Pilgrim Boy Costume |
"The next time your child laments the fact that his iPad is not charged or that there are no new episodes of his favorite show to watch, we have a unique idea for helping him appreciate what he does have. Simply have him change into this pilgrim boy costume, turn off all of the lights and challenge him to imagine what life would have been like over two hundred years ago for a young boy like himself. He likely would have been too busy helping around the house to worry about having free time for games and other entertainment. After having him sweep, wash your clothes by hand and haul some firewood for the cooking, we think he'll understand that there was no need for him to complain before and that he'll try harder to occupy himself without asking for you to intervene. Just an idea. This costume could also be worn for a Thanksgiving play or for trick or treating but that's up to you."
Price: 24.99

Pilgrim Boy Costume |
"The next time your child laments the fact that his iPad is not charged or that there are no new episodes of his favorite show to watch, we have a unique idea for helping him appreciate what he does have. Simply have him change into this pilgrim boy costume, turn off all of the lights and challenge him to imagine what life would have been like over two hundred years ago for a young boy like himself. He likely would have been too busy helping around the house to worry about having free time for games and other entertainment. After having him sweep, wash your clothes by hand and haul some firewood for the cooking, we think he'll understand that there was no need for him to complain before and that he'll try harder to occupy himself without asking for you to intervene. Just an idea. This costume could also be worn for a Thanksgiving play or for trick or treating but that's up to you."
Price: 24.99

Pilgrim Girl Costume |
"Churning your own butter and making your own candles are becoming a lost art, but thanks to this pilgrim girl costume, colonial fashion is about to make a come back. Sure, it may be a drastic change from today's skinny jeans and neon fabrics, but we think it has a simple elegance that will appeal to your daughter anyway. No? Then perhaps you could just pull this out at Thanksgiving for a festive reenactment instead. Churning butter before the meal is optional."
Price: 28.99

Pilgrim Girl Costume |
"Churning your own butter and making your own candles are becoming a lost art, but thanks to this pilgrim girl costume, colonial fashion is about to make a come back. Sure, it may be a drastic change from today's skinny jeans and neon fabrics, but we think it has a simple elegance that will appeal to your daughter anyway. No? Then perhaps you could just pull this out at Thanksgiving for a festive reenactment instead. Churning butter before the meal is optional."
Price: 28.99

Pilgrim Girl Costume |
"Churning your own butter and making your own candles are becoming a lost art, but thanks to this pilgrim girl costume, colonial fashion is about to make a come back. Sure, it may be a drastic change from today's skinny jeans and neon fabrics, but we think it has a simple elegance that will appeal to your daughter anyway. No? Then perhaps you could just pull this out at Thanksgiving for a festive reenactment instead. Churning butter before the meal is optional."
Price: 28.99

Native American Princess Girl Costume |
"Halt! Who goes there? Only members of the Cutie-Pie Tribe can come to the nightly pow-wow where lots of storytelling, arts and crafts, and tribal dancing takes place. If you want to be a part of the mystical Cutie-Pie Tribe you should wear this Native American Princess Girl Costume. Who knows, you could even be voted the tribe's new Pocahontas!"
Price: 28.99

Native American Princess Girl Costume |
"Halt! Who goes there? Only members of the Cutie-Pie Tribe can come to the nightly pow-wow where lots of storytelling, arts and crafts, and tribal dancing takes place. If you want to be a part of the mystical Cutie-Pie Tribe you should wear this Native American Princess Girl Costume. Who knows, you could even be voted the tribe's new Pocahontas!"
Price: 28.99

Native American Princess Girl Costume |
"Halt! Who goes there? Only members of the Cutie-Pie Tribe can come to the nightly pow-wow where lots of storytelling, arts and crafts, and tribal dancing takes place. If you want to be a part of the mystical Cutie-Pie Tribe you should wear this Native American Princess Girl Costume. Who knows, you could even be voted the tribe's new Pocahontas!"
Price: 28.99

Native American Princess Girl Costume |
"Halt! Who goes there? Only members of the Cutie-Pie Tribe can come to the nightly pow-wow where lots of storytelling, arts and crafts, and tribal dancing takes place. If you want to be a part of the mystical Cutie-Pie Tribe you should wear this Native American Princess Girl Costume. Who knows, you could even be voted the tribe's new Pocahontas!"
Price: 28.99

Native American Princess Girl Costume |
"Halt! Who goes there? Only members of the Cutie-Pie Tribe can come to the nightly pow-wow where lots of storytelling, arts and crafts, and tribal dancing takes place. If you want to be a part of the mystical Cutie-Pie Tribe you should wear this Native American Princess Girl Costume. Who knows, you could even be voted the tribe's new Pocahontas!"
Price: 28.99

Child Native American Brave Costume |
Many Native American tribes had ritualized coming of age traditions for their boys. Today we mostly let them cut their chops on Xbox and try to get them out of the house once in a while for some football. Who's to say which is better? Let your little guy cut loose as a young brave with this costume. It has all of the details that will make them feel like they are part of the tribe!
Price: 28.99

Child Native American Brave Costume |
Many Native American tribes had ritualized coming of age traditions for their boys. Today we mostly let them cut their chops on Xbox and try to get them out of the house once in a while for some football. Who's to say which is better? Let your little guy cut loose as a young brave with this costume. It has all of the details that will make them feel like they are part of the tribe!
Price: 28.99

Child Native American Brave Costume |
Many Native American tribes had ritualized coming of age traditions for their boys. Today we mostly let them cut their chops on Xbox and try to get them out of the house once in a while for some football. Who's to say which is better? Let your little guy cut loose as a young brave with this costume. It has all of the details that will make them feel like they are part of the tribe!
Price: 28.99

Boys George Washington Costume |
"Over two hundred years ago, America's first president helped lead the way toward freedom. For this we should honor him by dressing our children in a boys' George Washington costume. It is our patriotic duty to make sure each new generation remembers how George Washington dressed, especially if we are portraying him in a play or skit."
Price: 28.99

Boys George Washington Costume |
"Over two hundred years ago, America's first president helped lead the way toward freedom. For this we should honor him by dressing our children in a boys' George Washington costume. It is our patriotic duty to make sure each new generation remembers how George Washington dressed, especially if we are portraying him in a play or skit."
Price: 28.99

Girls Colonial Lady Costume |
"Here is your daughter's chance to be a part of history! This colonial lady costume for girls will give her a look from the days of the Revolutionary War and with the included flag she can play the role of Martha Washington or Betsy Ross. When the story of America's beginning is told, make sure the tales of these ambitious women don't take a backseat to those of our founding fathers!"
Price: 34.99

Girls Colonial Lady Costume |
"Here is your daughter's chance to be a part of history! This colonial lady costume for girls will give her a look from the days of the Revolutionary War and with the included flag she can play the role of Martha Washington or Betsy Ross. When the story of America's beginning is told, make sure the tales of these ambitious women don't take a backseat to those of our founding fathers!"
Price: 34.99

Girls Colonial Lady Costume |
"Here is your daughter's chance to be a part of history! This colonial lady costume for girls will give her a look from the days of the Revolutionary War and with the included flag she can play the role of Martha Washington or Betsy Ross. When the story of America's beginning is told, make sure the tales of these ambitious women don't take a backseat to those of our founding fathers!"
Price: 34.99

Boys Abraham Lincoln Costume |
"If your child is ready to intervene in the Civil War, then he's ready for this Boys Abraham Lincoln Costume! It comes with everything for President's Day plays and other situations in which a child would need to be the coolest figure in America's history."
Price: 28.99

Boys Abraham Lincoln Costume |
"If your child is ready to intervene in the Civil War, then he's ready for this Boys Abraham Lincoln Costume! It comes with everything for President's Day plays and other situations in which a child would need to be the coolest figure in America's history."
Price: 28.99

Boys Abraham Lincoln Costume |
"If your child is ready to intervene in the Civil War, then he's ready for this Boys Abraham Lincoln Costume! It comes with everything for President's Day plays and other situations in which a child would need to be the coolest figure in America's history."
Price: 28.99

Boys American Patriot Costume |
"General Washington might have worn a uniform similar to this Boys American Patriot Costume! Your child can fire the shot heard 'round the world when he wears it, or cross the Delaware, or hold off shooting the Redcoats until he can see the whites of their eyes. This is great for re-enacting historical events!"
Price: 32.99

Boys American Patriot Costume |
"General Washington might have worn a uniform similar to this Boys American Patriot Costume! Your child can fire the shot heard 'round the world when he wears it, or cross the Delaware, or hold off shooting the Redcoats until he can see the whites of their eyes. This is great for re-enacting historical events!"
Price: 32.99

Boys American Patriot Costume |
"General Washington might have worn a uniform similar to this Boys American Patriot Costume! Your child can fire the shot heard 'round the world when he wears it, or cross the Delaware, or hold off shooting the Redcoats until he can see the whites of their eyes. This is great for re-enacting historical events!"
Price: 32.99

Boys British Redcoat Costume |
"The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are coming! That was Paul Revere's warning to the farmers and villagers of Middlesex, Massachusetts on the night of April 18th, 1775 after he saw the two lanterns in the tower of the Old North Church. One if by land, two if by sea, had been the agreed code. Your child can be one of the British soldiers Revere warned of in this Boys British Redcoat Costume. Great for a school play!"
Price: 34.99

Boys British Redcoat Costume |
"The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are coming! That was Paul Revere's warning to the farmers and villagers of Middlesex, Massachusetts on the night of April 18th, 1775 after he saw the two lanterns in the tower of the Old North Church. One if by land, two if by sea, had been the agreed code. Your child can be one of the British soldiers Revere warned of in this Boys British Redcoat Costume. Great for a school play!"
Price: 34.99
