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"Android Kotlin Masterclass Using MVVM - Jetpack"
"What do you get in this course?In this course, you will discover the power of Android app development, and obtain the skills to dramatically increase your career prospects as a software developer. Youll also have good knowledge to develop Android Apps by using the modern architecture components (MVVM with Jetpack).Should you learn Kotlin?Now that Google is pushing so hard for Android developers to use Kotlin, we are seeing a dramatic shift to Kotlin - It's similar to the iOS situation a few years ago with Objective-C when Apple released Swift.This is what youll learn in the course:Learn Kotlin from scratch and make a good background with it.Learn the new Android architecture components (MVVM) with Jetpack.How to use the Constraint Layout.How to use Fragment.How to use Data Binding.How to use UI layout with material design guidelines to support different Android screen sizes.How to use the Gradle in your app.How to use the room with SQLite database in Android.How to use LinearLayout.How to use FrameLayout.How to use TableLayout.How to use RecyclerView.Mastering Design Patterns in Android with KotlinWho this course is for:Anyone have some prior knowledge about Android development.Professional Android developers."
Price: 99.99

Price: 6000.00

"Lifestyle Diet Program"
"E-Learning Course for Lifestyle Diet created by Mr. Mahathir Azmi is the most flexible and sustainable way to weight loss. This is the Best Seller weight loss course in Malaysia and recorded a success even for those with critical illness which a 360 degree turn around to become healthy physically.This program is designed for the normal person who cope life with work, family, busy daily life activities. Therefore, sometimes is it quite hard to follow rigorous method of losing weight. Its a program that quite flexible as changes not only will be on diet and exercise but including your lifestyle or daily practices.At the end of the program, you will Understand HOW YOUR OWN BODY WORKS and this let you have the total control of your own body weight. No other products you need to purchase in order to lose weight. All are natural is way by building your metabolism to support you.To make the e-learning complete, this course will provide you access to a Health Chatbot that will provide you guidance of what to do next based on your body composition result. Even though you will learn how to evaluate your result and what action to do in this courses but I added this chatbot as a lifetime support. Once you enrolled with this course, I'll email to you the access to use the chatbot.Have you been strugglingWith your weight loss?Finding a weight loss program that works, only to gain all your weight back after you quit your program?To lose weight and fat around your belly? hips? thighs? waist? arms?With fitting into your favourite clothes or jeans anymore?With dramatic weight gain?With gaining muscle or building lean, fat burning muscle mass?With embarrassment from being seen in your bathing suit?From low confidence and self esteem?With Sadness?Depression?Getting way to burn fat that suitable to your body?So many times you wanted to lose weight and spending THOUSANDS of dollars on all those promising program that you cannot sustain in the end. I have make the course to be easy to use plus with the support from the chatbot 24/7, to guide you on how the next action based on your body composition result, it's like you have a personal coach that guide you what to do 24/7. The chatbot will be improved from time to time.FREE Access to Chatbot 24/7 to automatically tell you the following:i. Body Analysis - Tool to tell your what's next course of action based on your body composition result (the method will be in the course but of course if you doubt the machine will guide you)ii. Check Chemical - Using this tools to check and advice whether the chemical that you consume is dangerous or not (database will be update based on your feedback as well)iii. Check Health - A basic evaluation that check your physical body is healthy or not (approximately quick indication)I believe that your health is absolutely worth it. Treating your body right with the proper diet and exercise program is not only a means of losing weight, getting a ripped physique, and showing off your six pack abs.Exercise and eating right can save you tens or HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars of the years on doctors appointments, physical therapists, medications, and even surgeries.Note: It doesnt matter who you are, how old you are, or what kind of shape you are in. Even people with chronic disease and people who have never worked out in their lives, some of them has transformed themselves to become healthy.Lifestyle Diet program has worked for every single one of them.They have all seen sustainable, REAL weight loss. They have all gotten in the best shape of their lives sticking to this program.About This CourseNo previous exercise experience requiredNo previous cooking skills necessaryFull lifetime access to the courseFree future course updates, bonus recipe features, and new workouts. Im continuing to add new material to the course, and you get it for FREE.FREE Access to Chatbot 24/7By enrolling in this course, you can start losing weight with techniques that you can apply right now!Youll LearnWhy popular diet and exercise programs DONT WORK for lasting weight loss.Exactly what you have been doing that is wrecking your body, and ruining your weight loss.What you need to be eating to see real weight loss and transform your body.Simple tricks you can use every day to master your weight loss and trim inches off of your waist line.How to put your weigh loss into overdrive, and burn more calories from fat than you would on other weight loss programs.Why strength training and building muscle is ideal for weight loss.Why weight loss is better when you STOP counting calories.How to EAT OUTSIDE, that will not effect your weight loss effort.How cheating on your diet is GREAT for weight loss.How you can see incredible weight loss results by working out at homeWhy spending less time working out (80% less), is better for weight loss and building muscle.Different time-saving exercise routines that can help you build muscle lose weightAnd so much moreThe joke that the average person loses hundreds of pounds over the course of their life is completely true. Most of you have gone on diets before, lost weight, got burnt out, started binge eating, and gained back all of your weight and more.This endless cycle will destroy your health, and prevent you losing weight that you have been struggling with.By the end of this course youll have everything you need to lose weight and right way of eating, exercise and daily practices. You will know exactly how to lose weight, keep it off forever, and melt all of that stubborn body fat you have been hanging onto for years.One note in closing*Every minute you hesitate to start a diet and exercise program, you are stepping further, and further away from the body you deserve. The body youve always wanted. The reality is, you are much closer now than you even know.There is a better way to lose weight and body fat than what youve seen on the infomercials and in magazines. If you are looking at this course right now, you know something needs to change in your life.*Please, dont put your health off any longer. Start to lose weight now, and potentially change your life foreverThis course is going to give you everything that you need to lose weight and keep it off FOR LIFE.Think about this: For the price of this course that you pay ONCE FOR YOUR LIFE you will get the right way for weight loss and save the hundreds of dollars you would spend on a gym membership, nutrition consulting, and group classes.Click take this course and lose weight while building the body of your dreams now.I cant wait to see and hear about your results.See you soon!-Mahathir Azmi Nickname: Ted"
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Word - Quick learning for beginners"
"The key purpose of this lecture is to make beginners familiar with key features of Microsoft Word and these are also for individuals who have not used Microsoft Word for long time.In this series, the focus is on basic functionalities of Microsoft Word. The best thing you can get is unlimited ""after sales"" support. You can ask me any MS Word related queries you have in your mind."
Price: 99.99

", , . , . . ."
Price: 34.99

"Machine Learning From First Principles"
"This course is intended to introduce the principles behind the algorithms and concepts in Machine Learning. Understanding these will help you to take your Machine Learning skills to the next level. As Machine Learning is a tool, without understanding the principles, one will not fully utilize it and come up with valuable insights. What does it mean to have an MSE of 50 000? Why does this ML model work better than the other one? What is the best metric for the problem at hand - Accuracy, Specificity or Recall?"
Price: 200.00

"Complete PMP Preparation Course - 35 PDUs + Practice Papers"
"This course is a significant part of your preparation for the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Exam based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge - Sixth Edition. It is specifically designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills that you need to demonstrate in project management. The PMP exam content is majorly focused on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge - Sixth Edition, (PMBOK Guide)"
Price: 149.99

"PMP Exam Practice Papers FIVE (5) Sets - 1000 Questions"
"To become a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) you need to pass the PMP exam, which consists of 200 multiple-choice questions to be completed in 4 hours. These practice papers will guide you on the type of questions which you will come across in the PMP Exam.  It is important to note that no question is ever repeated in the PMP Exam. So you need to attempt these 5 practice papers with 200 questions each and try to score above 80%."
Price: 19.99

"ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Lead Auditor Course"
"The aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge, understanding and the skills necessary to implement & audit a complete quality management against the ISO series of standards. By the end of this course you will be able:- To Implement QMS based on ISO 9001- To understand Auditors roles in auditing ISO 9001:2018 requirements and clauses- To learn principles of audit- To learn practice of auditing- To know the roles & responsibilities of Auditors & Lead Auditors- How to Plan and conduct an audit- Audit report writing- Audit follow up"
Price: 59.99

"( Post production)"
"# :- Photoshop - ..- - ( ) # :1- # :1- + 2- + + + + bubble diagram3- 4- .. 5- (- )6- + - business cards / - - mockup- .."
Price: 44.99

"Neste curso o aluno aprender a elaborar projetos estruturais no software Eberick 2020 de acordo com as normas vigentes. No ser ensinado apenas a utilizar a ferramenta, ser ensinado tambm como o profissional deve pensar na estrutura desde o lanamento  inicial dos elementos estruturais at a fase de anlise da concepo da estrutura, sendo assim, voc como profissional, entender que projeto estrutural muito mais que apenas aprender o programa. Veremos como o eberick fornece os resultados de dimensionamento e por que a maioria das vezes fornece resultados no condizentes com aquilo que imaginamos inicialmente, trazendo a sensao que o software ""superdimensiona"" a estrutura. Voc aluno/engenheiro/arquiteto aprender neste curso como solucionar esses problemas e assim garantir economia e atendendo sempre a segurana nos seus projetos."
Price: 114.99

"CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Practice Test 2020 (SET 1)"
"Security+ is compliant with ISO 17024 standards and approved by the US DoD to meet directive 8140/8570.01-M requirements. CompTIA Security+ is the first security certification IT professionals should earn. It establishes the core knowledge required of any cybersecurity role and provides a springboard to intermediate-level cybersecurity jobs. Security+ incorporates best practices in hands-on trouble-shooting to ensure security professionals have practical security problem-solving skills. Cybersecurity professionals with Security+ know how to address security incidents not just identify them.Why is it different?No other certification that assesses baseline cybersecurity skills has performance-based questions on the exam. Security+ emphasizes hands-on practical skills, ensuring the security professional is better prepared to problem solve a wider variety of issues.More choose Security+ for DoD 8570 compliance than any other certification.Security+ focuses on the latest trends and techniques in risk management, risk mitigation, threat management, and intrusion detection.The new Security+ certification covers the Junior IT Auditor/Penetration Tester job role, in addition to the previous job roles for Systems Administrator, Network Administrator, and Security Administrator.Jobs that use CompTIA Security+    1. Systems Administrator    2. Network Administrator    3. Security Administrator    4. Junior IT Auditor/ Penetration Tester    5. Security Specialist    6. Security Consultant    7. Security Engineer"
Price: 19.99

"Shopify E-Commerce Meisterkurs."
"Wolltest du schon immer einmal wissen wie man seine eigenen Produkte oder die von Kunden ganz einfach online verkauft? Dann bist du hier genau richtig!  Willkommen zum neuen Shopify-E-Commerce Meisterkurs hier bei Udemy! Mein name ist Alex Friedrich und ich habe mich lange mit dem erstellen von Webseiten und dem Onlineverkauf von Produkten beschftigt. Aus persnlicher Interessen habe ich vor einigen Jahren damit begonnen die Produkte unseres Familienunternehmens online zu verkaufen. Somit konnte ich den Verkaufsrckgang unseres offline Geschftes bereits nach kurzer Zeit ausgleichen und mittlerweile sind die Verkaufszahlen hher als je zu vor.In diesem Kurs mchte ich dir zeigen wie ich dies gemacht habe und alle Grundlagen an die Hand legen wie du innerhalb weniger Tage deinen eigen komplett funktionierenden Shopify-Shop hast."
Price: 29.99

"Project Management Bootcamp: From Beginner to Advance PMP"
"If you are taking this course, you probably have some professional exposure to the duties of a project manager, or you may be considering embarking on a career in professional project management. Your ability as a project manager to demonstrate best practices in project management-both on the job and through professional certification-is becoming the standard to compete in todays fast-paced and highly technical workplace. In this course, you will apply the generally recognized practices of project management acknowledged by the Project Management Institute (PMI) to successfully manage projects.Project managers who have proven skills and experience can find exciting, high-visibility opportunities in a wide range of fields. This course is specifically designed to provide you with the proven, practical body of project management knowledge and skills that you need to demonstrate project management mastery on the job. Additionally, this course can be a significant part of your preparation for the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Exam. The skills and knowledge you gain in this course will help you avoid making costly mistakes and increase your competitive edge in the project management profession."
Price: 49.99

"SQL Server para Desenvolvedores"
"O mini-curso SQL Server para Desenvolvedores perfeito para voc que j programa em alguma linguagem e quer aprender mais sobre bancos de dados. Ou mesmo para voc que gestor e pretende criar planilhas em Excel para apoi-lo em tomadas de deciso. Em outras palavras, um curso voltado linguagem SQL padro e suas aplicaes prticas."
Price: 39.99

"Emmet ile HTML ve CSS'te Hzl Kodlama Teknikleri renin"
"Eskiden Zen Coding olarak bilinen Emmet HTML ve CSS kodlarnz daha hzl yazmanz salayan bir eklentidir. Bu eklenti sayesinde birok kod editrnde siz de projelerinizi daha hzl bir ekilde gelitirebileceksiniz.Eitimimizde; Brackets Kod Editr kullanlarak yapacamz almalarda sizde Emmet ile HTML ve CSS kodlarnz daha hzl yazmann yntemlerini renebileceksiniz.Eitimin sonunda Bootstrap ve Emmet kullanm ile ilgili yapacanz rnek alma sayesinde rendiiniz neredeyse tm ilemleri kullanacaksnz.imdi Emmetin sihirini birlikte grelim.."
Price: 59.99

"Dimensiones y Tolerancias Geomtricas (GD&T) - ASME Y14.5M"
"Se trata de un curso de Dimensiones y Tolerancias Geomtricas (GD&T) basado en el cdigo ASME Y14.5 M de 1994. Abarca 30 lecciones tericas en la que se cubrir la totalidad de este lenguaje.Importante! Si ests pensando en adquirir el curso, utiliza el cupn DESCUENTO. Se recomienda tambin visitar la pgina web asociada al perfil del instructor (informacin para que el curso te cueste 8,99).El curso tiene las siguientes caractersticas:30 lecciones tericas.Siete horas de clases por vdeo explicando cada uno de los temas.Apuntes que desarrollan los temas tratados.600 preguntas (tericas y prcticas) divididas en 60 cuestionarios, para retener, reforzar y comprobar las habilidades aprendidas durante cada seccin.Regalo al finalizar el curso con aprovechamiento.Resolucin de dudas.Si te quedan dudas, puedes previsualizar las dos primeras clases del curso, para que veas la dinmica de las clases y de trabajo.Por ltimo, mencionar que este curso toma como gua el manual Dimensiones y Tolerancias Geomtricas, de Alex Krulikoswki, con lo que se utilizar como referencia en las explicaciones tericas."
Price: 29.99

"Success Essentials"
"Learn the success fundamentals and make 2020 your best year yet!Revolutionize your personal and professional life with author and success advisor Parth Sawhney.Join Parth as he shares tips and strategies to take charge of yourself, unlock your true potential and maximize your success in all aspects of your life.In this short and straightforward course, Parth discusses the fundamental and time-tested success principles to live a meaningful and wholesome life, and attain profound happiness for the long-term, no matter where you are in your life right now. Youll learn to:Take charge of your thoughts and emotionsSet big goals and achieve themEliminate bad habits and build better onesInvest in yourselfLive a conscious life with lessMake significant contributionsWhether youre a homemaker, a grad student, a full-time employee, or an entrepreneur, this class will give you the essential tools to help you design a more intentional, impactful and abundant life. In less than an hours time, youll be on your way to becoming a better version of yourself and living a more successful life."
Price: 99.99

"SOAR - A estratgia que far voc ser muito mais reconhecido"
"Esta uma estratgia simples e prtica, que voc vai conseguir colocar em ao muito rapidamente, o que vai te ajudar a se sentir muito mais seguro a respeito do seu potencial.Neste curso voc vai descobrir como: Identificar seus pontos fortes a partir das suas realizaes profissionais; Usar seus pontos fortes de maneira estratgica para implantar melhorias no seu trabalho; Colocar seu foco em resultados; Comunicar de forma assertiva e objetiva os seus resultados para o seu gestor e demais pessoas chaves com quem interage na empresa."
Price: 69.99

"Build Lean Muscle 4 Weeks 20 Min Body weight Workouts"
"Throughout the next 4 weeks, we are going to dive deep into body weight training. Body weight training is a great way to build muscle and lose weight for any fitness level. It's easier on your body, especially if you have current or previous injuries, and they are great for adding into your regular strength training workouts (if you are already working out).This course is geared towards the beginner to intermediate who wants to learn how to properly perform body weight exercises, learn how to build consistency, break through difficult challenges like why you're not losing weight even though you have been working out and eating healthy, and to confidently know how to create your own workouts that you can take anywhere.What this course includes:- Access to my calorie calculator- Consistency and Accountability worksheet- Fitness Challenge worksheet- Access to my private Facebook page- 50 exercise demonstrations with audio cues- 12, 20 minute bodyweight workouts (with a timer)- Bodyweight workout templates"
Price: 34.99

"PMP Exam Preparation - with 21 Days Study Plan by Shriram"
"If you are taking this course, you probably have some professional exposure to the duties of a project manager, or you may be considering embarking on a career in professional project management. Your ability as a project manager to demonstrate best practices in project management-both on the job and through professional certification is becoming the standard to compete in todays fast-paced and highly technical workplace. In this course, you will apply the generally recognized practices of project management acknowledged by the Project Management Institute (PMI) to successfully manage projects. PMP signifies that you speak and understand the global language of project management and connects you to a community of professionals, organizations, and experts worldwide. The Project Management Role Delineation states that candidates for the PMP certification:Perform their duties under general supervision and are responsible for all aspects of the project for the life of the projectLead and direct cross-functional teams to deliver projects within the constraints of schedule, budget, and scopeDemonstrate sufficient knowledge and experience to appropriately apply a methodology to projects that have reasonably well-defined requirements and deliverablesProject managers who have proven skills and experience can find exciting, high-visibility opportunities in a wide range of fields. This course is specially designed to provide you with the proven, practical body of project management knowledge and skills that you need to demonstrate project management mastery on the job. Additionally, this course can be a significant part of your preparation for the Project Management Professional Certification Exam. Its a fast pace course covering all the topics of Project Management with Practical examples and case studies. Attendees will be asked to work on case studies during the training and also instructor will cover all the tips and tricks involved in clearing the Project Management Professional examination at the very first attempt. Our experienced instructor Mr. Shriram have trained and certified more than 1000+ professionals from their training and are well known in the industry for their industry as well as teaching experience.This course has some short clips taken from YouTube. We don't claim the ownership of those small clips. Those clips are just used in the course to explain the concepts better."
Price: 109.99

"Aprenda a configurar seus pedais de guitarra"
"CURSO DE SETUP DE PEDAIS PARA GUITARRANeste curso nico e exclusivo, voc aprender a ligar e regular diversos tipos de pedais para guitarra, tirando o mximo de cada um deles e criando infinitas combinaes de timbres!So 41 aulas detalhadas e super bem explicadas pelo nosso experiente professor e musico Andr Curci."
Price: 39.99

"Curs Complet Photoshop Invata de la zero la profesionist Ro"
"Invatam sa folosim editarea imaginilor, utilizand exemple practice si sa gestionam imaginile. Eliminam defecte din imagini, cream selectii de obiecte sau de persoane, cream efecte pentru a aduce un surplus interesant in fotografia pe care o editam. Cursul te invata de la primul pas de incepator pana la cel mai avansat pas, cu tehnici profesionale."
Price: 24.99

"Build A Business- Profitable Online Teacher"
"Learn how to quickly scale and grow your online teaching business! By enrolling in this course, you will learn the tools and tips to creating a profitable and long-term business within the ESL industry. The tools and tricks introduced within this course are proven tactics for generating more revenue within your business."
Price: 19.99

"21 Days to Trim the Fat in Body and Soul"
"This course offers 3 fat-burning, metabolism boosting HIIT workouts and 1 restorative full body strengthening workout per week. Each workout uniquely ministers the love of Jesus and truth of the Word as you move, as well as offers time with God. You will also explore 3 temptations that, if you live in this world you are exposed to, and see how they hinder your acceptance of God's love as well as entice you to make choices that don't align with His best. You will see how Jesus absolutely slaughtered each of them so you can too. You'll have time to meditate on these powerful Word studies in both your personal time and your workouts. You're committing to 30 minutes per day for your body and God. By the end of the course, you will have gained wisdom and practical knowledge that has the power to slim you down in both body and soul. You will have tools to grow with and continue to make progress in your physical fitness, as well as learn how to keep in step with the Spirit, so you can walk out all God has in mind for you."
Price: 79.99

"Start to finish - Creating a complete game using Unity3D"
"In this course we will create a 2D game called ""Whack a Zombie"" from start to finish. During the course of this project we will learn how to set up the project and code all the game mechanics and interactions in Visual Studios using C# and we will finish the project with adding some additional polish to it also. By the end of the project you will have a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of developing games using the Unity game engine."
Price: 199.99

"Bioqumica bsica"
"Veremos as principais macromolculas abordadas nas disciplinas de bioqumica e em concursos pblicos apresentando as suas vias metablicas e sua relao com a fisiologia normal e com algumas fisiopatologias. O mundo fantstico das macromolculas ser apresentado de forma prtica e contextualizada sempre mostrando exemplos do dia a dia. Traremos para os alunos um conjunto completo de vdeo aulas e apresentaes que se complementam e podero ser usadas em conjunto para facilitar o aprendizado."
Price: 39.99

"Bioqumica Clnica"
"A bioqumica clnica trs para o profissional da sade a possibilidade de entender as respostas que a fisiologia e as doenas apresentam no organismo humano. Com esse curso voc ser capaz de entender como feito a diagnstico laboratorial de algumas doenas prevalentes bem como conhecer os principais marcadores laboratoriais da funo de alguns rgos e tecidos. Tambm ir aprender como so feitos alguns dos testes em laboratrio e que servir de base para entender o funcionamentos, a interpretao a solicitao de alguns exames complementares que auxiliam no diagnstico clnico de doenas."
Price: 39.99

"Farmacologia bsica"
"Nesse cursos sero abordadas os principais conceitos da farmacologia, bem como as principais classes farmacolgicas, usos clnicos, reaes adversas e aes farmacolgicas no organismo humano. Sero aulas completas que te levaro a experincia de uma aula presencial. As aulas so estruturadas de modo que os aulos comearo vendo a fisiologia normal, depois ser abordado a fisiopatologia de doenas modelo e finalmente o tratamento para as doenas abordadas."
Price: 29.99

"Einsteiger E-Gitarren Solo Kurs"
"Mit fast 50 Videos den Einstieg in das Solo Gitarren Spiel lernen!Du kannst die ersten Akkorde spielen und schon Lieder am Lagerfeuer mit der Gitarre begleiten? Das ist dir aber nicht genug? In dir steckt ein Rockstar und du willst wissen, wie du mit der E-Gitarre krasse Solos spielen kannst? In diesem Kurs lernst du alles, was du fr den Einstieg in das Solo Spiel auf der Gitarre wissen musst!Du wirst die Pentatonik kennen lernen und mit jeden mengen Beispielen lernen, wie du diese anwenden kannst. Aus einer Vielzahl an Licks kannst du dir dein eigenes Solo basteln. Weiterhin wirst du viele Techniken kennen lernen, die dein Solo Spiel interessanter und wie das der Profis klingen lsst. Von Bending ber Vibrato bis hin zu Tapping ist alles dabei.Musik kannst du dabei als eine Sprache sehen, die jeder versteht. Das Solo Spiel auf der Gitarre ist wie ein Gesprch zu fhren. Das erste, was du also lernen wirst, ist ein Alphabet mit dem du Wrter bilden kannst. Dieses Alphabet stellt eine Tonleiter in der Musiksprache dar. Die erste und wohl wichtigste Tonleiter eines jeden Gitarristen ist die Pentatonik. Fast jedes Gitarrensolo auf der Welt baut auf dieser Tonleiter auf. Mit diesen Tnen der Tonleiter baust du dir Wrter bzw. Licks, aus denen sich dein Gesprch bzw. Solo zusammensetzen. Natrlich werden in diesem Kurs jede Menge Licks dabei sein, dass du direkt dein erstes eigenes Solo basteln kannst. Diese Licks kannst du nach Belieben ndern, um dem Solo deine persnliche Note zu geben. Wenn du dann noch Techniken, wie Bendings einbaust, bist du auf dem besten Weg die krassesten Solos zu spielen.Wenn dir bisher also immer die Struktur bei einem Kurs gefehlt hat, der dir das Solo Spiel erklrt, ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich! Ich hoffe dich also bald in diesem Kurs begren zu knnen.Viele Gre und bis baldDein Paul von Irre Gitarre"
Price: 19.99