Knit Rag Doll Beanie |
"Dolls have it made! They always have the perfect red yarn hair that we dream about at night. We thought that we'd never have hair like that, but then, we found this Knit Rag Doll Beanie. It gives you the cute look that you can find on your toys. We have to warn you though, if you hang out in the toy store while wearing, people might mistake you for the newest doll from Japan."
Price: 11.99

Radioactive Aviator Black Goggles |
Steampunk engineers and mad scientists agree. These aviator goggles are top notch when it comes to tinkering with your contraptions in style. Just don't expect them to protect you from an exploding doomsday device or a radioactive meltdown.
Price: 14.99

Radioactive Aviator Silver and Black |
"Are you having a chance encounter with an alien and need some extra protection? Have no fear, just put on these trusty Radioactive Aviator Silver and Black. These are also perfect for a steampunk costume."
Price: 14.99

Aviator Goggles Silver |
"Whether your costume is an aviation pioneer or steampunk chic, you need these goggles! Why did old-time pilots wear goggles? Because the earliest airplanes had open cockpits. It's hard to see where you're going with bugs (or worse) getting in your eyes!"
Price: 14.99

Gold Aviator Goggles |
"These Gold Aviator Goggles are perfect for a steampunk costume, but you can also be Charles Lindbergh or Amelia Earhart if you want to."
Price: 14.99

Machinist Goggles |
You'll be a 19th century craftsman in these Machinist Goggles. Use them to protect your eyes from (imaginary) sparks and flames. You can't work on those dirigibles if you're blind!
Price: 19.99

Cybersteam Goggles Silver |
"Inventing crazy steam-powered contraptions requires a lot of things. First, you need the kind of intellect to produce blueprints for steam-copters and advanced steampunk weaponry. Second, you'll need to be a little bit crazy, because every genius is a little bit mad. Lastly, you need a set of engineer goggles. These cybersteam goggles combine all three of those elements perfectly! They're a little bit crazy, a little bit genius and they are definitely a set of goggles."
Price: 19.99

Cyber Steam Goggles |
"Cogs, wheels, and gears all require a steadfast hand. Be sure you've got all the tools you need, starting with a pair of Cyber Steam Goggles. They're the essential steampunk look for anyone who spends their time tinkering with machinery!"
Price: 19.99

Quidditch Goggles |
Hop on the Nimbus 2000 and don't let that slippery little snitch out of your sight! Remember you need these Quidditch Goggles if you want to twirl past the Ravenclaws and fly above the Slytherins to grab the magical golden winged snitch. You have to protect your eyes because there is not a spell for eyeball replacement!
Price: 14.99

Cat Eye Goggles |
"You'll look like the comic book version of Catwoman, just throw on these cool Cat Eye Goggles. These goggles look great with any Catwoman costume or you can assemble your own with the help of these cool goggles. Team up with Batman and start fighting crime!"
Price: 11.99

Mad-Eye Patch |
"Wouldn't it be nice to see through everything- wood, walls, and concrete! This Mad-Eye Patch is a must have for your Auror Moody costume. This is a cool and unique Harry Potter accessory that all Potter fans will love."
Price: 10.99

Monocle Gold |
"If you are feeling extra classy, you should grab your monocle! This Monocle Gold looks great with a steampunk costume. Just pick up a top hat to complete the look."
Price: 8.99

Holografix Eyeball Glasses |
"Everyone will say, jeepers creepers! when they see your peepers through these Holografix Eyeball Glasses! You can see normally, but from the front others see the image of an eyeball on each lens. Add this creepy effect to almost any costume!"
Price: 5.99

Holografix Eyelash Glasses |
"If you've ever wanted the look of long, luxurious lashes but could never get the hand of using false lashes or an eyelash curler, these Holografix Eyelash Glasses are your solution! You could wear them with a hippie-glam costume, a clown costume, or any spooky costume."
Price: 1.99

Holografix Lizard Eyes Glasses |
"Your friends will do a double-take when you wear these Holografix Lizard Eyes Glasses! They're a perfect complement to any snake, lizard or dragon costume. NOTE: not intended for sun protection."
Price: 5.99

Beer Mug Glasses |
You'll be a manly man in a pair of Beer Mug Glasses. The stares you'll get are only because you're awesome. That's a promise.
Price: 10.99

Beer Pong Glasses |
"There are only a few ways to give yourself an advantage in the prestigious game of beer pong. One way is to practice day and night on your aim. Another way is to wear a set of these glasses. They don't actually improve your game, but they make you feel like the beer pong champ and intimidate your opponents, or they make them laugh uncontrollably. Either way, they provide you with a clear mental advantage over all challengers."
Price: 10.99

Deluxe Black Glasses |
"Say yeah baby! Once you've put on a pair of Deluxe Black Glasses, all that's left is a good shag and a flawless English accent!"
Price: 8.99

Blues Glasses Black |
Your future is so bright you are going to need these Blues Glasses Black. These diverse glasses can go with a number of costumes. Use them to become a jazz singer or wear them for a Men in Black costume!
Price: 8.99

Nerd Glasses |
"You won't even have to tell the ladies that you play role play games in your mom's basement, have an unmatched comic book collection and probably spend a lot of time posting forums. These glasses say all that for you without ever speaking a word."
Price: 8.99

Black Dweeb Glasses |
"Where's Waldo's Glasses should be the name of his next book. Seriously, without these Black Dweeb Glasses, we're sure Waldo would be even more lost. It's already a challenge to find him, why make it harder?"
Price: 8.99

Professor Glasses Black |
You'll look wise for sure once you put on these Professor Black Glasses. These can be paired with a Where's Waldo costume or a Harry Potter costume.
Price: 8.99

Close Encounter Alien Glasses |
"Calling occupants of interplanetary craft! These Close Encounter Alien Glasses are perfect if you're dressing as an alien, or if you're meeting one. They're a great way to travel incognito as you explore new worlds, but would also work with an 80s costume."
Price: 8.99

Black Bug Eyes Sunglasses |
"Do you remember that movie, The Fly? If you're young, you may not have heard of it, but for any 80s kid it's a seminal moment in their development. Seeing Jeff Goldblum emerge from the shadows as this human / fly hybrid falling apart and mutating in real time at the film's climax? Whew... scary stuff. What do these bug eye glasses have to do with that? Not a whole lot, except that you too, like Jeff Goldblum, can look like a fly for the night, but luckily without the teleporter DNA splicing back story."
Price: 10.99

50s Black Frame Glasses |
"You're crusin' for a brusin' if you don't get a pair of 50s Black Frame Glasses. Seriously, don't be a square, they're a must have for your next sock hop! Like for real!"
Price: 9.99

50s Pink Frame Glasses |
"Think pink girls! If you're gonna be a pink lady, you'll need a pair of 50s Pink Frame Glasses. They're the only way to accessorize your jacket."
Price: 9.99
