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"Curso Bsico de Microsoft Excel. Trabalhando com Planilhas"
"Saber desenvolver ou trabalhar com planilhas um pr-requisito para qualquer cargo do mercado de trabalho atual e isso um fato a muitos anos e com certeza ir se estender por muitos anos a frente....Esse curso tem como diferencial animao grfica para dar destaque e nfase a pontos didticos das vdeo aulas para ajudar a tornar o seu aprendizado mais eficiente possvel.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso Edio de Vdeo para EAD com Camtasia Studio 8"
"Alm de super dicas de edio de vdeo com a plataforma do segmento mais popular para educao a distncia o treinamento timo para o profissional ou empreendedor que deseja abraar a iniciativa empreendedora e desenvolver vdeos para produo e comrcio de Info produtos.Uma ferramenta que abre portas para o mercado de educao a distncia.Realmente recomendo pra que a pessoa que deseja ingressar no mercado de educao a distncia ou produo de vdeo para helpt desk otimizando o tempo de suporte ao atendimento que partcipe desse curso, acredito que nada substitui o atendimento humano bem qualificado, mas importante que, mas esse tipo de procedimento e conhecimentos que voc ir aprender no decorrer deste curso iro lhe ajudar a fazer algo melhor, mais eficiente e com certeza mais produtivo e efetivo.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"New Magento 2, Prestashop and Volusion: Age of e-Commerce"
"The TOP three E-commerce of the world for Magento 2Community EditionPrestashop e-commerceVolusion shopDo you want Opena Shop Online Easily? MakeMoneySelling Products Online? AndYouDoNotKnowHowToDoIt? JOIN THIS COURSE and Make Your First Online Shop with Magento 2, Prestashop and VolusionE-COMMERCE! Why pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for MAGENTO 2 E-COMMERCE training when you can receive high quality, interactive and web-based Prestashop training at a fraction of the cost? Introducing excellent, online MAGENTO 2, Prestashop and Volusiontraining, that allows you to learn ""How to open a high custom e-commerce step-by-step"" at your pace without spending entire days at a time away from the office or your college. The course includes basic introductory lessons to freeMAGENTO 2 Community and Prestashop e-commerce. You learn commands and techniques for Volusion store setup, Adding new products with Magento, create categories, Tax settings, Shipping methods, Payment methods with Prestashop, Changing page layouts, and more with MAGENTO two with ease. You will become familiar with the new Magento 2 interface, Store customization, Adding pages to your Prestashop store, Adding products to the Volution homepage, Managing your store, Processing orders, Paypal and others payments, Making Volusion store live! The course is presented via an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, allowing you to learn at your own pace. ARE YOU READY TO OPEN& CUSTOMIZE YOUR SHOP ONLINE NOW!! The course package: - 82video tutorials (about 15.30 hours total!!!) - 3 exercise tutorial: step by step, how to create your business online easily! - Videos always available, 24 hours on 24 - Learn when you want (every day or week-end) - Open your first and free eCommerce website! The course outline: - What is Prestashop?- What Is Magento 2? - Know Volusion? - Auto-Installation by Installatron - Lets Get Started - The Dashboard - The Sales - create invoices - Add Category - Add Products to Store - Add Category - Individual Productsetting - Customers overview - Adding Pages To Store - Adding Blocks- Add Widget- Themes andDesign Schedule - Reports on Magento: Marketing - Sales - Products-Currency, Email and DesignConfigurations-Products and Layout:Storefront Catalog Setup-Stock options- XML Sitemap- RSS setup - Email to a friend-Newsletter- Coupon-Customer Configuration- Sharing- Add New Account-Tax Setting- Order Setting - Invoice PDF/Email-Shipping Methods-Payment Methods - Checkout Options- Paypal Payment-Edit Web API andOAuth- TheStartup page- Currency Settings-Backup - Developer Settings-Add Terms and Conditions- Changing Page Layout - Adding Link To NavBar - Adding Products to the Homepage - Using Custom Domain Name:URL - Processing orders - Managing customer database - Maintenance Mode - Managing Users and Permissions - Managing Store Search - Product ratings - Customer reviews _____________________________*UPDATE *_________________________________New videos and thefree ebook ""10 Viral MarketingStrategies""to increase your sales."
Price: 199.99

"3 eCommerce Solutions for Your Online Store Learn 3 Projects"
"Do you want Opena Shop Online Easily?MakeMoneySelling Products Online?AndYouDoNotKnowHowToDoIt? JOIN THIS COURSE and Make Your First Online Shop with Magento 2, Joomla and Prestashop E-COMMERCE! Why pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for MAGENTO 2 E-COMMERCE or Joomla training when you can receive high quality, interactive and web-based Prestashop training at a fraction of the cost? Introducing excellent, online MAGENTO 2training, that allows you to learn ""How to open a custom e-commerce step-by-step"" at your pace without spending entire days at a time away from the office or your college. The course includes basic introductory lessons for Joomla, for freeMAGENTO 2 Community e-commerce . You learn commands and techniques for store setup, Adding new products with Joomla ecommerce, create categories, Tax settings, Shipping methods for Prestashop, Payment methods, Changing page layouts, and more with MAGENTO two with ease and more. You will become familiar with the new Magento interface, Store customization, Adding pages to Joomla store, Adding products to the homepage, Managing your Joomla store, Processing orders, Paypal and others payments, Making store live! The course is presented via an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, allowing you to learn at your own pace. ARE YOU READY TO OPENSHOP ONLINE NOW!! The course package: - 100video tutorials (about 15.30 hours total!!!) - 3 exercises tutorial: step by step, how to create your amazing store online and custom it! - Videos always available, 24 hours on 24 - Learn when you want (every day or week-end) - Open your first and free eCommerce website! The course outline: - What Is Magento 2? - What is Prestashop? - Auto-Installation by Installatron - Lets Get Started - The Dashboard - The Sales - create invoices - Add Category - Add Products to Store - Add Category - Individual Productsetting - Customers overview - Adding Pages To Store - Adding Blocks- Add Widget- Themes andDesign Schedule - Reports on Magento: Marketing - Sales - Products-Currency, Email and DesignConfigurations-Products and Layout:Storefront Catalog Setup-Stock options- XML Sitemap- RSS setup - Email to a friend-Newsletter- Coupon-Customer Configuration- Sharing- Add New Account-Tax Setting- Order Setting - Invoice PDF/Email-Shipping Methods-Payment Methods - Checkout Options- Paypal Payment-Edit Web API andOAuth- TheStartup page- Currency Settings-Backup - Developer Settings-Add Terms and Conditions - Changing Page Layout - Adding Link To NavBar - Adding Products to the Homepage - Using Custom Domain Name:URL - Processing orders - Managing customer database - Maintenance Mode - Managing Users and Permissions - Managing Store Search - Product ratings - Customer reviews _____________________________*UPDATE *_________________________________New videos and thefree ebook ""10 Viral MarketingStrategies""to increase your sales."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Microsoft Project 2016 for Beginners"
"During this introductory course on using Microsoft Project 2016, we'll teach the basics of using Microsoft Project 2016. We'll start with navigating the Project 2016 interface, including the Ribbon, Backstage View and the Quick Access Toolbar. Discover concepts to help you understand how enter data into a Project plan, creating tasks and sub-tasks, and creating project dependencies. Contents and Overview This easy to understand course starts at the very beginning, specifically designed for those with little or no Microsoft Project experience. The first task is to find the software and install it on your computer. Then we discover the new and improved features added to the 2016 version. There are new features that could be a big help in your job, your business, or in personal projects. We start with essential first steps. You will learn to create a project plan, save it, then open it. We show you simple ways to use Microsoft's powerful online and contextual help, so you are never left wondering when you have a question or encounter a challenge. Along the way we keep in mind you will want to personalize Project to accomplish the things you want. We learn all about Ribbons and Toolbars that make Project extremely flexible. Next we move on to entering and editing data in your project, adding tasks, linking tasks and project dependencies. All along the way there are plenty of exercises and quizzes that help you fully understand all the concepts and solidify them in your memory. This is the course you need to learn the most important ways to expertly use MS Project 2016. It assumes you are just beginning with Project and easily steps you through the process of being highly proficient with this widely used tool. This course is for absolute beginners, thus is appropriate for those new to Project and who appreciate a methodical, patient and conversational pace. ** Updated July 2017: English close captions added* Updated June 2017:Course transcripts now available.English course captions added"
Price: 19.99

"Mobile Sales Mastermind: Sales Training for Mobile Marketers"
"Having successfully trained thousands of mobile marketing professionals build and scale their digital local agencies, Kevin Z. is going to candidly share how he went from the corporate rat race to quitting his job and landing thousands monthly-paying clients using proven mobile sales strategy.The course is jam-packed with exclusive sales training where Kevin breaks down the secrets to selling more mobile websites using years of refined sales methodologies, including: 10 key questions you MUST know before selling mobileHow to quickly find and qualify local leads that WANT TO BUYHow to break through the clutter with a compelling benefit statementSecrets to cold calling and how to get called back5 voicemail and email tricks you NEED to knowThe golden rules to following upSecrets to sidestepping the GatekeeperAdvanced Absorbing techniques and how finding visual queues increases salesHow to develop a 30-second elevator pitch that SELLSImportant common buying signals that are currently costing you moneyFive PROVEN closing methods to close more dealsPerfect for entrepreneurs, local consultants and agencies looking to build and scale their business with a strong focus on mobile marketing!"
Price: 24.99

"Russian Tongue Twisters: Accent Reduction"
"The RUSSIAN TONGUE TWISTERS: ACCENT REDUCTION COURSE is recommended for everyone who is interested in Russian Language and Culture and who has at least an Upper beginner level of proficiency in the Russian language.At the end of the course, you will significantly improve your pronunciation in Russian and increase your speech speed.Also, you will not only have fun yourself but with your friends and colleagues, uttering almost unpronounceable fragments, namely, Russian tongue twisters.Here are these tongue twisters: ! ! ? , , ! : , ! : ! ! ! . , ! , , !Want to sound like this? Enroll now!"
Price: 69.99

"JOY at WORK -Leadership/Mngt Principles for C21st Business"
"In this short course I look at the current poor leadership often seen with global companies (particularly in the West) and the course considers what is wrong with the way (most of) our organisations are managed. I look at what needs to be done in order to transform our existing businesses into ""Creation Companies"" (a word coined by Tom McGeHee)The course is based around a keynote talk and a workshop (entitled ""Creating Creation Companies) that I was commissioned to present at the European Regions Knowledge Based Innovation Network ('ERIC' conference) in Coventry UK in 1994. Although this keynote and workshop was presented over 15 years ago all the information remains relevant, perhaps even more relevant, todayIn the course I weave together the wisdom and thinking of W.Edwards Deming on the 'transformation of management' with what I call the ""New Psychologies"" and the big picture strategic 'soft skill' thinking technique of Mind Mapping. Putting these strategies to work can help us to move away from McGeHee's concept of 'Compliance Companies' and toward his concept of 'Creation Companies'.We need Leadership and Leaders that can make work joyful and meaningful and bring back pride of workmanship, whole business-wide improvement, creativity and innovation. This course shows you a way that this can be achieved.A little more about me: I've worked in the NHS both as as a quality consultant and a Head of an NHS District General Hospital Science Department (for 14 years). During the later years of this time I was secretary of the ADC - an Alliance of Process Improvement Consultants in the UK. I've always had an interest in what makes a good leader and the circumstances in which people are creative and produce their best efforts. I've held visiting lecturer posts at Morley College (London) and Birmingham University. In this course, as mentioned above, I share strategies that I first presented at a European Regional Knowledge Based Innovation Network Conference in 2004 - ideas that I have continued to research and develop."
Price: 149.99

"Magento - Crea tu Tienda Virtual paso a paso"
"Les saluda Ivan Rojas, co-fundador de, uno de los nombres comerciales de nuestra empresa iniciada en Miami y actualmente en Lima. La idea de este curso es ensearles a crear una tienda virtual con la plataforma ms robusta y aun gratis: Magento. Te ensear paso a paso como comprar tu primer dominio, configurarlo, crear tus correos corporativos en la nube, instalar Magento, configurarlo y administrarlo. Esta descripcin ir cambiando con el tiempo, conforme ms alumnos se vayan inscribiendo, aadir mas videos y de la misma manera ir subiendo el precio paulatinamente, asi que si estas pensando seriamente en crear y tener tu propia tienda en internet, esta es tu oportunidad de comprarlo al precio mas bajo. Los invito a aadirme en Google+, siempre escribimos artculos de inters para aquellos que desean tener su propia tienda virtual."
Price: 24.99

"Aprende Android desde cero - Curso Completo"
"Al curso le falta un 10% de contenido, sin embargo, el otro 90% es muy completo, las estrellas que tenemos no es por la calidad del 90% sino por lo que falta, hemos por eso REBAJADO EL PRECIO escandalosamente, les vas a servir, se los aseguro. Quieres aprender de un curso completo de Android o quieres slo los trucos para cortar camino, tal vez slo el cdigo de un app para modificarlo?, en el mundo real, necesitas las 3 para poder producir aplicaciones comerciales. Hemos creado este curso desde un punto de vista profesional y no marketero, usamos el mismo syllabus y metodologa que se ensea en las universidades e institutos tecnolgicos. Los smartphones y tablets son ahora el medio ms popular de interactuar con servicios online, est demas decirles que la demanda por programadores con estos conocimientos se incrementa da a da, asi como el pago por sus servicios. Este curso de Android lo recomendamos como un curso completo pues inicia desde lo ms bsico, por ejemplo, cmo instalar y configurar tu entorno de desarrollo y crear tu primer ""hola mundo"" hasta la creacin de aplicaciones complejas comerciales, paso a paso. Te entregamos obviamente todo el cdigo de programacin utilizado en cada ejercicio. El precio final del curso ser de $149 cuando est completo, eso ser en el transcurso de 3 semanas, asi que aprovecha este precio introductorio. Nos especializamos en Desarrollo en Android, lo conocemos muy bien, con gusto resolveremos cualquier pregunta que pudieras tener antes y durante el curso. Bienvenido a Aprende Android desde Cero - Curso Completo."
Price: 19.99

"Finally Get It In French Grammar"
"This is a French grammar course for complete beginners. Learn how to speak beautiful and correct French with easy explanations and examples of all the grammar you'll need for your first year of French.Eliminate embarrassing errors in your French study with a friendly, informal tutorDiscover how to work out the gender of any French word in secondsLearn the three verb groups and how to speak in present, past and future tenseMaster descriptions in French with an adjective guide and video quizTest yourself in quizzes throughout the course so you always know you're making progressCreate French statements and questions more easily than everFrench is a leading world language spoken by millions of people all over the world. Discover the language of this wonderful country and open the door to culture, travel and food from the French-speaking world. Instead of teaching you through a dull book, this course is developed to introduce French grammar as a real, living thing that is used in lots of real sentences. I am an experienced teacher of languages and work with adult learners who study this language for business, life and travel.Through this Udemy course, you willwatch friendly videos from online tutor Kerstin, helping you eliminate fear and embarrassmentfollow up all lectures with live discussions and worksheets so you can be sure that you have understood everything correctlydiscover pronunciation and grammar examples to start you speaking French fluently and confidentlyget easy English explanations so you can know and remember rules you'll need for speaking Frenchmeasure your progress and feel so confident about speaking French that you might just go and finally talk to someoneBy the end of this course, I promise that you will gain a new understanding and confidence of French grammar and eliminate 80% of the most common mistakes."
Price: 39.99

"Master Your Mind & Change Your Life!"
"In 2018 Make Your Mind Your Best FriendHave you ever wondered if you will ever havegreat self esteem&love who you are, and be free of all of that internal negative chatter?Do you feelstresseda lot of the time anduncomfortablein your own skin? Do you suffer fromsleeplessnessand orhealth issues?I can so relate to what you are going through, particularly the feeling that you will always be like this. No matter what you try, it never works. I know because I have been where you are now.Changing the mind Is simplerthan you think!I have always been fascinated by the mind and how it influences our experiences. So much so that I have made this my lifes work.After many years of inner exploration and working with 100s of clients and working withamazing teachers, I nowknow how to work with my mind to feel amazing, to have wonderful relationships with others, amazing health, abundance and incredible life experiences. I feel FREE.It is actuallyvery easy! Changing the mind is more simple than you think.What will we focus on?In this 8 weekprogram I am going to teach you how to do this. From day 1 of the program you will start to notice the difference in how you feel.We are going to work on the followingkey areas of your life:Aligning with your dreamsHealing old limiting beliefsHealing Money BlocksHarmonising your relationshipsIn each module you will receive a lecture and a hypnosis topositively influenceyour subconscious mind.By the end of the program you will feelFREE,amazing, morepeaceful, moreabundantand morevital. This is my promise to you!I went through so much pain and suffering in my life that I am now dedicated to helping others to lift out of theirs. There is no better way than learning from someone who has been ona similar journey to you and who has come out the other side transformed.You and your mind are a team. You want to be the best team. You want your mind to be on your side all the time. You want it to help you, motivate you & inspire you.So, come with me on this journey. Let me support you and educate you and rejoice with you as you change your life.Im excited for you!"
Price: 149.99

"How To Play Blues Guitar - Ragtime Blues Guitar Techniques"
"Blues Fingerpicking : Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitar : Ragtime Blues Fingerpicking Style : Acoustic Guitar FingerstyleOut of the many acoustic blues guitar styles perhaps ragtime blues guitar is the most exciting. It sounds complex, and in some cases, it is! However, just like any style of acoustic blues fingerpicking, there are riffs, patterns and tricks that appear again and again. With the right approach, these common fingerstyle blues guitar patterns can be adapted and used across a broad range of songs.In this course I demonstrate some basic techniques common to all ragtime blues songs, and also highlight the specialized patterns of two great classic ragtime guitarists, Bind Boy Fuller and Blind Blake. Blake was faster and more complex, but both men were masters at this syncopated way of playing guitar. You've probably heard the word 'syncopation', but exactly what is it?A syncopated beat strictly speaking is when the accent isn't applied on the beat, where we would expect, but off the beat. Also, the timing can change. the overall effect is a happy guitar sound that gets your feet tapping. The first ragtime was created on the piano and was intended to be dance music.It's quite easy to simulate the 'bum-chick' sound of the bass pattern of ragtime piano on guitar, and once the trick of alternating the picking thumb between two or more bass strings is perfected, you're on your way!Most of the videos show closeups of my hands, and I've added the guitar tab on the screen so that you can play along with me and practice what your learn. After learning some tricks made famous by Blake and Fuller, you'll be able to tackle a complete song (Screamin' and Cryin') by Fuller by following the video for the complete lesson at the end of the course.#fingerstyle #acoustic #guitar #fingerpicking #ragtime"
Price: 49.99

"Aumenta Tu Autoestima - Tu Mereces Lo Mejor"
"En este curso no solamente compartiré contigo detalles sobre como obtener una buena autoestima, pero también compartir algunos seis pasos que puedes tomar para aumentar tu autoestima. Ten claro que puedes ser una persona de éxito profesional y aun tener una baja autoestima en tu vida personal o viceversa. Por eso es importante entender dónde está tu autoestima, ya que nadie puede cambiar lo que no entiende. Aqui comparto contigo unas cuantas cositas que he aprendido durante los años que he vivido con autoestima baja y alta. No siempre tuve una buena autoestima, y lo cierto es que hace mucho tiempo atrás mi autoestima estaba por suelo, revolcándose con las lombrices. Inclusive, compartiré unos audios y videos muy vistos y muy gustados para ayudarte a conocerte mejor. En fin nuestra autoestima determina nuestra felicidad o infelicidad."
Price: 19.99

"use couponGET50 to get50% discountThis course is about printed circuit board layout designing using fritzing software. This course contains many things that you need to know in order to create your own pcb layout. It will take you less than an hour to create your first pcb layout."
Price: 19.99

"CCI Trading Strategies ZLR ,GB100 , TB,HTB and 2 CCI"
Price: 49.99

"() :"
Price: 19.99

"Web Design"
"... . : HTML, CSS & JavaScript (Client Side script) 3 4 . , , , . If you are a Web surfers ... Now you can learn how to design sites through a series of video tutorials supported Examples project files. Detailed step - by - step explanation to stand on the first through the design and development of Internet sites through the study of languages :HTML, CSS & JavaScript (Client Side script) This course will take 3 to 4 hours for the average student . This session will be a great start to enter the world of web design , and this does not mean that the study of this session is limited to those who wish to work in this area, as this knowledge obliges everyone , it will let you view your work or your products on the World Wide Web , more professional , which will have a significant impact on your customers."
Price: 34.99

"7,8,9 - , , 8 9 - ... -"
Price: 19.99

" & SQL"
"Visual Basic & SQL program Database program storing information of training center Internal (Employee & Instructors). All Courses Data. Active Courses with all its information: Dates , Duration & Students Administrator can block and unblock students for certain time interval. Each video lecture have its source code. This course will give you solid understanding of using SQL- Server Database with application. - This Course will Take 5 hours For average user."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to PHP In Arabic"
"PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) or simply Personal Home Page Is open source general-purpose scripting language, that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.This course will introduce PHP to you by examples. you will be familiar with scripting languages after 10 min of this course.If you interested in creating your own fully featured website, this course will take about 3 hours to be familiar with PHP dynamic scripting language.If you are web developer looking to learn a new language, this course is ideal for you.Steps we takeWe will start by transferring your PC into a local Server, so you can run your PHP code without need to register in any web hosting service.learning PHP syntax will be easy by implementing each step and monitor its result.Apply PHP in simple interactive project.This course will prepare you to make your own Content Management System or Dynamic websites functionalities"
Price: 19.99

"Her Mind & Body: K.I.S.S. to Lose Weight"
"This course provides a great foundation for women who are starting out on their personal weight loss journey. Included in this course is very valuable downloadable/printable material (meal planning guide, weight loss trackers, weight loss planner, clean eating guide, detox/cleanse info, and more), so I would suggest that you invest in a 3 ring binder and hole puncher to keep this useful information organized. If you would like to know how to lose weight the healthy way, this course is definitely for you. You have the power to reach your weight loss goal, and this course will provide you with the tools and resources to do it!"
Price: 19.99

"Como Produzir Ebook e Livros com Adobe Indesign. Completo"
"O Curso de Adobe Indesignabrange de forma muito completa os seus elementos desde a verso CS6 at a CC e novidades da verso 2018. Omesmo desenvolvido por 2 professores especialistas adobe.Em alguns momentos os professores podem repetir uma temtica sobre perspectiva didtica pessoal, mas em muitos momentos os professores trazem dicas exclusivas de suas experincia profissional no mercado de trabalho.De brinde o aluno ir receber: Curso de Word Fundamental e Documentos do Google.Confira vdeo aulas demonstrativas sem compromisso, assim voc ter certeza de que est adquirindo um curso que de fato atende as suas expectativas e demanda. Seja muito bem vindo(a).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade. Seus estudos iro ocorrer na melhor sala de aula do mundo, a sua prpria sala ou onde voc se sentir mais confortvel, faa seu horrio e aprenda de qualquer lugar com conexo com a internet."
Price: 149.99

"Speaking for Profit"
"This course is a comprehensive training program for people who recognize that today the most highly prized skill of all successful leaders is the ability to speak and influence larger groups of people.Heres whyIn the corporate world the people being promoted are those with the ability to inspire and lead teams of people. Those with pure technical ability or product knowledge are being overlooked. Business owners have realized they need to be able to build their brand and attract investment, staff and customers.By using the power of the Internet savvy marketers understand, that to get noticed they need to produce videos, speaking direct to an audience to educate, encourage and inspire people to do business with them.Students in colleges have discovered they HAVE TO to give presentations as a big part of their coursework since it forms part of their overall assessment.People who have personal skills, knowledge and life experience are now making thousands of dollars a year teaching others in their specialist topic, whilst positioning themselves as the go to expert in their area.In this course you will learn how to do just that, positioning yourself as an expert in your own niche and making money by sharing your skills, knowlege and know-how.Creating information products and promoting them through public speaking presentations is not a talent you are born with, but rather a skill that anyone can learn!In this course I share with you the secrets of how you can create yourself a career in speaking and presenting to small and large audiences. You will discover the benefits of becoming a speaker and how to build your speaking business.You will learn tips and tricks established presenters are using to present their subject matter and content in an engaging and professional way. You also discover a variety of ways which help you in making money from your presentations.The class is set out in small sequences which can viewed in any order you like. I am also adding additional content modules as time goes on, so do keep checking back for the new content."
Price: 69.99

"Learn Responsive Web Development from Scratch"
"With smartphone revolution and explosion of tablet sales worldwide it is important that your websites are geared towards different screens and resolutions. Responsive web design is the most important attribute of modern web development. Eduonix brings to you the most comprehensive course on the responsive web design. This unique course covers not only strategies tools tips and tricks for generic web design in HTMl5 and CSS3 but also covers Twitter Bootstrap 3 the cool framework for creating responsive websites in detail. Our project based learning will teach you the concepts while working on projects which implement the concepts covered in the lectures. This is a must learn course for any serious web developer. This two part course will teach you everything you need to build responsive websites."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Build Websites using Twitter Bootstrap"
"Twitter Bootstrap is the hugely popular and intuitive front end web development technology. It allows developers to create sleek and responsive websites which looks great on smartphones, tablets and desktops. It provides ready to use CSS and HTML templates and you can use them build modern looking websites quickly. It is one of the most popular front end technology which is gaining wide popularity both among the developer and business community. Our course covers the latest Bootstrap 3 version and will teach you to create elegant and responsive websites. You will start with basic Bootstrap concepts and will then proceed to learn basic CSS rules, Navigation bars, Drop downs, Rows, Grids Media Objects and most of the major bootstrap libraries. After this course you will be able to quickly create responsive websites using Bootstrap."
Price: 19.99

"Cryptocurrency Simplified: A step-by-step introductory guide"
"Contrary to what you might have heard, using Cryptocurrency is easy and in this course I'll show you just how easy it is to:Setup your first cryptocurrency trading account (takes about 10 minutes!)How to fund it with local currencyso you can buy crypto coins - use your bank account or CCHow toget securely paid in cryptocurrency with a simple point-n-click!How to send anyone in the worldany amount ofcryptocurrency you wishHow to use wallets, and why certain wallets are ""bad news"" for securing your cryptoHow to totallysecure your cryptocurrency so you're never at risk - ever!And more...At the end of this 'over my shoulder'course you'll have everything you need to use cryptocurrency like PRO!Watch as I take you behind the scenes andset up crypto trading exchangeaccounts, buy cryptocurrency, move crypto to myother accounts and secure cryptowithin my wallet.* Includes a full demonstration videoof the entire life-cycle of funding an account, buying crypto and then moving it around so YOUCANSEEJUSTHOWEASYITREALLYIS!!!Enrol Today - Get Started With Crypto Now!PS. Remember, this course is GUARANTEED and you get LIFETIMEACCESS too! Plus, check out my reviews ... I'm an active and supportive instructor so you can be confident that any questions you have for me will be answered in a timely fashion."
Price: 199.99

"Crea una tienda virtual con PHP y MySQL con el patrn MVC"
"Una aplicacin que es muy recurrente en Internet es el desarrollo de una Tienda Virtual. Nos sirve para utilizar lenguajes del lado del cliente, como JavaScript y lenguajes del lado del servidor como PHP, as como conectarlo con bases de datos, en este caso como MySQL, herramientas que son las ms utilizadas en la Web. En este curso construiremos las pginas web por medio de Bootstrap 4. lo cual nos permitir tener una aplicacin responsiva.Partiremos desde una pgina completamente en blanco hasta concluir la parte del usuario (front-end) y la parte del administrador (back-end). Los objetivos del presente curso son:Desarrollar la maqueta responsiva de la tienda virtual con Bootstrap 4Conectar la maqueta con una base de datosConectar la aplicacin a Paypal.Construir el carrito de compras y el ciclo de la ventaConstruir la aplicacin bajo el patrn de diseo MVC.Este curso intermedio, por lo que usted debe tener las bases de programacin en Bootstrap 4, PHP 7, JavaScript y MySQL, aunque no debe de ser experto en ellos. Es una buena oportunidad para poner en prctica sus conocimientos. Usted debe de contar con una instalacin de Apache-PHP-MySQL, como XAMPP, MAMP p WAMP.Al final del curso contars con todos los archivos del curso y los esquemas de la base de datos."
Price: 270.00

"SEO para WordPress - Curso Prctico de SEO usando WordPress"
"SEO para WordPressMi nombre es Jorge Jaramillo y estar explicndoles algunos de los principales consejos para una campaa de SEO y Posicionamiento en este CMS. Hace muchos aos trabajo con este fabuloso administrador de contenidos, usado por 1 de cada 3 sitios web en el mundo. Esto es un gran campo de accin y potencial de trabajo. Wordpress es el CMS preferido de muchsimos SEOs en el mundo y esto tiene que ver con la facilidad para la configuracin de las caractersticas mnimas de SEO. Con ms de 10 aos de creado, la evolucin de WordPress es sorprendente. Pas de ser un simple administrador de blogs a ser la plataforma usada por el 33% de los sitios web en el mundo. Incluso, haciendo iniciativas con el mismo Google, tal como anunciaron con Newspack.Este curso est creado para todo pblico, conocedores y novatos de SEO para WordPress. Ac esta un listado de lo que incluye el curso: El curso inicia con temas bsicos que pueden afectar al SEO, desde la instalacin, hasta la estrategia de contenidos. Ser totalmente prctico al rededor de un ejemplo en vivo.Explicaremos cmo hacer las campaas de enlaces internos y tambin enlazar a otros sitios. Adems de porqu la estructura de enlaces nos ayuda para mejor anlisis en Analytics.Miraremos temas como plugins: cuales son importantes y cmo configurarlos para el SEO. Tambin administradores de contenido Visual y Frameworks para creacin de plantillasLes explicar la estructura de un anlisis de palabras clave y cmo aplicarlo en nuestro sitio web. Adems de como pensar la estrategia de contenidos desde WordPressAntes de calificar el curso, espero que veas la mayor parte del mismo, as tendr ms oportunidad de mostrar varios temas.Algunos de los temas que aprendern en este cursoURLs: La importancia de los Permalinks y cmo elegirlosLos principales tpicos de SEO relacionados con WordPressManejo de contenido especiales como Videos o InfografasLongitud de los artculos y ejemplos RealesLos Plugins necesarios para SEOOptimizar elementos como Footer, Mens, Comentarios y dems Optimizacin de los ttulos pensando en SEOIndexacin y cmo Google Lee nuestra pgina WebElegir un Theme o Plantilla pensado en SEOToda la configuracin de Plugins para Cach o para SEO, como YoastEstrategia de Anlisis de Keywords y contenidos en WordPressContenidos comerciales e informativoEste ser un curso VIVOTodo el curso se va a centrar en un proyecto real. All realizar todos y cada uno de los ejemplos. Mi compromiso ser tener actualizacin cada mes de los resultados del crecimiento en SEO del proyecto. Por qu hacer un curso de SEO para WordPress?Cuando realic mi primer curso de SEO Bsico, la mayora de las preguntas se centraban en WordPress. Para mi se fue un gran hallazgo para realizar futuros cursos. La calificacin En algn momento del curso solicita una calificacin, sintanse libres de calificar en cualquier momento. La calificacin va de 1 a 5, espero que el curso sea totalmente acertado para lograr un 5 en calificacin.Garanta de satisfaccinSi no cumple las expectativas el reembolso del dinero se har en un plazo de 30 das.Sin embargo, espero que el curso llene las expectativas. Siempre voy a escuchar las recomendaciones que tengan y as poder mejorarlo. Resumen del cursoEmpezaremos mirando lo bsico de WordPress y el por qu elegimos este administrador de contenidos. Miraremos temas para configurar el dominio y pensarlo desde el inicio para SEO, los permalinks y las URLs. Despus exploraremos las plantillas o themes, miraremos algunos temas importantes como Frameworks y dems. Despus exploraremos los principales plugins para SEO en WordPress. Pasaremos luego por un procesos de Optimizacin del sitio, instalando Google Search Console. Evitaremos temas como la sobreoptimizacin y les mostrar temas como microformatos. Exploraremos diferentes estrategias de contenidos y estructuras. Anlisis de palabras clave para usar las correctas en el momento justo. Futuro del curso El crecimiento del sitio ejemplo ser documentando, con prueba y errores. Tendremos videos nuevos cada mes, mostrando el crecimiento y avance del proyecto en vivo que tendremos.Muchas gracias y bienvenidos."
Price: 99.99

"Tutor for macOS Mojave"
"Learn how to get the most our of macOS Mojave, the latest operating system for your Mac. I'll guide you through macOS Mojave with more than 80 video tutorials and more than 8 hours of video instruction. I begin by showing you the basics of getting around the Mac. I then cover features of the Mac in more detail including the Menu Bar, Dock. I also cover working with Finder windows, applications, documents, and other features. With each tutorial I demonstrate what I am describing and then I sum it up at the end of each lesson. You can follow along and try out what I am demonstrating for yourself.The lessons are created by myself, Dan Wassink. I've been creating tutorials for over 10 years and have helped thousands learn more about their Apple devices through Noteboom Tutorials, the App Store, and iBooks store."
Price: 19.99