"Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)" |
"Have you ever wondered...Why does your child suddenly throw a tantrum without any obvious reason? Why does yourchild suddenly scream while having lunch?What interventions can you put in place to manage your child's behaviour?This specially crafted course will help you analyse the behaviour of special needs children. You will also learnsome of the measures that you can take to deal with various situations.Some of the aspects you will understand through this course include:- Basic techniques and methods used in Applied Behavioral Analysis- Rules to increase the effectiveness of ABA- HowABAcan be applied to motor skills, language, cognitive and visuospatial skillsBe the catalyst for thechange in their behaviors!"
Price: 29.99 |
"How To Play Fingerstyle Guitar" |
"Hello,My name is Harry Cho and I currently play fingerstyle guitar on YouTube with over 17,000 subscribers.In this course that I made, Iwant to teach you guys how to play fingerstyle guitar and how to get started and what you actually need to learn to be able to play fingerstyle guitar.I personally wanted to create a better tutorial because when I started playing fingerstyle guitar, They didn't have good tutorials out there about how to learn fast and how to get started and what you actually need to advance it so I decided to create my own version since now I'm experienced fingerstyle guitarist. I want to teach how to advance fingerstyle guitar fast and how to actually be great at it:)I hope you enjoy!:)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Fingerstyle Guitar - Arranging, Skills, Techniques for ALL" |
"Hello Guys!My name is Harry Cho and I am a Fingerstyle Guitarist on YouTube!I do lots of covers on youtube and I arrange songs a lot!In this course, I will be teaching you how I arrange my songs and do covers.I will be going over how I arrange songs and what I go through!You will experience going through obstacles/problems when arranging!Problems such as (finding the chords, practicing, making mistakes, and many more!)You will see me make mistakes time to time and I will just show you raw footages!I hope you like it and thank you so much!:)"
Price: 69.99 |
"SWOT Analysis for Organizational Success" |
"SWOT Analysis helps an organization to understand its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Let us learn more about SWOT Analysis and its important concepts in detail. By the end of the course you will be able to: Explain What is SWOT Analysis and its Elements, List down the Objectives of SWOT Analysis, Describe Who needs SWOT Analysis and Explain the Internal and External Factors, Describe the SWOT Quadrants and various quadrant combinations, Explain What is TOWS Analysis, Explain the Steps of SWOT Analysis and the Role of Brainstorming in SWOT Analysis, Explain the SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning, List the Benefits, Pitfalls and Common Mistakes while conducting SWOT Analysis, and List down the Tips for Effective SWOT Analysis"
Price: 24.99 |
"Introduction to Environment, Health & Safety Management" |
"Environment & Safety Management principles can be applied in office as well as industrial settings to develop a safer, healthier and more productive work environment. By the end of the course you will be able to: Understand in detail about Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Management, List down the Objectives of EHS Management, Describe the Types of EHS Management Plan, Explain about the Elements of EHS Management and Types of EHS Inspections, Describe the Strategies for EHS Management, Explain in detail about the EHS Management Process and List down the Ways of Effective EHS Program"
Price: 49.99 |
"Introduction to Human Resource Management" |
"Human Resource Management is an important function of any organization. It encompasses the management of people in organizations from a macro perspective i.e. managing people in the form of a collective relationship between management and employees. By the end of the course you will be able to: Define Human Resource Management (HRM), Explain the Scope of Human Resource Management, Describe the Processes in Human Resource Management, Explain the Skills of HR Professionals, Explain Role of HRM in Performance Management, Explain the Hiring and Retention Strategies followed by Organizations, Explain Human Resource Planning, Explain How HRM Manages Employees Performance, Explain the Management of Contractors, Explain What is Strategic Human Resource Management, Explain What is Global Human Resource Management, Explain What is Human Resource Information System and List the Tips for Effective HRM"
Price: 29.99 |
"Employee Absenteeism Management" |
"Employee Absenteeism Management gives a broader perspective of the employees of an organization and understand how they perceive their jobs and how it is co-related to other organizational members. By the end of the course the participants will learn in detail about the benefits and need for Employee Absenteeism Management. They will learn the steps for implementing Absenteeism management and how to overcome the challenges of Absenteeism Management. The course also covers the role of managers in absenteeism management and lists down the effective tips for managing absenteeism in an organization."
Price: 29.99 |
"Introduction to Financial Management" |
"Financial management is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of assets with some overall goal in mind. By the end of this course the participants will learn in detail about Explain What is Financial Management, Objectives of financial management, Important long-term and short-term of finance, what are financial statements and various types of leverages, Role of finance manager and Use of chart in Financial Management."
Price: 24.99 |
"Assertiveness Skills" |
"Assertiveness is an honest, direct and appropriate expression of one's feelings, thoughts and beliefs. There are various skills that we need todevelop in orderto become assertive. In the course we discuss in detail about what is assertiveness, the benefits of being assertive, skills required for assertiveness, the role ole of assertive words, non verbal aspects of assertiveness and the action plan for building assertiveness."
Price: 19.99 |
"Escritura Teraputica: Escribir como Terapia" |
"Te gustara utilizar la escritura como herramienta teraputica? Entonces este curso es para ti. La escritura teraputica nos permite hacernos cargo de nuestras emociones, pensamientos y sentimientos para as facilitar el equilibrio emocional, fsico y mental.Estas son algunas de las opiniones de los alumnos:""Hermosa experiencia que an me queda transitar!! Gracias Helena por t claridad, t gran predisposicin!! Recomiendo este bellsimo curso...ha sido una gran motivacin para m!!""""Me ha abierto un mundo! muy interesante y bien estructurado. Gracias"" ""Excelente curso! No slo ofrece una slida base terica y ejercicios con objetivos concretos, sino que Helena le aporta una tremenda empata y un factor humano que logra que la experiencia de aprendizaje sea no slo efectiva, sino que tambin muy amena y agradable. Recomiendo 100% este curso"".""Es un buen curso, bien estructurado y Helena te lleva de la mano para conseguir el objetivo. Curso recomendado"".Espero que estos testimonios te motiven a iniciar tu viaje por la escritura teraputica. La escritura es un vehculo de expresin, forma de aprendizaje y herramienta de cambio.El curso brinda un espacio y una oportunidad de conocernos ms, de preguntarnos: cmo somos, qu es lo que deseamos, qu nos interesa, qu cambios queremos realizar De esta manera iniciamos un recorrido por nuestro interior.Este curso pretender ayudar a las personas a utilizar la escritura para profundizar en su vida interior y acercarse al centro de sus emociones. Como tambin pretende ser una herramienta para trabajar y acompaar a otras personas.Que podrs conseguir al finalizar el curso?Utilizar la escritura teraputica como herramienta de transformacin personal.Conocer investigaciones y estudios cientficos sobre la escritura expresiva.Crear mi espacio personal para resolver cualquier problema.Tener un equilibrio fsico, mental y emocional.Utilizar la escritura teraputica para mejorar todas las reas de tu vida.Conectar con mis emociones, pensamientos y sentimientos.Ejercicios de escritura para gestionar emociones, aumentar autoestima, ser feliz y mejorar motivacin.Crear mi propio diario personal que ser un gran compaero de viaje.Ahora que sabes lo que vas aprender con este curso. Me acompaas?Te veo dentro del curso y empezamos!!Tan solo haz clic en el botn ""comprar ahora"" y ahora mismo te ver al otro lado. Muchas gracias por inscribirte!Un abrazoHelena Echeverra"
Price: 134.99 |
"Elimina La Ansiedad, Recupera Tu Vida" |
"Quieres eliminar la ansiedad de tu vida? Es el momento de tomar la decisin de vivir sin ansiedad. Todo empieza con esa decisin. La tienes? Ests en el lugar correcto. Vamos juntos a recorrer un camino que te guiar a superar la ansiedad de manera definitiva.Estas son algunas de las opiniones de los alumnos:""Gracias Helena me ha encantado este curso. Me llevo muchas herramientas para la ansiedad sper recomendado"".""Curso recomendable, nos muestra muchas tcnicas que podemos aplicar en nuestro da a da para sentirnos mejor. Explicaciones prcticas y claras. Sin duda, merece la pena!"".""S fue una buena eleccin este curso porque Helena es muy buena psicloga y sabe explicar muy bien todos los temas"".""Magnifico Curso y muy muy prctico. Enhorabuena Helena por tu magnfico trabajo que nos ayuda a gestionar la ansiedad de forma ms adecuada"".Espero que estos testimonios te motiven a superar la ansiedad de manera definitiva.Nuestro camino tiene varias paradas que van a ser necesarias para recuperar el control de nuestra vida y construir nuestra propia felicidad. Cmo vamos hacerlo? En la primera de las paradas vamos a comprender la ansiedad a travs de diferentes conceptos y claves. Como tambin a entender el mensaje que tiene la ansiedad para nosotros. En la segunda parada aprenders tcnicas efectivas de relajacin, respiracin y meditacin para calmar el cuerpo y la mente, a la vez que integramos nuevos hbitos positivos. En la tercera parada conectaremos con nosotros mismos a travs de un contacto real con el presente y nuestro interior. Dispondrs de herramientas teraputicas para volver a conectar contigo y con el futuro que deseas. La cuarta parada tiene por objetivo identificar, desafiar y eliminar nuestros pensamientos negativos. Aplicars tcnicas cognitivas y ejercicios prcticos para transformar tu manera de pensar. Que podrs conseguir al finalizar el curso?Comprender la ansiedad desde un enfoque integrador.Tcnicas y actividades para la relajacin fsica, mental y emocional.Eliminar pensamientos negativos que impiden la paz interna.Desarrollar la confianza en uno mismo y su futuro.Desarrollar la fortaleza interna y conexin interior.Transformacin de creencias limitantes.Estrategias prcticas para vivir sin ansiedad.Integrar hbitos positivos, fortalecedores y saludables.Ahora que sabes lo que vas a lograr con este curso. Me acompaas?Te veo dentro del curso y empezamos!!Tan solo haz clic en el botn ""comprar ahora"" y ahora mismo te ver al otro lado. Muchas gracias por inscribirte!Un abrazoHelena Echeverra"
Price: 89.99 |
"Prozessmodellierung mit BPMN 2.0 Vom Einsteiger zum Experten" |
"Die Kursteilnehmer werden in diesem Kurs vom Einsteiger zum Experten in der Prozessmodellierung mitBPMN2.0. Wir beginnen mit den GrundlagenderProzessmodellierung und arbeiten uns dann in berschaubaren Schritten durch smtliche Themengebiete.Der locker vermittelte Kurs richtet sich sowohl an Menschen mit einem eher fachlichen Fokus als auch an echte Techies. Gemeinsam lernen wir, wieProzesse realittsnah und doch bersichtlich und verstndlich modelliert werden knnen.Von den Basics in einfachen Prozessablufen ber Ereignisbehandlung bis hin zu Besonderheiten der Prozesssteuerung lernen wir alles Wesentliche aus dem praktischen Standard.Begleitet wird alles mit vielen Praxisbungen, welche die gelernten Inhalte mit einem Augenzwinkernnoch einmal verankern."
Price: 44.99 |
"A Practical Guide To Sexual Abuse" |
"Have you been personally affected by child sexual abuse? Perhaps you are supporting a loved one who experienced abuse. Or maybe you are a professional who is supporting a client who has made a disclosure. The statistics show that 1 in 4 Irish people will have experienced sexual abuse in childhood, making it highly likely that we will all be impacted by abuse at some stage in our lives.There can be huge fear around knowing what to say or how to support someone in this situation.This course is intendedas a practical insight into supporting an individual who has disclosed child sexual abuse. It focuses on speaking to children prior to disclosure and children and adults following disclosure.There are practical suggestions around how to support families when a loved one discloses sexual abuse and how to seek support. There is an introduction to child protection and professionals' and families' obligations and choices in terms of reporting sexual abuse.The course also features a section on the dynamics of sexual offending and a preliminary guide on seeking support for an offender in the family."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Have More Energy" |
"Make your tiredness and a lack of energy a thing of the past.Learn exactly what (or who) drains your energy and resolve that drain for good, how to instantly boost your energy as and when you want or need to, andhow to support your return to higher energy levels with natural remedies, diet and products.Imagine if you could wake up on a morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead and be able to live life to the full. Well, now you can!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Empreender para Mim - teacher training" |
"Esse curso foi criado para que os mais variados perfis de professores e facilitadores possam aplicar o projeto de Empreendedorismo em suas escolas.O professor ter acesso a vdeos e materiais que o ajudaro a se preparar para a sala de aula e poder desempenhar o seu papel.Se voc ficou interessado pelo projeto, poder receber mais informaes enviando mensagem diretamente para o instrutor do curso."
Price: 39.99 |
"5 Ways To Start An Online Home Based Business In 2019" |
"You are probably here because you have beenlooking for a solution to starting an online business that REALLY WORKS for some time now. It can be months or maybe even just a few days, but you have seen that people all around the world are FREE and earning a living online so you know it's POSSIBLE!The good news it is that this is true. It is POSSIBLE! The bad news is that with all the information out there it canvery easy to get confused and get ""shiny object syndrome,""jumping from one method to the other without actually building anything tangible.Also, some of the methods that appear fromgurus are presentedas being very easy, but areactually are quite complicated and require a lot of work.That is why in this course we are going to show you 5 different business models that we have tested and seen work.With these formulasput in place, weknow that you are going to achieveresultsprovidedyou FOCUS and TAKE ACTION!We won't promise you that you are going to have overnight success, because that is a fairytale concept.Behind overnight successes are usually years of work. You will have to work a little in the beginning and be consistent in your action, but as long asyou do so youWILLachieve results.The best part is that themethods that we are showing you will cost you very littleto startand someof them will actually cost you nothing at all.So, if you are ready to make 2018 THEyear tobuild a solid business orearn an extra income online, now is the time to get started!Join us and we will see you on the inside!"
Price: 144.99 |
"Beyond Keto and Paleo: Optimized Diet for Modern Humans" |
"BEYONDKeto and Paleo! The Optimized Human Diet is finally here!Put aside all of your old confusion about what goes into the ideal nutrition plan and join us as we break down the fundamentals of which types of foods modern human beings evolved to eat and why.After viewing the presentation and implementing exactly what has been outlined in the course sections, students will see rapid improvementin every area of their health, including:Physical Performance- Reach your peak prowess!Mental Performance- Say goodbye to brain fog!Sleep Quality- Wake up feeling vital again!Digestive Function- Treat your 'second brain' the right way!Immune System Function- Drive away sickness before it starts!Body Fat Percentage and Composition- Look and feel like your best self!And more!This 10-chapter course willalsogo into detail on exactly how much to eat and and when, andcomes with a 90-day outline to help you get started onthe Optimized Human Diet.This way of eating and meal-planning has completelychangedmy life, and I CANNOT WAITto share these secrets with you! Simply follow the guidelines laid out in the video modulesand you will see tremendous results.Your family and friends will be asking if something about you isdifferent, and after enrolling in the Optimized Human Diet course, you'll know just what to tell them.Nutritional health is the foundation for your function, happiness,performance, and longevityas a human being, so no need to hesitate! Invest in yourself today and yourhealthier future self will thank you later."
Price: 49.99 |
"Business Leadership - Mastery Course #1 [of 30]" |
"We are excited to share with you CHAPTERS 1-13 of the Three Volume Set of the BUSINESS BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS. In this book, you will be immersed into the first 13 chapters of 120 chapters that contain hundereds of lesson plans and business development modules to move you and your business to higher levels of business success. Each of these 13 chapters were developed over the last 25 years of studying and implementing business success concepts that work! Each month, we update many of our Business Development Lesson Plans which is why this BOOK is in a three ring binder, so that you can insert the updated lesson plans as they are released! 1. Leadership: The ability to attract & organize others to achieve a specific result Integrity, Credibility, Commitment 2. I You We: The Three Perspectives of Operating a Business Responsibility, Delegation, Teamwork 3. Ideas: Keeping your mind fresh and your eyes on the horizon. Recognition, Creativity, Practicality 4. Rule of Three: The Triangulation of energies and focus to achieve Success Triangulation, Options, Default Positions 5. Success: The benefits and results of a successful life Joy, Peace & Harmony 6. Vision: What does the business look like when you call it successful? Operations, Detail, Embrace 7. Focus: The sequences of intent Importance, Relevance, Impact 8. Mission: What customers/clients perceive and want from your business Customers, Benefits, Allegiance 9. Initial Goals: The first set of goals for your business S.M.A.R.T. Importance, Achievement, Results 10. Attitude: The Entrepreneurial point of view that creates Business Success Now, Service, Grace 11. Skills: Characteristics, Attributes & Talents of business ownership/leadership Competence, Excellence, Results 12. Model: Determining the economic viability of your business Customer, Exchange, Pro Forma 13. Plans: Understanding the Structure of a Business Plan Goals, Strategies, Tactics In these 13 Chapters, we will start with teaching you the strategies of developing your Business Leadership and creating your map to Success with your Vision and Focus clearly established for your company. We will then discuss with you how your Attitude, Skills and Business Model will be three of the many foundations stones you will need to achieve higher levels of financial success. In other workbooks, you will also learn how to conduct the Research you need to understand your Markets so that you can develop your Advantages and minimize your Disadvantages in competing within your Target Market. Later you will learn how your understanding of the Demo-Graphics, Psyhcho-Graphics, Cultural-Graphics and Temporal-Graphics will let you know everything you need to know about your customers and clients."
Price: 194.99 |
"How to Make a different,healthy,Perfect cup of coffee" |
"Would you like to learn more about coffee? Understand its origins, understand roasting & grinding? Would you like to find out how to make a better cup of coffee? Do you want to stop drinking bad coffee?so Welcome to your Coffee Course! Learn to save money, save time, and make better coffee. Also, learn many different topics about coffee and how to personalize your coffee. Did you know that coffee has many health benefits?Learn about all of this and more fromthis course.Throughout this course you will learn about the following:The Health Benefits of Coffee.popular Moroccan spiced coffee recipe.My grandmother coffee recipe........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."
Price: 29.99 |
"ENFP - The Ultimate Guide to Your Personality and Career" |
"The purpose of this course is to help determine which type of ENFP you are and what special abilities you posses. Then, you will take that information and direct your innate strengths towards a meaningful career where you willfeel happy, purposeful, while still making a good money.The focus of this course is your career and business. We will also touch on personal development, health, and relationships in order to move you forward faster towards your ideal business orcareer path.In this course you'll learn:Which ENFP flavour are youYour strength and weaknessLove languageNatural skillsBest coaches/mentors/peers for youIdeal career paths for each unique ENFP personality typeTime management for ENFP (so you can finally finish what you start)And many more!"
Price: 94.99 |
"INFP - The Ultimate Guide to Your Personality and Career" |
"The purpose of this course is to help determine which type of INFP you are and what special abilities you posses. Then, you will take that information and direct your innate strengths towards a meaningful career where you willfeel happy, purposeful, while still making a good money.The focus of this course is your career and business. We will also touch on personal development, health, and relationships in order to move you forward faster towards your ideal business orcareer path.In this course you'll learn:Which INFP flavour are youYour strength and weaknessLove languageNatural skillsBest coaches/mentors/peers for youIdeal career paths for each unique INFP personality typeTime management for INFPAnd many more!"
Price: 94.99 |
"ENFJ - The Ultimate Guide to Your Personality and Career" |
"The purpose of this course is to help determine which type of ENFJ you are and what special abilities you posses. Then, you will take that information and direct your innate strengths towards a meaningful career where you willfeel happy, purposeful, while still making a good money.The focus of this course is your career and business. We will also touch on personal development, health, and relationships in order to move you forward faster towards your ideal business orcareer path.In this course you'll learn:Which ENFJ flavour are youYour strength and weaknessLove languageNatural skillsBest coaches/mentors/peers for youIdeal career paths for each unique ENFJ personality typeTime management for ENFJAnd many more!"
Price: 94.99 |
"INFJ - The Ultimate Guide to Your Personality And Career" |
"The purpose of this course is to help determine which type of INFJyou are and what special abilities you posses. Then, you will take that information and direct your innate strengths towards a meaningful career where you willfeel happy, purposeful, while still making a good money.The focus of this course is your career and business. We will also touch on personal development, health, and relationships in order to move you forward faster towards your ideal business orcareer path.In this course you'll learn:Which INFJflavour are youYour strength and weaknessLove languageNatural skillsBest coaches/mentors/peers for youIdeal career paths for each unique INFJpersonality typeTime management for INFJ(so you can finally finish what you start)And many more!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Blockchain Zero to Hero + Crypto Asset Valuation" |
"All course content is BRANDNEW, recorded in 2018 with the latest information! I present this samecontent in private training sessionsforhedge funds and financial firms for thousands of dollars!This course will take you beyond the basics to give you an understanding of the full technology stack:blockchain, protocol, token and applications.No prior exposure to blockchain or technical knowledge are required.This course is geared toward non-ITprofessionals working in consulting, finance and business, as well as individuals interested in investing in and trading cryptocurrencies and digital assets.The goals of the course areFIRST, understand the technologythoroughly. SECOND, understandthe many different applications of blockchain (i.e., what it can be used for). THIRD, gain exposure to some advancedconcepts to take you waybeyond the average person studying blockchain. FOURTH, bring in financial and economic theory to construct a valuation framework for digital assets. And FINALLY, wrap up and discuss the outlook for this rapidly-changing ecosystem!WHATYOUWILLLEARN:1. BLOCKCHAIN BASICS* What is a blockchain?* The technology stack: blockchain, protocol, token, application* Key concepts and terminology* Anatomy of a blockchain transaction* Bitcoin history and mechanics* Public/private key authentication* Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Stake* Decentralization* Attacks, vulnerabilities and risks* Ethereum and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)2. BLOCKCHAIN APPLICATIONS* Terminology* Classes of decentralizated applications (dApps)* Good vs. bad blockchain applications* Review and examples of key categories of applications* Determining whether blockchain is the right solution to a problem* Traditional -> Market -> Decentralized evolution* Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)* Legal, regulatory and tax considerations* Investment in the crypto-economy* Decentralized democracies3. BLOCKCHAIN NOT-SO-BASICS* Difficulty and hash rate* Byzantine fault tolerance* Hard forks and soft forks* Case study: Segwit2x* Launching a new ICO, token or coin* Solidity4. CRYPTOCURRENCY VALUATION* Introduction* Case Study: Ripple Labs* Overview of Valuation Frameworks* Monetary Vased Valuation Methodologies* Fundamental Valuation Methodologies* Money Flow Based Valuation Methodologies* Case Study: Bitcoin* Crypto hedge funds* Algorithmic and quantitative trading* Conclusions5. WRAP-UP* Implications for financial services (banks, exchanges, asset managers)* Implicactions for network businesses, entrepreneurs* Discussion of likelihood of and barriers to mass adoption of blockchain technology* Resource list* Concluding thoughtsSee you in the course!-- Jake"
Price: 119.99 |
"Creating Professional Line Art:" |
"Ever had problems creating confident lines that brings life into your drawings? If so then this course is for you. Within this course learn how to build confidence in your lines. We do this by first learning good practices to improve our line art. Then putting these newly learned skills into application by adapting a efficient work process in working on a actual piece.I go over in depthIn this course you can use a pencil and paper, or if you're a digital artist Photoshop will work just fine. The software Iused in this course is Adobe Photoshop. However, your materialsaren'tthe major factors in learning good line art, your practices and workflow are.This course is for those who are beginning to embark upon their art journey and have problems with drawing their lines. This course isn't subjected to just beginners if you're intermediate and have been working on your art for some time and you want to find out a way to improve then this course will help you out as well."
Price: 19.99 |
"Internazionalizzazione delle persone fisiche e giuridiche." |
"Il corso ha lo scopo di fornire le informazioni di base concernenti l'internazionalizzazione sia delle persone fisiche sia delle persone giuridiche.Ci occuperemo della meodologia per internazionalizzare andando ad analizzare le interferenze che possono presentarsi in relazione alla normativa fiscale e tributaria italiana.Inoltre, esamineremo le caratteristiche normative della Cina, di Hong Kong , di Singapore e degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, Paesi che rientrano nel core business dello studio che rappresento.Infine, sar trattato l'aspetto dell'export nell'internazionalizzazione.Vi auguro un buon proseguimento di visione.dott. Ernesto Cherici.Tributarista / Fiscalista internazionale (ex L. n. 4/2013 - Codice ATECO: 69.20.13)."
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel Using Only Keyboard- Advance Shortcuts,Tips & Tricks" |
"Welcome to Learn Excel Using Only Keyboard. A unique and comprehensive course about Excel shortcuts. In this course, you will learn to work on Excel in a professional way right through the keyboard and no mouse. Excel Shortcuts provide one-step options for daily tasks and therefore save a lot of time and efforts. Indeed, excel experts work using shortcuts so that they can work faster and achieve more while spending less time. If you also work on Excel as part of your job then you can take this course, learn these different shortcuts, become quick and get more comfortable working."
Price: 49.99 |
"Sketch Like an Architect" |
"In this course you are going to learnastep-by-step process how to sketch like an architect. It begins with the very basics of making straight lines and progresses to gradually more complex compositions of sketched perspectives. Along the way I will share important tips and tricks, drills, and techniques to achieve sketches with architectural look, strong character, and story within.You will learn not only the sketching technique, but also aboutthethinking behind the process - e.g. why and how toadd people to your sketches, how to createa sense of depth in an image, and much more.This course is perfect foranyone interested in sketching or drawing. If youre an architecture student, youd like to capturethe moments from your holidays, spaces around you, or you just like to doodle, then this class is just for you!You dont have to be great to start, you have to start to be great!So dont worry, if youre not super confident at sketching and give it a chance with this class. Im looking forward to seeing all of your sketches!"
Price: 119.99 |
Price: 149.99 |
"Get More Video Link Clicks & Sales Using YouTube End Screens" |
"Not everyone is aware thatYouTube 'End Screens' replaced the old 'annotations' back in Sept 2017. Endscreens enable you to seamlesslydrive moretraffic directly from your video screen via a series ofbuttons within the End Screendashboard. These buttons will help your visitors navigate your YouTube channel by enablingyou to suggest the next video to watch, tosubscribe to your channel -andmost importantly, click on a button to go directly to your website or landing page.Get 60% moreclicks from visitors on bothdesktop and mobile (the oldannotations didnot support mobile) and increase your subscribers and channel videoviews by cleverly engaging your visitors using my14'Done for you MP4'End Screenvideos, complete with professional voice overs - that you can download withinthis course.The process of setting up End Screens is covered in finedetailwith 'over my shoulder' style videos and screen capture demonstration throughout.You will learn:Channel VerificationChannel/Website AssociationCall-to-Action Button TutorialVideo Thumbnail CreationVideo File OptimizationThe anatomy ofEnd Screen Elements ExplainedAdvanced Traffic ManipulationMass Import End Screen ElementsVideo Link-wheel TrainingYou also get 14x short Video MP4's to add to all your videos to increase engagement.By the end of the course you will have End Screens mastered to such a level that you'll be able to optimize all your new videos on YouTube to maximize their click through rate and access the hidden 60% of viewers who watch video via mobile.I've also included my ownEnd Screen template in PNGformatto help anyone who wantsto get creative and produce their own End Screen videos in the future.As you'll soon see, all the heavy lifting has been done for you within this course that is both relevant and timely in today's growing Video marketplace."
Price: 94.99 |