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"Matemtica Financeira de A Z - Introdutria (Volume I)"
"Caras alunas e caros alunos, sejam todos muito bem-vindos ao maior e melhor curso de matemtica financeira aqui da Udemy. Somos o MAIOR curso porque nossa carga horria ultrapassa as 12 horas de contedo em vdeo. Para entender porque somos o MELHOR curso, convido voc a ler esta apresentao e, ao final, testar nossas aulas que esto disponveis gratuitamente para voc. No s quantidade. qualidade.Uma disciplina como esta no pode ser tratada de qualquer jeito, com explicaes rasas e sem prtica. Para atender aos maiores padres de qualidade de ensino que a matemtica financeira exige, decidimos dividir o aprendizado completo em 3 volumes:Matemtica Financeira IntrodutriaMatemtica Financeira AvanadaMatemtica Financeira - HP12C e MS ExcelNo toa que este curso se chama Matemtica Financeira de A Z. Por que de A Z? Simplesmente porque voc no precisar de mais nenhum outro curso desta disciplina. aqui comigo. aqui agora. COMPLETO!A estrutura programtica do curso foi desenvolvida estrategicamente para que os estudos ocorram na ordem exata em que os mdulos foram criados: um mdulo constri o conhecimento necessrio para o mdulo seguinte e um volume constri o conhecimento necessrio para o volume seguinte. Basta seguir como est.Professor, o que este curso oferece afinal? Vamos entender os recursos pedaggicos:Videoaulas - extremamente didticas, completas e com qualidade de imagem e udio impecveis;PDF de Exerccios - voc pensou que ficaria sem praticar o que aprendeu? De jeito nenhum. Ao final de cada mdulo voc encontra uma srie de exerccios para treinar, e, ao final, um gabarito para verificar seu desempenho;Resoluo dos Exerccios - voc errou uma questo? No se preocupe: todos os exerccios propostos a vocs so corrigidos, em vdeo, pelo professor, item por item. No queremos que perca nenhum detalhe e que os erros no se repitam mais;Voc gosta de estudar tambm por e-book ou livro? No se preocupe. Este curso tambm est na modalidade LIVRO, porm ele adquirido parte e em outra plataforma. Quando falamos em livro digital, no estamos falando de resumos e nem da coletnea de slides utilizados em aula: estamos falando de um LIVRO mesmo, contendo toda teoria explicada da forma mais didtica possvel, com textos muito bem explicativos, sees de conexo com a realidade, resumos da teoria, exerccios propostos, exerccios comentados, gabarito e muito mais. O que vou aprender?No mdulo 1, abordaremos os conceitos da matemtica bsica que so imprescindveis para o estudo da matemtica financeira, como conceito, propriedade e clculo de fraes e nmeros decimais. Passaremos tambm pela to usada regra de trs, a simples e a composta.No mdulo 2, ser abordado de forma avanada o assunto de porcentagens. Aprenderemos sobre as formas de representao dos valores percentuais, macetes para clculos rpidos e de cabea, transformao de taxas, clculo de percentuais de quantias diversas, aumentos e descontos, aumentos e descontos sucessivos e problemas envolvendo preos de venda, custos e lucro.Com os conceitos acima em mos, hora de comear a matemtica financeira em si. No mdulo 3 ser apresentado o conceito e utilizao dos juros, compreenso dos elementos das operaes de juros, montagem e interpretao do diagrama dos elementos, a natureza das taxas de juros alm de compreender as caractersticas essenciais de cada regime de capitalizao e compar-los entre si.No mdulo 4 comea o estudo do regime de capitalizao simples. Iremos aprender as relaes matemticas entre os elementos, inserir os dados em frmulas, estudar de modo aprofundado as taxas de juros, entender conceitos e clculos de taxa mdia, prazo mdio e capital mdio alm de calcular os juros nas suas mais diversas modalidades: juros simples exatos, comerciais e bancrios.Para finalizar, no mdulo 5 vem tona um dos assuntos mais importantes: os juros compostos. Aprenderemos a calcular atravs das frmulas, da tabela do fator de acumulao de capital e com o auxlio dos logaritmos. Passaremos para o entendimento das convenes para clculo de perodos no inteiros e tambm de todas as taxas: equivalentes, proporcionais, nominal, efetiva, real, aparente, bruta e lquida. Para finalizar, vem o tpico de capitalizao contnua. Lembrando a vocs que este apenas o curso volume I. No volume II continuaremos de modo avanado, aprendendo sobre descontos simples e composto, equivalncia simples e composta de capitais, rendas certas, sistemas de amortizao e anlise de projetos de investimento.Ufa! de A Z, ou no ?Para quem este curso?Voc que concurseiro, este curso tambm para voc. A maioria dos nossos exerccios foram extrados de certames famosos como a FGV, CESPE, FCC e outros. Voc ter um contato direto com muitas questes de concursos, alm de ser ensinado macetes e dicas para os candidatos.Voc que investidor, no pode perder este curso. Uma das cincias-base para o mundo dos investimentos a matemtica financeira. Saber calcular juros importantssimo para entender a forma como suas aplicaes sero remuneradas. Vrios exerccios mergulham em situaes de aplicaes financeiras e investimentos. Vamos investir?Voc que empreendedor, este curso te atende perfeitamente. Saiba calcular juros, saiba amortizar dvidas e entenda tudo que for necessrio para no cair em furada com bancos e outros credores.Voc que estudante de graduao ou ps graduao e seu professor um chato ou tem uma didtica pssima mesmo com a coleo de ttulos que ele adora mostrar? Criei este curso pensando em voc, tambm. Aprenda com um professor que REALMENTE quer ensinar e ver o brilho nos olhos dos alunos. No se esquea de aplicar todo o conhecimento adquirido aqui para se livrar logo das avaliaes com notas 10!Venham comigo e boa viagem a todos!Prof. Rodrigo Pelace"
Price: 69.99

"We've All Got Mental Health - Let's Look After It"
"Mental health is often discussed when things go wrong but, like our physical health, there are lots of things we can do to look after it better. This course equips you with strategies to help you develop stronger mental health, enabling you to thrive better through adversity, feel happier about yourself and build stronger levels of self-esteem and confidence.Each module contains inspiring stories and is backed up with robust tools that will leave you with stronger mental health."
Price: 39.99

"The Gold Medal Winning Way To Exam Performance"
"This course looks at the why, what and how of exam nerves - why we experience them, what happens to our body and how this can affect our performance in exams. Using strategies that elite athletes use to deliver results under pressure we focus on the long-term and quick-fix strategies that help to maximise your chances of succeeding in an exam.Danielle shares crucial anecdotes from her story as an elite athlete, raising aspirations and delivering positive messages. This is underpinned by strong strategies that help you to manage expectations, stay motivated and reduce anxiety in the build up to exams and combat nerves when you need to be on top form."
Price: 39.99

"Etre parent, parlons-en: pour une parentalit consciente"
"Vous en avez assez des conflits et des rapports de force avec vos enfants? Vous vous sentez par moment dmuni(e)? Vous ne voulez pas laisser l'ducation de vos enfants au hasard et vous aimeriez devenir plus conscient de ce que vous faites en tant que parent et pourquoi vous le faites? Vous aimez les principes de la parentalit bienveillante et consciente mais ne savez pas comment les appliquer concrtement dans votre quotidien? Alors bienvenue au cours Etre parent, parlons-enDans ce cours vous apprendrez :Bien comprendre vos enfants en: Dcouvrant ce qui diffrencie l'enfant de l'adulte sur le plan crbral, des apprentissages et de la communication. Apprenant dcoder les comportements de vos enfants afin de sortir des rapports de force et passer du monologue au dialogueIdentifiant les besoins de vos enfants afin de bien les ressourcer et remplir leurs rservoirsGrer concrtement les moments difficiles du quotidien tels que:Les crisesLes conflits dans la fratrieLa non collaborationVotre enfant qui ne vous coute pasLes matins stressantsLes cransSortir des rapports de force et dvelopper une relation de communication, d'apprentissage et de soutien avec votre enfant et avoir plus de plaisir dans votre vie de familleCe cours est le fruit de plus de dix annes de pratique en tant que psychologue-psychothrapeute et de centaines de rencontres avec des parents que j'ai eu la chance d'accompagner dans mon travail de psychologue. Je me rjouis de le partager avec vous.Je m'appelle Alessandra Retti Cordey, je suis psychologue-psychothrapeute, spcialise dans les domaines de la parentalit et l'enfant et membre de la Fdration Suisse des Psychologues. Je suis galement maman de deux enfants qui m'inspirent quotidiennement tant dans ma vie personnelle que pour mon travail et qui m'ont permis de beaucoup mieux comprendre les parents et les enfants que je rencontrais."
Price: 54.99

"!! / / /"
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda pintura Automotiva de forma Rpida e fcil"
"O curso de pintura do professor Josias Sodr abrange desde a chapa nua at o acabamento finalpassando por todos os tipos de primeres massas e tintas usadas na repintura automotiva .Voc vai aprender as tcnicas de aplicao que os melhores profissionais do mercado usam no dia a dia  das maiores empresas de reparos automotivos do Brasil ."
Price: 69.99

"The Quintessential Course to Learning ROBLOX Scripting!"
"Hello! Welcome to my ROBLOX scripting program! This will definitely be the only program that you will need to become an experienced and professional ROBLOX scripter. Throughout the course, you will be learning tons of new syntaxes and properties.I will be providing the following:LecturesCode-AlongsChallengesResearch AssignmentsExercisesIf you have any questions, feel free to contact me!"
Price: 19.99

"Become a Professional Receptionist"
"Receptionists are often the first employee of an organization to have contact with a customer or client.A corporate receptionist serves as the greeter, information provider, and message taker for incoming calls. Knowledge of the company and its staff enables proper direction of inquiries.To be successful, the corporate receptionist needs training on:Answering telephone calls and take messages or forward callsScheduling and confirming appointments and maintain calendarsGreeting and welcoming customers, clients, and other visitorsEntering customer data and send business correspondenceCopying, filing, and maintaining paper or electronic documentsAt the core of position, the corporate receptionist provides customer service, so he or she needs basic customer service training. Training must focus on the importance of a positive attitude and how appearance, voice inflection and listening skills impact the success of the position. Receptionists also need training on defusing difficult situations, handling angry callers, and emergencies.They need good organizational skills to manage their diverse responsibilities.So, do you think this is a career for you? If yes, let's get started.Just click on ""Enrol Now"" and I'll see you inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Become an Office Manager in 2020"
"An office manager is someone who is responsible for organizing all of the administrative activities that facilitate the smooth running of an office. They must be skilled at supervising other employees in a fair, consistent manner. Responsibilities typically include:typing, and dealing with correspondence, complaints and queriespreparing letters, presentations and reportssupervising and monitoring the work of secretarial, clerical and administrative staffmanaging office budgetsdelegating tasks to junior employeesorganizing induction programmes for new employeesensuring that health and safety policies are up to dateattending meetings with senior managementIn a small organisation you may carry out most of the tasks yourself, while at larger organisations you could supervise the work of a team. You'll typically work a 35-hour week and start with a salary of $25,000 a year up to a $55,000 yearly.Office managers are employed across the board in the public, private, and charity sectors. In short, they're employed by any organisation that runs an office, from small businesses to public bodies and multinational corporations.Would you like to join an exciting career that can lead to HR or management positions?Then, you're in the right place. Just click on the ""Enroll Now""button and let's get started!"
Price: 99.99

"Become a Legal Secretary in 2020"
"There are lots of different reasons to become a Legal Secretary, including the varied working life, the opportunities to advance your career and increase your earning potential, and the chance to learn about our legal system in depth so that you gain a better understanding of how it governs our society.In this course you will learn administrative management skills, organisational skills and essential office management skills. You will also learn skills required for a legal secretary such as:Fundamental concepts of the legal office, Billing, preparing legal documents, contracts, family law, business law, Business and telephone etiquette, Meeting management and minute taking skillsBy working as a Legal Secretary, you can get to know a wide range of different legal procedures and build up experience in a large number of different legal areas. This will give you the opportunity to work your way up the ladder into other roles such as Legal PA, Paralegal or even Legal Executive.There are no entry requirements for the course, however we recommend that you have a good typing speed, computer literacy, an understanding of Microsoft Word, and a good standard of spoken and written English."
Price: 199.99

"Become an Executive Personal Assistant"
"Become an Executive Personal AssistantExecutive personal assistants perform routine clerical and administrative duties. They organize files, prepare documents, schedule appointments, and support other staff.The key difference between an Executive PA and a regular PA is that Executive Personal Assistants work with higher level managers.Generally, this will mean working with CEOs, as well as various other company directors and high-level staff.As most administrative tasks are taken for granted at this level, the main focus of their job involves taking initiative and complete control over their workload.Executive PAs usually work: in a corporate setting  spend much of their time on a computera college education isn't required for this position, but ...employers increasingly prefer to hire those who have completed some training.Certain skills, such as time management and attention to detail, will be a given for almost all Executive PAs.There are many advantages of the career path, including increased exposure to senior management, as well as more varied work experience.For example, you may get the chance to organise events or manage larger projects, and work with other areas of the business, such as the product or digital marketing teams.Many Executive Personal Assistants are even finding that this exposure is opening more doors to move into other high-earning careers, and go on to become Product Assistants and Project Managers as a result of their Executive PA experience.So, do you think this is a career for you? If yes, let's get started.Just click on ""Enrol Now"" button and I'll see you inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Embracing a Culture of Feedback"
"If the idea of having a feedback conversation is up there with getting a cavity filled, guess what? You're not alone, there's a scientific reason for that reaction, and an equally powerful motivation for doing it anyway. In fact, the simple and proven tools that you'll be given in this course will not only explain the neuroscience behind giving and receiving feedback, but also how to get into a 'rest and digest' mindset so that you and your colleagues can actually embrace the feedback and therefore increase your performance and reach your goals.The reality is that we are all shying away from having the conversations that can most impact our growth, development and advancement at work. In this engaging and interactive course, you will:Conquer your anxiety about giving or receiving feedback so that it becomes second natureIdentify feedback style in yourself and othersRecognize the benefits of feedback, and the consequence of not generously offering itDetermine what might be holding you back from freely giving and receiving feedbackPractice a proven 4-step feedback process for delivering feedback with finesseAvoid the most common feedback errors and debunk the common mythsReceive feedback openly and put feedback into practice using an AIM SMART PlanCreate a plan to bring a culture of feedback to your organizationMove from delivering annual performance reviews to embracing a culture of continuous improvement everydayWith these tools, you will not only increase your motivation to give and receive continuous feedback, but also better establish yourself as the kind of leader who is invested in the growth and development of your people. We are navigating the path to leadership during a time of unprecedented volatility, uncertainty and change, and the ability to 'feed back' to one another what we're seeing, in real time, is the secret weapon for keeping us moving swiftly in the right direction. In this course, you will integrate the learning in real time, by getting hands-on practice with activities such as putting together a specific feedback action plan plan using a 4-step process, identifying the most common feedback errors, identifying your feedback style and drafting your own feedback mantra to ensure you never shy away from these conversations again. This is unlike any other course of its kind because it goes beyond the typical 'how to give and receive feedback' training to actually embracing a culture of continuous improvement everyday. In addition, I have over 20+ years of business leadership experience and first hand knowledge and examples to share about the power of feedback in maximizing your potential.After taking this course, feedback conversations will become so second-nature and fulfilling, that you will look forward to having them any place, anywhere and with anyone, anytime. Enroll today, and you'll be just one hour away from becoming an expert at creating a culture of continuous improvement in your organization, and the kind of leader that everyone wants to work for."
Price: 149.99

"Practical Facebook Ads for Beginners"
"You might have had a go already, but they certainly didnt get the results you were hoping for, did they?And while youd love to have new sales coming in on autopilot, youve probably wasted a fair chunk of money trying to figure outHow do I get my ad in front of my dream clients?How come so many people saw my ad but no-one bought?Why does Facebook make it so complicated?!You no longer need to fumble in the dark!(and you can stop flushing your hard-earned money down the facebook toilet)Ive been there too, so I created a solution:Practical Facebook Ads for BeginnersAn easy-to-follow online course, with a practical guide for creating effective Facebook Ads that actually work(even if youve NEVER tried it before)Ive created this course specifically for those of you who are fed up with trial and error and want to know exactly what works.In less than 2 hours I can take you from a complete beginner, right up to launching your own ads, and being able to grow your business on autopilot.Think of this as your Facebook Ads Couch to 5k""Finally a Facebook Ads course that is easy to follow and understand!"" - Stephanie, Branding Consultant> Easy-to-follow videos and worksheets> Step-by-step walkthrough of Ads Manager> Couch to 5k in less than 2 hours (self-paced)In this course, I am NOT bombarding you with every single thing Ive ever learnt about Facebook Ads.Im teaching you exactly what you need to know so you can:Write the wording that gets attention from your dream clientsChoose the best targeting to get your ad in front of the right peopleCreate your ad in a way that keeps the Facebook algorithm happyLaunch ads that get more clicks to your website, more leads, and more salesUnderstand the numbers so you can measure your return on investmentAnd for those who are ready for the next level, weve got some BONUS advanced lessons such as understanding the Facebook Pixel, and how to run the most powerful ads of all Conversion Campaigns.I'll let you in on a little secret...The majority of this course content comes straight out of my popular Facebook Ads Workshop that Ive been running in Perth for the past year.Ive had such great feedback from that course, and so many requests from people in other cities, that I decided to make it accessible to even more people by creating an online platform.And the best thing about it now being online, isYou can pause, rewind or slow me down (I speak fast lol)You can go at your own pace, and revisit the lessons againIve added in bonus content that couldnt be included in the live eventHere's what attendees of the live events have said...Lots of new learning and funShe explained things in a way that all attendees could understand and relate toLearnt so much more than just the tip of the iceberg""it was so interesting, great information and so beneficial!I have a clearer insight of the direction to followCats seminar was hands on, informative, and i learned heaps and laughed a bit too :) I would recommend this training to anyone who is in businessWho is this course for?While Facebook Ads can work for any business, this course is created with these kinds of outcomes in mind:use a lead magnet to build your email listinvite people to register for your webinar/challenge/free 3-part mini-course ?sell tickets to your workshop or eventdrive traffic to your blog or websitegenerate leads and enquiries so you can provide a quotepromote your group or membershipI have personally experienced and helped clients achieve great success with these types of ads, so if any of those match what you want to achieve, you'll be able to do that with this course.Ready to enrol and get started on your own effective and practical Facebook Ads?If you were to hire me privately to take you through this content, step by step, that would be over $500 for 2 hours!Now you can get it all, digitally and to keep forever, for a special introductory price.Recap: What's included?In under 2 hours, you'll go from a complete beginner to knowing exactly how to launch your own successful ads.Here's what you get on the inside:10+ Video lessons (with transcripts)WorksheetsPrintable guide to walkthrough Ads ManagerAdvanced lessonsTotal Value: Over $500This is a self-paced online course, and you get lifetime access."
Price: 114.99

"Desenvolvimento em IBM Integration Bus v11 e Rest APIs"
"O IBM Integration Bus fornece conectividade e transformao de dados universal em ambientes de TI heterogneos. Ele permite que empresas de qualquer tamanho eliminem conexes ponto-a-ponto e processamento em lote, independentemente do sistema operacional, protocolo e formato de dados. Neste curso o aluno poder iniciar a sua carreira conhecendo os principais conceitos e como funciona o IBM Integration Bus.O treinamento IBM Integration Bus dividido em 5 aulas, e mais uma aula bonus, com 29 temas de acordo com o contedo abaixo.Pr-requisitosNoes bsicas de desenvolvimento de softwarePblico AlvoDesenvolvedores intermedirios e avanados que desejam aprender sobre IBM Integration Bus e APIs RESTAula 1 INTRODUOIntroduo ao IBM Integration BusIntegration Bus ToolkitAdministrao bsica do Integration BusDesenvolvimento Bsico com Message FlowsAula 2 Conceitos de APIsConceitos de APIsConceito e Arquiteturas REST e SOAPEntendendo uma RESTful API designMelhores prticas de implementaoPadro JSON Schema, Padro Swagger e Desenvolvendo uma API RESTAula 3 DESENVOLVIMENTOUsando os nodes do Integration BusControlando o fluxo de execuoControlando o fluxo de errosLinguagem ESQLUtilizando Compute NodesConectando a base de dadosAula 4 INTEGRAES E SEGURANAAplicando Segurana a APIIntegrao com JMSProcessando outras chamadas HTTPTrabalhando com arquivosIntroduo DFLAula 5 MODELAGEM E PACOTESConceitos de JMSModelagem de Dados DFDLEstruturando a aplicaoModularizando a aplicaoAula 6 CONTEDO BONUSInstalando o Integration BusInstalando o Integration Bus DeveloperConceitos do IBM MQIntegrao com IBM MQUsando AWS Gateway em conjunto com Integration Bus"
Price: 99.99

"Introduo ao IBM Integration Bus"
"O IBM Integration Bus fornece conectividade e transformao de dados universal em ambientes de TI heterogneos. Ele permite que empresas de qualquer tamanho eliminem conexes ponto-a-ponto e processamento em lote, independentemente do sistema operacional, protocolo e formato de dados. Neste curso o aluno poder iniciar a sua carreira conhecendo os principais conceitos e como funciona o IBM Integration Bus.Este curso parte do primeiro mdulo do curso Desenvolvimento em IBM Integration Bus v11 e Rest APIs que voc pode encontrar aqui na Udemy.ContedoAula 1 - Introduo ao IBM Integration BusAula 2 - Integration Bus ToolkitAula 3 - Administrao bsica do Integration BusAula 4 - Desenvolvimento Bsico com Message Flows"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Platform"
Price: 2400.00

"Salesforce Platform Developer 1 Practice Test"
"Give 120 questions that will be tested in the Salesforce Developer 1 Certifications, include 7 knowledge area and 43 test points. Give detail explanations for every question and reference materials in official site. Help you to analyze every option, and understand why it is correct or wrong, and help you to master the test skills."
Price: 24.99

Price: 19.99

"AWS Solutions Architect Associate"
Price: 49.99

"AWS Solutions Architect Associate(2020)"
Price: 54.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams"
"Explanation and understanding of each option in detail help to mast the AWS knowledge Give the actual level as it is, especially the third practice test is a common problem in real exam. Let's practice hard ly on the day before the test.We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question Repeatedly practice to pass by 195 questions of 3 mock exams."
Price: 24.99

"Aprende productos notables desde cero"
"     Lo que aprenders     En ste curso aprenders la definicin y a resolver ejercicios de ocho casos diferentes de productos notables, a saber:Cuadrado de una suma.Cuadrado de una resta.Suma por su diferencia.Producto de dos binomios con un trmino comn.Cubo de una suma.Cubo de una resta.Cuadrado de un trinomio.Producto de tres binomios con un trmino comn.     No te asustes si te parecen muy raras esas palabras, tambin aprenders sa y mucha ms terminologa.     En qu te beneficia tomar ste curso?   Los productos notables son uno de los temas ms utilizados en todos los dems temas de materias de ciencias (matemticas, fsica, qumica, biologa, entre otras), motivo por el cual es superimportante saber utilizarlos.     Imagnate que ests tratando de resolver un ejercicio de lmites, trigonometra o derivadas y en una parte del ejercicio, generalmente al principio, te aparece un producto notable Horror!     Y si no lo sabes resolver hasta ah lleg tu ejercicio. Entras en pnico. Se siente una frustracin muy grande.     Para continuarlo tendras en ese momento que ponerte a investigar y aprender a resolver productos notables. As que es mejor tenerlos ya aprendidos.     Una gran parte del fracaso de los estudiantes en materias superiores como clculo, lgebra superior, fsica, entre otras, es la mala base que tienen en temas como productos notables, factorizacin, trigonometra, logaritmos, racionales, y un largo etc.     Los cuales o no los vieron en sus estudios secundarios o no los recuerdan.     As que a aprenderlos! no pierdas ms el tiempo.     Cmo est estructurado el curso?     Este curso es aproximadamente 5% terico y 95% prctico, ya que a partir de la tercera clase es slo de resolucin de ejercicios que es lo que generalmente ms necesitan los estudiantes.     Y, por experiencia con mis estudiantes, s que la mejor forma de ensearles matemticas es explicndoles con ejercicios.     A lo largo de todas esas clases te explico paso a paso aproximadamente 40 ejercicios comenzando por los ms sencillos y avanzando poco a poco hasta los ms complicados (con coeficientes, signos negativos, potencias, fracciones y variables iguales y diferentes).     En cada clase prctica te dejo unos ejercicios propuestos para que practiques.    No son muchos, generalmente son 4 y algunas clases que tienen 2, 3, 5 o 6.     Es aconsejable que los resuelvas aunque te parezca que son muy fciles y que no hace falta hacerlos, ya que sa prctica te ayudar a afianzar los conocimientos que ests adquiriendo.     El xito en el aprendizaje de las matemticas est basado en dos cosas: entender bien y PRACTICAR!     En cada clase te entrego el procedimiento y las respuestas a los ejercicios propuestos en la clase anterior, para que lo compares con tus resultados.     Qu necesitas saber?     Es aconsejable que previamente tengas conocimientos de operaciones bsicas (suma, resta, multiplicacin y divisin) con nmeros enteros y fracciones.      As como tambin de resolucin de potencias y la aplicacin de sus propiedades con variables y constantes enteros y fracciones.     De no tener stos conocimientos previos no te preocupes que a lo largo del curso cada vez que aparecen te los vuelvo a explicar.     Hay algn costo adicional?     Para nada.    Slo necesitas papel y lpiz.     Ni siquiera necesitas tablas, formularios o fichas adicionales, todo est aqu.     Tampoco necesitas calculadora, ya que las operaciones que realizaremos son las bsicas de aritmtica  (suma, resta, multiplicacin y divisin).     Una computadora o un telfono celular, por supuesto para ver las clases.     Conexin a internet.     Y ganas de aprender.     As que no hay excusas A estudiar!     En cunto tiempo podras aprender productos notables?     Podrs aprender todo el curso en apenas unas horas.      Saca cuentas. El curso dura aproximadamente hora y media (explicacin de aproximadamente 40 ejercicios) ms el tiempo que tardaras en resolver los ejercicios propuestos (aproximadamente 80 ejercicios).      Claro que ac entra en juego tu capacidad de aprendizaje y las ganas que le pongas al curso.     Tambin ten en cuenta que no debes nunca estudiar ms de 2 horas seguidas, menos ste tipo de materias. Debes dejar descansar tu cerebro y vista al menos un rato para volver a estudiar.    Con todo y eso podras aprender todo sto a ms tardar en dos das, tal vez uno.     As que A aprender!"
Price: 19.99

"Devenez portraitiste en 21 jours (mme sans y connatre)"
"Dans cette formation, je vais vous montrer comment devenir un photographe portraitiste. Des bases de la photographie jusqu' des techniques plus avances en passant sur le choix de son matriel, vous aurez des connaissances abouties dans la photo de portrait. Aprs plus de 7 ans d'exprience dans le domaine, je me suis dit qu'il serait intressant pour moi de crer une formation vido afin d'aider les personnes se lancer dans le portrait"
Price: 79.99

"Emagrecimento Pleno - Life Coaching para Emagrecimento."
"Programa de emagrecimento baseado nos hbitos alimentarem que utiliza metodologia  Life Coaching. Parabns pela sua deciso. Este um excelente material. Seguindo toda as tcnicas apresentadas neste treinamento, bem mais rpido que que voc imagina ter alcanado seu objetivo.Neste material voc receber informaes cruciais para que no s emagrea, mas que esteja, fundamentalmente, tambm em um processo de ser magro. Para isso, no basta apenas compreender como um processo de emagrecimento, mas tambm de manuteno. Os dois processos devem ocorrer simultaneamente.Est comprovado que grande problema de o Brasil e o mundo estar vivendo em uma epidemia de sobre peso, no devido dificuldade em emagrecer, mas sim, em manter-se magro. Com este treinamento, nosso objetivo entregar de maneira rpida, fcil, objetiva e econmica uma soluo para quem emagrece e no consegue se manter magra(o). Neste material voc ter varias ferramentas para lhe ajudar compreender suas fraquezas, identificar suas capacidades e virtudes para melhor poder corrigir as falhas que est cometendo sem nem mesmo perceber. Alm disso voc ir de conhecer as caractersticas dos alimentos e porqu e como eles podem lhe ajudar emagrecer.Este produto uma documentao de um programa de emagrecimento que eu aplico presencialmente em vrias cidades. Pelo fato de se apresentar em produto simples, de fcil entendimento, prtico, muito eficaz e que desperta o interesse de muita gente de todo Brasil, eu resolvi juntar todas as informaes e tcnicas usadas em um s material e oferece-lo de tambm de uma forma acessvel pela internet a todos que desejarem usufruir deste mtodo, pois humanamente impossvel alcanar todas as pessoas que precisam e querem pessoalmente.Este mtodo aplicado em treinamento presenciais por mim nasceu de dois objetivos pessoal e da minha atuao como coaching de vida. Vou ser breve aqui para explicar porque eu resolvi entregar o que sei e reproduzir o que entendo sobre sade e emagrecimento de forma to descomplicada para todos que querem de fato mudar suas vidas."
Price: 219.99

"Curso de Marmorizao em Escadas e Paredes - Branco Carrara."
"A Nepal Decoraes especializada em Pintura marmorizada. Sabe-se que essa arte uma tcnica milenar, j utilizada desde Roma Antiga e hoje, mais do que nunca, no momento em que a sustentabilidade se faz necessria, a pintura marmorizada, ou marmorizao por meio de pintura o recurso mais vivel para ambientes domsticos, sacros e comerciais. A pintura marmorizada, incrivelmente resiste ao tempo e continua sendo utilizada como a forma mais sublime, clssica e contempornea nos mais diversos tipos de ambientes. A Pintura marmorizada, a mais nova opo de revestimento e acabamento para escadas, paredes, colunas, barrados, balces e igrejas. Pelas facilidades que a marmorizao oferece, o mercado est em constante crescimento e faltam profissionais capacitados, para aplicao da tcnica. Os Cursos da Nepal Decoraes chegou para capacitar pessoas que atuam na rea, ou que queiram aprender uma profisso no segmento das pinturas especiais. Por um custo pequeno voc adquire nossos cursos, aprende e comea a ganhar dinheiro nesse mercado promissor.O Curso abrange o passo a passo de como fazer a tcnica de marmorizao branco de carrara, com massa e tinta. Na utilizao da massa mencionada ao final do trabalho necessrio aplicar um verniz incolor de proteo. Na tcnica onde foi utilizada a tinta como base, ao final do trabalho requer o selamento com verniz pu incolor. Todas as placas visualizadas no curso foram preparadas com demos de massa acrlica, lixadas e aplicado fundo em ltex pva.Os materiais utilizados foram:- Placas acartonadas (Drywall).- Massa acrlica.- Ltex Branco pva.- Corante Xadrez preto.- lcool anidro- gua.- Lixa massa.- Espatula celuloide.- pinceis mdio e largoAo concluir o Curso de Marmorizao em escadas voc ser um profissional desse segmento e poder oferecer algumas vantagens aos seus clientes, tais como: a)O custo da pintura menor que o preo do mrmore ou granito; b)No agrega peso escada e evita-se trincas na estrutura da parede ou peso no ambiente; c)A pintura oferece opes de cores e tonalidades ilimitadas, desde a semelhana do mrmore mais barato, ao mais caro; d)Execuo em um curto espao de tempo; e)Brilho e proteo garantidos pela aplicao de verniz especial; f)No caso de quebra do degrau por acidente, o material pode ser retocado; g)Garantia e durabilidade do acabamento.Bom Curso!"
Price: 249.99

"Meditate Basic Course"
"This course is meant for those who are going to start practicing meditation. Simple techniques of meditation are taught in this course. Concept of meditation is cleared in this course. Pranyaam, Breathing pattern and yoga nidra are the key feature of this course. . . . ? . - ."
Price: 1280.00

"Influencer Secret 2020 Rapid Instagram Growth & Monetization"
"Step-by-Step Video Training Course to Teach You How You Can Rapidly Grow Your Instagram Page to 100k Followers and How You Can Monetize it to Make Money Along the Way. Instagram Growth and Monetization Strategies that Will Continue to Work in 2020. The Ultimate Course to be an Instagram Influencer Fast."
Price: 94.99

"Swift Basics: Learn to Code from Scratch [For Beginners]"
"Welcome to the Swift Basics Course where we aim to start learning about Swift Programming from SCRATCH !!Do you ever wanted to try out programming but didn't know where to begin? Want to learn Swift Programming so that you can create beautiful iPhone and iPad applications? You have come to the right place. Swift is a fast growing programming language for developing iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS applications. This course is designed for complete beginners who have no programming knowledge.You don't need any past programming experience and/or mobile app development experience in any programming language to take this course, we will learn to Code Swift from Scratch. If you have a bit of programming background that's great, you'll catch up fast with Swift.This Course Focuses on:Use of Xcode's Playground Environment - Learn to use Playground which is very powerful Interactive work Environment for Swift ProgrammingSwift Variables and Constants - Learn the basics of Variables, Constants and their Data Types in SwiftOperators in Swift - Learn how to use various operators in Swift that includes Arithmetic Operators, Compound Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators and Logical Operators.Characters and Strings - Learn to manipulate Strings and Characters in your code and different functions associated with them.Collection Types in Swift - Learn about Arrays and Dictionaries in Swift and how to use them. Also learn about different properties associated with them.Swift Control Flow - This section deals with iterators and conditionals. Learn to use while loops, repeat while loops and different For-in Loops in your Swift Programs.Swift Functions - Finally, we will learn about Functions, how to create them, pass parameters to a function and get return values from a function.Additional Perks: We will create a Coin Tossing iOS Application for your iPhoneBy the end of this course, you will be well versed with:Swift FundamentalsVariables and Conditions in SwiftHow to use Operators in SwiftCreating Functions & LoopsAnd you will be ready to create your first iOS AppYou would have created a Simple Coin Tossing App yourselfTo get the most out of this class, code along with me or after completing the video code by yourself and run your code to know how it works. This course is optimised to run all the functions in Swift 4 and Swift 5. If you get stuck anywhere, don't worry you can search for the errors online and I am sure you will find a solution. And I am always here to help you out.So, what are you waiting for?Get Started Right Now and Learn about Swift Programming!"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Alexa Skill Development Bootcamp (2020)"
"Welcome to The Complete Alexa Skill Development Bootcamp where we aim to start learning about How to create Custom Alexa Skills from SCRATCH !!Do you ever wanted to create your Own Custom Alexa Skill but didn't know where to begin? Want to learn how to create an Alexa Skill in the very simplest way? You have come to the right place. This course is designed for complete beginners who have no experience of programming or Developing Alexa Skill.Alexa is a Smart Virtual Assistant build by Amazon and currently there are more than 100 Million users using Alexa Powered Devices for Day to Day activities, Home Automation, Searching and Playing Music, Directions, Traffic and Transport, Booking Rides, Booking Tables for Dinner, Games, Friends and Family Trivia, Roasting, Flash Briefings, Education, News, Match Scores, Lifestyle, Weather, Controlling Home Devices like LED, Webcam, Servomotor, temperature sensor and much more.And it is projected that by 2020 there will be more than 100 Million Smart Phone Users using Smart Speaker everyday. One in every 6 American Owns a Smart speaker in their home. And Alexa is Leading the Market of Smart Speaker with its Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, Echo Show, Fire TV Stick Devices.So with the increase in Market, the Demand Increases for new and Innovative Alexa Skills, thats where Alexa Developers show their Talents of creating amazing Skills for Alexa. And because of the same reason why we will be learning how to create alexa skills and publishing them to Alexa Skill Store. We are in the near future of a world with complete Voice User Interface (VUI) like we have seen in the movie iRobot or J.A.R.V.I.S from Iron Man.Why take this course?As this is the perfect time to learn about Alexa Skill Development. Soon there will be lot of demand for Alexa Skill Developers as more and more companies wants to add Alexa voice service to their products and services. You can even use Alexa in your custom build device using Arduino, Raspberry pi, or any other device.This Complete Alexa Skill Development Bootcamp teaches you the required skills you need to become an Alexa Skill Developer. This course covers most features of Alexa Skills with real-world example Skills which we will Publish it to Skill Store and that Live Skill you can try out on your Alexa Echo Device or Alexa Mobile App.By the end of this course, you will be well versed with:Fundamentals of Amazon Alexa Skill Development.Know your way around Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) and Alexa Developer Console.Understand deeply about Invocation Name, Intents, Sample Utterances, Endpoints, AWS Alexa Lambda Function, etc of an Alexa Skill.Learn about what are Slots and Slot Types (Custom and Pre-defined Slot Types) and how to use them in your Skill.Create Multi-Turned Dialogs with Alexa and User using Dialog Directive.Store User Data in Session using State Management.Know what are Blueprints for Alexa Skill and use one to create a Flash Briefing Skill.Certify and Publish your Skill in Amazon US, UK, India, Australia and Germany Skill Store.This Course Focuses on:Walkthrough around Alexa Skills Developer Console - Create a Amazon Developer Account for Alexa Skill Development and understand how Developer Console Works.Create a User Introduction Alexa Skill - Create a simple User Introduction Skill using Custom Intent and Handle that intent in Alexa's AWS (Amazon Web Services) Lambda Function using NodeJS (You don't need NodeJS Programming knowledge). Test your skill in Alexa Device or Mobile App or Alexa Web Simulator.Using Slots - Learn about What are Slots and how to create and use Custom as well as Pre-defined slot types in your Alexa Skill.Dialog Management using Dialog Directive - In this section, we will learn how to use Dialog Directive to have Multi-Turn dialogs with Alexa. This helps Alexa to get more information from the user so Alexa can fill in all the required slots in your skill.State Management in Alexa - Learn about State Management and how to save user data in a Session and use that saved data in session for different intent of your skill.Create a Geographical Facts Skill - This section we create a Geographical Fact Skill which when activated Alexa will speak out a new random fact about geography. And then we will publish this skill to Alexa Skill Store.Flash Briefing Skill using Blueprints - Know about Alexa Skill Blueprints and use one to create a Flash Briefing Skill about Inspirational Quotes using Custom Hosted RSS Text or Audio (Podcast) Feed. To get the most out of this class, build skills along with me or after completing the video create a skill by yourself and test out your skill. And do play around with the skill you create, try new things to know how it works. If you get stuck anywhere, don't worry you can search for the solutions to the errors online and I am sure you will find a solution. And I am always here to help you out.So, what are you waiting for?Get Started Right Now and Create Amazing Alexa Skills!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Laravel, Laravel API, Flutter From Scratch"
"Learn Laravel, Laravel API, Flutter From Scratch   make ecommerce, multi vendors, news, api using Laravel and make ecommerce appin Course your Learn: Laravel From Scratch How To make Laravel API Dart & Flutter From Scratch Connect Laravel API With FlutterProgramming Any Application Andtoid & iOS Using Laravel API and FlutterProgramming E-commerce Application Andtoid & iOS Using Laravel API and Flutter"
Price: 19.99