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"Instagram Marketing 2020: 5 Days To Your New Upgraded Insta."
"The internet is over-full with different free materials: courses, webinars, and articles. But ask yourself: how much useful knowledge do you really have afterwards? There is a fact that if new information is not put into action in 72 hours, then it is gone forever.Thats why we have prepared a course for you where you will get only structured material with real examples, a lot of practice and tools which you can apply immediately.This course is for both beginners to Instagram and more advanced students that have some experience with the platform.After watching the videos, doing the homework, you will upgrade your Insta and jump to the next level. Are you in?"
Price: 119.99

"La didattica personalizzata per alunni DSA e con altri BES"
"DestinatariTutor dellApprendimento, insegnanti, genitori, operatori del mondo delleducazione e dellistruzione scolastica ed extra scolastica. ObiettiviFornire un bagaglio di conoscenze relative ad aspetti sia tecnici e pratici, sia relazionali che della pratica didattica; stimolare il desiderio di approfondire ulteriormente la tematica. Metodologia didatticaI Video sono seminari svolti via web e registrati. Sono stati condotti con luso di slide abbinate a video e momenti di esercitazione.Una volta acquistato il Corso, i Video sono sempre online e a disposizione mentre le slide presenti sono scaricabili in formato PDF. TematicheI nostri Video costituiscono una base per comprendere alcuni nodi tematici legati al mondo degli alunni con DSA e altri BES.Ad esempio:Qual il ruolo dellempatia nel lavoro educativo?Chi il Tutor, cosa pu fare e quali sono i limiti del suo intervento a casa e a scuola?Cosa significa usare la creativit con i nostri alunni pi in difficolt?Quali possono essere gli strumenti di lavoro per dare risposta ai loro bisogni?"
Price: 19.99

"Test para oposiciones (vol. 1). 612 preguntas comentadas."
"Ests opositando para conseguir una plaza en la Administracin Pblica? Necesitas preparar o repasar tus conocimientos sobre la Constitucin Espaola, la Ley 39/2015 o la Ley 40/2015? Entonces, puedes realizar estos tests preparatorios que te ayudarn en tu objetivo de conseguir una plaza en el sector pblico.-Contiene 612 preguntas con sus respectivas respuestas. Se reparten en 4 exmenes de prueba, divididos de la siguiente forma:1. Constitucin Espaola. Estructura. Prembulo. Ttulos Preliminar I y II. 110 preguntas.2. Constitucin Espaola. Ttulos III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX y X.. 156 preguntas.3. Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Comn de las Administraciones Pblicas. 191 preguntas.4. Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Rgimen Jurdico del Sector Pblico. 155 preguntas.A travs de estas preguntas podrs cubrir todos los aspectos importantes de estos temas, que son comunes a la prctica totalidad de las oposiciones.-Cada pregunta contiene algn texto explicativo, que puede consistir en una aclaracin, una explicacin sobre el sentido de la respuesta, un aadido a la respuesta o una forma de diferenciar las respuestas de cara a futuros tests. -Todas las respuestas incluyen la referencia al artculo exacto donde se encuentra la respuesta correcta, para que puedas localizarla."
Price: 19.99

"Tests para oposiciones (vol.2)"
"Ests opositando para conseguir una plaza en la Administracin Pblica? Necesitas preparar o repasar tus conocimientos sobre la Ley de Contratos del Sector Pblico y la legislacin presupuestaria y financiera? Entonces, puedes realizar estos tests preparatorios que te ayudarn en tu objetivo de conseguir una plaza en el sector pblico.Incluye:-304 preguntas de la Ley de Contratos del Sector Pblico.-100 preguntas de la Ley General Presupuestaria-120 preguntas de la Ley de Rgimen Financiero y Presupuestario de Galicia.A travs de estas preguntas podrs cubrir todos los aspectos importantes de estos temas, que son comunes a la prctica totalidad de las oposiciones.-Cada pregunta contiene algn texto explicativo, que puede consistir en una aclaracin, una explicacin sobre el sentido de la respuesta, un aadido a la respuesta o una forma de diferenciar las respuestas de cara a futuros tests. -Todas las respuestas incluyen la referencia al artculo exacto donde se encuentra la respuesta correcta, para que puedas localizarla."
Price: 19.99

", , . , . , , , . ! , 24 . , , . Udemy- . Udemy- . , , . , - . , . (FBI, CIA Scotland Yard) . , . , . , . 70%. 30% . 100%- , , : . , - , . , . . :"
Price: 19.99

"How to relieve back pain & live stress-free with qigong"
"In this unique course we will get to know the healing world of qi qong. The uniqueness of the course is that it is built on more than 20 years of therapeutic experience with thousands of patients in the area of stress and emotion relief, and treatment of body pain in general and back pain in particular."
Price: 19.99

"Enjoy speaking"
": 15-20 , : , , , , , : , , ? , - , , , -, - , ? , , , , ."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to 3D Modeling in Maya 2018"
"Autodesk Maya is the industry standard software for creating stunning 3D computer graphics for the film, TV and games industry. Maya is used by EVERYBODY in the industry. If you are SERIOUS about becoming a 3D artist then you NEED to master Maya.This course is a comprehensive guide to teaching you EVERYTHING you need to know about 3D modeling.I will show you EVERY SINGLE MAYA MODELING TOOL.I will show you where the tools are found, how the tools are used and why they are used.I will show you my thought process in using the tools.I will show you how to model a futuristic science fiction LASER GUN using Maya's 3D modeling tools.YOU will learn how to use the toolsYOU will learn how to MASTER the toolsYOU will learn how to MASTER modeling using the toolsYOU will learn time-saving SHORTCUTS so YOU can model like a PROI will take you through EVERY step of the way with easy-to-learn videosBy the end of this course:YOU will be CONFIDENT enoughYOU will be TALENTED enoughYOU will be GREAT enough to create your own 3D models in Maya.So start your journey to becoming a MASTER in Maya with this course and build yourself up to become an INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL NOW!"
Price: 34.99

"Creating 3D Cartoon Robots in Maya Volume 1"
"Master 3D modeling in Maya 2018 and take your skills to the next level!I will show you every step of the way on how to model a cool robot character in Maya.I will show you every tip and trick you need to know in order to master Maya's modeling tools.By the end of this course, you will gain the confidence you need to create your own cool 3D models in Maya.You will learn:Maya's modeling toolsProfessional modeling techniquesHow to create the model in high resolutionHow to pose the model for presentationHow to add color and materials to the model to create that extra professional finish"
Price: 29.99

"Creating a 3D Dr Who TARDIS in Maya 2018 and Photoshop CC"
"Take your skills to the next level with this amazing course in a step-by-step guide on how to build a 3D model, then learn how to texture, render and finally, composite it.I will teach you my modeling tools and tricks, all my texturing and rendering techniques, and finally, how to create a background for your model in Photoshop, and seamlessly composite it.You will learn:How to model like a professional in MayaHow to use the UV editor to create UV maps, to prepare the model for texturingHow to create the textures in Photoshop, then import the textures back into MayaHow to use the Hypershade in Maya to allow you to create shaders and textures for your modelHow to set up a camera in MayaHow to light the model using lighting techniques to match the lighting of the backgroundHow to render the model in High DefinitionFinally, how to bring the elements (the model and the background) and put them together in Photoshop, and how to create a glow effect for the light, and motion lines to give the illusion of the TARDIS flying through space."
Price: 29.99

"Creating 3D Cartoon Robots in Maya Volume 2"
"Take your modeling skills to the next level by learning how to model a cartoon robot. You will learn how to create complex shapes and geometry, and how to add fine details to make your model look super professional.You will learn how to use the immensely popular QUAD DRAW tool that allows you to create any shape and geometry you like by the click of a button.The QUAD DRAW is exactly what its name suggests: Allowing you to draw in 3D in easy steps any model you wish by drawing polygons directly onto other pieces of geometry by a process known as ""making the object live"".You will also learn some basic anatomy techniques as I show you how to model a space alien that pilots the giant robot in the cockpit.You will also learn how to create robotic details and many smaller parts that adds a look of realism and believability to the robot model.I will walk you through the process and carefully explain every technique I do so you will fully understand the entire modeling process.This course is easy to learn and broken into small videos for easy reference.So what are you waiting for? Learn to model in 3D like a true professional in Maya 2018 and kick-start your modeling career."
Price: 29.99

"Beginners Course for Voice Training and Singing"
"This course shows techniques and different practices that are important for anyone who would like to sing- from beginners who would like to get to know their voice to people who have backround in singing but have not studied voice lessons.. The topics we will learn are: warm ups, breathing, getting to know your chest voice and head voice and being able to distinguish between them, knowing how to use your body, tongue facilitator and face expressions to match the voice you would like to produce.By the end of the course you will have all the basic tools to practice at home, gain control over your voice and start to sing!"
Price: 124.99

"Virei Empreendedor, e agora?"
"Voc est empreendendo, ou seja, trabalhando com algo prprio, seja algum servio ou produto, e tem a sensao de estar em um universo totalmente novo, sem saber como obter resultados expressivos? Ainda no sabe como utilizar as redes sociais para fazer o seu negcio decolar? Tem dificuldade em se relacionar com as pessoas e de fechar negcio? As finanas ainda te preocupam? Sente que trabalha e no rende? Se sente uma pessoa insegura e tem muitas incertezas quanto ao seu potencial? Se voc respondeu SIM para ao menos UMA dessas perguntas, ESSE CURSO PARA VOC! Esse curso voltado para as pessoas que decidiram se tornar EMPREENDEDORES e querem iniciar com o p direito, afinal, inicia agora uma nova era, uma nova fase em sua vida em um universo totalmente novo. EU VOU LHE AJUDAR A FAZER O CERTO DESDE O COMEO!Principais Mdulos:Mdias DigitaisRelacionamento interpessoalGatilhos mentaisFinanas pessoaisProdutividadeInteligncia emocional"
Price: 144.99

"Build A Better Brain"
"This is a course design to empowers individuals who are currently dealing with mental health issues by teaching them how to correct and prevent Mood Disorders, it's for those that have not seen any improvement using conventional methods, which usually involve using  pharmaceutical drugs a.k.a synthetic chemical compounds that never get to the root cause of the issue, but cause dangerous side effects because it involves foreign or man made chemicals being introduce inside the body and not the body's natural production of chemicals. Here students will be able to learn proven natural methods that have been used first hand to improve mental health of love ones. Students can find that they also have more privacy when improving their mental health using this course. In. addition many will enjoy that its much safer than using drugs and much more affordable."
Price: 19.99

"Prepare to accelerate - build the foundation for your career"
"This course is tailored for early career professionals and for managers that have early career reports on their teams. The focus is to help identify and overcome the mental barriers that will otherwise hold a person back from unleashing their true potential. I have shared these same insights with those I have mentored or helped as a career coach over the years. Those that fully apply the concepts have accelerated their journey through their chosen career paths, and also rounded out with the professional development they needed to become even more successful.In this course, I will give you stories, examples, and explain clearly what you can do right now to start getting to where you want to go.  The program is just as useful for those managing people, as it will provide the methods and tools to develop your direct reports even faster.I've compressed many hours of what I do during live sessions into the lectures. I would recommend repeating the lessons to internalize the knowledge as well as the exercises to customize the concepts specifically to you. Once that happens, it will completely change how you think about yourself and your work, and you will begin rapidly accelerating.I truly want you to be successful in your career - I hope this course helps you in your journey."
Price: 19.99

"Mindful Photography for Beginners"
"Firstly, you will learn the basic elements of Photography and be introduced to camera settings, lighting, composition, and the fundamentals of different types of Photography. After that, you will study awareness, compassion, gratitude and other notions that are the foundation for a mindful lifestyle. Later in the course, you will then combine both Photography and Mindfulness together, and finally complete a series of hands-on photo practice exercises.After finishing this course, you will be more equipped both in theory and practice, taking your image-making to the next level."
Price: 19.99

"Learn 2 Color Comic Books"
"This introductory course will teach you the basics of comic book coloring. It will show you how to set up Photoshop for digital coloring, install and create brushes and actions, set up a page of comic book art, and color the page using a cut and grad technique. Once you've completed this course you'll have the knowledge you need to color a page to completion and have it ready for print.(This course requires Adobe Photoshop)Features line art by Chad Thomas (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amazing Adventure, Mega Man)"
Price: 34.99

"Learn 2 Color Comic Books: Advanced Cut & Grad"
"Expand on what you learned in learn2color Comic Book 101. In learn2color Comic Books: Advanced Cut & Grad you'll learn how to take the cut and grad style to the next level and color a more dynamic and detailed image.Recommended Prerequisite: learn2color Comic Books(This course requires Adobe Photoshop)Features line art by Kev Hopgood (Iron Man, Doctor Who)"
Price: 39.99

"Learn 2 Color Comic Books: Flat Coloring Plus Color Theory"
"Learn the principles of color theory and then apply those principles while coloring a piece in a flat style.This course uses Adobe Photoshop to demonstrate the process, but the theories taught in this course could be applied to other art programs and mediums.Line art for this course by Matthew Dow Smith"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Piano with PianoCub - Level 1"
"Tutorials walk you through reading, technique, and performance step-by-step and allow you to play along with a demonstration as notes illuminate.Here's the PianoCub AdvantageClassical TrainingLearn to read music so that you can play it all.Other piano tutorials teach music only by asking students to copy and memorize notes. But when you use PianoCub, youll learn how to read music. That means youll learn how to pick up any piece of music in any style and play it on your own.FlexibilityPractice with HD video tutorials and PDF lessons anywhere at anytime.Do you want to play piano, but struggle to find time for regular lessons? When you learn how to play piano with PianoCub, you learn on your schedule.QualityBenefit from music and teaching experts.The founder of PianoCub, Dr. David Brown has a doctorate in music from the University of Southern California and has taught, performed, and conducted all around the world. He and his team are dedicated to quality music education."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Piano with PianoCub - Level 2"
"Tutorials walk you through reading, technique, and performance step-by-step and allow you to play along with a demonstration as notes illuminate.Here's the PianoCub AdvantageClassical TrainingLearn to read music so that you can play it all.Other piano tutorials teach music only by asking students to copy and memorize notes. But when you use PianoCub, youll learn how to read music. That means youll learn how to pick up any piece of music in any style and play it on your own.FlexibilityPractice with HD video tutorials and PDF lessons anywhere at anytime.Do you want to play piano, but struggle to find time for regular lessons? When you learn how to play piano with PianoCub, you learn on your schedule.QualityBenefit from music and teaching experts.The founder of PianoCub, Dr. David Brown has a doctorate in music from the University of Southern California and has taught, performed, and conducted all around the world. He and his team are dedicated to quality music education."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Piano with PianoCub - Level 3"
"Tutorials walk you through reading, technique, and performance step-by-step and allow you to play along with a demonstration as notes illuminate.Here's the PianoCub AdvantageClassical TrainingLearn to read music so that you can play it all.Other piano tutorials teach music only by asking students to copy and memorize notes. But when you use PianoCub, youll learn how to read music. That means youll learn how to pick up any piece of music in any style and play it on your own.FlexibilityPractice with HD video tutorials and PDF lessons anywhere at anytime.Do you want to play piano, but struggle to find time for regular lessons? When you learn how to play piano with PianoCub, you learn on your schedule.QualityBenefit from music and teaching experts.The founder of PianoCub, Dr. David Brown has a doctorate in music from the University of Southern California and has taught, performed, and conducted all around the world. He and his team are dedicated to quality music education."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Piano with PianoCub - Level 4"
"Tutorials walk you through reading, technique, and performance step-by-step and allow you to play along with a demonstration as notes illuminate.Here's the PianoCub AdvantageClassical TrainingLearn to read music so that you can play it all.Other piano tutorials teach music only by asking students to copy and memorize notes. But when you use PianoCub, youll learn how to read music. That means youll learn how to pick up any piece of music in any style and play it on your own.FlexibilityPractice with HD video tutorials and PDF lessons anywhere at anytime.Do you want to play piano, but struggle to find time for regular lessons? When you learn how to play piano with PianoCub, you learn on your schedule.QualityBenefit from music and teaching experts.The founder of PianoCub, Dr. David Brown has a doctorate in music from the University of Southern California and has taught, performed, and conducted all around the world. He and his team are dedicated to quality music education."
Price: 19.99

"PianoCub - Bach C Major Prelude"
"Tutorials walk you through reading, technique, and performance step-by-step and allow you to play along with a demonstration as notes illuminate.Here's the PianoCub AdvantageClassical TrainingLearn to read music so that you can play it all.Other piano tutorials teach music only by asking students to copy and memorize notes. But when you use PianoCub, youll learn how to read music. That means youll learn how to pick up any piece of music in any style and play it on your own.FlexibilityPractice with HD video tutorials and PDF lessons anywhere at anytime.Do you want to play piano, but struggle to find time for regular lessons? When you learn how to play piano with PianoCub, you learn on your schedule.QualityBenefit from music and teaching experts.The founder of PianoCub, Dr. David Brown has a doctorate in music from the University of Southern California and has taught, performed, and conducted all around the world. He and his team are dedicated to quality music education."
Price: 19.99

"Frmula 1.000 - Redao para o ENEM"
"Este curso montado e focado para aqueles que querem gabaritar a Prova de Redao do ENEM. O presente curso apresenta uma metodologia simplificada de planejamento e estruturao de textos para a redao do ENEM, buscando um formato de ""passo a passo"" aplicvel a qualquer tema e conveniente para todos os estudante de Ensino Mdio.Neste curso de preo extremamente acessvel, voc ter acesso a um contedo de extrema qualidade e que pode ser o divisor entre a aprovao e a reprovao, visto que a redao , sem a menor sombra de dvida, a matria mais fcil de gabaritar, e muita das vezes, tem seu peso multiplicado na ponderao final da nota. Sendo assim, o custo benefcio de performar bem na redao altssimo e incrivelmente acessvel. Obs: o presente curso apenas inclui os mdulos de planejamento e estruturao."
Price: 84.99

"Faa Java!"
"Para aprender uma linguagem de programao preciso mais prtica do que teoria. Veremos como o Java funciona, como produzir cdigo orientado a objetos utilizando as tcnicas de modelagem para soluo de problemas.Refazendo os cdigos mostrados nas aulas e os exerccios propostos, ser possvel obter proficincia e competncia para analisar cada caso e desenvolver programas em Java."
Price: 39.99

"Schchternheit berwinden"
"Du mchtest so gerne, aber hast einfach Angst davor es umzusetzen?Du verschiebst diesen einen Tag, wo sich alles ndern soll, immer wieder auf einen anderen Tag um diesen einen besonderen Tag doch zu meiden, weil Du Angst davor hast?Du mchtest so vielen Situationen ins Auge schauen und auch meistern, aber Dein Kopf sagt einfach: nein?Du weit im Inneren selbst, dass Du Dir fr viele Situationen eine Ausrede parat legst, damit Du diesen Situationen einfach aus dem Weg gehen kannst?Lieber Leser, wenn diese Punkte auf Dich zutreffen, dann bist Du bei mir genau an der richtigen Stelle.Denn ich habe genau das selbe wie Du durchgemacht und mchte Dir nun zeigen, wie Du es in krzester Zeit schaffen kannst, so zu sein, wie Du gerne sein wrdest.Dazu sollst Du Dich nie wieder vor jeglichen Situationen frchten, sondern Du sollst mit Freude sagen: JETZT BIN ICH DRAN!Ebenso wirst Du in diesem eBook viel weniger irgendwelche herkmmlichen wissenschaftlichen Studien finden, wo erforscht wurde, was wen besser hilft und wie man seine ngste bezwingt.Ich mchte Dich nmlich an der Realitt teilhaben lassen und Dir somit zeigen, wie es im echten Leben funktioniert!"
Price: 89.99

"Aprenda facilmente a criar Dashboards incrveis no Excel"
"Crie tabelas estruturadas e ganhe agilidade em seus clculos. Modele dados com tabelas dinmicas de fcil atualizao. Crie e formate grficos dinmicos incrveis para incorporar ao seu dashboard. Voc vai ter acesso ao passo a passo para criar dashboards profissionais no excel.Qualquer pessoa que crie relatrios regularmente no seu trabalho pode se beneficiar desse treinamento. No preciso conhecimento avanado de excel.Isso inclui estudantes, analistas, supervisores, lideres, gestores e/ou executivos de empresas de qualquer tamanho das mais diversas reas: comercial, financeiro, recursos humanos, logstica, processos, produo, operaes, marketing entre outras. Outros profissionais como consultores, pesquisadores, jornalistas e educadores tambm sero beneficiados assim como profissionais em recolocao que desejam adicionar em seu currculo um diferencial para sua carreira."
Price: 249.99

"Aprenda a Criar um Dashbord Logstico em Excel"
"Vamos detalhar passo a passo como criar um relatrio com uso de algumas opes dessa ferramenta incrvel que o Excel.Voc aprender a criar um relatrio dinmico (Dashboard - Logstica) com o uso de algumas aplicaes bsicas de:Tabelas dinmicas;Organizao das tabelas dinmicas e dicas;Nomear as tabelas dinmicas;Segmentao de dados;Conexes das Segmentaes no Relatrio;Formas do Excel;Uso de cones;Imagens Vazadas;Uso de formato tabela no arquivo."
Price: 54.99

"Excel - Crie seu primeiro Painel de forma Simples"
"Vamos detalhar passo a passo como criar um relatrio com uso de algumas opes dessa ferramenta incrvel que o Excel.Voc aprender a criar um painel Manual do Zero aps a criao iremos ensinar como voc pode criar o mesmo painel de forma mais completa e dinmica.Iremos trabalhar com Layouts, Frmulas Bsicas, Tabelas Dinmicas, Link de valores com outras planilhas."
Price: 54.99