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"Linux System Administration Bootcamp. How to get a Linux job"
"JOIN THE COURSE AND LEARN HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFULL LINUX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORDo you want to become a successfull linux sys admin? Then keep reading.Hello, my name is Theo and i am a Certified Linux Red Hat Linux Administrator. I passed the exam with 300/300 Points. Do you want to learn how i did it? Well, then join this course and i will share this secret with you! If you can learn the topics that i will teach you in this course, then you will be able to pass an interview for an entry level job as a linux system admin. Are you up for this challenge?By the end of this course you will fully understand the most important and fundamental concepts of Linux server administration. But not only that, you will be able to implement everything in the real world aswell. This is what will make you productive.Here is what you will learn by taking this Linux Bootcamp:-what is linux-what is a linux distribution-you will learn how to install a linux system-things to do after installing linux-what does a system administrator do and how to become one-the history of linux-LVM-Logs in Linux-User Management-how to use the linux command line-how to manage files and directories-linux files permissions-special linux permissions-find data in a linux system-input, output, redirection, pipes-users, groups-linux networking-linux boot process-linux troubleshooting-managing disks and file systems-install software in linux-linux automation and scripts (light programming)-ssh (secure shell)Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?a unicorn as pet.Who this course is for:It doesnt matter if you are new to linux or an advanced user, after completing this course, you will know every concept that you need to feel ready to apply for a job like a linux system administrator.This course is designed for anyone who wants to develop Linux Administration skills, for those who are new to IT and also for those who need a Linux refresher course.-> If you are interested in Linux System Administration, enroll now to join me and other students in this course."
Price: 199.99

"Creacin de Emailings Responsive con PS / Bee / Mailchimp"
"En este  curso podrs  aprender tcnicas y buenas prcticas para el desarrollo de emalings, ahorrando tiempo y muchos dolores de cabeza. Aprenders por qu es tan necesario el uso de emailings en el mundo digital, visibles en equipos de escritorio, tablets y mviles, tambin veremos los beneficios que podr traer a tu negocio. Aprenders  cosas mas tcnicas como el uso de tipografas, tratado de imgenes, uso de plataformas en sus versiones gratuitas y muchas otras herramientas para sacarles el mximo provecho a tus campaas."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft ---------------------------------------------------------------- : 101 :- - - - - - - - - ********* : 102 - - - - - - - ********* : 103 - - - - - - - MACRO & VBA"
Price: 99.99

". . ."
Price: 149.99

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Price: 49.99

"Banco de Dados com Modelagem de Dados, Ferramenta CASE e SQL"
"Nesse curso bsico voc vai aprender o ciclo completo da criao de um Banco de Dados, comeando pelo ponto mais importante que o entendimento das necessidades de Negcio. Em seguida, vai saber como desenhar essas necessidades para poder se comunicar com outros colegas da rea de TI e tambm com os usurios de negcio que vo validar se o seu entendimento est correto. Logo depois, vai aprender a desenhar o Modelo de Dados em uma ferramenta CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering - Engenharia de Software Auxiliada por Computador) chamada SQL-DBM onde vai definir as Entidades e os Relacionamentos do Modelo de Dados. O prximo passo do ciclo ser a gerao dos comandos SQL para a criao das Tabelas do Banco de Dados a partir da prpria ferramenta CASE. Em seguida, vamos ver como criar essas Tabelas em um Banco de Dados MySQL e aprender a manipular esse banco de dados fazendo inseres, atualizaes, delees e consultas com juno de vrias Tabelas. No final, vamos ver a Integridade Referencial do Banco de Dados sendo mantida de forma automtica pelas declaraes das Chaves Estrangeiras. um curso bsico de Banco de Dados, mas que apresenta o ciclo completo de concepo, desenho, criao e manipulao, partindo do ponto de vista dos negcios e chegando no detalhe tcnico."
Price: 19.99

". . , , . : . . . . . . .. . , . . , . , . - . , . . , . , , . , ."
Price: 59.99

"Swiss-German for beginners"
"Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world to visit. A large number of Swiss speak Swiss-German. It is very different from German spoken in Germany. After spending an hour in this course, you will be able to begin to communicate with new Swiss friends and have fun in your life and travels. I'm a native Swiss-German speaker, so I can help you get the perfect pronunciation to surprise the locals. ("
Price: 19.99

"Fashion For Short Guys - Be More Confident and Get Girls"
"Have you ever been made fun of about your height?Are you insecure about your body style? Wished you were taller?Do you think you've been turned down for a date because of your bad sense of fashion?What people tell you and what they actually secretly think is often very different.We feel your pain...Your two teachers for this course have experienced all of the above things and hated it.We didn't want to lose out to other taller guys...We knew if we could only be more confident, our lives would change.We found our road to better confidence started with better fashion.In this course, we will show you what worked for us two guys and how it can work for you."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo Bblia"
"Este curso ir lhe proporcionar melhor entendimento da Bblia como um livro. Como um timo leitor da Bblia de importncia conhecer como um dos livros mais vendidos do mundo foi estruturado. Alm disso, voc vai ver como pode melhor seus estudos bblicos. Este curso est sensacional, com bastante didtica voc aluno poder entender com clareza toda a formao da bblia."
Price: 39.99

"De 0 a administrador de sistemas Linux"
"El curso introductorio en administracin de sistemas Linux est pensado para personas que quieran aprender cmo administrar servidores y sistemas Linux y no tengan ningn conocimiento sobre la materia. Empezaremos el viaje desde lo ms bsico del manejo de la terminal en sistemas Linux hasta la elaboracin de tareas ms complejas. La idea fundamental del curso es crear la curiosidad en el alumno y la autosuficiencia para que sea capaz por su cuenta de empezar a aprender del mundo de la administracin de sistemas partiendo de unas nociones bsicas."
Price: 29.99

"FAMILY European Portuguese Vocabulary - Course 1"
"Hello and welcome! Ol, seja bem-vindo!- Do you want to learn the European Portuguese Language?- But you are not sure what will be the best way?Lets look into some options that can help you:- Reading?Yes, that is a good option!And some people do remember better the things they read- Listening?Right, that can help too!And, for many, listening to a new language can be the fastest way to learn it- Using images?That is a very powerful tool!Most people can memorize new words much easier by making an association of the word with the image that represents it.So How to Choose the Best Way?You can do better than to choose only one way or tool: Use It All!With this European Portuguese language course you can learn faster using all these learning tools together, you will get:Bilingual Reading - to help you understand the meaning of the new words in Portuguese (Portugus de Portugal)Listening to Portuguese to hear the Portuguese pronunciation (that is different from Brazilian Portuguese)Images - to help memorize the new vocabulary by association it with the object/situationExercises - to resume and confirm the vocabulary you are learningTopics the course is organized by small topics to learn European Portuguese words that are relatedSteps the lessons are organized in small steps to get fast results and keep your enthusiasmThis is the perfect course to learn Portuguese for Beginners.The lessons are focused, practical and effective, are prepared for English Speakers and organized in small steps that are easier to fit in your everyday breaks. That way you can create habits to learn consistently, memorize the information more quickly, and remember Portuguese vocabulary better.This course will also prepare you for next levels in your learning curve in the Portuguese language.Check the Introduction and free preview lesson to see how easy and fun it can be to learn European Portuguese in this course,In this course  you will learn words and sentences about: FAMILY.Lets Start Learning Portuguese Today? Let's Go!  Vamos!"
Price: 19.99

"PROFESSIONS European Portuguese Vocabulary - Course 2"
"Hello and welcome! Ol e bem-vindo!Let's learn more about the European Portuguese Language in 3 simple steps!In this course you will learn words and sentences about: PROFESSIONS.With this European Portuguese language course you can learn faster using several learning tools together, you will get:Bilingual Reading - to help you understand the meaning of the new words in Portuguese (Portugus de Portugal)Listening to Portuguese to hear the Portuguese pronunciation (that is different from Brazilian Portuguese)Images - to help memorize the new vocabulary by association it with the object/situationExercises - to resume and confirm the vocabulary you are learningTopics the course is organized by topics to help you learn European Portuguese words that are relatedSteps the lessons are organized in small steps to get fast results and keep your enthusiasmThis is the perfect course to learn Portuguese for Beginners.The lessons are focused, practical and effective, are prepared for English Speakers and organized in small steps that are easier to fit in your everyday breaks. That way you can create habits to learn consistently, memorize the information more quickly, and remember Portuguese vocabulary better.This course will also prepare you for next levels in your learning curve in the Portuguese language.Check the Introduction and free preview lesson to see how easy and fun it can be to learn European Portuguese in this course.Lets Start Learning Portuguese Today? Let's Go!  Vamos!"
Price: 19.99

"ANIMALS 1 European Portuguese Vocabulary - Course 3"
"Hello and welcome! Ol e bem-vindo!Let's learn more about the European Portuguese Language in 3 simple steps!In this course you will learn the first words and sentences about: ANIMALS  (1).With this European Portuguese language course you can learn faster using several learning tools together, you will get:Bilingual Reading - to help you understand the meaning of the new words in Portuguese (Portugus de Portugal)Listening to Portuguese to hear the Portuguese pronunciation (that is different from Brazilian Portuguese)Images - to help memorize the new vocabulary by association it with the object/situationExercises - to resume and confirm the vocabulary you are learningTopics the course is organized by topics to help you learn European Portuguese words that are relatedSteps the lessons are organized in small steps to get fast results and keep your enthusiasmThis is the perfect course to learn Portuguese for Beginners.The lessons are focused, practical and effective, are prepared for English Speakers and organized in small steps that are easier to fit in your everyday breaks. That way you can create habits to learn consistently, memorize the information more quickly, and remember Portuguese vocabulary better.This course will also prepare you for next levels in your learning curve in the Portuguese language.Check the Introduction and free preview lesson to see how easy and fun it can be to learn European Portuguese in this course.Lets Start Learning Portuguese Today? Let's Go!  Vamos!"
Price: 19.99

"ANIMALS 2 European Portuguese Vocabulary - Course 4"
"Hello and welcome! Ol e bem-vindo!Let's learn more about the European Portuguese Language in 3 simple steps!In this course you will learn more words and sentences about: ANIMALS  (2).With this European Portuguese language course you can learn faster using several learning tools together, you will get:Bilingual Reading - to help you understand the meaning of the new words in Portuguese (Portugus de Portugal)Listening to Portuguese to hear the Portuguese pronunciation (that is different from Brazilian Portuguese)Images - to help memorize the new vocabulary by association it with the object/situationExercises - to resume and confirm the vocabulary you are learningTopics the course is organized by topics to help you learn European Portuguese words that are relatedSteps the lessons are organized in small steps to get fast results and keep your enthusiasmThis is the perfect course to learn Portuguese for Beginners.The lessons are focused, practical and effective, are prepared for English Speakers and organized in small steps that are easier to fit in your everyday breaks. That way you can create habits to learn consistently, memorize the information more quickly, and remember Portuguese vocabulary better.This course will also prepare you for next levels in your learning curve in the Portuguese language.Check the Introduction and free preview lesson to see how easy and fun it can be to learn European Portuguese in this course.Lets Start Learning Portuguese Today? Let's Go!  Vamos!"
Price: 19.99

"NUMBERS European Portuguese Vocabulary - Course 5"
"Hello and welcome! Ol e bem-vindo!Let's learn more about the European Portuguese Language in 3 simple steps!In this course you will learn words and sentences about: NUMBERS.With this European Portuguese language course you can learn faster using several learning tools together, you will get:Bilingual Reading - to help you understand the meaning of the new words in Portuguese (Portugus de Portugal)Listening to Portuguese to hear the Portuguese pronunciation (that is different from Brazilian Portuguese)Images - to help memorize the new vocabulary by association it with the object/situationExercises - to resume and confirm the vocabulary you are learningTopics the course is organized by topics to help you learn European Portuguese words that are relatedSteps the lessons are organized in small steps to get fast results and keep your enthusiasmThis is the perfect course to learn Portuguese for Beginners.The lessons are focused, practical and effective, are prepared for English Speakers and organized in small steps that are easier to fit in your everyday breaks. That way you can create habits to learn consistently, memorize the information more quickly, and remember Portuguese vocabulary better.This course will also prepare you for next levels in your learning curve in the Portuguese language.Check the Introduction and free preview lesson to see how easy and fun it can be to learn European Portuguese in this course.Lets Start Learning Portuguese Today? Let's Go!  Vamos!"
Price: 19.99

"TRAVEL European Portuguese Vocabulary - Course 6"
"Hello and welcome! Ol e bem-vindo!Let's learn more about the European Portuguese Language in 3 simple steps!In this course you will learn words and sentences about: TRAVEL.With this European Portuguese language course you can learn faster using several learning tools together, you will get:Bilingual Reading - to help you understand the meaning of the new words in Portuguese (Portugus de Portugal)Listening to Portuguese to hear the Portuguese pronunciation (that is different from Brazilian Portuguese)Images - to help memorize the new vocabulary by association it with the object/situationExercises - to resume and confirm the vocabulary you are learningTopics the course is organized by topics to help you learn European Portuguese words that are relatedSteps the lessons are organized in small steps to get fast results and keep your enthusiasmThis is the perfect course to learn Portuguese for Beginners.The lessons are focused, practical and effective, are prepared for English Speakers and organized in small steps that are easier to fit in your everyday breaks. That way you can create habits to learn consistently, memorize the information more quickly, and remember Portuguese vocabulary better.This course will also prepare you for next levels in your learning curve in the Portuguese language.Check the Introduction and free preview lesson to see how easy and fun it can be to learn European Portuguese in this course.Lets Start Learning Portuguese Today? Let's Go!  Vamos!"
Price: 19.99

"FAMLIA Ingls Para Todos, aprenda com Imagens - Curso 1"
"Ol, seja bem-vindoNeste curso, voc vai aprender rapidamente palavras e frases em ingls sobre: FAMLIA.Neste curso de ingls para iniciantes, voc vai aprender Ingls facilmente usando vrios recursos:Leitura bilngue - para ajudar voc a entender o significado das novas palavras em inglsFalantes nativos - para ajud-lo na pronncia de ingls (americano) na prticaImagens - para ajud-lo a memorizar cada nova plavra em ingls por associao com o objeto / situaoTpicos simples - as lies esto organizadas por assuntos para o ajudar a aprender o vocabulrio em ingls por palavras relacionadasEtapas fceis - lies organizadas em pequenas etapas para obter resultados rpidos e manter o seu entusiasmoEste um curso eficaz de ingls para iniciantes:As lies so simples, prticas, eficazes, e organizadas em pequenos passos que so fceis de encaixar nos seus intervalos dirios. Dessa forma, ajudam voc a criar hbitos de aprendizagem de forma consistente, memorizar as informaes mais rapidamente e aprender mais vocabulrio em ingls.Este curso tambm o preparar para os prximos nveis de aprendizagem da lngua inglesa.Vamos comear a aprender ingls fcil hoje? Vamos l!"
Price: 19.99

"PROFISSES Ingls Para Todos aprenda com Imagens - Curso 2"
"Ol, seja bem-vindo.Neste curso, voc vai aprender rapidamente palavras e frases em ingls sobre: PROFISSES.Neste curso de ingls para iniciantes, voc vai aprender Ingls facilmente usando vrios recursos:Leitura bilngue - para ajudar voc a entender o significado das novas palavras em inglsFalantes nativos - para ajud-lo na pronncia de ingls (americano) na prticaImagens - para ajud-lo a memorizar cada nova plavra em ingls por associao com o objeto / situaoTpicos simples - as lies esto organizadas por assuntos para o ajudar a aprender o vocabulrio em ingls por palavras relacionadasEtapas fceis - lies organizadas em pequenas etapas para obter resultados rpidos e manter o seu entusiasmoEste um curso eficaz de ingls para iniciantes:As lies so simples, prticas, eficazes, e organizadas em pequenos passos que so fceis de encaixar nos seus intervalos dirios. Dessa forma, ajudam voc a criar hbitos de aprendizagem de forma consistente, memorizar as informaes mais rapidamente e aprender mais vocabulrio em ingls.Este curso tambm o preparar para os prximos nveis de aprendizagem da lngua inglesa.Vamos comear a aprender ingls fcil hoje? Vamos l!"
Price: 19.99

"ANIMAIS 1 Ingls Para Todos aprenda com Imagens - Curso 3"
"Ol, seja bem-vindo.Neste curso, voc vai aprender rapidamente palavras e frases em ingls sobre: ANIMAIS.Neste curso de ingls para iniciantes, voc vai aprender Ingls facilmente usando vrios recursos:Leitura bilngue - para ajudar voc a entender o significado das novas palavras em inglsFalantes nativos - para ajud-lo na pronncia de ingls (americano) na prticaImagens - para ajud-lo a memorizar cada nova plavra em ingls por associao com o objeto / situaoTpicos simples - as lies esto organizadas por assuntos para o ajudar a aprender o vocabulrio em ingls por palavras relacionadasEtapas fceis - lies organizadas em pequenas etapas para obter resultados rpidos e manter o seu entusiasmoEste um curso eficaz de ingls para iniciantes:As lies so simples, prticas, eficazes, e organizadas em pequenos passos que so fceis de encaixar nos seus intervalos dirios. Dessa forma, ajudam voc a criar hbitos de aprendizagem de forma consistente, memorizar as informaes mais rapidamente e aprender mais vocabulrio em ingls.Este curso tambm o preparar para os prximos nveis de aprendizagem da lngua inglesa.Vamos comear a aprender ingls fcil hoje? Vamos l!"
Price: 19.99

"FAMILLE Anglais pour Dbutants - Cours d'Anglais Facile 1"
"Bienvenue!Dans ce cours d'anglais pour les dbutants, vous apprendrez des mots et des phrases en anglais sur: FAMILLE.Dans ce cours d'anglais, vous apprendre anglais rapidement en utilisant de nombreuses ressources:Lecture bilingue - pour vous aider comprendre la signification des nouveaux mots de la langue anglaise.Locuteurs natifs - pour vous aider dans la prononciation et parler anglaisAssociation d'images - pour vous aider mmoriser le nouveau vocabulaire par association avec l'objet / la situation.Exercices de prononciation - pour vous aider parler anglais et confirmer le vocabulaire que vous apprenez de la langue anglaiseSujets - les leons sont organises par sujets pour vous aider apprendre le vocabulaire anglais par des mots apparents.tapes faciles - des leons organises en petites tapes pour obtenir des rsultats rapides et garder votre enthousiasme en apprendre l'anglais.C'est un cours d'anglais dbutant simple et efficace:Les leons sont pratiques, efficaces et organises en petites tapes faciles intgrer dans vos pauses quotidiennes.Cela vous aide dvelopper rgulirement des habitudes d'apprentissage, mmoriser des informations plus rapidement et en apprendre davantage sur le vocabulaire anglais.Ce cours vous prparera galement aux prochains niveaux d'apprentissage de l'anglais.Commenons apprendre l'anglais aujourd'hui? Allons-y!"
Price: 19.99

"PROFESSIONS Anglais pour Dbutants, Cours Anglais Facile 2"
"Bienvenue!Dans ce cours d'anglais pour les dbutants, vous apprendrez des mots et des phrases en anglais sur: PROFESSIONS.Dans ce cours d'anglais, vous apprendre anglais rapidement en utilisant de nombreuses ressources:Lecture bilingue - pour vous aider comprendre la signification des nouveaux mots de la langue anglaise.Locuteurs natifs - pour vous aider dans la prononciation et parler anglaisAssociation d'images - pour vous aider mmoriser le nouveau vocabulaire par association avec l'objet / la situation.Exercices de prononciation - pour vous aider parler anglais et confirmer le vocabulaire que vous apprenez de la langue anglaiseSujets - les leons sont organises par sujets pour vous aider apprendre le vocabulaire anglais par des mots apparents.tapes faciles - des leons organises en petites tapes pour obtenir des rsultats rapides et garder votre enthousiasme en apprendre l'anglais.C'est un cours d'anglais dbutant simple et efficace:Les leons sont pratiques, efficaces et organises en petites tapes faciles intgrer dans vos pauses quotidiennes.Cela vous aide dvelopper rgulirement des habitudes d'apprentissage, mmoriser des informations plus rapidement et en apprendre davantage sur le vocabulaire anglais.Ce cours vous prparera galement aux prochains niveaux d'apprentissage de l'anglais.Commenons apprendre l'anglais aujourd'hui? Allons-y!"
Price: 19.99

"ANIMAUX 1 Anglais pour Dbutants - Cours Anglais Facile 3"
"Bienvenue!Dans ce cours d'anglais pour les dbutants, vous apprendrez des mots et des phrases en anglais sur: ANIMAUX (1).Dans ce cours d'anglais, vous apprendre anglais rapidement en utilisant de nombreuses ressources:Lecture bilingue - pour vous aider comprendre la signification des nouveaux mots de la langue anglaise.Locuteurs natifs - pour vous aider dans la prononciation et parler anglaisAssociation d'images - pour vous aider mmoriser le nouveau vocabulaire par association avec l'objet / la situation.Exercices de prononciation - pour vous aider parler anglais et confirmer le vocabulaire que vous apprenez de la langue anglaiseSujets - les leons sont organises par sujets pour vous aider apprendre le vocabulaire anglais par des mots apparents.tapes faciles - des leons organises en petites tapes pour obtenir des rsultats rapides et garder votre enthousiasme en apprendre l'anglais.C'est un cours d'anglais dbutant simple et efficace:Les leons sont pratiques, efficaces et organises en petites tapes faciles intgrer dans vos pauses quotidiennes.Cela vous aide dvelopper rgulirement des habitudes d'apprentissage, mmoriser des informations plus rapidement et en apprendre davantage sur le vocabulaire anglais.Ce cours vous prparera galement aux prochains niveaux d'apprentissage de l'anglais.Commenons apprendre l'anglais aujourd'hui? Allons-y!"
Price: 19.99

"FAMILIA Ingls Sin Barreras, Curso de Ingls Basico 1"
"Bienvenido!En este curso de ingls basico para principiantes, aprender palabras y frases en ingls sobre: FAMILIA.Con este curso de ingls, aprender ms rpido utilizando muchos recursos:Lectura bilinge: para ayudarlo a comprender el significado de nuevas palabras en inglsHablantes nativos: para ayudarlo con la pronunciacin del ingls habladoImgenes: para ayudarlo a memorizar el nuevo vocabulario por asociacin con el objeto / situacinEjercicios: para ayudarlo a aprender y confirmar el vocabulario que est aprendiendoTemas: las lecciones estn organizadas por materias para ayudarlo a aprender vocabulario en ingls a travs de palabras relacionadasPasos sencillos: lecciones en pequeos pasos para aprender ingls obtener resultados rpidos y mantenerlo entusiasmado.Este es un curso de ingls basico para principiantes efectivo:Las lecciones son simples, prcticas, efectivas y organizadas en pequeos pasos que son fciles de adaptar a sus descansos diarios.Esto te ayuda a desarrollar constantemente hbitos de aprendizaje, memorizar informacin ms rpido y aprender ingls.Este curso tambin lo preparar para los prximos niveles de aprendizaje del idioma ingls.Empezamos a aprender ingls fcil hoy? Vamos!"
Price: 19.99

"PROFESIONES Ingls Sin Barreras, Curso de Ingls Basico 2"
"Bienvenido!En este curso de ingls basico para principiantes, aprender palabras y frases en ingls sobre: PROFESIONES.Con este curso de ingls, aprender ms rpido utilizando muchos recursos:Lectura bilinge: para ayudarlo a comprender el significado de nuevas palabras en inglsHablantes nativos: para ayudarlo con la pronunciacin del ingls habladoImgenes: para ayudarlo a memorizar el nuevo vocabulario por asociacin con el objeto / situacinEjercicios: para ayudarlo a aprender y confirmar el vocabulario que est aprendiendoTemas: las lecciones estn organizadas por materias para ayudarlo a aprender vocabulario en ingls a travs de palabras relacionadasPasos sencillos: lecciones en pequeos pasos para aprender ingls obtener resultados rpidos y mantenerlo entusiasmado.Este es un curso de ingls basico para principiantes efectivo:Las lecciones son simples, prcticas, efectivas y organizadas en pequeos pasos que son fciles de adaptar a sus descansos diarios.Esto te ayuda a desarrollar constantemente hbitos de aprendizaje, memorizar informacin ms rpido y aprender ingls.Este curso tambin lo preparar para los prximos niveles de aprendizaje del idioma ingls.Empezamos a aprender ingls fcil hoy? Vamos!"
Price: 19.99

"ANIMALES 1 Ingls Sin Barreras, Curso de Ingls Basico 3"
"Bienvenido!En este curso de ingls basico para principiantes, aprender palabras y frases en ingls sobre: ANIMALES.Con este curso de ingls, aprender ms rpido utilizando muchos recursos:Lectura bilinge: para ayudarlo a comprender el significado de nuevas palabras en inglsHablantes nativos: para ayudarlo con la pronunciacin del ingls habladoImgenes: para ayudarlo a memorizar el nuevo vocabulario por asociacin con el objeto / situacinEjercicios: para ayudarlo a aprender y confirmar el vocabulario que est aprendiendoTemas: las lecciones estn organizadas por materias para ayudarlo a aprender vocabulario en ingls a travs de palabras relacionadasPasos sencillos: lecciones en pequeos pasos para aprender ingls obtener resultados rpidos y mantenerlo entusiasmado.Este es un curso de ingls basico para principiantes efectivo:Las lecciones son simples, prcticas, efectivas y organizadas en pequeos pasos que son fciles de adaptar a sus descansos diarios.Esto te ayuda a desarrollar constantemente hbitos de aprendizaje, memorizar informacin ms rpido y aprender ingls.Este curso tambin lo preparar para los prximos niveles de aprendizaje del idioma ingls.Empezamos a aprender ingls fcil hoy? Vamos!"
Price: 19.99

"FAMILIE Englisch fr Anfnger, Englisch Lernen - Kurs 1"
"Herzlich willkommen!In diesem Englisch-Grundkurs fr Anfnger lernen Sie englische Wrter und Redewendungen ber: FAMILIE.Mit diesem Englischkurs lernen Sie mit vielen Ressourcen schneller:Zweisprachiges Lesen: Damit Sie die Bedeutung neuer Wrter auf Englisch besser verstehenMuttersprachler: um Ihnen bei der Aussprache des gesprochenen Englisch zu helfenBilder: Damit knnen Sie sich das neue Vokabular besser merken, indem Sie es mit dem Objekt / der Situation verknpfenbungen: um Ihnen zu helfen, das Vokabular zu lernen und zu besttigen, das Sie lernenThemen: Der Unterricht ist nach Fchern geordnet, damit Sie den englischen Wortschatz durch verwandte Wrter lernen knnenEinfache Schritte: Lektionen in kleinen Schritten zum Erlernen der englischen Sprache bringen schnelle Ergebnisse und halten Sie aufgeregt.Dies ist ein effektiver Englisch-Grundkurs fr Anfnger:Der Unterricht ist einfach, praktisch, effektiv und in kleinen Schritten organisiert, die sich leicht an Ihre tglichen Pausen anpassen lassen.Auf diese Weise knnen Sie stndig Lerngewohnheiten entwickeln, Informationen schneller auswendig lernen und Englisch lernen.Dieser Kurs bereitet Sie auch auf die nchsten Stufen des Englischlernens vor.Fangen wir heute an, leichtes Englisch zu lernen?Lass uns gehen!"
Price: 19.99

"BERUFE Englisch fr Anfnger, Englisch Lernen - Kurs 2"
"Herzlich willkommen!In diesem Englisch-Grundkurs fr Anfnger lernen Sie englische Wrter und Redewendungen ber: BERUFE.Mit diesem Englischkurs lernen Sie mit vielen Ressourcen schneller:Zweisprachiges Lesen: Damit Sie die Bedeutung neuer Wrter auf Englisch besser verstehenMuttersprachler: um Ihnen bei der Aussprache des gesprochenen Englisch zu helfenBilder: Damit knnen Sie sich das neue Vokabular besser merken, indem Sie es mit dem Objekt / der Situation verknpfenbungen: um Ihnen zu helfen, das Vokabular zu lernen und zu besttigen, das Sie lernenThemen: Der Unterricht ist nach Fchern geordnet, damit Sie den englischen Wortschatz durch verwandte Wrter lernen knnenEinfache Schritte: Lektionen in kleinen Schritten zum Erlernen der englischen Sprache bringen schnelle Ergebnisse und halten Sie aufgeregt.Dies ist ein effektiver Englisch-Grundkurs fr Anfnger:Der Unterricht ist einfach, praktisch, effektiv und in kleinen Schritten organisiert, die sich leicht an Ihre tglichen Pausen anpassen lassen.Auf diese Weise knnen Sie stndig Lerngewohnheiten entwickeln, Informationen schneller auswendig lernen und Englisch lernen.Dieser Kurs bereitet Sie auch auf die nchsten Stufen des Englischlernens vor.Fangen wir heute an, leichtes Englisch zu lernen?Lass uns gehen!"
Price: 19.99

"TIERE 1 Englisch fr Anfnger, Englisch Lernen - Kurs 3"
"Herzlich willkommen!In diesem Englisch-Grundkurs fr Anfnger lernen Sie englische Wrter und Redewendungen ber: TIERE (1).Mit diesem Englischkurs lernen Sie mit vielen Ressourcen schneller:Zweisprachiges Lesen: Damit Sie die Bedeutung neuer Wrter auf Englisch besser verstehenMuttersprachler: um Ihnen bei der Aussprache des gesprochenen Englisch zu helfenBilder: Damit knnen Sie sich das neue Vokabular besser merken, indem Sie es mit dem Objekt / der Situation verknpfenbungen: um Ihnen zu helfen, das Vokabular zu lernen und zu besttigen, das Sie lernenThemen: Der Unterricht ist nach Fchern geordnet, damit Sie den englischen Wortschatz durch verwandte Wrter lernen knnenEinfache Schritte: Lektionen in kleinen Schritten zum Erlernen der englischen Sprache bringen schnelle Ergebnisse und halten Sie aufgeregt.Dies ist ein effektiver Englisch-Grundkurs fr Anfnger:Der Unterricht ist einfach, praktisch, effektiv und in kleinen Schritten organisiert, die sich leicht an Ihre tglichen Pausen anpassen lassen.Auf diese Weise knnen Sie stndig Lerngewohnheiten entwickeln, Informationen schneller auswendig lernen und Englisch lernen.Dieser Kurs bereitet Sie auch auf die nchsten Stufen des Englischlernens vor.Fangen wir heute an, leichtes Englisch zu lernen?Lass uns gehen!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020-Real World & Pragmatic"
"This course takes a user on a journey to understand and then master the AWS Cloud.  This material is taught in many forms at top universities around the world.  This material has been adjusted to the unique properties of the Udemy platform.  There are many techniques exposed that will also prepare a student interested in Python, Data Science, Data Engineering or Machine Learning to use the AWS cloud in those domains.Some of the hands-on demos include:How to build websites using:  AWS S3, AWS Lambda, and AWS EC2 InstancesHow to use AWS Spot Instances and run machine learning workloadsHow to write simple Python functions and deploy them using AWS LambdaHow to create AWS S3 buckets and synchronize data to themHow to use AWS Cloud9 to develop software and interact with the AWS CloudHow to create a user account in AWS IAMHow to manage billing and set up alerts to protect you from unexpected charges"
Price: 29.99