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"Tarz Tyolar ve Kiiye zel Stil Danmanl"
"Sa stiliniz ve giyim tarznz konularnda sizlere gzel bir eitim hazrladk. Eitim sonunda ise Kiiye zel Stil Danmanl hizmetimiz mevcut. Sa stilinizi, giyim tarznz ve karakter uyumunuzu btnletirerek sizde yepyeni bir tarz oluturuyoruz. Bunun iin yzden ve boydan fotoraflarnza ihtiyacmz olacak. Eitim sonunda mesaj blmnden gnderebilirsiniz.Ayrca eitimimizin beenilen erkek ve kadn tipleri derslerimizde karakter yaplar hakknda tyolar verdik.Bize katldktan sonra daha iyi ve daha alml grneceinizden eminiz. Artk insanlarn dikkatini ekebileceksiniz. O hlde Deiime Hazr msnz ?Balayalm..."
Price: 89.99

"Videography for Beginners:Learning the Basics made simple"
"This coarse is designed for new videographer that need tips on shooting amazing videos. I will give you some tips to help you get started on your videography journey. Learning the basics is very important, and it worth it to learn from somebody who is experience in the field. I have been where you are, so I know how frustrating it can get be to present quality marketing material centered around your brand. Don't worry because I am will help you learn the basics. I belive that knowledge is power and when you gain knowledge you should share it with other people. This coarse is perfect for videographer who don't know anything about videography, and would like more tips."
Price: 24.99

"Ingls: Aprenda a PRONUNCIAR como um Norte-Americano"
"(Portuguese)bem simples, meu mtodo a TF, porm no posso revelar por causa da competio hehe. Minhas aulas so bem descontradas e dinmicas, o humor leva ao aprendizado! Farei de voc um futuro autodidata referente ao ingls! (English)It's quite simple, my method's based on TF, nevertheless I can't reveal my secret because of the competition lol. My classes are very easy-going and dynamic, humor takes you to apprenticeship! I'll make you a future self-taught concerning the English language!Alm de falar ingls, aprenda como PRONUNCIAR como um Norte-Americano ou at mesmo BritnicoComo? Eu te conto o segredo assim que voc se matricular no meu curso!"
Price: 39.99

"Kirigami - Conceitos bsicos, mtodo simples e prtico"
"Voc sabe o que kirigami ou ""origami arquitetnico""? uma arte oriental que por meio de cortes e dobras uma forma surge em forma de 3D, no sei se voc j viu um carto com esta tcnica, mas imagine abrindo um carto e uma figura surgindo bem diante dos seus olhos, sensacional.Se voc gosta de realizar atividades manuais com papis, mas nunca fez algum tipo de trabalho com a arte kirigami, este curso para voc. um curso para iniciantes e amantes da arte oriental, no utilizaremos nenhum software especfico, todo conhecimento ser repassado por meio de moldes, facilitando assim o seu aprendizado, praticamente pegarei na sua mo e iremos fazer passo a passo todas as atividades.Os materiais so de baixo custo, fcil localizao e no requer muito espao.Sero feitas atividades sem baguna, sujeira ou sobra de materiais.BNUS: Ensinarei voc a criar um molde simples no computador, utilizando o Google Drive, ser bem simples e prtico. S esta aula custaria o curso todo sem desconto, pode acreditar! J imaginou ter uma renda extra?No final do curso, voc conseguir criar um carto simples em forma de kirigami e ir com certeza emocionar as pessoas."
Price: 294.99

"Teaching Private English Lessons in Japan"
"In the course `Teaching Private Lessons in Japan,` teachers and inspiring teachers will learn how to locate `Private English Jobs` in Japan. You will learn how to recruit `Private English` students and become financial independent!!! There are 12 modules for English Teachers to learn from. Each module has a video and a downloaded PDF (exact Module 11) to guide English Teachers through their English Teaching Journeys in Japan. Happy learning!"
Price: 24.99

"How To Build an SEO WordPress Website from Start to Finish"
"In this Course, You Would Learn How to design a WordPress Website Very FAST and EASY without any Knowledge of CODING REQUIRED. You would Learn How to Install the Right and Required Plugins for Best Output of your Website. Also, You Would Learn how to Optimize your Websites to Rank in First Page of Search Engines as quickly as possible through SEO Techniques.Also, you would be able to build a Digital Download Website to sell your Digital Products and other types of products through your website by taking this Course."
Price: 19.99

"MCQS for Obstetrics & Gynaecology (OB/GYN) Doctors"
"What is gynaecology and obstetrics?Gynaecology and obstetrics are the studies of the female reproductive system. Read on to find out more.Whats the difference between gynaecology and obstetrics?Gynaecology normally means treating women who arent pregnant, while obstetrics deals with pregnant women and their unborn children, but there is lots of crossover between the two. For example, women may be referred to gynaecologists in the earlier stages of pregnancy, and obstetricians later in their term.What do gynaecologists and obstetricians do?Gynaecologists and obstetricians use a range of surgical and medical procedures. Gynaecological procedures include:Laparoscopy:the diagnosis and removal of cysts and infections from the ovaries and fallopian tubesCone biopsies:the removal unhealthy cells from the cervix to prevent cervical cancerHysterectomies:the removal of a womans uterusGynaecologists are also involved in smear testing programmes, which are designed to detect cervical cancer and are free on the NHS to women over the age of 25.Obstetric procedures include:Caesarean (or C) section:surgically cutting a baby out from its mothers womb to avoid problems during labourCervical sutures:using tape to strengthen a womans cervix to prevent miscarriagesExternal cephalic version (ECV):turning the baby around in the womb so it is in the correct position for birthObstetricians also test foetuses for symptoms of conditions like Downs Syndrome using ultrasound and techniques like chorionic villus sampling.Gynaecologists and obstetricians often work closely with midwives, nurses and other medical specialists such as urologists, who treat bladder problems, and endocrinologists, who deal with hormone production.This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 105 hand-selected questions, the current major certification examand limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get aGood Score at least 80% on the OfficialObstetrics and Gynecology Exam ,certification in obstetrics and gynecologyExam InformationExam Title :Obstetrics and Gynecology ExamDuration of Exam :180minutesNumber of Questions: 105(Multiple Choice)Passing score :70% (73 out of 105) Exam Format :Multiple-ChoiceWhy take this course?The questions in the practice tests always stay current. We ensure this by taking the OfficialObstetrics and Gynecology ourselves.We always prepare/update questions for practice accordingly.These questions will helpyou will get a good score at least 80% on the main exam.Guaranteed passing the exam in the first attempt.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked."
Price: 24.99

"SQL for Newcomers - The Full Mastery Course"
"Hi!I'm Sameh Sharaf. I am a data engineer. I have worked on data since 2010 so I guess I can say I'm experienced enough.This course will teach you how to use SQL (Structured Query Language), a language so prominent for relational databases, databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLlite and more.SQL now is a great skill to have if you want to work as a data analyst, data scientist, BI developer, data engineer, database administrator or even a software developer/engineer, since all these jobs need to use databases and data in a daily basis.I'm a beginner, is this course for me?Sure! This course was done for beginners. Even students with experience in SQL may find it useful too to memorize some keywords and functions, as well as learning more about the bits they may miss.Is there any prerequisites to attend this course?The only thing you need is a PC or laptop with average performance and any operating system installed on. We'll be using Windows 10 for this course but the OS does not matter since the tech we'll be using is cross-platform and can work on Linux and Mac."
Price: 39.99

"AWS Solution Architect Associate Practice Sets"
"Welcome to my humble practice set package which contains four practice sets. Each has 60 questions covering all AWS essential services which you'll be asked about in the AWS Solution Architect - Associate Exam.Personally, it took me 160 hours (yes, you read that right) to be brave enough to go to the examination center and do the test, and guess what, I could pass it with a score of 87%!Believe me, the exam is not that hard, and you don't need to spend much time studying as me. So, I have prepared a set of practice tests which can cover a wide range of information it may appear in the exam.You may test your skills in AWS before & after you prepared for the exam, so you can have a clear idea what is your current knowledge and how well you become ready.What you'll find here:Total of 240 unique questions, distributed on 4 practice sets.All essential AWS services which will or may appear in the Solution Architect Associate exam are covered, including Lambda, API Gateway and Kinesis.All questions are put by me. Last updated by Nov 09, 2018.Each question has an explanation of the answer, as well as a source URL to the respective AWS document."
Price: 19.99

"Asia Miles"
"HK$5,000HK$10,000 2 3 Asia Miles - Business Class 128 HK$5,000-10,000 Asia Miles Messenger FlyAsia Assignment udemy APP - & Asia Miles PayMeAliPayWeChat Pay Asia Miles PayMeAliPayWeChat Pay Asia Miles FlyAsia FlyAsia -"
Price: 64.99

"piyasada farkl  farkl kurslara para vermeniz yerine 7 dersi tek pakette hazrladm ve mr boyu eriim imkan mevcut.Tbdy2018 ynetmeliini iyi bir ekilde anlayp oktan semeli sorularla pekitiriyoruzSTA4CAD V14.1 LE TBDY2018'e gre 8 saat boyunca ayrntl bina modellemesi ve ayrntl rapor yorumlama yapld.1997 ylnda yaplan esk i bir binann dorusal olmayan performans analizi (GDT) metoduyla glendirme projesi hazrlanp ayrca autocad da bu perdeye ait donat detay ve ankraj detaylar izildi. OSKA program ile  bir binann metraj karlp maliyeti hesaplanp teknik artname,icmal ve pursantajlar karlacakbununla da bitmiyor. ayrca idecad programyla ayrntl bir ekilde bir binann inaat modeli hazrlanp analizi yaplp raporlar yorumlanacakAutocad ile statik plan ,kesit ve detay ayrntl bir ekilde manuel izebileceklerkuyu temel ve istinat duvar analizi yapyoruzdikkat! kurs temel seviyeden profesyonel seviyeye kadar  ders anlatm mevcutNOT: kursu bitirenlere dev verilecek. Bylelikle kurstan daha fazla verim almalar salanm olunacak. devin cevaplar ise yine devi bitiren arkadalara verilecektir.Kursata ayrca TBDY2018'i daha iyi anlamanz iin Quiz ekledim. 1. blmn sonunda bulabilirsiniz.civil engineering  inaat  mhendisi"
Price: 79.99

"Learn Reasoning Maths in fun way with animation."
"Most of the Studentswho arepreparing forIBPS, RRB, SSC, UPSC, VRO, VRA, Campus interviews and Competitive Exams, theymustlearnReasoning.IBPS, RRB, SSC, UPSC, VRO, VRA, Campus interviews and Competitive Exams For engineering student must learn these subjects for campus selections and interviews.These subjects are mandatory for higher studies entrance exams.Finally without these subjects nobodycant get Bank jobs and Govt jobs.Most of the organisations will select the employees based on Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Test onlyBenefits of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning projectTotal 24 chapters more than 25 hours video animation Classes.Each topic minimum60 minutesduration.All classes in Animation with background voice.Script and content byprofessionals in the related subject.Our quality and content will interact the students.Our videos even kids can understand better.Not comparablewith another product in the market.These Classes are enough to Crack the IBPS, private and Govt jobs.Reasoning Chapters List1. Directions2. Clocks And Calendar3. Coding-Decoding4. Alphabet Test5. Word Formation6. Number, Ranking And Time Sequence Test7. Input-Output8. Mathematical Operations And Symbol Notations9. Puzzles10. Number Series11. Data Sufficiency12. Statement And Conclusions13. Syllogism14. Blood Relations15. Letter Series16. Sitting Arrangement17. Venn Diagrams18. Statement and Arguments19. Logical orders of words20. Statement and Assumptions21. Puzzles-Floors22. Puzzles-Months23. Alphanumeric series24. Heights and Weights"
Price: 84.99

"Learn Quantitative Aptitude Maths in fun way with animation."
"Most of the Studentswho arepreparing forIBPS, RRB, SSC, UPSC, VRO, VRA, Campus interviews and Competitive Exams, theymustlearnQuantitative Aptitude.IBPS, RRB, SSC, UPSC, VRO, VRA, Campus interviews and Competitive Exams For engineering student must learn these subjects for campus selections and interviews.These subjects are mandatory for higher studies entrance exams.Finally without these subjects nobodycant get Bank jobs and Govt jobs.Most of the organisations will select the employees based on Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Test onlyBenefits of Quantitative Aptitude CourseTotal 27 chapters more than 30 hours video animation Classes.Each topic minimum60 minutesduration.All classes in Animation with background voice.Script and content byprofessionals in the related subject.Our quality and content will interact the students.Our videos even kids can understand better.Not comparablewith another product in the market.These Classes are enough to Crack the IBPS, private and Govt jobs.Quantitative Aptitude Chapters List1. Work And Time2. Discount3. Boats And Stream4. Bar Charts5. Pie Charts6. Mixed Graph7. Work And Wages8. Number Systems9. HCF And LCM10. Surds And Indices11. Simple And Decimal Fraction12. Problem based on ages13. Ratio and Proportion14. Trains15. Profit and loss16. Partnership17. Simple Interest18. Speed Time distance19. Mixture and allegation20. Bankers Discount21. Probability22. Averages23. Percentages24. Permutations and Combinations25. Pipes and Cisterns26. Volume and Surface areas27. Line Graphs"
Price: 84.99

"Learn C-Language in fun way with animation."
"Now a day's C language is also a common Subject in Secondary School Syllabus to Most of the Studentswho areJoining inBtech, MCA, Computers, BCA must have knowledge in C language.1), MCA, Bsc Computers, BCA, Campus interviews and Competitive Exams2) For engineering student must learn C language for campus selections and interviews.3) C language is mandatory Subject in higher studies and job interviews.4) Most of the organisations will select the employees based on C language Skill Test.3.4 Benefits of this project1) Total 33 chapters more than 14 hours video animation Classes.2) Each topic average25 minutesduration.3) All classes in Animation with background voice.4) Script and content byprofessionals in the related subject.5) Our quality and content will interact the students.6) Our videos even kids can understand better.7) Not comparablewith another product in the market.3.5 C-language Chapters List1.Introduction.2.History of C language.3.Structure of C and system tools.4.pre-processor directives.5.Data types and Format specifier.6.Constants and variables.7. Declaration & assignments.8. Algorithm and Flow chart.9.Operators.10.Type casting.11. IO functions.12. Decision control statements.13.Conditional selection statements.14. Loop control statements15. For loop.16. Pointers.17.Scope and Life Time.18.Storage classes.19.Memory allocation.20.Functions.21.Arrays.22.strings.23.Selection sort.24.Bubble sort.25.Heap sort.26.Merge sort.27.Quick sort.28.Insertion sort.29.Binary search.30.Linear search.31.Structure.32. Union.33.Files."
Price: 84.99

"Learn Vedic mathematics in fun way with animation."
"Now a day's Vedic mathematics is also a common Subject in Secondary School Syllabus to Vedic mathematics occupies a significant position and importance in most of the banking recruitment exams as well as in many other recruitment exams viz., Railways Recruitment Exam, Staff Selection Commission Exams etc.1) IBPS, RRB, SSC, UPSC, VRO, VRA, Campus interviews and Competitive Exams2) For engineering student must learn these subjects for campus selections and interviews.3) These subjects are mandatory for higher studies entrance exams.4) Finally without these subject nobodycan't get Bank jobs and Govt jobs.5) Most of the organizations will select the employees based on Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Test only where Vedic maths will help. Benefits of this project1) Total 16 chapters more than 4 hours video animation Classes.2) Each topic average15 minutesduration.3) All classes in Animation with background voice.4) Script and content byprofessionals in the related subject.5) Our quality and content will interact the students.6) Our videos even kids can understand better.7) Not comparablewith another product in the market.Vedic mathematics Chapters ListVedic Mathematics is the collective name given to a set of sixteen mathematical methods Sixteen Sutras of Vedic Mathematics Names in Indian language Sanskrit but video classes in English languageSutra 1: Ekadhikena PurvenaSutra 2: Nikhilam Navatas caramam DasatahSutra 3: Urdhva-tiryagbhyamSutra 4: Paravartya YojayetSutra 5: Shunyam SamyasamuchchayeSutra 6: Aanyarupaye SunyamanyatSutra 7: Sankalana VyavakalanabhyamSutra 8: Purna PuranabhyamSutra 9: Chalana-kalanabhyamSutra 10: YavadunamSutra 11: Vyasti SamastihSutra 12: Sesanyankena CaramenaSutra 13: SopantyadvayamantyamSutra 14: Ekanyunena PurvenaSutra 15: GunitasamuchchayaSutra 16: Gunakasamuchchaya"
Price: 84.99

"CCNA 200-125 &"
"& . . . & , RIP , EIGRP,OSPF, &  vlan,vtp,inter-vlan routing,port security,port fast, ether channel."
Price: 34.99

"Learning Terraform on Microsoft Azure"
"This course takes you through all aspects of Terraform v11, from initial setup to a sample real world deployment in Azure.The course begins with setting up the training environment, installing Terraform and configuring Azure. As the course develops will look at various aspects of Terraform and how we can use these to build our deployment. Alongside this we will use various resources in Azure, I will explain what these are, how these work and then we will deploy these using Terraform. Just set expectations this course isnt an Azure course. So while I wont go into any great depth on each Azure resource I do provide an overview of the most salient features.This course has been developed to be as practical as possible, most of the lessons are follow along in nature. Overviews of key areas of Terraform and Azure Resources are provided for reference.June 2019 - Course updated with lessons in for migrating code to Terraform 12Aug 2019 - Course updated with new Azure App registration bladeNov 2019 - Course updated with v11 vs v12 syntax lesson                   - New lessons on v12"
Price: 34.99

"Forex Strategy Building 101: Build Your Own Trading Strategy"
"Are you just starting with Forex or are you already trading but without achieving some significant profits? Have you ever wondered how to take your skills to the next level and turn yourself into really successful Forex trader in no time?The main key to Forex success isnot trading 24/7 but learning to build bulletproof Forex trading strategy!In this course, we will give you the exact road map which top Forex traders use to build their strategies.Hands on all the core principles which will help you craft your own Forex trading strategy from scratch.Plus all the ways to improve your existing one on the go. And all this packed with plenty of live examples from real money account.There are many Forex trading tutorials and courses out there which will provide you with pre-build strategies to follow without even explaining the idea behind. This course is not one of them!Our goal is to teachyou how to build, test and assess your own Forex trading strategy in the same way as pro traders do - using different techniques and multiple statistical parameters.You will master both basic and advanced concepts of Forex Strategy Building Principles.By taking thisStrategy Building Course,you will enroll in the comprehensive Forex training which will show you thevarious approaches to choose the market type of movement, timing and right tools you need to build a solid backbone of your strategy. Furthermore you will master ways to enhance its performance with some extra tuning and properly assess the results.In the end, you will have a better understanding of how to analyze the Forex market conditions, implement them in your strategy so you can maximize your profits in the long term.After completing this Forex course, you will be able to:Build a comprehensive Forex strategy from scratchAnalyze and set correct entry and exit points much betterSet better StopLoss and Take Profit LevelsAdd different filters and test results accordinglyAssess your Forex trading strategy using multiple statistical parametersImprove your existing trading strategy on the goDo you want to get hands-on Forex insights and practical experience which will put you in the list of successful Forex traders.Enroll now and start building your bulletproof strategy!"
Price: 199.99

"Neuroplasticidade: Como programar seu crebro para o sucesso"
"Voc sabia que seu crebro tem flexibilidade? E que ele pode ser programado para o sucesso?H alguns anos atrs, a Neuroplasticidade foi descoberta e com ela novos mtodos de lidar com a procrastinao, depresso, medos e traumas foram desenvolvidos.Muitas pessoas de sucesso, conhecem o poder do pensamento positivo, o poder do agir em busca de seus objetivos. Neste curso voc vai aprender o que ocorre em seu sistema nervoso, como funciona a anatomia do seu crebro para que voc possa compreender como estimul-lo. No curso tambm ensinado uma srie de exerccios e dicas de alimentos para deixar seu crebro ainda mais saudvel.""Enfrentei meus medos, eu posso considerar que sou outra pessoa depois de aplicar esses conhecimentos da neuroplasticidade"" - Caryne Carbente"
Price: 459.99

"Negcio de 1 Homem s"
"COMO INICIAR SEU PRIMEIRO NEGCIO DE PRESTAO DE SERVIOS. Um guia ideal para quem trabalha por conta prpria. Prestadores de servios/ Profissionais Liberais/ Trabalhadores Autnomos.Sou Marcos Thegenes, Profissional Autnomo desde 2012 na rea de manuteno residencial. Conhea minha VDEO AULA - NEGCIO DE 1 HOMEM S. Sobre como DIVULGAR E CAPTAR CLIENTES. Fico feliz em poder compartilhar meus conhecimentos sobre como divulgar um negcio e como fao para conseguir novos clientes. Aprendi muito nessa profisso que minha base financeira at o momento e graas as tcnicas informadas nessa vdeo aula, vem mantendo meu negcio firme e forte. Nenhuma das dicas descritas nesse treinamento mgica e nada funciona sem persistncia e dedicao. Tudo foi aprendido na raa e no dia a dia entre erros e acertos. Prepare-se para 1 Hora e 50 minutos de intensivo. Pegue papel e caneta e vamos aprender como se tornar um profissional requisitado em sua regio.PLANO DE AULA:- QUANTIDADE DE AULAS (10 Vdeo Aulas).- ENTREGA(Acesso completo a todos os mdulos e vdeo aulas aps pagamento).CONTEDO DAS VDEO AULAS- APRESENTAO (Comparativo entre divulgaes usadas no passado e tcnicas atuais).- 1 PASSO - PREPARAO(Ferramentas e Materiais necessrios para iniciar o processo de divulgao, como criar um site).- 2 PASSO - AO(Dicas e Tcnicas de como divulgar com eficincia de forma presencial e digital, gratuita e paga).- 3 PASSO - CAPTAO DE CLIENTES(Como conseguir seus clientes e tcnicas de atendimento comprovadamente vivenciadas por mim e como fechar um agendamento atravs de vrias plataformas).- CONSIDERAES FINAIS(Como finalizar um atendimento com chave de ouro, garantindo retorno futuro e indicaes, formas de atender bem seu cliente)."
Price: 39.99

"Optimal Selling"
"Thiscourse gives you the fundamental concepts of the Optimal Selling Program. It describes what Optimal Selling is, what it takes to be theOptimal Salesperson, gives you the most important sales techniques andexplains how to manage yourself to sales success and become the Optimal Salesperson. It is a self-contained program and if you apply these principles consistentlyyou will eliminate wasted time with prospects who will never buy andclose a higher percentage of your opportunities. It will put you on the road to breaking thru barriers and reaching that elusive next level."
Price: 89.99

"Optimal Selling - Breaking your Barriers to Success"
"This course will teach you about self-limiting beliefs and hidden weaknesses and explain how they prevent salespeople from achievingtheir financial goals. The course will identify 4 crucial elements to sales success and the 5 major hidden weaknesses that prevent salespeople from achieving that success. The course will give you a general strategy to overcome any hidden weakness and specific strategies to overcome the 5 major hidden weaknesses."
Price: 89.99

"Mesh Sleeve Jumper Knitting TutorialMesh V"
"Mesh Sleeve JumperPre-class orientationThe aim of this course is to guide you through the English knitting pattern of Mesh Sleeve Jumper by Mika handmade, a process during which you would learn relevant knitting English and stitches. Pronunciation will be a focus of this course. Stitch techniques may vary among knitting instructors, so if you can grasp the productions, you will have access to plenty of knitting videos.The course content does NOT include knitting patterns. You can purchase it directly from Mikahandmade (shop links available in Pre-class orientation)"
Price: 99.99

":1. .2. MP3 , , . , .3. PDF . , . . :- - "" "" ( )- PDF - ( 20%) - , ? , . 10 , 7 . , , , , , . : 8 . : , , . , , , , . . 113 7 . , . : , , , , , : , , , , . , , , . , - ""-"". , , , "" "" , : , , , . . , "" "" , , . . , , , , . . ? , , , . . . , : , , PDF . , . ""-"" , , . , . """", "" , , "" . , . , . , , , . , , . , . , . , , , .: , 3 6 , .: "" "". -, . !"
Price: 29.99

"Herhangi bir tecrbe veya teknik bilgiye sahip olmadan harika animasyonlar yapmak istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz. VideoScribe beyaz tahta animasyon kursuna hogeldiniz. Hi bir deneyime sahip olmadan sfrdan leri dzey bir videoScribe kullancs olacanzdan hi pheniz olmasn.htiyacnz olan tek ey bir mesaj, bir fikir ya da dnyayla iletiim kurmas gereken bir ey. VideoScribe, setiiniz resimlerden animasyonlu skeler karr. Metni ve izimleri tuval zerine yerletirin,VideoScribe dk maliyeti kolay arayz ve grsel ktphanesi sayesinde en ok kullanlan animasyon programlarndan biridir.VideoScribe Youtuberlar, website yapmclar, pazarlamaclar ve kk iletme sahipleri iin rn ve hizmetlerini sunmak ve satmak iin kullanrlar.Ayrca rencilere yksek kaliteli aklayc ve ilgi ekici videolar oluturmak isteyen evirimii eitmenler tarafndan kullanlr. Bu videolar kk iletmeler, giriimciler ve hatta retmenler iin harikadr.Ama, VideoScribe'in, program iinde ileri tekniklerin nasl kullanlacann temellerini renmek ve nihayetinde daha sanatsal bir gzle beyaz tahta animasyonlarnn tasarmna yaklamaktr.Kursu bitirdiinizde bir tamamlama sertifikas alacaksnz!Eer siz bir:Youtuber,Freelance alan, Video Dzenleyici,Sanat,Online Kurs Oluturucu,Online Pazarlamac isenizBu kurs sizler iindir !Artk markanz pazarlamak iin video kullanmann zamann dnmediyseniz, istatistik, al sayfanza bir rn videosu eklemenin dnmleri% 80 orannda artrabildiini sylyor. Bu derste, size dikkat ekici videolar oluturabilmek iin adm adm nasl yaplacan gstereceim.Haydi balayalm ..."
Price: 349.99

"La Mthode pour Russir son Entretien d'Embauche"
"Vous avez des difficults convaincre les recruteurs? Personne ne vous rappelle aprs les entretiens? Vous n'arrivez pas vous dmarquer des autres candidats?Nous avons dvelopp une mthode simple et particulirement efficace qui va vous permettre de passer vos prochains entretiens avec succs.Notre mthode vous accompagne pendant toutes les tapes cls de lentretien en vous transmettant des techniques de persuasion qui ont fait leurs preuves.Sans tomber dans lapprentissage par cur des rponses donner au recruteur, nous allons dvelopper lauthenticit de vos rponses pour gagner en srnit face aux recruteurs, mmes les plus difficiles.Les techniques enseignes sont illustres par des exemples concrets et les modules de formation contiennent des exercices pratiques qui vous permettront de progresser tout en amliorant votre confiance en vous, ce qui sera trs important pendant lentretien.Enfin, vous pourrez prparer vos entretiens plus rapidement grce laccompagnement tape par tape."
Price: 19.99

"Sifirdan html5 ogrenin"
"html5 hakknda hemen her seyi anlattm butun etiketleri tek tek elimden geldii kadar ackladm onemli olanlar ise detaya girerek ackladm dersleri elimden geldii kadar ksa ve acklayc tutmaya ve sizi izlerken mumkun oldugu kadar bunaltmamaya calstm ama ahtasz kul olmaz benim de illa hatalarm ve unuttugum seyler vardr onlar soru sorarak ya da yorum yaparak sordugunuzda elimden geldg kadar yardmc olmaya calsacagm amacm herkesn br seyler ogrenmesini saglamak umarm faydal bir egitim olmustur simdidedn tesekkur ederim sayglar"
Price: 49.99

"Sifirdan Her Yonuyle CSS3 Ogrenin"
"CSS3 hakknda butun konulari tek tek acklayarak anlattim aklinizda su ozellik ne ie yarar diye bir soru brakmamaya calstm kursun yaps css3 ile neler yapabilirsiniz degil CSS3 ozellikleri ne ie yarar bunun uzerinde durdum konulari buna gre takip ederseniz daha faydal olur ornekler kisminda farkli ornek calismalar ile bu kurs sayesinde ileri seviyelere ve daha yuksek hayal gucu ile yapabilecekleriniz haknda fikir vermeye calsacagim"
Price: 49.99

"Master Your Money"
"Money plays a large part in our everyday life - and for some also the nights with worries. Many have speculations and frustrations. Many are stressed about their money and finances. Maybe you are one of them.This course has the goal to free you of speculations and frustrations. By using the tools in this course you are encouraged to take action and be the master of your money instead of the other way round."
Price: 69.99

"Styr din personlige konomi"
"Penge spiller en stor rolle i vores hverdag og for nogle fylder det ogs ntterne med bekymringer. Mange spekulerer og er frustrerede. Mange er stressede angende deres penge og konomi. Mske er du en af dem, der har det sdan.Formlet for dette kursus er at befri dig fra spekulationer og frustrationer. Nr du anvender redskaberne i dette kursus, bliver du tilskyndet til at handle aktivt og vre den, der styrer dine penge i stedet for det omvendte."
Price: 69.99