Jingle Jangle Clown Mask |
"Don't you dare call him a jester! You'll be sorry if you do. He is adamant about being called by his first name: Jingle Jangle. If you hear the high-pitched ringing of bells, you should probably just start to run...fast!"
Price: 48.99

Dammy the Clown Mask |
"You're looking for Bozo? Oh, sorry. Dammy 'got rid' of Bozo. He doesn't wish to disclose any further information. If you have an intense fear of clowns we would suggest that this is not the mask for you. In fact, you don't want to look at it for more than 5 seconds because you'll have nightmares!"
Price: 48.99

Brains! Zombie Mask |
"After this mask spent a week in our testing department, we affectionately began to refer to the wearer as Larry. While Larry is indeed a full blown zombie, he demonstrates caring and affection that are rarely seen in the undead. He'd be down to hang out during lunch even if brains weren't on the menu, and he was actually surprisingly good at Mariokart in the break room! When we finally had to return the sample mask, we were pretty bummed that we wouldn't get to hang out with Larry anymore..."
Price: 38.99

Rotten Gums Zombie Mask |
"Periodontal disease is a major concern of zombies worldwide. The constant gnawing on human flesh plus the inability to maintain oral hygiene for the undead leads to rapid oral decay. it's not uncommon to see quite a few zombies who have lost their entire jaw! If you are looking for a classic zombie look add this mask to your costume. While you won't be able to eat with it on, you will be able to seamlessly blend into a pack of walkers!"
Price: 38.99

Pretty Zombie Woman Mask |
"Since zombies are essentially dead (technically undead, but we won't get into the details) they really don't have much interest in the opposite sex. And really the only time they get to interact and meet others is when they're sharing the flesh of a fresh cadaver. All the same we're sure your good looks in this mask will be appreciated by both the living and that not-so-living. One half of your face will look remarkably intact, and the other half? Not so much...."
Price: 38.99

Metal 'Stein Monster Mask |
Metal 'Stein was one of the later creations of the famous monster maker. Like his brothers he was assembled from various cadaver parts but was upgraded with metal pieces to be the most ferocious monster of them all. The poor villagers will be in for a terror of rage and metal fury when you wear this realistic costume mask!
Price: 48.99

Scary Inquisitor Armor Mask |
"Vanquish all of your foes on the battlefield with this Armor Mask! Your opponents might have serious battle cred, but they don't fight for the red knights of the north. Known for your full cover masks, the red knights employ their horse mounted tactics to quell insurgency into their native lands. Represent your people with valor and keep your good looks intact with this great mask!"
Price: 24.99

Mandible Viking Warrior Mask |
This viking has been to hell and back... literally. Now he is the most gruesome of all gladiators. He has no problem picking up an axe and chopping anyone to bits who dares to stand in his way. Become the maniacal ancient warrior when you wear this Mandible Viking Warrior Mask.
Price: 24.99

Cthulhu Adult Mask |
"Summoning the Great Cthulhu with the Ancient Ones might sound like a good idea in theory, but no one REALLY knows what's going to happen when he wakes from his slumber. We don't want to find out, so we suggest that if you really must see the Evil One, who has been around since ancient times, please just use this Cthulhu mask and look in the mirror. It's much safer for all of humanity if you let old octopus-face keep sleeping."
Price: 44.99

Pudgy Pig Adult Mask |
"Do you know why this silly swine has a huge smile on his face? He just finished going 'wee wee wee' all the way home! This Pudgy Pig is grinning ear to ear because he just got done splashing in the mud or leaving a smelly surprise in the chicken coop. We can't quite put our finger on why, but we can't keep our eyes off of this goofy looking piglet."
Price: 34.99

The Eye Adult Mask |
"With this mask, you're sure to see EVERYTHING that's going on at the party. Melinda trying to swipe some cookies? Yeah she's not getting away with that. Donnie talking to his ex? We don't think his wife's going to be too pleased. And Eduardo? Don't even get us started on ol Eddie! The only worry you're going to have with this fun mask is what to do with all of the secrets you acquire..."
Price: 38.99

Trash Can Adult Mask |
"Maybe you love trash. Maybe you've sometimes used a trash bin as a hiding place. Or maybe you just want a funny, offbeat mask. In any of these cases, this Trash Can Adult Mask is ideal. Get in touch with your inner grouch!"
Price: 38.99

The Toilet Adult Mask |
"Do you have a potty mouth? This toilet mask for adults takes that concept to a whole new level. It gives the illusion that your head is actually in the toilet, so by extension it should be no surprise if your language is a bit crude. After all people don't really realize how much crap you have to put up with on a daily basis. We're sure you're keeping a lid on it as well as can be expected."
Price: 48.99

Creepy Clown Adult Mask |
"We WANTED to call this the Super Freaky Gives Your Children Nightmares For the Rest of Their Lives Demon Clown Mask. Our Marketing Department told us that we'd have a hard time selling something with such a long name, so we shortened it to Creepy Clown Adult Mask. (Feel free to call it the Super Freaky Gives Your Children Nightmares For the Rest of Their Lives Demon Clown Mask though)."
Price: 38.99

Toxic Zombie Adult Mask |
"You thought that the hazmat suit would be good protection from the new virus, but that was before that zombie took a big ol' bite out of your arm. Now you're one of them, and your only concern is your next meal. Sneak up on the unsuspecting humans with this awesome mask. Pair it with a hazmat suit or create a look all your own... and of course eat sweet, sweet human flesh!"
Price: 38.99

Area 51 Alien Adult Mask |
"For many years the U.S. government denied that Area 51 even existed. Now its existence is acknowledged, but the activities carried out there are classified. So that remote patch of the Mojave Desert in southern Nevada remains shrouded in mystery and still provides ample fodder for conspiracy theorists. If you're one of those theorists, or want to make fun of them, get this Area 51 Alien Adult Mask. Show everyone that aliens really do exist among us!"
Price: 38.99

Brutal Waldhar Warrior Adult Mask |
"Transform yourself into a tortured soul who never left the battlefield of medieval times in this Brutal Waldhar Warrior mask for adults. This highly detailed, frightening mask is covered with gory blood splatters, has a mouth frozen in a cry of pain and inflamed stitching on the face. It will make any soldier costume into a haunted soldier costume that will be terrible to behold."
Price: 48.99

Green GP-5 Gas Mask |
"The Cold War may be in the past and you may not have a need for a real gas mask, but they sure do look cool. This one might not be the exact model from World War II, but it does have that nuclear apocalypse kind of look to it, which fits any sort of post-world destruction costume."
Price: 28.99

Black GP-5 Gas Mask |
Need something to protect yourself from radiation? Not looking to be a mutant any time soon? Well put this Black GP-5 Gas Mask on to protect yourself. We hear mustard gas can be a doozy!
Price: 28.99

Demon Balam Adult Mask |
"Want to become a prince of Hell? This mask will give you that authentic demon from hell look. With a face like this, you'll have no problem commanding legions of warrior demons. The only question will be what are you going to take over with your army... Heaven? Rhode Island? The local American Legion? The choice will be yours with this scary Balam mask!"
Price: 48.99

Blue Oni Demon Adult Mask |
"Western fairy tales have ogres, trolls and bogeymen. Middle Eastern tales have jinni. In Japan, they have oni, which can come in many colors. Wear this Blue Oni Demon Adult Mask and become a video game monster or perhaps just a mischievous demon. Add a twist to any Japanese costume!"
Price: 28.99

Green Benjamin Franklin Adult Mask |
"Stop working for the benjamins and become the face of one instead! This Green Benjamin Franklin Adult Mask is a look that everyone will instantly recognize. You'll probably have to deal with a bunch of people trying to use you as currency, or asking you to pick up the tab since you're made out of money. But don't sweat it. Just use your favorite Ben Franklin quote, A penny saved is a penny earned."
Price: 28.99

Happy Pug Adult Mask |
"What makes a pug happy? Is it tennis balls? Is it treats? Is it going for walkies? Is it chasing cats? Is it barking at the mailman? Is it a hamburger, dropped carelessly on the floor? We're not really sure, but this Happy Pug Adult Mask lets you get inside the head of a dog to find out."
Price: 28.99

Cute Cat Adult Mask |
"If you think that this cat is peering into your soul, you're probably right. This cat is staring at you with intent because he a) wants you to pet him b) give him some treats or c) be his faithful servant forever. We are willing to bet that it is d) all of the above!"
Price: 28.99

Raw Turkey Adult Mask |
"If you've been called a turkey before, this is your chance to own up to the moniker. Imagine the faces of your friends and family when you show up to thanksgiving in this mask! With a look this hilarious, you'll be cutting off any jokes at the pass. You might have to take off the mask to watch football and you definitely will to eat your dinner, but hopefully you won't have to talk to your annoying in-laws. Wear this raw turkey mask for t-day or make a creative look for any costumed event!"
Price: 34.99

Resin Cranium Prop |
"Do you ever get the urge to break into the Hamlet soliloquy you memorized in college? You know what they say, you either use it or you lose it and you can't let all those hours of rehearsing Hamlet go to waste! Use this Resin Cranium Prop to get into character once again. You'll be prepared to break a leg when the imaginary curtains rise on your pretend opening night."
Price: 19.99
