"Job Hunting Hack-a-thon - More Callbacks in 95% Less Time!" |
"Are you frustrated filling out all of those online application systems and not getting anywhere?Do you feel you spend way too much time applying for a handful of jobs and just dread the entire process? Congratulations, were going to fix that! I will teach you how to apply for many jobs in a short amount of time, so you can spend time doing other things as opposed to spending a lot of time applying to just a handful of jobs when they will only spend less than 7seconds reviewing your application. Sounds like a breath of fresh air? Were just getting started! This course will show you which online job boards to use so you can apply quickly to a lot of jobs, in a short period of time. I have seen the hiring process from the applicants standpoint, and the employers stand point. Its frustrating all around, and I will show you how to navigate through the gauntlet of applicant tracking systems, and 7second reviews of your time invested resume. Moreover, I will provide you with my professional resume template that I have used with my clients to improve their job application success who have careers in Hospitality, Business, and Technology. You can, absolutely use the template and wording when editing your own Resume. Its a completely unorthodox approach to the number of resumes I have personally seen in the corporate world and it will truly help you stand out from the herd. I will also provide you with 2 cover letter templates that have delivered results for myself, and other successful candidates that you can also use as an example. If what I have said still hasnt convinced you to take the course, please be aware that it comes with a 30-day money-back-in-full guarantee. This means you can take the entire course, and decide for yourself if it was of value to you. If the answer is No., you can simply click a button and get your investment back. No questions asked, and no hassle. So since theres nothing to lose, why not come try my course? Your time is valuable, and the amount of time you would save applying for jobs would be a fraction of the price of this course. Every minute youre spending applying for jobs is costing you the opportunity of doing something else that you want to do. Take the course and gain your time back!"
Price: 44.99 |
"Curso completo de derivadas - impossvel no aprender" |
"Este um curso de derivadas, composto de aulas curtas e objetivas, explicaes tericas emuitos exerccios resolvidos. Ele foi elaborado pensando emquem precisa aprender ou revisar todo o assunto em poucas horas de estudo, como na vspera de uma prova,por exemplo. Este senso de urgnciaest persente at mesmo na escolha do nome de cada lio, pensado para facilitar a busca. Veja alguns exemplos: ""como derivar um logaritmo"", ""derivada de uma raiz"", ""derivadas usando limites"", ""como derivar uma frao"". No bem mais fcil se localizar assim?Este curso poder te salvar em uma vspera de prova, mas ser ainda mais til a longo prazo, pois se voc estudante de engenharia, economia, administrao ou qualquer curso de exatas, continuar calculandoderivadas e estudando o comportamento de funes por muito tempo. Sempre que quiser lembrar de alguma coisa,este curso estar aqui a sua disposio, pois ao adquiri-loter acesso vitalcio a ele."
Price: 99.99 |
"Clculo Integral - Um curso para quem tem pouco tempo" |
"Este um curso de Integrais, composto de aulas curtas e objetivas, explicaestericas, exerccios resolvidos e muitos exerccios propostos (todos comgabarito). Ele foi elaborado pensando emquem precisa aprender ou revisartodo o assunto em poucas horas de estudo, como na vspera de uma prova,mastambm em quem precisa aprender o assunto do zero. Ao final de cada lio, hsempre um questionrio para que voc possa praticar e fixar o contedo queaprendeu. E se ficar com alguma dvida s me mandar uma mensagem, pois vocreceber meu e-mail, WhatsApp e Facebook ao adquirir o curso.Estecurso poder te salvar em uma vspera de prova, mas ser ainda mais til alongo prazo, pois se voc estudante de engenharia, economia, administrao ouqualquer curso de exatas, continuar calculandointegrais e estudando ocomportamento de funes por muito tempo. Sempre que quiser lembrar de algumacoisa,este curso estar aqui a sua disposio, pois aoadquiri-loter acesso vitalcio a ele."
Price: 99.99 |
keygapey |
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Price: 64.99 |
archetypes |
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Price: 19.99 |
"Kapsaml Go Programlama Dili Eitimi ve Go ile Rest Api" |
"REST API dersleri 25 Aralk'a kadar bu kurs kapsamnda yaynda olacaktr.Bu kurs ile ister backend programlama yaparak kendi api inizi yazabilir isterseniz web uygulamar gelitirebilirsiniz. Go programlama dili sistem programlama iin kullanlabildii gibi high level iler programlar iin de gnmzde poplaritesini artrmakta.Kolay renilebilir olmas, hzl olmas ve kolay bir ekilde concurrency(ezamanl) yaplabilmesi onu daha da popler hale getirecektir.Sizlerde bu dile enyakn zamanda balayarak gelecekten kendinize yer ayrn."
Price: 379.99 |
"50 Phrasal Verbs for the Cambridge English First (FCE) exam" |
"The ""50 Phrasal Verbs for the Cambridge English First (FCE) Exam"" course is designed for students who are taking the Cambridge English First exam.Why? Because it includes 50 phrasal verbs which are commonly found in this exam!This course is also suitable for anyone who wishes to know more about phrasal verbs as well as learn some very commonly used phrasal verbs!The course will also teach you how to recognise a phrasal verb, as well as the difference between a transitive and intransitive phrasal verb and whether or not a phrasal verb is separable or inseparable. All of which is necessary to know if you're going to use phrasal verbs correctly!So, if you're determined to master phrasal verbs once and for all, enroll inthis course today!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Cambridge English:First(FCE)WRITING courseFirst Certificate" |
"In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about ''Paper 2 - Writing'' of the Cambridge English: First (FCE)exam.I will explainwhat is expected from you in this part of the FCE exam.I will explain in detail how to write an essay, a review, an article, a report, a formal letter/email andan informal letter/email.I willshow you example questions with sample answers.I show youcommon mistakes that students often make and how you can avoid these.I will give you tips and advice specifically for this part of the exam."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cancer Without Fear" |
"If you or someone you love has had a cancer diagnosis and you're struggling with fear or stress or anxiety or guilt or any other emotions - this program is designed especiallyto help you.Wendi Saggese was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in 2010 - and despite many previousyears of studying and using every personal development and self-help technique going - nothing she'd learnedhelped her to deal with the overwhelming emotions she felt during the first 2 years after thediagnosis.And then - everything changed! Wendi came across a very different understanding of howour emotions and our experience of life really work - and - in no time at all - found herselffeeling happy and confident, powerful and alive - and living life to the full. In fact she felt happier than she'd ever felt in her life- despite the ongoingdiagnosis! Having suffered so much for the first two years - and having experienced how happy she'd become - so quickly and so easily - Wendi was determined to help others get the same results.Wendi trained did a great deal of training to become a coach in this understanding - helping many individuals to experience wonderful changes in their lives.But she wanted to help even more people - so she got together with Dr Anne Curtis who had experienced similar changes in her own life after coming across this understanding - and who had a background - as a medical doctor and a psychotherapist - of helping many individuals and families through a diagnosis of cancer.Both Wendi and Annehave learned through their ownexperience - and throughtheir experience with the many people they've helped already - that there is a way to eliminate suffering and stress and to enjoy life far more - tomake clearer decisions more easily -and deal with the reactions of family, friends and doctors more comfortably and more effectively too.This program shares with you how you can experience these same results in your life.The program is very simple to follow - no studying to do -or techniques to learn - simply watch or listen and let the learning - and the changes -come automatically."
Price: 34.99 |
"Mechanical Engineering 101: Forces and Moments ( mechanics )" |
"Welcome to this courseIn this forces and moments course Ill be walking through all of the basic fundamental topics that any one wants to be good at forces and moments calculation needs to know ; this is a course mostly for pr-module students for anyone whos just getting started with engineering study Or for someone who wants to scrape off some rust after being away from few years.All the concepts in this course are things you use constantly throughout any engineering course you will take in future like : - Forces (Causes of force, Units of force and typical magnitudes, Classification of forces, Mathematical representation of a force, Measuring forces, Force Laws,)- Moments (Resultant moment exerted by a force system, Examples of moment calculations using the vector formulas, The Physical Significance of a Moment, tips on calculating moments)- Force Couples, Pure Moments, Couples and Torques (Pure moments, couples and torques.- Dfinition, Physical Interprtation, and Exemples)- Constraint and reaction forces and moments(overview of general nature of constraint forces, How to determine directions of reaction forces and moments at a joint, Drawing free body diagrams with constraint forces, Reaction Forces and Moments associated with various types of joint,And of course we will solve quizzes and exercisesThank you for joing us"
Price: 199.99 |
"Yoga to Relieve Back and Neck Pain" |
"How successful you are in life simply depends on how well you can use your mind and body.- SadhguruIn this course, Sadhguru, yogi, mystic, and visionary will offer wisdom from the yogic sciences about how to create success, share key ingredients to become successful, and bring an understanding about the composition of the personality. You will learn practices that will strengthen the neck and back. Activating and strengthening the spine will bring stability and balance to the system which will enable you to use your mind and body to its full potential. This set of yoga postures also strengthens the lumbar region which helps to relieve back and neck pain.Yoga is taught as a science that can change the fundamental chemistry of who you are, which empowers you to create success. Experience meditation not as an act but a quality that you can bring into your life.Explore the essential qualities and characteristics that are needed to become successful that support you in overcoming obstaclesLearn a powerful practice that activates the lumbar region of the spine and strengthens the muscles to prevent collapsing of the spine that can occur with agingActivate the neurological and energy systems to increase alertness, decrease lethargy, and sharpen the intellect and memoryExperience a guided Meditation for Success thatempowers you to transform goals and desires into realityAllow success to naturally blossom in your life by enhancing your perceptionDiscover the key ingredient that is the fundamental building block in your life"
Price: 49.99 |
"Meditation to Balance the Body and Mind to Create Health" |
"""Whether it is your body, your mind, or your life energies the more you use them, the better they get."" - SadhguruIn this course Sadhguru, yogi, mystic, and visionary will offer wisdom from the yogic sciences on how to create health. If you are new to yoga, or have had prior experience, this guided course provides easy to follow, simpleyet powerful techniques that yield noticeable benefits. Learn a practice to activate your energy nodules, lubricate the joints, and exercise the musclescreating an instant sense of alertness and aliveness. It also brings an ease to the whole system. Understand why yoga means union and how it can bring harmony withinDiscover how aligning the five layers of the body can lead to health and blissfulnessExplore the yogic perspective on the three fundamentals of creating good healthIdentify how to consume food to enable the cleansing process on the cellular level to occurLearn to perform the basic level of activity so stretching of the spinal column happens dailyUnderstand the five elements that are the building blocks for life and their connection to healthManifest health by organizing and focusing the mind towards your goals with a guided meditation"
Price: 49.99 |
"Java 8 New Features In Simple Way" |
"Java 8 is one of the major and more prestigious version from Java. In this video tutorials we covered every topic in detail on the board and on the system with live execution. Definitely you can feel like you are learning in class room directly from the instructor. As the part of this course we are covering the following 11 topics.1. Lambda Expressions2. Functional Interfaces3. Default methods in Interface4. Static Methods in Interfaces.5. Predicate6. Function7. Consumer8. Supplier9. Method Reference & Constructor Reference by Double Colon(::) Operator.10. Stream API11. Date & Time API ( Joda API) After completing this video course, we are sure, you will be in a position to give left and right anywhere about these new features."
Price: 49.99 |
"Complete JDBC Programming Part-1" |
"JDBC is the Base for Java Database Programming. In this Course you will get strong base about Java database concepts. The following are various concepts discussed in this course.1. Introduction to advance java2. JDBC in simple way3. Storage areas4. Introduction to JDBC5. JDBC architecture6. JDBC API7. Driver interface vs Driver class vs Driver software8. Types of Drivers9. Standard steps to develop JDBC application10. Working with Type-1 Driver11. Working with Type-2 Driver12. Working with Type-3 Driver13. Working with Type-4 Driver14. Working with Type-5 Driver15. Summary of all 5 JDBC Drivers16. Programs for create & Drop tables17. How to read dynamic input from the keyword18. How to form sql queries with dynamic input19. Programs for basic CRUD operations20. Realtime coding Standards for JDBC application21. How to develop & run JDBC application with IDEs like eclipse22. Working with mySql database"
Price: 49.99 |
"Complete JDBC Programming Part-2" |
"JDBC is the Base for Java Database Programming. In this Course you will get strong base about Java Advanced database concepts. The following are various concepts discussed in this course.1. Life cycle of SQL query Execution2. PreparedStatement3. Differences between Statement & PreparedStatement4. SQL Injection Attack5. Stored Procedures6. Callable Statement7. Cursors8. Functions9. Statement vs PreparedStatement vs CallableStatement10. Batch updates11. execute Query vs execute Update() vs execute() vs execute Batch()12. Insert & Retrieve Date values13. BLOB & CLOB introduction14. Insert & Retrieve BLOB Type15. Insert & Retrieve CLOB Type16. Connection with properties17. working with properties18. Different ways to get Connection object19. Transaction management20. Savepoint21. Transaction Concurrency problems & Isolation Levels22. Metadata a) Database Metadata b) ResultSetMetaData c) ParameterMetaData23. JDBC with non-Traditional Databases like Excel24. ResultSet Types a) Forward only & Scrollable b) Scroll sensitive & Scroll insensitive c) Read only & Updatable25. ResultSet Holdability26. RowSets vs ResultSets27. Working with all RowSets28. Miscellaneous types like RowId etc29. Topmost Important JDBC FAQs"
Price: 49.99 |
"Java 9 New Features In Simple Way : JShell, JPMS and More" |
"After completing this course,Student will get Overview of new features introduced in Java 9. The following topics discussed in detail. Java 7 and 8 features also explained based on requirement. Hence even student not familiar with old versions,still he can able to attend the course.1. Private Methods in Interfaces2. Try With Resources Enhancements 3. Diamond Operator Enhancements 4. SafeVarargs Annotation Enhancements 5. Factory Methods for Creating unmodifiable Collections6. Stream API Enhancements 7. The Java Shell(RPEL)8. The Java Platform Module System(JPMS)9. JLINK(JAVA LINKER)10. Process API Updates11. HTTP/2 Client"
Price: 19.99 |
"La voce pu cambiare la tua vita" |
"Il percorso di vocal coaching individuale ideato e condotto dal docente, Stefano Volpe, costituito da 8 video, si pone lobiettivo, al termine dellintero percorso, di fornire all'allievogli strumenti giusti per consentirgli di ottenerela pi piena, corretta, autorevole, efficace, carismatica, ricca e personale comunicazionesia nelle relazioni one-to-one, sia in pubblico. Dunque, durante la fruizione degli 8 video, Stefano Volpe studier tecniche di comunicazione ad hoc per la personalit e il carattere dell'allievoche, a sua volta, applicher immediatamente senza per altro ricorrere a particolari esercizi a casa, poich l'allievogi al termine della visione delprimo video, sar messo in grado, progressivamente, nella sua vita personale e professionale, di agire in positivo sulla propria modalit di comunicazione. Questo aspetto di immediata applicazione delle tecniche di comunicazione fin dalla prima lezione videodel percorso da parte dell'allievo, rappresenta l elemento dinnovazione saliente, nel panorama attuale in Italia, per quanto riguarda i corsi di comunicazione personale globale e intensiva, ivi incluse tutte le tecniche di Public Speaking a livello avanzato."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn to animate character mouth in 3D" |
"Hi there, am Steven. In this course I will be sharing with you some tips to help start animating the mouth without much difficulties. In this course we will look at setting up necessary materials to get you started. And we will work our way through a simple approach to sculpting believable mouth shapes and we finish with adding mouth attitudes to our character."
Price: 129.99 |
"Start A Business With This Complete A-Z Course (Guaranteed)" |
"*Guaranteed To Help You Start Your Business Or Your Money Back*I am going to take a wild guess that you are here because you are sick of living your life on someone else's terms. Youre hungry for something new, and you wont settle for less. You want to be your own boss, do what you love, when you want and from wherever you want. I'm Leo Alhalabi, I am obsessed with start up business and at just 21 years old and my businesses employ just under 400 people. I have built multiple successful businesses, the main one being my private tutoring company which is one of the largest in Australia. I am also the author of the book ""The First Step"" - a book which breaks down every detail of starting a business and going from 0 to 100. Welcome to The Complete Start Up Business Course This course is designed for youno matter where you are in your business journey. You will most likely fall into the following 3 categories: 1. Have an idea, but you're not sure how to start a business. 2. Have no idea, but know you want to start a business. 3. Have already started your business but you would like some further guidance. In whichever category you fall into, you're at the right place and I look forward to helping you! This course has left no stone unturned.I guarantee, this is the most detailed and up-to-date business start up course available anywhere on the marketor 120% of your money back. By avoiding the trials & error of figuring out how to start your business and where you invest your money, this course will help you save thousands of dollars. Dont be the one to live with the regret of not starting, it's time to take action. Get started today and become crystal clear with your business idea, turn the idea in your head into a profitable reality, develop a product/service, break down your target audience, ideal customer & how to market to them, decide on a business name, learn about more than 10 different ways to market and walk away with a complete business-plan write up guide! Oh, and did I mention you get FREE detailed documents & excel spreadsheet to further assist you put together your business? Are you ready to open new doors and become a successful business owner? Ready to begin living the live of your dreams? To make money without needing to be somewhere at a particular day or time? All at your fingers tips. Right now.The course starts with the overall business foundations. Ill break down the 5 foundations you need to become very clear with...(The Idea, The Problem, The Product/Service, The Market & Overall Vision). Once youve finished with that, we move on to tackle the business model. This where we discuss your target audience, ideal customer, marketing strategy, how you will deliver your product/service, how you will operate and much more. I will then let you know about the tools you will need and the business essentials required for you to move forward. This includes your business name, logo, website, how you will make money, your profit vs expenses and more. The course then breaks down the different ways you can fund your business, putting together a complete business plan to raise money (if that's what you chose to do), all the different ways you can market and formulas which are necessary for business success. Over 11 chapters you will:Become crystal clear with your business idea!Develop a product/service (how much you will charge, your expenses, how you will deliver). Break down your target audience. Figure out your ideal customer. Learn more than 10 different ways to market.Decide on a business name.Learn about the different platforms you can use to save thousands of dollars in business start-up costs. What else will you get?Personal contact with me, the course presenter.Lifetime access to course materialsClear action steps so you can begin putting your business together as you progress through the course.Feel free to read my bio below, to see how I went from a broke University student to a successful business owner by the age of 21.A little about the presenter. Inspired to change my familys life and to give my mum everything she ever wanted I decided business would be my vehicle. After reading a quote which said In order to be good at business, you have to be in business I started my first business venture at age 17 which completely failed.Luckily at this time of my life I was beginning to develop my principles first of which being You either win or you learn.The biggest lesson I took away from this first failure was that it was not all about finding a good business idea. You must first become a person of value and develop a product which will serve and help others.The first step become a person of value.I am now the CEO & Owner of one of Australia's largest and fastest growing in-home private tutoring services. I have just under 400 tutors employed under the business and we have helped over 1000 students. In addition to my full-time business focus, I have also authored a business-focused book titled ""The First Step"". I set out on a journey to figure out what it took to turn a business idea into a full blown reality - and luckily, I figured it out. Sign up to The Complete Start Up Business Course, join me and begin your amazing business journey today!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Customer Service: Soft Skills Fundamentals" |
"Starting a new career in customer service can be intimidating.How will you deal with all those people? New employee training can teach you how to turn on the lights and work the computers, but you need to know more about the non-tangibles, the soft skills of getting along.This course will help you developthe soft skills you need to thrive when facing clients day after day."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Soul of Leadership with Deepak Chopra" |
"""Great leaders are those who can respond from the higher levels of spirit with creativity, visionand a sense of unity.""-Deepak Chopra, M.D.Right now, at this moment in time, the world is calling outfor great leaders to step forward and step up. In this course inspired by his ground-breaking book, The Soul of Leadership,Deepak Chopra shareswhy authentic,empowered, and responsibleleadershipcomes from the soul, and howexpanding your awareness, harnessing yourcreativity, and masteringyour ownemotional freedom arethe keys to becoming the Great LeaderYou Were Always Meant to Be.You'll hearteachings from Deepak'sbest-selling book,The Soul of Leadership, as well as from the exclusive management class he teaches at the renowned Kellogg School of Management.Deepak breaks down theessentials of great leadershipinto the 10 lessons you will masterin this course,including:The Techniques that Set Great Leaders Apart from Average LeadersThe 7 SpiritualQualities Every Great Leader PossessesWhy the 7 Steps to Emotional Freedom are Key to Becoming a Great LeaderThe 9 Keys to Becoming a Creative LeaderWhy Managing Doesnt Work, But Empowering DoesPLUS...Deepak will guide youthrough grounding meditations and calming breathing exercises,and you'll alsohear never-before-told personal stories from Deepak that inspired his work onThe Soul of Leadership."
Price: 199.99 |
"Simple and Effective Ways to Lose Weight" |
"Are you or your friend experiencing obesity or overweight? Simply way to calculate the right weight is; Subtracting your Height with 100.such as, 180 cm. high subtract 100, so the weight should not exceed 80 Kg. If it is higher, you are fat! Obesity is a trouble for many people, such as the clothes, you need to buy a larger size or a special size that not too much to select. Most fashionable clothes are not a big size. The problem is more fussy, such as the Bodys smell, increase the risk for many health problems, including back pain, feet pain. Feeling Bullied, be the one who be forgot. You cannot be along with others, cannot wear clothes like others. The lack of confidence, bad personality, then how to console our own is eating more. Today I will introduce you how to lose weight easily, save cost and get real results by you Do not exercise or tired of using force that does not work. Do not take medicine because it has side effects that increase health risks. No need to attend beauty institute or waste a lot of money. No yo-yo effect, because when you reach your target to lose weight, your behavior will be change. And importantly, you will not suffer to lose weight with this method, By following our instructions to change you or your friends behavior which will result in losing your weight and change from a person who is plump to a beautiful figure and improve your quality of life. Now the most important thing is asking yourself that is it the time to change yourself? 4-5 years , 10 years or throughout our lives to be bullied that fat, big cheeks, big size. Are you fed up with being teased, to be ridicule, to be funny by other people? Are you bored to purchase large size clothes, other people wearing beautiful clothes but you cannot wear. Are you tired when you are sick, feeling bad, tired and smelly. Personality is not good and there are many problems, get scolded. .. If you are really fed up, please see the nest clip."
Price: 199.99 |
"Your Guide to the Pharmaceutical Industry" |
"Are you interested in thepharmaindustry? Would you like to talk confidently about pharmaceuticals and healthcare?The pharmaceutical industry isone of the most dynamic and exciting professions in the world. It can be hugelyrewarding professionally, personally andfinancially!There are tremendous opportunitiesfor those that are able to develop their expertise and work closely with the pharma industry.By the end of this course you will be able to talk confidently about the pharmaceutical industry duringa presentation, in an interview, with co-workers, with customers or in general conversation with friends.Phil Yates has been working with the global pharmaceutical industry for over 30 years. He is an Associate Member of the Healthcare Communications Association, an Advisory Board Member of AllaboutMedicalSales and an author on training matters for Pharmafocus and Pf magazines and a judge for the Pf Awards.This concise and enjoyable course helps you learn quickly and easily.After taking this course you will:Be able to explainthe structure and function of the global pharmaceutical industryBe aware of the key players within the industry Know which disease areas are of greatest interest to the industry Know which medicines have been the most successful of all time Appreciate how the industry has evolved and how it is adapting to the many issues it facesThecourse also includes quiz questions along the way to help you to buildyour industryknowledge in a fun way. Build your understanding ofhow the pharmaceutical industry workswith this easy-to-follow course explainingthe facts you need to know.Lets get started!"
Price: 99.99 |
"colored pencils on sanded paper, the basics" |
"In this course you will learn the first basic techniques of colored pencils on sanded paper with the Brush and Pencil supplies. You will learn how you can use these supplies, you will learnwhat additional supplies you can use. I'll take you step by step through the first basic techniques, the wayto create your ownlinedrawing, the layering process on sanded paper, the way to create a blurry background and much more!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Tiger in colored pencils on drafting film" |
"In this course I will show you how you can use colored pencils on drafting film to create realisticbreathtaking fur,beautiful whiskers andshiny eyes. With this cool tiger as the result!I will tell you what supplies you can use, I will provide you with a nice and easy linedrawing, a beautiful referencephoto and hours of informativevideo. Some of the 21videos are in real time, some of them aretimelapsed. The course willhelp you, beginners but also the more advanced students. Just follow the steps, grab your supplies and join this coloring fun! Never think this will be to difficult!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Vagrant for DevOps" |
"Vagrant is a open source tool for working with virtual environments. Vagrant acts as a wrapper and sits on top of the virtualization solution (VMware, Hyper-V ,Virtual Box or libvirt) and provides a simple command line interface to manage the VM's with the custom configuration.In this course students will learn the following :Introductionto VagrantBenefits of using VagrantInstallation and Configuration of VagrantDownloading the Vagrant BoxsBasics Administration of VagrantWorking with Ansible ProvisionerPerforming VagrantAdministrationTroubleshooting and Maintenance"
Price: 34.99 |
"Basics of BIND DNS Server" |
"BIND is open source software that enables you to publish your Domain Name System (DNS) information on the Internet, and toresolve DNS queries for your users. The name BIND stands for Berkeley Internet Name Domain.Why to use BIND?BIND is opensource.You can tailor the BIND as per your Organization requirements.Oldest and most commonly used DNS server.In this quick courseon BIND we will discuss the following sections :Introduction to BINDLAB requirements & setup details Pre-requesties & BIND installation Configure firewall for DNS Configure BIND to accpet the dns requests Configure domain zone configuration Create forward and reverse lookup files Validate and secure the dns configuration Test the name resolution"
Price: 29.99 |
"Linux KVM for System Engineers" |
"Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is a virtualization infrastructure for the Linux kernel that turns it into a hypervisor. It was merged into the Linux kernel mainline in kernel version 2.6.20, which was released on February 5, 2007.In this quick training on KVM ( Kernel Based Machines) , we will discuss the following topics with appropriate LABs at end of the session :Quick Introduction to Hypervior and KVM :What is a Hypervisor ?KVM Quick Intro , its Pros/Cons and TerminologyKVM Installation and ConfigurationLAB Details, Pre-Reqs for KVM InstallationKVM InstallationKVM Network ConfigurationKVM Storage Pool ConfigurationCreating Guest Virtual MachinesKVM AdministrationManagement of Guest Virtual MachinesBackup of Guest Virtual MachinesExpanding the disk sizes of Guest Virtual MachineGuest Virtual Machines Snapshot Create/RestoreRenaming a Guest VMIncreasing resources on of Guest Virtual MachinesCloning a guest VMTroubleshooting the KVM issues."
Price: 29.99 |
"How to Make Videos and Start a YouTube Channel" |
"Do you want to be able to make great videos?Are you a person who has never made a video or has filmed stuff but never been able to do anything with it?In this course Iwill give you the recipe on how to make great videos from point A- Z. No prior film or editing experience is required. Irun a successful media companymaking professional videos for all kinds of clients. Istarted with no knowledge of how to work a camera and worked my way to a professional level of film making. In this course I will give you all the shortcuts and secrets to fast track your learning and make it as easy as possible for you to tell the stories you wish to document through video.There is no need to go out and buy anexpensive camera or spend money on new editing software. The learning from this course will give you the skills to make compelling videos using the simplest equipment available including the camera on your phone if that is what you choose. From this course you will learn all the basics behind making videos, vlogging, creating a YouTube page, choosing a camera, learning how to edit, and having a simple recipe to follow to make great content anytime you hit the record button on your camera.Whether your wanting to vlog to make money or just learn how to document your activities better this course is for you.After taking this course you will:Have your own YouTube channel (private or public)Know which cameras, lenses, and other equipment you will need to make videos and vlogsHave a simple recipe outline to make great content that is easy to capture and editBe able to use different editing software to create great videosHave the skills to make money filming things your passionate aboutBuild YouTube subscribersLearn how to edit videos from the most basic edits to complex techniques"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Java" |
"What is the course about?""Learn Java""covers all the essential programming techniques and concepts, that are required to build the real-time Java application inTamil language.I have tried to bring all the essential topics of java programming (which is the necessity of every student) under one umbrella, to save your time, to save your money and to help you learn what you want to learn.What kind of materials are included?This course is the aggregation of all the important topics of Java. This course coversIntroduction to JavaWhat is Java?Brief History of JavaWhy is Java called Java?Where is Java used?Types of Java ApplicationsJava featureJava Class StructureWhat is Java class structure?Anatomy of Java classJava Internal OperationsRuntime OperationsHow Java works internally?Why is Java platform independent?JVM VS JRE VS JDKJava VariablesJava OperatorsJava Conditional StatementsJava Loop Control StatementsJava class basic syntaxGarbage CollectionEncapsulationInheritance and types in detail using sample programsOverloading vs OverridingAbstractionAccess ModifiersCollections in detailMulti-threading in detailJava I/O (Input/Output)and many moreHow is this course structured?I will teach you in a hierarchical wayfrom the basic to advance level.There is a video lecture on every topic explained in Tamil.Who is the target audience?An Absolute beginner who want to learn java from scratchIf you know the basics of Java but wants to go deep in Java, to learn the object-oriented concepts, graphical user interfaces and database in Java then this course is for you!Students can take this course who want to learn java from scratch"
Price: 19.99 |