"Learn Java from scratch in Telugu" |
""" "" - .English translation:What is the course about?""Learn Java""covers all the essential programming techniques and concepts, that are required to build the real-time Java application inTelugu language.I have tried to bring all the essential topics of java programming (which is the necessity of every student) under one umbrella, to save your time, to save your money and to help you learn what you want to learn.What kind of materials are included?This course is the aggregation of all the important topics of Java. This course coversIntroduction to JavaWhat is Java?Brief History of JavaWhy is Java called Java?Where is Java used?Types of Java ApplicationsJava featureJava Class StructureWhat is Java class structure?Anatomy of Java classJava Internal OperationsRuntime OperationsHow Java works internally?Why is Java platform independent?JVM VS JRE VS JDKJava VariablesJava OperatorsJava Conditional StatementsJava Loop Control StatementsJava class basic syntaxGarbage CollectionEncapsulationInheritance and types in detail using sample programsOverloading vs OverridingAbstractionAccess ModifiersCollections in detailMulti-threading in detailJava I/O (Input/Output)and many moreHow is this course structured?I will teach you in a hierarchical wayfrom the basic to advance level.There is a video lecture on every topic explained in Telugu."
Price: 19.99 |
"Beyond the X and O's: Thrive as a Youth Sports Coach" |
"Beyond the X and Os:Introduces coaches of all experience levels to research-informed strategies to guide their teams and individual players to reach their full potential. Course topics include:The Benefits of SportsThe 3 Types of Youth Sports ParticipantsHow to Create an Engaging Sports ExperienceHow to Communicate Effectively with Your PlayersHow to give Feedback that Inspires Youth to ImproveAdopt a Growth Mindset that Creates Champions in Sports and LifeHow to Teach Youth to Believe in ThemselvesWhy Youth Play Sports and Why they Quitand much more . . ."
Price: 39.99 |
"Parents as Teammates: Help Your Child Succeed in Sports" |
"Parents as Teammateseducates parents about their roles and responsibilities, as well as provides practical tips to help their child realize the power and promise of youth sports. The course covers topics such as the benefits of sports, the role of youth sports parents, motivation tips and health & safety advice, plus more! This training is created by youth coaches and parents, and discusses the latest research from sports psychologists and educators in youth sports."
Price: 24.99 |
"An Introduction To Burp Suite (Swiss Army knife of hackers)" |
"This course will help you to Learnthe BurpSuite, the most popular web application security testing tool on planet. If you are doing penetration testing web development or you are a beginner in information security domainthen it is a must tool to master.Skills learned over here will accelerate your career in security and secure application deployments.Skillsyou learn in this course can be immediately used in web application assessments and penetration testing. This course is 100% practical and intensive hands on, so lets strap our belts and dive in the world of web hacking.In this course you will:Set up your own testing environment for web testingLearn features of the Burp SuiteLearn Basics of DVWA ( Damn vulnerable web application)Learn howto setup virtual environments and machines on Vmware PlayerLearn the difference between paid and free version of burp suiteLearn howto do passive and active scanning of web vulnerabilitiesLearn basics of web penetrationtestingLearn what are interception proxiesLearn why manual penetration testing is superior to automated testingOverview of courseIn this course we learn to usethe Burp Suite. Burp suite is a product of Port swinger company and is an industry standard tool for web vulnerability assessment and penetration testing.Here in this course wewill setup our own test environment with the Owasp BWA virtual appliance ,DVWA( Damnvulnerable web application ) Vmware Player virtualization tool and the Burp Suite. Then I will show you how to use the various modules in the Burp suite. These modules areused in different parts of the penetration test. You will learn how touse httprequest and response for hacking. After completingthis course you will be able to usethe Burp Suite in your work environmenteasily, whether you do penetration testing ,web development or just curious in web hacking."
Price: 74.99 |
"Sardonyx, Avant Garde Hairdressing Course" |
"Sardonyx is the first hairdressing education course for Avant Garde hair.As a collection of 6 looks, Sardonyx utilises synthetic hair, teaching 6 core techniques which are adaptable and changeable allowing for the individual to create and experiment with a multitude of looks.Each look is broken down, the technique explained and the base materials used, facilitating the freedom to interpret new shapes and advance ones own techniques.All videos are HD 720p"
Price: 99.99 |
Marketing |
"you will learn how to be professional in making ads on Facebook and i also got a video for my campaign so you can learn how to do it with real life experience and also you will know a full complete plan of successful marketing and how it should be done with the best ways possible"
Price: 199.99 |
"Javascript: Build a Javascript localStorage wrapper library" |
"Build a custom third party library with Javascript is a course for Javascript developers whowant take their Javascript skills to the nextlevel.Too many times,people state you should use third party Javascript frameworks and libraries when building your apps. It is true, reinventing the wheel is not arecommended strategy when building Javascript (or any other language) related applications. So, you might have thought it is important to just learn frameworks and may have neglected the core (Javascript) which is the underlyinglanguage in which allthose javascriptframeworks and libraries are written in.If you don't spend time learningvanillaJavascript very well,youwon'tbe able toimprovetheskillsneeded to become abetterJavascript developer.Youwill most likely get stuck when the time comesto resolving issues that require you to dive deepinto the sources of those frameworks such asAngular, React, Vue.js, Ember.jsetc.Therefore,I thought, creating this course, whichwalks you through building alibrary using justvanilla Javascriptwithout any third party dependency would be a great way for you to take your understanding ofJavascript to the next level.In this course you will build a library that willenhance the browser'slocalStorageinto a collections based database that will becapable ofstoringcollections of multiple items.The library you will build will also allow you tofind collectionitems by their ids, update individual collections items, and remove items by ids.You will alsolearnabout different Javascriptdata types and be able to dotype checking throughout your application using helper function you will create.You will builda class and its methods and create an instance from the class and apply the methods that your just created.You will seedebugging techniquesaswe will make an extensive use ofthe Chromebrowser's inspectorto walk through our code line by line and examine values and states of different variables.Finally, you will be able to publish the library on NPM and make it available for use by other developers with the simple `npm install package-name` command."
Price: 19.99 |
"Javascript Arrays for beginners : Javascript Arrays in 1hr" |
"Learn Javascript Arrays in 1 hour is a course you can complete over a weekend and gain so much valuable knowledge about the attributes and behaviors of Javascript Arrays. Javascript Arraysare very important data structures that play a great role in web application development or any other software development that involves the use of Javascript.The Javascript programming language provides arrays that are flexible and easy to construct and use. Arrays in Javascript belong to the object data type. The global Array object provides the interface to add and remove elements to generate lists that may be used for different purposes. As a result, Arrays exhibit attributes (properties) and behaviors (methods) just like other objects.In this course, we will start by looking at the available data types in Javascript and discuss why arrays belong to the object data type. We will also look at the Array constructor and its available methods and properties. Then we will dive deep into the Array prototype object that has several important builtin methods.We will divide the Array prototype methods into three parts, - Mutator methods, - Accessor methods, - Iteration methods,We will dive deeper into each using an example based approach."
Price: 19.99 |
"Basics in Cloud Computing with SAP Cloud Platform" |
"In this course, you are going to learn everything about the new SAP Cloud Platform that is announced in Feb 2017.Once you finish the course your learn the followings:Understand the new technology terms around Digital Transformation &Cloud ComputingUnderstand the overall architecture and offerings available with SAP Cloud PlatformMost important you will learn why SAP is promoting Cloud foundry.Difference between Cloud Foundry and SAP Neo.How to get the Trail access to SAP Cloud PlatformInstall SAP SDK and Software on your local machineConfigure Eclipse on your local machine with SAP SDK.Write Programs using Java &HTML5 and deploy on SAP Cloud Platform.Course is divided into 4 sectionsSection 1 &Section 2You will learn new terms like Digital Transformation, IoT, Big Data, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Service Models, Deployment models and others.Section 3You will be introduced to SAP Cloud Platform and everything about the SAP Cloud Platform Offerings, Service Models, Definitions, Capabilities, History of SAP Cloud Platform and Overall platform details.Section 4This is a hand-on section where you will learn how to configure eclipse on your local machine, how to download SAP SDK and use it to write Java application, HTML5 application and deploy it on the SAP Cloud Platform.If you are not familiar with the new terms or technologies then no need to worry this course will help you to learn those terms before going into the bigger picture of SAP Cloud. This course will follow step by step approach to first help you understand the complex terminology and concepts around Digital Transformation and Cloud Computing then later match those concepts to SAPs Cloud and deploy your own custom applications on it.This way you learn the terminology, concepts then apply it on SAP Cloud Platform by configuring the tools provided by SAP."
Price: 29.99 |
"Beginner: Complete Basics of SAP PO (Process Orchestration)" |
"Did you try to learn SAP PI/PO using the blogs or eBook?I bet you would have come across tons of jargons and complex words in those blogs and eBooks. Instead of understanding the concept those words might haveconfused you a lot. Why? Because you did not know the basics Simple!Why is this course so special?I know you might be asking this to yourself!Well, this course is designed for students who has no prior knowledge on integration tools. Topics in this course do not jump directly into PI/PO but it will start from the basics like XML, XSD, DTD, Webservices, SOA, SOAP and many other to help you understand how things work and defined in the real world.Once you are ready with the basics, then students can learn PI/PO with a solid foundation and grasp the concepts 10X times faster than the normal way of reading blogs or ebooks.You can even watch some free sample lesson to decide the quality of Video, Audio, Examples and Content that is shared.We strongly believe that If we cant explain it simply, then we dont understand it well enough.What is covered in this course?These are the topics you will learn in this course:XML: Complete Understanding of XML, XSD, DTD and ValidationsHTTP: How HTTP Communication works with Tons New Terminology.Detail Understanding of how Webservice, SOAP, SOAworks.Complete Understanding of SAP Netweaver ArchitectureIntroduction to SAP Process Orchestration and Process Integration.Understand the difference between PI and PO.AEX, NW BPM and NW BRM Introduction.Learn all the PO tool in detail.Monitoring and Admin tools like PIMON and NWAComplete Hands-onSLDESBIRYou will learn every option in SLD, ESB and IR.Learn the testing tools like SOAPUI and PIMON.Complete Interface development from one FTP Location to another.All the hands-on training is shown on the Live PO system so that you can do it yourself later."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete SAP PO REST Adapter Configuration with API Basics" |
"What you will learn in this Course?If you are trying to learn JSON, REST and API and also trying to learn how to develop interface using the REST adapter in AEX then this course is right for you.This course will teach you the basics of JSON Notation, Definition of REST and API with hands-on session on how to develop end to end interface using Sender REST and Receiver REST Adapter.Course Content:JavaScript Object Notation (JSON):Why JSON is called as Java Script Object Notation?What is the relation of JSON with Java Script?Learn how to write your own JSON structure.Compare XML vs JSON and understand why JSON is so famous compared to XMLUnderstand JSON Syntax, Data Types, Arrays and ObjectsYou will learn lots of practical session to define you own JSON structures.Learn about the JSON online tools.REST & APIUnderstand what is Service, Webservice, Interface and API.What is the advantage of API over the Webservice.Compare Webservice vs APIWhat is REST, API, REST API and REST JSON API?Real time REST API example and how to read the documentation.Parts of the REST API.Design Guidelines of REST.Understand what is API Management tools in the market?Interface DevelopmentComplete walk-thru of Sender REST AdapterComplete walk-thru of ReceiverREST AdapterHands-onDevelop & Test interface using Sender REST AdapterDevelop & Test interface using Receiver REST AdapterLearn to expose any interface as REST APIHow to Call any REST API from UDF. Powerful Technique you can use anywhere.Expose RFC as REST APIAll the hands-on training is shown on the Live PO system so that you can do it yourself later."
Price: 24.99 |
"Copywriting Basics - How to Write the Best Product Reviews" |
"Are you asking yourself how to write a review? A product review is different to other types of texts and you need to learn how to structure it in order to properly express your ideas. Do you plan to start writing product reviews? Do you have what it takes to write an engaging text to stand out? The aim of the course is to give you ALL the basic tools you need to structurethe best product reviews from the readers perspective. Even more This will be the first step-by-step course of its kind and will introduce you to the world of copywriting. If you are new to copywriting, you might feel confused or you might not know where to actually start. You know how to test a product or service, but actually communicating your opinions on it will require a structured approach. If you are new to copywriting, this course is for you. If you are new to product reviews, the course can help you with everything you need to get started. If you are a student and want to improve your writing skills, the course can teach you a different type of writing which is not studied in most universities but which is constantly growing online.If you are a copywriter, the course will help you improve your own portfolio within the product review niche.Affiliate marketers will learn how to write for the readers.Bloggers will get a structured approach to a type of writing which needs minimal structure and which can improve their expertise as a reviewer and attract more readers.You will learn how to write a memorable product review which aims to help consumers make informed decisions. How many people can say that about their work? Improve your skills and make your mark in society, one word at a time!"
Price: 19.99 |
"MOTIVAO - Seja sua melhor verso" |
"O foco principal deste curso : ""o que voc precisa fazer para se motivar e motivar os outros"".Este curso muito prtico. Inicialmente voc far uma avaliao on linepara identificar qual o seu grau de motivao no momento. E com base nesta avaliao, voc mesmo poder avaliar o quanto voc precisa desenvolver esta habilidade.Neste curso utilizamos um novo mtodo, criado especialmente para tornar mais preciso e eficaz o processo da automotivao: Modelo dos Elementos da Natureza Humana.Todos ns desejamos ter sucesso na vida, relacionamentos harmoniosos, um trabalho gratificante...enfim, ser feliz. Para alcanar isto no adianta reza forte, fazer promessas, ter privaes. Voc precisa ter determinao. Isto o primeiro ingrediente para voc criar suas metas. Ter determinao para lidar com os obstculos e distraes que surgem no meio do caminho. E tudo comea com o seu reconhecimento da sua verdadeira natureza. A partir da voc vai criar sua melhor verso.Neste curso voc vai aprender como funciona a motivao e conhecer mais de 20 mtodos para se motivar.Desenvolver a habilidade da automotivao o que vai separar as pessoas felizes, os lderes confiveis e profissionais excelentes do resto. O curso de Automotivao foi elaborado com tcnicas pedaggicas apropriadas aos profissionais modernos e contm uma variedade de materiais didticos: video-aulas, apostilas, checklists,testes, resenhas e outros materiais. Aqui esto os passos que voc seguir para construir sua melhor verso:- Por que voc precisa da motivao - De onde vem a motivao - As etapas do ciclo motivacional - Como a cincia explica a motivao- Como a Natureza de cada um impacta na automotivao - Os principais inimigos da motivao - Mais de 20 mtodos para se motivar - Como motivar adequadamente a sua equipe - Como implementar um Programa de Gesto Motivacional Voc entender como a Natureza Humana influencia na motivao e assim poder escolher qual o melhor mtodo para voc, de acordo com a sua necessidade e com a sua natureza."
Price: 249.99 |
"SEGREDOS da ADMINISTRAO do TEMPO de acordo com seu PERFIL." |
"Ao nascer ns recebemos recursos to especiais para ter qualidade de vida, mas acontece uma incoerncia que ns s nos damos conta quando perdemos este bem ou quando descobrimos que o desperdiamos por longos anos de vida. Entre eles esto: a sade, nosso corpo fsico, as pessoas, a natureza e o nosso TEMPO.Aprender a cuidar melhor deste recurso - o TEMPO - um passo muito importante que algumas pessoas do somente quando j desperdiaram muito... Administrar o tempo no garante que os seus objetivos sejam alcanados. Consideramos que administrar o tempo tarefa secundria. Voc precisa traar o cenrio ideal no qual vai usar o seu tempo, planejar sua agenda definindo prazos, mas antes de tudo isso voc tem que conhecer a natureza de cada pessoa que est envolvida na tarefa de ser mais produtivo atravs da administrao do seu prprio tempo.Este curso apresenta conceitos e prticas muito eficazes que voc pode aplicar e obter timos resultados de uma forma geral. O diferencial do Curso que voc aprender a utilizar uma nova ferramenta: o Modelo dos Elementos da Natureza HumanaTudo comea com voc. Primeiro entenda melhor seu prprio jeito de ser...e entenda como e porqu as outras pessoas so to diferentes de voc. O Modelo dos Elementos da Natureza Humana inovador, pois permite identificar o perfil de cada indivduo e assim dar segurana e eficcia na escolha de quais processos funcionaro melhor para cada pessoa.Por isso este curso parte da seguinte pergunta: Porque est errado s administrar o tempo para alcanar resultados?E aqui esto algumas das aulas que voc participar para obter as melhores respostas:Para que voc precisa de mais tempo?Qual o seu perfil comportamental?Como cada elemento v o tempo?O que voc precisa para utilizar muito bem o seu tempo?Conquistando os inimigos do tempoMultitarefasFalta de priorizaoDesperdiadores do tempoDesorganizaoCansaoProcrastinaoComo organizar o seu espao de trabalhoA agenda que funcionaComo tornar suas reunies produtivasPrincpios da produtividadeAdministrando sua energiaRotina para alta performanceVoc entender como a aplicao do Modelo dos Elementos da Natureza Humana trar benefcios visveis e prticos no seu dia-a-dia. Voc saber facilmente definir a melhor ferramenta para administrar o seu tempo com mais qualidade e eficcia, de acordo com o seu perfil, isto , com a sua natureza."
Price: 174.99 |
"Converting Webflow into Angular (2 thru 8) using FreeFormJS" |
"The problem we are solving is the ability to edit HTML web pages and CSS style sheets quickly and easily specifically for Google's Angular (formerly Angular 2) projects without having to edit HTML and CSS files manually. The Bootstrap-based Webflow website provides a WYSIWYG alternative over pure Bootstrap for Angular developers. FreeFormJS provides a method of converting Webflow projects into Angular format quickly and easily. This is not a course on how to develop websites or mobile apps using the Angular framework nor is it a course on how to use the Webflow online editor. Some basic functionality will be explained but it is assumed that the student is familiar or will become familiar with both Angular and Webflow separate from this course. This course will provide excellent references for both Angular and Webflow for those people wishing to learn those technologies in cooperation with this course.This course is for anyone who wants a simpler method of editing HTML and CSS files without having to resort to learning a whole new framework (such as Bootstrap) or spend a lot of time editing HTML and CSS files directly.Also, this is the first version of the course. It is going to be needing some refinements which are expected over time. We hope that you will be able to quickly learn how to use FreeFormJS and be able to benefit from its time-saving capabilities. We hope that you benefit greatly from what we have developed inside this product. It really does make web development a lot easier having a smooth transition from a WYSIWYG editor straight into an Angular project."
Price: 19.99 |
"dialogue in english- arab in arab countries in trip" |
"this course will give you some thing in arab languege which can help in speaking with the people of arab countries . and you will know how you canHow to behave with them.there are the mini dailogue and the name ofVegetables, fruits and clothing ..... and the number in arabic translated to english .there also the advise very important you should know ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Build CHATBOTS with Dialogflow (V1 & V2) and NodeJS" |
"Whether you are a novice would be bot developer or havejust started your journey in bot development, this course willsmoothen your journey by explaining you the bot developmentprocess clearly with examples usingDialogflowand NodeJS.This course teaches invaluable concepts ofDialogflowthat are essential for creating bots for Facebook messenger, Skype, weband Android platform.Difficult concepts inDialogflowlikeWebhookslot filling, validation of user inputs during backend fulfillment, andconcepts like Entities, Contexts, Actions, Events are explained with live examples in NodeJS for betterclarity which otherwise are not well documented onDialogflow.comEachtopic is covered in top down fashion with practical, hands-on examples.The later part of the course covers some advanced concepts. A real-life Bus Arrival time bot is written in Node JS usingDialogflowfor Facebook messenger, as an Android app and also as a chat enabled web application. The Bus Arrival time bot chats with the user and accepts a parameter calledBusStopNumber and provides the user the estimated time of arrival of all the busses at that stop. The Bus Arrival Time API is provided by Singapore's Land Transport Authority. The Bot uses the API to fetch live Bus arrival timings at a bus stop. Complete source code is provided for the learners to learn how an end to end bot is created usingDialogflowand NodeJS.UPDATE:Examples using Dialogflow V2 has been added recently. I will keep adding more examples using Dialogflow Version 2."
Price: 199.99 |
"Conquering your Anxiety Issues" |
"I'll introduce you to the DSM-5 anxiety disorders of Panicproblems,Phobias,Social Anxiety, Generalized Anxietyand Agoraphobia as well as what therapieshelp youget control of them. You'll alsohave a chance to apply and analyze some real-worldcases. After that, we'll cover the anxiety-related disorders ofobsessive-compulsive disorder, hoarding, hair pulling and body dysmorphic disorder.Iwill also describethe best psychotherapies for relief. Towardthe end of the course, you canreview the key concepts you've learned and check your memory. Bythe end of the course, you'll be able to spot anxiety symptomseasily and also know what the best therapies are for bringing relief to those who suffer."
Price: 24.99 |
"Overcoming Depression and Bipolar issues" |
"Understand how to diagnose and treatmajor depression as well as bipolar conditions. Learn effective techniques for beating the blues and mood swings. Master professional criteria for identifying true depression. Explore five ways that people show signs of mood problems and how long they should last for a disorder to be confirmed. Improve your coping skills. Indicators of bipolar and manic problems will also be covered along with the patterns that spell trouble. Identify the signs of both depression and mood swings to help you grasp how they evolve and persist. Exercises for applicationsthat help you decide on the best treatments for recovery are included. Finally, review what you learned with a Q&A exercise for checking your memory of the key ideas at the end of the course."
Price: 24.99 |
"Health Problems Related to Psychological Distress" |
"Sometimes our health problems are due to underlying psychological issues that need attention. Learn more about Conversion, Primary Pain Disorders and Briquette's Syndrome. Master the basics of Illness Anxiety Disorders and the psychological motives of people who fake an illness for either internal or external gains. Understand how to use the best therapies for turning these problems on their head and taking back your health."
Price: 24.99 |
"Personality Disorders: Types and Treatments" |
"Understand what a Personality Disorder (PD) is and ten specific types of them (identified by the DSM-5). In addition, master thefour areas of functioningthat are impacted by the PDs. Learn strategies for changing very rigid personality patterns. Apply whatyou've learned to actual case studies and review the key challenges involved with such problems."
Price: 24.99 |
"Post Traumatic (PTSD) and Acute Stress Problems" |
"Master the four primary symptoms of PTSD and Acutestress disorders, risk factors associated with them, the range of good treatments available for reducing nightmares, daydreams, avoidance,numbing and on-going tension. Demonstrations of successful therapy methodsare shown as well as explanations of exposure treatments and psychotropic drug therapy. In addition, a review of key concepts and answersis available to test your memory."
Price: 24.99 |
"Keep Stress from Hurting Your Health" |
"Many common medical problems like asthma, ulcers, insomnia, headaches, hypertension,cardiac blockageand viruses interact with the stressin our lives. Those stressors include: stressful events, ourpersonalities, behaviors and social interactions. In order to protect our physicalhealth from damage, we need to find ways to protect ourselves. In this course, we'll learn more about how techniquessuch as biofeedback, relaxation exercises, meditation, hypnosis, cognitive training and support groups can bring relief. You'll get an overview of the most successful ways to find relief."
Price: 24.99 |
"Psychotic Episodes & Reality" |
"Learn about what happens when people lose touch with reality and how to treat psychotic problems.Understand the five different patterns ofschizophrenia and the best ways to helpclients with the condition. Develop an understanding of the causes of the condition and the developmental patterns shown by age, social class and gender.Appreciate the psychotherapies that lead to the best possibleoutcomes.Put schizophrenia into perspective."
Price: 24.99 |
"Overcoming Trauma & Memory Blocks" |
"Master the types of memoryproblems that occur when our minds and emotionscan't handle a trauma; either for a short or much longer period of time. Understand Amnesia, Fugue states and Multiple Personality Problems (now called Dissociative Identity Disorder). In addition to defining and describing the conditions themselves, you will see a demonstration of hypnotherapy techniques that help people recover their memories and restore their mental health. By the conclusion of this course, you will understand the best techniques for recovering memory blocks and merging various personalities into a coherent whole."
Price: 24.99 |
"60'dan Fazla Birbirinden Farkl Para Kazanma Fikirleri" |
"Para Kazanmak in Fikir mi Lazm? te Bu eitim tam size gre...nternet'den Kolay, Rahat ve Gvenlikazan salayabileceiniz birbirinden farkl +60 sistem, fikir, site ve uygulama Bu eitimde sizlere sunuldu. Arkadalar eitimin dahaverimli geebilmesi iin,Videolar ardarda tek seferde izlemek yerine her video bitimde anlatlan fikri, sistemi, uygulamay veya siteyi ksa bir aratrma yaparak ii daha iyi kavrayabilir ve daha kalc bilgiler edine bilirsiniz"
Price: 34.99 |
"Essential Stress Management Skills for Busy Parents" |
"This straightforward educational video course is designed for parents who care for their children (easy part), AND who are eager to learn and better understand them beyond what their hectic everyday life typically calls for (more challenging). Busy parents yearning to optimize their time with their kids while improving their own stress management skills. Lets give you a deeper understanding of your parental-self and the role youre playing in your childs life. Under that umbrella, these four course benefits really shine: Improve coping skills and develop a much clearer idea of adolescent stages. Get exposed to the four primary parenting styles, providing a wider perspective. Build parental self-esteem and a toolkit for critical, often tense situations. Learn to get unexpected news while staying cool AND steering kids in the right direction. Each lesson and exercise is fun and concise, packed with bite-size gems of information from a seasoned child psychiatrist who runs his own busy practice."
Price: 79.99 |
"n Muhasebeci Olun Muhasebe renin" |
"Selam arkadalar !n Muhasebeci olmak ve temel muhasebe terimlerine hakim olmak isteyen herkes bu kursu mutlaka almal.Rahatlkla Firmalarn n Muhasebe pozisyonunda alabilecek hale geleceksiniz. Ticari terimlerini renecek ve meslekteki pf noktalar reneceksiniz. Bu kurs muhasebenin balangc niteliindedir ve en byk zellii sizleri pratikte gelitirmek ilerin akn hzl bir ekilde anlayp kendi alma prensiplerinizi gelitirmeye yneliktir.Herkese kariyerinde baarlar!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Emprender Vendiendo Software y Generar Ingresos Recurrentes" |
"ENTIENDECOMOPUEDESMONETIZAR TUTALENTOENLAINDUSTRIADIGITALMuchos talentos en la industria digital y del Software, a veces se quedan cortos en su capacidad para generar ingresos de su trabajo. Es importante que todos aprendamos a emprender vendiendo software y soluciones digitales ya que valorar nuestras capacidades en esta industria es una habilidad tan importante como desarrollar estas capacidades. Acompame en este curso y aprende a consolidar una estrategia clara y amigable para emprender vendiendo Software propio, de terceros o a la medida.APRENDELOSCONCEPTOSYESTRUCTURASQUETEPERMITIRN NAVEGARFCILMENTE ENELNEGOCIOAs como cualquier campo de negocio, el emprendimiento en la industria digital tiene algunos esquemas, conceptos y rutas definidas que te permitirn tomar decisiones acertadas en el momento de plantear una operacin y crear una estrategia. Entiende como se comportan los mercados de venta y distribucin de Software en el modelo B2B y cuales son los conocimientos bsicos que se necesitan para triunfar. CRECECOMOFREELANCE, CREA UNAEMPRESA YARMAUNEQUIPOEs muy importante saber que existe una ruta estratgica para poder llegar a tus metas. En este curso aprenders a pasar por cada una de las etapas necesarias para llegar a la mxima expresin del emprendimiento en la industria digital. El sector en el que trabajamos es muy competido, pero solo algunos pocos hacen las cosas estructuradas y bien planteadas, el conocimiento adquirido en este curso ser un diferenciador definitivo en tu forma de proceder y te dar ventajas inimaginables en una industria con muchos jugadores.AUMENTATUSINGRESOSRECURRENTESUTILIZANDOESTRATEGIASYTIPSVALIDADOSUno de los atractivos mas especiales de vender Software en empresas en un modelo B2B es que se pueden crear negocios a partir de ingresos recurrentes basados en modelos de subscripcin y servicios de valor. nete a este curso ahora y comienza a sembrar clientes que te generarn ingresos recurrentes a largo plazo."
Price: 645.00 |
"Learn Business Development & On The Job Training" |
"It is often said to know yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses and be able to blend them into one. Throughout this course, Iwill instruct you on best practices that have worked for me, helped me navigate within a professional environment, and made me stronger mentally both professionally as well as personally. At the end of the course, you will have the skills to walk into a professional job and achieve more with what you have. You can take this education and apply it to additional facets of your life including lifestyle and your relationships you cultivate along the way."
Price: 29.99 |