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"Learn From Licensed Therapist: Effective Goal Setting Skills"
"Our biggest dreams can be both exciting and intimating at the same time. We sometimes struggle to maintain a good level of motivation and commitment needed to accomplish our goals. By following the 10 simple steps presented in this short program you would be able to set new achievable goals and to successfully revise old ones."
Price: 19.99

"Goods & Services Tax (GST) in India"
"In this course, Goods & Services Tax in India is explained with practical examples through Skits & small acts by various actors. Videos are full of music, animation, graphics, humor and main part the concept is cleared in simple Hindi & English mixed language.Topics are explained through dialogues by various actors. Learn Goods & Services Tax with entertainment."
Price: 2240.00

"Marketing Digital Focado em Google Ads"
"Este curso tem o compromisso de ajudar voc a Conquistar Mais Clientes e Aumentar o seu Faturamento,voc vai aprender a Criar, Gerenciar e Otimizar campanhas de marketing digital de sucesso do absoluto zero.Voc vai aprender tcnicas e  estratgias que foram utilizadas em centenas de negcios que foram utilizados na Agncia do Rudmar Silveira."
Price: 579.99

"Making DJ Edits, Mashups & Remixes in Ableton"
"Being a DJ in the 21st century means that you need to be creating your own music, growing your profile and giving you unique tracks to play in your sets however getting gigs, managing your social media and promoting yourself takes up so much time that you just don't have the time to learn how to produce right?With music production you need to learn the software, understand how to create a whole track from scratch and come up with your own individual sound - that's a steep learning curve!This course has been designed differently - I'm going to teach you what you need, when you need it. We'll be learning how to create unique edits, mashups, transition tracks and bootleg remixes for your sets and along the way you'll be learning all the features you need to get you started with producing in Ableton.We'll start of easy by just creating a simple track edit, taking a radio mix and extending it for you to play in your set. This will give you a basic introduction to Ableton, learning just the features you need to make that edit - meaning you'll have something you can use in your sets after the very first section!After that we'll move onto making transition tracks and mashups, introducing more features of Ableton as we go so that you're not overwhelmed but you'll be surprised about what you're picking up.Then finally we'll be creating a bootleg remix, using all the skills learnt in the previous sections to create a track that is mostly your own work.By the end you'll be amazed by how many different skills and features of Ableton you know, all throughout creating music that you can play straight away in your DJ sets!"
Price: 79.99

"Anlisis de datos y diseo de grficas con Origin"
"Origin es el software ms utilizado por estudiantes de ingeniera, ciencias bsicas, o bien estudiantes de posgrado (maestra o doctorado). Ya sea que tengas la versin 8 o la ltima versin, 2019, el curso describe las principales estrategias para analizar datos y para su consecuente graficado. Se exponen las estrategias para:        crear una lnea base        suavizar curvas         suavizado simultneo de mltiples curvas        normalizar curvas        operaciones matemticas        regresin lineal        derivacin de curvas        deconvolucin de curvas        insercin de barras de error        insercin de lnea de tendencia As mismo, se describe la creacin de mltiples grficas como:        grficas lineales en dos dimensiones (2D )         grficas lineales en tres dimensiones (3D)                grficas de barras en dos y tres dimensiones (3D)        grficas de dispersin en dos dimensionesComo recursos se incluyen archivos ASCII de datos obtenidos de calorimetra (DSC), espectroscopia de infrarrojo (FT-IR), difraccin de rayos X (XRD; SAXS y WAXS), artculos cientficos publicados por el instructor en revistas de alto impacto cientfico.     "
Price: 19.99

"ACD/NMR: software para procesar y editar espectros de RMN"
"ACD/NMR contiene funciones bsicas y avanzadas para procesar datos de RMN en 1D y 2D. El software puede ser usado con el instrumento, o fuera del laboratorio. ACD/NMR contiene una interface para dibujar estructuras qumicas y esquemas de reaccin. El curso completo esta editado en espaol dirigido para todos aquellos estudiantes e investigadores de habla hispana.El curso describe las principales estrategias para procesar datos de RMN como:* Correccin de lnea base* Suavizado (smoothing)* Integracin         -Clculo de peso molecular promedio en nmero de un polmero         -Clculo del peso molecular Mw de un compuesto orgnico         -Determinacin de la conversin de reaccin* Determinacin de las constantes de acoplamiento (j)* Medicin de distancias (pico a pico)* Remocin de seal de solventeLa interface de ChemSketch abarca estrategias tales como:* Dibujo estructuras qumicas* Dibujo de esquemas de reaccin* Exportacin de objetos a distintas aplicaciones* Exportacin de espectros a archivos tipo ASCII* Insercin de la estructura qumica en un espectro de 1H-RMN* Asignacin de picos del espectro a la estructura qumica As mismo, el curso expone una serie de consejos tiles para la edicin de espectros RMN para su publicacin en revistas cientficas:* Insercin de un inset (zoom area) dentro del espectro* Crear un reporte semiformal* Crear un reporte formal con calidad para publicacin cientfica* Vnculo a documentos:      -ChemDraw para dibujo de estructuras qumicas      -Procesador de texto (Microsoft Office: word)* Edicin de espectros de 13C-NMREl curso se complementa con una serie de recursos descargables: archivos ejecutables de 1H-NMR y 13C-NMR para practicar en tu computadora, libros en formato PDF para el soporte en la elucidacin de estructuras qumicas.  "
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Scrum Master Course"
"What is agile? The actual definition of agile is found in the agile manifesto - The manifesto makes it clear that agile is not a Methodology It is not specific way of developing software And it is not a framework or process Agile is a set of values and principles Much of the discussion around agile has to do with following different practices, using various methodologies and even developing with specific tools, whilst these things might help with a team that is trying to follow agile, they aren't agile in of themselves. Look at this first team example - they may find that having a daily stand up meeting is helpful, the stand up is only agile to the extent that it is the result of a team following the agile principle and values. When you understand this, it is really easy to see that agile is a collection of beliefs that teams can use for making decisions, about how to do the work of developing software; this means the term agile gets subjected to a large amount of backlash, when people claim that this or that is the correct way to be agile. In understanding what agile really is, youll be surprised to know how flexible it truly is.What is Scrum?In scrum there are three key roles that are needed for the framework to work well. 1. The product owner - this is the person responsible for defining the features that are needed in the product. The product owner has the innovative ideas that turn into products 2. The scrum master - is a servant leader to the team, responsible for protecting the team and the process, running the meetings and keeping things going 3. The team - can be made up pf developers, testers, writers and anyone else that helps in building the product Team members often play multiple roles, some days developers end up doing test or testers may end up doing writing, either way; the team works to get the product done.Who should take is course?Scrum masters, product owners, team members, business stakeholders or you may be  someone who wants to understand what makes scrum tick, this is the place to start. If you are preparing for a scrum master certification or other scrum certification, this class is for you.What will I learn?In this class you will learn:A full overview of Scrum - The exact events, roles, rules and artifacts used to deliver a project using scrum along with the history of Scrum. This includes lectures on the fundamentals of Sprint Planning, The Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, Scrum Artifacts and more.The facts based on the Scrum Guide - The correct terminology and use of Scrum is essential to mastering it. The Scrum Guide is the rule book on Scrum. In this course, you will receive a full and detailed overview.Scrum Certification Preparation - with a practice test for certification such as PSM1Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to adopt an Agile mindset.Anyone who wants a complete overview of Scrum and certainty that they are getting the factsAnyone preparing for a Scrum certificationA candidate who wants answers to frequently misunderstood points within ScrumAnyone who believes agile is a methodology?!This course was created with the use of resources and material from the following sources:Scrum Guide, agilemanifesto. org, the Agile alliance in addition to smartsheet, Matrix Resources and the Less Company; all used as a guide to creating this course.Voice over supplied by Marie Tavernier - Presentation Designed by Laique Alhassan"
Price: 24.99

"Shifting Mindsets and Building Wealth via STR (aka AirBNB)"
"The local resources and support for short term rental investors may not be as readily available as long term rental investors.  Hence, setting your intent and your mindset as you begin with an innovative, non-traditional strategy is just as important as the how to.  This course focuses on setting mindset and the beginning steps related to residential real estate investments aimed at short term tenants or guests.Real estate is cyclical.  At any given moment, your preferred strategy may or may not be producing the desired results.  Looking at non-traditional real estate strategies will broaden your options. For new and/or inexperienced investors, this transition requires more than just knowing how-to. "
Price: 24.99

"Neden bu kursu almalsnz. ? Bu kurs sayesinde GSM sektrne byk bir adm atacaksnz. Kariyer asndan zarar etmeyeceiniz bir ie gireceksiniz. ok az bir sermaye ile kendi dkkannz aabileceksiniz. Teknisyen olarak istediiniz yerde alabileceksiniz. Dier sektrlerle kyasladmz zaman hem daha az stres hem deMaddi gelir olarak daha rahat yaayabileceksiniz.Bu kursu kimler almal ? RENCLERBende bir renci olarak unu belirteyim ki bu iin bana ok faydas oldu. renmeniz sizin iin ok yararl olacak. Restaurantlarda alp o kadarda yorulmanza gerek yok. Part time alarak tm ihtiyalarnz burdan kazanacanz maddi gelir ile rahata karlaya bileceksiniz. GSM SEKTRNDE OLANLARArkadalar elbette herkesin az ok eksii vardr. Bu sektre yeni giren arkadalarmz da bu kurs sayesinde iin pf noktalarn iyice kavrayacaklar ve hi kimseye gerek kalmadan nlerine kan engelleri ve arzalar rahatlkla onara bilecekler. GRMCLERBu sektre girmeyi dnyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre arkadalar. Bu Sektrn kalbi cihazlar onara bilmektir. Bir telefon maazas amak, pek ie yaramyor teknik servisinizin mutlaka olmas lazm bu kurs sayesinde iin mantn kavrayp bu sektrde kendi apnz rahatlkla genileteceksiniz.Neler receneceksiniz Dersimizde telefon ve tabletlerde yazlm kaynakl oluan arzalar anlayp, onarmay reneceksinizOluan arzalarda, fikir sahibi olup mantk yrterek Arzalanan cihazlarn problemini, yazlmsal veya donanmsal olarak ikiye ayrp olaya direkt mdahale ederek zamandan tasarruf edebileceksiniz.Kursumuzun ieriinde;Bilgisayarn tanm, yazlm iin ideal bilgisayar zellikleri, lazm olan aralar aklayacaz.Rom atmaroot atmaebeke arzalarkasma donma yapan arzalarwifi arzalaralmyan cihaz arzalarnberaber onararak sizinde tecrbe edinemenizi salayacam."
Price: 159.99

"Ak retim fakltesini En erken ekilde bitirme"
"Kursumuzda Ak retim fakltesinde nnze kan engelleri amay ve zamannz nasl faydal bir ekilde kullanacanz retiyoruz. Zamanz ders almaya yetmiyorsa 1 haftalk bir sre zarfnda Her meslee uygun alma metodlarmz sayesinde sizlere snavlar rahat bir ekilde geme ans sunuyor ve niversite diplomanz En erken ekilde alabilecek duruma getiriyoruz. Niyetiniz sadece diplomay almaksa sizi skmayacak bir alma metodu ile snavlardan rahata gemenizi hedefliyoruz. nivertsite rencisiyseniz ve kinci bir diplomam olsun diyorsanz, derslerinizden geri kalmayacak yine size uygun bir alma metodu ile rahat bir ekilde Diplomanz almanz salyoruz."
Price: 79.99

"Extreme Alexa Skills Dev: Mastering Templates and Back-End"
"Now is the time to Become an expert Alexa Skill developer. This course offers high value, exclusive, professional-grade content. It all starts with setting up a foundation to quickly build and iterate on complex, premium, professional Alexa Skills. The Extreme Alexa Skills Development Series is for individuals who want to learn the secrets of quickly building professional-level Alexa Skills. This course focuses on building custom starter templates and automated infrastructure and workflow. This course is ideal for students who are ready to take their Alexa skills to the next level.The course quickly ramps up as you immediately start creating a custom Alexa Skill template from scratch, using TypeScript. You start with zero code, and build out the template step-by-step. You add reusable constructs that speed up and simplify adding advanced functionality such as output speech variation, attribute syncing and handling, managing run time state, managing in-skill products, and more.After you learn how to build a custom template from scratch, you jump into automating the infrastructure that powers the Alexa Skill. You will learn how to quickly add a complete back-end for the Alexa Skill, including the lambda function, a dedicated website and CDN, and advanced security. Once you have this infrastructure setup, you can create new skills based on the template and infrastructure within minutes.Finally, you learn how to pull all of the pieces together to create a powerhouse template that combines boilerplate skill code as well as a completely scripted automated infrastructure. You see first-hand how to completely automate the skill development workflow, all with zero console configuration."
Price: 99.99

"Extreme Alexa Skills Development: Mastering the Dialog"
"In this installment of the Extreme Alexa Skills Development series you tackle the Alexa Skill Dialog Management. Throughout the course you will work on a single use case: ordering a burger. You start with the most basic dialog management scenario where you automatically delegate the entire dialog to Alexa. You accomplish this by building out a declarative dialog model from scratch (completely in code). Note you will not use the developer console in this course, except to quickly test the interaction model.As the course progresses, you move into the next dialog management technique of manually delegating the dialog to Alexa. Using this technique enables you to write code to suggest a saved burger to a user. This adds a layer of personalization and sophistication to your skill.You don't stop at manually delegating the dialog to Alexa. Next, you go more advanced by giving the skill user the option to select a vegetarian or beef burger. You write code to dynamically change the remaining dialog based on the user's response. This section is all about implementing a hybrid dialog management model where you take control of certain parts of the dialog, and delegate other parts to Alexa.Finally, you really get your hands dirty by giving up the comforts of the declarative dialog model. You roll up your sleeves and write code to completely handle the dialog. In this scenario, you do not delegate any part of the dialog to Alexa, you control it completely.This is a hands-on course with a lot of code, and zero manual console configuration. You will only use the Alexa Developer Console to quickly test your interaction model changes."
Price: 149.99

"Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Get Certified 2020"
"Do you want to earn your Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification? If so, youve come to the right place!        ""Thank you Dan for such a useful course. ... Passed my exam in first attempt.""        ""Tried other courses earlier. This one is way better!""        Hi, my name is Dan Sullivan, and as an early adopter of cloud technologies, Im an experienced cloud architect and systems developer. Im also the bestselling author of numerous technical books, an experienced in-person trainer, and an online trainer whose courses have been viewed over 1 million times.Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is an increasingly popular public cloud and the demand for certified professionals is growing. In fact, the top-paying certification is one of Googles cloud certificationsthe Professional Cloud Architect. With that said, Googles Associate Cloud Engineer certification is an ideal starting point for those new to cloud or GCP, and it can be used as a pathway to Professional-level certifications.Ive designed this course to help prepare you for the Google Associate Cloud Engineer exam by introducing all of the major GCP services covered on the test, including Compute Engine, App Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Functions, Cloud SQL, BigQuery, Bigtable, VPCs, VPNs, Stackdriver, and more. And to reinforce what you see and hear, you can follow along and work with the cloud console or command line utility to get hands-on experience with GCP.In this course, you will learn how to:Create and configure virtual machine instances in Compute Engine using the Cloud Console and command lineDive into Identity and Access Management (IAM), an important part of the examDevelop decision making skills for choosing among compute, storage, and networking optionsFamiliarize yourself with the structure of the test and how to study for it, including tips on other study resourcesImprove your system management and DevOps skills by understanding how to monitor applications in the cloudThe Google Associate Cloud Engineer exam is two hours in length and contains 50 multiple-choice and multiple-select questions. This course uses demonstrations as well as lectures to ensure you know how to work with GCP and understand its key design and operational concepts. This approach will help you reason through tough exam questions that probe your understanding of GCPs overall design and recommended best practices.There is a lot to learn, so let's get started!"
Price: 49.99

"How to start a restaurant business (UK)"
"If you've ever wanted to start your own restaurant from HOME or you have chosen to have it on the high street this course is for you It seeks to help you to avoid the most common mistakes made by newbies and successfully run it by using the secret techniques discussed in this course.This Step-By-Step Secret Profitable System Shows YOU Exactly How To Start And Launch A Successful Restaurant Business in the UK And Increase Success Rate By Beating the Odds. Even If You Have No Business Experience or Background!""Dear Soon-to-be Restaurant Owner,If you are on this page it clearly shows you are also a restaurant enthusiastic like me and want to start a restaurant but the problem is that you don't know how to get started.Well the restaurant industry is definitely very profitable industry. It is full of great potential, amazing success and a lot of wealth.However, you must be aware of the fact that most of the newcomers in the restaurant industry just don't get it right and eventually close within a year or sooner while some restaurant lovers are able to start a restaurant easily, attract the crowd and grow quickly.Do you know why?It's simple because the latter know the insider secrets and what it really takes to start and run a successful restaurant. Do not be phased by the typical costs of running a restaurant (When i say restaurant it means on the high street or your home. The only difference is when you run it from home you dont have the members of the public visiting you, so for everytime you see the word restaurant in this course, be aware that its interchangeable with a physical shop or your home). In the UK as at 2019 the year in which this course is being created, the law still allows for people to sell food from their homes to members of the public, as long as you allow the local council to which your home pays council tax. Let them know you wish to sell food from home, and this will save you a lot of the upfront costs that make other restaurants on the UK high street close down.Its with pleasure that once you are registered with this course and you follow the steps religiously you should be counted among the successful restaurant owners because on this page you are going to learn everything that the successful restaurant owners know about starting a restaurant and running it successfully.Our How to start a restaurant business (UK) Course focuses on the whole big picture and covers every aspect of starting a restaurant and running it successfully.Here's what you will discover inside this course:Basics of starting a restaurantThings to consider when starting a restaurantFunding your restaurantRestaurant business planHow to get your restaurant off the groundYour restaurant websiteMarketing your restaurantMenu design and pricingTills and accepting paymentsChoosing to offer delivery or non delivery.Deciding on portion sizesSupplier management and selectionFood standards agencyEnvironmental health officersStaff and labour costsBusiness insuranceMusic and alcohol licenceSignageBills & Staying afloatThis class will teach you everything you need to know about how to run a successful restaurant, which contrary to popular belief is not as easy as baking apple pie. 80% of all restaurants or food related businesses fail within the first year.Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things or if there are any updates in the hospitality sector, the course is updated at no cost to you!As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in this course ... How to start a restaurant business (UK)"" It virtually covers everything you need to know about opening and starting a Restaurant Business. It will give you all the necessary tools and knowledge to make all your restaurant dreams come true.Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now. Every moment you delay, you lose out, as the law and the restaurant business changes every time.Although we have provided you with the necessary resources, devotion and hard work is required on your part. Unfortunately, this class will not make running a restaurant any less difficult in practice, but it will give you the tools for successAs with all my courses:The initial low price will increase shortly - the current price usually increases as we add more resources. So its best to purchase it now, at the reduced price.You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs ever !!!All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeThere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guaranteeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy.PSS: Do you really want to be a Restaurant Owner? Do you really want to enjoy a lifestyle that you only dream about now?PSSS: It will take hard work. It will take perseverance. But if you can honestly answer Yes"" then there is no reason why you can't start building your Restaurant or food business from home today.This will be a truly interactive course with additional bonus routines added everytime, inspired by the feedback from students.Click the ""Take This Course"" button, on the top right because every hour you delay is costing you money...Scroll up and Enroll Now!Who this course is for:This class is best suited to individuals that are serious about running a restaurant. Regardless of whether it is an independent chef owned restaurant, franchise, or running the food business from home."
Price: 24.99

"IT. it it-, . :) it- ) it- it- """" ."
Price: 19799.00

"Intro to Big Data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence"
"If you are like me - finding it difficult to read thick manuals with formulae, but still very much interested in modern technologies and their applications, then this course is for you.You will learn about big data, Internet of Things (IoT), data science, big data technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) algorithms, neural networks, and why this could be relevant to you even if you don't have technology or data science background. Please note that this is NOT TECHNICAL TRAINING and it does NOT teach Coding/Development.The course includes the interviews with industry experts that cover  big data developments in Real Estate, Logistics & Transportation and Healthcare industries.  You will learn how machine learning is used to predict engine failures, how artificial intelligence is used in anti-ageing, cancer treatment and clinical diagnosis, you will find out what technology is used in managing smart buildings and smart cities including Hudson Yards in New York.  We have got fantastic guest speakers who are the experts in their areas:- WAEL ELRIFAI - Global VP of Solution Engineering - Big Data, IoT & AI at Hitachi Vantara with over 15 years of experience in the field of machine learning and IoT. Wael is also a Co-Authour of the book ""The Future of IoT"".- ED GODBER - Healthcare Strategist with over 20 years of experience in Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals and start-ups specialising in Artificial Intelligence.- YULIA PAK - Real Estate and Portfolio Strategy Consultant with over 12 years of experience in Commercial Real Estate advisory, currently working with clients who deploy IoT technologies to improve management of their real estate portfolio.Hope you will enjoy the course and let me know  in the comments of each section how I can improve the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Unreal Engine 4: Como Criar Filmes"
"O curso ser iniciado com pequenos projetos ou sub-projetos de aprendizado evolutivo para facilitar o aprendizado. Ao final, com o objetivo de fazer uma aplicao prtica de todo o conhecimento, iremos criar um projeto final. O projeto final ser a criao de uma pequeno filme que ir reunir todo aprendizado obtido durante o curso."
Price: 84.99

"Curso para Certificao Agile Tester (CTFL-AT) - ISTQB/BSTQB"
"O curso direcionado para a Certificao de Agile Tester (Testador gil) chamada CTFL-AT, do BSTQB (Brazilian Software Testing Qualification Board). O BSTQB est ligado ao ISTQB. O curso aborda conceitos, mtodos, tcnicas de testes aplicadas nos testes geis de software. Um simulado de 40 questes ser disponibilizado ao final do treinamento.Os testes de software sero abordados com foco na aplicao gil e voltado para a certificao CTFL-AT."
Price: 399.99

"Simulados CTFL-AT (Agile Tester) #1 e #2 - Foco no BSQTB"
"Contm 2 simulados para Agile Tester (CTFL-TA) , onde cada um tem 40 questes e um tempo de resposta de 60 minutos. Ao final do simulado voc poder ver as questes corretas e as questes incorretas. Este simulado tem foco no BSTQB / ISTQB.O simulado poder ser refeito quantas vezes voc achar necessrio.Recomendo que o simulado seja feito aps estudos e, de preferncia, que seja feito quando voc achar que est preparado para a prova. Isto ir ajudar voc a identificar pontos fracos que voc tinha percebido e corrigi-los antes da prova."
Price: 114.99

"PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Practice Test"
"Are you ready to pass the PMI-ACP certification exam? Check your competence with those tests before taking the actual test. I designed those tests to include a set of an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the test, and providing you the confidence you need to pass your PMI-ACP exam.The tests in this set are timed, so you will know when you are spending more time than you should. At the end of the test you will receive a breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. In this practice test set, well cover the exact PMI-ACP exam objectives:Agile principles and mindsetAdaptive planningContinuous improvementStakeholder engagementTeam performanceValue-driven deliveryProblem detection and resolutionThese practice exams will help you prepare to pass the PMI-ACP exam. I strongly recommend you take these exams over and over until you can score at least 90 percent each time on the tests."
Price: 24.99

"Yaln Excel : renmeyi renmek"
"Merhaba,Yaln Excel yaklak 16 yllk profesyonel i yaammdaki deneyimleri derlediim bir kurs oldu.Bu anlamda kendim iinde oluturduum bir ariv gibi deerlendiriyorum.Kursun isminin Yaln Excel olmasnn nedeni ; ben kariyerimin byk ksmn Toyota Trkiye'de geirdim.Toyota retim Sistemi felsefesinin ierisinde kullanlan birok metot sz konusu.rnein Dzen-Tertip iin 5S metodu,Kalitesizliin nne gemek iin Jidoka (Yerinde Kalite) anlay,nsan hatalarnn nne gemek iin Poka Yoke (Hata Engelleme) sistemleri,lerimizi gelitirmek iin Kaizen (Srekli iyiletirme) ki bu retim sisteminin temel direi,Grsel ynetim vb. aralar-metotlar ok etkin ekilde kullanlmaktadr.Durum aslnda sadece retim ile alakal deil,hangi sektrde olursak olalm veya hangi sreleri ynetirsek ynetelim problemler aslnda birbirine ok benzerdir.Durum ofis ilerinde veya srelerinde de farkl deildir.Yani retim yaparken kullanlan bu metotlarn birou ,anlayn ise tamam,gnlk ilerimizi yaparken ok sklkla kullandmz veya kefetmediimiz iin, kullanamadmz MS Excel iinde aynen geerlidir.yle izah etmeye devam edeyim;Hatal veri giri kaynakl oluturmakta veya analiz etmekte zorlandmz verilerimiz hepimizin karsna kmtr.Yada grselletirilmemi excel sayfalar sebebiyle anlayamadmz yada hatal yorumladmz raporlarmz sz konusu mutlaka oluyordur.te tamda bu anlamda Toyota retim Sistemi aralarnn birou ayn mantkla Excel de kullanlabilmektedir ve kullanlmaldr.Yaln Excel ad,sade veya benzeri sebeplerden deil(byle bir dil iermedii anlamnada gelmiyor :) aslnda bu retim sistemi aralar/felsefesi ile birlikte renme kolayl ve faydas getirdii iin bu ismi almtr.Aadaki tabloyu incelediinizde resmi biraz daha net anlayacanz dnyorum.5S Metodu (Temelde Dzen-Tertip vb. salamak iin uygulanan metot) / Excel'de Bul Deitir zellii,Kenarlklar,Yaz Tipleri,Dolgu renkleri,Kenarlklar direk excel de 5S yapmak iin kullanlmas gereken aralar.Kaizen (Srekli iyiletirme) / Excel'de Pivottable,Fonksiyonlar vb. ofis srelerinizde ilerinizi iyiletirmek iin yaptnz her trl adm aslnda Kaizen olarak adlandrlabilir.Grsel Ynetim / Excel'de Koullu Biimlendirmeler ile bunu salayarak kar tarafa veya kendinize iletmek istediiniz mesajlar kusursuzlatrmanz fayda salayacaktr.Jidoka(Yerinde kalite),Poka Yoke (Hataszlatrma,nsan kaynakl Hatalarn geiinin engellenmesi) / Excel'de Veri Dorulama zellii ile mkemmel poka yoke ler kurabilirsiniz vede kurmalsnz.Problem zme Teknikleri / Excel'de grafikleri doru ekilde kullanarak problemlerinizi analiz edebilir ve bunlar zebilirsiniz.likiye rnekler arttrlabilir.Bu kurs ile birlikte mkemmel bir excel kullancs olabileceinizi garanti edemem.Bu sizin emeinizle alakal.Ancak bu kurstan etkin ekilde istifade ederseniz bugn ne yapyorsanz,bu kurstan sonra ok daha hzl,ok daha analitik ve hatasz ekilde yapmay baaracanza eminim.Bu kurs ile birlikte sadece excel deil,aslnda buradaki aralar nasln yannda, nerede ve neden kullanlmas gerektiinide reneceksiniz.nk bu kurs %100 GEREK HAYATI ndan beslenmi ve ekillenmitir.Faydas olmas HzYaln retim Danman"
Price: 49.99

"Full Scratch 3.0 Programming Course: Beginner to Advanced"
"Whether you're a parent looking for a good starting place for your kids to get into computer programming, a teacher looking for a great way to introduce software development to a technology class, or just a curious person looking to learn more about how programming actually works, this course is for you.This course focuses on what's referred to as ""block-based programming"", where the developer can drag and drop functions together to create scripts that complete tasks, whether they be simple or complex. This course starts out by teaching the universal basics about computer programming and then increases difficulty, contributing to a cumulative knowledge while reinforcing previously learned material through interactive activities.Not only does this course carry you from beginner to expert in block-based programming, but it gives you a strong boost for whichever direction you want to go after taking the course, if you want to continue your programming career. Whether you're looking to get into advanced app development, game development, or web development, this course equips you with the universal concepts, vocabulary, and computer logic you'll need to know.Although this course ramps up to expert levels, it is designed to be as comprehensive, interactive, and reinforcing as possible making it suitable for all ages and abilities. Every core concept presented will be thoroughly explained, and the course provides recommendations for external resources after completion for where to go based on your personal interests.Here's what you can get from this course:Lifetime access to 20 on-demand, video lectures that can be streamed anywhere, anytime.Hours worth of videos, interactive activities, and hands-on projects.A strong programming vocabulary and strong grasp of many universal software development concepts.Fluency in Scratch 3.0 and expert-level knowledge in block-based programmingAbility in graphic design, 2D/3D game development, and more.Free bonus content added on a monthly basis."
Price: 199.99

"Agora Vai!"
"Este no um curso simples de currculo e entrevistas.Vou te ajudar a refletir sobre sua carreira, entender seu valor como profissional, dicas para lidar com essa fase difcil desde cursos gratuitos, plano B e planejamento de tempo e financeiro.Alm de conseguir lidar melhor com suas emoes e passar por esse perodo difcil da melhor maneira possvel."
Price: 39.99

"Como influenciar pessoas ( I ): tcnicas e ferramentas"
"A pesquisa que o Linkedin fez em 2019 com as empresas clientes da plataforma, colocou influncia entre as 05 soft skills para o crescimento profissional.O curso Como Influenciar Pessoas ( I ), foi gravado em estdio e traz uma uma verso compacta dos principais contedo dos workshops de influncia e persuaso que tenho ministrado em empresas como Embraer, Ita, Globo, MARS, Liberty, LOreal, Gerdau, Whirlpool, DPaschoal, KPMG, Dudalina etc.Nesse curso eu apresento as tcnicas e ferramentas-bsicas do meu livro, Influncia na Carreira, para desenvolver e aumentar o seu poder de influncia e persuaso. O meu livro foi avaliado pela rea de curadoria da GetAbstract e recebeu nota 9,0 e as qualidades Aplicvel, Inspirador e Bem-Estruturado. O vdeo de apresentao desse curso traz o depoimento da maior autoridade em influncia do mundo, com quem tive o prazer de realizar uma formao sobre os princpios de persuaso. Tive a oportunidade de almoar e trocar muitas informaes com o Cialdini durante os 3 dias do curso.No curso como Influenciar Pessoas ( I ), os participantes aprendero sobre os 6 princpios de persuaso de Robert Cialdini. Entendero como aplicar as 6 fontes de poder de influncia no trabalho, alm de conhecerem o modelo de influncia dos autores David Bradford e Allan Cohen, do livro Influncia sem Autoridade. Ainda, sabero como aplicar o Pentagrama de Influncia para conquistar aliados em suas redes de relacionamentos para avanarem na carreira."
Price: 74.99

"Como influenciar pessoas ( II ): tcnicas e ferramentas"
"Se voc ainda segue a cultura de comando e ordem, precisa urgentemente sair desse modelo e ampliar a sua habilidade para influenciar, persuadir e engajar as pessoas da sua rede de relacionamento, dentro e fora da organizao.No curso Como Influenciar Pessoas II, voc aprender como elaborar um instrumento poderoso de relacionamento interpessoal no trabalho: O Mapa de Influncia. O curso explicar em detalhes como combinar fontes de poder, tticas de influncia e moedas de troca para conquistar apoio para as suas ideias, projetos e trabalhos. Entender a importncia de aprender a influenciar o seu chefe, uma competncia conhecida como Managing Up ou Influencing Up.Se voc for lder, entender que a principal habilidade da liderana a capacidade de influenciar a sua equipe. O vdeo de apresentao desse curso do dia de lanamento do meu livro Influncia na Carreira. O vdeo apresenta depoimentos de profissionais importantes que conhecem o meu trabalho no campo da influncia e persuaso."
Price: 54.99

"Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB with typescript in Hindi"
"This Course Contains all the knowledge that you need to master Node.js- After completion of this course, you can easily any type of API- you will get to know each and every concept very deeply- You will learn all the good coding patterns and how to think that what code should be written where.This is All in One Course which will teach everything that you need.- We will create a real use case of APIs.- By the end, you will be able to make and launch your own Node.js app with Typescript.Code side by side to get most out of this courseWHY NODEJS?- It is the right time to learn Node.js because of its easy learning curve and major advantages over other languages.- It is one of the faster-growing, popular and most needed languages to be learned.I am always there in the Q&A Section for you. Learn, Think & ask what you want to."
Price: 6400.00

"Emotional Abuse And What You Can Do"
"This is a course about emotional abuse, recognizing the traits, acknowledging how physically, psychologically and emotionally detrimental it can be. Within it are real tools that can be used to help cope with the abuse, help in making decisions about whether to stay or leave and open up options and choices in a totally non-judgemental but practical and informative way. The objective of the course is to have a way forward made clearer so that the confusion and powerless feelings disappear and you can take back control of your emotions and choices."
Price: 29.99

"Comportamenti problematici e capricci - capirli e prevenirli"
"Il corso ha come obiettivo quello di fornire strumenti per la comprensione, gestione ma sopratutto prevenzione, di capricci, comportamenti problematici, oppositivi o provocatori. Attraverso la discussioni di argomenti come lutilizzo della punizione e dei premi, la comunicazione e la relazione con bambini o adolescenti, la differenza tra autorit ed autorevolezza, nonch la discussione di esempi pratici, si cercher di fare chiarezza su questi comportamenti, cercando di fornire strumenti e conoscenze per la gestione e la prevenzione degli stessi. La discussione avr come obbiettivo centrale la prevenzione di quei comportamenti che rendono difficoltoso il mestiere dell'adulto, avendo sempre chiaro il concetto che prevenire meglio che curare, sia in un ottica di benessere del bambino che dell'adulto stesso.Il corso rivolto a genitori, insegnanti o in generale a chiunque abbia a che fare con bambini, ragazzi e adolscenti e vuole iniziare ad approfondire questo tipo di comportamenti."
Price: 19.99

"Learning Strategies for Exam: Brain Training, Improve Memory"
"The course gives SIMPLE strategies and a better understanding of how to help yourself to become a great learner.This course will teach you how to hack your learning, reading, and memory skills, empowering you to learn anything and everything faster and more effectively.My name is Ina Ilie and my purpose is to find the most efficient ways to learn for the exams and put our mind to work. Why? Because smart strategies bring better results. You could work as much, if not less, as you do now, but with more impressive results. I am a psychopedagogist, with a master's degree in cognitive sciences, and I teach thinking skill classes to kids, teenagers, young people, and adults. Why do I focus on exams, specifically? Because most of the students are learning pretty much the same and I know how it feels because, a long time ago, I did exactly that. So, they procrastinate, start learning very late, cram all the info in 3 days of studying, stay up all night before the exam, get there tired and stressed out, trying to use as much of the famous photographic memory to remember where was that info on the page. Trying to survive another exam. Some do, some don't, some remember how the page with the most wanted information looked like, some get blocked, trying the whole exam to remember one tiny thing, stressed out and tired. But you are not them, you are not like that. You are looking for smart ways to learn and good results, and I am here precisely for that. I have strategies for how to approach the exam itself, how to cope with the emotions, how to tackle subjects of various complexity. I am interested even in what is good to eat and to do the day of the exam to have an optimum experience. But this course does much more than just help you get well through an important test. It feeds you with the best learning strategies for day to day learning, provided by years of extended research on how the human brain learns best, with not so much effort, but great efficiency. And, here and there, quite a bit of fun.Here are some examples of what this course can inspire you with The perfect timing for your reviews, so that they are not too much, not too little, memorization techniques, how to take efficient notes, how to train your working memory to think faster and keep ideas in mind, what are mind maps and how we can use them, how to control stress, what is Zeigarnik effect and how you can put ALL of YOUR BRAIN to work for you, not just the famous 10 percent. So, to sum up, 3 reasons to be next to me on this one: 1. It feeds you the top and fresh information on the best learning skills 2. It gives you tips and tricks for how to deal with the exam itself, tactics and emotions, and 3. It gives you a general view on optimal sleeping, eating, exercising and thinking habits. At the end of this class, you will have tools to memorize and learn more things in less time, you will know when is good to study and when you should take a break, when is the best time to review and what to do when there is too much to learn and you are overwhelmed. Thank you again for taking interest in my course, I hope it can serve your purposes beautifully, and I am looking forward to knowing how it worked for you! This course gives you access to our online community. Once inside, you can ask me questions, get in touch with the others, share concerns and progress. I am here to help you enjoy the best learning experience possible, with 30 days money-back guarantee. Ready? I wait for you inside, all well!Learning strategies, Mind mapping, Memory, Neuroscience, Neuroplasticity, Pass Exam"
Price: 199.99

"Practical Neuroscience: 30+ Exercises for a Better Brain"
"Hi and welcome to Practical neuroscience, a course of over 30 exercises that can change your brain, your mind, your life. My name is Ina Ilie and my mission is to develop thinking skills by means of exercises.Theory can help us understand why some things work for us and others don't, but the only way we can improve and change our brains and our lives is through our own practice, hands-on experience.I find working out the mind one of the most important things we can do for ourselves and my purpose in this course is to give you exercises you can do even in a few minutes a day that can help you grow a better mind. Of course, you can exercise longer if you will, but even a few minutes a day can help you open up a different perspective, develop new thinking skills and bring new insights on what you can do with your personal mind. It can give you control of your own neuroplasticity, which is the ability of the brain to change and improve.There are also techniques that help you deal with strong emotions and stress because the mind processes emotions too and because stress as a biological mechanism that can stop us from thinking clearly. You don't need to think too much when you are running from a lion, so to speak. Therefore, in order to have a better mind, clear thinking, focus and take good decisions, we need to move in two directions: 1. control stress and strong emotions, and 2. work out the thinking skills. And we have practices for both areas in this course.The exercises that I am suggesting you are fun, challenging, short and can give you an insight on the many, amazing possibilities in which we can grow better minds. What I selected for this course, out of many, have all been tested, through research and practice, and they are all able to produce impressive results, therefore I strongly suggest you to try all the exercises in this course at least once.There are also some very possible side effects of this course. Some of you may become so convinced and attached, or impressed with one or more of these techniques, that you may turn them into daily practice. And this is good, because this is how we build new skills and new thinking habits. But it is up to you to decide what works best and what you want to turn into daily practice.We are all unique, in different moments of our lives, with different cognitive needs, that is why I have prepared for you this set of over 30 varied exercises so that you could choose what fits you best, helps you more right now. What grows your mind this very moment, with the time you have at your disposal today.Thank you for taking interest in this course and that you want to become a better version of yourself every day! Every change we make in our thinking can count immensely for our life, and I am glad you are taking this step today! This course gives you access to our online community. Once inside, you can ask me questions, get in touch with the others, share concerns and progress. I am here to help you enjoy the best mind exploring experience possible, with 30 days money-back guarantee. See you inside!"
Price: 199.99