"CONES - FLAT ICON e UX ICON p DESIGN - 2 cursos em 1- icone" |
"Criao de cones para design grfico2 cursos em 1FLAT ICON e UX ICONAdobe Illustrator e Corel DrawO intuito do curso te ensinar o cone tendncia no cenrio do design grfico e visual, o FLATICON, e tambm fantsticas tcnicas de usabilidade para a criao de todo tipo de cone, ampliando suas skills e aumentando suas possibilidades de atuao.Neste curso ser ensinado a criao de fantsticos FLAT ICONs e suas variaes de estilos, e tambm tcnicas de UX fundamental para colher o modelo mental de nossos usurios e assim criarmos cones que realmente sejam claros, comunicacionais e que faam sentido para os usurios. Desenharemos juntos cada cone e utilizaremos as ferramentas Adobe Illustrator (Curso Flat Icon) e o Corel Draw (Curso UX Icon) para vetorizarmos e darmos vida aos nossos cones. Utilizaremos ainda uma importante tcnica para analisar o grau de compreenso de cada um de nossos cones desenhados, garantindo assim o sucesso de nossos projetos.Torne-se fera nos cones e seja cada vez mais um designer completo!Voc aprender:Criao de FLAT ICONS;O Adobe Illustrator para a criao de cones;Desenhar cones que correspondam ao modelo mental dos usurios;Usar o Corel Drawn para desenhar/vetorizar cones;Fazer sketch para criao de cones;Utilizar tcnicas de usabilidade (UX) para colher o modelo mental dos usurios para a criao dos cones;Testar o grau de compreenso dos cones, utilizando uma importante ferramenta/tcnica de UX.E muito mais"
Price: 234.99 |
"Design Grfico DEFINITIVO e PRTICO+Illustrator 3D 2 cursos" |
"2 CURSOS em 1: Design Grfico DEFINITIVO e PRTICO + Adobe Illustrator 3D para Design Grfico e VisualDesign Grfico DEFINITIVO e PRTICOAprenda Design Grfico juntando a prtica da criao de diversas peas e o conceito de modo que voc aprenda de forma natural a criao de diversas peas. Alm de aprender do zero duas das principais ferramentas grficas, o Adobe Illustrator e o Corel Draw.Em cada mdulo voc aprender do incio ao fim uma pea de design grfico que j poder oferecer aos seus clientes e comear a capitalizar o seu trabalho.Voc aprender a fazer:Carto de visita com preparao de mscara para aplicao de verniz e mscara de corte;Aplicao de PANTONE;Flyer/folheto;Folder;Embalagem e faca;Rtulo;Vetorizao de logomarca;Corel Draw;Illustrator;Finalizao de arquivos para grfica.Tudo isso alinhando a prtica, os conceitos e as ferramentas.Adobe Illustrator 3D para Design Grfico e VisualCrie artes com objetos 3D, logomarca e muito mais, de forma rpida e simples, utilizando apenas o Adobe IllustratorNeste curso voc aprender as ferramentas 3D do Adobe Illustrator para criar objetos, ttulos, textos, logomarcas, de forma rpida e simples, incrementando a beleza de suas artes e gerando um plus ao seu trabalho.Aprenderemos:Como transformar formas vetoriais em 3D;Criar objetos e produtos;Criar logomarcas 3D;Texturizao;Iluminao;Ttulos 3D;e muito mais.E ao final, ns faremos um projeto inteiro de anncio, criando prottipo de produto, logomarca em 3D, ttulo e um urso totalmente em 3D para ilustrar a nossa pea.Venha! Domine o recurso 3D do Illustrator e torne-se um designer mais completo!Vamos juntos!"
Price: 234.99 |
"Learn how to be Disability Confident in Business." |
"Learn How to Be Disability Confident in Business -delivered by a disabled person, this is acourse that will help you to become more confident when engaging with disabled people in your work environment. Reducing fear ofcausing offence, making mistakes,and improving your knowledge and skills. Master a complex area of diversity and inclusivity with this easy to follow, insightful course. Begin to Understand the disabled community. Learn to communicate with disabled people with confidence. Learn to open up your business and become accessible for all. Become a disability champion within your industry. An essential course for business professionals working in all sectors. Diversity has become a focal priority across all industries and we will learn the importance of language, accessibility, and the correct mind-set for the successful inclusion of disabled people in business. I have designed this course to be approachable and accessible, no prior qualifications are needed. At the end of this course you will be able to demonstrate a clear foundation of knowledge in disability related issues in business. You will be able to take the lead in promoting inclusivity within your industry. Disability is a largely unknown and underrepresented demographic, this vital insight will add significant value to you as an employee, manager, or business owner."
Price: 24.99 |
"Relational Database Design concepts" |
"Description:This course is about designing a database schema. How to create tables, columns, set data types for columns, identify keys, identify relationship between tables and normalize. No software installation is required. The database schema will be design using an online tool, also the SQL statements will be run inside the online tool Oracle livesql. Why to start:You want to know how to design your database schema.You want to check if a database schema is designed correctly .If you just started as a Oracle developer and want some knowledge about database design.If you are a business person and just want to check if database objects are designed properly. Course content:The course has 4 chapters, you will learn to build 3 apps: Database design concepts Database design steps Practical examples Best Practices"
Price: 49.99 |
"Aprenda a pintare acompor seus temas de forma simples e elucidativa com dicas de materiais e tcnicas.Estudaremos as perspectivaslinear e area, volumes dos elementos, mancha inicial ou pr-pintura, variedade na unidade e unidade na variedade, temperatura de cores, disco de newton,qualidade dos pigmentos, contrastes diversos entre: linhas, volumes, elementos, luz e sombra, temperatura tonal, contrastes depincelada e contrastestexturais.Ensinarei como pensar e conceber a composio deuma pintura com equilbrio e coerncia esttica.Analisaremos os modos de composio, o balanceamento dos pesos e dosvolumes tonais, o rtmo e a fluidez dos elementos e a coerncia tonal das temperaturas cromticas para que a pintura seja uma obra de arte aprecivel e convincente.Proponho maiores realizaes com odomnio de conceitos e prticas elucidativas, para que se possacreararte com prazer e conscincia.Vamos juntos!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Os alunos aprendero a utilizaradequadamente seus materiais artsticos tal como compor uma paisagem, distribuir os tons iniciais comconscincia e trabalhar com as luzes e sombras de forma natural e convincente. Aprendero a observar a pintura com maioracuidade e pintar com oprazer daaplicao dos conceitos e tcnicas apresentados;possibilitando melhores resultados e desenvolvimentos satisfatrios."
Price: 49.99 |
"Aprenda a pintar uma paisagem a leo com Marcio Petroni" |
"Os alunos aprendero a utilizaradequadamente seus materiais artsticos tal como compor uma paisagem, distribuir os tons iniciais comconscincia e trabalhar com as luzes e sombras de forma natural e convincente. Aprendero a observar a pintura com maioracuidade e pintar com oprazer daaplicao dos conceitos e tcnicas apresentados;possibilitando melhores resultados e desenvolvimentos satisfatrios."
Price: 64.99 |
"Os alunos aprendero a utilizaradequadamente seus materiais artsticos ea pintar uma bela marina;distribuir os tons iniciais comconscincia e trabalhar com as luzes e sombras de forma natural e convincente. Aprendero a observar a pintura com maioracuidade, e pintar com oprazer daaplicao dos conceitos e tcnicas apresentados;possibilitando melhores resultados e desenvolvimentos satisfatrios."
Price: 49.99 |
"Ensinarei como pintar uma bela referncia de dois Pets, um gatinho junto a um lindo cachorrinho com a tcnica mista de pintura (acrlico e leo). Darei dicas de como utilizar os dois materiais de maneira segura e sequncial, desenvolvendoa primeira etapa com tinta acrlica, utilizando todas as vantagens deste gil meio de pintura e depois finalizareia pintura com toda aestrutura das camadase potncia dos pigmentos a leo, de uma maneira prtica,eficiente e segura."
Price: 49.99 |
"Coaching Nutricional" |
"*CURSO ATUALIZADO*O Curso de Formao em Coaching Nutricional fornecido pela Nutricoaching foi desenvolvido para Nutricionistas, coaches e estudantes de Nutrio com o objetivo de trabalhar a Nutrio Comportamental. Nesse curso so fornecidas estratgias e ferramentas para auxiliar o profissional na conduta da sua consulta proporcionando um maior engajamento, uma maior interao e consequentemente melhores resultados com seus pacientes. Diferentemente dos demais cursos de coaching no mercado, o Curso de Formao da Nutricoaching traz uma abordagem muito interessante para os profissionais da rea de Nutrio. So ensinados no curso conceitos e ferramentas do coaching e da sua aplicao direta nos atendimentos profissionais, para voc que nutricionista aplicar tudo que foi ensinado praticamente de forma imediata. O curso tem teoria, prtica e estudos de caso de pacientes que foram atendidos nas unidades de Braslia, portanto, traz uma anlise atual e interessante para atualizar as suas consultas e comear a praticar assim que finalizar o curso.De forma resumida, nosso curso oferece:- 8 mdulos com mais de 50 vdeos;- 1 livro-texto com conceitos e teorias do coaching nutricional;- 1 livro-texto com os procedimentos passo a passo dos atendimentos;- Todas as ferramentas e materiais de coaching nutricional produzidos e testados pela equipe Nutricoaching em seus atendimentos;- Anamnese completa e questionrios utilizados nos atendimentos da Nutricoaching;- Suporte da equipe para dvidas sobre a aplicao das ferramentas;Se voc tem interesse em conhecer um pouco mais sobre esse assunto e deseja ser uma pessoa e um profissional mais qualificado e capaz de influenciar o estilo de vida de outras pessoas, seja bem-vindo!"
Price: 579.99 |
"Aviation : Passenger service and handling" |
"Ever wonder what it takes to work at one of theairlinesindustry'smost visible airport position?The first actual step on the path of getting a job is spending time on researching and gathering as much information as you can about this job to gain confidence which will enable you to overcome any nervous anxiety about the recruitment process.This course; Passenger Service and Handling is meant to help you make that first step of getting your dreams job.At the end of this course you will be able to conductyourself effectively during an interview for a Passenger Service Agents position. And if you are a newly hired Passenger Service Agent, you will be able to obtain skills to ensure a memorable customer experience at every customer touch point. You will also be able to provide superior customer service in a demanding customer facing environment.In this course, we will explain:Service and its importanceThe First ImpressionPassengers ExpectationsTransit and Transfer passengerSpecial PassengersMedical CasesThis course will be a great first step for you to start your career in Aviation.Let's start."
Price: 119.99 |
beginners-magic-tricks |
Price: 12000.00 |
"Home Automation projects with NodeMCU ESP8266 & iOS 11" |
"Creating Awesome IoT projects with NodeMCU ESP8266 + iOS 11 is about learning how to easily create Home Automation projects with basic electronic components. This course includes 14projects that will guide you to the final project, which is a Home Automation hub with an app, portable temperature and humidity reader, and controllable power outlets. This course is designed made for beginners, but anyone can take this course. I will go through every program and project step by step. Alright, let's get started with the Home Automation!"
Price: 39.99 |
"R Tidyverse Reporting and Analytics for Excel Users" |
"If you use Excel for any type of reporting or analytics then this course is for you. There are a lot of great courses teaching R for statistical analysis and data science that can sometimes make R seem a bit too advanced for every day use. Also since there are many different ways of using R that can often add to the confusion. The reality is that R can be used to make your every day reporting analytics that you do in Excel much faster and easier without requiring any complex statistical techniques while at the same time giving you a solid foundation to expand into those areas if you so wish. This course uses the Tidyverse standards for using R which provides a single, comprehensive and easy to understand method for using R without complicating things via multiple methods. It's designed to build upon the the skills you are already familiar with in Excel to shortcut your learning journey.When I first started using R I thought that it could be a good replacement for the automation type processes I used to write in VBA. This can be quite off putting for a lot of Excel users as VBA often adds an extra layer of complexity to your work and is often only something which is done to automate a process which has already been established in Excel. One of the key benefits of Excel is that you are working directly with the data without having to go through the complexity and overhead of using a programming language.Programming languages such as VBA are actually very difficult for working with data as there isn't even any concise way of referencing common data elements such as named table columns. To carry out an operation on every row would take several lines of code which runs slow and ends up hiding your formula which actually contains your business logic.Despite all of this people use VBA anyway as once you invest the time to setup your processes you can run the exact same steps thousands of times with a click of a button.What if there were a way to work directly with your data as simply as Excel but also have more programming power than VBA? That's what R can do for you.Since I've started using R people have asked me when it would be beneficial to use R instead of Excel. Here are some examples1. vlookups and sumifs on large datasets can run very slowly in Excel. I've helped people to replace multiple lines of vlookups that take 80 minutes to run in Excel with a single function in R that takes less than 1/10th of a second.2. Exploring and analysing your data in R can be Viewed in a simple table like Excel but also has a wide range of other methods which can be more effective.3. Dashboards and visualisations are much richer and easier to construct than in Excel4. Distributing your work in Excel can be beneficial since almost everyone has Excel installed. The problems with this are that not everyone always has the same version of Excel or addins installed which means your work might not be compatible. Also files are usually emailed around which can very quickly lead to hundreds of untracked copies of your Excel files with slight variations in them. The outputs from R can be simple Excel or csv files however your output can also be a web app that can be centrally stored and tracked on a server compatible with any web browser on your computer or smart phone.5. Team collaboration and version control in Excel is done via shared workbooks and track changes. Turning on these features in Excel disables some of Excels best features and still results in file locking. Team collaboration in R is done on github which allows you to easily work across teams without file locking issues and full audit histories of your work.The beauty of R is that once you start using it you will no longer have to make a special investment of time to automate your processes after your analysis is done. Practically anything that you can do in Excel you'll be able to do faster and better for even your first round of analysis and will leave you with an script which means your work is reproducible and automated from the very beginning.Even though your existing Excel skills will help you to pick up R one of the hardest things is that you're so familiar with Excel that it's too easy to keep on using it. I used Excel for years and spent thousands of hours studying how to use it more efficiently, I even taught advanced courses in it. It seemed obvious to me at the time that it was one of the most efficient ways to work with data. Even though working with a programming language might be more powerful it often had too much over head and was too removed from the actual data analysis. R is the programming language I wish I learnt 20 years ago. Perhaps somewhat counter intuitively you'll end up spending less time thinking about how to put a piece of work together than Excel and more time looking at your data in new ways that you've probably never even thought of."
Price: 199.99 |
"Easy Excel Dashboards, Models, Visualizations & Power Query" |
"Rapidly build robust dashboards in Excel by following a simple step by step process that requires no formulas. Beginners can get started easily due the lack of formulas. Advanced users will learn to structure their dashboards like software developers so that they become more automated with no additional work.Not many people are aware how much can be done with no or very few formulas in Excel. This not only makes the design simpler it also makes it more robust, reduces risk and improve performance.Jonathan trained as a Microsoft Certified Trainer and has used advanced Excel for over a decade."
Price: 199.99 |
"3D Max: textura e render do bsico ao avanado (+3 Bonus)" |
"O Curso voltado para as pessoas que tem alguma noo bsica de 3D e gostariam de conseguir imagens de alta qualidade de uma forma mais rapida, simples e prticaAo longo do Curso voc vai desenvolver:-Cena interna-Cena externa-Fotomontagem com 3DVoc vai fazer a texturizao, iluminao e render dos 3 casos partindo do ZERO, vai aprender os truques e macetes que fazem o seu 3Dficar mais bonito.Ao final do curso voc estar apto a utilizar o Corona Render com todo seu potencial, vai saber fazer iluminao e texturasprofissionais e suas imagens ficaro com cara de foto com um pouco de dedicao e tempo.Ocurso foi desenvolvido de forma que voc possa absorver meus 8 anos de experiencia como Designer 3D e aprenderno menor tempo possvel tudo o que realmente importante pra se ter resultados excepcionais.No um curso com milhares de horas, um curso bem pensado e direcionado para voc obter bonsresultados.1# BONUSAo final do curso, os alunos que assistirem 100% do contedo podem preparar uma cena pra avaliaoNessa cena voc vai colocar em prtica tudo que voc aprendeu e dar o seu melhorEssa cena ser avaliada e voc receber um feedback do seu trabalho, assim voc entender os seus pontos fortes e fracos e descobrir qual melhor caminho para melhorar suas habilidades.2# BONUSNs da DarkSkies possumos um projeto de expanso na qual selecionaremos os melhores alunos para estarem participando de trabalhos como freelancers.Os alunos que se destacamreceberoprojetos de grandes empresas total ou parcial para desenvolverem de forma remota (em suas casas) e passaroa fazer parte da nossa lista de Freelancers.Esses alunos teroa oportunidade de montar um portflio bem incorporado com projetos desenvolvidos para grandes empresas e isso alavancar sua carreira como Designer 3D3# BONUSAo iniciar o curso os alunos podero baixar o contedo das aulas, alm das cenas das aulas eles tero acesso a minha biblioteca de texturas totalmente grtis."
Price: 249.99 |
"Modelagem para jogos - Robo Zbrush 3D max Corona" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender a interao entre vrios softwares no processo de modelagem de um rob para ilustrao/games.OCurso voltado para quem tem pouca ou nenhuma experiencia, mostrando um apanhado geral de dicas e truques pra facilitar o processo de criao do personagem em si.Voc vai aprender vrios truques, tcnicas e segredos que s quem j mexe com 3Da muito tempo sabe.Durante todo o processo voc vai passar por vriossoftwares como Zbrush, 3D max, Corona render, Photoshop, After effects, e vai descobrir como tirar o mximo de cada um para melhorar o seu resultado final.Mal posso esperar para passarmos por todo esse processo juntos!"
Price: 249.99 |
"Method Statement for Construction Projects" |
"....... - -"
Price: 19.99 |
"Java for Complete Beginners (Learn Java from Scratch)" |
"A course on Java for complete beginners to computer programming, for those who want to learn Java from Beginner to Advance.Hello and welcome to this course which is designated for absolutely for beginners where you are going to learn Java from scratch to advance. Java is the most popular language right now. And if you want to be a java developer then this course is for you. I am Sarkhan Rasullu, I am a developer working mainly in Java and JVM based languages and I am also responsible for architecting applications, databases and I have many years experience as a Java Trainer as well. I've written this course based on these experiences. On this course I'll be assuming no prior knowledge of Java or any programming language. You do not need to be a programmer, or you do not need to know any programming language. You just need to have an interest in programming in Java. On the course you'll be learning Java Basics, All of Object Oriented Programming Language concepts and along the way you'll be applying your new skills on different algorithmic problems.But we will keep things simple at first. We will be learning about variables, classes, objects, methods, some most popular design patterns as singleton pattern, factory pattern and data structures. We'll apply these concepts on our simple applications that you can practice your skills. And meanwhile we will talk about interview questions that can be asked in interviews.During the course we will talk about architecting and best practices as well.I hope you will enjoy the course. The entire course is from Scratch to advance and if you are following along with me by the end of the course you will be ready to develop a Java application.If you are not sure to enroll this course don't worry you have 30 days money back guarantee. If you feel that this course is not for you, or for some any reasons you want to cancel this course without any question, without any hassle you can refund your money.We will download all requirements together that we need to begin coding in Java and begin to develop our first application step by step.Teaching is not only talking about topics, terms but also teaching the logic andattract the student's psychologyI have 6 years experience as a Java Developer with a lot of projects and 3 years experience as a Java Trainer. Love to share my knowledge with someone and be happy to see someone got a job with my training. My teaching style is not like ""memorizing some rules"", Iteach the reasons and logic! Hope this tutorial set will be the best in Java Udemy Courses. Let me introduce what you will learn at the end of course.In this course you will learnWhat is Java?How to programming in Java (Java1.8)Object Oriented Programming (From Fundamentals to Advanced)How Java can understand us, How computer can understand JavaBest Practices - How to use Object Oriented Programming in an Efficient WayHow to write efficient Java ProgramsHow to design an ApplicationYou will get source code at the end of each tutorial"
Price: 194.99 |
"The Inner workings of the Browser for JavaScript & Web devs" |
"Browser is a complex piece of software. It usesvarious parsers like HTML parser, CSS parser, rendering engine, events manager and JavaScript compiler to get the job done.To make thesecomplex concepts simple and interesting, I use a lot of animations, and graphics. FurtherI go over 7use cases with real codeto show how all these things work!If you understand how all these work, you'll be able to think like JavaScript compiler or any of these parsers and you'll be able to handle difficult and confusing concepts in JS very easily. Further,this willgive youa solid foundation and anapproachto learning technologymore holistically.You'll learn:Modeling, DOM and HTML parserCSS, CSS Parser and CSSOMRendering Engine, Painting and Render TreeDOM APIs and the ""document"" objectBOM APIs and the ""window"" objectTwo example use casesJavaScript and JavaScript compilerAn example use case with JS compilerAdding Interactivity to the browser via JavaScriptEventsA button click use case example showing JS eventsA browser resize use case example showing JS eventsDependencies between parsers and best practicesSynchronous and Asynchronous functionsSummary"
Price: 104.99 |
"Speak English Like a Native" |
"USE OFFER CODE60PERCENTOFF to get 60% off the price!Have you been learning English for a while and feel stuck? Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over when you speak? Are you ready to improve your spoken English and grow your vocabulary? If so, I have developed a course that is just for you.Speak English Like A Native is an online course that will Enhance your vocabularyIncrease the rate at which you speakImprove your pronunciationPromote better listening skillsLessen common mistakes you might be makingDecrease pauses or hesitations when you speakBoost your confidence in speaking EnglishThis course was developed for people who:Dont have a lot of free timeAre motivated to learnAre inherently curiousI am a certified English/ESL teacher from the United States. I have taught in international schools around the world for more than a decade. I have studied three languages, and taught myself two more (one being Mandarin!). I understand what kinds of challenges and frustrations my students face because I have faced them as well. This course was designed with those frustrations in mind. No matter if you are a beginner or advanced English language learner, this course will foster growth in areas in which you knew needed improvement and even areas in which you didnt know needed help.MethodologyIf you are interested in how I designed this course, note that it is based off the work of Professor Alexander Arguelles. I have been using this technique for years, not knowing it by name, but still going through the steps. It is a proven method that has helped me tremendously. In every language I speak, native speakers of that language always compliment me on how native I sound. This technique is, in part, why I sound so native. This method is called shadowing. Here is how it works in five easy steps:Step 1: listen to the content once. It is important at this stage you are not reading anything. Just listen. If you cant understand most of what is being said, choose something easier. This course comes with an index that is organized by level of difficulty. Use it to help you find where to begin.Step 2: once you have found content you can mostly understand, listen to it a few more times. Listen to the inflections in my voice. Listen to the cadence of each sentence. This part is kind of like when you hear a song you like. The first couple of times you listen to it, youre not memorizing the words; you are listening to the melody. The idea here is the same.Step 3: you can either use the video provided to then look at the text or just the transcript for the lesson. The idea is you go through the text and make sure you can understand everything. Why? Because your voice changes with the words you speak. You put more emphasis on some words and less on others. If you dont know what the words mean, youll sound like a robot. Step 4: listen to the audio and say the text along with me - at the same speed, without delay or hesitation. Do this until you feel confident with the text. Then move on to the next lesson. I would recommend recording yourself and listening back to it. Most times, what you think you sound like isnt how you actually sound. That can be a good or a bad thing.Step 5: finally, and most important, get up. Dont sit in front of your computer, laptop or phone. It is important to get up and move around while listening to the audio. Why? Because it forces your brain to learn to process English whilst doing other things. This is particularly important if your goal is to be more confident when you speak and spend less time searching for words you already know. It basically starts to automate your English. So move!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Master English Articles" |
"USE OFFER CODE60PERCENTOFF to get 60% off the price!I live in village.The gold is yellow.He is fastest runner in the world!I have an urgent business.Do you sell coffee by kilo or by pound?What is wrong with these sentences? If you can't tell me right away, you need this course!One of the most - if not the most - common errors English language learners makeiswith articles. While there are only three articles in the English language, we should recognizethatthey come with a lotof rules, and even moreexceptions, that make it difficult to know when, or when not, to use them. Even worse, sometimes it just depends on the context whether or not you should use an article!This course aims to break down -point by point - every aspect of using articles in English.The videos are condensedinto an easy-to-understand format, yetpacked with all the information you will ever need to know abouta, an, andthe.Even better, you will have access to over 100 minutes of independent study (that cannot be found anywhere else on the internet)in the form of practice tests, quizzes, and assignments - with real feedback from me!Are you tired ofalmost sounding like a native speaker? Do you have a limiting belief that you will never be able to master the English language? NONSENSE!Advance your English language skillsand enrollin this course today. You'll start sounding like a native in no time!"
Price: 24.99 |
"English Prepositions Explained" |
"USE OFFER CODE60PERCENTOFF to get 60% off the price!English prepositions are part of an exclusive club: they don't allow newcomers and don't follow any rules. But that doesn't mean we can't still get to know them.There are more than 45 common prepositions in English, and even more uncommon ones. If you add prepositional phrases to that list, you will have a mountain of information that would seem impossible to learn.So why are prepositions so important to know? To put it simply, prepositions give what we say meaning; they provide clarity to our listeners.If I said, ""It is important to wait."" The sentence makes sense, but it is unclear what I am talking about. But if I said, ""It is important to waitfor love."" That sentence is specific and brings clarity to what I'm trying to say.This course was designed to tackle prepositions in theareas of place, time, and direction. Each section will give you an overview as well as a real-time review of what we covered. The materials used in this course consist of real-life situations and conversations that you would actually hear and find useful to know. I have also included a variety of independent study materials to help you review and practice what you are learning.This is a living course and will be updated somewhat regularly with new materials, quizzes and lectures.So enroll today and master the art of truly expressing what you mean."
Price: 24.99 |
"Master in Android Development: Diventa un App Developer" |
"Stai cercando di lanciare una tua app? Vuoi progettarla.. senza dover comprare lunghi e noiosi libri... senza spendere un sacco di soldi frequentando corsi... imparando in modo interattivo e innovativo... stando comodamente a casa tua... Vero? I dispositivi Android rappresentano l'82,7% di tutti gli smartphone venduti, ma non tutti sono dotati dell'ultima versione di Android Pie (ovvero android 9). Ci non ti deve preoccupare poich, dopo aver completato questo corso, le app che creerai funzioneranno brillantemente su Android Pie o su qualsiasi sistema operativo Android precedente cos da avere un numero pi vasto possibile di utenti. Da questo puoi capire che oltre che per interesse personale imparare la programmazione mobile, pu essere una vera e propria svolta lavorativa. Per prepararti al meglio ad affrontare un futuro in questo settore ho cercato di creare un corso che sappia trasmetterti tutte le conoscenze di cui hai bisogno e che ti metta subito in condizione di creare le tue app. Potrai iniziare a seguire tranquillamente questo corso senza possedere nessuna conoscenza di programmazione, infatti tutto quello di cui avrai bisogno sar spiegato all'interno del corso, proprio per questo ho creato un sezione che tratta solo la programmazione Java. Il corso comprender molti file, come il codice sorgente, che ti consentiranno di capire meglio gli argomenti trattati e risolvere eventuali errori. Cosa imparerai a fare in questi corso? Creare applicazione per Android 9 (Pie) che saranno perfettamente compatibili anche con le versioni precedenti Scaricare i vari ambienti di sviluppo (IDE) dove andremo a scrivere le nostre righe di codice Iniziare a scrivere codice Java con esempi pratici Creare la nostra prima applicazione attraverso l'ultima versione di Android Studio (3.2) Imparerai a destreggiarti con i componenti fondamentali di Android (Activity, Fragment, Intent, Notifiche, Database, Mappe, GPS, e altri ancora..) Imparerai a gestire suoni, immagini, video, e tanto altro attraverso il corso baseImparerai tutti i componenti del Material Design (circa 6 ore)Imparerai a creare applicazioni che potranno essere utilizzate anche su tablet e dispositivi con altre lingue e dimensioniImparerai ad utilizzare Firebase (Database remoto) per creare le tua appImparerai la programmazione Android a 360 gradi (Android Wear, Android phone, Android Tablet, Material Design)Sarai in grado di pubblicare le tue app all'interno del Google Play Store Che app andremo a sviluppare? Data di nascita, app molto semplice che ci permetter di capire i primi concetti Convertitore di valute, app semplice che ti permetter di comprendere semplici funzioniTimer da cucina, semplice app che ti permetter di capire nuovi componentiLucchetto, app semplice che ti permetter di capire i primi concetti Gioco moltiplicazioni, app leggermente pi complessa che ci permetter di vedere delle funzioni importantiQuiz app, app che ci permetter di vedere molti componenti fondamentali di android Tris, app che ci permetter di creare un semplice gioco Appunti, app che ci permetter di vedere lo storage dei dati, tramite Room News, app che ci permetter di testare la nostra conoscenza di internet, scaricando in tempo reale le informazioni dal sito ansa Lettore MP3, app che ci permetter di vedere la lettura di file MP3 dal nostro archivio e riprodurli all'interno del player Salva posizione automobile, app che ci permetter di salvare la posizione corrente di dove abbiamo parcheggiato la macchina, guidandoci successivamente al ritrovamento di essa Appunti con Firebase, app degli appunti come la precedente ma con l'aggiunta del database remoto Mini corso Android Wear, corso che ci permetter di creare semplici applicazioni per Android Wear, ovvero il sistema operativo per gli orologi smart che montano il sistema operativo del colosso Google Durante il corso ti saranno presentate molte challenge che ti permetteranno di metterti alla sfida e di esercitarti sugli argomenti appena imparati. Ma non preoccuparti una volta finita la challenge risolveremo insieme questa sfida. Al momento alcune sezioni non sono complete ma saranno completate in breve tempo. Il corso in continuo aggiornamento cos da mantenere sempre aggiornati gli studenti! Spero di ricevere dei vostri feedback cos da migliorarmi nei prossimi video. Se vuoi imparare tutto questo iscriviti a questo corso e inizia subito a cogliere le opportunit che il mercato di offre!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Mastering art creation for games and VR with Blender 2.79" |
"How awesome would it be to create your own game art or VR scene? Maybe you have tried Blender or another 3d application before but got overwhelmed by all the possibilities. Fear not, help is here! My name is Ludwig and I have created this exciting course. I have helped game developers all over the world with their code and art with success. One of these games (Amico Ragnolo) even won an award! I have been a Blender user for over 8 years, like working with Unity, Unreal Engine and SketchFab. I would love to share my knowledge with you!This course is for Blender 2.79. As you may have noticed Blender 2.80 is released. I'm working on a Blender 2.80 course but can't say when it is ready yet. The basic principles learned in this course are the same as the 2.80 course.Content of this courseYou will create a model in a stylized form like Fortnite, World of Warcraft or Dota2. You will only use Blender, so no Photoshop or other applications. You will not use any prefab textures but paint everything yourself. You will get your hands working as much as possible and most theory is woven into the hands-on practice so you will not be bored with long theoretic lectures. Each lecture you will learn more about how Blender works. You will not have to do the same over and over because every lecture you will learn new things. You will create materials and textures and learn how to apply them on your model. Then you will set up the lighting and learn how to render. In the end you will setup the model in a Sketchfab scene. Then you will setup VR in your SketchFab scene and you will be able to look around in your scene in VR*! It is also possible to view your scene with Augmented Reality** in SketchFab. This scene can be used to show friends, family and maybe more important be used in your portfolio!You will learncorrect 3d terminology like vertex, edge, face, etc.modellinguv unwrappingtexture paintingmake particlesset up lightwork with HDR backgroundsupload and recreate your scene in Sketchfaband a lot more!Come and join me on an adventure! Don't be afraid, it's great fun!*For VR in Sketchfab a cardboard or better VR device with a mobile phone is needed **For AR in Sketchfab a mobile phone or tablet with a gyroscope is needed (for specifications see sketchfab)"
Price: 29.99 |
"How To Become A Cruise Ship Musician" |
"Are you a singer or musician ?Would you like to make thousands of dollars from performing ?Would you like to travel the world ?Sign up to the first ever course on how to become a cruise ship musician ! In thislife changing courseandIllwalk you through step by step.Learntoget the career of your dreams performing aboard five star luxury floating palaces.I'll be sharing the industry secretsandalltheways thatIwas able to land these extraordinaryjobs.Its all theinformation I wish I had when I was starting out.If you take action with what you learn here you could earn serious money as well as travel the world and live a life of luxury. Many cruise ship musicians are able to save up largeamounts of money from there cruise shipworking aboard. In fact, I know numerous musicians who have purchased there housescash afterworking aboard the ships.We will look at all aspects of the business.There are lots of different jobs available aboard ships for a variety of different instruments and skill levels. Some of them will also be posted in the discussion.Lets quicklydispela popular myth - while certain roles require it,YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A SIGHT READER TO WORK ON A CRUISE SHIP(But it certainly won't hurt).Upon signing up for this course you will getlifetime accessto the information as well as updates which will reflect new changes happening within the cruise ship music industry. You are also able to ask questions about the cruise ship music industry andget feedback & adviceon your act. Iwant to help you become a success!This is a no waffle course, Iwill get straight to the point and just give you the information you need to know.Ask questions, join in the discussion and have fun."
Price: 99.99 |
"CPA - Regulation - Property Transactions" |
"This course on taxation is the first of a series of courses for CPA, and it is a part of regulation. This mini course is designed to help you understand the important concepts of Property transactions. To pass the CPA examinations it is very important to understand the concepts and apply them to variety of questions. The examination will not only test your memory but also test how good you are in application of the concepts. I have provided solved examples that will prepare you to apply the concepts and solve variety of CPA questions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Trading en Wall Street Indices de EEUU" |
"En este curso aprenders a interpretar los mayores indices y ms operados de EEUU con las herramients y sistemas de inversin de los grandes traders institucionales.Un trader debe saber adaptarse y Pumariega Investor ha creado este curso para con nuestra estrategia propia, puedes adaptarte de forma fcil, simple y repetitiva a los procesos de inversin de los profesionales."
Price: 99.99 |
"Trading profesional en FOREX" |
"En este curso no te vasa encontrar teoras ni patrones comunes que hayas podido leer en libros o ver en videos, el trading tiene procesos y en Pumariega Investor enseamos a que la gente pueda interpretarlos adecuadamente para que su operativa sea optima y profesional.El contenido del curso esta diseado para ser lo mas fcil ysimple posible, centrandonos sobre todo en la operativa con ejemplos reales en grficos."
Price: 99.99 |
"Trading profesional en PETROLEO" |
"Quieres aprender a operar como un trader profesional el commoditie mas operado del mercado? Ests en el curso correcto! Un curso nico done aprenders metodologa clara eficiente para que puedas empezar a operar nada mas termines el curso.Aprenders a analizar los grficos, zonas optimas de entradas y a gestionar tus posiciones.Te espero dentro, un saludo!"
Price: 99.99 |