Obi Wan Kenobi Adult Clone Wars Costume |
"Battle droids, Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress, when can a Jedi a get break? Not during the Clone Wars, that's for sure. Even when Obi-Wan isn't locked into deadly lightsaber battles, he has to keep his old pupil from staying out of trouble. If only he could fly away to a deserted planet to get a few years to relax, away from all this craziness."
Price: 38.99

Adult Deluxe Obi Wan Kenobi Clone Wars Costume |
"If you get all sorts of strange looks when you practice your super awesome lightsaber moves in public, it's probably just because you don't look enough like a real Jedi. You could go the way of a giant brown robe, like the other Jedi, but sometimes when you try using Soresu Form, it gets a little cumbersome. Nope, you need a set of battle gear that won't get in the way while you practice."
Price: 64.99

Adult Deluxe Blue Clone Trooper Rex Costume |
"Is your combat specialty blasting battle droids to smithereens? That's what Captain Rex's specialty is. Well, that and looking awesome in blue. If you got those two things down, then you can start leading your own squad of troops against the Separatist Army."
Price: 48.99

Adult Deluxe Commander Cody Costume |
"Do you feel like just another drone in the galaxy, like just another clone? Commander Cody never has that problem since he added some sweet yellow streaks to his armor. Now, everyone knows that he's the one on the battlefield mopping up battle droids and not some other Jango Fett clone. If that's the kind of soldier you want to be known as, we have the goods to get you started right here."
Price: 58.99

Adult Deluxe Commander Cody Costume |
"Do you feel like just another drone in the galaxy, like just another clone? Commander Cody never has that problem since he added some sweet yellow streaks to his armor. Now, everyone knows that he's the one on the battlefield mopping up battle droids and not some other Jango Fett clone. If that's the kind of soldier you want to be known as, we have the goods to get you started right here."
Price: 58.99

Sexy Jason Voorhees Costume |
"Every horror movie seems so predictable. Some crazed guy turns maniac and goes around killing the cute girl and the jock with a rusty blade, while the prude is the one who ends up taking the killer down. He inevitably turns up in the sequel. Rinse. Repeat. What would make a really good movie is if it was the cute girl who turned out to be the psychopathic murderer. If only there was some way to make that happen..."
Price: 48.99

Sexy Jason Voorhees Costume |
"Every horror movie seems so predictable. Some crazed guy turns maniac and goes around killing the cute girl and the jock with a rusty blade, while the prude is the one who ends up taking the killer down. He inevitably turns up in the sequel. Rinse. Repeat. What would make a really good movie is if it was the cute girl who turned out to be the psychopathic murderer. If only there was some way to make that happen..."
Price: 48.99

Sexy Jason Voorhees Costume |
"Every horror movie seems so predictable. Some crazed guy turns maniac and goes around killing the cute girl and the jock with a rusty blade, while the prude is the one who ends up taking the killer down. He inevitably turns up in the sequel. Rinse. Repeat. What would make a really good movie is if it was the cute girl who turned out to be the psychopathic murderer. If only there was some way to make that happen..."
Price: 48.99

Sexy Jason Voorhees Costume |
"Every horror movie seems so predictable. Some crazed guy turns maniac and goes around killing the cute girl and the jock with a rusty blade, while the prude is the one who ends up taking the killer down. He inevitably turns up in the sequel. Rinse. Repeat. What would make a really good movie is if it was the cute girl who turned out to be the psychopathic murderer. If only there was some way to make that happen..."
Price: 48.99

Adult George Jetson Costume |
"In the future, the average work week will be 1 hour a day, 2 days a week. At least, that's what George Jetson's work week consists of and we all know that the Jetsons is what the future is going to be like. We'll have computers that can find any information we need in an instant, portable communicators that let us talk to anyone in the world and robot maids. Wait a second. We have those already! Where's our 2 hour work week and flying cars? At least you can still pretend the future is as cool as it is in the cartoon."
Price: 38.99

Adult George Jetson Costume |
"In the future, the average work week will be 1 hour a day, 2 days a week. At least, that's what George Jetson's work week consists of and we all know that the Jetsons is what the future is going to be like. We'll have computers that can find any information we need in an instant, portable communicators that let us talk to anyone in the world and robot maids. Wait a second. We have those already! Where's our 2 hour work week and flying cars? At least you can still pretend the future is as cool as it is in the cartoon."
Price: 38.99

Flying Monkey Costume |
"The ability to fly multiplies the cool factor of anything by 10. Cars are pretty cool, but flying cars are totally awesome. Bicycles are sweet, but have you ever seen a flying bike? The same is true for monkeys. A regular monkey good, but a flying monkey is super rad. That's why the Wicked Witch has an army of them, because her primate army that couldn't fly was just kind of lame."
Price: 88.99

Flying Monkey Costume |
"The ability to fly multiplies the cool factor of anything by 10. Cars are pretty cool, but flying cars are totally awesome. Bicycles are sweet, but have you ever seen a flying bike? The same is true for monkeys. A regular monkey good, but a flying monkey is super rad. That's why the Wicked Witch has an army of them, because her primate army that couldn't fly was just kind of lame."
Price: 88.99

Adult X-Wing Pilot Costume |
"Putting the final nail in the coffin of the Galactic Empire takes more than just hope and the Force. It takes skilled pilots who will lay down their life to bring down the Empire's forces. The missions will be dangerous and you may not come back alive, but it's for the future of the galaxy. Wait, did we mention that you get to wear a sweet pilot suit that the ladies find quite irresistible? Just ask Wedge how easy it is to impress the ladies when he tells them he was there when they took down the first Death Star."
Price: 74.99

Adult X-Wing Pilot Costume |
"Putting the final nail in the coffin of the Galactic Empire takes more than just hope and the Force. It takes skilled pilots who will lay down their life to bring down the Empire's forces. The missions will be dangerous and you may not come back alive, but it's for the future of the galaxy. Wait, did we mention that you get to wear a sweet pilot suit that the ladies find quite irresistible? Just ask Wedge how easy it is to impress the ladies when he tells them he was there when they took down the first Death Star."
Price: 74.99

Asajj Ventress Adult Costume |
"Why waste your Force powers on hopeless attempts to keep peace in the Republic, when you could be using them to get revenge on those who wronged you? With Count Dooku's help you could put the limits to your power to the test. Then, when he's not looking...wham! You take him out. Yep, that's how you get it done."
Price: 54.99

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Costume |
"We know how it is. You spend restless nights, dreaming of being one of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. If only they could see how great you look in one of their outfits, maybe they would let you try out. Well, we're here to help. This outfit has all the pieces you need to get the look. If you don't have the moves, we can't guarantee that they'll actually let you try out. Come to think of it, we can't guarantee that they'll let you try out if you do have the moves, but at least you'll look as good as one of the real ones."
Price: 54.99

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Costume |
"We know how it is. You spend restless nights, dreaming of being one of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. If only they could see how great you look in one of their outfits, maybe they would let you try out. Well, we're here to help. This outfit has all the pieces you need to get the look. If you don't have the moves, we can't guarantee that they'll actually let you try out. Come to think of it, we can't guarantee that they'll let you try out if you do have the moves, but at least you'll look as good as one of the real ones."
Price: 54.99

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Costume |
"We know how it is. You spend restless nights, dreaming of being one of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. If only they could see how great you look in one of their outfits, maybe they would let you try out. Well, we're here to help. This outfit has all the pieces you need to get the look. If you don't have the moves, we can't guarantee that they'll actually let you try out. Come to think of it, we can't guarantee that they'll let you try out if you do have the moves, but at least you'll look as good as one of the real ones."
Price: 54.99

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Costume |
"We know how it is. You spend restless nights, dreaming of being one of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. If only they could see how great you look in one of their outfits, maybe they would let you try out. Well, we're here to help. This outfit has all the pieces you need to get the look. If you don't have the moves, we can't guarantee that they'll actually let you try out. Come to think of it, we can't guarantee that they'll let you try out if you do have the moves, but at least you'll look as good as one of the real ones."
Price: 54.99

Women's Jedi Costume |
"Being force sensitive has its perks. You get to play with lightsabers, you can lift spaceships out of swamps with your mind and you can have a cool master like Yoda. The only catch is that you have use your powers for the good of the galaxy and not use them for selfish reasons, like using the Jedi mind trick to mess with your roommate. Either way, you need Jedi gear, like the stuff included with this set, to look like a real one."
Price: 44.99

Women's Jedi Costume |
"Being force sensitive has its perks. You get to play with lightsabers, you can lift spaceships out of swamps with your mind and you can have a cool master like Yoda. The only catch is that you have use your powers for the good of the galaxy and not use them for selfish reasons, like using the Jedi mind trick to mess with your roommate. Either way, you need Jedi gear, like the stuff included with this set, to look like a real one."
Price: 44.99

SpongeBob Costume with Drop-down Front |
"In real life, when your pants fall down, it's call indecent exposure and the police might give you a fine. When it happens in Bikini Bottom, it's just good fun for everyone. Someone really does need to take the sponge aside to tell him that no one wears tidy whities any more. Get the guy a set of boxers or something."
Price: 34.99

Adult Hellboy Costume |
"Diplomacy is so boring. You spend all this time yapping with words, when all you need to do to win an argument and get the information you need, is whip out the Right Hand of Doom let it do the talking. Sure, it may not be the nicest way to investigate, but what's the point of being a demon if you can't use it to your advantage?"
Price: 54.99

Queen Amidala Costume |
"Being Queen of Naboo isn't all about drinking tea and crumpets. It's really more about having assassination attempts being placed on your life, trying to negotiate peace with the Trade Federation and blasting bad guys who threaten the safety of Naboo with your blaster, not to mention looking like a distinguished leader while all this is happening. This outfit makes that last part way easier and less time consuming."
Price: 48.99

Queen Amidala Costume |
"Being Queen of Naboo isn't all about drinking tea and crumpets. It's really more about having assassination attempts being placed on your life, trying to negotiate peace with the Trade Federation and blasting bad guys who threaten the safety of Naboo with your blaster, not to mention looking like a distinguished leader while all this is happening. This outfit makes that last part way easier and less time consuming."
Price: 48.99
