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"10.- Como se realiza una obra de edificacin: Solados Int."
"El autor, Arquitecto Tcnico, con experiencia de muchos aos a pie de obra, ha realizado filmaciones de video directamente de los tajos, de ""como se realiza una obra de edificacin"", desde los cimientos a los acabados. Dando por bueno el viejo aforismo de que vale ms una imagen que mil palabras. Siguiendo el hilo conductor de Como se, se recopilan en 17 cursos o captulos, 231 clases o unidades de ejecucin. Editados y comentados, como una visita guiada por los tajos se tratara."
Price: 74.99

"11.- Como se realiza una obra de edificacin: Solados exter."
"El autor, Arquitecto Tcnico, con experiencia de muchos aos a pie de obra, ha realizado filmaciones de video directamente de los tajos, de ""como se realiza una obra de edificacin"", desde los cimientos a los acabados. Dando por bueno el viejo aforismo de que vale ms una imagen que mil palabras. Siguiendo el hilo conductor de Como se, se recopilan en 17 cursos o captulos, 231 clases o unidades de ejecucin. Editados y comentados, como una visita guiada por los tajos se tratara."
Price: 89.99

"12.-Como se realiza una obra de edificacin: Carpinteria Ext"
"El autor, Arquitecto Tcnico, con experiencia de muchos aos a pie de obra, ha realizado filmaciones de video directamente de los tajos, de ""como se realiza una obra de edificacin"", desde los cimientos a los acabados. Dando por bueno el viejo aforismo de que vale ms una imagen que mil palabras. Siguiendo el hilo conductor de Como se, se recopilan en 17 cursos o captulos, 231 clases o unidades de ejecucin. Editados y comentados, como una visita guiada por los tajos se tratara."
Price: 59.99

"13.-Como se realiza una obra de edificacin: Carpinteria Int"
"El autor, Arquitecto Tcnico, con experiencia de muchos aos a pie de obra, ha realizado filmaciones de video directamente de los tajos, de ""como se realiza una obra de edificacin"", desde los cimientos a los acabados. Dando por bueno el viejo aforismo de que vale ms una imagen que mil palabras. Siguiendo el hilo conductor de Como se, se recopilan en 17 cursos o captulos, 231 clases o unidades de ejecucin. Editados y comentados, como una visita guiada por los tajos se tratara."
Price: 79.99

"14.- Como se realiza una obra de edificacin: Metalistera"
"El autor, Arquitecto Tcnico, con experiencia de muchos aos a pie de obra, ha realizado filmaciones de video directamente de los tajos, de ""como se realiza una obra de edificacin"", desde los cimientos a los acabados. Dando por bueno el viejo aforismo de que vale ms una imagen que mil palabras. Siguiendo el hilo conductor de Como se, se recopilan en 17 cursos o captulos, 231 clases o unidades de ejecucin. Editados y comentados, como una visita guiada por los tajos se tratara."
Price: 59.99

"15.- Como se realiza una obra de edificacin: Pintura"
"El autor, Arquitecto Tcnico, con experiencia de muchos aos a pie de obra, ha realizado filmaciones de video directamente de los tajos, de ""como se realiza una obra de edificacin"", desde los cimientos a los acabados. Dando por bueno el viejo aforismo de que vale ms una imagen que mil palabras. Siguiendo el hilo conductor de Como se, se recopilan en 17 cursos o captulos, 231 clases o unidades de ejecucin. Editados y comentados, como una visita guiada por los tajos se tratara."
Price: 29.99

"16.- Como se realiza una obra de edificacin: Vidrios"
"El autor, Arquitecto Tcnico, con experiencia de muchos aos a pie de obra, ha realizado filmaciones de video directamente de los tajos, de ""como se realiza una obra de edificacin"", desde los cimientos a los acabados. Dando por bueno el viejo aforismo de que vale ms una imagen que mil palabras. Siguiendo el hilo conductor de Como se, se recopilan en 17 cursos o captulos, 231 clases o unidades de ejecucin. Editados y comentados, como una visita guiada por los tajos se tratara."
Price: 29.99

"17.- Como se realiza una obra de edificacin: Instalaciones"
"El autor, Arquitecto Tcnico, con experiencia de muchos aos a pie de obra, ha realizado filmaciones de video directamente de los tajos, de ""como se realiza una obra de edificacin"", desde los cimientos a los acabados. Dando por bueno el viejo aforismo de que vale ms una imagen que mil palabras. Siguiendo el hilo conductor de Como se, se recopilan en 17 cursos o captulos, 231 clases o unidades de ejecucin. Editados y comentados, como una visita guiada por los tajos se tratara."
Price: 139.99

"Modelando Domnios Ricos com OOP, DDD e CQRS"
"Ol e seja bem vindo ao curso Modelando Domnios Ricos. Se voc quer melhorar ou consolidar suas habilidades como desenvolvedor, ento este o curso certo para voc.Neste curso vamos aprender a criar um contexto de pagamento utilizando recursos de OOP, DDD e CQRS utilizando C# como linguagem de programao.Ao trmino deste curso, voc ser capaz de criar um cdigo mais limpo, reusvel e testvel, passando por todas as etapas do desenvolvimento de um contexto complexo."
Price: 39.99

"Pivotal Certified Spring Professional (4.3) - 5 Full Tests"
"About The CourseContentsThe ""Pivotal Certified Spring Professional (4.3) - Practice Tests"" course contains 5 complete tests (totalling to 250 questions). Taking The Practice TestsJust like the real exam, you must complete a test in 90 minutes.Also, just like the real exam, the passing score is 76% (that means, you must have answered correctly, at least 38 questions). Each complete test has: 1. 50 questions just like the real test 2. full coverage (100%) of the test topicsSource Of Practice QuestionsThe practice questions are based on official Spring documentations.Practice Question CategoriesThe practice questions are categorised according to the official Pivotal Exam Topics  (hereby known as Knowledge Areas in Udemy) at the ""Pivotal Certifications"" page. Each complete test (there are 5) has full coverage (100%) of the major categories. Real Test Questions Versus My Practice QuestionsThe questions are in similar level of difficulty as the real exam questions. Quality Of Practice QuestionsThe questions are the best out there. All the questions underwent thorough review to remove any traces of vagueness or inaccuracy.What are the requirements?The student should have studied everything mentioned in the exam topics published by Pivotal.The student should have done hands-on usage or practice of the Spring constructs mentioned in the exam topics published by Pivotal.What am I going to get from this course?If the student have a weakness on any topic (Knowledge Area, or Official Exam Category), they will be able to identify it. They can then restudy those topics.If the student is strong on some topics, he will be able to identify it. He will have more confidence on these topics.The student will be able to pass the ""Pivotal Certified Spring Professional (4.3)"" exam.What is the target audience?Anyone who wants to pass the ""Pivotal Certified Spring Professional (4.3)"" exam.How To Pass The TestStudy all the topics mentioned in the official Pivotal list of exam topics.The exam has a number of questions that are related to Spring codes. It is very helpful if you feel very comfortable (and fast) in evaluating codes. This can be achieved by doing actual hands-on on the Spring codes.Use the Practice Test 1 in this course. Follow the time limit. Do not extend over the time limit. This is so that you get the feel of the real test. Even if you havent answered all the questions, you must stop the test. You must do this to learn time management. You must monitor the time while taking the test, so that you will know if you are at the risk of reaching the time limit without processing all the questions. DO NOT TAKE THIS TEST MORE THAN ONCE. This test (and any practice test anywhere) is good only the first time. Of course, you can take it as many as you want. What is meant here, is that, it wouldnt be a realistic experience on your side, because you may have memorized some of the questions already. The score on your second try, would be misleading.Study EACH question in the result of your Practice Test 1 test. Know why the correct choices are correct, and why the wrong choices are wrong. This is what differs those who score high in the real test, and those who dont.Identify your weaknesses (topics or Knowledge Area that you scored low), and study them further.  (When viewing the results of your test, Udemy displays a summary of your score per Knowledge Area.  You will see which Knowledge Areas you have scored low, and whereby you need to focus more on.)Repeat Step 3, 4 and 5 above, on the Practice Test 2, 3, 4 and 5.Hopefully, this is enough to help you pass the test.  At this point, you should have identified your remaining weaknesses. Study them further.On the night before the test, sleep enough - e.g. at least 8 hours.On the day of the testIf it is OK with you, take coffee or something similar, about 30 minutes before the test, to make you more alert during the real test.It is also observed that meditating for a few minutes before the test, helps clear your mind and become more receptive.Better take a less stressful path to the test center. For example, take a taxi, instead of taking a bus or train, to avoid loading your mind with other things that you dont need in the test.Better schedule your test as the first thing in the day. For example, it is better to take it as the first thing in the morning, instead of going to work in the morning, and taking the test in the afternoon. You need energy in your body and clarity in your mind when taking the test.Exam TopicsOfficial Pivotal Exam Topics[Container, Dependency, And IOC][][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is dependency injection and what are the advantages?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is an interface and what are the advantages of making use of them in Java?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is meant by ""container"" and how do you create one?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the concept of a container and what is its lifecycle?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Dependency injection using Java configuration][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Dependency injection in XML, using constructor or setter injection][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Dependency injection using annotations (@Component, @Autowired)][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Component scanning, Stereotypes and Meta-Annotations][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Scopes for Spring beans. What is the default?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is an initialization method and how is it declared in a Spring bean?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is a destroy method, how is it declared and when is it called?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor and what is it used for?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is a BeanPostProcessor and how is the difference to a BeanFactoryPostProcessor? What do they do? When are they called?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Are beans lazily or eagerly instantiated by default? How do you alter this behavior?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What does component-scanning do?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the behavior of the annotation @Autowired with regards to field injection, constructor injection and method injection?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How does the @Qualifier annotation complement the use of @Autowired?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the role of the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations? When will they get called?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is a proxy object and what are the two different types of proxies Spring can create?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the power of a proxy object and where are the disadvantages?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What are the limitations of these proxies (per type)?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How do you inject scalar/literal values into Spring beans?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How are you going to create a new instance of an ApplicationContext?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is a prefix?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the lifecycle on an ApplicationContext?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What does the @Bean annotation do?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How are you going to create an ApplicationContext in an integration test or a JUnit test?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What do you have to do, if you would like to inject something into a private field?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What are the advantages of JavaConfig? What are the limitations?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the default bean id if you only use ""@Bean""?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Can you use @Bean together with @Profile?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is Spring Expression Language (SpEL for short)?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the environment abstraction in Spring?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How do you configure a profile. What are possible use cases where they might be useful?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How many profiles can you have?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How do you enable JSR-250 annotations like @PostConstruct?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Why are you not allowed to annotate a final class with @Configuration][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Which application context implementation are you using when you have used @Configuration?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Why must you have to have a default constructor in your @Configuration annotated class?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Why are you not allowed to annotate final methods with @Bean?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the preferred way to close an application context?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How can you create a shared application context in a JUnit test?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What does a static @Bean method do?  What is a ProperySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer used for?  What is a namespace used for in XML configuration?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][If you saw one of the <context/> elements covered in the course, would you know what it does?  What is @Value used for?  What is the difference between $ and # in @Value expressions?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is the concept of AOP? Which problem does it solve?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is a pointcut, a join point, an advice, an aspect, weaving?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][How does Spring solve (implement) a cross cutting concern?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][Which are the limitations of the two proxy-types?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][How many advice types does Spring support. What are they used for?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What do you have to do to enable the detection of the @Aspect annotation?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][Name three typical cross cutting concerns.][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What two problems arise if you don't solve a cross cutting concern via AOP?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What does @EnableAspectJAutoProxy do?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is a named pointcut?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][How do you externalize pointcuts? What is the advantage of doing this?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is the JoinPoint argument used for?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is a ProceedingJoinPoint?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][How are the five advice types called?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][Which advice do you have to use if you would like to try and catch exceptions?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is the difference between @EnableAspectJAutoProxy and <aop:aspectjautoproxy>?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Why do we (in Spring) prefer unchecked exceptions?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the data access exception hierarchy?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][How do you configure a DataSource in Spring? Which bean is very useful for development?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the Template design pattern and what is the JDBC template?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is a callback? What are the three JdbcTemplate callback interfaces described in the notes? What are they used for? ][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Can you execute a plain SQL statement with the JDBC template?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Does the JDBC template acquire (and release) a connection for every method called or once per template?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Is the JDBC template able to participate in an existing transaction?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is a transaction? What is the difference between a local and a global transaction?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Is a transaction a cross cutting concern? How is it implemented in Spring?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][How are you going to set up a transaction in Spring?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What does @Transactional do? What is the PlatformTransactionManager?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the TransactionTemplate? Why would you use it?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is a transaction isolation level? How many do we have and how are they ordered?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the difference between @EnableTransactionManagement and <tx:annotation-driven>?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][How does the JdbcTemplate support generic queries? How does it return objects and lists/maps of objects?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What does transaction propagation mean?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What happens if one @Transactional annotated method is calling another @Transactional annotated method on the same object instance?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Where can the @Transactional annotation be used? What is a typical usage if you put it at class level?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What does declarative transaction management mean?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the default rollback policy? How can you override it?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the default rollback policy in a JUnit test, when you use the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner and annotate your @Test annotated method with @Transactional?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Why is the term ""unit of work"" so important and why does JDBC AutoCommit violate this pattern?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What does JPA mean - what is ORM? What is the idea behind an ORM?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is a PersistenceContext and what is an EntityManager. What is the relationship between both?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Why do you need the @Entity annotation. Where can it be placed?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What do you need to do in Spring if you would like to work with JPA?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Are you able to participate in a given transaction in Spring while working with JPA?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the PlatformTransactionManager?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What does @PersistenceContext do?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What are disadvantages or ORM? What are the benefits?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is an ""instant repository""? (hint: recall Spring Data)][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][How do you define an instant repository?  What is @Query used for?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][MVC is an abbreviation for a design pattern. What does it stand for and what is the idea behind it?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][Do you need spring-mvc.jar in your classpath or is it part of spring-core?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the DispatcherServlet and what is it used for?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][Is the DispatcherServlet instantiated via an application context?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the root application context? How is it loaded?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the @Controller annotation used for? How can you create a controller without an annotation?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the ContextLoaderListener and what does it do?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What are you going to do in the web.xml. Where do you place it?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][How is an incoming request mapped to a controller and mapped to a method?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the @RequestParam used for?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What are the differences between @RequestParam and @PathVariable?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What are some of the valid return types of a controller method?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is a View and what's the idea behind supporting different types of View?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][How is the right View chosen when it comes to the rendering phase?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the Model?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][Why do you have access to the model in your View? Where does it come from?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the purpose of the session scope?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the default scope in the web context?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][Why are controllers testable artifacts?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What does the InternalResourceViewResolver do?][][Spring Boot][][][Spring Boot][What is Spring Boot?  What are the advantages of using Spring Boot?][][Spring Boot][Why is it 'opinionated'?  How does it work? How does it know what to configure?][][Spring Boot][What things affect what Spring Boot sets up?  How are properties defined? Where?][][Spring Boot][Would you recognize common Spring Boot annotations and configuration properties if you saw them in the exam?  What is the difference between an embedded container and a WAR?][][Spring Boot][What embedded containers does Spring Boot support?  What does @EnableAutoConfiguration do? What about @SpringBootApplication?][][Spring Boot][What is a Spring Boot starter POM? Why is it useful?][][Spring Boot][Spring Boot supports both Java properties and YML files. Would you recognize and understand them if you saw them?][][Spring Boot][Can you control logging with Spring Boot? How?][][Security][][][Security][What is the delegating filter proxy?][][Security][What is the security filter chain?][][Security][In the notes several predefined filters were shown. Do you recall what they did and what order they occurred in?][][Security][Are you able to add and/or replace individual filters?][][Security][Is it enough to hide sections of my output (e.g. JSP-Page)?][][Security][Why do you need the intercept-url?][][Security][Why do you need method security? What type of object is typically secured at the method level (think of its purpose not its Java type).][][Security][Is security a cross cutting concern? How is it implemented internally?][][Security][What do @Secured and @RolesAllowed do? What is the difference between them?][][Security][What is a security context?][][Security][In which order do you have to write multiple intercept-url's?][][Security][How is a Principal defined?][][Security][What is authentication and authorization? Which must come first?][][Security][In which security annotation are you allowed to use SpEL?][][Security][Does Spring Security support password hashing? What is salting?][][REST][][][REST][What does REST stand for?][][REST][What is a resource?][][REST][What are safe REST operations?][][REST][What are idempotent operations? Why is idempotency important?][][REST][Is REST scalable and/or interoperable?][][REST][What are the advantages of the RestTemplate?][][REST][Which HTTP methods does REST use?][][REST][What is an HttpMessageConverter?][][REST][Is REST normally stateless?][][REST][What does @RequestMapping do?][][REST][Is @Controller a stereotype? Is @RestController a stereotype?][][REST][What is the difference between @Controller and @RestController?][][REST][When do you need @ResponseBody?][][REST][What does @PathVariable do?][][REST][What is the HTTP status return code for a successful DELETE statement?][][REST][What does CRUD mean?][][REST][Is REST secure? What can you do to secure it?][][REST][Where do you need @EnableWebMVC?][][REST][Name some common http response codes. When do you need @ResponseStatus?][][REST][Does REST work with transport layer security (TLS)?][][REST][Do you need Spring MVC in your classpath?][][Microservices][][][Microservices][What is a microservices architecture?][][Microservices][What are the advantages and disadvantages of microservices?][][Microservices][What sub-projects of Spring Cloud did we cover in the course?][][Microservices][Would you recognize the Spring Cloud annotations and configuration we used in the course if you saw it in the exam?][][Microservices][What Netflix projects did we use?][][Microservices][What is Service Discovery? How is this related to Eureka?][][Microservices][How do you setup Service Discovery?][][Microservices][How do you access a RESTful microservice?][]Udemy Knowledge Areas (shortened version of Official Pivotal Exam Topics, because Udemy limits the Knowledge Area to 60 characters) [1.00][Container/Dependency/IOC][ ][1.01][Container/Dependency/IOC][...dependency injection...][1.02][Container/Dependency/IOC][...interface...][1.03][Container/Dependency/IOC][...container...][1.04][Container/Dependency/IOC][...lifecycle...][1.05][Container/Dependency/IOC][...Java configuration...][1.06][Container/Dependency/IOC][...injection in XML...][1.07][Container/Dependency/IOC][...using annotations...][1.08][Container/Dependency/IOC][...Meta-Annotations][1.09][Container/Dependency/IOC][Scopes...][1.10][Container/Dependency/IOC][...initialization method...][1.11][Container/Dependency/IOC][...destroy method...][1.12][Container/Dependency/IOC][...PostProcessor...][1.13][Container/Dependency/IOC][...BeanPostProcessor...][1.14][Container/Dependency/IOC][...lazily...][1.15][Container/Dependency/IOC][...component-scanning...][1.16][Container/Dependency/IOC][...@Autowired...][1.17][Container/Dependency/IOC][...@Qualifier...][1.18][Container/Dependency/IOC][...@PostConstruct...][1.19][Container/Dependency/IOC][...proxy object...][1.20][Container/Dependency/IOC][...power...proxy...][1.21][Container/Dependency/IOC][...imitations...proxies...][1.22][Container/Dependency/IOC][...scalar/literal...][1.23][Container/Dependency/IOC][...ApplicationContext...][1.24][Container/Dependency/IOC][...prefix?][1.25][Container/Dependency/IOC][...lifecycle...Context?][1.26][Container/Dependency/IOC][...@Bean...][1.27][Container/Dependency/IOC][...Context...test?][1.28][Container/Dependency/IOC][...inject...private...][1.29][Container/Dependency/IOC][...JavaConfig...][1.30][Container/Dependency/IOC][...bean id...][1.31][Container/Dependency/IOC][...@Bean...@Profile?][1.32][Container/Dependency/IOC][...SpEL...][1.33][Container/Dependency/IOC][...env...abstraction...][1.34][Container/Dependency/IOC][...configure a profile...][1.35][Container/Dependency/IOC][...How many profiles...][1.36][Container/Dependency/IOC][... enable  JSR-250...][1.37][Container/Dependency/IOC][][1.38][Container/Dependency/IOC][...context implementation...][1.39][Container/Dependency/IOC][...default constructor...][1.40][Container/Dependency/IOC][ methods...@Bean?][1.41][Container/Dependency/IOC][...close...context?][1.42][Container/Dependency/IOC][...context...test?][1.43][Container/Dependency/IOC][...Configurer...][1.44][Container/Dependency/IOC][...<context/>...][2.00][...A...O...P...][ ][2.01][...A...O...P...][...concept...][2.02][...A...O...P...][...pointcut, a join point...][2.03][...A...O...P...][...cross cutting concern?][2.04][...A...O...P...][...two proxy-types][2.05][...A...O...P...][...advice types...][2.06][...A...O...P...][...enable...detection...@Aspect...][2.07][...A...O...P...][...three typical cross cutting...][2.08][...A...O...P...][...solve...via AOP?][2.09][...A...O...P...][...@EnableAspectJAutoProxy do?][2.10][...A...O...P...][...named pointcut?][2.11][...A...O...P...][...externalize pointcuts...][2.12][...A...O...P...][...JoinPoint argument...][2.13][...A...O...P...][...ProceedingJoinPoint?][2.14][...A...O...P...][...five advice types...][2.15][...A...O...P...][...advice...exceptions?][2.16][...A...O...P...][...<aop:aspectjautoproxy>?][3.00][JDBC...][ ][3.01][JDBC...][...checked and unchecked exceptions?]][3.02][JDBC...][...prefer unchecked exceptions?]][3.03][JDBC...][...exception hierarchy?][3.04][JDBC...][]...DataSource in Spring...[3.05][JDBC...][...JDBC template?][3.06][JDBC...][...JdbcTemplate callback interfaces...][3.07][JDBC...][...plain SQL...JDBC template?][3.08][JDBC...][...JDBC...connection...][3.09][JDBC...][...JDBC template...transaction?][3.10][JDBC...][...local and a global transaction?][3.11][JDBC...][...transaction a cross cutting...][3.12][JDBC...][...set up a transaction...][3.13][JDBC...][...@Transactional...][3.14][JDBC...][...TransactionTemplate...][3.15][JDBC...][...transaction isolation level...][3.16][JDBC...][...@EnableTransactionManagement...][3.17][JDBC...][...JdbcTemplate...generic queries...][3.18][JDBC...][...transaction propagation...][3.19][JDBC...][...@Transactional...method...same object][3.20][JDBC...][...@Transactional...class level?][3.21][JDBC...][...declarative transaction management...][3.22][JDBC...][...default rollback policy...][3.23][JDBC...][...rollback...SpringJUnit4ClassRunner...][3.24][JDBC...][...unit of work...JDBC AutoCommit...][3.25][JDBC...][...JPA...ORM?][3.26][JDBC...][...PersistenceContext...EntityManager...][3.27][JDBC...][...@Entity annotation...][3.28][JDBC...][ with JPA?][3.29][JDBC...][...transaction in Spring...JPA?][3.30][JDBC...][...PlatformTransactionManager?][3.31][JDBC...][...@PersistenceContext...][3.32][JDBC...][...disadvantages of ORM...][3.33][JDBC...][...instant repository...][3.34][JDBC...][...define an instant repository...][4.00][...MVC...][ ][4.01][...MVC...][ pattern][4.02][...MVC...][...spring-mvc.jar...][4.03][...MVC...][...DispatcherServlet...][4.05][...MVC...][...DispatcherServlet instantiated...][4.06][...MVC...][...root application context...][4.07][...MVC...][...@Controller...controller...][4.08][...MVC...][...ContextLoaderListener...][4.09][...MVC...][What are you going to do...web.xml...][4.10][...MVC...][...incoming request mapped...][4.11][...MVC...][...@RequestParam...][4.12][...MVC...][...@RequestParam and @PathVariable?][4.13][...MVC...][...return types...controller method?][4.14][...MVC...][What is a View...][4.15][...MVC...][How is the right View chosen...][4.16][...MVC...][What is the Model?][4.17][...MVC...][...access to the model in your View...][4.18][...MVC...][...purpose of the session scope?][4.19][...MVC...][...scope in the web context?][4.20][...MVC...][...controllers testable artifacts?][4.21][...MVC...][...InternalResourceViewResolver...][5.00][Spring Boot][ ][5.01][Spring Boot][...advantages...][5.02][Spring Boot][...opinionated...][5.03][Spring Boot][...How are properties defined? ...][5.04][Spring Boot][...annotations...container...WAR?][5.05][Spring Boot][......@SpringBootApplication?][5.06][Spring Boot][...starter POM...][5.07][Spring Boot][ and YML files...][5.08][Spring Boot][...control logging...][6.00][Security][ ][6.01][Security][...delegating filter proxy?][6.02][Security][ filter chain?][6.03][Security][...several predefined filters...][6.04][Security][...replace individual filters?][6.05][Security][...enough to hide sections...][6.06][Security][...intercept-url...][6.07][Security][...method security...][6.08][Security][...How...implemented internally?][6.09][Security][...@Secured...@RolesAllowed...][6.10][Security][What is a security context?][6.11][Security][...multiple intercept-url's?][6.12][Security][How is a Principal defined?][6.13][Security][...authentication...authorization...][6.14][Security][...annotation...SpEL?][6.15][Security][...password hashing...salting?][7.00][REST][ ][7.01][REST][What does REST stand for?][7.02][REST][What is a resource?][7.03][REST][What are safe REST operations?][7.04][REST][...idempotent operations...][7.05][REST][...scalable...interoperable?][7.06][REST][...advantages of the RestTemplate?][7.07][REST][Which HTTP methods does REST use?][7.08][REST][What is an HttpMessageConverter?][7.09][REST][Is REST normally stateless?][7.10][REST][What does @RequestMapping do?][7.11][REST][Is @Controller a stereotype...][7.12][REST][...@Controller and @RestController?][7.13][REST][When do you need @ResponseBody?][7.14][REST][What does @PathVariable do?][7.15][REST][...HTTP status return code...][7.16][REST][What does CRUD mean?][7.17][REST][...What can you do to secure it?][7.18][REST][Where do you need @EnableWebMVC?][7.19][REST][...http response codes...@ResponseStatus?][7.20][REST][...transport layer security (TLS)?][7.21][REST][...Spring MVC in your classpath?][8.00][Microservices][ ][8.01][Microservices][What is a microservices architecture?][8.02][Microservices][...advantages...microservices?][8.03][Microservices][...sub-projects of Spring Cloud...][8.04][Microservices][...Spring Cloud annotations..][8.05][Microservices][What Netflix projects did we use?][8.06][Microservices][...Service Discovery...Eureka?][8.07][Microservices][...setup Service Discovery?][8.08][Microservices][...access a RESTful microservice?]The 2 sets correspond exactly to each other. The 2nd one is just a shortened name (due to the 60-character limit in Udemy, for the Knowledge Area text)."
Price: 199.99

"Pivotal Certified Spring Professional (4.2) - 5 Full Tests"
"About The CourseContentsThe ""Pivotal Certified Spring Professional (4.2) - Practice Tests"" course contains 5 complete tests (totalling to 250 questions). Taking The Practice TestsJust like the real exam, you must complete a test in 90 minutes.Also, just like the real exam, the passing score is 76% (that means, you must have answered correctly, at least 38 questions). Each complete test has: 1. 50 questions just like the real test 2. full coverage (100%) of the test topicsSource Of Practice QuestionsThe practice questions are based on official Spring documentations.Practice Question CategoriesThe practice questions are categorised according to the official Pivotal Exam Topics at the ""Pivotal Certifications"" page. Each complete test (there are 5) has full coverage (100%) of the major categories. Practice Question CategoriesThe questions are in similar level of difficulty as the real exam questions. Quality Of Practice QuestionsThe questions are the best out there. All the questions underwent thorough review to remove any traces of vagueness or inaccuracy.What are the requirements?The student should have studied everything mentioned in the exam topics published by Pivotal.The student should have done hands-on usage or practice of the Spring constructs mentioned in the exam topics published by Pivotal.What am I going to get from this course?If the student have a weakness on any topic (Knowledge Area, or Official Exam Category), they will be able to identify it. They can then restudy those topics.If the student is strong on some topics, he will be able to identify it. He will have more confidence on these topics.The student will be able to pass the ""Pivotal Certified Spring Professional (4.2)"" exam.What is the target audience?Anyone who wants to pass the ""Pivotal Certified Spring Professional (4.2)"" exam.How To Pass The TestStudy all the topics mentioned in the official Pivotal list of exam topics.The exam has a number of questions that are related to Spring codes. It is very helpful if you feel very comfortable (and fast) in evaluating codes. This can be achieved by doing actual hands-on on the Spring codes.Use the Practice Test 1 in this course. Follow the time limit. Do not extend over the time limit. This is so that you get the feel of the real test. Even if you havent answered all the questions, you must stop the test. You must do this to learn time management. You must monitor the time while taking the test, so that you will know if you are at the risk of reaching the time limit without processing all the questions. DO NOT TAKE THIS TEST MORE THAN ONCE. This test (and any practice test anywhere) is good only the first time. Of course, you can take it as many as you want. What is meant here, is that, it wouldnt be a realistic experience on your side, because you may have memorized some of the questions already. The score on your second try, would be misleading.Study EACH question in the result of your Practice Test 1 test. Know why the correct choices are correct, and why the wrong choices are wrong. This is what differs those who score high in the real test, and those who dont.Identify your weaknesses (topics or Knowledge Area that you scored low), and study them further.  (When viewing the results of your test, Udemy displays a summary of your score per Knowledge Area.  You will see which Knowledge Areas you have scored low, and whereby you need to focus more on.)Repeat Step 3, 4 and 5 above, on the Practice Test 2, 3, 4 and 5.Hopefully, this is enough to help you pass the test.  At this point, you should have identified your remaining weaknesses. Study them further.On the night before the test, sleep enough - e.g. at least 8 hours.On the day of the testIf it is OK with you, take coffee or something similar, about 30 minutes before the test, to make you more alert during the real test.It is also observed that meditating for a few minutes before the test, helps clear your mind and become more receptive.Better take a less stressful path to the test center. For example, take a taxi, instead of taking a bus or train, to avoid loading your mind with other things that you dont need in the test.Better schedule your test as the first thing in the day. For example, it is better to take it as the first thing in the morning, instead of going to work in the morning, and taking the test in the afternoon. You need energy in your body and clarity in your mind when taking the test.Exam TopicsOfficial Pivotal Exam Topics[Container, Dependency, And IOC][][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is dependency injection and what are the advantages?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is an interface and what are the advantages of making use of them in Java?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is meant by ""container"" and how do you create one?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the concept of a container and what is its lifecycle?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Dependency injection using Java configuration][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Dependency injection in XML, using constructor or setter injection][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Dependency injection using annotations (@Component, @Autowired)][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Component scanning, Stereotypes and Meta-Annotations][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Scopes for Spring beans. What is the default?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is an initialization method and how is it declared in a Spring bean?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is a destroy method, how is it declared and when is it called?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor and what is it used for?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is a BeanPostProcessor and how is the difference to a BeanFactoryPostProcessor? What do they do? When are they called?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Are beans lazily or eagerly instantiated by default? How do you alter this behavior?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What does component-scanning do?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the behavior of the annotation @Autowired with regards to field injection, constructor injection and method injection?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How does the @Qualifier annotation complement the use of @Autowired?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the role of the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations? When will they get called?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is a proxy object and what are the two different types of proxies Spring can create?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the power of a proxy object and where are the disadvantages?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What are the limitations of these proxies (per type)?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How do you inject scalar/literal values into Spring beans?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How are you going to create a new instance of an ApplicationContext?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is a prefix?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the lifecycle on an ApplicationContext?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What does the @Bean annotation do?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How are you going to create an ApplicationContext in an integration test or a JUnit test?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What do you have to do, if you would like to inject something into a private field?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What are the advantages of JavaConfig? What are the limitations?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the default bean id if you only use ""@Bean""?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Can you use @Bean together with @Profile?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is Spring Expression Language (SpEL for short)?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the environment abstraction in Spring?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How do you configure a profile. What are possible use cases where they might be useful?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How many profiles can you have?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How do you enable JSR-250 annotations like @PostConstruct?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Why are you not allowed to annotate a final class with @Configuration][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Which application context implementation are you using when you have used @Configuration?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Why must you have to have a default constructor in your @Configuration annotated class?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][Why are you not allowed to annotate final methods with @Bean?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What is the preferred way to close an application context?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][How can you create a shared application context in a JUnit test?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][What does a static @Bean method do?  What is a ProperySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer used for?  What is a namespace used for in XML configuration?][][Container, Dependency, And IOC][If you saw one of the <context/> elements covered in the course, would you know what it does?  What is @Value used for?  What is the difference between $ and # in @Value expressions?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is the concept of AOP? Which problem does it solve?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is a pointcut, a join point, an advice, an aspect, weaving?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][How does Spring solve (implement) a cross cutting concern?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][Which are the limitations of the two proxy-types?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][How many advice types does Spring support. What are they used for?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What do you have to do to enable the detection of the @Aspect annotation?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][Name three typical cross cutting concerns.][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What two problems arise if you don't solve a cross cutting concern via AOP?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What does @EnableAspectJAutoProxy do?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is a named pointcut?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][How do you externalize pointcuts? What is the advantage of doing this?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is the JoinPoint argument used for?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is a ProceedingJoinPoint?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][How are the five advice types called?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][Which advice do you have to use if you would like to try and catch exceptions?][][The Aspect-Oriented Programming][What is the difference between @EnableAspectJAutoProxy and <aop:aspectjautoproxy>?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Why do we (in Spring) prefer unchecked exceptions?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the data access exception hierarchy?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][How do you configure a DataSource in Spring? Which bean is very useful for development?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the Template design pattern and what is the JDBC template?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is a callback? What are the three JdbcTemplate callback interfaces described in the notes? What are they used for? ][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Can you execute a plain SQL statement with the JDBC template?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Does the JDBC template acquire (and release) a connection for every method called or once per template?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Is the JDBC template able to participate in an existing transaction?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is a transaction? What is the difference between a local and a global transaction?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Is a transaction a cross cutting concern? How is it implemented in Spring?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][How are you going to set up a transaction in Spring?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What does @Transactional do? What is the PlatformTransactionManager?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the TransactionTemplate? Why would you use it?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is a transaction isolation level? How many do we have and how are they ordered?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the difference between @EnableTransactionManagement and <tx:annotation-driven>?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][How does the JdbcTemplate support generic queries? How does it return objects and lists/maps of objects?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What does transaction propagation mean?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What happens if one @Transactional annotated method is calling another @Transactional annotated method on the same object instance?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Where can the @Transactional annotation be used? What is a typical usage if you put it at class level?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What does declarative transaction management mean?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the default rollback policy? How can you override it?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the default rollback policy in a JUnit test, when you use the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner and annotate your @Test annotated method with @Transactional?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Why is the term ""unit of work"" so important and why does JDBC AutoCommit violate this pattern?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What does JPA mean - what is ORM? What is the idea behind an ORM?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is a PersistenceContext and what is an EntityManager. What is the relationship between both?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Why do you need the @Entity annotation. Where can it be placed?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What do you need to do in Spring if you would like to work with JPA?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][Are you able to participate in a given transaction in Spring while working with JPA?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is the PlatformTransactionManager?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What does @PersistenceContext do?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What are disadvantages or ORM? What are the benefits?][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][What is an ""instant repository""? (hint: recall Spring Data)][][JDBC, Transactions, And ORM][How do you define an instant repository?  What is @Query used for?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][MVC is an abbreviation for a design pattern. What does it stand for and what is the idea behind it?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][Do you need spring-mvc.jar in your classpath or is it part of spring-core?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the DispatcherServlet and what is it used for?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][Is the DispatcherServlet instantiated via an application context?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the root application context? How is it loaded?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the @Controller annotation used for? How can you create a controller without an annotation?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the ContextLoaderListener and what does it do?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What are you going to do in the web.xml. Where do you place it?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][How is an incoming request mapped to a controller and mapped to a method?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the @RequestParam used for?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What are the differences between @RequestParam and @PathVariable?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What are some of the valid return types of a controller method?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is a View and what's the idea behind supporting different types of View?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][How is the right View chosen when it comes to the rendering phase?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the Model?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][Why do you have access to the model in your View? Where does it come from?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the purpose of the session scope?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What is the default scope in the web context?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][Why are controllers testable artifacts?][][Spring MVC And The Web Layer][What does the InternalResourceViewResolver do?][][Spring Boot][][][Spring Boot][What is Spring Boot?  What are the advantages of using Spring Boot?][][Spring Boot][Why is it 'opinionated'?  How does it work? How does it know what to configure?][][Spring Boot][What things affect what Spring Boot sets up?  How are properties defined? Where?][][Spring Boot][Would you recognize common Spring Boot annotations and configuration properties if you saw them in the exam?  What is the difference between an embedded container and a WAR?][][Spring Boot][What embedded containers does Spring Boot support?  What does @EnableAutoConfiguration do? What about @SpringBootApplication?][][Spring Boot][What is a Spring Boot starter POM? Why is it useful?][][Spring Boot][Spring Boot supports both Java properties and YML files. Would you recognize and understand them if you saw them?][][Spring Boot][Can you control logging with Spring Boot? How?][][Security][][][Security][What is the delegating filter proxy?][][Security][What is the security filter chain?][][Security][In the notes several predefined filters were shown. Do you recall what they did and what order they occurred in?][][Security][Are you able to add and/or replace individual filters?][][Security][Is it enough to hide sections of my output (e.g. JSP-Page)?][][Security][Why do you need the intercept-url?][][Security][Why do you need method security? What type of object is typically secured at the method level (think of its purpose not its Java type).][][Security][Is security a cross cutting concern? How is it implemented internally?][][Security][What do @Secured and @RolesAllowed do? What is the difference between them?][][Security][What is a security context?][][Security][In which order do you have to write multiple intercept-url's?][][Security][How is a Principal defined?][][Security][What is authentication and authorization? Which must come first?][][Security][In which security annotation are you allowed to use SpEL?][][Security][Does Spring Security support password hashing? What is salting?][][REST][][][REST][What does REST stand for?][][REST][What is a resource?][][REST][What are safe REST operations?][][REST][What are idempotent operations? Why is idempotency important?][][REST][Is REST scalable and/or interoperable?][][REST][What are the advantages of the RestTemplate?][][REST][Which HTTP methods does REST use?][][REST][What is an HttpMessageConverter?][][REST][Is REST normally stateless?][][REST][What does @RequestMapping do?][][REST][Is @Controller a stereotype? Is @RestController a stereotype?][][REST][What is the difference between @Controller and @RestController?][][REST][When do you need @ResponseBody?][][REST][What does @PathVariable do?][][REST][What is the HTTP status return code for a successful DELETE statement?][][REST][What does CRUD mean?][][REST][Is REST secure? What can you do to secure it?][][REST][Where do you need @EnableWebMVC?][][REST][Name some common http response codes. When do you need @ResponseStatus?][][REST][Does REST work with transport layer security (TLS)?][][REST][Do you need Spring MVC in your classpath?][][Microservices][][][Microservices][What is a microservices architecture?][][Microservices][What are the advantages and disadvantages of microservices?][][Microservices][What sub-projects of Spring Cloud did we cover in the course?][][Microservices][Would you recognize the Spring Cloud annotations and configuration we used in the course if you saw it in the exam?][][Microservices][What Netflix projects did we use?][][Microservices][What is Service Discovery? How is this related to Eureka?][][Microservices][How do you setup Service Discovery?][][Microservices][How do you access a RESTful microservice?][]Udemy Knowledge Areas (shortened version of Official Pivotal Exam Topics, because Udemy limits the Knowledge Area to 60 characters) [1.00][Container/Dependency/IOC][ ][1.01][Container/Dependency/IOC][...dependency injection...][1.02][Container/Dependency/IOC][...interface...][1.03][Container/Dependency/IOC][...container...][1.04][Container/Dependency/IOC][...lifecycle...][1.05][Container/Dependency/IOC][...Java configuration...][1.06][Container/Dependency/IOC][...injection in XML...][1.07][Container/Dependency/IOC][...using annotations...][1.08][Container/Dependency/IOC][...Meta-Annotations][1.09][Container/Dependency/IOC][Scopes...][1.10][Container/Dependency/IOC][...initialization method...][1.11][Container/Dependency/IOC][...destroy method...][1.12][Container/Dependency/IOC][...PostProcessor...][1.13][Container/Dependency/IOC][...BeanPostProcessor...][1.14][Container/Dependency/IOC][...lazily...][1.15][Container/Dependency/IOC][...component-scanning...][1.16][Container/Dependency/IOC][...@Autowired...][1.17][Container/Dependency/IOC][...@Qualifier...][1.18][Container/Dependency/IOC][...@PostConstruct...][1.19][Container/Dependency/IOC][...proxy object...][1.20][Container/Dependency/IOC][...power...proxy...][1.21][Container/Dependency/IOC][...imitations...proxies...][1.22][Container/Dependency/IOC][...scalar/literal...][1.23][Container/Dependency/IOC][...ApplicationContext...][1.24][Container/Dependency/IOC][...prefix?][1.25][Container/Dependency/IOC][...lifecycle...Context?][1.26][Container/Dependency/IOC][...@Bean...][1.27][Container/Dependency/IOC][...Context...test?][1.28][Container/Dependency/IOC][...inject...private...][1.29][Container/Dependency/IOC][...JavaConfig...][1.30][Container/Dependency/IOC][...bean id...][1.31][Container/Dependency/IOC][...@Bean...@Profile?][1.32][Container/Dependency/IOC][...SpEL...][1.33][Container/Dependency/IOC][...env...abstraction...][1.34][Container/Dependency/IOC][...configure a profile...][1.35][Container/Dependency/IOC][...How many profiles...][1.36][Container/Dependency/IOC][... enable  JSR-250...][1.37][Container/Dependency/IOC][][1.38][Container/Dependency/IOC][...context implementation...][1.39][Container/Dependency/IOC][...default constructor...][1.40][Container/Dependency/IOC][ methods...@Bean?][1.41][Container/Dependency/IOC][...close...context?][1.42][Container/Dependency/IOC][...context...test?][1.43][Container/Dependency/IOC][...Configurer...][1.44][Container/Dependency/IOC][...<context/>...][2.00][...A...O...P...][ ][2.01][...A...O...P...][...concept...][2.02][...A...O...P...][...pointcut, a join point...][2.03][...A...O...P...][...cross cutting concern?][2.04][...A...O...P...][...two proxy-types][2.05][...A...O...P...][...advice types...][2.06][...A...O...P...][...enable...detection...@Aspect...][2.07][...A...O...P...][...three typical cross cutting...][2.08][...A...O...P...][...solve...via AOP?][2.09][...A...O...P...][...@EnableAspectJAutoProxy do?][2.10][...A...O...P...][...named pointcut?][2.11][...A...O...P...][...externalize pointcuts...][2.12][...A...O...P...][...JoinPoint argument...][2.13][...A...O...P...][...ProceedingJoinPoint?][2.14][...A...O...P...][...five advice types...][2.15][...A...O...P...][...advice...exceptions?][2.16][...A...O...P...][...<aop:aspectjautoproxy>?][3.00][JDBC...][ ][3.01][JDBC...][...checked and unchecked exceptions?]][3.02][JDBC...][...prefer unchecked exceptions?]][3.03][JDBC...][...exception hierarchy?][3.04][JDBC...][]...DataSource in Spring...[3.05][JDBC...][...JDBC template?][3.06][JDBC...][...JdbcTemplate callback interfaces...][3.07][JDBC...][...plain SQL...JDBC template?][3.08][JDBC...][...JDBC...connection...][3.09][JDBC...][...JDBC template...transaction?][3.10][JDBC...][...local and a global transaction?][3.11][JDBC...][...transaction a cross cutting...][3.12][JDBC...][...set up a transaction...][3.13][JDBC...][...@Transactional...][3.14][JDBC...][...TransactionTemplate...][3.15][JDBC...][...transaction isolation level...][3.16][JDBC...][...@EnableTransactionManagement...][3.17][JDBC...][...JdbcTemplate...generic queries...][3.18][JDBC...][...transaction propagation...][3.19][JDBC...][...@Transactional...method...same object][3.20][JDBC...][...@Transactional...class level?][3.21][JDBC...][...declarative transaction management...][3.22][JDBC...][...default rollback policy...][3.23][JDBC...][...rollback...SpringJUnit4ClassRunner...][3.24][JDBC...][...unit of work...JDBC AutoCommit...][3.25][JDBC...][...JPA...ORM?][3.26][JDBC...][...PersistenceContext...EntityManager...][3.27][JDBC...][...@Entity annotation...][3.28][JDBC...][ with JPA?][3.29][JDBC...][...transaction in Spring...JPA?][3.30][JDBC...][...PlatformTransactionManager?][3.31][JDBC...][...@PersistenceContext...][3.32][JDBC...][...disadvantages of ORM...][3.33][JDBC...][...instant repository...][3.34][JDBC...][...define an instant repository...][4.00][...MVC...][ ][4.01][...MVC...][ pattern][4.02][...MVC...][...spring-mvc.jar...][4.03][...MVC...][...DispatcherServlet...][4.05][...MVC...][...DispatcherServlet instantiated...][4.06][...MVC...][...root application context...][4.07][...MVC...][...@Controller...controller...][4.08][...MVC...][...ContextLoaderListener...][4.09][...MVC...][What are you going to do...web.xml...][4.10][...MVC...][...incoming request mapped...][4.11][...MVC...][...@RequestParam...][4.12][...MVC...][...@RequestParam and @PathVariable?][4.13][...MVC...][...return types...controller method?][4.14][...MVC...][What is a View...][4.15][...MVC...][How is the right View chosen...][4.16][...MVC...][What is the Model?][4.17][...MVC...][...access to the model in your View...][4.18][...MVC...][...purpose of the session scope?][4.19][...MVC...][...scope in the web context?][4.20][...MVC...][...controllers testable artifacts?][4.21][...MVC...][...InternalResourceViewResolver...][5.00][Spring Boot][ ][5.01][Spring Boot][...advantages...][5.02][Spring Boot][...opinionated...][5.03][Spring Boot][...How are properties defined? ...][5.04][Spring Boot][...annotations...container...WAR?][5.05][Spring Boot][......@SpringBootApplication?][5.06][Spring Boot][...starter POM...][5.07][Spring Boot][ and YML files...][5.08][Spring Boot][...control logging...][6.00][Security][ ][6.01][Security][...delegating filter proxy?][6.02][Security][ filter chain?][6.03][Security][...several predefined filters...][6.04][Security][...replace individual filters?][6.05][Security][...enough to hide sections...][6.06][Security][...intercept-url...][6.07][Security][...method security...][6.08][Security][...How...implemented internally?][6.09][Security][...@Secured...@RolesAllowed...][6.10][Security][What is a security context?][6.11][Security][...multiple intercept-url's?][6.12][Security][How is a Principal defined?][6.13][Security][...authentication...authorization...][6.14][Security][...annotation...SpEL?][6.15][Security][...password hashing...salting?][7.00][REST][ ][7.01][REST][What does REST stand for?][7.02][REST][What is a resource?][7.03][REST][What are safe REST operations?][7.04][REST][...idempotent operations...][7.05][REST][...scalable...interoperable?][7.06][REST][...advantages of the RestTemplate?][7.07][REST][Which HTTP methods does REST use?][7.08][REST][What is an HttpMessageConverter?][7.09][REST][Is REST normally stateless?][7.10][REST][What does @RequestMapping do?][7.11][REST][Is @Controller a stereotype...][7.12][REST][...@Controller and @RestController?][7.13][REST][When do you need @ResponseBody?][7.14][REST][What does @PathVariable do?][7.15][REST][...HTTP status return code...][7.16][REST][What does CRUD mean?][7.17][REST][...What can you do to secure it?][7.18][REST][Where do you need @EnableWebMVC?][7.19][REST][...http response codes...@ResponseStatus?][7.20][REST][...transport layer security (TLS)?][7.21][REST][...Spring MVC in your classpath?][8.00][Microservices][ ][8.01][Microservices][What is a microservices architecture?][8.02][Microservices][...advantages...microservices?][8.03][Microservices][...sub-projects of Spring Cloud...][8.04][Microservices][...Spring Cloud annotations..][8.05][Microservices][What Netflix projects did we use?][8.06][Microservices][...Service Discovery...Eureka?][8.07][Microservices][...setup Service Discovery?][8.08][Microservices][...access a RESTful microservice?]The 2 sets correspond exactly to each other. The 2nd one is just a shortened name (due to the 60-character limit in Udemy, for the Knowledge Area text)."
Price: 149.99

"Web development crash course"
"Hi! Welcome to the Web Development Crash Course!theonly course you need to learn web development.There are a lot of options for online developer training, but this course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and effective on the market. Here's why:Ihave been to the point throughout the course.Cleared all the fundamental and advancedconcepts.Taught like a friend sitting next to you.Taught both front as well as back end development.Interacts with students on daily basis.When you're learning to program you often have to sacrifice learning the exciting and current technologies in favor of the ""beginner friendly"" classes. With this course, you get the best of both worlds. This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:HTML5CSS3JavaScriptBootstrapjQueryNodeJSNPMExpressJSRESTMongoDBAuthenticationAngular JSReact JSetcIf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I got into this industry because I love working with people and helping students learn. Sign up today and see how fun, exciting, and rewarding web development can be!"
Price: 1280.00

"Crash course in Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin etc"
"After finishing the course you will have a basic idea and understanding about the blockchain technology, Digital currency, Crypto currency, Smart contracts etc.The Blockchain is going to revolutionise the world, So this is high time that you start learning about the technology.You'll learn the key aspects around Blockchain and Bitcoin, including:What is a blockchain?What is Bitcoin?What are smart contracts?What is a cryptocurrency?What are digital tokens?How blockchain and Bitcoin are related and why it's so important to know the relation.Some common misconceptions about blockchain and Bitcoin.How to get started with BitcoinAnd more!"
Price: 19.99

"Intro to Fashion Illustration"
"In this class you will learn the basics of fashion illustration, Ill show you step by step how to draw a fashion figure, create dynamic and interesting poses, fashion portraitand well be learning how to use watercolors along the way.In less than an hour, youll learnhow to create fun sketchesinspired by street style and fashion trendsIll show you step by step process of creatingfashion figuresWe'll do fun andeasyexercises that will help you to create interesting posesI'll explain facial proportions and we'll practice drawing from and side view of the headThen well create a final fashion illustration usingwatercolors"
Price: 29.99

"Watercolor Painting for Beginners"
"Welcome to mynew watercolorclass for beginners!In this class, well start with a basic introduction of watercolor tools. Ill walk you through the color theory, and how tocreate,blend and shape colors with brush strokes. Then youll put it all into action by creating your own dreamy watercolor painting."
Price: 29.99

"Painting Sweet Treats with Watercolor"
"Do you love chocolate and other sweet treats as much as I do? I hope the answer is yes, because I prepared a really fun class for you where we'll paint loose and colorful illustrations of the most delicious desserts.Lets paint some super fun and easy watercolor sweets together.In this class you will find easy to follow step by step videos of painting a donut, ice cream and french macarons.And along the way you will:Learn and practice new techniquesIncrease your watercolor skillsEnjoy working with watercolor Post your project to social media with #elenafayclass so we can all cheer you on! And if you post your final project to Instagram, be sure to tag me (@elenafay_art) for a chance to be featured!Get your brushes ready and lets play withwatercolors!!!! And don't forget to share your projects!!!!Happy painting friends!"
Price: 29.99

"Dite KETO. Comprendre, planifier et bien dbuter."
"Ce Cours a pour but de vous offrir une comprhension complte de la dite ctogne afin de pouvoir commencer du bon pied.Nous verrons ensemble :Les bases thoriques du rgime ctogneLes bienfaits sur la sant qui s'adresse cette dite ou plutt, qui elle ne s'adresse pasCalculer les besoins en calories et en nutriments simplementExemple de repasRecettes en vidoLes meilleurs supplmentsCe cours se veut volutif. J'ajouterai des vidos selon les questions les plus frquentes des tudiants inscrits au cours. J'ai dj commenc ajouter un bonus ""Question-rponse"" bas sur une confrence que j'avais donn d'autres entraneurs."
Price: 19.99

"Cryptomonnaies. L'aube d'une rvolution."
"Comment expliquer que du jour au lendemain, des millions de personnes se lancent dans les cryptomonnaies? Ces monnaies numriques promettent de changer le mondePromesse en lair? Je crois fermement que notre systme o le capitalisme se dchane doit tre chang. Il ne fonctionne plus. Quest-ce que vous en pensez? Un systme qui augmente lcart entre les riches et les pauvres o 1% de la population dtient 50% des richesses du globe, nest pas une dmocratie juste et quitable. Un systme qui, aprs la crise conomique de 2008, est sauv par les gouvernements sans mesure disciplinaire ni rglementation daucune sorte, nest pas digne dtre lguer aux gnrations suivantes. Il doit tre remplac. De plus, une nouvelle crise conomique sapproche grand pas. Dj 2018 au moment o jai commenc crer ce cours et les signes avant-coureurs dune crise majeure se profilent dj lhorizon. Septique? Vous verrez dans ce cours pourquoi je pense ainsi et surtout comment les cryptomonnaies pourraient changer la donne et transformer cette crise en votre plus grande opportunit. Pour profiter de toutes les opportunits de faire plus dargent ou daider votre famille, votre meilleur investissement restera toujours votre ducation. Pensez vous duquer sur le systme montaire actuel et sur lhistoire de la monnaie. Comme le disent si bien les sages: Plus on regarde loin dans le pass et plus on peut prdire le futur. Pensez vous duquer sur les nouvelles technologies, les cryptomonnaies et les moyens de se prmunir contre une crise conomique majeure. Votre ducation est votre meilleure arme et vous permettra de vous dfendre mieux que tous ceux qui nont pas fait cet investissement. Nous allons bientt assister au plus grand transfert de richesse que le monde na jamais connu. Vous verrez que le monde de la finance est plein de mystre. Il est difficile dy voir clair et de dmler tout a, spcialement dans les monnaies numriques comme le bitcoin. Plus vous serez inform et plus vous pourrez saisir cette grande opportunit. Mme si le domaine des cryptomonnaies avance une vitesse fulgurante, le contenu de ce cours ne deviendra pas dsuet pour autant, du moins, pas avant un bon bout de temps. Dans ce cours, nous verrons ensemble les raisons, limportance et les enjeux rvolutionnaires quimpliquent le bitcoin, les autres monnaies et les technologies qui les supportent. Vous comprendrez mieux aussi les grands principes de fonctionnement de ces nouvelles devises numriques. Si vous tes comme moi et que vous croyez ce que je croisque vous dsirez ce que je dsire, cest--dire un systme o le pouvoir est donn au peupleo largent est contrler par le peupleo la crise conomique ne profitent plus aux riches mais plutt aux gens informs Je vous retrouve alors dans ce cours. bientt."
Price: 19.99

"Java 8 Lambda Expressions"
"This course is divided into four parts.1 - Basic introduction to lambda expressions2 - Anonymous inner classes and lambda - This section describes how to convert an anonymous inner class into a lambda expression. It also describes how to create custom lambda interfaces for our applications. It has another section which compares anonymous inner classes and lambdas and explains when to use each.3 - Lambdas in detail - This section describes in detail the concepts related to lambdas. They are - type inferencing, effectively final, method and constructor referencing.4 - Functional programming - This section has an introduction to functional programming. It also explains how these principles can be applied to Java programs. This section has examples to use built-in functional interfaces."
Price: 1280.00

"How Travel To Morocco in 4K"
"Morocco is in many ways a country apart. It nestles on the northwestern tip of Africa, separated from the rest of the continent by the towering Atlas Mountains and by the Sahara itself. Its climate, geography, and history are all more closely related to the Mediterranean than to the rest of Africa, and for this reason visitors are often struck by the odd sensation of having not quite reached Africa in Morocco. In the north, its fine beaches, lush highland valleys, and evocative old cities reinforce this impression. Yet, as one moves south and east, into and over the starkly beautiful ranges of the Atlases, Morocco's Mediterranean character melts away like a mirage. The Saharastretches out to the horizon, and forbidding kasbahs stare."
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress : L'art de crer un site DIVI sans coder"
"Vous voulez crer un site internet pour votre activit pro sans dpenser trop d'argent ? Vous voulez apprendre utiliser Wordpress et crer des sites internet qui sont design sans apprendre coder ?Vous tes au bon endroit !Qui suis-je ?Je m'appelle Jonathan Panarotto et je suis web-dveloppeur et webmarketeur depuis 4 ans. Je cre des sites internet et des formations en ligne pour aider les personnes propulser leur propre business grce internet.Que vais-je apprendre dans ce cours ?4 heures de cours et 25 vidos explicatives pour apprendre choisir votre nom de domaine, installer wordpress et crer votre site internet en seulement quelques heures et aucunes connaissances en codage.Dans ce cours on parlera de thorie (parce que malheureusement c'est obligatoire) mais aprs on passe au plus fun... la pratique. Ce cours c'est 20% de thorie pour 80% de pratique. On apprend tout ce qu'il faut pour tre efficace et crer un site Wordpress facilement.A l'issue de ce cours vous serez un vritable pro et Wordpress n'aura plus de secrets pour vous !Des questions sur le contenu du cours ?Si il y a des points que vous n'avez pas compris dans la formation ou que vous aimeriez que j'y ajoute une section ce n'est pas un problme car cette formation sera mise jour rgulirement. Ainsi cette formation sera vraiment faites pour vous et rpondra tous vos besoins.Ma garantieVous avez peur de vous lancez ? Ce n'est pas la peine car je prends les risques votre place. Si aprs avoir suivi la formation dans son intgralit et que malgr tout vous n'tes pas satisfait alorsje vous rembourse intgralement dans un dlai de 30 jours."
Price: 94.99

"YOUTUBE : 21 hacks pour avoir plus de vues"
"Vous avez une chane Youtube ? Vous produisez du contenu de qualit mais malheureusement les vues que vous aimeriez ne sont pas au rendez-vous ?C'est triste dire mais produire du bon contenu ne suffit pas Youtube pour tre visible. Il existe pleins d'lments qui rentrent en jeu comme l'algorithme, les ractions sur une vido, le nombre d'abonns.Du coup, vous tes dmoralis car vous vous dtes que jamais vous n'arriverez aux rsultats que vous aimeriez.J'ai une bonne nouvelle pour vous ! Il existe des astuces ou hacks qui peuvent accrotre les vues sur vos vidos.Si c'est ce que vous recherchez alors ne quitt pas cette page car vous tes au bon endroit.Dans ce cours vous allez dcouvrir 21 hacks pour amliorer la visibilit de vos vidos Youtube et russir obtenir la reconnaissance dont chacun besoin quand il produit des efforts.Tous les hacks sont trs simple mettre en place et je mets ma main couper que vous entendrez des choses vue nul part ailleurs !"
Price: 84.99

"Video Conference Calls - Leadership through Communication"
"Stand out at work! The English communication skills (soft skills)you learn in this course are in high demand by employers across industries.We will help you make an impact and grow relationships during online meetings - like Skype, GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts, and Zoom. Web conferences are often more challenging than in-person meetings, but allow you to work with people all over the world.Learn to use roles, stages, agendas, interjections, and meeting technologies. Specific phrases are suggested for important moments in the call. We provide transcriptsfor offline reading. This course is delivered by an actor to maximize clarity.Matthew Vendryes, founder of Eclassticprofessionalcommunications courses, created this course with Danielle Saunders, Learning Experience Designer.We drawonexperience working on the California State University Chancellor's Office Course Redesign with Technology Team, running anonline tutoring company, and directing a startup team. Theseprojectsrely ona high degree of organization andmeet predominantly over web conference.Directed by Matthew Vendryes, written by Danielle Saunders, produced by Stacy Han,presented byactorSara Matsui-Colby, edited by Rael Hanus &Jill Janairo, graphics by Jada Miller, film crew:Priscilla Zambrano, David Le,Genie Obina, Joseph Wu, Cindy Sun, &Benjamin Gau."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Photoshop en 18 das"
"En este curso aprenders a conocer desde CERO todas las herramientas de PHOTOSHOP CC 2017 - 2018, adems conocers algunos filtros, fusiones de capas y otras herramientas; adems podrsrealizarejercicios prcticos donde aplicaras todas las herramientas aprendidas; podrs aprender de forma rpida y cmoda;y realizar ejercicios en elhorario que mejor que convenga, Qu esperas, aceptas el reto? nete al mejor curso de Photoshop y aprende a utilizar el software desde CERO en solo 18 das."
Price: 34.99

"HTML para principiantes, crea pginas web desde cero"
"En este curso no solo aprenders los principios bsicos del HTML, adems si has utilizado programas como Dreamweaver, muse, wordpress. joomla, podrs ser capaz de abrir los editores HTML y entender como funcionan las cabeceras, los cuerpos, las fuentes y personalizar las plantillas y pginas web como tu quieras; este es un curso que har valer mejor tu trabajo ya que si un cliente quiere una plantilla en especial tu entenderas como y donde debers hacer los cambios para poder personalizar plugin, widget y estructuras pre creadas que otras personas no podran.No importa si eres un experto en web o si eres alguien que esta empezando, este curso esta dirigido para todos."
Price: 29.99

"ADOBE MUSE CC, Crea pginas web rpido y fcil"
"Crea y publica sitios web adaptativos y espectaculares sin necesidad de programar. Adobe Muse CC facilita a todas las personas la creacin de sitios web con diseos de forma libre y carga rpida, con un aspecto impresionante en prcticamente todas las pantallas. Adems aprenders a insertar videos, audios, galera de fotos, formularios de contacto directo con un solo clic."
Price: 29.99

"Wordpress: Crea pginas web en una semana"
"Este curso de Wordpress est dirigido para aquellas personas que sin tener un conocimiento previo quieren realizar una pgina web poderosa, responsiva, intuitiva y profesional. Sin importar si empiezas con tu empresa o quieres mejorar tu dominio en wordpress, aprenders desde como instalar wordpress hasta la personalizacin de tu sitio, creacin de formularios y montaje de la plataforma en tu dominio para que todos puedan verlo. Te garantizo que en una semana dedicando 30 minutos diarios y con prctica y disciplinapodrsterminar un sitio web profesional."
Price: 34.99

"Learnpress Wordpress LMS Plugin Tutorial"
"The course is a detailed and easytutorial to get youall setup and going with the use ofLearnpress LMS plugin. It is a free and simple plugin to help you create an E-learning courses website easily likeUdemy. The tutorialguides you with configuration of the plugin, creation of lessons, quizzes and courses and finally guides you on how to sell your courses. It also shows how you could configure certain additional items like the course layouts and featured images."
Price: 29.99

"Vgj bele a videzsba karcsonyig! Kezd az alapoknl!"
"Szia!Az adventi idszak rpke ngy hete alatt megismerkednk a videzs alapjaival s a legegyszerbb eszkzkkel, amiket akr automatn is knnyedntudsz hasznlni karcsonyi vided elksztshez. A ngy ht alatt 4 videban fogok beszlni az albbi tmkrl:- Eszkz kisokos, itt megismerkednk egy pr alap eszkzzel, amikrl nem is gondoltad volna hogy a legjobb bartod lesz a videzsban, kztk a telefonod, egyszer kompakt gped vagy DSLRkamerd. (mg akkor is ha eddig soha nem fogtad kzbe)- Kezelsi alapok, ebben a rszben megmutatok pr egyszer fogst, amivel knnyebb vlik az leted, ha telefonoddal videzol s megtanulunk pr alapvet szablyt amit nem szabad elfelejtened, ha belefogsz.- Fny, mint a videzs szilrd alapja s egyben legrzkenyebbpontja. Mit s hogyan hasznlj, mg akkor is ha nincs profi stdifelszerelsed.- Kompozcik, mit s hogyan hasznlj a karcsonyi srgs-forgs kzepette.Ebben a kurzusban fknt az alapokkal szeretnlek megismertetni s azzal, hogy akr a telefonoddal is belevghatsz a videzsba, ne flj elkezdeni! Ez a tananyag alapveten teht kezdknek szl, de ha mr volt dolgod videzssal s megtetszettek a tmk melyekkel foglalkozni fogunk, ne habozz! Tarts velem, hogy karcsonyig felkszlhess nnepi viden elksztsre!"
Price: 34.99

"Design Grfico e Visual de Alto Nvel - Segredos e Tcnicas"
"Elevesuas peas de design grfico evisual ao nvel das grandes agncias e estdios.Domine os segredos,conceitos e tcnicas de ttulos mgicos, insero de produtos, insero deimagens de formafantstica, briefing, espaamentos,respiros, ambientao, e muito mais, expandindo sua viso e censo crtico ao elevado nvel profissional, de forma rpida e direta.Destaque-se no mercado de criao,aprendendo vises amplas, fruto de 17 anos de mercado e estudos, e que no so ensinadas em um nico curso, apenas aqui noDesign Grfico eVisual de Alto Nvel - Segredos e Tcnicas.Analisaremos juntos diversas peas visuais e os detalhes que as tornam profissionais e ao final criaremos um projeto do zero onde aplicaremos na prtica cada um dos segredos estudados.Voc aprender tambm o processo inteiro de matte paiting para a composio do produto de nossa comunicao.Suba a bordo e decole para o seleto grupo dos criadores de alto nvel.Te aguardo nas aulas. At l."
Price: 234.99