Darth Vader Action Suit Dress Up Set |
"Now, becoming a Sith Lord from Star Wars doesn't even require getting cybernetic body alterations! This Darth Vader Action Suit Dress Up Set comes with everything your child needs to become Emperor Palpatine's number one enforcer. (You've been training him the Dark Side of the Force, right?)"
Price: 16.99

Batman Accessory Dress Up Set |
"Batman has a lot of gadgets and accessories. It's kind of hard for any young hero to get started in the Batman business without investing millions of dollars into tech. This Batman Accessory Dress Up Set makes taking that leap into the superhero game that much easier! It comes with a cape, mask and Batarangs. (We're still working on getting that Bat-shark repellent spray)."
Price: 12.99

Wonder Woman Purse |
"Even Wonder Woman needs to carry a few essentials with her when she's at a party! You know, stuff like her keys, some gum, a little cash and maybe her golden lasso. That's why if you plan on being Wonder Woman for the night, you should gear up just her with this specially designed superhero purse."
Price: 9.99

Superman Costume Accessory Dress Up Set |
"What does it take to be Superman? Courage, determination, and being born on planet Krypton? Until now we believed these things were the only path toward becoming the Man of Steel. We were wrong. This Superman Costume Accessory Dress Up Set includes everything your little superhero needs. Earth-born kids who become superheros are bound to put the rest to shame!"
Price: 12.99

Catwoman Action Suit Dress Up Set |
"This Catwoman dress up set will let her begin her career of a vigilante superhero in the DC universe. Not sure that she's quite ready for that? Totally cool. Get her this fun dress up set, and she can just pretend to be Gotham's most notorious cat-burglar. We're sure she'll enjoy the mischievousness that the one and only Catwoman can bring to a situation (but if your neighbor's pearls happen to go missing, you'll know where to start the search)."
Price: 16.99

Stormtrooper Costume Dress Up Set |
"Not every kid wants to grow up to be Luke Skywalker. Sure, the guy gets to use a lightsaber and he becomes a Jedi Knight, but who wants to wear a dress all day? Stormtroopers get to wear sweet armor, shoot things with blasters and we've heard that the Empire has a pretty sweet benefits package for all of its enlisted men. This Stormtrooper Costume Dress Up Set puts your child on the career track in the Empire!"
Price: 16.99

Star Lord Costume Dress Up Set |
"Do you have plans to meet up with Drax, Gamora, Groot, and of course that spirited raccoon, Rocket? If so, you'd better show up in this Star Lord Costume Dress Up Set because you never know when you'll run into Ronan the Accuser and Nebula. Word in outer space is... they're looking for you!"
Price: 16.99

Child Darth Vader Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
Give your child the power of the dark side with this dress up set. He'll instantly be ready to go Darth Vader. What are you going to do with a miniature Vader by your side? Well let's just say that you won't have any problems keeping planets (and other parents) in check. Nobody wants to have to deal with a force choke hold from a five year old...
Price: 28.99

Stormtrooper Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"How do you know if it's a good day to dress up as a Stormtrooper? Actually that was a trick question, because of course every day is a good day to become one of the elite soldiers of the Empire. If your little Star Wars fan can't get enough of his favorite characters, then do the right thing and outfit him with the gear to become those characters. Just remind him that he takes orders from you, not Darth Vader."
Price: 28.99

Ezra Bridger Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"One part young Han Solo and one part Luke Skywalker, Ezra Bridger combines the worlds of smug scoundrels with Jedi powers, and the result is amazing for Star Wars fans everywhere! This Star Wars Rebels Dress Up Box Set gives your kid the opportunity to be the hero, Ezra, from the cartoon series. Now, if he starts talking about the force and lightsabers and finding a trainer, it's up to you if you want to send them off to Dagobah!"
Price: 28.99

The Inquisitor Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"Make the Jedi go bye-bye! You'll look like the infamous Jedi hunter when you don this The Inquisitor Muscle Chest costume. This Star Wars Box Set comes with everything you need to track down the Jedi. You'll be subject to answer to Darth Vader, but we're sure you're already aware of that."
Price: 28.99

Iron Man Mark 43 Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"Tony Stark puts his Mark 43 suit to good use in battling villains of all sort. But the actual suit can be a little bit cumbersome... That's why we're glad there's this dress up box set! Your child can employ all of the benefits of an Iron Man suit, but with the added comfort of his own jeans or sweats. And that could turn out to be pretty beneficial when he's running around the neighborhood battling the newest threats to the local playground."
Price: 28.99

Captain America Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"If he is going to fight to make the world a better place, then you should know that this isn't a part time gig. To be Captain America he's going to need a uniform that he can put on anytime, at a moments notice, so that he's ready to help where he is needed. With this Captain America Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set he might not be heading off to thwart covert military operations, but we're pretty sure he can handle clearing the dinner table or walking the dog. And in our everyday lives, that kind of superhero can be a bigger deal than the movie kind!"
Price: 28.99

Incredible Hulk Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"Are you in dire need to look like you have superhuman strength? Boy, have we got the box set for you. This Incredible Hulk Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set comes with the green muscles plus the mean grimace that is essential to become the Hulk. You will go from looking like Bruce Banner to suddenly having the urge to smash everything in sight."
Price: 28.99

Vision Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"Never trust a robot. We've been saying it for years. As soon as it gets some Artificial Intelligence it'll start making evil plots involving the destruction of mankind. We'll give The Vision from the Avengers a pass, though. He's the only robot willing to protect mankind from bad guys like Ultron. Plus, he has a cape, so you know he's a good guy. This Vision Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set includes everything your kid needs to transform into the Age of Ultron superhero."
Price: 28.99

Ultron Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"Your child can become the powerful robot being that wants to wipe humanity off the face of the earth in this Ultron Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set. Whenever the urge comes over him to transform into a powerful artificial intelligence with a grudge against the Avengers, this dress up kit will make sure that can happen. Everyone has their bouts of god complex now and again."
Price: 28.99

Thor Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"Finally there's a way to combat all of the enemies of Asgard without having to be a true descendant of Odin. Just suit your little warrior up in this Thor dress up box set! With faux muscle effects, he'll feel like a strong and powerful hero, even if his muscles are still growing. Give him a magical hammer and he'll be able to take on whatever villains dare to cross him!"
Price: 28.99

Spider-Man Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"Why would anyone think that being a 'human mutant' is a bad thing? Sure, with great power comes great responsibility, but if you put your mind to it, you can totally handle that responsibility. Swinging from buildings and shooting webs from your wrists sounds like a fantastic time to us. It's easy to see why anyone would want to be the Amazing Spider-Man, and now you can look just like him. Just put on the contents of this Spider-Man Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set and go after the evil Doctor Octopus."
Price: 28.99

Batman Unlimited Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"There are a few things that all kids need when beginning their superhero careers. They need a super uniform for one. They also need super skills, a sense of responsibility that compels them to right the injustices of the world and usually a tragic origin story to explain why they've decided to dedicate their life to this unique cause. We can't help with the origin story stuff or grant super powers but we do have this Batman Unlimited Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set. It will mean having a uniform ready to go whenever your little hero is called into action. And hey, maybe at this age looking the part is enough. You know, one step at a time."
Price: 28.99

Batman Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"Some people think that it takes millions of dollars worth of gadgets and intense martial arts training to become the Dark Knight. Others think it requires a tragic back story and some villains. We think it just takes this Batman Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set and a pretty good imagination. Your kid already has the imagination for it, he just needs a little Bruce Wayne style to get him through the night!"
Price: 28.99

Superman Classic Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"Sometimes you need to be a superhero at a moment's notice. Actually, most times all you have is a moment's notice to transform from regular Joe into a superhero. That's where this Superman Classic Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set comes in handy. Just zoom into the play room, dress up, and start saving folks and beating bad guys. This box set will give you enough muscles so you can do any superhero activity imaginable!"
Price: 28.99

Hulk Buster Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"When Hulk gets mad, things get smashed. That's okay when it's the bad guys, but when he starts smashing the good guys, someone needs to put him in his place. Thor could probably handle it, but Tony Stark always wants to be in on the action. This Hulk Buster box set includes everything your child needs to transform himself into Iron Man's newest armor set, designed specifically for taking on Bruce Banner when he has a tantrum."
Price: 28.99

Superman Man of Steel Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set |
"This Superman Man of Steel Muscle Chest Dress Up Box Set includes all of the muscle your little guy will need to look super. With this guy on the job, you'll feel as though the world just became a little safer. Just remember he has an early bed time on school nights, because after it's lights out you're on your own."
Price: 28.99

Darth Vader Costume Accessory Dress Up Kit |
"Standing in front of the fan saying, Luke, I am your father, is certainly one way for your child to pretend that he's Darth Vader... but another, better, way to do it is with this Darth Vader Costume Accessory Dress Up Kit. It comes with everything he needs to begin his new life as the most feared man in the galaxy far, far away!"
Price: 19.99

Gandalf Adventurers Suit Dress Up Set |
"It's the costume that rules them all! Make your way to Middle Earth or seek out the Lonely Mountain and its wondrous treasure. Just be careful of Smaug tho, he doesn't want to part with any gold! You'll have a blast suiting up with this Gandalf Adventurers Dress Up Set. If you come across the One Ring, be wary of the power it possesses...."
Price: 16.99

Toddler Wonder Woman Tutu Set |
Your girl is going to be ready to fight any bad guy when she wears this Wonder Woman costume tutu set. Those super villains won't even know what hit them.
Price: 24.99
