"Produccin de Videos: el Entrenamiento Absoluto" |
"Este curso online sobre produccin de videos te ensear cmo crear pelculas sorprendentes, ya sea que ests usando un telfono inteligente, una cmara web, una cmara reflex digital, una cmara mirrorless o una cmara de video profesional.Ya sea que seas YouTuber, blogger, vlogger, propietario de negocios, aspirante a director de cine, o simplemente alguien que quiera crear un video, te ensearemos cmo crear pelculas profesionales.Domina las tcnicas de creacin de pelculas para producir imgenes asombrosas que aumentan las vistas, los ingresos y generan movimiento en tu negocio.Si bien hay muchos tutoriales y cursos que se centran en cmaras o estilos especficos, es difcil encontrar un curso completo como este, que abarque todo, desde generar ideas de video excelentes, ejecutarlas en produccin y postproduccin, y distribuirlas. a una infinita audiencia online.EXTRASDELCURSO:Feedback directo de los instructores para cualquier proyecto de videoGuas descargables que te ayudarn en cada seccin del cursoEstudios de casos que te introducirn en proyectos del mundo realEste curso de video produccin est diseado para todos los niveles de experiencia de creadores de video que quieren mejorar sus habilidades, destacar sus producciones e incluso hacer dinero con sus proyectos.Puntos claves que aprenders:Generar ideas y temas para videos que los dems amarn ver y compartirDominar la toma de imgenes de modo manual con una cmara DSLR, mirrorless o profesionalExponer y componer mejores tomas para contar tus historiasTomar videos increbles con smartphones, webcams, e incluso capturas de pantalla (screencasts)Iluminar tus videos con tcnicas profesionales y con bajo presupuestoGrabar audio ntido y limpio con diferentes micrfonos en cualquier entornoEditar videos para hacerlos ms atractivosSaber qu equipo comprar para crear excelentes videosExportar los mejores videos de calidad para verlos onlineObtener ms vistas, 'me gusta' y 'compartir' en las redes socialesHacer crecer un canal de YouTube que a la larga generar ingresosHaz videos profesionales con cualquier presupuestoIndependientemente de cul sea tu nivel de experiencia o qu tipo de cmara utilizas, este curso intensivo est diseado para brindarte todo lo que necesitas para llevar tus habilidades de produccin de video al siguiente nivel.A diferencia de otros cursos de video o tutoriales que tienen un alcance ms limitado, este curso completo te ensear todo el proceso.Contenidos y Visin GeneralEste curso de video comienza desde el principio, que es generar ideas excelentes para hacer videos. Aprenders qu es lo que hace que un video sea excelente y cmo crear temas de video para tu pblico-objetivo. Recorrers el proceso de preproduccin para garantizar una grabacin de video sin problemas.Antes de profundizar en cmo grabar videos, cubriremos lo que respecta al equipo recomendado. Mostraremos nuestro equipo favorito para cualquier tipo de presupuesto, incluidas cmaras, equipos de audio, kits de iluminacin y aplicaciones de edicin.Aprenders los conceptos de cinematografa bsicos, por ejemplo: cmo exponer tu video, cmo componer tomas geniales, cmo filmarte a ti mismo, cmo enfocar mejor y cmo estabilizar tus tomas. Cubriremos cmo hacer esto para cmaras DSLR, mirrorless, para telfonos mviles y cmaras web.Aprenders cmo grabar un audio limpio y poderoso. Primero, cubriremos los diferentes tipos de micrfonos y cmo elegir el micrfono adecuado para tu proyecto de video. Luego aprenders a usar los diferentes tipos de micrfonos. Adems, aprenders a grabar audio en cualquier entorno, e incluso a deshacerse del eco y del ruido ambiente.La iluminacin es una de las partes ms importantes de la produccin de video, ya sea que ests usando un telfono mvil, una cmara web, una cmara reflex digital o mirrorless. Aprenders a usar tcnicas de iluminacin gratuitas y econmicas, y cmo configurar un kit de iluminacin como los profesionales que utilizan el sistema de iluminacin de tres puntos.Una vez que entiendas todo acerca de la grabacin de tu video, aprenders cmo usar la edicin para hacer que tus videos sean an mejores y ms atractivos. Aprenders cmo encontrar msica gratis para tus videos, cmo disear mejores ttulos y cmo utilizar las llamadas a la accin para aumentar el compromiso de la audiencia y la conversin en resultados concretos.Despus de todo esto, aprender cmo compartir mejor tus videos con el mundo. Aprender cmo elegir la plataforma adecuada para tu contenido de video. Obtendrs ms vistas, 'me gusta' y 'compartir' con nuestros consejos para compartir en las redes sociales. Y aprenders cmo hacer crecer un canal de YouTube con nuestras prcticas profesionales.Si quieres hacer mejores videos, este es el curso para ti.Recuerda, Udemy tiene una garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero dentro de los 30 das. No hay razn para dudar. Inscrbete ahora, disfruta del curso y comienza a hacer mejores videos hoy mismo!Saludos,Phil, Will, Sam y Fede"
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso Online de Web Design. 8 Cursos Completos" |
"Um curso extremamente completo sobre web design e plataformas de ecommerce. Abordamos do bsico da linguagem por meio do adobe dreamweaver em sua verso CS6, animao web com Adobe Flash at sistemas de gerenciamento de contedo (wordpress, joomla e drupal)e desenvolvimento de comrcio eletrnico (opencart e magento).Essa abrangncia na ementa do curso d ao aluno capacitao para abraar diferentes demandas no mercado de trabalho ou iniciativa empreendedora e isso muito produtivo para vida profissional ou currculo de qualquer pessoa.Em alguns momentos apresentamos a evoluo das verses de uma plataforma para ajudar o aluno e ganhar autonomia sobre as futuras verses, pelo entendimento que isso d a nossos alunos uma vantagem competitiva no mercado de trabalho.O fato de sintetizarmos 8 cursos completos dentro de um nico curso, em forma de um super pacote promocional com foco no melhor para o aluno torna o nosso curso uma das melhores propostas a nvel de custo benefcio e com certeza no primeiro trabalho que o aluno pegar relacionado ao que aprendeu ter chance de ganhar mais do que investiu no curso.Um dos cursos com a maior carga horria e com certeza um dos mais abrangentes sobre o assunto e o aluno que se dedicar ao estudo disciplinado do que ensinado sai na frente dos demais no mercado de trabalho.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Build An Amazing Sales Page for Spiritual Workers In 1 Hour" |
"This course is for BEGINNERS!Is your website collecting dust and not bringing you any cash?Well, that ends today!Bring in consistent income.Attract long term clients!Stop letting your website gather cyber dust and get it successfully operating.Never be clueless about what to do for your business again.This course will help you to learn how to put an amazing sales page together that will bring you cash. Even if you've never created a sales page YOU CAN DO THIS!LISTEN!I know you've probably get tons of people who claim they can give you all you need to put your biz together and you might be totally confused on who to trust.I've been a successful instructor on Udemy for over 4 years! Most of my courses are high rated because I get straight to the point, make it easy for anyone to do and show you how to get what you want successfully!You can also contact me whenever you need me!Now, who can say that? Not many. Hello, I'm Jessica. I started with my own business in 2010 and I named it 'Spiritual Success Haven'. It was my pride and joy. However, I didn't make a dime for the first 3 months! I was just like you, totally clueless who to trust and where to start. It did take 6 months of research for me to start making consistent income. It wasn't easy because I had to learn to let go of doing things my way...which obviously wasn't working. lol Iwas so stubborn.Now, I'm making more than I ever thought possible! It won't take you 6 months to get where Iam. This course is 60 minutes long and if you follow it, step by step you will see I cut out all the b.s. for you! No wasting time. No more confusion about direction! Get started now!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn the freestyle turn" |
"Learning the freestyle & backstroke turn and protecting lower back.The WEST way to swim will teach you how to gain more air, how to use the water in order to perform the freestyle turn andto protect your lower back & neck and eventually to swim much faster.In this course you will get 4 different workout which you are going to repeat exactly3 times ( in different days).It is recommended to do the workout before your usual swimming workout or afterwords.The swim WEST freestyle turn course will teach you:1. How to protect your lower back & neck while doing the freestyleturn2. You will learn to use the water & glide to make an easily flip.3. You will improve your lung capacity.4. You will learn to flip from backstroke to freestyle and tothe opposite direction5.You will swim faster in long distance and you will have more air.Many swimmers, older than 18 years old, get dizzy or out of breath when attempting to perform a flip turn or feel like it is done too slowly.According to WEST swimmingtechnique, we turn on the walls while protecting our lower back and neck, and using the water resistance for our own good. It enables us to perform a proper turn, and understand our physical abilities. The turn has some key points- dropping our feet, gliding to the wall, rolling in our head and expiring air out through our nose (so we dont get water in our nose, which is a very annoying burning sensation by itself).The reason you get 4 workouts ( 12 workouts after repeating each workout 3 times) is that it takes 1.5 months to get used to swimming with less air.Ori Sela is the founder of one of the biggest and most professionalhydrotherapycentersin the worldI dedicate my life to treat people and live a better life."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Get Firm Legs and Butt - Fast! Effective and Simple!" |
"""I like the way Colette breaks down exactly step-by-step the results we are looking for in every movement and which muscles we are stretching and why because it helps me do the exercise correctly and benefit from the workout instead of just going through the motions."" -Sue ""It amazes me that after one hour of the Barry -Method class I felt better than I have in years, and I feel this is going to be more effective than any other therapy I have been through in rehabilitating my back and core strength. I look forward to my next session this week! Most Effective Therapy"" -Kurt P.T. ""Im approaching 40 and my friends tell me I look better now since Ive been training with her then I did in my 20s!! Colettes one on one program is absolutely addicting!! You have to try this ~ and you wont find anyone better to train with then Colette! Thank you Colette for everything!! Youve changed my life!!! -Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HERE IT IS! THE ULTIMATE WORKOUT FOR GETTING PERFECTLY TONED BUTT AND LEGS. With over 25 years experience in yoga, Pilates and bodywork, Colette discovered the most efficient way to toughen the muscles from the waist down, without a lot of sweat and pain. In Colette's""Wall Yoga""unique concept of ""Three Dimensional Yoga"", you will see for yourself how using the wall as another force of resistance can speed up your results in a fraction of the time compared to other butt and leg routines. Seven simple three minute videos will teach you the trick of how isometric conditioning and wall work allows you to focus directly on your target areas and trigger: A. Muscle Memory- making a lasting effect. B. Anatomical Origin and Insertions - connect where it affects. C. ""On"" / ""Off"" Cycle- maximum performance for maximum results. There is nothing like this on the market and you WILL see results or your money back! WALL YOGA - BETTER RESULTS. FASTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXTREMELY RATIONAL CONCEPT ""Wall Yoga, the body awareness, stability, and leverage of the body achieved by utilizing perpendicular planes allows the postures and breathing to be optimized. Based on my understanding of physics and physiology, this is an extremely rational way to approach yoga. Plus, Colette is so encouraging! You work with the client until they get it right and you are very patient.""- Dr. Casparian EXCELLENT AND INSIGHTFUL! ""Brilliant course! This course would assist anyone, whether beginner or more advanced in their yoga practice. Colette really knows her stuff and is clearly an experienced and insightful teacher. This knowledge also fires up the motivation to practice regularly! I will definitely be recommending this course to my yoga friends and look forward to practicing more (I have added the asanas to my daily yoga practice!)"" Regards, Mia Randall, meditation author. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCROLL BELOW TO READ MY BIO. Barry Method on a Gravity System I Wall Yoga the Best Theraball Workout I Wall Yoga the Three Dimensional Workout I Wall Yoga Ultra Butt and Leg Workout I Wall Yoga Binding Poses for Beauty and Strength I Barry Method the Perfect Workout Package I Wall Yoga Weights, Chairs and Props Workout A disclaimer: If you are ill, injured or have a medical condition, please seek professional medical advice before beginning any of the practices outlined herein. The instructor disclaims any liability for any injury occurring in the practice of the program. All rights reserved by Yoga Trends."
Price: 19.99 |
"Barry Method Rehab Fitness" |
"INTRODUCTORY PRICE $89. GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME A FEW SHORT SESSIONS MAKES A DIFFERENCE! "I like the way Colette breaks down exactly step-by-step the results we are looking for in every movement and which muscles we are stretching and why because it helps me do the exercise correctly and benefit from the workout instead of just going through the motions." -Sue "It amazes me that after one hour of the Barry -Method class I felt better than I have in years, and I feel this is going to be more effective than any other therapy I have been through in rehabilitating my back and core strength. I look forward to my next session this week! Most Effective Therapy" -Kurt P.T. "Im approaching 40 and my friends tell me I look better now since Ive been training with her then I did in my 20s!! Colettes one on one program is absolutely addicting!! You have to try this ~ and you wont find anyone better to train with then Colette! Thank you Colette for everything!! You've changed my life!!! -Lisa A Few Short Sessions Make a Difference Barry Method is a dual combination of yoga and Pilates on a gravity system similar to the Total Gym. Exercises by the Barry Method emphasize strength and core work which helps to restructure and realign the body into perfect balance. Barry Method incorporates a technique designed by Colette called Muscle Memory Contact which involves commanding mind over muscle to help heal the body quicker and restore optimum movement and functioning of whole body rhythm. Ideal workout as a rehabilitation as well as for serious athletes. This technique allows participants of almost any age or physical condition to benefit and experience remarkable results in just a few short visits. There is nothing like this on the market today. From professional athletes to those who suffers with chronic pain have experienced wonderful results from our programs. . . . .. . . . . . . . SCROLL BELOW TO READ MY BIO. Facebook I Twitter I in I Google + Barry Method on a Gravity System I Wall Yoga the Best Theraball Workout I Wall Yoga the Three Dimensional Workout I Wall Yoga Ultra Butt and Leg Workout I Wall Yoga Binding Poses for Beauty and Strength I Barry Method the Perfect Workout Package I Wall Yoga Weights, Chairs and Props Workout Tags: beauty, core, health, yoga"
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Transform Your Body Fast with Walls, Chairs, Weights!" |
"Founder of the Barry Method and author of Wall Yoga: The Art of CenteringA New Direction in Fitness - Colette is certified in yoga, Pilates, and Thai Yoga therapy with over 20 years' experience in rehabilitation and fitness.Colette and her husband, a doctor of Chiropractic, own a Health and Wellness facility in Cleveland, Ohio.The Barry Method with Wall Yoga is a simple yet dynamic technique combining yoga/Pilates and ""muscle memory concept"". The Barry Method ""re-wires"" the body and mind connections to create a solid, well-balanced physique at lightning speed compared to other traditional exercises.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Results:1. Reconstructs your entire physique.2. Improves strength and stamina.3. Results in a younger, more youthful body.Barry Method/Wall Yoga ""turns back the clock"" and helps a tight, poorly-aligned body to become young and vibrant again.There is nothing like this on the market today. Guaranteed or your money back!Colette provides local and online certification training recognized by the AFAA and NASM.Visit All Courses Below!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Edio de Vdeo com Adobe Premiere Pr CS6 e CC" |
"Um dos cursos mais completos sobre o assunto, desenvolvido por 2 Professores diferentes que em alguns momentos trazem a tona uma mesma temtica sobre perspectiva didtica diferente para enriquecer a possibilidade do aluno alcanar o seu potencial mximo e em muitos momentos trazem dicas exclusivas de sua experincia profissional.O curso ainda abrange o Adobe Premiere Pr desde sua verso CS6 at a CC 2018 com objetivo de capacitar o aluno ou profissional a abraar qualquer demanda do mercado de trabalho ou iniciativa empreendedora.O aluno poder perceber que atualizamos os cursos em diversos momentos como demonstrativo de nossa preocupao com o melhor para nossos alunos e com o compromisso de deixa-los sempre o mais atualizados possvel para que as demandas que surjam em sua vida profissional possam ser sanadas com base em nosso treinamento, assim como temos feito a tantos anos ao desvendar talentos ao redor de 105 pases.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores."
Price: 99.99 |
"Impresin Personalizada en Oracle APEX 5.1" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a crear reportes personalizados para su impresin utilizando para ello el JasperReports Integration Kit (JRI) y la herramienta de diseo de reportes gratuita IReport Designer.Abarcaremos temas como:Creacin de las tablas necesarias para la elaboracin de los reportesCreacin de reportes bsicos utilizando los templates que trae por defecto el IReport DesignerCreacin de informes parametrizados utilizando imgenes dinmicas de nuestra tabla en la base de datosCreacin de un informe grfico en IReport Designer y en Oracle APEX aprendiendo a filtrar el informe por medio de un intervalo de fecha.Creacin de formularios e informes en Oracle APEX para gestionar los reportes creados en PDF.Creacin de una orden de pago (invoice) desde ceroCreacin de un reporte primario con 2 subreportesUso de la aplicacin JasperSoft Studio comprobando compatibilidad con el KitEste curso cuenta con mas de 6 horas de capacitacin en el cual paso a paso aprenders a crear reportes personalizados en Oracle APEX utilizando herramientas gratuitas existentes en el mercado.Aprenderas a:Descargar e Instalar el JasperReports Integration KitDescargar e instalar el iReport Designer soportado para la versin de JRIDescargar e instalar el JasperSoft StudioInstalar y usar la aplicacin demo en nuestro espacio de trabajoCrear reporte bsico en iReport DesignerConocer la interfaz grfica de iReport DesignerEditar reportesConocer y usar la paleta de elementosInsertar imagen en el reporteTrabajar con campos en el reporteIntegrar JasperReports en APEXCrear y editar pgina de reportesEditar los atributos de pginaCrear proceso para invocar los reportesCrear reporte parametrizadoCrear parmetro para filtrar reportesCrear reporte con una columna de tipo imagenTrabajar con parmetros para filtrar el reporteCrear pgina en la aplicacin para invocar el reporteCrear procedimiento para visualizar reportePasar mltiples parmetros a un reporteCrear reporte grfico en iReport DesignerCrear grfico en APEXCrear procedimiento para visualizar el grficoTrabajar con subreportes en iReport Designer"
Price: 99.99 |
"Amazon FBA For Beginners: Launch A Best Selling Product" |
"BRANDNEWANDEXCLUSIVE MARKETINGSTRATEGIESAfter muchanticipation, themost comprehensive and innovative Amazon FBA Masterclasshasarrived!FBA with Amazon is an incrediblegoldmine and the best time to join isright now! Amazonisthe 4th biggest website in the world,and all of its traffic is there purely to shop and spend money! It's time to create your ownprivately labeled product and turn it into anAmazon Best Seller.If youcurrently have a job and are looking for better ways to make money, or if you're an entrepreneurlooking to claim your share of the $136 BILLION (with a 'B')dollars spentannually on Amazon...This course is your key to makea 7-figurepassive incomebusiness.Inside this masterclass we walk you through ALL of ourexperiences from launching over 12successfulAmazon products. We will hand you our exact step-by-step systemstarting with developing a brand new product, then helping yousource it,and marketingitinto a bestseller. (How I get over 100 sales every single day.)Our privately labeledproducts are incredibly successful on Amazon, with revenues over $200,000 in just a30 day period, and they areon track to fly past the $1,000,000 in just 12 months.---------In this incredible 12hour FBA private labelmasterclassyou will:Understand the incredible opportunity of Amazoninside and outGenerate an unlimited amount of winning product ideas Quickly validate your product idea so you can be certain that it will make moneyTurn your idea into a superior product that will crush your competitionIdentify trusted partners who wont rip you off or under deliverSource the perfect sample to validate your product before investing your hard earned moneyUnderstand the important technical process to sell on Amazon that many sellers overlookReceive your product on time and under budgetCreate the perfect Amazon listing with powerful SEO and consumer psychology triggersInitiate the 2 critical factors of a successful Amazon launchBuild incredible launch momentum to rapidly climb the ladder and outrank your competition on AmazonDouble the conversion rate of your listing to maximise sales in the long termCreate 3 little known traffic funnels your competitors have never heard of to target thousands of potential customers and direct them to your listingScale and automate your successful business to make you money whether you work or notTurn your profitable product into a 6 or 7 figure brand that people know and loveDiversify your sales channels with a high converting website, and an irresistible social media presenceUnderstand how to structure and run your business to avoid any tax or legal headachesSee the biggest mistakes that weve made ourselves make and avoid them effortlessly------Private Labeling a brand on Amazon is asmallinvestment for incredible long-term profits!Once you spend a couple of hours learning the powerful Amazon FBA marketing techniques in this course, it will pay off within a few short weeks. We will coach you through developing your products, getting it in front of millionsof new customers, and building a strong trustworthy brand. If you follow our exact step-by-step plan we guarantee thatAmazon will skyrocket your passive income wellbeyond your expectations.Discover the exact blueprint to quit your 9-5and make more money than you ever would at your job.If you'reunhappy at your job and are looking for thefreedom and financial success that you deserve then this product will be the best investment of your life. We will walk you through exactly how to set up and scale a passive income that deposits thousands of dollars into your bank account every 2 weeks. No more people telling you what to do! It's time to build a product and an onlinebusiness around your passion and let amazon bring paying high end customers to your door!We are looking forward to seeing you on the inside!Cheers-Evan and Benji"
Price: 199.99 |
"Berqnet Firewall Eitimi" |
"Gnmzde aa balanan cihazlarn artmas ile birlikte a gvenliini tehdit eden unsurlar da byk oranda artmtr. te a gvenliini salayan temel a cihazlarnn banda firewall (ate duvar-gvenlik duvar) gelir. Firewall amzdan ieri giren veya dar kan trafii denetleyen ve tehlikeli olanlarn engelleyen bir a cihazdr. Yine gnmzde a tehditlerinin eitlerinin artmasyla beraber gvenlik duvarlar da yeniliki yaklamlarla UTM denen (Unified Threat Management) Birleik Tehdit Ynetimi cihazlar olarak karmza kmaya balamtr.UTMlerle birlikte sadece giden gelen trafii denetlemenin dnda yerleik anivirs, IPS( Saldr Engelleme Sistemi), Web filtreleme, uygulama filtreleme, hotspot, vpn, 5651 loglama gibi bir ok zm tek bir kutuda sunulmaya baland.te Berqnet Firewall UTM Cihaz da bir ok zm tek kutuda sunan yerli bir rndr. Bu eitimdeBerqnet Firewall UTM Cihaznn kurulum, yaplandrma ve ynetimini reneceksiniz."
Price: 59.99 |
"Introduction to Industrial Robot Principles and Applications" |
"This course is a practical guide to understand how most industrial robotic applications are implemented. It starts with industrial robot configurations. Describes different types of industrial robots. Explains the various supporting robotics technology. Present different types industrial robot configurations. Differentiate between automation and robotics. Identify what are the ""laws of robotics."" Describe what are the four ""D's"" of robotics. Define what Robotics. Explain what robots can and cannot do. Deciding when to use robots. Identify methods of classification of robots.Justifying the costs associated with installing robots."
Price: 19.99 |
"Complete High Speed Vedic Math Course" |
"Are you or your child struggling with Math? Would you like to have fun with Math? If yes then this course is for you! Everything you wanted to know about High-Speed Vedic Mathematics and more. This course contains over 15 hours of material on the World's Fastest Mental Arithmetic System and over a thousand solved examples and exercises. This will keep you occupied for over 60 topics and will add to your Math Skills and give you the competitive edge. This course has been authored by Gaurav Tekriwal the President of The Vedic Math Forum India, which contains examples presented in detail and the methods explained beautifully. The methods have been explained in over 3 different ways through white board demonstrations, computer presentations and animations. The Vedic Math course is sought after in the academic circuit and has been made after the author's long experience of teaching over 4 million students in the subject across the globe. Can you multiply 998 x 997 in five seconds? Learn High Speed Vedic Mathematics which will enable you to calculate much faster compared to the conventional system. You will be able to do seemingly difficult calculations like 998 x 997 in split seconds which will make a remarkable difference to your confidence and self esteem. Your calculation skills will improve, you will be able to perform better and you will exuberate confidence which will blow people away. The scope of the area which Vedic Mathematics covers is much larger than the other systems. Through Vedic Math you can do calculations in Arithmetic, Algebra and even Trigonometry for that matter and simplify and speed up calculations. The results are for you to see and people love us across the globe for adding value to them and their children. How High Speed Vedic Math can help you More than 1500% times faster than normal Math: this makes it the World's Fastest. Eradicates fear of Math completely. So If your child has Math-Phobia High Speed Vedic Math is a Fun-Filled way to do Math and arises interest in your child. Much Improved Academic Performance in School and Instant Results. Just see the first exercise and believe it for yourself. Go over the examples given in the tutorials you would be amazed. Sharpens your mind, increases mental agility and intelligence. Increases your speed and accuracy. Become a Mental Calculator yourself. Improves memory and boosts self confidence. Cultivates an Interest in you for numbers. Develops your left and right sides of your brain hence using intuition and innovation. It has been noted that Geniuses have been using the right side of the brain to achieve exceptional results. Easy to master and apply. You just need the knowledge of tables to learn this. From 11 years upward. This course has been designed to appeal to a large cross section of the society- Students, Teachers, Parents, Professionals, Entrance Exam Aspirants, Business Men, and People who have an avid interest in Math and would like to explore something exceptional which is taking the World over by storm. You would be learning how to speed up calculations which are stumbling blocks in mathematics. These concepts will help you in your studies for the university examinations and also for the entrance examinations you will be facing in your life. You will be learning how to speed up Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction, How to find squares in less than 5 seconds, Cubes, find Cube Roots in 3 seconds flat, Find Square Roots, Sharpen your skills of Algebraic Equations and do it mentally, Learn Divisibility rules for every number in the number system, Speed up concepts of Geometry, Find out Divisibility rules for every number in the number system, Calendars and much much more. This system will change your paradigm about mathematics and you will be able to enjoy it more than you ever did. The course will help you to realize your hidden potential, develop your mathematical faculties and improve your academic performance drastically. Most students around the globe after going through the course tell us why aren't these methods been taught in school? To which we answer that it we have to be realistic about our education policy in any country and understand that the current system will not change drastically to adopt a completely new way of teaching math. In order for the ancient system of Vedic Math to become mainstream, I believe that teachers need to slowly integrate it into their curriculum and display its positive results, such as students performing better on tests due to its simplified and easy-to-understand-master and apply methods. Workshops, Seminars and Math Exhibitions on the subject will stimulate a child's brain and invoke a Mathematical Interest in him and then more difficult higher concepts can be taught to him, as he would be in a receptive mode. Topics Covered In the 15 hours of the course you will learn to speed up:- High Speed Multiplication Faster Division Accelerated Addition Instant Subtractions Digital Roots Algebra: Linear, Simultaneous, Quadratic and Miscellaneous Equations Squares Cubes Square Roots Cube Roots Math Meditation - Doing Math Calculations without Pens and Paper! Divisibility Calendars Pythagoras Theorem These topics and more are taught to you in over 15 hours through WhiteBoard Demonstrations, Computer Presentations and Documentary Films. Each Topic is dealt with in Detail and several examples of various difficulty levels are solved step by step. The viewer can cover each topic in his own pace and can have the topic repeated if he needs further understanding. The course is alive with numerous examples and practice exercises also. Each example is explained in detail for a better understanding and there are many illustrations per topic to ensure grasping of the subject. Bonus Class Room Time, Free Phone Support. Apart from this course, to have a high level of interactivity we offer over 3 hours of our interactive virtual classroom support where your doubts, questions will be addressed for a better level of understanding and clarity. Our Virtual Classroom is equipped with Audio-Video,Powerpoints and WhiteBoard so that a variety of explanations can be given. We will be happy to answer your questions as you dwell deeper into the subject and help you out. We will be also be happy to offer you our email, phone and chat support. Testimonials "" The course is extensive material on Vedic Math. A Lot of hard work has been put to bring alive this work which is evident once you see it and this has to be appreciated. The content and the editing has been done professionally and I had an amazing viewing experience. My children loved the Multiplication methods especially squares by the duplex method. Now they can do this in till the time it takes for a dropped pin to reach the ground. Stupendous I say."" Liam Caffrey Ireland ' Ancient Indian Secrets a Math Teacher should know' Nehru Lall United Kingdom "" Great work Gaurav. Your Forum is doing a service to the society by imparting these skills to the new generation. They need this to get rid of the Math Phobia prevalent in the classrooms and I think your COURSE set fits here beautifully. The explanations offered and the repetition of the methods is good for the kids to help them grasp the method. "" Martyn Rosser Southern Pines, NC United States "" I am a Math teacher in Houston and its been two months since I learnt these methods from India with the help of the Complete High Speed Vedic Math COURSE set. I have started teaching these methods to my students who I coach and their eyes shine with excitement when I teach them these methods. They want to learn more and these teens who would rather be playing computer games request me to extend their class timings to learn these new methods. I over my 9 years of service have never experienced this ever and it is amazing that the High Speed Vedic Math system is able to do so!"" Pilip Mmillan, Jr Milwaukee, WI United States ""I think I can achieve a Grade A in my Next Math Exam. Its possible. Prof.Tekriwal's Vedic Math Methods are out of this world. Its like Harry Potter's Magic working with Math."" Ronald Kaye Pontypool, Torfaen United Kingdom "" The Division Method you taught and explained is fastest. You are correct. I now can challenge my friends to get answers correct to 5 decimal places faster than me. I beat them on all counts."" Francis Ryan Perth Western Australia Australia "" My child Vivian was Math-Phobic. When I found your website and learnt about the advantages of the COURSE set I thought it might help Vivian. It was initially very difficult to have him sit through the COURSE set. But all of a sudden when the Base Method topic was going onsomething caught his attention and he sat for the full 3 hours. He sat up till late in the evening and was scribbling in his notebook which when I saw was filled up with calculations which he had solved using your Vedic Math Method. Vivian is now eager to complete the course and he thinks that these methods are friendly and would help him. Thank you Mr.Tekriwal for showing my child the way."" William Perry Columbus, OH United States "" I am home-schooling my child. This Indian method attracted me when I did some of the tutorials given on the website. I thought it would help my son to overcome his math problems. I got the Vedic Math COURSE set and showed some of the methods. I was skeptical that this would overwhelm my child hence I thought of going over it myself first and to my amazement these COURSEs clarify the Math Concepts beautifully without any hysteria over the speed. The idea is to do the sum using the basic simple system and then if its happen in speed that's a bonus you get. Thomas has now joined me and we solve the sums together. Sometimes he teaches me a new concept. Thankyou."" Terrence Brannon Taylorsville, CA United States "" Its simply magical and it has introduced me to a Wonderland of Numbers"" Margaret Rittenhouse Leonia, NJ United States "" Thankyou for your permission to allow us to have a 2 hour screening of the Vedic Math System from your COURSE for our school. It was successful and the children were seen taking down notes. This is the first time we've ever done this and I think we would have more of such sessions in the near future. We have given assignments and project work to our students on High Speed Vedic Math which will go a long way in helping them understand the concepts."" Alejandro Gomez Austin, TX United States For further details you can go to http://www.vedicmathsindia.org"
Price: 34.99 |
"Arduino meets LabVIEW - Wiring, Installation & Programming" |
"Arduino Smart Control is a course specially created for Electronic Geeks, Engineering Students & Engineers who wants to take Arduino Programming to next level. The course lesson will explains How to work on Arduino by using C Language. This course will work best for you if you own an Arduino UNO. Later you will learn how to interface the Arduino with LabVIEW. Arduino can be used in your Engineering projects, Industrial Projects or Home Automation related projects. Why Learn Arduino? If you an Engineering or Science student you might come across projects in which you want Physical interaction with your computer system & to display the operations on PC Screen Arduino is one of the cost effective board you can purchase & starts programming to interact physical elements with your logic & create results the way you want. And using LabVIEW , you can display the various process parameters like Motor Speed, LED ON/OFF Feedback, Temperature Signal & many others digital or analogue processes. Moreover, you can create unlimited Buttons, Switches & Message Box to control the Arduino Moreover, by learning Arduino you can create Innovative Projects. You just need to THINK, WIRE & CODE. Brief Outline: High Quality Video Tutorials on Arduino Wiring (Fritzing), Arduino Programming & Interfacing with LabVIEW Includes Arduino E-books & Circuit Diagrams Includes LabVIEW Codes, Aps Arduino Programming using C Language Arduino used: Arduino UNO ATMega 328 Micro-controller 14 Digital Input/ Output Pins PWM Output (8 Bit) 6 Analog Inputs (10 Bits) USB Programmable LabVIEW Version required: 2009 or later (We have used 2013 version in the videos) Will you get the Certificate? You'll get a certificate of completion after you completed this course. Anyways in the world of web development a certificate is not as important as in other careers. Tech companies nowadays hire developers judging by their past projects, experience and skills. It's guaranteed that no company will hire you just because you have a degree or a certificate on the wall. For any queries & help, we are just an E-mail away!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Piano The Hard Way - Fast Way To Life Long Piano Enjoyment" |
" Relevant for 2019! This Course Is Intended To End Procrastination For Anyone Who's Wanted To Learn Piano. Mostly Likely The Quickest Way To Get An Excellent Foundation For Life Long Piano Enjoyment. This Course Will Show You Exactly What Exercises And Practice Techniques You Will Need to Succeed.By the end of this course you WILL know the following:1.) Every letter on the piano2.) All major and minor chords3.) Hand independence - Be able to use all fingers in both hands4.) Know how to play some songs including a very popular one you have probably heard before.What are you waiting for, grab this course now!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Forex for Beginners: Easy Forex Trading for Beginners" |
"This mini-course is for the beginner trader who is feeling lost and overwhelmed with all the knowledge that is available and needs some guidance as to what are the most important factors in trading.Unlike a lot of beginnercourses,I show you what are the few most important things to bear in mind that I wish I had known when just starting out as it would have sliced years off my learning curve.When you understand what is important in trading you will only spend your time on systems that provide you with what you needand you will know the right questions to ask when you consider buying a trading system.it is easy to be mystified and impressed with complicated looking systems, but this is not what professional traders use. They keep it simple and adopt these same principles that I will be teaching you in this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Trading Psychology Made Easy: Patience" |
"Trading Psychology Made Easy: Acquire the ability to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering in trading without becoming annoyed or anxiousWhy You Need to Take This Course.A recent studentsurvey demonstrated that one of the biggest trading psychology issues that traders face, is related to their own inability to just sit and wait for the best time to take an action, whether that be to enter a trade, move a stop loss, or wait for the planned take profit target.This inability to simply wait, leads to entering trades when there are no trades to take, (over-trading), exiting trades too early without allowing them time to develop, and exiting trades before the take profit has been reached.Lack of patience also causes other negative behaviours related to trading, such as not bothering to back-test the system, not keeping careful records and not doing an end-of-day or end-of-week analysis of trading results to find areas of improvement.The feeling of things not moving fast enough also causes traders to add too many trading systems to an already overloaded brain and not be able to focus properly on any one strategy to make it profitableThe profitability of the trading system is profoundly impacted by these types of behaviours and turns what is a money making system in theory, into a loss-making system in the real life.The problem facing traders is that personal change can be hard and requires extensive inner work to change a person from impulsive and impatient to someone who routinely practices patience on a daily and hourly basis.This little courseaims to give traders a new way to look at trading which will naturally increase positive trading behaviours in an effortless way.Using powerful techniques from the world of NLP, Hypnosis and EFT help make lack of patience a non-issue in your trading performance.Get the CourseNow and Start Improving Your Trading Today!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Trading Psychology Made Easy: Conquer Your Fear in Trading" |
"The most prevalent emotion facing traders is fear..Fear causes traders to exit trades too early ruining their equity curve.Fear causes traders to self-sabotage so they can fulfil their self-fulfilling prophecy of trading failure.Fear causes traders to find reasons to avoid taking trades that would have been winners.Fear causes traders to exit trades before they have a chance to get the move under way and then have the misery of seeing a profitable trade run away from them.There are many more destructive aspects to fear in trading and what is vital for the trader in order for them to succeed is to have a way of thinking about trading that eliminates fear from the trading process.Thiscourse has been createdby a therapist qualified in Hypnosis, EFT and NLP who is also a trader with over eight years trading experience.This'Trading Psychology Made Easy' courseprovides lots of exercises to specifically help with the problem of fear and is designed to give you a new paradigm abouttrading that will not only enable you to trade without the negative effects of fear, but will also enable you to become a much better trader in theprocess.Go on take the course and make your fear in trading a thing of the past..."
Price: 19.99 |
"Face Reading" |
"As far as I know the only place this science is currently taught is the U.S. Judicial System for criminal profiling and jury selection. That sucks! It's not right that this information is withheld. We should all be taught it in kindergarten! I believe this Knowledge should be available to everyone, so I have created this course. How many of the world's problems result because everyone thinks, that everyone else thinks, just the way they do? Face Reading will teach you how to read someone's face, and before a word is said, know everything from how they need new information to be presented, to whether they'd prefer to be greeted with a hug or a handshake. This science has been verified with 98% accuracy. I've been teaching this for more than 20 years and found it to be more like 90% - 92% accurate.- Good enough to have made me a LOT of money as a sales person; and saved me a lot of grief in relationships. At work or home this is the one tool that will put you on the same page with everyone straight away, and enable you to speak in a way that you will not only be heard, they will feel heard. Communication isn't about what's said, its about what's heard. Make Face Reading a game the whole family plays. Share it with anyone who needs to understand people better, and let's face it, that's everyone. To be easily reading faces yourself with more than 90% accuracy, get the manual that goes with this course. It will help you apply face reading effectively in your life. It contains additional essential information, Trait Photos - including Type B - with detailed descriptions for each trait; Information on how the traits operate in relationships - with advice on how to manage them; and a JOYscription - fun ways to implement and learn the traits. It's only $29. Print out the Trait pages, stick them on the fridge and on the back of the toilet door. Follow the JOYscriptions. SHARE this information with people you want to understand YOU!"
Price: 124.99 |
"Get Ready for Marriage!" |
"Congratulations on deciding to get married! You are about to enter into the most exciting adventure of your life. Without doubt your marriage is the greatest investment you will ever make. And you will want to make sure that you have everything you need to make it happy, successful and rewarding. Many couples spend hundreds of hours planning their wedding, but very little time planning their marriage. So before the big day, here is an opportunity to sit together and reflect on what it is that you want from your marriage. ""Get Ready for Marriage"" helps you think about your marriage, what you want it to be and what you want to be for each other. Unlike most marriage preparation courses, you can do this course in the privacy of your own home without having to share your thoughts about your relationship with strangers. Conducted by experienced marriage coach and wedding celebrant, Jonathan Payne, who has worked with hundreds of couples over some 20 years, ""Get Ready for Marriage"" is fun, informative, thought provoking and inspiring. Exactly what you need before the moment you say ""I do"". (And of course if you are already married, this course will give you the chance to think about your relationship and give it a few ""touch ups"" to ensure it remains the happy, loving, rewarding experience you deserve)."
Price: 44.99 |
"Songwriting - From Idea to Finished Song" |
"Hey guys! My name is Ben Cooper, and I’m a full-time songwriter here in Nashville, Tennessee. Whenever I tell people what I do for a living, I often get a response like, “Wow, writing songs is such a mystery to me.” Maybe you’ve thought about writing a song or have come up with an idea that would make a good song. Who knows, you might have already written tons of songs and are just looking to come back to some of the basics. Whatever the case, this course is specifically designed to equip you with a working knowledge and understanding of the craft of songwriting. In this first course, we’ll focus on de-mystifying the process of constructing a song. We’ll begin with questions like “What is the purpose or goal of a song?” and “How do a lyric, hook and melody work together?” Don’t worry if you don’t yet play an instrument… I’ll be giving a quick piano and guitar lesson to get you started. We'll also be looking at the importance of the opening line and what to do if you get stuck starting the second verse. In the end, my hope is that you’ll feel confident of your ability to take an idea and develop it into a complete song. I’m excited about this course, and I hope you’ll join me! This course, primarily taught through informal video discussions, will encourage the participation of its viewers by finding specific examples in popular music of each segment topic. This course contains about two hours of viewing time, with the option to participate in composing an original song based on the information discussed. As the instructor, I will be monitoring the discussion weekly and improving upon the course as necessary."
Price: 24.99 |
"Create a Photo Sharing App for iOS with Parse in 4 Hours" |
"So you want to make an awesome social app such as Instagram, Snap Chat, Path, Airbnb but don't know where to start? This course will teach you how to code a photo sharing app for iOS in only 4 hours. We will start from a blank project, and then cover the most important topics such as user authentication, database query, Facebook integration for building a scalable social app. By the end of this course, you will be able to create a fully functional app ready to handle millions of users! If you already know the basics of iOS development (ie. UITableViewController), then you are good to go. Even If you are not familiar with iOS programming yet, you can definitely follow the course as we will show you step-by-step how to put everything together. Everything in this course will be done completely in Objective-C, something you are already familiar with. We will be making the app with the most up-to-date version of development environment, Xcode 5 and iOS 7. We divided the course into more than 38 bite-sized video lessons for you to learn at your own pace."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Blackmagic Fusion: Free After Effects Altenative" |
"Do you want to learn motion graphics, visual effects, and compositing but felt held back by the cost of software like After Effects? If you answered yes, than I have great news for you.There is a very powerful application that is used in both the TV and movie industry called Blackmagic Design Fusion. It is made by the same company that makes Davinci Resolve. It has pretty much all of the capabilities of AE but the good news is you can get it for FREE. They have two versions available, one for free download and another studio version which costs $299. The great thing is that most of its best features are available in the free version. Both versions were recently updated and even the paid version is now 1/3 the price is was available for previously. This course will take you step by step and introduce you to the amazing capabilities of this free application. You will learn the interface, its workflow, and create basic motion graphics, visual effects, and digital compositing including green screen removal."
Price: 29.99 |
"Hacking Techniques for IT Professionals 2.0 Complete Course" |
"LAST UPDATED: 11/2019BONUS: Finishing this course you will get free voucher for IT Security Academy Online Examination Center where you can archive your IT Security Certificate. Before we begin: the practical use of the course you are going to see has been proven by thousands of people all over the world beginners and computer geeks as well. People who make their first steps in computer / network security and professionals: network administrators, programmers, pentesters, black- and white hat hackers. Please, read carefully what we'd like to share with you.Welcome to IT Secutiry Academy! IT Security Academy (ISA) is a company that associates ITsec Professionals. Now we are proud to share our knowledge online. Certified experts (CISS, MCSE:MS, CEH, CISSP) have created courses from Beginner to Advanced level. Our goal is to provide the highest quality materials you've ever seen online and prepare you not only for certification exams, but also teach you pratical skills. You're welcome to join us and start your training now. About the trainingThis course is ideal for everyone, regardless of their skills and expertise. The arrangement and presentation of learning resources will let both novices and more advanced students broaden their knowledge of IT security. Training is starting with IT Security current threat and trends. Afterwards we are discussing popular security myths. Great part of the training relates to Network security. We will start with local networks, talk about protocols and theirs vulnerabilities. You will learn how to design secure computer networks and subnets. You will become real network administrator. Next you will discover why wireless networks could be so dangerous. You will learn standards, protocols and security solutions. Wi-Fi networks are an integral part of our lives, but not everyone realizes that if it is inadequately protected, your enterprise or home network can disclose your confidential passwords and give attackers easy access to the machines youre administrating. Topics covered include core issues related to effectively securing the most popular Microsoft OS: identity theft, authentication, authorization, encryption. We identify typical mistakes and guide you towards achieving good OS protection. "
Price: 99.99 |
"SQL Queries 101" |
"This short course helps a beginner to understand how to write basic SQL queries and other code statement to develop and administer SQL Server. There will be downloadable labs to follow with the lessons so you gain confidence with your new skill. When you do the steps along with the lessons you can expect this course to take between 20 and 40 hours."
Price: 29.99 |
"SAS Macro Programming By Example" |
"This course is all about SAS macro. SAS is synonymous of analytics. SAS macro is considered an advance topic in SAS programming.It helps SAS programmers tosave his time,write error free code andput more time into analysis rather than just writing the code.In this course students will learn the syntax of SAS macro, see the use cases and will go through some workout examples. After doing the course students should become comfortable in writing SAS macros.The course will have two sectionsIntroduction - in this section, students will be introduced to various syntax options and they will be demonstrated the same using SASWorkout - in this section students will learn to put together various SAS syntax for a purpose. They will learn the objective of the use case and see how it was achieved. All the code will be explained in step by step manner."
Price: 19.99 |
"Logistic Regression (Predictive Modeling) workshop using R" |
"This course is a workshop on logistic regression using R. The courseDoesn't have much of theory - it is more of execution of R command for the purposeProvides step by step process detailsStep by step executionData files for the modelingExcel file containing output of these stepsThe content of the course is as followsData Import and Data Sanity CheckDevelopment n Validation dataset preparartionImportant Categorical Variable selectionImportant Numeric Variable SelectionIndicator Variable CreationStepwise RegressionDealing with multicollinearityLogistic Regression Score n Probabilitygeneration in the data setHands on KS CalculationCoefficient stability checkIterate for final model"
Price: 19.99 |
"Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Factor Analysis" |
"The course explains one of the important aspect of machine learning - Principal component analysis and factor analysis in a very easy to understand manner. It explains theory as well as demonstrates how to use SAS and R for the purpose.The course provides entire course content available to download in PDF format, data set and code files. The detail course content is as follows.Intuitive Understanding of PCA 2D Casewhat is the variance in the data in different dimensions?what is principal component?Formal definition of PCsUnderstand the formal definition of PCAProperties of Principal ComponentsUnderstanding principal component analysis (PCA) definition using a 3D imageProperties of Principal ComponentsSummarize PCA conceptsUnderstand why first eigen value is bigger than second, second is bigger than third and so onData Treatment for conducting PCA How to treat ordinal variables?How to treat numeric variables?Conduct PCA using SAS: UnderstandCorrelation MatrixEigen value tableScree plotHow many pricipal components one should keep?How is principal components getting derived?Conduct PCA using RIntroduction to Factor AnalysisIntroduction to factor analysisFactor analysis vs PCA side by sideFactor Analysis Using RFactor Analysis Using SASTheory for using PCA for Variable SelectionDemo of using PCA for Variable Selection"
Price: 19.99 |
"SAS Programming from Scratch & Practice Case Studies workout" |
"Learn SAS programming from industrial usage perspective. SAS is one of the most used tool for data science, analytics and statistical analysis domain. This course is designed to give you good start on SAS programming quickly. The course has following highlightsGetting free access to SASImporting dataGetting basic feel of data- through contents, print, freq, univariateData operations like merge, append, sort, truncate rows / columns wise,derive new fields,analysis for each classGraphs vertical bar chart / pie charts / stacked chartsStatistical procedureTitle and labels for enhancementsTabulate for pivot table kind of workPutting together analysis with ODS HTML and colorful titleproc transpose to transpose the dataproc compare to compare datasetsThe course content in detail is as follows----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 1 : Getting access to SAS and understand SAS environment----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Getting free access to learn SASGet familiar with SAS environmentUnderstand what isProgram editorLog windowOutput windowLibrary etc.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 2 : Most used data operations in SAS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get familiar with the Data for workoutImport data in SASViewing Meta DataViewing DataUnderstand various options to print Few records starting from a particular observationFew columns / all columnsprecautionDirect data entry in SASHow to be careful for character formatFrequency Distribution for categorical variablesUnderstandVarious parts of the outputDefault and quantity based sorting orderStoring proc freq output into a SAS datasetWhy one should avoid proc freq for numeric variableNumeric Variable AnalysisUnderstandProc Univariate and Proc MeansAdvantages of both the approachesRequesting few statistics only in the outputSorting Data UnderstandHow to sort on the basis of one variable / two variablesHow to keep original data as it is and store sorted data in a new datasetHow to sort data in descending orderHow to remove duplicatesWhat is first. and last. option and how to use itMerging n Dealing with missing dataUnderstandWhat is merging dataWhat are the Pre requisites of merging dataWhat is left join, right join and equi joinHow to do various kinds of joinHow is missing value represented for numeric and character variableSyntax for replacing missing value for a numeric variableSyntax for replacing missing value for a character variableAppending datasetsUnderstandWhat is appending datasets?How to append data?What happens when datsets have different columns and still you want to append it?Derive New fieldWrite if else logic to create a derived fieldLearn to use OR operatorUnderstand how to define length for proper display of variableArithmetic Logical n comparison OperatorsGet to know the different Arithmetic, Logical and Comparison operators we haveDemo of how to use them for the whole data setAlso see how to keep only those records, which meets certain criteriaTruncating data rows n columns wiseLearn how to keep or drop few fields from a given datasetLearn to keep or delete few records meeting certain criteriaPart of string using SubstrUnderstand the syntax for substringSee the workout examplein operatorUnderstand the usage of in operatorSee the demo to understand how does it make it easy to compare multiple string in one goCrossTab using SASUnderstandHow to create cross tab in SAS?How to interpret the outputHow to supress some statistics from the result?Numeric Variable Analysis for each classUnderstand how to conduct analysis for each distinct value of a particular categorical variable easily using class statementdealing with datesUnderstand date 9 formatThe usage of mdy function to create dateFind days / years spend between two datesUse round function to get nicely formatted valueProc SQL n Fetching data from databaseUnderstand the utility of Proc SQLUnderstand the process of getting data from databases using proc SQL----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 3 : Statistical procedures and report enhancements----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Conducting linear regression analysis using SASUnderstand how to conduct linear regression analysis using SASHow to get the regression equation, coefficient of determination etc.How to interpret coefficient of determinationHow to make out, it is a positive or negative relationshipConducting Chi square analysis using SASUnderstand how to get chi square statistics for contingency tableHow to make sense of degree of freedom, chi square statistics, p value etc. Conducting one way ANOVA analysis using SASLearn the syntax of ANOVA analysis using SASLearn to interpret the box plot appearing with ANOVA analysisLearn to make sense of p value of ANOVAGraphs in SASLearn to Create vertical bar chartCreate horizontal bar chart How to get just the percentage or freq, percent allHow to create stacked bar chart (where bars of numeric variable can show distribution of a categorical variable)How to create a pie chartDifference between proc gchart and proc chartHow to create chart of a numeric variable for each class separatelyTitle and LabelHow to put specific title above the print / graph output etc.How does title 1 and title 2 differWhat is labelWhat is the use of these title and label statementProc tabulate - pivot table in SASUnderstand the syntax of proc tabulateSee proc tabulate and Excel pivot table side by sideODS HTML to package the output and rich text title (bold, colorful)Proc transpose to transpose the dataProc compare to compare datasets------------------------Section 4 - Practice Case Studies - apply your knowledge to solve business problems--------------------------------"
Price: 19.99 |
"Artificial Neural Networks tutorial - theory & applications" |
"This course aims to simplify concepts of Artificial Neural Network (ANN). ANN mimics the process of thinking. Using it's inherent structure, ANN can solve multitude of problem like binary classifications problem, multi level classification problem etc.The course is unique in terms of simplicity and it's step by step approach of presenting the concepts and application of neural network.The course has two section-------------------------------------------------------Section 1 : Theory of artificial neural network--------------------------------------------------------what is neural networkTerms associated with neural networkWhat is nodeWhat is bias What is hidden layer / input layer / output layerWhat is activation function What is a feed forward modelHow does a Neural Network algorithm work?What is case / batch updatingWhat is weight and bias updationIntuitive understanding of functioning of neural networkStopping criteriaWhat decisions an analyst need to take to optimize the neural network?Data Pre processing required to apply ANN-------------------------------------------------------Section 2 : Application of artificial neural network--------------------------------------------------------Application of ANN for binary outcomeApplication of ANN for multi level outcomeAssignment of ANN - learn by doing"
Price: 19.99 |