Rotten Ghost Teeth |
"Some people go to crazy lengths to get the perfect costume. In order to get that ghoulish undead look, some might even stop brushing to turn their teeth into a heaping mess of grim and decay, but lucky for those kind of people, we have these Rotten Ghost Teeth. Just slip them on and no one has to know you have a set of pearly whites underneath."
Price: 5.99

Platinum Grillz Pimp Teeth |
"In case your wicked platform shoes, your fat stacks of cash and the pimp cane you rock everywhere you go didn't give people the right idea, flashing a smile with Pimp written all over your teeth ought to do it. It also beats paying tons of dough for one of those custom grills."
Price: 4.99

Glow in the Dark Claws |
For ages stories have been told around the campfire about men and women turning into wolves. These poor souls are destined to spend every full moon running through the moors and woods preying on unsuspecting victims. When these lycanthropes start to change they begin to grow hair all over and their hands and feet turn into claws. Their ears extend and a tail forms while fangs grow in their mouth. Once that is over they have fully became a creature of the night and are ready to hunt.
Price: 14.99

Hairy Feet |
"Whether you plan to dress as a Hobbit, a caveman, or Big Foot, these Hairy Feet are a perfect accessory with your costume."
Price: 9.99

Groovy Baby Teeth |
"All the top spy academies agree, training to be an international man of mystery begins with your teeth. If you've been properly taking care of them, then might need a little help from this fake teeth set to have people take you seriously as a British spy."
Price: 9.99

Gimme a Kiss Pacifier |
"Pucker up, this baby is ready for a kiss! This Gimme a Kiss Pacifier is safe and fun for any occasion."
Price: 3.99

Li'l Sherlock Pacifier |
"It's elementary--your child will love this Li'l Sherlock Pacifier, and everyone else will get a laugh! It's perfect for any budding detective."
Price: 1.99

Two Front Teeth Pacifier |
"All your baby wants for Halloween is this Two Front Teeth Pacifier! It's a safe and funny way to show some Halloween spirit for a little one who doesn't understand Halloween yet. You can also use it any time, just for fun!"
Price: 4.99

Plastic Jeweled King Goblet |
"Are you trying to rule a kingdom without a goblet? For shame. Everyone knows that the key to being a successful king is having a really extravagant cup to drink from. You could try to rule your people without one, but we don't recommend it."
Price: 3.99

Inflatable Beer Mug Cooler |
Do you ever have problems figuring out where the beer is at the party? That's a problem that we seldom ever have ever since we started using this beer mug shaped cooler at all our parties. All you have to do is spot the giant frosty looking mug and you know you're just seconds away from ice cold refreshment.
Price: 16.99

Jester Hat |
Why are you not wearing a wacky hat right now? One that's soft and has bells. Just imagine how much better your life would be wearing some headgear with bells on it. Then you'd start getting the kind of respect you deserve.
Price: 14.99

Rainbow Boa |
"We could try to elaborate on why rainbows are so spectacular, but it's just one of those things where you get it or you don't. And this feather boa is like a rainbow that you can wear. Need we say more?"
Price: 6.99

Rainbow Flag Glasses |
"One rainbow is pretty sweet, but two of them? That's just awe-inspiring. That's the whole point behind these rainbow sunglasses. Double rainbows. You saw how crazy that one guy from the video got. It's because double rainbows are just that amazing and these glasses hope to capture just a bit of that magic."
Price: 1.99

Clown Glasses with Nose |
"Sometimes you need to travel light, so bringing a stack of cream pies to throw just isn't an option. That doesn't mean you need to give up on your clowning. These glasses are chock full of the ridiculous antics you've come to rely on to help you get through reality."
Price: 7.99

Rainbow Satin Sash |
"We like colors. A lot. We like them all so much that we often have a hard time choosing which one we like the most. Red's pretty hot, but then again blue has that oh-so-cool vibe going for it. That's why we like this rainbow sash. It has a whole bunch of colors, so we never have to pick just one. It's also a metaphorical symbol for the acceptance of all kinds of people. We think that's pretty cool too, but we mostly like it because it has all the pretty colors."
Price: 2.99

Pink Pirate Eye Patch |
"Pirates tend to get whatever treasure they want, but most of them look like crusty old pieces of driftwood. Not anymore. With this pink eye patch, maintaining the level of style and fashion you require no longer hinders your ability to engage in piracy."
Price: 4.99

Green Top Hat |
"You can't have St. Patrick's Day without a green top hot. We tried it once and the space-time continuum nearly exploded. Okay, so we may have actually just made that up, but why take the chance? Besides, just try imagining yourself wearing it at a party. Totally awesome, right?"
Price: 18.99

Fiesta Maracas |
"The most impossible task on the Earth is to hold a pair of maracas and resist the urge to give them a shake. Go ahead. Try it. Pick up a pair, like these, and within seconds you'll be shaking them to your own beat."
Price: 7.99

Little Vampire Pacifier |
This Little Vampire Pacifier is just the thing for the child who doesn't like to drink milk! Fun for Halloween or any time.
Price: 6.99

Kids Goofy Toofers 4 Pack |
"Well yeee-haw, you can walk and talk like a red neck but iffin' yer don't have the teeth to match, well I reckon you're about as yeller as a crayon. Lucky for you these Kids Goofy Toofers 4 Pack are great fer kids and adults. Now come on, we've got our self some moonshine to make!"
Price: 9.99

Brown Moose Face Hoodie |
"Your young wildlife enthusiast will enjoy wearing this Brown Moose Face Hoodie to keep warm while hiking in the woods. Even if you don't live in an area where you might see a real moose, it's fun to imagine meeting one. Did you know that the moose it the largest living species of the deer family?"
Price: 28.99

Brown Moose Face Hoodie |
"Your young wildlife enthusiast will enjoy wearing this Brown Moose Face Hoodie to keep warm while hiking in the woods. Even if you don't live in an area where you might see a real moose, it's fun to imagine meeting one. Did you know that the moose it the largest living species of the deer family?"
Price: 28.99

Brown Moose Face Hoodie |
"Your young wildlife enthusiast will enjoy wearing this Brown Moose Face Hoodie to keep warm while hiking in the woods. Even if you don't live in an area where you might see a real moose, it's fun to imagine meeting one. Did you know that the moose it the largest living species of the deer family?"
Price: 28.99

Owl Face Hooded Sweatshirt |
"This Owl Face Hooded Sweatshirt is soft and cozy, and it's also bright and cheerful. It's a perfect way to keep warm on a chilly fall day, whether she's going on a bird-watching expedition or simply walking to school. If pink is her favorite color, this is a no-brainer!"
Price: 18.99

Owl Face Hooded Sweatshirt |
"This Owl Face Hooded Sweatshirt is soft and cozy, and it's also bright and cheerful. It's a perfect way to keep warm on a chilly fall day, whether she's going on a bird-watching expedition or simply walking to school. If pink is her favorite color, this is a no-brainer!"
Price: 18.99

Owl Face Hooded Sweatshirt |
"This Owl Face Hooded Sweatshirt is soft and cozy, and it's also bright and cheerful. It's a perfect way to keep warm on a chilly fall day, whether she's going on a bird-watching expedition or simply walking to school. If pink is her favorite color, this is a no-brainer!"
Price: 18.99
