the target in future.through this training you shall be learning about Leverage Buy-out deals and concepts and practically creating a LBO model for Siemens AG company."
Price: 99.99 |
"Investment Banking - Mergers & Acquisitions Modeling" |
"In this course, we will first understand about the various terminologies being used in merger modeling. Post which, we will go through with the detailed merger model, wherein we will learn, how to create assumption sheet, calculation of the purchase price. Further, we will also understand the how the merger deal would be funded. There are various expenses such as the financing expenses, advisory fees, purchase price allocation that would be calculated with specific to the deal.Next comes the main part of M& A modeling where we would be creating the proforma balance sheet and P&L, accretion/dilution analysis and preparing the sensitivity tables.We have used companys result press releases and investor presentation to find out relevant data, hence this can assure the reliability of any past data and future projections."
Price: 99.99 |
"Financial Modeling and Valuations" |
"This course is very useful for the people who are into financial modeling domain including students and professionals. This course gives a brief idea about the revenue and cost drivers, forecasting the future financials and the stock price recommendation.This course gives a career prospect to the students who are planning to get a financial analyst job in any brokerage and KPOs. Also it boosts sector expertise of the seasoned professionals who are already working in the financial service domain.The course is structured to building a financial model from the scratch. In the first section, we go step by step about how to prepare a financial model, starting from data punching to forecasting the future numbers. Also, we talk about sector and economic research reports and their components.Materials included in the course are company financials, which are taken from the company websites. Apart from that, we have explained the steps in Microsoft power point and used Microsoft excel for building the financial model."
Price: 99.99 |
"Stock Market Investing and Trading with Technical Analysis" |
"Technical Analysis is an examination technique to recognize trading opportunities in the market on the basis of activities of markets participants. The movements of these participants can be envisioned by the preparation of a stock chart. With the passage of time, patterns are shaped within these charts and each pattern expresses a different meaning. The duty of a technical analyst is to recognize these patterns and construct an opinion. Just like any other technique, technical analysis also is based on a few assumptions. As an expert of technical analysis, one needs to trade in the market after considering all assumptions in standpoint.Well, as we already know there is nothing such as one best research methodology. In fact, all research methods have their own merits and drawbacks. It would be pointless to invest time in comparing TA and FA so as to figure out which of these is better method. Both techniques are equally efficient and thus not comparable. As a matter of fact, any wise trader would devote time on getting educated about both these techniques so as to identify superior trading and investing prospects.Technical analysis is quite often approached by market participants as a fast and easy tactic to make a huge boon in the market. In actuality, technical analysis is quite opposite to quick and easy. Sure, if approached correctly, a boon gain is possible but to get to that phase, one has to devote the required effort to acquire and learn this technique. Moreover, if one tries to take TA as a fast and easy approach to making huge money in markets then trading upheaval becomes inevitable. Whenever a trading catastrophe takes place, most certainly the blame goes to technical analysis and not on the traders lack of knowledge and misuse of information provided. Thus before one starts to delve deep into technical analysis, it is vital that he or she knows what can and cannot be achieved by technical analysis.Here are a few significant points to remember in regard to Technical Analysis Trades TA is most suited to find short-term trades. TA should never be used to recognize long-term investment prospects. This is because long-term investment prospects can be best recognized through fundamental analysis. Furthermore, if one are a fundamental analyst, he/she should utilize TA to regulate the entry and departure points.Return per trade The trades based on TA are usually of short term nature. As said earlier, one should not expect very significant returns within a matter of a few days. The trick with getting successful through TA is to recognize recurrent short-term trading prospects which can offer small and regular profits.Holding Period Trades that are done on the basis of technical analysis are most likely to last anywhere between a few minutes to few weeks, but not beyond that. More information on this aspect can be found on the subject on timeframes.Risk Traders most probably start a trade for a specific reason, though in case of a hostile movement in the stock, the trade begins to make a loss. In such situations, traders usually stick to their loss incurring trades with an expectation of recovering the loss. Recall that TA based trades are most often short-term and in case the trade does not goes as expected, remember to amend the losses and progress to find another occasion."
Price: 199.99 |
"Financial Modeling for Analysts and Investment Bankers" |
"This course is very useful for the people who are into equity research and financial modeling domain including students and professionals. This course gives a brief idea about valuing the companies in Consumer Goods Industry, the revenue and cost drivers, forecasting the future financials and the stock price recommendation. Furthermore, it gives an idea how to prepare a report on the sector and companies.this course gives a career prospect to the students who are planning to get a financial analyst job in any brokerage and KPOs. Since real estate is a booming sector from past ten years, and real estate prices have shoot up multi fold in past couple of years, knowledge about valuation of a real estate company and report writing would give the student an edge over the competitors. Also it boosts sector expertise of the seasoned professionals who are already working in the financial service domain.first we go step by step about how to prepare a financial model, starting from data punching to forecasting the future numbers, valuation of the stock and arriving at a target price.materials included in the course are company financials, which are taken from the company websites. Apart from that, we have explained the steps in Microsoft power point and used Microsoft excel for building the financial model.Course Objective is to study a promising sector like consumer goods Industry and valuation of that sector, to study steps of building financial model and to enhance the sector expertise."
Price: 199.99 |