Barbie Trick or Treat Bag |
"If your child is a Barbie girl, when it comes to collecting candy nothing else will do. This Barbie trick or treat bag is pink, making it the obvious choice for any girl who considers Barbie a fashion icon."
Price: 3.99

TMNT Leonardo Katana |
Leo never goes anywhere unarmed--and his weapon of choice is this TMNT Leonardo Katana! It's essential if you're going to lead your brothers into battle against the Foot Clan.
Price: 11.99

TMNT Donatello Bo Staff |
"Got a Shredder problem? Do Fishface and Dogpound come around your neighborhood, looking for trouble? We have the ultimate solution for you! It's called bo staff. It thwacks, clobbers and ka-pows! Just put this thing in the hands of any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and watch it in action. For best results, give it to your kid while he's dressed up in Donatello gear!"
Price: 14.99

TMNT Raphael Sai Swords |
"Become your favorite hero in a half-shell when you add these TMNT Raphael Sai Swords to your Raphael costume! And as a bonus, when you're not fighting bad guys, they work as pizza forks, too."
Price: 7.99

TMNT Michelangelo Nunchucks |
"Cowabunga, dude! Are you ready to grapple? These TMNT Michelangelo Nunchucks. Team up with the turtle brothers and get ready to kick some butt! Start practicing wielding these cool nunchuks so you can take on The Shredder, and defeat him once and for all!"
Price: 8.99

PVC Stormtrooper Mask |
"Maybe back in the days of the Republic, joining the military was pretty hard. You had to be a clone of some guy named Jango. Then you had to train for years in a toughened training facility on Kamino. Nowadays, you just need to put on one of these masks and jump into rank in file on the Death Star. That's really all it takes. Be warned, that you might be ordered to chase after a Jedi Knight and his Rebel friends. You're cool with that, right?"
Price: 9.99

Green Arrow Bow and Arrow Set |
"You've got an understanding of good versus evil. You have that heroic streak that's gone untapped for far too long. You even found this cool green hood to fulfill that whole 'mysterious vigilante' look you're going for... but something is STILL missing? Oh yeah! If you're really going to become Green Arrow, like Mr. Oliver Queen, then you have to have a bow and arrow! Luckily, we got what you need with this set! Starling City (or wherever you might be from) is going to have a new hero on their hands when you loose another arrow in the name of sweet JUSTICE!"
Price: 19.99

Women's Red Leggings |
"Do your legs have a fiery red attitude not properly expressed by the bland color of a lot of leggings style? These Women's Red Leggings do! They stretch to fit and add a bright style to your legs. You can pair them up with your costume, or just wear them out every day! (You can also try wearing them on your arms, but we don't recommend that)."
Price: 14.99

Women's Blue Leggings |
"Are you blue da ba dee dabba da-ee? No? How about just your legs? If you wear these Women's Blue Leggings you can answer that question with a resounding, YES! Slip them on with any costume that's blue-friendly and you'll be ready to show off those legs!"
Price: 14.99

Women's Green Leggings |
"Are your legs just not green enough? You could try scribbling on them with a magic marker, but that doesn't really wash off easily. We suggest using these Women's Green Leggings to add some emerald color to your gams. Your legs will be happy to have some extra color in their lives!"
Price: 14.99

Women's Yellow Leggings |
"Are you feeling a little yellow? Awesome! Yellow is the color of sunshine and happiness, so these Women's Yellow Leggings are a great way to help project your mood from your legs. It also goes great with tons of different costume, but that's really a side benefit!"
Price: 14.99

Women's Purple Leggings |
"Whoa! Long purple legs are extremely attractive! We had no idea that the color purple would make legs look so long and skinny. Not to mention, these leggings are soft and sleek. You can use them to complete a costume or just wear them when you want to be comfy, yet stylish."
Price: 14.99

Women's White Leggings |
"Some ladies may be a little skeptical when it come to wearing white pants, but not you! You're daring, adventures, and you take risks especially when it comes to fashion! Show off your ability to take fashion risks when you rock these Women's White Leggings."
Price: 14.99

Wonder Woman Thigh High Stockings |
"Stockings complete an outfit! These Wonder Woman Thigh High Stockings will complete many different Wonder Woman ensembles, whether its an officially licensed costume or you just decide to wear a costume tee!"
Price: 12.99

Wonder Woman Cape |
"When you see the W on back, you know what to expect. Expect to see a woman who has it all and can do it all. Yup, that's why they refer to her as Wonder Woman, the one and only! You'll feel like you can do just about anything when you wear this Wonder Woman Cape."
Price: 12.99

Batgirl Thigh Highs |
Wear this pair of Batgirl thigh high stockings to put the finishing touch on your sexy superhero costume! They have the official Batman logo on top so the Joker and his henchmen better watch out because those legs are ready to kick some butt!
Price: 12.99

Batgirl Cape |
"Don't even think about suiting up as Batgirl without the right accessories. Of course at the top of the list should be the cape. A super hero without her cape is, well, just not super enough! Help out Batman or start your own Gotham adventure when you add this accessory to your costume."
Price: 12.99

Deluxe Adult Black Widow Wig |
"Being a super secret spy for S.H.I.E.L.D. can be tough. Not only do you need to have some killer martial arts moves in your repertoire, but you also need to have perfect hair all the time. This Deluxe Adult Black Widow Wig gives you the do of Natasha Romanoff from the The Avengers: Age of Ultron, so you can focus on learning your sweet superhero moves."
Price: 28.99

Rocket Raccoon Inflatable Weapon |
"Some superheroes have super-strength. Others have the ability to fly. Rocket just has a really big gun. You probably can't get away with hauling a giant hand cannon around with you wherever you go, but this Rocket Raccoon Inflatable Weapon is a completely acceptable option. It's from the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, but it's a toy! It had all the look of a deadly space gun, but the Nova Corps won't have to charge you with anything for being in possession of it."
Price: 14.99

White Vampire Fangs |
"The secret to being a vampire? We could tell you that it has to do with being weak to sunlight, garlic and crosses, or that you have to drinks tons of blood. Or we could even tell you that the secret is living inside a giant creepy castle. The truth is, it's all about having a set of sharp fangs. That's it. Pretty much everything else about vampires is just a rumor."
Price: 0.99

Fred Flintstone Adult PVC Mask |
"Everybody wishes they could go back to a simpler time, when a woolly mammoth washed your dishes and you could have a dinosaur for a pet. We're working on both of those things, but it turns out genetically engineering mammoths that can wash your dishes is a lot harder than we anticipated. We can, however, offer you this Fred Flintstone mask, which brings a little bit of Bedrock back from the past."
Price: 5.99

Wilma Flintstone Adult PVC Mask |
"If you ever dreamed of being married to Fred Flintstone, then here's your chance. When you wear this licensed mask, you can head to his house in Bedrock and he'll totally think you're his wife. Of course, you may run into a bit of trouble when the real Wilma comes home."
Price: 5.99

Adult Economy Queen Amidala Mask |
This adult Queen Amidala mask is an inexpensive option for playing your favorite Star Wars characters.
Price: 0.99

Child Economy Queen Amidala Mask |
She can assume the role of Queen Amidala with this inexpensive Star Wars mask for kids.
Price: 0.99

Grouchy Smurf Mask |
Become the Smurf who is an eternal pessimist in this licensed Grouchy Smurf mask. The face features a pair of severe looking eye brows to give you a classic Grouchy look.
Price: 16.99

Papa Smurf Mask |
"Being the head honcho of Smurf Village takes a lot of patience and wisdom. It also takes a red hat, instead of the normal white hat. Of course, it also takes a blue face and white beard, both of which can be more of a challenge. This mask comes with all those things, so you can be the man of the village with ease."
Price: 16.99
