12 American Dream Glitter Shield |
"Super villains have a lot of nasty tricks up their sleeves, which is why you should head into any situation fully prepared. From Dijon mustard to crazy death rays, Captain America's shield can deflect pretty much anything a bad guy throws at him and this one was designed to look just like it! This 12 American Dream Glitter Shield has the signature design seen on Shannon Carter's shield. It's not made of adamantium or vibranium, but it will still deflect mustard fine!"
Price: 16.99

Child Hawkeye Avengers 2 Gauntlets |
"Fighting Ultron is going to take all the trick arrows you've got, so don't forget to gear up your hands like a hero. These gloves come straight from Hawkeye's look from Avengers: Age of Ultron."
Price: 8.99

Child Avengers 2 Iron Man Hulk Buster Gloves |
"The answer is, yes, Iron Man seems to be fighting Hulk in the new Age of Ultron movie. The question is why, and is Tony Stark actually wearing that Hulk-Buster armor, or not? We'll all have to see the movie to find out. Meanwhile, these Child Avengers 2 Iron Man Hulk Buster Gloves will complete your newest Iron Man costume!"
Price: 12.99

Child Hulk Avengers 2 Gloves |
"Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands, and by your own hands we mean Hulk's hands. His hands are giant and green and he uses them for hulk smashing. Use these Child Hulk Avengers 2 Gloves to stop Ultron like in the new movie Avengers: Age of Ultron!"
Price: 12.99

Child Iron Man Avengers 2 Gloves |
"Repulsor technology is a Stark original. Where would he be without it? He'd have to go back to the old way of making toast in the morning... and who wants to do that? Certainly not the smartest and richest guy in the world. So, if you want to be just like Iron Man and Tony, you'll need these Avengers 2 Gloves. Okay, they don't actually get hot or shoot lasers, but they'll complete your look so you can be the Marvel hero from head to toe."
Price: 9.99

Child Thor Avengers 2 Wrist Guards |
"If your child dreams of riding the Bifrost from Earth to Asgard, outfit him just like Thor. That way he'll be able to battle whatever foes he encounters! Equip him with this costume wrist guards, and he'll have a look just like Thor from the Age of Ultron. He has big shoes to fill, but we think your child is up to the task!"
Price: 9.99

Child Avengers 2 UItron Gloves |
"From Ultron's point of view, it's simple. The way to ensure world peace is to eliminate the biggest source of violence. From humanity's point of view, that's a problem. Because the biggest source of violence is ...humanity! If your child wants to become Ultron, be sure to get these Child Avengers 2 UItron Gloves to complete the costume. Then he'll be ready to take on Earth's greatest heroes!"
Price: 9.99

Child Vision Avengers 2 Gloves |
"Is your child having problems picking up the hammer of Thor? In Age of Ultron, The Vision seemed to have no problem lifting it, so we think it has something to do with the android superhero's hands. These Child Vision Avengers 2 Gloves have a look straight from the movie, so your kid may just be able to increase his chances of lifting that hammer."
Price: 9.99

Adult Black Widow Avengers 2 Gloves |
"Black Widow shouldn't have to get her hands dirty in order to prove her worth as a member of the Avengers. And we aren't referring to her fighting, she can and should take down all of the bad guys she can. We just think she should literally keep her hands clean with a pair of gloves. Even if she doesn't, you can with this pair of Black Widow Gloves from the Avengers 2 movie."
Price: 12.99

Adult Hawkeye Avengers 2 Gauntlets |
Do you know what doesn't make sense? Expecting Hawkeye to face off against an alien army without the proper gear. Make sure you are fully outfitted to assist your fellow Avengers by completing your look with a pair of Hawkeye gauntlets straight from the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Price: 9.99

Adult Hulk Buster Avengers 2 Gloves |
"When the Hulk goes crazy, you're going to need some seriously tough hands to stop him! These Hulk Buster gloves come straight from the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie and although they might not actually give your hands any superpowers, they do make them look pretty cool."
Price: 16.99

Adult Hulk Avengers 2 Gloves |
"Whether you have to take down Ultron or even Iron Man, these Adult Hulk Avengers 2 Gloves will make you feel as powerful as the Hulk himself. Since you will be entering the Age of Ultron, we really recommend that you pick up these sweet gloves. There will be a lot of tough battles coming your way."
Price: 16.99

Hulk Avengers 2 Makeup Kit |
"Since you don't have Gamma radiation coursing through your veins, you're probably not green like the Hulk. But that's a good thing, trust us. You don't want to be green all the time! Just some of the time... and that's exactly what this Age of Ultron Hulk makeup kit will allow you to do. When you get this kit, you can look green, mean, and Hulked up, but none of those man vs monster duality issues. Whew!"
Price: 4.99

Adult Iron Man Avengers 2 Gloves |
"If Iron Man isn't wearing his gloves, he can't fire his replusor beams. And that could be a bit of a problem when he has to battle Ultron! Don't suit up as a hero without the right equipment. These gloves will complete your costume look, and have you looking like you just jumped off the screen from Avengers 2: Age of Ultron."
Price: 12.99

Tony Stark Iron Man Mustache & Goatee |
"Tony Stark has invented many amazing things, and he thinks Ultron just might be his biggest achievement yet. Well, Ultron is big, all right. But things don't go quite as Tony meant them to go, and the Avengers are faced with their greatest challenge yet. Become Iron Man and help to overcome Ultron, and look the part with this Tony Stark Iron Man Mustache & Goatee!"
Price: 12.99

Adult Thor Avengers 2 Gauntlets |
Do you have the hands of a thunder god? Why not treat them like the hands of a thunder god with these Thor gauntlets from Avengers: Age of Ultron? They're designed to look like the ones worn by Chris Hemsworth in the movie.
Price: 12.99

Adult Ultron Avengers 2 Gloves |
"Ultron can't stand The Avengers. He's hellbent on raising a war against them and won't stop until they're completely demolished. Oh, we forgot to mention he's also looking to vanquish all humans. Will it really be the Age of Ultron? Pair these Adult Ultron Avengers 2 Gloves with an Ultron costume."
Price: 12.99

Adult Vision Avengers 2 Gloves |
"Want to kick (or punch) some Ultron butt? Most superheroes do, but without the right handwear, it's downright dangerous! These Adult Vision Avengers 2 Gloves will give you a hand. They make your hands look like the androids hand and you don't even need an infinity stone to use them. You just slip them on your hands and you're ready to go!"
Price: 12.99

Star Wars Boba Fett Blaster |
"Imagine this. You've tracked down the most wanted man in all the galaxy for months. You've got him cornered in a back-alley on Coruscant. Then, you politely ask him to come with you, so you can take him to Jabba the Hutt so you can collect the bounty on his head. He'll probably just laugh in your face and draw his blaster. Of course, when you have this Star Wars Boba Fett Blaster aimed at him when you ask him politely, he'll probably comply. That's why no bounty hunter outfit is complete without a blaster at your side."
Price: 24.99

Princess Leia Blaster |
"Han Solo said it best. Hokey religions and ancients weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side. When you have a boatload of Stormtroopers boarding your Tantive IV starship, fumbling around with a lightsaber, just won't do. Of course, real blaster technology hasn't quite been perfected, so this Princess Leia Blaster doesn't actually shoot bolts, but it has the classic look from Star Wars: A New Hope, so it should make those Stormtroopers think twice before barging into your personal quarters."
Price: 14.99

Child Deluxe Robin Cape |
"Whether he's off to fight imaginary bad guys, or just wants to offer your his protection in the aisles of the local grocery store, this Child Deluxe Robin Cape will serve your little superhero well. He'll feel extra important while he's helping you bring the groceries in from the car. It's a win/win for everyone!"
Price: 22.99

Adult Deluxe Batman Cape |
"Take on the villains of Gotham City in style with this Deluxe Batman Cape. Because Batman without is his cape is kind of like... it's like not even trying! When you spend the time and energy to perfecting your Batarang throws, and you just nail that shot and slowly descend to the streets of Gotham, what was it all for if we don't get to see your caped silhouette fluttering against the cityscape? It's the look that both puts fear into the heart of criminals and inspires awe in onlookers. Go on and save Gotham... with this cape!"
Price: 34.99

Adult Deluxe Batgirl Cape |
"Ladies are just as fierce in the comics as any superhero guys will ever be, and for good measure they know how to accessorize for best results. Add this Deluxe Batgirl Cape to your costume and you'll be prepared to take on any bad guys you might face. It's the perfect way to show those baddies that a girl with style can still kick some butt!"
Price: 34.99

Adult Deluxe Robin Cape |
"Batman was all about subtlety. You won't see the a bright, gold bat symbol on the back of his cape. We think Dick Grayson had the right idea though. Once you beat up some bad guys and have them tied up, you want them to remember who took them down as you dash off into the night. That's why this Adult Deluxe Robin Cape is bright with the Boy Wonder's symbol printed on the back. The bad guys know exactly who owned them as they see this cape fluttering in the night."
Price: 34.99

Adult Deluxe Wonder Woman Cape |
"Imagine going through your day, doing things like going to the grocery store and taking the dog for a walk, all while wearing a cape. Your day is going to feel way more exciting and you're going to feel way more fulfilled as a result. All that is possible by incorporating this Adult Deluxe Wonder Woman Cape into your wardrobe. We promise you won't be disappointed."
Price: 34.99

Scooby Doo Candy Bowl Holder |
"What do you do with all your Scooby Snacks? Shaggy and Scoob like to share them with their friends. This Scooby Doo Candy Bowl Holder is proof! It has the Hanna-Barbera cartoon character ready to give your guests some of his favorite snacks. Of course, he can't differentiate between treats and your keys, so whatever you put in his bowl, he might just try to give away to your guests."
Price: 34.99
