Adult Cyclops Costume |
It is said in ancient mythology that certain objects are protected by a one-eyed monster known as the Cyclops. This creature makes up for his lack of vision with his extreme strength. Now you can scare away anyone who tries to claim your prized possessions when you wear this scary Adult Cyclops Costume.
Price: 48.99

Adult Grey Monster Costume |
"Deep under the ocean is a city that has been lost to the modern world. Long ago before the time of man and even before the time of dinosaurs there were the old ones. These creatures were beyond wise and controlled all the elements. Then due to forces beyond their control the city of R'lyeh was sunk under the ocean and till this day the old ones wait, and wait, and wait. They are waiting for the right moment to come back to the surface and control the world."
Price: 98.99

Adult Rotting Costume |
Cutting across a graveyard can be a tricky to do a night. If you're not careful you'll meet the rotting face of a current resident. These living dead members of the cemetery community do not take kindly to the current living cutting through their home. But if you're dressed as one of them then you just might have no issue at all.
Price: 98.99

Adult Mummified Costume |
"Be the scariest mummy outside of Egypt in this Adult Mummified Costume! The jumpsuit has folds that look like bandage strips, and the mask is painted & molded to look like a skull with rotting flesh and hanging bandages. If you want to make your own horror flick, this would be great!"
Price: 138.99

Adult Grim Reaper Costume |
Get ready to haunt the living this Halloween as one of the most terrifying specters ever in this Grim Reaper costume. Once you wear this you'll be set to take members of the living to the land of the dead. This is perfect to give everyone a good scare this holiday. Be sure to check out our spooky accessories to pick up a reaper scythe.
Price: 98.99

Wild Warrior Costume |
"We hate taking trips north because those northern tribes are just SO unruly. All you want to do is visit your uncle and next thing you know, there's a horde of axe-wielding ruffians ready to slit your throat for whatever gold you have on hand. Well, as they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Prove your loyalty and outfit yourself like a true barbarian in this Wild Warrior Costume. With a look like this we're sure your new king won't question your allegiance!"
Price: 108.99

Adult Plague Doctor Peste Costume |
"When the Black Death was devastating the population of Europe in the 14th century, doctors didn't have modern hazmat suits. So they tried to protect themselves as best they could, and came up with something like this Adult Plague Doctor Peste Costume. We don't recommend using it as a substitute for a hazmat suit if you're exposed to a nasty disease, but it's a great remedy for a boring costume party!"
Price: 78.99

Adult Evil Green Hands |
"Some people dream of being one of the beautiful people. Other people just want to be the worst kind of hobgoblin the world has ever seen. The good news is, we don't judge people's dreams here and we're here to help. You see, these green hands solve that little problem you've been having with your hands looking to much like human hands and not enough like monster hands. So if that's a common problem for you, then you can start jumping for joy now."
Price: 24.99

Adult Evil Red Hands |
"Are your hands just too normal looking? That's a common problem, but don't worry. We can fix that, no problem. These demonic looking hands fit like gloves and turn your plain old human hands into something far more sinister."
Price: 24.99

Zombie Flesh Hands |
"I ™m not sure a manicure would help but hey, it would be worth a try. These gag worthy Zombie Flesh Hands are a terrifying way to petrify your next victim."
Price: 19.99

Adult Zombie Feet Flesh |
One thing about zombies is that they seem to never stop walking. These members of the living dead are constantly moving that it would be easily believed that they would wear out their footwear. Now you can get the feet of the undead when you slip on these great zombie shoe covers.
Price: 28.99

Adult Skeleton Feet White |
"Do walk around wishing that your feet had no skin or muscles? If so, then make way for these skeleton feet. They're molded to look like your feet bones so you don't have to get out the X-ray machine to see what's going on inside there."
Price: 19.99

Adult Wolf Feet |
"When someone is bit by a werewolf on the next full moon they'll go through some changes. Those changes being an increase in hair, long sharp teeth, and wolf ears. Because once someone is bit by a werewolf they too will become one as well. Now you can go through your own transformation with the help of these great wolf feet."
Price: 28.99

Kids Rotten Flesh Hands |
"If you've been a zombie for awhile now, you're lucky if you've been able to retain all of your limbs. There's just so many ways to lose an arm or a leg when you're thronging around looking for brains to eat. Keep your pristine hands safe with these rotten flesh hand covers. It will totally match the look of your decaying flesh while keeping your real digits covered and concealed!"
Price: 16.99

Child Skull Mask |
"It's probably too expensive to buy an X-Ray machine and follow your kid around trick or treating for his skeleton costume. Using this skull mask is a much more economical and fun solution to making a skeleton outfit, but if you really want that X-Ray machine, then good luck convincing your doctor to let you rent it out for an evening."
Price: 14.99

Child Zombie Mask |
This Halloween you may notice a change in your child. He may start talking less and groaning more and demanding brains instead of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If this happens then you know that you have a little zombie on your hands. So if that is the case just be sure always have some fresh brains in the fridge and keep him from biting other kids.
Price: 14.99

Child Devil Mask |
"Got a little demon at home? Maybe you'd like them to be a little more subdued around the house. Maybe giving them a night as a wicked Devil will help them get the shenanigans out of their system. If being a satanic specter doesn't do the trick, you could always arrange for an exorcism on November 1st..."
Price: 14.99

Child Mimezack Mask |
"This isn't your everyday circus clown that jumps out of a tiny car and throws pies at people. This is the kind of clown that goes around with a butcher knife and goes on a mad rampage across the city. One look at this clown mask and those few people that actually find clowns to be kind of funny, probably won't step foot inside a circus ever again."
Price: 16.99

Child Scary Mummy Mask |
"is your kiddo looking to channel some old school Egyptian terror? The mummies won't be trapped in the pyramid anymore when they have this mask. Complete with fabric mummy wrap, you can add a simple costume and they'll be giving pharaohs a fright all night!"
Price: 19.99

Child Witch Mask |
"Your kid is just too cute to be a terrifying witch, we know. That's why we have this witch mask just waiting to go. Why should your child be denied the opportunity to scare innocent people trick or treating just because of a cute face?"
Price: 19.99

Serial Killer Clown Mask |
"If you ™re alone on a deserted road and someone wearing the Serial Killer Clown Mask walks up to you for any reason what so ever, do not entertain them. You have been warned."
Price: 14.99

Slashed Serial Killer Mask |
Someone took a knife to his face and it shows. We ™re not sure if we should feel sorry for this guy or run from him. I guess having the name Slashed Serial Killer Mask would make you want to run �then again....
Price: 14.99

Deadly Silence Mask |
"You ™ll terrify others and yourself once you ™re inside the Deadly Silence Mask. From the gruesome head boils to the melted mouth, you ™ll shock any onlooker seeking a closer look. If you find yourself afraid remember it ™s just a mask �we think."
Price: 44.99

Uzzath Devil Mask |
"My question is, why is he drooling? I get that he ™s an evil demon from the depths of hell but drool? Come on � watch out guys he may spit on you. If you want to wear this Uzzath Devil Mask and walk around with spittle on your face, that ™s totally up to you."
Price: 38.99

Mime Zack Mask |
"Terrify on lookers with this Mime Zack Mask. Act out each victim ™s death as you smile devilishly watching as horror and panic rise within their eyes. Don ™t forget, you ™re the reason people are afraid of clowns."
Price: 44.99

Farkasz Mask |
"If my teeth looked like that,I ™d rush to a dentist pronto! But when you ™re half man, half werewolf, you don ™t have time to think about dental hygiene. Do us �er me � a favor if you wear the Farkasz Mask, promise to brush your teeth."
Price: 54.99
