"Accounting Cycle in 40 Minutes -Quick Comprehensive Approach" |
"***PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO ALONG WITH ITS CAPTIONS FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING***Do you want to learn the accounting cycle quickly in an innovative way?This course is for you!This is not a traditional accounting course but you will learn the accounting cycle and basics of financial accounting in just 40 minutes.You will understand how the transaction works from Start to End, from Transaction to Profit or Loss. The course includesIntroduction to Accounting CycleUnderstanding of TransactionRules of Debit and CreditPreparation of JournalPreparation of LedgerPreparation of Trial BalancePreparation of Trading AccountPreparation of Profit and Loss AccountPreparation of Balance SheetFasten your seat belts and get ready for take off...."
Price: 99.99 |
"Google Tag Manager de bsico a avanzado" |
"Hola a Tod@s y Bienvenid@s,en este curso ms tcnico que el anterior de fundamentos de analtica, explicar ms en detalle como ""desarrollar de manera eficiente"" para Google Analytics a travs de etiquetas y eventos en Tag Manager. Presentar una introduccin a la interfaz y cada mdulo tendr casos prcticos. Si quieres comenzar con una pequea introduccin al administrador de etiquetas pasando por el plan de medicin e implementacin, te ruego VISITE primero mi curso GRATUITO "" Fundamentos de analtica web y del administrador Tag Manager "" - vinculado a este curso.Para el curso de nivel iniciacin, el ndice que vimos es interfaz y estructura de la cuenta, en este veremos ms en detalle:etiquetasvariablesactivadoreseventos e integracin GAintegracin con terceroscrear varios eventos personalizadosms bonus y nuevas actualizacionesPara llegar a configurar correctamente las etiquetas y eventos, objetivos, conversiones para Google Analytics en Tag Manager. El curso es muy completo para iniciacin y nivel intermedio. Se mostrarn varios ejemplos prcticos y tutoriales ms tcnicos; tambin en mi canal de YouTube., SUBSCRBETE para tener todas las actualizaciones.El curso hace parte de unos cuntos mdulos del curso avanzado de Google Tag Manager con Google Analytics, realizado este ao para KPIschool - escuela digital y para otras escuelas de negocio.El programa completo y de pago consta de 12 mdulos.Tendr ocasin de hablar ms en detalle profundizando en los prximos cursos las diferentes tcnicas para extraer datos a travs de Tag Manager con el dataLayer. Interactuar con las variables personalizadas y con los eventos. Incluso en mi canal de YouTube presentar casos de configuracin ms avanzada.Variables personalizadas de JavaScript, funciones especificas para crear alertas y interactuar con la interfaz. Interacciones con Google Analytics, Adwords y Facebook Ads para eventos y etiquetas de remarketing dinmico, comercio electrnico.Un curso para todos los niveles, pero orientado a quien conoce ya la base de Tag Manager e ir poco a poco avanzado. A quin est dirigido este curso?Principalmente para convertirse en Technical Digital Analyst, la nueva figura profesional con mucha demanda en agencias y empresas de marketing y de medios, un hbrido entre los desarrolladores front y analistas digitales, que entienden de negocio, objetivos, marketing y campaas, as como medir correctamente los eventos de los usuarios, realizar testing de CRO y analizar los datos a travs de insights en Google Data Studio o similar. Sin duda es un curso con mdulos ms tcnicos que te prepara para este trabajo.Necesitas asesoramiento personalizado, as como clases presenciales o a distancia? En los primeros videos podrs obtener asistencia a tu formacin a travs de Superprof.Los cursos avanzados tambin son disponibles por tutora personalizadas. Puedes buscar mi perfil y contratar la tutora en Superprof: superprof es google-adwords-analytics-google-tag-manager-desde-nivel-iniciacion-intermedio.htmlEl curso ser impartido por:Marco Russo:10 aos como consultor SEM internacional y ahora como Digital Data Analyst para una consultora de Reino Unido y para una consultora tecnolgica en Espaa. Una larga trayectoria gestionando grandes cuentas (por encima de 5MM al ao) con trfico PPC , AdWords principalmente, y para empresas de todo el mundo. Adems de trabajar con datos con diferentes herramientas para Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning.Desde 2012 como docente en programas de msters y postgrados en diversas escuelas de negocios, entre ellas EAE Business School, Instituto de Marketing, Adveischool, Digital Brain, adems de formador en la Cmara de Comercio de Madrid y otras tantas asociaciones y cooperativas.Actualmente estoy colaborando en diferente proyectos de formacin acercndome ms al mundo americano, especialmente Per, Colombia, Mxico, Argentina, Chile, entre otros con planes de aprendizaje ms a medida del alumno. Hace un ao he creado una escuela digital, KPIschool eu, es un proyecto de momento en pleno crecimiento. Abarca cursos avanzado basada en mi experiencia personal y empresarial, destacando cursos monogrficos cules. Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Data Studio y Optimize principalmente, y recin he comenzado a crear cursos para el Data Science: Big Data y base de datos SQL y noSQL, Python, Lenguaje R, Data Visualization y de Business Intelligence. Disciplina STEM, cules Raspberry Pi y Arduino, e IoT Internet of Things para llevar a cabo mis estudios haca herramientas de anlisis y visualizacin de datos.Gracias por contactarme en caso de dudas o soporte."
Price: 149.99 |
"Google Ads - (tcnicas de bsico a avanzado con AdWords)" |
"Hola a tod@s,bienvenidos al curso de Google AdWords 101 y 201 actualizado en agosto 2019. Comenzaremos con un primer mdulo , que llamamos de fundamentos o 101 est por fundamentos donde explicar la herramienta, la gestin y as como crear tu primera campaa. Desde el segundo mdulo, llamado 202 ser ya de nivel intermedio adems es exclusivo para los que recin comienzan con la herramienta.Hablar de los fundamentos, configuracin y optimizacin, llamado tambin curso 101. Se comenzar una breve introduccin al SEM para directamente entrar en crear una cuenta, gestin y tipologas de campaas, grupos de anuncios, anuncios de texto y seleccin de palabras claves. Llegaremos a la parte de Optimizacin para luego comenzar el curso ms avanzado de AdWords 201. El curso est en continua actualizacin con muchos casos prcticos y tutoriales como en mi canal de YouTube o en mi plataforma. Se tocarn temas de Bsquedas y Display y el todo para realizar el examen para la certificacin oficial (tengo un apartado con el test de preguntas y mis videos grabados de las respuestas!)Junto con otros cursos, de iniciacin a avanzados de Google Tag Manager y Google Analytics realizado este 2018 para KPIschool. Este curso incluye:Interfaz y estructura de CuentaCampaa y configuracinGrupos de AnunciosSeleccin de palabras clavesAnuncios de Textos y Landing PagesHerramientas para Google AdWordsObjetivos y conversionesInformes y ReportingConsejos de OptimizacinPreparacin a la certificacin de Fundamentos de Google AdWordsFundamentos de la red DisplaySegmentacin en la red DisplayTipos de campaas Display: Grficos, RemarketingInformes en la Red DisplayConsejos y Tips para Bsqueda y DisplaySon conceptos bsicos pero realizados para que se pueda apreciar en video y aplicado en proyectos web reales. Ms adelante, en otro curso ms especifico, seguirn conceptos ms avanzados para optimizacin y ms temas con cursos ms especializados y para nivel intermedio-avanzado. Google AdWords 201Los mdulos para este curso intermedio, se profundizarn los conceptos de:Estrategias de pujasOptimizacin por Trminos de bsquedasOptimizacin por ConcordanciasOptimizacin de campaas Bsquedas por Nivel de CalidadOptimizacin de campaas Display por SegmentacinOptimizacin de campaas GmailEstrategias de AudienciasTcnicas de automatizacinNecesitas asesoramiento personalizado, as como clases presenciales o a distancia? En los primeros videos podrs obtener asistencia a tu formacin a travs de Superprof.Los cursos avanzados tambin son disponibles por tutora personalizadas. Puedes buscar mi perfil y contratar la tutora en Superprof: superprof es google-adwords-analytics-google-tag-manager-desde-nivel-iniciacion-intermedio.htmlUn curso para todos los niveles, orientado a quien no conoce la herramienta o conoce poco la herramienta de marketing ms utilizada y quieren prepararse incluso a la certificacin oficial de Google AdWords. Tengo bastante aos certificando muchos alumnos con un promedio del 95%. Se realizarn pruebas para el examen para la Certificacin oficial de Academy for Ads 2019 o si prefieres puedes prepararlo solo mirando mis vdeos tutoriales.El curso ser impartido por:Marco Russo:10 aos como consultor SEM internacional y ahora como Digital Data Analyst para una consultora de Reino Unido y para una consultora tecnolgica en Espaa. Una larga trayectoria gestionando grandes cuentas (por encima de 5MM al ao) con trfico PPC , AdWords principalmente, y para empresas de todo el mundo. Adems de trabajar con datos con diferentes herramientas para Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning.Desde 2012 como docente en programas de msters y postgrados en diversas escuelas de negocios, entre ellas EAE Business School, Instituto de Marketing, Adveischool, Digital Brain, adems de formador en la Cmara de Comercio de Madrid y otras tantas asociaciones y cooperativas.Actualmente estoy colaborando en diferente proyectos de formacin acercndome ms al mundo americano, especialmente Per, Colombia, Mxico, Argentina, Chile, entre otros con planes de aprendizaje ms a medida del alumno.Hace un ao he creado una escuela digital, KPIschool eu, es un proyecto de momento en pleno crecimiento. Abarca cursos avanzado basada en mi experiencia personal y empresarial, destacando cursos monogrficos cules. Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Data Studio y Optimize principalmente, y recin he comenzado a crear cursos para el Data Science: Big Data y base de datos SQL y noSQL, Python, Lenguaje R, Data Visualization y de Business Intelligence. Disciplina STEM, cules Raspberry Pi y Arduino, e IoT Internet of Things para llevar a cabo mis estudios haca herramientas de anlisis y visualizacin de datos.Cualquier duda pueden contactarme.Muchas gracias por seguirme, Marco"
Price: 144.99 |
"Daily expressions in Arabic for beginners" |
"Learn to Speak Arabic: Easy and Fast Conversation is the best way to learn a language. Here I have prepared for you a series of most common Arabic daily conversations. By learning these simple dialogues, you will be able to deal with different situations in any Arabic speaking country. Your first package consists of 5 lessons. How to use the package in 3 simple stages? Stage: 1 You hear and see the Arabic text with English translation. In addition, English phonetic of the Arabic words will help you to pronounce the words. Stage: 2 Arabic audio with the Arabic text is played for you to repeat and practice. Stage: 3 You only hear and repeat the audio in Arabic. 3 simple steps based on learning, repeating and practicing. Note: I would welcome your comments to improve the next packages for you."
Price: 19.99 |
"Easy way to learn everyday life vocabularies" |
"Welcome to my course. This course includes 6 lectures. Each lecture includes listening, vocabulary and written exercises.The goal is to learn some every day life vocabularies that mostly used in daily conversation about general topics.It is designed in the way to help get engaged with these vocabulries in order to learn them and not just hear them.Course structure:1- Warm up questions2- Listening and answering true/false questions3- Learning the definitions ofnew vocabularies4- Listening and filling the gaps5- Vocabulary quiz6- Ordering scrambled words to make sentencesAt the end of this course, you will be able to understand and use new vocabularies.I would happy to know your feedback.Have a nice day!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Bewerbung ""Zum Traumjob mit deiner perfekten Bewerbung""" |
"In meinem Kurs erfhrst du, wie du deine perfekte Bewerbungsunterlagen erstellst, was du bei Online Bewerbungen zubeachten hast, welcheFormen es von Vorstellungsgesprchen gibt und wie diese durchgefhrt werden. Des Weitern erhltst du Fragen, welchein Vorstellungsgesprchen vorkommen und du bekommst einen Einblick in mgliche Einstellungstests und dessen Arten."
Price: 19.99 |
"English Grammar" |
"Are you keen to climb the career ladder? Would you like to study or work overseas? Whatever your background or ambitions, learning English gives you the freedom to explore exciting new opportunities.In my experience, studentsmake the quickest progress when well-motivated andeager to devoteextra time for self-study. This course aims to help the learners for whom being average is simplynot good enough -be the best!English Grammar is an intermediategrammar testcourse which is designed to helpthose studentswho want tobuild their confidence andtake their English to the next level.This course includes 4tests(120 questions) that verify your knowledge in the particular area of English grammar.Practise Test 1:EnglishtensesPractise Test 2:Modals and semi-modalsPractise Test 3:Conditional sentences, wishes and indirect speechPractise Test 4:Articles, determiners and quantifiers"
Price: 19.99 |
"Selenium with Java - A Complete End to End Course." |
"This course will help you learn Java as a programming language. And Selenium as a test automation tool. After this you can use Selenium with Java to functionally test your web applications.It uses a live web application to teach giving enough time in between to practice. All exercises done are provided. And ends with implementing different frameworks over selenium"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Selenium with C# - A Complete End to End Course." |
"This course help you to learn csharp and selenium webdriver, and empowers you to apply knowledge of functional testing to test the web applications through automation. It uses a live web application to teach giving enough time in between to practice. All exercises done are provided. And ends with implementing selenium hybrid framework"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Selenium with Python" |
"Learnend to end selenium with python. start with learning python as a programminglanguage and then progress to learn selenium as a test automation toolbasicsof pythondatatypesif,while, forfilehandling, regexoopsbasicsof seleniumseleniumidelocatorsparameterizationand synchronizationhandlingdifferent web elementsactionclasspageobject modellogsexcelhandlingbddbehaveallthis is covered."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Lean Six Sigma Sar kmr sertifikasiya (Azrbaycan dilind)" |
"Azrbaycan dilind Lean Six Sigma zr ilk onlayn tdris proqram mran Barov (LSS-MBB -Lean Six Sigma zr usta qara kmr) trfindn hazrlanmdr. Btn huquqlar qorunur. Sertifikasiya proqramnn daxilindki mvzular beynlxalq tkilatlarn BOK (Body of Knowledge) -na uyun olaraq hazrlanmdr v siz tqdim olunmudur. Hdf olaraq Lean v Six Sigma haqqnda bnvr biliklr sahib olmaq, biznes proseslrd inkiaf istiqamtlrinin tyin edilmsi v inkiaf zr ilkin altlrin istifadsinin mmknedilmsi seilmidir. LSS YB sahiblri Lean v Six Sigma layihlrin sponsor, empion v ya komanda zv kimi itirak ed v layihnin uuruna z tvhlrini ver bilrlr.Kimlr n nzrd tutulub?Xrclrini azaldaraq mhsuldarl v rqabtliliyi artrmaq istyn irkt v tkilat nmayndlriEffektiv biznes idaretmsini yrnmk istyn tlblrmk bazarnda dyrini artrmaq istyn istniln xslrTliminmzmunuLean v Six Sigma mvhumlarna giriLean v Six Sigma konseptlrinin mumi biznes mqsdlri il laqsiProseslrin inkiaf n DMAC modeliDoru layihlrin seilmsi v uurun tyin olunmasPareto, Affinity diaqramlar, Control chartlar, Histogramlar v digr altlri istifad edrk proseslri izah etmk.Lean prinsiplri v biznesd 8 tip tullantProblemlrin kknn tyin edilmsiSbb v ntic laqlrin ilkin tyin edilmsi v inkiafn planlanmasLean Six Sigma layihlrinin nticlrinin idar olunmas"
Price: 19.99 |
"HTML5 Game Development : Beginner to Pro" |
"HTML5 Games run on just about all devices. Learn how to create them from someone who has spent the last 20 years creating casual games. All HTML5 games are based around a knowledge of displaying content on a Canvas using JavaScript. We use the latest JavaScript version, ES6, so as well as learning game development you will also learn the latest JavaScript syntax. In this course we start with the basics of individual images on a Canvas. From there we move onto sprites - developing step by step a sprite library that you are free to use in your own games. The library allows you to display frame animated sprites that show a flip book of images to display walking and running characters and much more.You will learn:About physics to easilyadd dynamic collision detection to your games.How to create platform games, puzzle and cardgames.How to add multiple layers of audio.How to add a preloader to your games.How to add the bells and whistles that make your game stand out.How to handle multiple users via WebSockets.All code is free to use in your own games. The course contains lots of assets and code examples that you are free to use in your own games. As a course student you also have access to an online tool for creating spritesheets and animations.Having completed this course you will be ready to develop any 2d game. Only a basic knowledge of HTML and Javascript are assumed, all ideas are explained with examples you can try and resources you can use in your own games.Take a look at the trailer to see the kind of content that you will be building once you've studied the course. HTML5 Game Development is great fun to learn and the skills you learn in this course will greatly improve your JavaScript skills which will be useful in your Web Development career.Student reviewsGreat Course!!! I am learning so much. Nicholas is very good at presenting a concept explaining it and then implementing it into code all the while, allowing me the student to code along addressing any nuances that may be there. He is also very responsive to any questions. I know that enrolling into this course was a great decision and I already have the confidence to begin planning and developing my first game""If you're looking for the stepping stones to becoming a Game Developer with HTML5, this is the best starting stone you could possibly find. Love this course!!""""This is the first game development course I have been through where I really feel like I am being taught by an absolute expert/professional in the field."""
Price: 54.99 |
"Create a 3D RPG Game With THREE.js" |
"Creating 3D games is fun. In this course you will learn quickly to create a stunning game. The author has won many awards for his 3D browser based games and he will take you through all the skills you need to create games of your own using the amazing THREE.js library.THREE.js makes creating WebGL games much easier. You will not need to worry about how to write complex shaders. Instead the shaders will load from the assets you create in Blender.Youll learnTo setup your development environment .How to export 3D assetsfrom Blender, including animation.Where to source great 3D assets that you can use in your own games.The basics of setting up a THREE.js camera, scene and renderer.Adding a pre-loader.Using the FBXLoader class.Tomaster the art of blending animations.Use a custom onscreen JoyStick class you can easily add to your own games so that desktop and mobile users get the same experience. How to smoothly switch camera angles.How to use simplified geometry to lock your character to the environment.How to add cut-scenes.How to add Sound to your games that responds to the current camera location.It is exciting and fun and in around 2 hours you will have acquired the skills to create your own games.Student reviews:""This course is really awesome ! I enjoyed every second of this learning experience. Thanks to Nicholas Lever ( all the respects ) I can't wait for the next course using cannon.js !"""
Price: 34.99 |
"30 DAYS OF JOY" |
"This course will help you explore your own relationship to joy while deepening your experience of what it meansto live with joy as a daily practice. Through a series of lectures, guided meditations and writing exercises, you will be led to create more moments of positivity, happiness, connection and gratitude in your life.While the course can be taken any time, at your own pace, it is designed as a 30-day program. The course is broken down into four themes that are best explored one per week. These weekly themes build a foundation for making joy not just a fleeting moment but an experience available to you at any time. You will be given a toolbox of best practices, based on yoga, mindfulness, the science of happiness and gratitude, and personal experience. We all know what its like to experience joy, to be energized and uplifted by it. But what about the in-between moments or the moments when life is challenging and happiness seems out of our reach? Or when were so busy focusing on what we think will bring us joy, we miss out on the happiness thats right in front of us? In this course, you will discover that joy and positivity are self-propagating. The more you cultivate and share experiences of both, the more meaningful life becomes. And the more tools you have to connect you to the good in any moment, the easier it is to shift away from the negative even on days where joy might be hard to come by."
Price: 79.99 |
"Master Productivity as a Digital Nomad" |
"Working remotely from an established home base is one thing, but traveling the world with your remote job is a whole different story!One of the many benefits of remote work is that it allows for location independence: the ability to be geographically based anywhere in the world - domestically or internationally.There are relatively few barriers to entry to working remotely while traveling. However, there are particularities about combining remote work and travel that the remote worker must be aware of in order to maintain productivity while living a mobile lifestyle. This course will explain what those aspects are and how to handle them.Taking this course will help you transition into being a digital nomad while best preparing you for professional success on-the-go, from someone who has been in your shoes and has made it possible for herself!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Photography for Kids- The Ultimate How To Class" |
"Digital Photography for Kids is a fun course that is designed for kids that are interested in photography. This course teaches them the inner workings of a camera, how the camera works, and how to properly set up their photographs to produce the best possible picture possible. The course layout is:Module 1- Introduction to PhotographyModule 2- Camera BasicsModule 3- Uploading your PicturesModule 4- Taking a Picture (part 1)Module 5- Taking a Picture (part 2)Module 6- Digging DeeperModule 7- Basic Composition (part 1)Module 8- Basic Composition (part 2)Module 9- Understanding Lighting (part 1)Module 10- Understanding Lighting (part 2)Students can expect to have an excellent understanding of the camera and taking better photographs at the conclusion of this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Breaking in for Non-Musicians" |
"A Unique Course for Future Managers, Booking Agents, Publicists, and Other Music Business Professionals - Learn How to Get In, and How to Flourish Once You Are.Mike Mowery of Outerloop Management and Outerloop Records hosts this in-depth course on how to get your start in the music business. Whether you are interested in getting your first job in the music industry or building your own music business, Mike shows you step-by-step what to do and how to do it, as well as telling you where the best opportunities in the music industry are today.Mike has been in the industry for over twenty years and currently is the president of Outerloop Group, home of Outerloop Management, Outerloop Records, Jabberjaw Media, and a number of other music-based businesses. He has employed dozens of people over the years and here tells you who he chose and how he chose them.The music industry has been a notoriously difficult one to get your start in but Mike tells you how to do it and explains how the modern music business offers one of the greatest opportunities in history for those looking for their first job or starting their first company.If you have ever wondered HOW to get your start in the modern music business but couldn't find the answers, Mike shares them here.Student reviews of other Outerloop Coaching courses include:""I wanted to share my artist's video premiere via Huffington Post. We've been following the release it right model to a T, and this just adds to how incredible the course was for us.""""Our latest video has received over 100k views. Our earlier releases were in the 9-10k range. Knowing how to design a strategy for a release has been key.""""Incredible instructor and presenter!""""Amazing!""""Very useful! I really like that there is a visual calendar of when to release which type of content!"""
Price: 24.99 |
"Licks de Rock y Pa Alternada" |
"Este curso est dividido en dos secciones.En la primera seccinvamos a aprender 11 licks de rock/metal con su explicacin, todosanotados en tablatura, PDF y el archivo en Guiitar Pro.Tambin dentro de esta seccin viene incluido el backing track que he creado para que podamos estudiar y poner en prctica los licks que vamos a aprender.En la segunda seccin viene incluido el mtodo de pa alterna con 9 ejercicios diseados para aumentar nuestra velocidad y desempeo en la guitarra. Incluye material didctico en PDF y Guitar Pro con todos los ejercicios anotados en tablatura."
Price: 19.99 |
"Transnationalism of Organized Crime/Gangs in the US" |
"The rapid increase in transnational organized crime (gangs), commercial drug trafficking organizations, and the impact of crime on national and international policy has created a critical need for law enforcement gang experts. The course provides the student with an introduction to the methods and techniques of gang intelligence analysis and strategic organized crime. It will demonstrate how to predict trends, weaknesses, capabilities, intentions, changes, and warnings needed to dismantle transnational organized crime (gangs). In addition, the course also explores organized crimes influence in the public and private sector industries. The criminal, civil, and administrative methods which are used to control or remove organized criminal influence from these industries are also presented and examined. Finally, outlining the gang cycle: prevention, intervention, and suppression. You will be required to read The Gang Life: Laugh Now Cry Later Prevention and Suppression as this book focuses on Transnational Organized Crime (Gangs). In addition, you will be required to read Motivational Interviewing Gang Prevention."
Price: 199.99 |
"Additional Reiki Techniques for Reiki Practitioners" |
"This Course is for Reiki Practitioners learn how to make your Reiki stronger;relax and balance technique; as well asusing hand motions;achieve goals and release bad habits throughthought transformation Method; healing with the breath; detox; bring down a fever; send reiki with your eyes; cleans objects; infuse crystals with reiki; blood cleansing technique;and energy boost and blessing."
Price: 19.99 |
"Acorns' Guide to Personal Finance" |
"If you're ready to get your finances in shape, but aren't sure where to start, this is it!In under an hour, find out how to save, invest and earn more money, stop living paycheck to paycheck and make real progress toward the future you want.Led by Jennifer Barrett, Chief Education Officer at Acorns, this basic course breaks down the what, when, how and why of personal finance to help you start building wealthno matter how much money or financial knowledge you've got to start.Youll learn the basics of personal finance and get simple, on-the-go techniques and tools to help your money work as hard as you do.Whats the difference between this and other personal finance courses? Were focused on methods that are easy and sustainablenot disruptive to your everyday life.By the end of this course, you will have a clear sense of where you are financially, where you want to beand how youre going to get there. Youll feel less stressed about money, and more confident about reaching your goals.Youll know: how to create a budget you can follow,pay debt off faster,save more money on everyday purchases and big-ticket expenses,ask for a raise,start a successful side hustleand invest wisely to build wealth.(Make sure to check out the downloadable action plans,worksheets and otherresources, too, to get the full benefit of the course!)Apply what youve learned and you should see a noticeable difference not just in your finances, but in your life."
Price: 74.99 |
"Create your First Game With Unity3D" |
"Greetings everyone, my name is Davidson Julot. I'm an artist and Game developer. I hold a bachelor degree in Chemistry but after college I found my self more focused in Game development and graphic design.In this course I will guide you into making your first Game with Unity 3D. You'll learn about the interface, and will get a brief look on importing assets, creating a terrain Environment. You'll learn toPlacing your game objects in the scene and get them moving. You'll design an amazing game, Export it to your PC and share it with the world."
Price: 19.99 |
"Side Gig Skill - Windshield Repair" |
"Get your side hustle started and learn Windshield Repair today.Windshield repair is easy, but it's not simple. Learn how to serve customers, repair all types of damage and make the most money possible repairing windshield chips and cracks.The averagerepair price for windshield repair is $45-$65 per chip, and most insurance companies will pay $65-$115 per chip for up to three chips.Whether you are a full-service automotive business owner who wants to add this service to your menu, or are interested in working as a stand-alone Windshield Repair Technician, this class is for you!Earn income on the side, or be your neighborhood hero.Clear Solutionscomprehensive training is lead by Windshield Repair Specialists with over 13 years experience. Our trainers are not comprised of Teachers who simply get paid to teach but have no real business success. The Clear Solutions Trainers are successful business owners that have proven track records of running windshield repair companies. Our training class is here to do more than just train you; we are here to help make you and your business a success!This is your opportunity to learn from the best.Did you know windshields cannot be recycled? Make money and keep windshields out of the landfill today."
Price: 74.99 |
"The Basics of Personal Finance - Master Your Money!" |
"Is this course for you?If you know little about personal finance and don't consider yourself financially literate then yes! Whether you are younger or older there is never a bad time to begin learning about personal finance.This course is the perfect launch padfor you to start your journey toward taking control of and mastering your finances.What will you learn?How to build a budget from scratch that you can access and edit from any deviceWhich expenses to cut and how to cut themHow to maximize your savings every pay periodThe simple three step process to increasing your net worth and building wealth, regardless of your income levelWhat good and bed debt is and how to pay off your debt efficientlyThe basics of investing and the different kinds of investments you can makeHow to make your money work for youHow to increase your incomeWhat financial pitfalls and mistakes to avoid (that most people don't even realize are mistakes!)How to build and maintain strong financial habits that will help you years into the futureWhy choose this course?Iam just a normal guy who has been extremely passionate about my own personal finance since Iwas 17. When Iwas 17 Ibegan meticulously budgeting and that is also the year Imoved into a place of my own due to myextreme thirst for independence. I now andhave many years experience of budgeting and planning my own personal finances.My parents weren't rich and Igrew up lower-middle class. Ididn't have things given to me growing up and learned the value of a dollar early on in life.Iam just a regular guy with extraordinary skills at mastering my own finances.My friends have asked in the past how Ican afford to be investing and taking vacationsat such a young age. It's not because Imake a lot more money than them, it's because Ihave more financial knowledge than them.Ihave enjoyed teaching them the basics of personal finance and that is what led me to create this course, my love for teaching others how to take the properactionstoget on top of their finances. Icreated this course because it pains me to see so many others struggle with their finances because of terrible financial decisions that seem to be the social norm. I believe everyone should know how to be the master of their finances, not the other way around.This course is my way of taking action toward that goal. If you want to take the first steps toward financial stability and setting yourself up for success then you absolutely must take this course!"
Price: 149.99 |
"How to Unleash Your Inner Productivity" |
"Is this course for you?If you are not satisfied with how much energy you have on a daily basis then this course is for you. If you feel lethargic frequently and want it to stop then this course is for you. If you feel like you never get anything done and it is effecting your mood in a negative way then this course is definitely for you. I designed this course because Iwas extremely lethargic and unproductive just floating through life day to day with big dreams that Iwas doing nothing to accomplish. Idid a complete 180 and now Iam working toward my goals and dreams every day. This course is designed to help you do the same thing. If that sounds like what you need then you have come to the right place.What will you learn?The endlessbenefits of having more energy and being more productiveThe mindset required to be a highly effective and productive personBasics of goal setting and why goals are importantHow diet and hydration can affect your energyHow much your sleep habits determine your energy for the next dayThe importance of exercise in unleashing potential energy and productivenessSupplements that can aid in giving you energyHow daily mindfulness practice can help you focus better and in turn get more doneHow to stop wasting your time and get over distractions to accomplish your goalsWhy choose this course?If you were like me and unsatisfied with your current level of energy and production on a daily basis then you need this course. Ihave little more to say about it that Ihaven't already said. Take the first step toward changing your life by gaining the knowledge and learning the habits necessary to take your life to the next level. Start feeling good about yourself and get stuff done!"
Price: 79.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Credit Cards" |
"Is this course for you?Are you young and looking for a way to start building your credit score? Do you want to know how to make FREE money by using credit cards? Orare you just interested in learning how to use credit cards responsibly and effectively? If you answered yes to any or all of these three questions then this course is aimed at you. The value you will receive from this course will be knowledge that you can use for a lifetime (so long as credit cards exist!). Every day people leave money on the table or throw money away paying interest. In this course you are going to learn how to never pay interest payments and reap benefits out of credit cards. If this was a clickbait style article this course would have to be called something like ""Credit card companies hate these tricks you can use to save & make money!""because what you are going to learn in this course is how to shift the power paradigm in your favor instead of the credit card companies. There are no ""hacks""or ""tricks"" it is just learning enough to take advantage of this system instead of it taking advantage of you.What will you learn?How credit cards workHow to apply for a credit cardHow credit card interest worksThe many different types of credit cards availableWhich type of credit card is right for youHow to get great deals and avoid the downsides of retail credit cardsOverall advantages vs. disadvantages of using credit cardsMost importantly:how to make free money using credit cardsWhy choose this course?I created this course because Ilooked around myself and realized how little most people know about credit cards. There are many misconceptions around them and many people were never taught how to use them responsibly. This is not their fault but it is something that can be fixed and Iwant to help with that. Credit card companies have power over people who use them irresponsibly and/or don't understand how to reap the benefits of using them. Choose this course to gain the knowledge needed to be in control and get the free money that is left on the table by the credit card companies."
Price: 74.99 |
"Personal Finance - Complete Guide to Budgeting" |
"Have you ever found yourself feeling overwhelmed with trying to keep all the due dates for all of your bills straight? Do you have a hard time knowing how much you can realistically save so you never end up moving money into your savings?Do you wonder if your next paycheck will be enough to cover your expenses?If this sounds like you then enroll in this course immediately!Contained in this hour long course is everything you need to know about keeping perfect track of your finances no matter your financial situation. If you have always wanted to put a budget together but felt scared or overwhelmed by the thought then look no further. In this course I break down step-by-step how to build a budget using free tools provided by Google."
Price: 49.99 |
"Keeping It Real Estate, Community Building The Hard Way!" |
"Keeping it Real Estate, Community Building the Hard Way! is an 11 week course ofstudy and support for those wanting to enterthe field of real estate but it is also a road map to grassroots community development. Keeping It Real Estate, Community Building the Hard Way! will help you understand what is needed to become a real estate salesagent (which I suggest for anyone wanting to engage in real estate because its way cheaper to become an agent, than waste time and money doing quick fix flipping seminars). The skills you will acquire in this course will help you buy and invest in real estate even if your resources are limited. There is a new section in this course, that deals with creating a community savings and loan called a susu. There are many routes to being successful in real estate, many routes to community organizing, using the susu is just one way to get all the skills and resources needed in one space. You will learn to invest creatively and effectively and build community around you.This course is geared toward investors who have little money or no money, those who may want to study to get their real estate license and those who just want to better the community around them. This course examinesreal estate and community building from an urban perspective but all arewelcome toparticipate.Througha combination of video lectures, handouts, articles, conversations and assignments you will sharpen your skills in relationship to housing development. Upon completion of this course you will have a clear understanding of basic real estate terms and the real estate market as it may affect you in the area where you live or wish to invest. You will developa personalized plan to jumpstart your real estate career."
Price: 19.99 |
"Early intervention for children with Autism" |
"Have you come across any persons with developmental disorders? Do you know how it affects their lives and the lives of the people around them? What can you do to help?Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Autism, affects the individuals learning and thinking patterns. This in turn affects their behavior and how they interact with other people. A good understanding of Autism is critical to customising effective interventionstrategies for individuals with special needs.After attending this course, you will be able to - Identify characteristics of persons with developmental disorders- Execute appropriatestrategies to interact with them- Create effective communication strategies like visual schedulesto help them cope better"
Price: 29.99 |
"School Shadow Support" |
"This course is meticulously designed for any parent orprofessional involved in special needs education, especially those supporting children going into or are already in schools.Why do we need a school shadow support team?For a child with special needs to succeed, the collaboration between therapy, family and school is very important. Goals must be aligned and be consistent across these 3 components for the child to achieve his or her fullest potential. That is also why your role will play anindispensable part in helping the child bloom!Some of the key areas that will becovered in the courseinclude:- Classroom management- Behavioural management- Visual strategies- Best practices for intervention for children with special needsWhat are you waiting for? Join us in our mission to helpunlock each children's potential!"
Price: 29.99 |