"Negociao de Conflitos Trabalhistas" |
"Como negociar para solucionar conflitos trabalhistas.Construes conceituais e prticas voltadas negociao de conflitos decorrentes de relaes trabalhistas e empregatcias, judicializados ou no.So trabalhados temas como modelos, estratgias e tcnicas de negociao, princpios da persuaso aplicados e como construir propostas de acordo.Voltado soluo de reclamaes trabalhistas j ajuizadas ou a evitar o ajuizamento de reclamaes, resolvendo impasses e divergncias por meio de acordos."
Price: 249.99 |
"1. Presentacin:AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D 2020, Es una herramienta especfica para diseo de vas, explanaciones, canales, parcelas, clculos, perfiles, volmenes, presentaciones y animaciones entre otras cosas. Especializado para ingenieras aplicadas a caminos, minera, parcelas etc. es un programa acadmico intensivo, dinmico y avanzado satisfaciendo necesidades de conocimiento profesional y garantizar una mejor empleabilidad en puestos laborales de alto nivel. Nuestro plan de estudios asegura el cumplimiento de los objetivos y lograr las metas, que permitir la formacin de profesionales capacitados de forma efectiva y lograr estndares de enseanza terico y prctica de calidad.2. Dirigido a:Este curso est dirigido a los profesionales de ingenieras: Ingenieros Civiles. Cartgrafos, Agrimensores. Gegrafos, Geomensura. Topgrafos, Geodestas.Ingenieros Gelogos, Mineros.Arquitectos. Profesionales de la construccin. Arquelogos. Peritos. Investigadores.3. Objetivos:Que el alumno utilice las herramientas automatizadas que brinda el software AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D 2020 para la realizacin de proyectos de Topografa, Proyectos Viales, Lotizaciones, Explanaciones y Ploteos haciendo de su desarrollo, procedimientos sencillos y rpidos con la PLANTILLA PROFESIONAL DWT, adems de lograr una presentacin impecable. Y responder con mayor rapidez ante los cambios gracias a su entorno intuitivo y objetos inteligentes de actualizacin dinmica."
Price: 99.99 |
"Intro to Meditation" |
"Whether you've never meditated a day in your life or you've been meditating for years, this course will guide you in creating a consistent and fulfilling meditation practice. If you're curious about the foundational concepts of meditation or if you want to try a variety of meditation practices, then this course is for you!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Real World Management Essentials" |
"This course identifies and condenses the four most important and essential competencies and skills that every manager needs. Each of these competencies are broken down and discussed in very practical, every day language. The idea that these four competencies provide the most fundamental and essential skills any manager must have to succeed, comes from over 30 years of management experience and decades of training in various communication technologies. Most importantly, any manager at any level will be able to take away a very practical set a of tools to make today a more successful day and their future success more assured."
Price: 29.99 |
"iOS Swift5.x iOS13 Xcode" |
Price: 24.99 |
"Basics of geographic information systems GIS with open tools" |
"This course provides an introduction to GIS (geographic information systems) with the emphasize on open source software available for free as well as free GIS dataportals that offer a possibility to get started with the GIS and spatial data analysis. This GIS course will get you up and running with GIS in very short time. By the end of the course, you will feel confident and completely understand the GIS technology and where get GIS software geodata to make maps.This course will prepare the students for the basics of using GIS with open source and absolutely free software tools. We will go over various industries where GIS can be used including agriculture, geology, mining, hydrology, forestry, environmental, and many more! We will talk about main GIS components and stages of GIS analysis. I will explain your desktop computer requirements needed to start working with GIS. We will talk about different geodata types. Finally, I will also equip you with the knowledge of different GIS software tools available and GIS data portals where you can download your spatial maps for free.In this course, I include downloadable practical materials that will teach you:- How to install open source GIS software on your computer and correctly configure it- QGIS software interface including its main components and plug-ins- Learn how to prepare your first GIS map using open-source tools in QGIS."
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Practice Exam" |
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certification is fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with AWS. This course is designed to help you pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate Exam. Even if you have never logged in to the AWS platform before, by the end of our AWS training you will be able to take the CSA exam. No programming knowledge needed and no prior AWS experience required. With this AWS certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.In this course, you will get a hands-on multiple practice test that will help you to achieve an AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate exam easily."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Data Structures and Algorithms Using C & C++ in Hindi" |
"Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) is one of the most important skills that every CS student must have. It is considered that one who knows DSA is a good programmer.DSA is the most basic skill in programming that you should have for cracking coding interviews in big tech companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. It also helps in competitive programming.Prerequisites: Student must have at least basic knowledge of C, C++ or any other programming language.Most students face difficulty in learning Data Structures and Algorithms as there are limited resources online. So this course is built considering absolute beginners in programming. You will get real life examples with writing code line by line and its explanation.Course Content:Data StructuresData Structures IntroductionArray1-D ArrayMulti-Dimensional ArrayLinked ListLinked List IntroductionArray vs Linked ListLinked List ImplementationLinked List Insertion at nth PositionLinked Insertion at EndDeletion of Node in Linked ListLinked List ReversalStackStack IntroductionStack ImplementationStack Using STLQueueQueue IntroductionQueue ImplementationQueue Using STLCircular QueueDequeTreeBinary Tree IntroductionBinary Tree ImplementationBinary Tree Level Order TraversalBinary Search Tree (BST) IntroductionInsertion in Binary Search TreeSearching in Binary Search TreeDeletion in Binary Search TreeHeapHeap IntroductionHeap ImplementationInsertion of an Element in HeapPop an Element in HeapHeap Using STLHashingHashing IntroductionSeparate ChainingOpen AddressingHashing Using STLAlgorithmsAlgorithm IntroductionAsymptotic AnalysisTime ComplexitySpace ComplexitySearching and SortingLinear SearchBinary SearchBubble SortSelection SortInsertion SortQuick SortMerge Sort"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Learn Python Programming in Hindi - The Complete Course" |
"Who This Course is For?Beginners, who have no programming experience and want to start programming.People who have little bit experience with other programming language and want to learn Python.Anyone who want to acquire the minimum programming skill to start with data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Tkinter or PyQT5 (GUI in Python), games and web designing.Who This Course is Not For?If you already have good knowledge of Python with years of experience, then this course is not for you.RequirementsEnthusiasm to learn something new.Any computer having Windows, Mac OS or Linux Operating system on it.Everything else that is needed is already included in this course.What Will You Learn in This Course?You will learn how we can make a computer do things as we want.Basics of a programming language like variables, operators, tuples, lists, functions, modules, strings, packages, reading and writing into files, concepts of object-oriented programing, exception handling will be cleared for you.BenefitsThis course will provide you the basic foundation of programming to pursue your career as a programmer and enough to motivate you to learn more and more about popular libraries like scipy, numpy, pandas.About InstructorHey, I am Indrajeet. I have completed Master in Computer Applications and have more than 6 months of industrial experience in a Multinational Company. I have more than 5 years of Experience in Python and IBM certified (issued by coursera) Data Scientist."
Price: 1920.00 |
Price: 4800.00 |
realityindustry |
". 2018 2019. . ... ."
Price: 49.99 |
"Software QA Testing The Complete Course" |
"You will learn about types of testing which incorporates the basic concepts in QA testing. Testing cycles and development approach used in the IT world will be discussed. These earlier lectures will help you follow the teaching on the main activities that a QA tester performs.The Testing Process is the focal point of this course. That section is followed by modules on testing standards and controls that need to be followed in the course of testing as well as the testing tools commonly used by testers to complete their assignments.Testing automation is also covered to give you an insight into this skill which is increasingly becoming a must have for QA testers. The course will wrap up with discussion on certification that testers or potential testers will be expected to acquire as part of their personal development."
Price: 19.99 |
"LinkedIn para profissionais" |
"O LinkedIn a plataforma ideal para voc conseguir se reposicionar no mercado, em qualquer rea de atuao e em qualquer indstria de atividade.A forma correta de utilizao dessa ferramenta permite ao profissional se destacar entre os demais, entrar em contato da forma correta com as empresas e recrutadores, aumentando assim as chances de uma recolocao mais eficiente no mercado de trabalho.Aprenda as tcnicas mais avanadas e comece 2020 na posio dos seus sonhos."
Price: 129.99 |
"Hitfilm Express 2020 fr Anfnger (kostenlose-Software)" |
"Ich werde dir die Grundlagen des Videoschnitts in Hitfilm Express vermitteln und zeige dir die verschiedensten Sachen, die in Hitfilm mglich sind. Zustzlich gehe ich auf Kundenwnsche ein und wir bearbeiten gemeinsam die gewnschten Videos.Zuletzt berate ich Sie auch noch gerne im Thema Videoschnitt und versuche Ihnen weitere Videobearbeitungsprogramme zu empfehlen."
Price: 29.99 |
"Sofort bessere Noten bekommen und Traum-NC erreichen" |
"Das alles wirst Du in meinem Videokurs lernen:Wie Du selbstbewusster und fokussierter in der Schule bist und auftrittst Wie Du Deine ""Baustellen""/Fehlerquelen findest, analysierst und eleminierstWas Du wirklich in der Schule erreichen mchtest und was Du dafr tun musstWie Du kurz- und langfristig Deinen NC aufgrund besserer mndlicher und schriftlicher Leistungen verbesserstWie Du 1er-Schler werden kannst"
Price: 19.99 |
"Italian for beginners with an Italian native speaker" |
"Do you want to learn Italian with a native speaker in an easy and effective way? Are you so busy and you have not time to attend a course? If so, you came to the right place. I have made this course for people like you, who are excited of learning Italian. This course will give you all the tools to learn the basic Italian grammar and to start talking this beautiful language.This course is formed by 18 interactive lessons, in which you will learn grammar rules and the structures of Italian sentences. Every lesson will be a little bit more complecated because we will going gradually to add new information that will allow you to gain confidence in using Italian words and phrases learned in this course. At the end of each lesson we will practice together with some exercises.You will also be able to use the information from this course to continue your learning."
Price: 149.99 |
"Organizing Your Custody Case Documentation" |
"If you have found yourself preparing for or in the middle of a custody case, then you know a lot of time is spent by both you and your attorney going through documentation. Wouldnt it be amazing if there was a way you could help reduce the time (and money) spent by handing over your documentation in a organized way that would not only help to reduce costs, but also to expedite how quickly your attorney would be able to pick up on the details of your case? I think so too!This class will be perfect for you if you are: preparing for a custody case in the middle of a custody case just finished a custody case but want to be prepared for the future thinking you might be in a custody case one day"
Price: 19.99 |
"ansiedade! Hipnose, Psicanlise e PNL aplicados" |
"A ansiedade no um problema, ela te motiva e te mantm ligado. Sempre alerta e de olho em tudo o que pode acontecer para estar sempre preparado. Ela um delcia! Mas se voc est tendo muita DR (um problema de relacionamento) com a sua ansiedade talvez seja a hora de entender ela melhor. De onde ela vem? Quais histrias esto alimentando essa discrdia? Ela est te protegendo do que? Voc vai precisar resolver um aspecto da sua vida primeiro para ela desaparecer ou controlando ela o problema se resolve mais facilmente? Est roendo unhas? Ela no est de deixando dormir? Est te deixando louco? Tem momentos em que ela ""incorpora"" em voc e voc tem crise de pnico? Se respondeu sim para pelo menos uma das ltimas 3 perguntas voc provavelmente est envolvido em um relacionamento apaixonado, louco e no saudvel com a ansiedade. Se esse o seu caso esse curso foi criado para voc! Ele une ferramentas poderosas de hipnose, reprogramao, PNL e neurocincias. O criador psicanalista e Hipnlogo clnico com clnica fsica e canal no YouTube com muito contedo j disponibilizado sobre o assunto."
Price: 39.99 |
"Bitcoin come lo spiegheresti a tuo figlio!" |
"Un corso BASE di Bitcoin e Blockchain, accessibile e comprensibile a tutti, utile per conoscere a 360 gli aspetti di questa nuova tecnologia.Chiarezza e Semplicit di linguaggio al primo posto.Non tutti hanno bisogno e voglia di diventare programmatori per capire ogni singolo aspetto di Bitcoin o delle crypto in generale.Questo corso infatti pensato (e perfetto) per tutti coloro che, per una ragione o per l'altra, vogliono avere, utilizzare, investire in Bitcoin e vogliono comprenderne, in modo chiaro, il proprio funzionamento e le ragioni che si celano dietro il suo enorme valore."
Price: 89.99 |
"Desvendando os Segredos da Guitarra Fusion" |
"O objetivo desse treinamento que o guitarrista de nvel intermedirio e avanado tenha acesso s ferramentas de improvisao e harmonizao dos grandes guitarristas de Fusion.Com esse treinamento voc ir estudar o que realmente precisa estudar, sem enrolao e com uma metodologia eficiente e eficaz.O ponto forte do curso a estruturao que ele ir gerar, ao estudar o material proposto voc se sentir muito mais confiante para improvisar com maestria.Te vejo do outro lado e seja bem vindo o treinamento Guitarra Fusion na Prtica."
Price: 39.99 |
"Copywriting: Tcnicas de Persuaso para Alavancar Vendas" |
"Saiba como criar uma copy irresistvel e capaz de alavancar suas vendas pela internet!A habilidade de escrever textos persuasivos essencial para profissionais que trabalham com a venda de produtos fsicos ou digitais e que utilizam a internet como forma de divulgao, ferramenta de vendas e captao de clientes.No concorrido mercado digital, muitas vezes no basta ter apenas um produto de tima qualidade, necessrio saber fazer a venda desse produto e mostrar como ele pode ser responsvel pela soluo de um problema ou a realizao de um sonho.Por isso, conhecer, pelo menos, as tcnicas bsicas de escrita persuasiva fundamental para quem quer ter sucesso no mercado digital!Assim sendo, desenvolvi este curso no intuito de: ajudar os alunos a entenderem de maneira estruturada e organizada o que copywriting, alm de mostrar o que essencial para a criao de uma boa copy (texto persuasivo); disponibilizar contedo gratuito para quem no pode, no quer ou no sabe se vale a pena fazer um investimento em cursos de copywriting; e apresentar outros materiais, vdeos e cursos que acredito que podero ser muito teis para aqueles que quiserem aprofundar seus estudos na rea.E, ao final do curso, o aluno ter uma boa noo: do que copywriting; da importncia de dominar esta tcnica; de como criar um bom texto persuasivo; do que so os gatilhos mentais; e de que forma esses gatilhos podem ser utilizados. Espero que gostem do contedo e bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99 |
ShutterStock |
"Case study 0 100 3 227 !!"
Price: 1600.00 |
"Raciocnio Lgico (Concursos Pblicos)" |
"O curso aboradar questes de corcursos pblicos (EBSERH, CREF, IADES, CESPE, CEFAZ, CAU, CRF, FUNDATEC...), processo seletivo em universidades (FGV, Vunesp, Uerj, Enem...) , aonde o aluno estar preparado para alcansar seus objetivos. Ajudara no desempenho em exames psicotcnicos o que pode ajudar o aluno em uma entrevista de emprego. Aspirantes programadores tambm se beneficiaro muito com este contedo."
Price: 39.99 |
"Salesforce ADM-201 Certification - 6 practice Tests" |
"- Udemy's courses all have lifetime access, so use these practice tests to brush up your Salesforce Administration skills any time.- 30-Day Money-Back GuaranteeThese practice tests are meant for people interested in passing the Salesforce ADM201 Certification Exam rapidly and contains 6 practice tests prepared carefully in order to help you to get certified in Salesforce ADM201 ramidely.Get certified rapidely through these New 6 Full Salesforce Adm201 Certification Timed Tests.These real exam questions cover all the following core concepts: Organization Set Up User Set Up Security And Access Standard And Custom Objects Data Management Workflow/Process Automation Analytics - Reports And Dashboards Desktop And Mobile Administration Appexchange Service And Support Applications Sales And Marketing ApplicationsSalesforce is a cloud-based company that offers the platform that is used for customer management. It ensures that customers are connected in a way that makes their relations, sales, marketing, and services more efficient. Salesforce administrators are professionals with experience in running this platform. These professionals go through training, sit for exams, and receive the Admin certification once they meet the requirements. To receive the certification, one must pass the ADM-201 exam, whose objectives include management of users security and data, maintaining and customizing service and sales cloud applications, as well as preparing reports, workflows, and dashboards. It is a prerequisite for the Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator certification.ADM-201 is a multiple-choice or multiple-select test comprising 60 scored and 5 additional unscored questions. The candidate is given 105 minutes to finish this exam. The minimum passing score is 65%, and the cost of the exam is $200. If the student fails, he/she must pay another $100 to retake it. Retakes are allowed only a day after a failed attempt. The individuals are allowed to take their exams either online or onsite. The pass/fail exam results are provided immediately after the test is submitted.Salesforce ADM-201 certification exam has become a very influential exam which can test computer skills.The certification of Salesforce certified engineers can help you to find a better job, so that you can easily become the IT white-collar worker,and get fat salary."
Price: 19.99 |
"Microsoft Active Directory Essentials on Windows Server 2019" |
"This course will give you the tools needed to start from the ground level of Enterprise I.T. In this example you'll start by creating your first Server, structure your Network and get the environment ready for users. After that you'll set some policies to keep in mind and learn some Best Practices."
Price: 99.99 |
"Amazon EKS Beginner : Elastic Kubernetes Service" |
"Amazon EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) is a managed Kubernetes service that allows you to run Kubernetes on AWS without the hassle of managing the Kubernetes control plane.The Kubernetes control plane plays a crucial role in a Kubernetes deployment as it is responsible for how Kubernetes communicates with your cluster starting and stopping new containers, scheduling containers, performing health checks, and many more management tasks.The big benefit of EKS, and other similar hosted Kubernetes services, is taking away the operational burden involved in running this control plane. You deploy cluster worker nodes using defined AMIs and with the help of CloudFormation, and EKS will provision, scale and manage the Kubernetes control plane for you to ensure high availability, security and scalability.This course will explore Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) from the very basics of its configuration and it will give an opportunity to beginners to have a solid foundation of the basics.I will talk about how EKS architecture in order to provide a better understanding of how to manage container-based applications at scale.To summarize, you will learn:Refresh on Kubernetes basics and Introduction to EKS.How to install and configure Pre-requisites for EKS ClusterHow to create EKS ClusterHow Authentication and Authorization works in EKS and KubernetesHow to Launch Amazon optimized linux nodes for EKSCreate and Deploy applications in EKS clusterHow POD networking works in EKSAutoscaling concepts in EKS (Vertical and Horizontal POD Autoscaler)Load balancing and ALB ingress controller in EKSEKS Cluster Logging"
Price: 19.99 |
"My Longevity Protocol" |
"Longevity and Radical Life Extension are not such fringe concepts as they once were ten years ago. The scientific advances point to a very promising future ahead and each day we know more and more about aging and how to delay the onset of age-related pathologies and how to radically improve performance and brain function.At this point, it all starts with diet and exercise. Here's what included:The One Supplement on the market right now for LongevityThe One Daily Routine that may add years to your lifeHow to Power your Mitochondria (energy factories in your body)How to turbocharge Your BrainList of Companies, Resources, and Literature for a Great SleepThis is the first in a series of courses, called 'The Longevity Bridge'. Consider it an introduction on the road to turn you into an expert in all areas of Longevity and Aging research."
Price: 19.99 |
"Meu Protocolo de Longevidade" |
"Longevidade e Extenso de Vida Radical j no so mais conceitos extremos como eram considerados h dez anos. Os avanos cientficos apontam para um futuro bastante promisor e a cada dia sabemos mais e mais sobre o envelhecimento biolgico e como retardar a chegada de patologias dependentes dele. No momento atual, muito depende de dieta e exerccio. Eis o que est includo neste mdulo: O Suplemento Mais Importante para Longevidade Hoje A Rotina Diria que Pode Adicionar Anos para sua VidaComo Fortalecer a Mitocndria (Fbricas de Energia Celular)Como Turbinar o CrebroLista de Empresas, Recursos, e Literatura para um Sono excelenteEsse o primeiro curso da srie Extenso de Vida num total de oito cursos. Considere este o primeiro passo na estrada para se tornar um especialista do universo de pesquisa da Longevidade, Envelhecimento Biolgico, e Biohacking."
Price: 39.99 |
"Dieta e Longevidade (Cincias 1/5)" |
"Aqui iremos ver o que est ocorrendo no metabolismo e as principais descobertas das pesquisas cientficas sobre o metabolismo e as vias metablicas principais que tm grande impacto sobre a sade e a longevidade. As Principais perguntas so: Que componentes especficos da dieta influenciam a longevidade? Que nveis alimentares so teis para promover um estilo de vida saudvel e maximizar a vida til?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Securing NodeJS APIs" |
"Welcome to this course on securing NodeJS APIs. While we focus on NodeJS/ Express specifically, many of the concepts can be applied to other languages and frameworks used to build APIs. The goal of this course is to introduce you to some of the concepts important for building and supporting APIs through demonstration and hands-on implementation"
Price: 49.99 |