Child Dobby Mask |
"Do you wish you had your own house-elf to do all your magical bidding? Well, it turns out they really won't let you have one when you're a muggle, but there's nothing stopping you from having your child wear this Dobby mask, while you order him to do chores around the house. It's not exactly the same as Harry Potter, but at least in this version he won't feel like punishing himself all the time."
Price: 12.99

Vinyl Beavis Mask |
"Remember the days when MTV aired hilarious and edgy programming? Beavis and Butthead remain hilarious after all these years, and now you can actually become your favorite from the show with this Beavis mask! It recreates the look of the character right down to that weird / crazy guy grin. You probably won't suddenly become nachos obsessed once you put it on, but we're not making any promises, either..."
Price: 19.99

Vinyl Butthead Mask |
"Nobody actually looks like Butthead. He's one of a kind! Whether that's a good thing or not, we don't know, but you can totally become one member of the duo from Beavis and Butthead with this mask! Luckily, you can pull it off whenever you want and be right back to your beautiful self. Watching music videos with your friends and making fun of everything that's happening is still fine, though. You don't need a mask for that!"
Price: 19.99

Arkham City Joker Mask |
"Something really needs to be done about Gotham's prison rehabilitation system. It seems that they can't keep any criminal in there for very long, before they're out terrorizing the innocent. Look at the Joker. Every other week the guy is out stealing from banks and blowing things up. The moral of the story is, even if you get caught by Batman, if you're wearing this Joker mask, you'll probably get in a week. At least, that's what we've put together about Gotham's criminal justice system."
Price: 17.99

Batgirl Costume Set |
"When Batman finds himself in a situation that goes over his head there is only one girl he calls on, Batgirl. She will be there as quick as she can on her Bat-Cycle. Once there she can take on any baddie that Gotham City could throw at them. Now your little girl can become a mighty superhero in this great DC Comics t-shirt costume."
Price: 18.99

Supergirl Costume Set |
At any time in Metropolis if you look up in the air you just may see a blonde Kryptonian flying around. That lady goes by the superhero name Supergirl and she loves saving the planet. No matter what the trouble is she is there to make sure that good will win over evil. Now your little girl can become the coolest superhero ever in this great t-shirt costume.
Price: 18.99

Bane Child Mask |
"Is your child a budding villainous mastermind? Does he have dreams of eradicating Gotham City from the planet with a fusion bomb? Does he has a growing army of followers who will do anything he asks with complete and unquestioning loyalty? Then it's time to make it official with the mask of Batman's greatest foe, Bane."
Price: 14.99

Child Batman 3/4 Mask |
"There are plenty of things Batman leaves at home when he goes out crime fighting, like his toothpaste, his hair gel and his collection of Faberge eggs. There is, however, one thing that he never leaves home without and that's his mask. He doesn't need all those crazed villains and gangsters to know that he's really Bruce Wayne on his days off. One night of crime fighting without it and all the villains will be ding-dong ditching Wayne Manor the very next morning."
Price: 14.99

Child Batman Full Mask |
"If you've noticed your child practicing his martial arts moves in the living room, or throwing his own makeshift Batarangs across the house, don't be surprised. He's just training to be the next Batman. Now, Bruce Wayne didn't have anyone but Alfred to help him out, but since you ARE there to give your kid a hand, how about helping him protect his identity while he's out fighting the criminals of Gotham City with a licensed Dark Knight Rises Mask. Sure, it might not be a Batmobile, but it's a start."
Price: 18.99

Child Affordable Batman Mask |
"We know your child wants to get into the superhero game, saving the day and fighting bad guys, but you can't just send him off to Gotham City without a mask. Trust us, you don't want the Joker to know his secret identity. He's the worst prankster in the history of all prankster, so you can bet your home will become his first target. It's a lot easier to avoid the whole mess and just set your little superhero up with a mask to hide his identity from the criminals."
Price: 3.99

Child Scarecrow Mask |
"Being the Scarecrow is about more than just packing some weaponized fear gas with you. It's just as much about the kind of mask you wear while you craft some kind of crazy scheme to keep Batman busy, like teaming up with Ra's al Ghul to infect Gotham City with a fear toxin. That's what separates villains from the real crazies."
Price: 14.99

Bane Adult Mask |
"Cold, deadly and to the point, Bane's methods bring a level of brutality to Gotham that no one, not even Bruce Wayne, could have anticipated. His only really weakness is the mask he wears. Without it, the villain becomes trapped in a prison of unfathomable pain. Good luck to anyone who thinks himself hero enough to attempt taking the mask off - Bane has an arsenal of combat moves that make sure the mask never leaves his face. How exactly does he eat with that thing though?"
Price: 18.99

Adult Batman 3/4 Mask |
"This isn't your daddy's Batman mask. No, really. It's not your dad's mask. This one is designed to look like the one seen in the Dark Knight Rises movie. Go ask your dad if you don't believe us."
Price: 16.99

Deluxe Batman Mask |
"You could do it like Bruce Wayne and have 10,000 masks made up to specification as to not arouse suspicion, but we can do you a solid and keep your secret if you get a Batman mask from us. This one is modeled after the one seen in Batman Begins, so you'll be kicking Falcone butt in no time and they'll have no idea about who you really are behind the mask."
Price: 32.99

Adult Affordable Batman Mask |
"Think you got what it takes to be Batman? Before you go taking a bus to Gotham City to start fighting crime, you might want to pop this licensed mask on your face and train in some martial arts moves. Trust us, when the Joker is all up in your grill, you'll be glad you did."
Price: 4.99

Adult Freddy Fedora |
"Behind all the scars, the frightening claws and the invading of nightmares, Freddy Krueger is, at heart, a man of fashion. This Adult Freddy Fedora is proof. He's studied all the trends of the last few decades and his hat tests well with teens and young adults. They shriek and gasp every time he shows up wearing it. Why, everyone on Elm Street cried bloody murder when they caught site of his fashion statement. They even see it in their dreams at night. Ol' Freddy came to the natural conclusion that they either love it, or are completely terrified by it. Freddy is cool with either one of those and if you want to be like Freddy, you want to wear this hat!"
Price: 12.99

Adult Zorro Hat |
"You might be a skilled master of the sword and a zesty daredevil of a hero, but it takes more than that to be the legendary Spanish Fox, Zorro! Okay, so maybe it really only takes some black clothes and this hat with a Z on the front of it, but it's that tiny bit that makes the difference between dashing hero and lunatic wielding a sword in public."
Price: 19.99

Aviator Helmet and Goggles Set |
"You can't go back in time to become a Word War I pilot, or maybe you can if you have a time machine, but we're going to go ahead and assume that you don't have one of those. What you CAN do is put this aviator helmet and strap on these pilot goggles to make yourself feel like a real pilot. Then, all you have to do is pretend that your bicycle is a Sopwith Dolphin fighter plane."
Price: 8.99

Large Straw Zapato Hat |
"The person who buys this hat should treat it well, I wore it for over two hours before I wrote about it. Seriously...I'll be watching!"
Price: 14.99

Sailor Hat |
"Ah, the sea. She is a cruel mistress to anyone not versed in the ways of the ocean. That could take countless years on the water, but we both know you don't have time for that. We suggest just trying to fool the sea by wearing this sailor's hat. It might just think you're an experienced sailor and treat you with a little respect."
Price: 4.99

Sailor Hat |
"Ah, the sea. She is a cruel mistress to anyone not versed in the ways of the ocean. That could take countless years on the water, but we both know you don't have time for that. We suggest just trying to fool the sea by wearing this sailor's hat. It might just think you're an experienced sailor and treat you with a little respect."
Price: 4.99

Adult Durashape Spanish Hat w/ Pompoms |
"There will be a time in your life when you need a cavalier hat. It might not be today. It might not be tomorrow, but you don't want to stand there unprepared when that moment comes and you realize that you should have gotten this Spanish style hat with pom poms on it."
Price: 8.99

Hillbilly Hat |
"Grab your shotgun and moonshine, it's time for a party. Did you forget your hat? Don't worry, we got one right here for you. It conveniently comes complete with a corn cob pipe and feather, to make sure everyone knows that you're a real mountain man."
Price: 6.99

Adult Durashape Amish Hat |
"Get out that horse and buggy, because it's time to go Amish. Wearing this black hat, it's awfully tempting to head out to Pennsylvania, grow yourself a respectable beard and build some barns. It's also pretty tempting to just wear it to a party, but we'll let you decide what you want to do with it."
Price: 8.99

Adult Pith Helmet |
"Your neighborhood might not be the wild plains of the Serengeti, but it's certainly a wild habitat of sorts. We'd like to know how you've survived there for so long without one of these pith helmets. You just never know when you'll need it to conduct a safari past all your neighbors houses."
Price: 8.99

Child Sonic the Hedgehog Mask |
"Sonic worked carefully with us to craft this awesome replica mask of himself. He had a hard time getting away from from the Emerald Hill Zone, and his ring total took a bit of a hit, but even he'll agree it was worth it... this mask will allow your child to portray to legendary speedster, and it comes with Sonic the Hedgehog's seal of approval!"
Price: 12.99
