"70-762 Developing SQL Databases Practice" |
"when you finish all the questions you can pass the EXAM for sure, we tested all the questions and it reflected all the topics of 70-762 exam requirements, so take care of all the questions and its answer, you can pass it like me guaranteed. Try your best understand the questions and answers they will be really helpful for you."
Price: 79.99 |
"70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL Practice" |
"when you finish all the questions you can pass the REAL EXAM for sure, we tested all the questions and it reflected all the topics of 70-761 exam requirements, so take care of all the questions and its answer, you can pass it like me guaranteed. Try your best understand the questions and answers they will be really helpful for you"
Price: 124.99 |
"70-778 Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft PowerBI" |
"when you finished all the questions then you can pass the exam, I did work with these questions for many students on certifications and everything well, please send me message before you take the exam, I may give you more newest questions in case.there are some more questions not done yet as they need more details."
Price: 179.99 |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Test" |
"when you finish all the questions you can pass the REAL EXAM for sure, we tested all the questions and it reflected all the topics of AWS exam requirements, so take care of all the questions and its answer, you can pass it like me guaranteed. Try your best understand the questions and answers they will be really helpful for you"
Price: 174.99 |
"70-765 Provisioning MS SQL Databases practise tests" |
"when you finish all the questions you can pass the EXAM for sure, we tested all the questions and it reflected all the topics of 70-765 exam requirements, so take care of all the questions and its answer, you can pass it like me guaranteed. Try your best understand the questions and answers they will be really helpful for you"
Price: 69.99 |
"ArcGIS Desktop Entry 10.5 EADE105" |
"when you learn the related knowledge and finish all the questions you can pass the EXAM for sure, we tested all the questions and it reflected all the topics of exam requirements, so take care of all the questions and its answer, you can pass it like me guaranteed. Try your best understand the questions and answers they will be really helpful for you"
Price: 99.99 |
"Microsoft Excel - Principiante a Intermedio" |
"Este curso es para ti?Microsoft Excel se ha vuelto en la actualidad una herrmienta indispensable para todos!Independientemente a lo que te dediques, te aseguro que al conocer Microsoft Excel tu vida ser ms sencillaSi trabajas en una oficina administrativa en la que sea frecuente la elaboracin de reportes, este curso te ayudar a que esos reportes que requieren mucho trabajo manual y que te lleva tanto tiempo, que cuando lo terminas de hacer, ya tienes otros reportes con calidad de urgente entrega, sea rpido, sencillo y tengas suficiente tiempo para analizar la informacin antes de enviarla por correo.Si eres un profesional independiente querrs llevar un control de tus ingresos o realizar anlisis y mejores propuestas para tus clientes.Con Microsoft Excel puedes llevar el control de tus ingresos personales, hacer macros que descarguen informacin de bases de datos, estas macros pueden procesar la informacin, validarla y por ltimo enviar por correo informes en PDF a sus respectivos destinatarios.Excel no solo es una hoja de clculo, es una herramienta potente, y con este curso tendrs las herramientas necesarias para realizar tu trabajo de una forma segura y con probabilidad de error nula o muy poca."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Alteryx para analistas de negocio" |
"Alteryx se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable para la extraccin, proceso y carga de informacin.En este curso aprenders el uso de las herramientas con ejemplos claros y sencillos, mismos que te darn las ideas para que puedas analizar, interpretar y reportar informacin de manera rpida y confiable.Alteryx tiene la capacidad de procesar gigantescos volmenes de informacin y aplicacin de reglas de negocio en tan solo unos instantes.Este curso te dar los fundamentos nivel bsico e intermedio para que puedas incrementar tu productividad y la de tu organizacin."
Price: 19.99 |
"CHANGE YOUR LIFE: Change Your Mind TO Change Your Life" |
"Self development, self help, self improvement, positive thinking, affirmations, manifesting, law of attraction, positive mental attitudeSTOP!Im as mad as hell and Im not going to take it anymore!(Quote, 1976 movie Network)Thats how I felt after years of reading, watching and learning from all those books, movies and seminars on how to be the best version of yourself and reach your full potential. Well, I didnt and I havent - there, I said it! Seriously though, can you relate to that? Ever wondered why? Great! Youve chosen the right course for you.The reason why: In your garden you must pull the weeds out from the root, not just cut them down, otherwise they will grow back.All makes sense now? No? Let me explainmost self help books and courses skim the surface of your challenges or frustrations - they do not touch the subconscious, and it is there that you hold non beneficial beliefs that cause the problems in the first place.Whether it is money, relationships or self worth issues - it matters not - these are the symptoms and not the cause. Uncover and discover the non beneficial thoughts and beliefs you hold in your subconscious, remove them and replace with the beliefs that support what you want. When you do this - EVERYTHING CHANGES FOR YOU.That is exactly what happened for me about 2 years ago and why I decided to create a course to share with you what I learnt. I speak from personal experience and I give you real examples from my life showing the changes I made.In this course, I tell you the:WHY (you have struggled to change)WHAT (you need to do to make changes)HOW (practical instruction on how to apply the things you learn to your life).Im not a professional trainer, academic, author or life coach. Im a regular person who wanted to improve myself and my life and up until a couple of years ago I just couldnt seem to make that happen. Until I realised I'd been working on the symptoms and not the fundamental causes, once I resolved these I made breakthroughs and I started to see change in my life and I experienced: Happiness and contentment More energy and enthusiasm Finances out of the red and more disposable income Relationships effortless and more enjoyable Confidence and high self worth Less harmful stress and worry Life just seems easierI changed my mind and it changed my life. You can change your mind and change your life too. Click on the green button above and let me show you how."
Price: 34.99 |
"Desarrolla tu Propio Simulador en PowerPoint" |
"Curso enfocado principalmente en quienes disearn una idea de negocio, aunque los conocimientos adquiridos se pueden aplicar tambin para otros fines.Conoce los alcances de PowerPoint. Muchas herramientas escondidas te llevarn a desarrollar cosas inimaginables dentro del programa. Aprovecha al mximo sus bondades y convierte este programa en tu lienzo de trabajo.En este curso, utilizo como ejemplo el diseo de una aplicacin mvil, sin embargo, utilizando lo mismo que enseo en este curso, tambin podemos disear pginas web o incluso trabajos arquitectnicos en los que deseamos entrar a los distintos cuartos de nuestra construccin.Sin duda, este curso ampliar su conocimiento sobre la herramienta y podrn utilizar lo que aprendern en diversos casos."
Price: 270.00 |
"Facebook Marketplace PRO - Crea il tuo budget - Marketpoke" |
"CREA IL TUO BUDGET.Vuoi avviare il tuo Business Online ma non hai capitale da investire?Inizia da quello che hai e che non utilizzi pi!MONETIZZA VELOCEMENTE con prodotti nuovi e usati grazie aFacebook Marketplace!Ottieni visibilit e traffico da tutto il Paese in cui ti trovi con il metodo Marketpoke eVendi i tuoi articoli ad una velocit 20 VOLTE SUPERIORE rispetto a quella di tutti gli altri venditori!COME MONETIZZARE VELOCEMENTE E SENZA INVESTIMENTO?LA SOLUZIONE SEMPRE STATA DAVANTI AI TUOI OCCHI!Ci sono passato anche io avevo fretta di iniziare e urgenza di incassare per poter avviare la mia attivit Le ho provate tutte senza ottenere risultatinon sapevo pi dove sbattere la testa!POI LA SVOLTAho avuto un intuizione che mi ha risollevato da diversi problemi e ha dato il via a diverse attivit che sono tutte confluite in quello che oggi il mio Main Business!Io e te labbiamo sempre ignorato eppure ?ABBIAMO CENTINAIA SE NON MIGLIAIA DI URO DI CAPITALE IMMOBILIZZATO IN CASA NOSTRA!!!?Ecco dove si trova il nostro STARTER KIT (per di pi GRATUITO)!Sono articoli e prodotti che non utilizziamo pi ma che servono, in realt, ad altre persone disposte ad acquistarle!IL METODO MARKETPOKEPer Facebook MarketplaceLa strategia Marketpoke applicabile in qualsiasi parte del Mondo sfruttando interamente traffico e copertura dello Stato in cui si risiede(es. vivo in Spagna sfrutto tutto il territorio e la popolazione spagnola che utilizza la piattaforma Facebook Marketplace)Vendi PRODOTTI NUOVI e articoli usati con inserzioni ottimizzate per Facebook MarketplaceINIZIA ANCHE TU A VENDERE CON SUCCESSO OGGI STESSO! Smetti di perdere tempo provando a vendere senza risultati e segui il metodo step-by-step che mi ha permesso di creare una vera e propria rendita nel giro di pochi giorni MarketPoke un corso basato sulle strategie che applico quotidianamente per portare traffico e vendite sulle mie inserzioniAvrai accesso totale al processo che applico per trovare prodotti vincenti da acquistare e rivendere senza rischi su Facebook Marketplace e a tutte le strategie che utilizzo per dare un boost enorme al traffico sugli annunci per vendere sia prodotti nuovi che articoli usatiVUOI RIMANERE INDIETRO RISPETTO AI TUOI COMPETITOR?!DIVENTA ORA UN VENDITORE PRO E CREATI OGGI UN VANTAGGIO COMPETITIVO!Da non molto Marketplace sta cominciando a popolarsi di venditori improvvisati che tentano di vendere senza successo i loro prodotti utilizzando nemmeno il 10% delle funzioni che la piattaforma gli mette a disposizione!Ti svelo le mie strategie per crearti un vantaggio competitivo enorme e dare ai tuoi prodotti una visibilit 20 volte superiore rispetto a quella di tutti gli altri venditori!Entra a far parte della community n1 in Italia SPECIALIZZATA IN FACEBOOK MARKETPLACESiamo la 1 community in Italia nata per aiutare gli utenti ad avviare il proprio business online su questa piattaformaCrediamo in Marketplace e usando strategie precise e testate portiamo i nostri prodotti ad avere una visibilit al pari di tutte le altre piattaforme di vendita online pi famoseQuesto ci permette di vendere velocemente e con semplicit i nostri articoli!?Sfrutta anche tu il potere di Facebook Marketplace!Mi trovavo in un periodo nel quale avevo necessit di monetizzare per lanciare il mio business Online e cos, per gioco, iniziai ad utilizzare Facebook Marketplace vendendo e liberandomi di oggetti che non utilizzavo pie dopo pochissimo tempo mi resi conto cheLa velocit e la facilit con la quale vendevo i miei oggetti usati era incredibileQuellesperienza ha cambiato la mia visione nei confronti di questo strumento e da quel giorno non mi sono pi fermatoHo cominciato a sfruttare tutto il traffico che Marketplace mi metteva a disposizione per testare prodotti nuoviE i risultati furono ancora pi incredibili!Ogni prodotto che testavo e decidevo di vendere diventava nel giro di poco tempo un successo e mi permetteva di guadagnare e reinvestire in altri prodotti!Cos ho deciso di ottimizzare ed automatizzare questo business e realizzare un Corso che potesse aiutare altre persone ad ottenere gli stessi risultati!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Blue Team Boot Camp: Defending Against Hackers" |
"Are you interested in becoming a cybersecurity professional? Unfortunately, the market is saturated with courses and text that pertain to becoming a penetration tester, red teamer, and ethical hacker. That concept motivated me to create a comprehensive course that is geared towards the exact opposite. Defensive cybersecurity is just as in-demand as the offensive counterpart and provides the same type of rewarding career. Unlike the red team, defensive cybersecurity has many more sub-fields that allow you to explore different aspects of this career path. In this comprehensive condensed course, you will learn all of the information security principles alongside new technologies that professionals are using to stop hackers from breaching their network."
Price: 19.99 |
"Talent Acquisition: Its Importance and Overcoming Challenges" |
"Hello Everyone,In this cource, I would be presenting a series of lectures on the topic of Talent Acquisition. In this series, I would help you to understand the significance, need and Importance of Talent Acquisition. I would be educating you on How to make an effective Talent Acquisition Strategy. Along with this, I would discuss the challenges faced in Hiring and share recommendations to overcome them.I will be talking to the point in this course without referring to irrelevant things but explain everything to teach you this course in the easiest way possible. I am sure this lecture series would help everyone who manages any business and directly or indirectly involved in decision making process of hiring the best resource or talent."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Mastering ANSYS Mesh Generation with ICEM CFD" |
"In the modern engineering society , Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is often used in the early design and testing stages of production to improve performance of the desired product. Through the context of this course, I will be teaching you modern methods in developing and generating structured, unstructured and hybrid meshes for ANSYS, OpenFOAM and any other applications you may want to use. The course comes in three parts a) Introduction and Interface b) Unstructured and Multi-Zone meshing methods and c) Structured blocking and Meshing methods."
Price: 79.99 |
"Public Speaking Survival" |
"We cover the essentials of the mind, body, voice connection. However, what sets us apart is our focus on managing anxieties around public speaking, through a range of approaches, including CBT, Mindfulness, Voice Coaching and simple warm up routines. We will provide you with a toolkit to help you find poise, presence and composure in any scenario, be it in meetings, conference calls, interviews, pitches, presentations and challenging conversations. You will also come away with tips for how to bring content to life, as well as effective preparation and memory techniques, ensuring you feel confident, grounded and self-assured at all times."
Price: 34.99 |
"Vray Next + Sketchup 2019: Creating a Kitchen for Beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn how to model and render a photorealistic Kitchen in sketchup from scratch. We break it down step by step and help you model the right way. This course is divided into two sections, where the first section will be about modeling the right way in Sketchup. In the second section, we introduce you to Vray and show you the right steps to be followed to get a photorealistic render. We also have a bonus video, where we cover how to do a 360 panoramic render which you can use for Virtual Reality.Towards the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of Sketchup and you will be well on your way to create stunning renders & images with Sketchup & Vray."
Price: 19.99 |
"Micro Budget FEATURE Filmmaking That Looks Professional" |
"This Master course is set at a fast pace and is designed to give students a full overview of micro budget independent filmmaking from the ground up with the idea that you can create a quality feature film with little money.Students will learn what to expect and what NOT to expect. The goal of this course is that students will walk away with a firm understanding and the confidence to get their first independent feature film off the ground."
Price: 19.99 |
"Balangtan leri Seviyeye Kapsaml spanyolca Eitim Seti" |
"Bu kurs hi spanyolca bilgisi olmayan veya belli bir seviyede spanyolca bilen renciler iin hazrlanm olan bir eitim setidir. Kurs seviyelere gre blmlere ayrlmtr. Daha nceden hi spanyolca bilginiz yok ise en batan var ise kendinize uygun olan dilediiniz seviyeden balayabilirsiniz. Bu kursun amac yalnzca konular hakknda yzeysel bilgi sahibi olmanz deil; gramer, kelime bilgisi, dilbilgisi, rnekler, diyalog rnekleri, metin rnekleri ile spanyolca'y anlayarak ve sindirerek renmenizi salamaktr. Bu sebeple dersleri elimden geldii kadar kapsaml ve bol rnekli olarak hazrladm. Derslerin ierisinde hem cmle rneklerini hem de her zaman yanlarnda Trke aklamalarn bulabileceiniz gibi verdiim her rnekte kelimelerin neden o ekilde kullanldn anlatmaya altm. Bylelikle ezberlemek yerine mantn kavrayarak, aama aama renerek, her yeni bir basamaa gemeden nce bir nceki adm tamamen oturtmu olarak ilerleyebileceksiniz. Bunu salayabilmek iin ise konu anlatmlar, gramer anlatmlar, Trke aklamalar yan sra derslerin sonunda bol rnekler, indirilebilir egzersizler, yazma altrmalar ve her seviyeden kompozisyon ve metin rnekleri ekledim. Ayrca kelime ezberlemeyi kolaylatracak indirilebilir kelime kartlarna da eriebileceksiniz. Her bir zaman ile ilgili yaklak 50 adet cmle rnei grecek olmanzn dnda, zellikle Subjuntivo zaman formu iin 100'den fazla cmle ve eviri egzersizi rnei ile konular renebileceksiniz.140 dersten oluan bu eitim seti A1-C2 arasndaki (A1-A2.1,A2.2,B1.1,B1.2,B2.1,B2.2,C1) spanyolca konularn kapsamaktadr. Gramer bilgisi, kelime bilgisi, spanyolca'daki zamanlarn yannda; kendinizin indirerek zebileceiniz cevaplar verilmi egzersizleri, birlikte zeceimiz ayrntl egzersizleri, pratik amal hzl egzersizleri ve de dil yapsyla zaman kullanmlarn kavrayabileceiniz metin rneklerini ve diyalog rneklerini ierir. zellikle konu anlatmlar arkasndan hzl dnmenizi salayacak ve sizi spanyolca dnmeye tevik edecek olan hzl egzersizlerin, farkl ortamlarda karlaabileceiniz diyalog rneklerinin ve evirisini yapmanz iin hazrlanm ardndan birlikte analiz ederek evireceimiz metin rneklerinin ok faydal olacana inanyorum.18 saatten oluan ve 77 indirilebilir ierie sahip bu kursa mrnz boyunca dilediiniz yerden ulaabilir, anlamadnz noktalar geri alarak tekrar izleyebilirsiniz."
Price: 109.99 |
"Build Your Story" |
"Most of us are not comfortable talking about our selves. Navigating how to sound confident and capable without sounding boastful takes effort. On the other hand, you dont want to sell yourself short. In addition to getting the tone right, you also have to get your information right, make it easy to digest, interesting to listen to, and compelling enough to drive action. Stories connect your past with your present, and your future. Telling your story helps your audience make sense of what you want to do, and what they can do for you. Done right, telling your story can open a world of opportunities. Follow this step-by-step guide and build your story."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pilates Fundamentals for complete beginners." |
"Learn the key foundation principles of the Pilates exercises, given in detail in the comfort of your own home. Safely improve strength and flexibility.This course is specially designed to get a body that is strong and stream lined. In the same way that a tree needs to be strong to support it's limbs, the goal of this course is to develop and maintain core stability as you work towards optimal strength and flexibility through your arms and legs, in other words developing a body that resists injury and moves with ease.In this course we will cover the foundation Pilates mat exercises paying close attention to movement quality and control."
Price: 29.99 |
"How to pitch to investors to secure funding" |
"Our first video course is live now. It covers talking to investors about funding and features Silicon Valley VCs Gary Fowler and Pavel Cherkashin offering guidance, advice and inspiration as well as tried and tested methods. Our experts:Gary Fowler: Co-Founder, CEO and President at GSD Venture Studios, Co-Founder at YvaMikhail Alexandrovsky: Founder at DostavistaPavel Cherkashin: Managing Partner at Mindrock Capital and GVA CapitalNatalia Bucelnikova: Founder at Future Communicators Accelerator"
Price: 19.99 |
"Juniper JNCIA-Junos (JN0-102)" |
"Welcome to the Juniper Networks Certified Associate CourseThis course is intended for all students who plan to sit in for the JN0-102 JNCIA-Junos exam.This course is also useful if you are a network administrator who is interested in learning Junos.This course is designed as a foundation course and assumes no prior knowledge of networking as all topics are covered from scratch.What is Juniper?Juniper is a networking giant that provides many networking services across the globe. Therefore, you can be anywhere in the world and find yourself in demand if you certify and pass juniper certifications. For this purpose Juniper have a dedicated certification track called the Juniper Network Certification Program or JNCP.To certify in most programs covered by JNCP, the pre-requisite is the JNCIA certification as it covers all Junos basics which forms a solid base to then move forward and embark on any specific certification path.Special features of this course:This course is designed to keep you interested by using content rich, compact, easy to understand examples laid out in whiteboard fashion that gives a feeling of being present inside a classroom.Moreover, the course is highly interactive with multiple choice questions at the end of each lecture which will put your skills to the test with the added bonus of pausing, re-winding and replaying the course at your own leisure.Why become a Network Engineer?Network engineers form the backbone of communication in modern data networks which means this course could spell the start of a new journey for you in the engineering world with thousands of jobs up for grab every year as network engineers are in high demand everywhere, this course could lead you to amazing success!With this course you will receive the following:> Access to easy to understand, colourful and high quality videos explaining each concept in a linear fashion.> Quiz at the end of each video.> Access to updates for a lifetime for free.So what are you waiting for? Get started by buying this course with access to the videos for a lifetime!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The RadCast Clinical Radiology Application Course" |
"Applying to Clinical Radiology? Not sure how to prepare your portfolio? Not sure what questions they can ask at interview? Then you've come to the right place.Developed by the Founders of RadCast, three current Clinical Radiology Registrars who excelled in the application process, this is the first digital course specifically designed to help you excel in your Clinical Radiology application. From an overview of the application process to the specific details on how marks are allocated in the interview, we have made sure to cover all angles in this course. Through our course, you'll be able to access the most up-to-date and comprehensive information about each element of the application process. We'll also provide additional handouts that will help give you the competitive edge in securing your training number for Clinical Radiology. So what are you waiting for? Access the course today, learn how to maximise your application score and secure your Clinical Radiology training number."
Price: 49.99 |
"Minecraft: Creating and Developing a Server" |
"In this course you will learn how to make a Minecraft server and plugins! This course is bound to bring your server to the top! Learning how to make every minigame you can think of, or developing your first plugin, this course has everything! I have been doing server development for +4 years and I have been doing plugin development for +8 months now, so I have seen a lot. I teach you a lot about making minigames and how they work, I also teach you how to make your own custom plugins to help out with your server. Overall, this will teach you everything you need to know to make the best server possible!This course includes...- Minecraft development AND configuration, so you can learn a 2 in 1.- A experienced and vouched member of the Minecraft development community.- Quick and easy support, not just with Q&A, but with discord to!Are you interested? Enroll today! Trust me, you won't be disappointed.- Micah, The Course Director."
Price: 19.99 |
"Mindset Construo 4.0" |
"Mindset Construo 4.0 o melhor curso para voc maximizar seu conhecimento nesse novo conceito para a construo civil.Estamos vivendo a Indstria 4.0 e quem no est se adaptando acaba perdendo oportunidades e at mesmo saindo do mercado. A Construo 4.0 uma ramificao da Indstria 4.0, tambm existe a Sade 4.0, Logstica 4.0, RH 4.0 e entre outros.O curso foi desenvolvido com base nos mais de 10 anos de experincia no segmento industrial.O Curso divido em 4 mdulos para melhor aproveitamento:1 - Revolues IndustriaisVeja nessa aula todos os movimentos e acontecimentos das revolues industriais ocorridas at hoje.2 - Indstria 4.0 e TecnologiasEntenda o conceito de Indstria 4.0, veja seus benefcios, resultados e saiba detalhadamente como os novos pilares tecnolgicos da 4 revoluo industria est impactando todos os segmentos.3 - Construo 4.0Se impressione com os benefcios da Construo 4.0 e veja cases reais de implementaes das tecnologias no setor civil.4 - Novo Perfil ProfissionalVeja o que necessrio fazer para no ficar fora do mercado nessa revoluo industrial.Ter acesso tambm aos materiais abaixo1 - eBook Guia Construo 4.0.2 - Mapa atualizado das empresas que desenvolvem tecnologias para construo civil."
Price: 84.99 |
"Snav Kazandran HIZLI ve ETKL OKUMA ETM (V 1.0)" |
"DEERL KURSYERLERHepinize iten sevgi ve selamlarm sunuyorum. Bu yazy okuduunuza gre, hzl okuma ayrcalna sahip olmak isteyenlerdensiniz. 21. Yzyl ok byk deiimlerin yaanaca bir sre olacaktr. Bildiiniz gibi deiim hzlanarak devam ediyor. Yeni dnya; yapay zeka, makine renmesi, robotlarn i yaamna katlmas gibi avantajl fakat bir dier yandan da insanlarn kitlesel isizlik tehlikesiyle kar karya kald bir evreye girdi. Hibir zaman bir kaos herkes iin ykc etki yaratmaz. Doru yetkinliklere sahip olan kiiler ve organizasyonlar dzen yeniden kurulduunda en baarl sonular elde ederler.Bu sebeplerle kaos yaamn bir adm sonraya gemesi iin gerekli ve doaldr. Klasik eitim sadece snavlara odakl olduu iin bizim yeterlilik konusunda endielerimiz var. Evet elbette hzl okuma becerisi snavlarda baar iin ok etkili sonular veriyor. Fakat bununla birlikte ocuklarmzdan balayarak eitim kurumlarna kadar her birimizin bilgi ana ayak uydurabilecek becerileri kazanmas artk bir zorunluluk. Bizler de bu becerilerin kazanlmas ynnde almalarmz younlatrdk. kariyerlerini ve gelecek umutlarn bu yzylda ortaya koymak isteyenlerin, kendilerini baarya gtrecek yeni becerilere sahip olmalar zorunludur. Biliyorsunuz, yaantmz boyunca rendiimiz bilgilerin byk bir blmne okuyarak sahip oluruz. Gnmzde bilginin, maddi ve manevi zenginliin, en gl kayna olduunu renseydiniz; bilgiye dier insanlardan 3-4 kat daha hzl ulamak, sizi heyecanlandrr myd?Bu yetenee sahip olmakla kendinizi o ok ansl aznlk arasnda hissedeceksiniz. Seminerde, sunumdan ok egzersiz ve uygulamalar nem tamaktadr. Baary seven insanlarla almann mutluluunu birlikte yaamak dileiyle. Umarm emek ve harcadnz zamann karln fazlasyla alrsnz. Bircan KYC"
Price: 279.99 |
"Living the Beatitudes in your life" |
"The aim of the course is to increase the students knowledge about the Beatitudes and most importantly to empower the student to have a living experience of the Beatitudes. The course will cover the eight Beatitudes which Jesus taught during the Sermon on the Mount. By the end of the course, students are expected to appreciate the beauty of life through the blessings of the Beatitudes."
Price: 29.99 |
"Taming Google G Suite - A Complete Administrator's Guide" |
"Want to get your company / school / network up and running on G Suite?This Complete Administrators Guide to Google G Suite walks you through the step by step process of setting up G Suite (Google Apps for Your Domain or Google Apps for Education) as fast as possible. I focus on the best practices and explain why each step and setting is important. I also take you through real-life scenarios you may encounter and show you how to address each one.Who is this course suitable for? Who should do this course?If you are a complete beginner, or if you are a G Suite Administrator (or still call yourselves a ""Google Apps"" admin) and know your way around the admin console, this course is for you.If you are currently looking at the ""Google Cloud certification in G Suite"", ""G Suite Administration Specialization"" or the ""Professional Collaboration Engineer Exam"" this course will explain in layman terms the way to set up G Suite for your users and get you well on your way to the first steps in preparing for your exam.If you are coming off Microsoft Exchange or Office 365 and want to expand your knowledge, this course will take your current knowledge and expand on it. Are you looking to migrate from Office 365 to Google G Suite? We have a full section to help you do that. What can I expect from this course? What will I be able to do?On completion of this course, you will be able to complete common administrative tasks in the G Suite admin console and advise on best practices for your organisational structures, users and groups. You will also be able to monitor security events and risks and put in place the necessary measures to protect your users and organizational data.What are some specifics covered in this course?In managing G Suite you will be looking at some basic and advanced topics, including:DNS Records, MX Records, SPF Records, DKIM Records and DMARC PoliciesHow to secure Gmail, the Google Calendar, Drive and Docs and other security policies.How to manage your Organisation Units (OUs)How to add, edit, manage, suspend, and delete usersEverything you might ever need to know about GroupsHow to manage your G Suite with GAM and scriptingSyncing your users via Active Directory and Google Cloud Directory SyncWe delve deep into Catch-all email address, Default routing, Sending and Receiving routing, Content compliance, Attachment compliance and Objectionable contentHow to work with Buildings and ResourcesWe look at Device management for iOS, Android and Chrome managed browsersWe migrate from PST files, eDiscovery in Office 365Chrome Extensions to make your life as an Admin easierHow to get a free website set up for your company, using Google Sites"
Price: 199.99 |
"Comment devenir dveloppeur web sans avoir coder?" |
"J'ai cr ce cours pour toutes les personnes qui souhaites apprendre crer des sites vitrines pros sans avoir des connaissances en codage.Vous pourrez galement apprendre vendre vos sites vitrines au meilleur prix et gnrer au moins 2000 euros par mois en travaillant 4 heures par semaine.Dans cette formation je vous offre des accs gratuits et fichier qui vont vous faciliter le travaille et surtout vous aidez russir vos objectifs !"
Price: 24.99 |
"Adventures in Wine Crafting" |
"Do you enjoy a good glass of wine and wonder if you could make it yourself?Have you been making wine from kits? Would you like to try to make wine directly from fruits but are afraid that youll mess them up?Wine making is an easy-to-learn skill.The adventure begins when you realize that the basic principle of wine making from one fruit can be easily applied to vegetables, flowers, and teas. The varieties you make are only limited by the produce you can obtain.Every lesson was video recorded in my home kitchen so you can see how easy it is for anyone to make wine.The information presented in this course will give you the knowledge and the confidence to start making your own wine.You will learn how to:Properly select and prepare your produceUse a hydrometer and a refractor to determine the potential alcohol content of your wineDetermine the right time to bottle your wineThis easy to follow course provides the recipe used for each wine variety.The downloadable companion book contains the information in this course along with all the recipes. Print it out before starting the course and take notes right in the book."
Price: 24.99 |