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"Master en Microsoft Excel - Desde cero hasta experto"
"Excel, es la herramienta nmero uno en la oficina moderna. Es nuestro mejor aliado administrativo.Por lo que si eres contador, Licenciado en administracin o RRHH, analista, tienes un puesto administrativo, o simplemente quieres mejorar tu currculum para conseguir sa oferta de trabajo que buscas. Te ofrecemos ste completo curso que va desde cero hasta ser un usuario avanzado de Excel, con 9 hs de videos divididos en ms 100 clases.Aprenders desde como empezar a manipular una hoja, crear reportes para la toma de decisiones haciendo anlisis mediante tablas y grficos dinmicos, hasta todas las frmulas ms usadas para que te destaques en tu oficina.Dominars herramientas de anlisis de datos como POWER QUERY, POWER PIVOT y POWER BI para que lleves tus reportes a otro nivel. Pero sobre todo te ensearemos como mejorar tu productividad en tu propia empresa o en tu trabajo. Ya sea ahorrando tiempo, evitando duplicar tareas, o automatizando tu trabajo con herramientas super tiles!"
Price: 19.99

"Descomplicando a Folha de Pagamento"
"Voc est procurando um curso objetivo, rpido e descomplicado para entender de vez os clculos da folha de pagamento?  Eu vou  te ensinar tudo que precisa para se tornar um especialista na realizao e conferncia dos clculos da folha de pagamento, ok?* * Voc encontrou o curso certo sobre os clculos da folha de pagamento! * * Com as habilidades que vai aprender aqui no curso, voc pode:REALIZAR os clculos da folha de pagamento de forma simples, rpida e sem mistrio.CONSEGUIR fazer a conferncia de forma eficiente e eficaz da folha de pagamento, calculada manualmente ou por meio de sistema.ENTENDER a legislao trabalhista no que tange as bases legais de cada clculo realizado na folha de pagamento.O QUE VOC RECEBE AO SE INSCREVER NO CURSO Descomplicando a Folha de Pagamento?Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as atualizaes.Suporte personalizado e respostas s suas perguntas.Certificado de concluso Udemy (voc poder incluir no seu currculo).Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias caso o curso no seja o que voc espera, assim voc poder pedir o reembolso de 100%. Mas vou te falar um coisa, tenho certeza que vai amar este curso =)BNUS DO CURSO.Download de todos os materiais utilizados no decorrer do curso, contendo mais de 21 recursos para download.Acesso aos links com as legislaes utilizadas.Boletim informativo quando h alguma novidade na legislao trabalhista com relao aos clculos. Disponvel para download na aula que houver a atualizao.Questionrios para melhor fixao do contedo abordado.Sobre a Instrutora.Depois de anos trabalhando com o Departamento Pessoal e Recursos Humanos identifiquei que os erros mais comuns que aconteciam na folha de pagamento eram por falta de conferncia e por falta de conhecimento. Decidi ento criar este curso, tornando-o acessvel a mais pessoas e com um preo justo para que todos os profissionais e as pessoas que desejam trabalhar no Departamento Pessoal ou reas afins, possam adquirir este conhecimento prtico, simples e descomplicado.O pr-requisito a vontade de aprender ou aprimorar os conhecimentos. No necessrio ter conhecimento prvio de legislao trabalhista, pois em todos os clculos trouxe tambm seu embasamento legal, proporcionando a voc o entendimento completo do assunto.Espero que goste dos contedos abordados e nos vemos nas aulas =)Abraos!Prof. Vanessa SilvaInscreva-se agora e vamos dominar de uma vez por todas os clculos da folha de pagamento."
Price: 69.99

"Create a Beautiful Rabbit Sculpture in just 12 hours"
"Discover how to create a wonderful sculpture using just paper towels, bathroom tissue, aluminum foil and glue. You will learn the inside secrets to creating faces with clay and bodies with foil, paper towels and glue. After you take this course you will have the skills to create many other sculptures such as birds, animals, mermaids, sea creatures and anything you can imagine. But I can't create sculptures ""I am not an artist""I hear you!  Don't worry,  I will show you a simple way to create many types of wonderful sculptures using the basic techniques outlined in the videos. And you will come away with a large Rabbit sculpture that you created yourself in only a day and a half!No need for expensive equipment either.   I will show you the materials you need to get started.   The rest is just a work table, gloves, plastic sheeting and a work space that can be anywhere in your home.  I will take you through every step that you need to know, even including how to fix mistakes, so you can create anything you want to create!I has perfected this technique over 40 years and have created thousands of projects. You can benefit from my years of experience!  This really is a complete masterclass for mixed media art. Who's this course for?This really is the perfect course for anyone with an interest in Mixed Media Art.   With simple to follow videos and material lists you will come away with a completed sculpture and then go on to create more projects on your own.And to make it super easy for you to learn, I've divided the course into easy to follow segments that will show you how to create the bunny step-by-step starting with the head and face, and then moving on to the body, legs, and arms.  Then you will mount the bunny to a clay base and cover the foil body with paper towels and glue to create the rabbit skin. Then comes the clothing, painting and adding decorations.  All in day and a half.Type of StudentAnyone with an interest in mixed media art to create a sculpture.Anyone with an interest in an easy to follow art project.Anyone who loves to create beautiful things!Maybe even someone who wants to start a business from home. Even experienced artists who want to try something different.Requirements All you need are some common household items and some basic art supplies. I have included a document that gives a complete list of materials needed to complete the bunny.You may also refer to the slide show included at the end of the Promo Video at the top of the page. The list includes pictures of the materials and art supplies needed to complete the project.No need for any experience at all! This course includes easy to follow instructions on video.I will guide you through the process to create a beautiful sculpture of a bunny rabbit in just a day and a half.No need to be an artist! I will show you tips and tricks along the way to make it easy to create your art project.  Click the buy button now to get started, and lets Make a Bunny!!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Aiming Guide for First Person Shooter Players"
"This is a complete aiming guide which covers all levels. The first part includes basic aiming and general gun mechanics. The second part deals with advanced aiming tactics and how to shoot moving targets. The third part covers core aiming skills and mental performance. Finally some general aspects will be discussed including gear, in game settings and online aiming platforms."
Price: 69.99

"Hacks for A Successful Massage Business"
"Massage school teaches you many things, but not always the most efficient and effective way to run a business. I've built my business from scratch and have discovered many hacks and tips to decrease the amount of tasks you do on a daily basis. This helps prevent burnout and presents a more professional face to your clients.  I discuss pros and cons on where to have your business, what you need to think about before you start and the tools that will allow much of your business to run itself."
Price: 19.99

"How To Reach a Top Rank in Any Video Game"
"Are you someone who likes games but can't get past being average?Are you a gamer and want to take your skill to the next level?Do you want to be able to master any video game you want? Then this course is exactly for you...This course is for any passionate gamer who wants to learn how to master any game of their choice. This course is really about becoming more efficient with your skill building time.This course will show you 3 different methods to better your gaming practice.You will be able to master any kind of video game and dominate your competetion!The information I will share with you is from many different places...ranging from professional E-sports players, self-improvement experts, and actual scientists who research sport competors. So what are you waiting for? ...As the old Chinese quote says, ""The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. It is never too late to improve.Like trying to lose weight or learn a foreign language...getting good can take a LOT of time...This course can dramatically reduce that time.Why spend 10,000 hours to become a master?!A passion for video games is all you need.This course will take you the rest of the way.So what are you waiting for? Take this course now and learn the secrets how to master any video beat your friends and get to the top ranks."
Price: 19.99

"Como hacer figuras 3D de papel con la tcnica Nido de Abeja."
"Bienvenido en este curso aprenders como crear con papel divertidas figuras 3D con la tcnica nido de abeja.Te mostrares detalladamente paso a paso y desde cero como crear cada una de las figuras del curso.Puedes utilizarlas en tus celebraciones, eventos especiales, festividades, para obsequiarlas o para iniciar un negocio.Todos los materiales que se utilizan para la realizacin de cada figura son materiales accesibles y muy econmicos y el resultado que obtienes al realizar estas manualidades es asombroso.En este curso te enseare a hacer las siguientes figuras:Como hacer una Bola de papel Monocromtica.Como hacer una Bola de papel Multicolor.Como hacer un Globo de papel.Como hacer un Corazn de papel.Como hacer una Campana de papel.Como hacer una Araa de papel.Como hacer un Helado de papel.Como hacer una Mueca de papel.Como hacer un Cactus de papel.Como hacer mis propias plantillas.Adems, podrs descargar de la plataforma todas las plantillas que utilice para la realizacin de este curso.Tambin te enseare como crear tus propias plantillas, para que puedas crear tus propios diseos."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Basics of Quality Assurance"
"Learn about software system, Environment, Software Development Life Cycle, Software Testing Life Cycle, Quality Assurance, Levels and Types of Testing and QA role in an organization. Candidates who are new to IT or Quality Assurance will be able to understand the role of QA analyst in relation to Development or Business Analyst and some others."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to top 10 Digital Trends"
"This course will introduce you to the top ten digital trends that are attributing to the digital transformation in the world today. This digital transformation series will explain, define, and simplify each trend. You will get to know the main component and structure of the trend and learn how to apply it in your everyday life on both personal and professional levels. Finally, get to know the main global market players and the providers of the technology. Start learning about the trends that are contributing and will be contributing to the future of digital transformation."
Price: 24.99

Price: 12000.00

"Start an EU company in Estonia with e-Residency"
"In this course I will explain what being an e-Resident of Estonia means and how you can open a company in one of the best economies in the European Union very easily.You dont even have to move from your house if you dont want (even if a trip in Estonia is really worth it!)At the end of this course you will be ready to create your EU company with an EUR bank account, how to get rid of bureaucracy with all the digitalized Estonian services and focus what matter most: your business.Estonia is the only country in the world that has been offering an Estonian the e-residency card since 2015 and this card is your e-passport to get your business started.There are already 40.000+ Estonian e-Residents in the world (from 150 different countries) and the government targets 10 million e- Residents in 2025! Will you be one of them?I will guide you to:Start your European business and work with customers around the worldGet your Estonian e-Residency card (valid for 5 years renewable)Manage your business totally remote and forget about accounting and bureaucracyGet a contact person and business address in EstoniaOpen a European bank account(s) in EUR thanks to your e-resident statusBasic knowledge about taxation in EstoniaJoin a community of 40,000 likeminded people and future one million E-ResidentsI recently co-founded a community that aims to help e-Residents from all around the world, Estonia did a lot for me with the e-Residency and I want to share my knowledge back and help new people.Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to work remotely and forget about accounting and bureaucracyDigital nomads who need a structured business in a fixed locationAnyone who needs to do business in the European UnionPeople who wants to start a company but dont have much time or resources"
Price: 19.99

"Apri una azienda in Estonia con il programma e-Residency"
"In questo corso ti spiegher cosa significa essere un e-Resident dell'Estonia e come possibile aprire facilmente un'azienda in una delle pi stabili economie dell'Unione europea.Non devi nemmeno spostarti da casa tua per fare tutto ci (anche se vale davvero la pena visitare l'Estonia!)Alla fine di questo corso sarai pronto a creare la tua azienda estone con un conto bancario in Euro, saprai come sbarazzarti della burocrazia e utilizzare tutti i servizi estoni digitali cos che potrai concentrarti su ci che conta di pi: la tua attivit.L'Estonia l'unico paese al mondo che offre una carta di residenza elettronica (dal 2015!) e questa carta il passaporto elettronico per iniziare la tua attivit.Ci sono gi oltre 40.000 e-Residents estoni nel mondo (provenienti da oltre 150 paesi diversi) e il governo ha come obiettivo di arrivare ai 10 milioni di residenti elettronici nel 2025! Sarai tra questi?Ti guider a:Crea la tua azienda in Estonia e lavora con clienti da tutto il mondoOttieni la tua e-Residency card estone (valida per 5 anni rinnovabile)Gestisci la tua azienda in remoto e dimentica la contabilit e la burocraziaCome ottenere una persona di contatto e un indirizzo per la tua azienda EstoneAprire un conto bancario business grazie alla tua e-Residency cardFiscalit e tasse in EstoniaEsterovestizione per ItalianiInizierai a far parte di una comunit di 40.000 persone di e-Residents!Di recente ho co-fondato una associazione che ha lo scopo di aiutare gli e-Residents di tutto il mondo, l'Estonia ha fatto molto per me con il programma e-Residency e voglio condividere le mie conoscenze e aiutare nuove persone.Per chi questo corso:Chiunque voglia lavorare in remoto e dimenticare contabilit e burocraziaNomadi digitali che hanno bisogno di un'attivit strutturata in un luogo fissoChiunque abbia bisogno di fare affari nell'Unione EuropeaLe persone che vogliono avviare un'azienda ma non hanno molto tempo o soldi"
Price: 19.99

"Manage Multiple Palo Alto Netorks Firewalls with Panorama"
"Learn how to configure and manage the next-generation Panorama management serverGain experience configuring templates (including template variables) and device groupsGain experience with administration, log collection, and logging and reportingGain experience with Panorama High Availability and Panorama troubleshootingBecome familiar with new Panorama features such as Panorama in the public cloud, the Logging Service, and GlobalProtect cloud service"
Price: 19.99

"In diesem Video lernst du einfach anwendbare Griffe aus der Sportmassage. Diese werden anhand eines klaren Behandlungsablaufes vorgezeigt und sind speziell fr den sportlichen Krper ausgewhlt. Unter anderem lernst du die Knetungen (Pretissage), Zirkelungen (Friction) und Klopfungen (Tapotements) der Muskulatur.Zustzlich lernst du Behandlungsgriffe, welche bequem am Spielfeldrand im Sitzen angewendet werden knnen. So kannst du den Sportler vor Ort optimal betreuen.  ACHTUNG: in den Videos werden nicht auf Indikationen und Kontraindikationen der Sportmassage hingewiesen."
Price: 19.99

"Manuelle Lymphdrainage"
"Im Kurs ""Manuelle Lymphdrainage"" wird die modifizierte Grifftechnik nach Dr. Asdonk gelehrt. Es werden alle Behandlungsgebiete am ganzen Krper gezeigt, welche dem physiologischen Lymphabfluss entsprechen. Das bedeutet, dass diese Griffe ausschliesslich am gesunden und funktionsfhigen Lymphsystem angewendet werden knnen und das Lymphsystem zum Beispiel keine Umwege wegen Narbengewebe gebildet hat.Die gezeigten Griffe werden sanft und langsam durchgefhrt.Zur Untersttzung fr das einfache Erlernen der Behandlungsablufe steht jedem Kapitel eine schriftliche bersicht zu Verfgung, in welcher der Behandlungsablauf selber eingezeichnet werden kann. Dies kann optimal als Untersttzung in der praktischen Anwendung als Vorlage dienen.ACHTUNG: in den Behandlungsvideos wird nicht explizit auf Kontraindikationen hingewiesen!"
Price: 24.99

"BIM - Project Management in Revit with 4D Time and 5D Cost"
"This course BIM - Project management in Revit, will present how real-life Revit projects have used the Tool Dynamo - to calculate working hours and working costs. You receive  2 Dynamo Scripts,  Project Template (.rvt) and Excel Files.With the help of an example, Id like to show you how you can use project management 4D time and 5D cost in Autodesk Revit.We will take the volume parameter of the building elements otherwise Revit-Families then we will translate these volume parameters into 4D time and 5D cost.The resulting data you can use in a variety of other programs for the control of the timing and the cost of construction.The obtained data can also be exported in another process management software - Microsoft Project or other planning tools such - scoro, asana, smartsheet, monday, hive, ganttpro or others...."
Price: 34.99

"REVIT to ASANA. BIM Kanban&Gantt Chart Construction Planning"
"This course REVIT to ASANA. Kanban and Gantt Chart Construction Planning, will present how real-life Revit projects have used the Tool Dynamo - to calculate working hours and working costs. #Dynamo (#Grasshopper, #Rhino.Inside) - these tools help us work with Big Data. In this tutorial, you can take the first steps in data processing with a small project and you can try to take the first steps in Dynamo. You receive  2 Dynamo Scripts,  Project Template (.rvt) and Excel Files.Ill talk about #Dynamo, and you will understand why such tools will change the rules of the game in the construction industry.Asana: The best work management tool for your team Compared to other tools, #Asana has the flexibly and power your team needs to manage all of its workso you can hit your deadlines and achieve your goals. #Asana makes it easy to organize and see projects and tasks so you can stay on track and move work forward.With the help of an example, Id like to show you how you can use project management 4D time and 5D cost in Autodesk Revit.We will take the volume parameter of the building elements otherwise Revit-Families then we will translate these volume parameters into 4D time and 5D cost.The resulting data you can use in a variety of other programs for the control of the timing and the cost of construction.The obtained data can also be exported in another process management software - ASANA,  scoro,  smartsheet, monday, Microsoft Project, hive, ganttpro or others...."
Price: 34.99

"O Cinema de Charlie Chaplin"
"O curso O Cinema de Charlie Chaplin: Do Pastelo Crtica Social, ministrado por Christian Farias, vai analisar quatro pontos da vida de Charles Spencer Chaplin, fundamentais para entender e desvendar sua carreira: a vida, a obra, os problemas e os conflitos sociais que influenciaram suas ideias e sua herana cultural.Charlie Chaplin, considerado uma das estrelas fundamentais dos primeiros dias de Hollywood, viveu uma vida interessante, tanto em seus filmes quanto por trs das cmeras. Ele mais reconhecido como um cone da era do cinema mudo, muitas vezes associado ao seu personagem mais popular, o eterno vagabundo ""Carlitos"", caracterizado como um homem simples e ingnuo, com o bigode escovinha, chapu-coco, bengala de bambu, e um caminhar divertido. Mas para a histria do cinema ele foi muito mais do que isto."
Price: 39.99

Price: 3600.00

"Commande des systmes"
"Dans cette seconde partie concernant le cours de ""modlisation de systme"" le but est de modliser sous forme d'quations diffrentielles et de reprsentation d'tat les systmes suivant : Un chariot amovible avec pendule ; Un chariot amovible avec pendule et MCC ; Une cuve de mlange industrielle Un satellite ; Un drone de type quadricoptre.Les systmes prsents ici sont des classiques que l'on peut rencontrer dans le secteur acadmique (BAC, classes prparatoires ... ) et d'autre systmes seront plus proches du secteur industriel . la fin de ce cours vous devriez tre alaise avec les mthodes de Newton et de Lagrange ainsi que diffrentes mthodes de linarisation des systmes. Une utilisation sommaire du logiciel Matlab devrait vous servir de base pour la suite. Les coordonnes cartsiennes et polaire sont galement utilises."
Price: 19.99

"Smartphone-Fotografie fr Blog und Business"
"Das Videotraining ist ideal fr Blogger, Unternehmer/Selbstndige, Coaches, Networkmarketer, etc.In diesem Kurs habe ich die Videos so kurz und knapp wie mglich, dennoch maximal effektiv, gehalten. Du findest hier leicht verstndlichen Stoff, den ich aus meiner langjhrigen Ttigkeit als Fotograf mit dir teile. Ich begrenzte den Kurs auf die wichtigsten Themen, die dir enorm viel Zeit sparen und gleichzeitig dich schnell in der Umsetzung deines Business weiter bringen. Nahezu jeder braucht gute Fotos. Fr die Sozialen Medien, Website oder Werbezwecke, um den Kunden einen ersten Einblick zu vermitteln.Gute Fotos schaffen Vertrauen, transportieren Professionalitt und Kompetenz. In diesem Videotraining lernst du einige Basisregel der Fotografie, wie du eindrucksvolle Aufnahmen mit deinem Smartphone machst und deine Besucher/Kunden von deinen Produkten oder von dir selbst berzeugst.Der Kurs besteht aus drei wichtigen Teilen:Grundregel der FotografieProdukt- und Menschen-FotografieBildbearbeitung am Handy"
Price: 49.99

"Vision et valeurs de l'entreprise"
"En suivant cet atelier, vous aurez compris pourquoi il est important de poser certains sujets sur papier. Plus encore de poser les valeurs de lentrepriseLes fiches pratiques vous permettront dorganiser une runion avec vos cofondateurs ou lead de lentreprise pour commencer fixer les valeurs de lentreprise.Vous aurez une affiche valeurs de lentreprise.Vous comprendrez que votre communication interne et externe sera facilite. Que vous pourrez plus facilement dlguer cette communication dans le respect des principes de lentreprise.Vous aurez plus de facilit recruter et conserver vos collaborateurs."
Price: 19.99

"Contabilidade Empresarial"
"Neste curso voc aprender de forma prtica como contabilizar todas as reas de uma empresa, desde caixa e bancos, vendas de produtos e servios, impostos, fornecedores, imobilizado, emprstimos e financiamentos e muito mais!Tudo isso dentro de um sistema de contabilidade real onde voc vai receber o acesso gratuito a verso acadmica e poder utilizar por quanto tempo quiser."
Price: 99.99

"Stop the guilt & binge eating. The French way of eating."
"Stop with the food shaming ! Do you categorize your food as 'wrong' and 'right' ? When we categorize foods as good or bad, were really categorizing ourselves as good or bad, strong or weak, worthy or unworthy. And that is all B.S ! Look at people in France or Italy. They eat just about everything and they still manage to keep a healthy weight. There is a way to indulge in peace and still be on track with your weight loss. Follow this course and get a checklist that will help you achieve just that. I am Sofia, a registered nutritionist from Montreal Canada who operates her own private practice for the past 10+ years. Note : online one on one private consultations available. Just ask me... "
Price: 44.99

"Why, When and What to snack"
"This course will help you better understand your body and it's needs.You will understand how energy from different food affect your body in different ways.You feel confused ? What to eat and When to eat a snack ? What is a good snack ? This course will help you !You will also understand how to decode nutritional labels to better choose your snacks yourself in the future.This course was first developed as an online webinar but is now available on Udemy."
Price: 24.99

"Peri and Menopause Masterclass for Body, Mind and Spirit"
"Perimenopause can begin any time over the age of 35. A lot of women can experience premature menopause, especially if they have had a full hysterectomy and had their ovaries taken away.  It can be a confusing time where you feel like you have lost control of your body, mind and spirit!It can bring about a lot of unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping, weight gain to name just a few of the top symptoms.Every woman is different and will experience perimenopause and menopause in different ways with varying symptoms. Unfortunately, the healthcare system does not have enough information to be able to discuss this change in life which can leave a lot of women suffering with symptoms and not knowing what to do.This course will help you to fully understand what is happening to your hormones as they decline in perimenopause and solutions to some of the symptoms you can experience through diet, exercise, lifestyle and mindset.In this video course you are going to learn: What perimenopause is What hormones do in your body and how they change at perimenopause and menopause How your menstrual cycle works and how it changes in perimenopause What 4 hormones can cause hormone chaos in your body What foods to eat and avoid to stop feeding your menopause belly How toxins affect your hormones How gut health, kidneys and your liver affects your hormones What herbs and supplements can help with your symptoms How sleep, exercise, stress, lifestyle and toxins can help control your symptoms Why you should stop counting calories now, and eat for healthy hormones instead Why you should stop over exercising What are the best exercises for balancing hormones and losing your belly fat How to naturally heal your gut so you can eliminate excess bloating How to de stress and nourish your adrenal glands to have more energy How to make a mindset change and increase your happiness How to get the best version of you backThe course is taught by Andrea Howard, Nutritional Therapist. She has helped lots of women with hormonal issues including estrogen dominance, hypothyroidism, Adrenal Dysfunction, Digestion problems, PMS, PCOS, Perimenopause and Menopause.Medical Disclaimer: The information in this course is intended for educational purposes only. Andrea Howard assume no responsibility to persons or property as a result of use or misuse of the information contained within. Always consult a health professional before making any changes to your health regimen."
Price: 129.99

"Curso Arqutipos"
"Esse um Mini Curso voltado ao Tema Arqutipos. Hoje em dia na internet se fala muito sobre o tema, porm no se tem total conhecimento do que falado e principalmente USADO. Aprenda aqui de uma maneira simples a usa-los em sua vida; Com uma linguagem simples e de Fcil entendimento voc ir colocar em prtica essa tcnica milenar de desenvolvimento pessoal."
Price: 39.99

"Project Management 101 for Myanmar"
"Project ? Industries Project Manager PMP Book 6th Edition Project Management 101 for Myanmar Online Animation Case Study Video File Section Step by Step Project Manager Document Update Project Project Management Upgrade Project Management ( ) "" The Future is depending on what you are doing now "" Project Project Management Ko Zar Ni (KZN Project Management)"
Price: 39.99

"Swimming Dragon Qigong"
"Swimming Dragon Qigong is extremely easy to learn. But, practicing this simple movement has lots of benefits!The Swimming Dragon Qi Gong is named for the serpentine movement of the body while practicing which resembles a Chinese Dragon swimming. This Qi Gong is very simple to learn. It consists of only one movement that can be repeated as many times as you wish.This simple exercise does not need any special place to practice. It is done with the feet together and there is no stepping involved. It can also be done in just minutes a day- making this the perfect exercise even if you have a very busy schedule.Benefits of Practice:Benefits all the Internal OrgansKeeps all the joints flexible and strongEmphasizes the mobility of the spinePromotes the free circulation of Qi and BloodStrengthens the Kidney EnergyTraditionally indicated to help promote weight lossAncient PracticeThis exercise originated with the Taoists on Hua Shan mountain. It was originally part of a much larger tradition with many exercises, covering all aspects of training - seated, standing, and laying down. The inheritor of this style started to teach openly because he knew that the exercises could benefit the health of many people. Because of their effectiveness, some of the exercises, like the Swimming Dragon Qigong, became very popular in Traditional Chinese Medicine.Take Your Practice FurtherIf you want to go further then practicing an individual exercise, this course also teaches the Hua Shan Short Set. This short set contains 5 exercises and a standing meditation. This gives you a complete and well balanced Qigong program. As you practice you will be able to experience the benefits of Qigong for yourself!"
Price: 69.99

"Sfrdan Amigurumi Yapm"
"Japon kkenli olan Amigurumi, t ve i ile yaplan ii doldurulmu oyuncak anlamna gelmektedir. En temelde bir ok rg formunda oka rastlanlan sk ine teknii kullanlmaktadr. Aslnda Amigurumi veya rg oyuncak teknii dediimiz bu rg yntemi, lkemizde de uzun zamandr bilinmektedir. Fakat insanmzn gnlk ihtiyalarn karlamaya ynelik rg almalar kadar gelimi ve yaygnlam deildir. Amigurumi hem kolay renilebilir, hem de ok farkl alanlarda farkl ekillerde kullanlabilecek tasarmlar ieren keyifli bir uratr. Ancak tarifler ve teknikler, genellikle yabanc dil temelli hazrland iin balang seviyesinde zorlanmak olduka olaandr. Ben de tm bu srelerden gemi biri olarak, Amigurumi'yi A'dan Z'ye ele alp, olas tm sorularnza cevap verebilmek iin bu kursu hazrladm.Kurs yaklak olarak 6 saatlik video ders iermektedir. Ve gn getike yeni dersler ve ieriklerle zenginletirilecektir. 6 Saatlik ders ierisinde;Malzeme SeimiAmigurumide kullanlan temel tekniklerTarif okumaOyuncak yapm bulunmaktadr. Bunlarn yannda, kurs ierisinde belirli aralklarla bir ok bonus ders ile de karlayor olucaksnz.Keyifli almalar!"
Price: 69.99