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"Curso Prtico para Provas e Redao"
"Este curso contm a reviso bsica para melhorar a compreenso da leitura e escrita, visando resoluo de provas e elaborao de redao. Alm disso, sero demonstradas tcnicas para melhorar a capacidade do aluno, tendo em vista a apresentao de informaes teis para resolver provas, tanto provas objetivas como tambm provas dissertativas e redao. Este curso diferente da maioria dos outros cursos disponveis no mercado, pois ele no ensina apenas algumas tcnicas, esse curso discute o aumento da compreenso, sendo a compreenso, to importante quanto qualquer tcnica aplicada pelo aluno, pois o nvel de compreenso que vai determinar o aproveitamento do material estudado. Neste sentido, os alunos costumam procurar orientaes avanadas, e poucos percebem que o esforo mais efetivo em um primeiro momento no seria buscar instrues desse tipo, mas sim procurar fortalecer a compreenso, o vocabulrio, aumentar a resistncia para resolver provas, bem como entender como funciona a dinmica bsica do aprendizado, para assim, melhorar sua capacidade de leitura e escrita. Logo, uma vez fortalecido esses pontos, o aluno poder alcanar outro patamar, este ser um aluno mais capacitado no que diz respeito ao tempo dedicado aos estudos e ao aproveitamento do material estudado. Aps a realizao deste curso, com certeza, o aluno ter a possibilidade de reformular o seu modo de estudar, com a compreenso aprimorada, vocabulrio ampliado, resistncia renovada e bons novos hbitos adotados, ter sua capacidade de estudar e a sua compreenso melhorada, permitindo realizar qualquer tipo de prova ou redao com maior confiana e de modo eficiente."
Price: 39.99

"Administer and troubleshoot The Networks and OS-Basic tools"
"This course is suitable for people who want to learn more about administering and troubleshooting with basic tools. IT internees, IT Pro and people who want to start their career should watch this course. This is a very interesting course in this course you will know a lot of things what you cant learn from other places"
Price: 24.99

"Speak French From Now"
"This course makes students able to have enough knowledge of French language phonetics which is the base of learning a new language. Course includes plenty of information regarding pronunciation of French alphabets, their correct use and some rules that concern some letters. By the end of the course student will be able to master most important rules in French language and that will make their pronunciation easier and faster."
Price: 19.99

"Premiere Pro CC 2019 / Profesyonel YouTube Kurgu/Montaj Seti"
"Bu dersAdobe Premiere Pro CC'yikullanarak profesyonel video dzenleme niteliindedir.Premiere Pro CC'yi amann en bandan itibaren sizi ynlendirecek ve eitli panel pencerelerini klipleri dzenleme, ses almas yapma, renk dzeltme yapma, dizi nayarlar oluturma, balklar, klavye ksayollar, ihracat ve ok daha fazlasn reneceksiniz! herhangi bir sorunuz olduunda sorularnza cevap bulabileceksinizAklnza taklan her trl soruyu yantlamak iin hazr bulunacak ve ayn zamanda kurs boyunca ilerlerken karlaabileceiniz sorunlarda size yardmc olacamAdobe Premiere Pro CC'nizolmasa bile, web sitesinden Adobe'den 30 gnlk cretsiz deneme srmn indirerek bu kursun avantajlarndan yararlanabilirsiniz.Tek yapmanz gereken cretsiz bir hesap oluturmaktr, sadece birka dakika srer ve daha sonra Premiere Pro CC'yi indirmeye balayabilirsiniz.Bugn kaydolun ve ilgi ekici grsel ve iitsel hikayeler oluturmak iin Adobe'nin video dzenleme programna balayn!Adobe Premiere program film dzenleme program olup baka birok ama iin de kullanlabilir. Adobe Premier yazlm ile herhangi bir zorlukla karlamadan Saysal Video (Digital Video-DV) elde edebilir, video rnlerinizi gzelletirmek iin trnn en iyisi olan aralar kullanabilir, ardndan da Web iin veya kendinize zel filmler elde edebilirsiniz. una inanyoruz ki, ister profesyonel olun, isterse hevesli bir video reticisi olun, Adobe Premiere yazlmnn ok ynll, kullanm kolayl ve yeteneklerinden memnun kalacaksnz.Premiere son srm eskisine oranla ok gzel bir takm yenilikler ve kolaylklarla birlikte geliyor. Dzenlediiniz filmi birlikte gelen Adobe MPEG Encoder sayesinde .mpg olarak direkt kt alabiliyor, gelitirilen Balk Oluturma aralaryla taslaklar (templates) kullanabilir ve isterseniz kendi balklarnz oluturabilirsiniz.Ksacas Premier, her ynyle mkemmel bir program olup film dzenleme konusunda ok baarl bir grafik iziyor. Biraz profesyonellik istese de, amatr alan kimselerin de her ynyle faydalanabilecekleri ei bulunmaz bir yazlmdr. Bu programla dn, nian, snnet treni ve dier merasimlerinizde, zel gnlerinizde ektiiniz filmleri dzenleyebilir, montaj yapabilir, ses ekleyebilir, bu yaptnz filmlerden Video CD oluturabilir, mehur filmlerden istediiniz sesleri alabilir, bu filmlerdeki her trl grnt ve sesi kendi tasarladnz filmlerde kullanabilirsiniz. Eer bu tr ilerden holanyorsanz, Premiere tam size gre. Haberiniz olsun. Ksacas Premier, her ynylemkemmel bir editleme programolup film dzenleme konusunda ok baarl bir grafik iziyor. Biraz profesyonellik istese de, amatr alan kimselerin de her ynyle faydalanabilecekleri ei bulunmaz bir yazlmdr. Bu programlaektiinizfilmleri dzenleyebilir, montaj yapabilir, ses ekleyebilir, bu yaptnz filmlerden Video CD oluturabilir,mehur filmlerden istediiniz sesleri alabilir, bu filmlerdeki her trl grnt ve sesi kendi tasarladnz filmlerde kullanabilirsiniz. Eer bu tr ilerden holanyorsanz, Premiere Protam size gre!Bu dersAdobe Premiere Pro CC'yikullanarak profesyonel video dzenleme niteliindedir.Premiere Pro CC'yi amann en bandan itibaren sizi ynlendirecek ve eitli panel pencerelerini klipleri dzenleme, ses almas yapma, renk dzeltme yapma, dizi nayarlar oluturma, balklar, klavye ksayollar, ihracat ve ok daha fazlasn reneceksiniz! herhangi bir sorunuz olduunda sorularnza cevap bulabileceksinizAklnza taklan her trl soruyu yantlamak iin hazr bulunacak ve ayn zamanda kurs boyunca ilerlerken karlaabileceiniz sorunlarda size yardmc olacamAdobe Premiere Pro CC'nizolmasa bile, web sitesinden Adobe'den 30 gnlk cretsiz deneme srmn indirerek bu kursun avantajlarndan yararlanabilirsiniz.Tek yapmanz gereken cretsiz bir hesap oluturmaktr, sadece birka dakika srer ve daha sonra Premiere Pro CC'yi indirmeye balayabilirsiniz.Bugn kaydolun ve ilgi ekici grsel ve iitsel hikayeler oluturmak iin Adobe'nin video dzenleme programna balayn!Adobe Premiere program film dzenleme program olup baka birok ama iin de kullanlabilir. Adobe Premier yazlm ile herhangi bir zorlukla karlamadan Saysal Video (Digital Video-DV) elde edebilir, video rnlerinizi gzelletirmek iin trnn en iyisi olan aralar kullanabilir, ardndan da Web iin veya kendinize zel filmler elde edebilirsiniz. una inanyoruz ki, ister profesyonel olun, isterse hevesli bir video reticisi olun, Adobe Premiere yazlmnn ok ynll, kullanm kolayl ve yeteneklerinden memnun kalacaksnz.Premiere son srm eskisine oranla ok gzel bir takm yenilikler ve kolaylklarla birlikte geliyor. Dzenlediiniz filmi birlikte gelen Adobe MPEG Encoder sayesinde .mpg olarak direkt kt alabiliyor, gelitirilen Balk Oluturma aralaryla taslaklar (templates) kullanabilir ve isterseniz kendi balklarnz oluturabilirsiniz.Ksacas Premier, her ynyle mkemmel bir program olup film dzenleme konusunda ok baarl bir grafik iziyor. Biraz profesyonellik istese de, amatr alan kimselerin de her ynyle faydalanabilecekleri ei bulunmaz bir yazlmdr. Bu programla dn, nian, snnet treni ve dier merasimlerinizde, zel gnlerinizde ektiiniz filmleri dzenleyebilir, montaj yapabilir, ses ekleyebilir, bu yaptnz filmlerden Video CD oluturabilir, mehur filmlerden istediiniz sesleri alabilir, bu filmlerdeki her trl grnt ve sesi kendi tasarladnz filmlerde kullanabilirsiniz. Eer bu tr ilerden holanyorsanz, Premiere tam size gre. Haberiniz olsun. Ksacas Premier, her ynylemkemmel bir editleme programolup film dzenleme konusunda ok baarl bir grafik iziyor. Biraz profesyonellik istese de, amatr alan kimselerin de her ynyle faydalanabilecekleri ei bulunmaz bir yazlmdr. Bu programlaektiinizfilmleri dzenleyebilir, montaj yapabilir, ses ekleyebilir, bu yaptnz filmlerden Video CD oluturabilir,mehur filmlerden istediiniz sesleri alabilir, bu filmlerdeki her trl grnt ve sesi kendi tasarladnz filmlerde kullanabilirsiniz. Eer bu tr ilerden holanyorsanz, Premiere Protam size gre!"
Price: 49.99

"Love With Less Lies"
"? Do you feel that it's YOUR time to find LOVE but you're feeling unsure or nervous about how to get the love you deserve? ? Have you had your heartbroken, been mislead or trusted the wrong guy in the past? ? Would you like to build confidence whilst learning how to encourage more truth from the start AND build a stronger connection?This powerful and unique 7 step program will help you to cut through the time wasters and the guys who don't want the same thing that you want. You will learn to encourage more truth, ask better questions and uncover the information you really need to know. You will also become more aware about human behaviour and learn the signs that may signal he is hiding something important - or straight out lying to you.Not only that, the program will help you to clear limiting blocks from the past that may be holding you back from success. I promise you this program is like no other and will build your confidence to get out and find, attract and keep your Mr Amazing...faster!? ? With BONUS FREE e-book: 180 Excellent Dating Questions: Never get stuck in awkward silence again!"
Price: 59.99

"Estadstica para todos. Anlisis de datos y Toma de decisin"
"Estadstica para Todos, Anlisis de Datos y toma de decisin, es un curso muy prctico que consta de 7 mdulos, donde se desarrollan los conceptos bsicos para luego encontrar los datos que permiten caracterizar una poblacin, basada en su muestra. Cada clase te muestra la teora y un ejemplo prctico de aplicacin. Se ir actualizando con ejercicios"
Price: 199.99

"Curso Bsico de Corvid - javascript para wix"
"Ol caro aluno, aqui quem fala o Carlos Costa, o desenvolvedor deste curso. Antes de mais nada, quero agradecer por ter escolhido dentre tantos o curso bsico de Corvid. Acredito que sua jornada de aprendizagem seja longa, e fico feliz em ajudar com aquilo que domino. Aprenda com seriedade e faa bom proveito do contedo.O curso bsico de Corvid tem o objetivo bem traado de oferecer a voc, uma iniciao em linguagens de programao. Uma vez que ainda em estagio beta, mas em constante evoluo, a plataforma tende a se abrir a edio de cdigos, e estes em javascript conforme lecionado aqui.Este curso tem conceitos inicias de programao, tais quais: variveis, arrays e objetos, e gradativamente ampliar sua abordagem em conceitos, ainda fundamentais, mas de maior complexidade aplicados a programao. Por fim, veremos como estes conceitos esto presentes em tarefas mais avanadas, como por exemplo o uso de operaes com bancos de dados."
Price: 279.99

"Curso Corvid PRO - Pginas dinmica e bancos de dados wix"
"O curso Corvid PRO oferece ao aluno uma jornada de aprendizagem, partindo da preparao de um ambiente de desenvolvimento at a utilizao de rotinas de leitura de bancos de dados. Atentando ao que mais usado na construo de sistemas, utilizando uma didtica fcil. Ainda traz ao debate diversos snippets (trechos de cdigos) teis para criao de site bonitos e bem organizados.Neste curso, juntamente  ao instrutor, o aluno participar da criao de um sistema a partir do zero!!!"
Price: 369.99

"Aprende ingls paso a paso, frases esenciales"
"Examen enfocado en que puedas aprender ingles de forma fcil y sencilla, el cual te ayudara a resolver fcilmente tus exmenes de universidad o escuela, tambin te ayudara a pulir tu ingles de manera excelente.Es importante que tengas mucha concentracin y respondas de forma correcta y con responsabilidad para que entiendas como desarrollar los ejercicios. Estamos contentos de que ests aqu y de poder ayudarte."
Price: 64.99

". ! , . 25 : 2016 ( 300 ). , . , . ( . audio ) 1970-, . - ."
Price: 44.99

"2007, , "" Linux-"", : ALT Linux Linux. . (, ) GNU FDL( GNU ). . , . : Linux , Linux O Linux Linux"
Price: 19.99

"How To Write Like J.K. Rowling"
"LEARNHOWTOWRITESTORIESTHATREADERSCAN'TPUTDOWNTaught by E.Z. Rinsky, best-selling, award winning author of Palindrome and The BindingGet a guided, close reading of Harry Potter, the most successful books in modern historyLearn the tools and tricks J.K. Rowling used to create incredible fiction!This course is perfect for:AuthorsJournalistsBloggersCreative writersAnyone wanting to improve their writing quality!What will you get from this course?Create deep, realistic charactersLearn how to: Build characters your reader will relate toUse subtle hints to subconsciously convey characters to the readerWrite dialogue that perfectly fits your charactersEnsure your characters feel like complete, real peopleBecome a better reader & understand how the Masters create charactersBuild immersive, gripping settingsLearn how to: Plant complex images in your readers headSimple techniques to evoke mood and atmosphereEmbed rich symbolism in your settingsBe fair to the reader ... and what that even meansEnsure your settings are an integral part of the storyWrite beautiful prose. Learn how to: Build paragraphs that flow, and keep the reader rivetedEnsure internal paragraph logicKnow when to switch to a new paragraphNail the perfect word to convey your visionAvoid the common mistakes which can doom a sentenceWrite prose your readers cant put down"
Price: 19.99

"Fedora Basics"
"Linux is quiet standard for desktops, and if youre switching from Mac or Windows to Linux, Fedora is a good way to start. Fedora handles everything from content hosting, delivery and payment processing so instructors can focus on creating content, teaching and providing amazing student support.This course starts right from scratch wherein we will show you how to install and make your way around the Fedora environment, you will get acquainted with the interface, perform common tasks from the command line, and get a Fedora server up and running. The course will then focus on the advanced aspects of working in fedora environment. The following are the contents of the course. We will start with Fedora Basics, Creation Fedora Architecture and File System, Installation and Commands and gain deep knowledge on Fedora, Vmware as well as Look and feel of Fedora. There after we will move on to address the advanced parts in fedora such as Understanding commands with respect to Shell Scripting, Examples of shell Scripting, Latex, Installation of various softwares-LAMP and PERL scripting."
Price: 99.99

"Aurelia JS - Create Mobile Apps using Aurelia JS"
"Aurelia is a JavaScript client framework for web, mobile and desktop. It allows you to write clean, modular JavaScript. The framework follows simple conventions and is focused on web standards. Through these tutorials we shall learn about web and mobile app development using open source UI framework Aurelia JS.The training will include:Introduction and Overview of AureliaJSEnvironmental SetUpApplication StructureES6 and ES7Components of Aurelia ApplicationComponent Life CycleData BindingCustom ElementsDependency InjectionsBasic ConfigurationBinding BehaviorPluginsConvertersEventsEvent AggregatorFormsHTTPRefsRouting Life CycleRouting ImplementationHistoryAnimationsDialogLocalizationToolsBundlingDebuggingCommunityBest PracticesSample Project description An Aurelia sample app that lets you browse and edit contacts."
Price: 109.99

"Leaflet JS - Create Apps using Leaflet JS"
"Leaflet is a new JavaScript library for embedding maps which is quickly gaining popularity. Simpler and smaller than OpenLayers, it is a good choice for those with fairly standard embedding needs. This training is for you to learn and create interactive, mobile-friendly mapping applications using the power of effective Leaflet.js platform.The training will include the following:Leaflet OverviewGetting Started (Creating a simple basemap)Working with Base LayersMultipolylines and Multipolygons (Overlays) Leaflet MarkersEventsCreating a mobile mapMap controlsGeoJsonGeoCodingCreating custom markersCreating HeatMaps and Choropleth Maps"
Price: 89.99

"Octave Neural Network for Beginners"
"Working with neural networks can seem to be a scary task, even if you have some programming experience. There are many trainings and a lot of examples of what the neural network is and what it does. Many a times it is not explained the way it should be and makes it a little difficult to understand whats going on, not to mention how to implement it in actual code.With this course you shall be learning Octave in a very simple yet effective manner wherein we actually code using examples and programmed in Linux ( Fedora 16) operating system.Below we have outlined all that you will learn through this course.Section 1: Introduction- In this sections we are getting started with Octave wherein we would understand the basics, environment setup, running octave and getting started with basic commands.Section 2: Basics- Here we start with the first step where we will learn about the basic commands, various data types, variables (storing variables) and operators.Section 3: Statements- In this section we will cover if statement, switch statement, while statement, do while statement, do until statement, for statement and break/continue statement.Section 4: Functions- here we are going to understand defining a function, multiple return values and returning from a function."
Price: 99.99

"Octave Neural Network - Advanced"
"Below we have outlined all that you will learn through this course.1. Plotting2. Matrix Manipulation3. Arithmetic Operations like Trignometry4. Set Operations5. Image Processing6. Audio Processing7. Data ContainersWorking with neural networks can seem to be a scary task, even if you have some programming experience. There are many trainings and a lot of examples of what the neural network is and what it does. Many a times it is not explained the way it should be and makes it a little difficult to understand whats going on, not to mention how to implement it in actual code.With this course you shall be learning Octave in a very simple yet effective manner wherein we actually code using examples and programmed in Linux ( Fedora 16) operating system."
Price: 99.99

"PostgreSQL Tutorials for Beginners"
"PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. This tutorial is designed to give details to PostgreSQL, relational database concepts, and the SQL language. It has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the concepts related to PostgreSQL Database.The training will include the following:OverviewEnvironment SetupSyntaxData TypesCreate DatabaseSelect DatabaseDrop DatabaseCreate TableDrop TableSchemaInsert QuerySelect QueryOperatorsExpressionsWhere ClauseAND & OR ClausesUpdate QueryDelete QueryLike ClauseLimit ClauseOrder By ClauseGroup ByWith ClauseHaving ClauseDistinct Keyword"
Price: 99.99

"Solidity Programming - Build a Decentralised Blockchain App"
"Have you heard the term Blockchain & Smart Contracts? Or want to know more about decentralized blockchain apps. You are at the right place. While there are abundance of guides available around the web, this ones the right one for you. These tutorials will help you build a decentralised Blockchain Application. Through this you would learn Solidity & Become A DApp Dev.The training will include the followings;Bridging the Blockchain Knowledge GapThe Mist BrowserThe EVMSolidity ProgrammingSmart Contracts and TokensMining EtherCryptoeconomics SurveyDapp DeploymentCreating Private ChainsUse CasesAdvanced Concepts"
Price: 99.99

"Web Application Development with Yii PHP Framework"
"This beginners training on Yii PHP Framework is the most comprehensive Yii course that gives the absolute description of every feature in Yii. The Yii course will help you learn how to use Yii to develop a practical Web application and its usage most systematically.The course starts right from scratch where in you shall learn how to install and configure Yii. Step by step we will create a working application. You will go throughdatabase accessmethods and manipulating queries and using sub-forms. This course also covers how to use the tools such as PHP Unit and Selenium, uploading images, use of themes, debugging and logging."
Price: 99.99

"CoffeeScript - Web Development using CoffeeScript"
"CoffeeScript is a light weight language which transcompiles into JavaScript. It provides better syntax avoiding the quirky parts of JavaScript, still retaining the flexibility and beauty of the language. These tutorials will help you learn the basic functions of CoffeeScript which will help you build dynamic webpages and web applications.We will be learning the followings in this course:OverviewEnvironmentcommand-line utilitySyntaxData TypesVariablesOperators and AliasesConditionalsLoopsComprehensionsFunctionsObject OrientedStringsArraysObjectsRangesSplatDateMathException HandlingRegular ExpressionsClasses and InheritanceAdvancedAjaxjQueryMongoDBSQLite"
Price: 99.99

"CouchDB - Mastering Database Design with CouchDB"
"Apache CouchDB is open source database software and these tutorials are for you to gain a quick overview of the same. This training is to learn about CouchDB, the processes to set it up, and the ways to interact with CouchDB server using cURL and Futon. We will learn how to create, update and delete databases and documents.The course will have the following pattern of instructions:IntroductionDifference between SQL and nosql databasesEnvironmental SetupCurl and FutonCreating your first Couch DB databaseIntroduction to JsonHTTP APICreating a documentUpdating a documentDeleting a documentDeleting a databaseAttaching filesIntroduction to couchDb ViewsMechanics of CouchDb deployment"
Price: 99.99

"Data Structures using Javascript"
"Data structures allow you to improve the efficiency, performance, speed, and scalability of your code/programs/applications. You will learn what data structures are, why they are important, and how to code them out in JavaScript. This course is a notch up on the basic/essentials training and will focus on the aspects of working with data structures and algorithms using Javascript. We will start the course with JavaScript Programming Environment and Model followed up with arrays, Lists, Stacks, Queues, linked Lists, Dictionaries, Sets, Graph and Graph Algorithms. We will be learning a lot in Algorithms. We will understand and learn Sorting Algorithms, Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort, Searching algorithms and Advanced algorithms."
Price: 149.99

"Laravel PHP Framework - Beginners"
"if you are a web developer or web designer, this course is ideal for you. You can learn Laravel PHP Framework with this course. This course is beginner level and it starts from scratch. hence, a beginner or a student can easily take this course and learn from it. Laravel is a PHP framework for modernweb apps. Laravel is a free, open source PHP web application framework, designed for the development of MVCweb applications. Laravel is released under the MIT license, with its source code hosted on GitHub. In this training, we will begin by preparing a dev environment and learning how to install and configure Laravel. Then youll move on to learn foundational topics such as routing and requests, controlling using databases.It will be nice if you have a introductory understanding of PHP or/and HTMLandCSS(would be required when modifying website source html files). Basics in eitherPython,CorJava will be an added advantage."
Price: 99.99

"Laravel PHP Framework - Advanced"
"This course will deal with some of the advanced features of Laravel PHP framework such as Forms, Validation, Database and Records. Laravel is a PHP framework for modern web apps. Laravel is a free, open source PHP web application framework, designed for the development of MVC web applications. Laravel is released under the MIT license, with its source code hosted on GitHub. In this training, we will train you on the advanced features of using Laravel for web development. The tutorials will help you learn about Laravel-Localization, Sessions, Forms, Validations, Laravel and AJAX, Laravel and E-mail and Error Handling."
Price: 99.99

"Green Cleaning minus the Greenwashing BS"
"Do you want to clean your home effectively & affordably with nontoxic & eco-friendly DIY products?We've got you covered.You want cleaning recipes and tricks that are:Effective: We tested over 100 tricks and recipe combinations so you wouldnt have to waste your time with trial and error.Affordable: Cleaning your home without the risk of getting cancer should not be a privilege reserved for the wealthy.Safe: Weve only chosen the absolute safest ingredients for your DIY products and share important safety guidelines. Green: The ingredients have a small ecological impact, and we always call ourselves out on where they fall short.Convenient: Everything is at your disposal to easily make your cleaning cabinet essentials and stick to a cleaning schedule.What does this workshop include?Lifetime access to the video tutorials for all modules (2+ hours)A 246-page PDF workbook that contains: Modules 1-15, convenient checklists, printable guidelines & labels, your weekly cleaning schedule, and moreReview questions to help you assimilate the class informationAccess to an exclusive student forum: You will have access to a supportive online community hosted on Facebook to submit your questions and share your successes or difficulties. Its a wonderful opportunity to get feedback and motivate one another.We've got bonuses!Support from Savvy Womens Alliance: Savvy Womens Alliance will support you in joining or starting a local chapter to promote nontoxic living in your community.15% off your purchase of essential oils from Aromatics International** valid until end of 201820% off your purchase of soap nuts from NaturOli**valid until end of 2018"
Price: 124.99

"Google Assistant"
"GoogleGoogle AssistantGoogle Assistant  Google1.2.3. + 4.5.6.okGoogleHey Google ! 7.E-mail8.9.Android auto10.11.Uber12.13.14.15.APP16.17.Google Assistant(: ...)18.IOT:"
Price: 3000.00

"The Complete Price Action Course - Advanced Forex Trading"
"This course aims to cover everything about price action trading, from A-to-Z, with a complete and deep understanding of the why, how, when and what moves price. My goal was simply to make the best and most complete price action course out there.LETS STOP FOR A MOMENT AND LET ME ASK YOU A QUESTION:Are you FRUSTRATED with trading and do you fall into one of these categories?You have spent a ton of money on expensive courses and systems.You have tried using custom indicators, robots and automated systems.You have followed bad signal providers and copy trade systems.You have jumped from system to system and were never able to stick to one.I feel you, you're not alone!In fact, I was all of the above! It was only when I realized that there are no short cuts or easy way to success that I began to seriously learn about price action trading. I had to find my ""own"" system that I could use to reliably analyze and predict the market.Why I have gone down the path of discretionary tradingA mechanical system is designed for a specific market condition and only works when the market reacts in such a way, and when it doesn't losses would incur. There are simply too many variations that affect the movement of price, that a simple ""if A happens then B"" system simply would NOT work.You have to be able to read the signs and decipher the language of price, determine whether the bulls or the bears are in control, where price is headed to and when it's likely to turn, and with all that information, where will you enter and exit the market - all this sums up what price action trading is all about. As a retail trader, we are merely the small guys trading along side the big boys and we can never be the first to predict price - we don't move the markets but we simply follow along. If you know how to read price, there are always clues to when these tricks and manipulations happen, price always leaves behind a footprint.As a discretionary trader, I dont have a fix set of rules or a so called ""trading system"".Therefore my GOAL is to teach you on how to analyze and predict the ever changing markets through price action, by understanding what ultimately moves price and why it moves in such a way.Simplicity is best!I have broken down the principles of price action trading into these simple fundamentals:Having a direction bias: There are only two directions in the market, up or down.Identifying the market phase: There are only two phases in the market, trending or ranging.See... how hard can it be? That's all!Here is my simple recipe for trading success: ""Find an edge, risk small, trade less and make sure that your wins are bigger than your losses.""The principles of trading are really simple, what makes it so hard is the mental aspect of trading. As you may have heard, trading is 90% mental, and I couldn't agree more with that saying. Don't be alone during hard times and surround yourself with winning traders in a positive and supportive environment - this will definitely give you that extra edge in succeeding as a trader.If you wish to step up your game in trading to another level and achieve consistent results, I'd like to invite you to grab the course right now!--------------------------------------------With lots of Pip Love,Forex James"
Price: 199.99

"Migracja firmy do Microsoft Azure Kurs Praktyczny"
"Kompletny przewodnik traktujcy o przeniesieniu nie tylko maej firmy do MicrosoftAzure.Na podstawie realnego przypadku, krok po kroku. Bez skrtw mylowych, pokazuje jak przenie usugi do MicrosoftAzure przynajmniej dwoma alternatywnymi metodami wraz z projektem sieci i koegzystencji sieci Microsoft Azure wraz z sieci OnPrem.Wykorzystamy metod Disk2VHD orazAzureSiteRecovery, nauczymy si korzysta z programu dism celem wgrania Integration Services do dyskw vhd/vhdx. Praktycznie zainstalujemy i wykorzystamy, nie tylko portal Microsoft Azure w celu tworzenia maszyn wirtualnych, ale rwnie MicrosoftAzurePowerShell.Po przeniesieniu, oczywicie poczymy lokaln sie z MicrosoftAzure. Wykorzystamy do tego usugiVirtual Network Gateway, jak i router Linux uruchomiony na maszynie wirtualnej w MicrosoftAzure. Co ciekawe pokaemy realny scenariusz i wykorzystamy realny router DrayTek na ktrym skonfigurujemy IPSEC do Azure.Pokazywana metoda pozwoli wgra nawet stary Windows Server 2008 do Microsoft Azure. Mimo, e przenosimy Windows Server 2008 nie zabrako te informacji o systemie Linux oraz nowszych, atwiejszych do przeniesienia Windowsach.W czasie kursu nie wszystko zadziaa nam z automatu, jak w yciu i bdziemy na ywo rozwizywa problemy, poprzez np. Console Access (wczenie za pomoc bcdedit).Na zakoczenie omwimy ustawienia sieci Azure, DNS, BootDiagnostic, zabezpieczymy serwer tworzc Network SecurityGroup (firewall) oraz wykonamy kopie bezpieczestwa (backup) z wykorzystaniem Recovery Services Vault."
Price: 294.99

"Advanced REST APIs with Flask and Python"
"Welcome to our Advanced RESTAPI Course!We created the most popular introductory REST API development course on Udemy, with over 4,000 reviews and 20,000 students. Now we want to help you get even farther with this Advanced REST API course, of course still using Flask and Python.Our first course took you from zero to a deployed REST API that users could access. In this one we will cover a whole bunch of topics students have been requesting for months!Topics coveredUse Marshmallow for data serialization and deserializationSend e-mails and user confirmationsUpload imagesDatabase migrationsEasy ways of writing documentation and testing your APIHandle payments using StripeThird party login using OAuth (GitHub is used as the example)Extensive software development knowledge, refactoring, debugging, and more!Use the latest technologies and the best practices. We teach everything using Python 3.7, the latest version.Course structureWell start with a simple REST API and teach you everything you need to know about itso even if youve not taken our first course, you can follow along with absolutely no issues. We've even written an e-book to get you up to speed quickly with this starter RESTAPI!We introduce new features and technologies by baking them into this application so you can see how a professional RESTAPI is developed. Every new feature is added to a fully working application and tested!Well also help you understand more about how to build features incrementally to get them to your users quickly and minimise risk!Extra resourcesMany lectures contain extra resources, such as links to external documentation and projects, for you to go and learn more. And for each lecture, we include the source code at the start and at the end so youll never be lost. All source code is provided as downloadable and also in GitHub for your convenience.We're always available to help in the Udemy Course Q&A and also our own student community Slack channel. Make use of these awesome resources!Advanced courseRemember, this is our most advanced course yet! You should have enough programming experience with Python or another programming language. Some knowledge of how the web works is also really helpful.You should have knowledge of how to install Python packages and how to run your Python applications. If you've used virtualenv or Pipenv before, that's excellent! Knowledge of PyCharm for debugging is also a plus, although we will cover using the debugger in the course!"
Price: 169.99