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"Learn Algorithm Programming"
"To make a computer do anything, you have to write a computer program. To write a computer program, you have to tell the computer, step by step, exactly what you want it to do. The computer then executes the program, following each step mechanically, to accomplish the end goal.When you are telling the computer what to do, you also get to choose how it's going to do it. That's where algorithms come in. The algorithm is the basic technique used to get the job done.You can think of algorithms as a recipe that describes the exact steps needed for the computer to solve a problem or reach a goal. We've all seen food recipes - they list the ingredients needed and a set of steps for how to make the described meal. Well, an algorithm is just like that. In this course, you will learn some of the most popular and useful algorithms for searching and sorting information, working with techniques like recursion, and understanding common data structures. We'll also get into the performance implications of different algorithms and how to evaluate the performance of a given algorithm. Each algorithm is shown in practice in Python, but the lessons can be applied to any programming language."
Price: 29.99

"Domain Driven Design Complete Course"
"Have you ever wondered how senior software engineers decide on what a good software design is?The answer is domain driven design. You see most senior software engineers design code with domain driven design principles.Why domain driven design?Currently, domain driven design is one of the leading philosophies when it comes to enterprise-level software development. Even a lot of more experienced software engineers do not fully understand domain driven design. If you enroll in this course, you will have an edge over them in your career. Course OutlineThe course is divided into two main parts, theory and practice, in the theory section you will learn about:- Ubiquitous language- Core Domain- Bounded Contexts- Context Maps- Module namingand in the practice section, you will have the opportunity to see how code is written when adhering to domain driven design principles for a small project. How to get the most out of this course?Take notes.Ask questions in the discussion section.Prerequisites for this course:Basic understanding of software engineering. (Junior level is enough).Intermediate English understanding.Motivation to learn a lot!I will see you in the course! Do enroll now and learn a ton about Domain Driven Design!"
Price: 49.99

"Software Design Course: SOLID, Design patterns, Code Smells"
"Welcome to the Software Design Course: SOLID, Design patterns, Code smells course.Covering all of the fundamental concepts of software design. This course is bound to help you improve your coding skills and be on the same level as some more experienced developers.I built this course thinking specifically about junior developers or people without a lot of experience in software engineering. I wanted to cover all of the topics that you need to know to be on your way to mid level developer.This course contains:Information about the fundamental object-oriented programming pillars    - Encapsulation    - Inheritance    - PolymorphismWe cover the SOLID software design principles    - Single Responsibility Principle    - Open/Closed Principle    - Liskov Substitution Principle    - Interface Segregation Principle    - Dependency Inversion PrincipleYou will also be learning a lot about design patterns! You will learn:    - The Builder Pattern    - The Decorator Pattern    - The Strategy Pattern    - The Template Method Pattern    - The Singleton Pattern    - The Observer patternAt the final section of the course we will talk about code smells and how to refactor them:    - Variable/Method/Class naming    - Lazy Class    - God Class    - Cyclomatic Complexityand many others.What are you waiting for? Enroll in this course and I will see you inside where we will start building your software design skills!"
Price: 49.99

"Quality Control 7 Basic Tools. Basic Lean improvement tools"
"Who needs this course:This course will be of huge benefit to students of quality control and lean improvements.This course is necessary for Quality Engineers, Process Engineers, Process Technicians, Quality Technicians, Operational Managers, Operational Line Leads and Service Providers.Any person who needs an answer to a defect or efficiency issueBenefits:Understand the 7 basic tools for quality control.1.Cause & Effect Diagrams.2.Flowcharts.3.Check sheets.4.Pareto Diagrams.5.Histograms.6.Control Charts.7.Scatter DiagramsRelate tools to simple examples.Apply the techniques of the tools. This means students will be able to collect data, analyse data and put actions in place to resolve issues.Students will be able to harness excel as a tool to apply the 7 basic tools.Students will be able to use material to prepare for quality control academic exams.Use and understand  the lecturers 20 year experience in high volume manufacturing industry to help resolve problems.This course will explain the types of data used in statistics in simple terms."
Price: 114.99

"European Medical Device Regulation explained in Simple terms"
"Each lecture is explained in simple format. If the student takes each lecture step by step, they will understand how a company gains permission to manufacture a medical device which will be allowed to be sold in Europe. This module is ideal for a person who wants to work in medical device regulation, who wants to be involved in a medical device start up or who wants to be involved in the medical device industry either in operations, quality, engineering, marketing and research/development. If you are a student who wants to understand the rules that govern the sale of medical devices in the European Union Market place this course is perfect for you. If you are medical device manufacturer outside the European Union and would like to sell your product in Europe this course is ideal for you.The following topics will be covered:Difference between Regulation and a Directive.Steps required to get permission to manufacture and sell a medical device in Europe.Competent authorityNotified body.MDD 90/385/EEC Active Implantable Medical Device Directive.MDD 93/42/EEC Medical Device Directive.MDD 98/79/EEC The directive of In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices .MDR EU 2017/745(MDR) & EU 2017/746 (IVDR).CE Marking approval process.Classification of medical device.ISO 13485.Other players the Manufacturer, the Authorized representative and the EFTA.Each lecture has a quiz that will enable students to understand the learner outcomes"
Price: 199.99

"Java bsico - Aprenda criando 68 aplicativos."
"Aqui vocs tero a oportunidade de aprender Java da forma mais rpida, ou seja, j programando.So 81 vdeo aulas onde so resolvidos primordialmente os 68 primeiros exerccios questo do livro base que exigem conhecimento da lgica de programao e da matemtica. Estas questes realmente no possuem resolues no livro, apenas no site dos autores, no entanto com acesso restrito.Aqui resolveremos juntos esses exerccios, buscando sempre usar as tcnicas iniciais aprendidas ao invs de tcnicas j estruturadas onde acabamos por no compreender os princpio por detrs delas.Para isso usado como material o editor de texto ""bloco de notas"" do Windows com o intuito de forar o aluno a aprender sem ajuda de ambientes de programao (IDEs) o que leva a maior compreenso da programao.No ser, pelo menor por enquanto, instrudo a forma de preparar o computador com as variveis de ambiente para iniciar a programao Java, mas na 1 vdeo aula h uma breve explicao de localizar video-aulas no Youtube e Google onde ensinado como proceder para depois comear a programar.Conforme os exerccios ficam mais complexos, voc aprende de forma gradual tambm, afinal estar programando e aprendendo ao mesmo tempo.O curso inicia com os cdigos mais bsicos possveis, passando por cdigos mais complexos em seguida.Todos os aplicativos criados so simples em sua interface, afinal, no sero usados ambientes de programao, o que resulta em menor tempo para preparar o computador para programao. Estamos realmente aprendendo o cdigo Java ao invs de outros programas complementares.Todas os vdeo aulas foram preparados para aprender e FIXAR o conhecimento BSICO em Java, portanto, o curso termina no captulo 5 do livro, uma segunda parte do curso ser preparada abrangendo os demais captulos do curso considerada de nvel intermedirio.Obs: Apesar do autor afirmar em alguns momentos que novos conhecimentos sero adquiridos em captulos mais avanados do livro base, ao longo do curso, importante deixar claro que esta a primeira parte do curso, ou seja, o nvel bsico intensamente memorizado atravs dos exerccios com tcnicas semelhantes, porm de forma aplicada diferente.O livro base voltado a um curso bem extenso e bem completo, no entanto neste curso ensinado at o captulo 5 devido a sua extenso, principalmente pela resoluo de exerccios e no s teoria.Espero que gostem do curso, e j deixo meu compromisso de em breve criar outas dezenas de aulas para dar seguimento ao curso, apesar do livro ser tambm indicado para autodidatas.Abraos do professor,Reginaldo Ferro."
Price: 39.99

"Wardrobe Wake Up"
"Interactive style and wardrobe workshop with a style coach.Learn to:Save TimeWhen everything fits and is organized, you'll say priceless time getting dressed in the morning.Save MoneyYou'll save money because, instead of shopping the stores, you'll shop your closet to find fabulous, flattering outfits you didn't even realize you already owned. Instead of spending your hard-earned cash on impulse buys, you'll feel confident shopping for clothes you really need and that give you more options.Save SpaceMarie Kondo your closet! Organizing your space and getting rid of unused and unwearable clothes will make your closet feel more spacious and less overwhelming.Revive Your WardrobeYour existing closet will feel like a whole new world because you'll know how to wear the pieces you already own multiple ways.Feel More Confident and ComfortableWhen you wear clothes that fit and flatter you (not some size 00 model) and your current lifestyle, you'll feel confident and beautiful."
Price: 159.99

"Como vender tus fotos por Internet"
"En este curso te comparto mi experiencia de varios aos en la venta de fotos por internet en bancos de imgenes o stock photography. Obtn un ingreso residual por la venta de tus imagenes. No cometas errores que te costarn tiempo y esfuerzo. Aprende de mi experiencia en este negocio."
Price: 74.99

"Curso Ferramentas Front-end: git, npm, sass, gulp, webpack"
"Evolua seu prximo projeto para alm do HTML, CSS e Javascript com este curso 100% prticoVisando atender a demanda do mercado por profissionais qualificados, este treinamento aborda vrios aspectos do desenvolvimento front-end, como por exemplo: programas de linha de comando; utilizando o node.js no ambiente de desenvolvimento; Trabalhando com um pr-processador de CSS (Sass), Automatizando tarefas repetidas (Gulp e npm-scripts) e entendendo o processo bundle com o Webpack.Este curso apresenta a voc, que j possui conhecimentos de HTML, CSS e Javascript, todo o fluxo de desenvolvimento front-end com um projeto real de uma biblioteca que ser publicada no NPMEstes so alguns itens abordados:Conhecer os principais comandos no terminalCompilao SASS (SCSS) para otimizar o desenvolvimento das nossas folhas de estiloCriar e publicar uma lib no registro do NPMAutomatizar algumas tarefas com o Gulp e npm-scriptEntender o bsico do webpack para importar e utilizar nossa prpria libConhecer o bsico sobre versionamento com Git e GithubAo final deste treinamento, voc ter condies de utilizar  o workflow apresentado neste treinamento ou at mesmo criar o seu prprio visando atender as suas necessidades."
Price: 49.99

"45 Day Novel (The Prolific Writer Academy)"
"FINALLYA PROVEN STEP-BY-STEP TRAINING COURSE FOR WRITING, EDITING, PUBLISHING, AND MARKETING YOUR NOVEL.IN THIS UNIQUE STEP-BY-STEP ONLINE TRAINING COURSE, ILL SHOW YOU HOW IVE BUILT A SUCCESSFUL WRITING AND PUBLISHING BUSINESS WITH SEVENTEEN BOOKS IN PRINT, THOUSANDS OF SALES EVEN WITH A DAY JOB.The best part? You can forget about the writing myths that say you cant write a novel with a day job, you need years to complete a page-turning-kick-butt-story, a specialized writing degree, fancy software, or knowledge of the publishing industry .Youre going to learn what it really takes to write a novel, find a core of rabid fans, and even do it with a day job by following my proven system that:1. Shows you why mindset is more valuable than writing skills (and what to do when you get stuck).2. Gives you a proven step-by-step blueprint for starting, editing, and finishing a page-turning novel in less time (even with a day job).3. Instructs you how to format and publish your novel (even if techie stuff gives you ulcers).4. Provides a marketing strategy that isnt sleazy, scammy, and designed for people who hate marketing (like most writers).If youre a writer (or want to be one), youll see how simple my step-by-step training is to learn, whether youve never finished a novel, have written multiple books, or are somewhere in between.Ill show you how to put my training into practice for writing novels at a prolific pace for years to come. Why? Because I know you have stories to tell, and your stories matter...By the end of this course, you will be able to:Fight the negative thoughts that keep you from finishing your novel. Have a fool proof structure for writing compelling and kick-butt stories in any genre.Craft a writing, editing, publishing, and marketing plan before you write the first word.Learn the skills necessary to format and publish your ebooks or print versions of your book on various platforms.Implement a marketing strategy for those who hate marketing. Build a thriving publishing business. Have the tools to write a novel in less time, and repeat the process for years to come. I cant guarantee the results Ive seen in my students (or any results for that matter), and dont listen to anyone who says they can. What I do know is the step-by-step system of the 45 Day Novel works. It will take patience, hard work, and some grit. But if you apply the principles in the course, and keep working the system, it will pay off. You can write, edit, publish, and market your book in less time, even with a day job. Im living proof, and so are my students.Who am I?Hi, Ryan J. Pelton here. Im the author of seventeen fiction and nonfiction books, have sold thousands of copies, and host a popular podcast called The Prolific Writer. Ive helped thousands of people write fast, often, and well because our stories matter.But youd be surprised to know for many years I bought into the lies and myths of writing and publishing. Myths presented as gospel-truth in the world of publishing.Things like:Youll only have success in writing if you ditch the day job (because you need eight hours a day to write).How about another doozy- a good novel takes years to write and must be rewritten dozens of times (Ernest Hemingway and Stephen King wrote bestselling novels in less than two weeks).Or another whopper- you need a specialized writing degree to be taken seriously as a novelist (John Grisham was a lawyer and Harper Lee was a ticket agent for an airline).Okay, one more for fun- unless you have a bestseller, youll never make a living as a writer (most working writers make a living without having bestsellers).Lies, lies, and more lies...I knew something was off, and there had to be a better way.So in 2012, I went on a search. A search for disarming the myths and lies of publishing that so many writers fall prey (like me). I believed you could write great books books people loved, and read, and told their friends about even with a day job.I knew deep in my bones that writing a novel in a short period of time didnt make it unworthy of readership. I had a hunch that a specialized writing degree was not a prerequisite for a satisfying and long term writing career.My hunches were rightOnce I discovered these writing and publishing myths and lies, were just that. Everything changed.When I focused on what mattered writing the next book using the 45 Day Novel philosophy, things began to happen. From 2012 until now, Ive managed to write and publish ten novels and nine nonfiction titles that have sold thousands of copies, gain solid reviews from actual readers all by using the 45 Day Novel Program.Hear from one my students:As a struggling new writerRyan has been a great mentor and inspiration to me. He has helped me overcome many of my personal hurdles and roadblocks. He understands the real-life struggles of the writing life, as he is a writer himself. I especially benefitted from learning his 7 Step Story Structure, which helped me get unstuck with my current writing project. Whether you're an aspiring author working on your first book, or you're an author who is stuck on a project, I highly recommend Ryan as your new writing coach.-Dr. Thien Doan (Author/Speaker/Coach)Are you a beginning, intermediate, or seasoned writer with a story to tell? Enroll now and see your novel out in the world for people to enjoy!"
Price: 99.99

"Fully Accredited Energy Clearing for Houses Diploma"
"The course covers learning about what is energy, how to recognize and identify unwanted energy, practices to the clear the energy and create a clear, revitalizing, beneficial space to live happily in. In our everyday life energy starts to build up in the spaces we live in and this impacts on the way we live our life. This course shows how to clear this unwanted energy and create a new space for harmonious to enter."
Price: 199.99

"Fully Accredited Energy Clearing for your Wardrobe Diploma"
"This course looks at how our wardrobe can be an in-depth revelation to look at what is and isnt holding you back in life and how to clear the energy to create a space for inspiration, new opportunities, confidence and wellbeing to enter. In this course, you will achieve a broader knowledge of how to recognize energy in personal items, how this energy manifests itself in your life, what clears stagnant energy, and practical tools on how to have a wardrobe that is full of the energy you are looking to attract in life."
Price: 199.99

"Fully Accredited Mood Boards for Manifestation"
"Learn to study your deepest truths in order to have a Mood Board that inspires the hearts true desires. Using different mediums and visual collections and following a step by step guide on how to make a Mood Board that Manifests your ideal life. Creating a collaborative of images/photos, words for you to inspire the perfect life and the dreams you have for yourself in the areas of health, wealth, love, and creativity."
Price: 199.99

"Guitarra Eltrica Fundamental"
"Curso desenvolvido para todos aqueles que desejam iniciar seu estudo e aprendizado neste maravilhoso instrumento musical: a Guitarra Eltrica! Atravs da exposio dos fundamentos, tcnicas e exerccios elaborados de forma gradual, o aluno ser imergido no ""mundo"" da guitarra. Todo o contedo do curso foi elaborado seguindo uma sequncia lgica, para que o aprendizado seja eficiente, com uma base slida, que ser desenvolvida ao longo de toda a grade curricular do curso."
Price: 39.99

"Investir: Como Comear"
"O curso tem o objetivo de fornecer todo o suporte para voc comear a investir, mostrando que com pouco dinheiro possvel.  Exibirei de forma clara e prtica o funcionamento do mercado de capitais, os principais tipos investimentos e por final como escolher o melhor investimento para o seu perfil.Esse curso voltado para pessoas que sempre quiseram investir mas no sabem como iniciar. No perca mais tempo, mude hoje a sua relao com o dinheiro! Para quem este curso:Todas a  pessoas que buscam  educao financeira e queiram comear a investir. O melhor ativo sempre uma boa educao!Se uma pessoa adquire a atitude correta em relao ao dinheiro, isso ajudar a endireitar quase todas as outras reas de sua vida. Billy Graham"
Price: 99.99

"How to Be A Great Wedding MC and Event Host"
"Do you LOVE events?Do you love making sure OTHERS are having a great time?Are you willing to DO WHAT IT TAKES for the event to be successful?Then you could make good money and an enjoyable atmosphere as a Great Wedding MC or Event Host.Graduates from working on our Master MC course say that they never knew there was so much to be considered and how important it was for them to get an understanding of all that you had to be aware of to be a Great MC.In this course, we focus specifically on weddings (and most of this information is relevant for other events too). We deep dive in to the kind of things you need to be aware of to ensure the happy couple have a wonderful day.We will be covering:The Three Simple Rules of a Wedding MCThe Focus of the eventA Standard Wedding flowUnique Wedding FlowsDetailed Speech RequirementsMicrophone TechniqueHow to make the Photographers life easyKey Emergency considerationsKey Preparations to takeWhat is the market pricing and how you should price yourselfNext StepsAs the Wedding MC and Event Host, it is your job to be almost forgettable all while making sure that the event is memorable for all the right reasons!With over 20 years as a Master MC and Professional Speaker, I have seen many events fail because of a poor MC.I have hosted TEDx events on multiple occasions and countless weddings, funerals and corporate events.Come and learn the foundations from someone who has stood on the stage before you. Learn the tips, tools and techniques you will need to be a Great MC. I look forward to hearing from you."
Price: 39.99

"How To Mix Drums In Logic Pro X (The Easy Way)"
"Having recorded and mixed over 2000 songs for clients all over the world, mixing can seem like  daunting task but it's not as hard as you think it is. If you have recorded your kit in an area that was not so acoustically friendly or recorded it with gear that you don't feel like is top of the line. This course will show you an easy simple way of mixing drums from scratch where we use a very minimal amount of plugins, get a high quality professional mix, and by using the power of logic pro x do it within a very short amount of time. If you are beginner this is definitely for you, if you have more experience this can add some additional insight to your mixing."
Price: 29.99

"Teacher Camila's Class - Ingls divertido e eficiente!"
"Pague uma nica vez e acesse quando quiser. Curso bsico de ingls online para aqueles que no tiveram oportunidade de aprender ao longo da vida. Aprenda a se virar de forma rpida e divertida, atravs de contedo cuidadosamente selecionado. As aulas ensinam o passo a passo de cada matria e assunto, de forma simples e completa. Ao final do mdulo bsico voc conseguir formar frases, responder perguntas e ter segurana para falar o bsico do dia a dia sem medo de errar ou se esquecer. Vamos ver algumas msicas para ilustrar algumas matrias e vocabulrio aprendido. Teremos tambm dilogos em ingls para que voc saiba como aplicar o que aprendemos em uma conversa de verdade. E de bnus, vocs ainda se divertem com as gracinhas do famoso dublador Alexandre Moreno, no papel do nosso cameraman, respondendo algumas perguntas e formando frases para nos ajudar. No existe mgica, ingls como tudo na vida, depende de treino. Decorar um monte de frases prontas no resolve o problema de ningum. Basta um gringo responder de uma forma diferente da decorada, e adeus confiana. Aprendendo a base de como formar as frases, voc no vai se esquecer nem se atrapalhar nunca mais!Apostila disponvel para download para acompanhar as aulas!Este o mdulo de nvel bsico do curso, mas j estamos pensando no desenvolvimento dos mdulos intermedirio e avanado, aguardem novidades.Nunca desistam, never give up!Fiquem vontade para entrar em contato, e nos vemos nas aulas!Abs,Camila Cohen"
Price: 279.99

"In this  course module we will do practical session starting from Blinking LED to plotting the multiple sensor values to the cloud. By end of this course you will able to plot the sensor values to the cloud with ease.After the course we are keen to help for building your IOT projects based on microcontroller,microprocessor like SBC"
Price: 44.99

"Asp.Net Core 3.1 c/ Introduo no 2.2 + EF e Identity 3 Core"
"Neste curso mergulharemos do bsico ao avanado em tudo que necessrio para atingirmos a excelncia necessria de um Asp.Net Core FullStack Developer. IMPORTANTE: SE DESEJAR COMEAR O CURSO J COM O ASP.NET CORE 3.1, BASTA CONFERIR AS INSTRUES NAS SEES 15 E 18.O curso comea com a verso 2.2 do Asp.Net Core. Uma verso extremamente amadurecida. Muitas features foram implementadas at que esta verso se tornasse estvel o suficiente para que possamos desenvolver desde uma simples ""Lista de Tarefas"" at o mais complexo sistema multi-plataforma, nos permitindo tanto escrever quanto executar cdigos C# / Asp.Net em vrias plataformas, como Windows, MacOS e Linux.Durante o curso faremos a migrao para o Asp.Net Core 3.1, que acaba de sair do forno e entraremos no mundo (muito) promissor do Blazor, que a aposta da Microsoft para implementarmos projetos do tipo SPA (Single Page Application) com C# puro. - Isso incrvel, no!?No final do curso, alm do Certificado de Concluso, teremos desenvolvido alguns projetos para explorarmos ao mximo esta plataforma incrvel e fecharemos com chave de ouro na construo de um Sistema Profissional Completo de Gesto Hospitalar.- Fique conosco e divirta-se aprendendo.IMPORTANTE: NA SEO 15 O CURSO FOI ATUALIZADO, DE FORMA PROGRAMADA, PARA A VERSO 3.0.100 DO ASP.NET CORE.IMPORTANTE: NA SEO 18 O CURSO FOI ATUALIZADO, DE FORMA PROGRAMADA, PARA A VERSO 3.1.100 DO ASP.NET CORE.IMPORTANTE: NA SEO 19 OTIMIZE A STARTUP ESTENDENDO ISERVICECOLLECTION E USE USERSECRETCS PARA DADOS SENSVEIS."
Price: 339.99

"Curso de banho e tosa online o b-a-b do banho e tosa"
"Este um treinamento completo sobre Banho e Tosa. Por isto chamado de B-a-B. No treinamento tomamos o cuidado de ter vrios tipos de pets com tosas variadas, o curso possui os seguintes mdulos, lembrando que o mdulo equipamentos no existem em cursos presenciais e o banho e a secagem no feito de forma separada, assim trazendo maior qualidade ao treinamento:Mdulo 1- Equipamentos: Aqui falamos dos equipamentos de um banho e tosa um a um, isto nenhum curso presencial ensina, e de muita importancia saberMdulo 2 -Banho: Sabe como dar um banho onde o Pet no fique doente? Ensinamos aqui.Mdulo 3 -Secagem: Sabe como secar um pet, e as tcnicas como deixa-lo macio sedoso e o principal sem fungos?Mdulo 4: Tosa Higinica: Para que serve como fazer.Mdulo 5: Tosa : Aqui a parte principal, onde o aluno aprender a tosar um pet da forma mais correta possivel. so demonstraes passo a passo de como fazer com vrios petsMdulo Bonus : Ganhos: Quanto um Tosador ganha no mercado hoje? Quanto Custa montar um banho e tosa? Em quanto tempo meu investimento retornar? Problemas: Quais os problemas mais encontrados hoje em um banho e tosa e como resolve-los."
Price: 339.99

"R for Beginners"
"Are you one of the people that would like to start a data science career or are you just fond of using data for data analysis in your spare time or for your job?  Do you use spreadsheets for data cleaning, wrangling, visualization, and data analysis? I think it is time to enhance your hobby or your career path with learning adequate skills such as R.R is s a programming language that enables all essential steps when you are dealing with data like:importing, exporting, cleaning, merging, transforming, analyzing, visualizing, and extracting insights from the data.Originally R began as a free software environment for statistical computing with graphics supported. Over the years with the rapid development of computing power and the need for tools used for mining and analyzing tons of data that are being generated on every step of our lives, R has emerged into something much greater than its original laid path. Nowadays the R community is vast, every day thousands of people start learning R, and every day new R's libraries are being made and released to the world. These libraries solve different users' needs because they provide different functions for dealing with all kinds of data.If you are still not convinced to join me on a journey where foundations for your R skills will be laid, please bear with me a bit more. In this R for Beginners course, you will dive into essential aspects of the language that will help you escalate your learning curve. Course first gently touches the basics like:how to install R and how to install R's Integrated Development Environment (IDE) RStudio,then you will learn how to create your first R script and R project folder,R project folder will be your baseline folder where all your scripts and assignments will be saved,you will learn how to install different R packages and how to use functions provided with each package.After these first steps, you will dive into sections where all major R data structures are presented. You will be able to:differentiate among each data structure,use built-in functions to manipulate data structures,reshape, access elements, and convert R objects,import data from many different sources into R's workspace andexport R objects to different data sources.When you will have a grasp of what R is capable of, a section devoted to programming elements will guide you through essential steps for writing a programming code that can execute repetitive tasks. Here you will master:your first loops, conditional statements, your custom made functions, and you will be able to optimize your code using vectorization.It is said that a picture can tell an observer a powerful story and holds a stronger message than a thousand words combined. In the final section of this course, the greatest R's power is revealed, the power to tell the story by using data visualization. Here you will master how to build:scatterplots,line charts,histograms,box plots,bar charts,mosaic plots,how to alter R's default graphical parameters to make beautiful figures,and how to export a figure from R to a proper format for further sharing with your colleagues.If you are still not convinced to start learning R, I will share with you how the course is structured: Each section holds separate exercises covering learning material that is related to the section's topic. Normally each exercise begins with a short intro that provides a basic understanding of the topic, then a coding exercise is presented. During coding exercise, you will write the R code for executing given tasks. At the end of each section, an assignment is presented.Each assignment tests the skills you have learned during a given section. In the last two assignments, you will write a code to build a simulation environment where you will execute the simulation and present the results with proper visualization techniques.Do not lose more time and please enroll in the course today. I guarantee you will learn a lot and you will enjoy the learning process."
Price: 119.99

"Smart WebSite creation in a day. Work Smarter, Not Harder."
"Course providesWalk-through how to setup Google Sites - the new Google Sites DashboardGoogle Sites drag and drop to quickly setup a sitePublish to the world or to specific usersFull control of who can see your pagesAdd navigation , hide pages and moreCustomize your Google Site Update the Look of your site.'Create More Pages on Google SitesCreate More SitesGoogle Sites content tips and resourcesAdd HTML CSS and JavaScript customized optionsGoogle Apps Scripts with Google SitesStep by step training lessonsThis course will explain all the steps necessary to create, build, and publish a professional looking website with Smart Sites. You can use Sites to create a teacher web page or have your students create their own web pages about topics they are learning about in class. Having a teacher website is a great way to communicate with staff, students, parents, and the community. When students use Google Sites, they are learning 21st century skills and communicating globally all over the world."
Price: 9920.00

"Fix Diastasis Recti"
"The exact workout routine I used to fix ab separation in 2 months after the birth of my second child. The course is made up of 4 videos, each one builds on the previous one so do them in order and repeat each one as often as you need until you feel confident you can increase the difficulty!"
Price: 19.99

"Crochet Your Own Hogwarts House Scarf"
"This is a beginner's crochet course, with a magical twist. You will learn how to crochet a basic beginner scarf. We have made it Harry Potter themed to make it fun and interesting. You will learn each step from the very beginning including how to select your supplies, hold your crochet hook, and how to handle your yarn."
Price: 19.99

"O Curso Definitivo para o Escritor em 2020 e Alm"
"Voc quer entender tudo o que um escritor precisa saber hoje para escrever livros envolventes, atrair pblico e fazer um bom marketing na rede?Nesse curso completo e moderno, voc ir descobrir como seus contos e romances podem se tornar mais fceis de serem escritos e quais as melhores formas de compartilh-los nas redes sociais.So mais de 50 vdeos,  divididos em 10 mdulos, com exerccios complementares. 3 horas de escrita criativa no total. Ou seja, tudo o que o autor iniciante precisa para escrever o seu livro.Todas suas dvidas sobre construo de:-Dilogos-Mundos-Personagens-Enredo-EsbooSero respondidas.Atravs desse material, voc vai sair desse curso aprendendo 100% de todos os seguintes tpicos:Parte Holstica: Como descobrir o meu propsito? Quais so minhas motivaes? Como nutrir a minha criatividade? Inspirao? Como usar os traumas do passado na minha criao atual?Parte Literria: O que um Romance? Conto? Poesia? Crnica? No Fico?Parte Terica: Como fazer um esboo? Qual sua funo? Caderno x Teclado Que tipo de escritor eu sou? Os materiais fsicos e online do escritorParte Prtica: Criando os principais tipos de personagens (heri, antagonista, amigo, romntico) O que Identidade e Essncia (BASE FUNDAMENTAL na criao dos personagens) A Importncia de Fraqueza e Objetivo As 6 Etapas do Estgio do Personagem (O Pilar Mximo para sustentar uma histria digna de ser lida) Grandes Amizades Linguagem Corporal Criao de Mundos (Prontos, Semiprontos, 100% novos) Aspectos do mundo (poltica, religio, cosmologia, geografia, economia, costumes, e etc) O melhor de Estrutura e Enredo (3 Atos) Como escrever Dilogos, faz-los mais realistas e evitar seus principais erros Tamanhos dos Captulos Aspas ou travesso De prlogo eplogo e MUITO MAIS+Alm do bsico em escrita e storytelling, voc vai saber como se portar como um autor independente. No Facebook, Instagram, Youtube e outros meios digitais.Sem mencionar que vamos dar uma pincelada nos nichos da publicao tradicional e alternativa."
Price: 39.99

"Windows Server 2016 A'dan Z'ye Sistem Yneticilii Eitimi"
"Bu eitim sayesinde balangtan ileri seviyeye kadar A ve Sistem ynetimini reneceksiniz. Active Directory, Group Policy ve dier Server Rol ve zelliklerinin yannda Server ynetimi iin bilgi sahibi olmanz gereken a temelleri, ip yaplar gibi konulara da deineceiz. Aslnda Sistem ve A yneticilii iin birden fazla kursun bir arada topland olduka detayl bir eitim sizleri bekliyor. Ayn zamanda MCSA ve MCSE snavlar iinde esiz bir kaynaa sahip olacaksnz.Ayrca eitim mfredatnn dnda anlatmam istediiniz konular mfredata ekleyip eitimi srekli gncel tutacam.Server ve network konularnda olduka detayl, sfrdan uzman seviyeye ulatracak, kariyer planlamanza yn verecek bir eitim sizleri bekliyor."
Price: 409.99

"Natural Dyeing - Upcycling Fabrics with Kitchen Waste"
"If you want to learn how to level up your wardrobe and revive your love for old clothes you haven't worn in ages by colouring them using natural pigments extracted from kitchen ""waste""... then this course will teach you exactly how to do it.We live in the time of ""fast fashion"" where we buy new clothes by a mouse-click. Synthetic colours are applied to the fabric by using harmful chemicals and they still don't look unique or special.In this course I want to teach you a new way. A way which is enabling you to fully express yourself, while valuing the gifts of mother nature. In this course I want to show you how to use natural colour derived from common foods to create beautiful and unique garments and fabrics. It is a step-by-step guide where you can follow how I upcycle old fabrics to create a special Christmas presents :)You will learn:Why natural colour is not only beautiful but also good for you!How to extract vibrant colours from leftover kitchen materials (you will be surprised what we will make out of a simple onion)How to prepare your fabric in a way that the natural colour pigments will strongly bond to the fibersA simple hack used by women in all (ancient) cultures around the globe to imprint stunning patterns into the fabricWhy every dyed piece is like opening a present from mother natureWhy natural dyeing is the perfect hobby for relaxing and getting inside your body: Taking your time and exploring the colour potential of your surrounding with your own handsLittle known secrets of how to give your fabrics ""the special something"" that makes you feel good about yourself when wearing itClick on ""Buy Now"" to get started on the journey of creating wearable art in harmony with nature"
Price: 49.99

"MCSE 70-768 Developing SQL Data Models Practice"
"when you finish all the questions  you can pass the EXAM for sure, we tested all the questions and it reflected all the topics of 70-768 exam requirements, so take care of all the questions and its answer, you can pass it like me guaranteed.  Try your best understand the questions and answers they will be really helpful for you"
Price: 69.99

"70-767 Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse Practice Test"
"when you finished all the questions then you can pass the exam, I did work with these questions for many students on certifications and everything well, please send me message before you take the exam, I may give you more newest questions in case.there are some more questions not done yet  as they need more details."
Price: 139.99