300 Movie Themistokles Shield |
"When you're fighting in hand to hand combat, one of the greatest things you could have is a shield. Someone swings a huge sword at you, BAM, hits the shield. You survive another day. Now, the shield is less useful in regular life. You could use it to hold your pizza, or maybe throw it like some kind of frisbee... but this shield will look great with your Halloween costume and you don't need to worry about what else to do with it, but we won't lie: it makes a pretty great frisbee."
Price: 19.99

300 Movie Themistokles Sword |
"THIS IS SPARTA! Okay, so maybe we're a long ways away from ancient Sparta and Xerxes is a threat of the past, but having a trusty sword by your side is still a good idea at a costume party. You never know when you'll feel the need to wave it at your enemies in a threatening manner! This toy one is modeled after the Greek sword wielded by Themistokles in 300: Rise of an Empire. It won't cleanly slash apart your enemies like a real sword, but it will still scare the pants off of any enemy you come across on the battlefield."
Price: 9.99

Star Wars Rey Adult Wig |
This is a licensed Star Wars Rey Adult Wig.
Price: 19.99

Star Wars Rey Kids Wig |
This is a licensed Star Wars Rey Kids Wig.
Price: 14.99

Wonder Woman Girls Light Up Belt |
This is a Wonder Woman Girls Light Up Belt.
Price: 19.99

Kids Clone Trooper Mask Episode 3 |
"Does your little one have high hopes of joining the Sith and the Galactic Empire to help gain domination over the entire universe? Or maybe your kiddo is secretly a Jedi Order supporter and wants to infiltrate the Empire's armies to take them down from the inside! Don't worry we won't say a word. We'd actually like to help you all out with this daring and valiant task. If your little espionage specialist has any hopes of sneaking into the Sith's military then he will have to look the part. Now, we can't make him look like an exact copy of Jango Fett but as long as he dresses like the rest of the troopers they won't even notice he's not a clone, like the rest of them. The key part that will keep his identity a secret is, of course, this Clone Trooper Mask! With this accessory always on, the rest of the army won't be able to see his face and he'll be able to tear down Palpatine's armed forces without a problem. Imagine if it was your kiddo to finally bring balance to the force, how cool"
Price: 4.99

Child Spider-Man Homecoming Gloves |
"Did your super hero fan kiddo love Spider-Man's Homecoming? We get it, combine Iron Man with your simple neighborhood Spider-man and you've got a wholesome yet somewhat haphazard billion dollar hero. A bored high schooler in a state-of-the-art suit that spends his time sharing a churro with nice Puerta Rican ladies, what's not to love? We all knew what was about to go wrong when good old Spidey took the limitations off his suit, after all, Stark industries don't usually keep things simple. So, while what used to be a simple spray of web could be taken anywhere from the ricochet setting to web ball setting which is cool but a lot more complicated than our young hero is used to. We bet your kid has thought up all sorts of new uses for these sweet new features. So, this Halloween when your heroic kid is gearing up to be Spider-Man, the right gloves are more important than ever. After all, what good is new tech when you don't have all the parts?"
Price: 9.99

Pumpkin Mask |
"Normal pumpkins really aren't that scary. They're a warm orange color, they're tasty when made into a pie and they just sit there. Of course, that's not the kind of squash this mask is. This is the creepy kind that you might see sneaking it's way into your nightmares on top of the head of a headless horseman."
Price: 14.99

Guardians of the Galaxy Star Lord Kids Mask |
This is a Guardians of the Galaxy Star Lord Kids Mask.
Price: 14.99

Lord of the Rings Gandalf Sword |
"When you're a wizard like Gandalf, you would thinkg you wouldn't even need a sword, right? Sure, you can stop a Balrog from passing over a bridge, but what do you do when you need to peel an apple for a picky hobbit? Or clear some brush through Mirkwood? Or just need some light when orcs are around? A wizard's staff is great and all, but it can't do all that! That's why you'll want this toy Glamdring to carry around your neck of the woods. Not only does it look cool, but it comes in handy during all kinds of Middle Earth problems."
Price: 12.99

Women's Gold Pop Star Leggings |
"When you're a superstar, you can't just wear normal leggings. You need to stand out in a crowd. You need your legs to make a scene! These Women's Gold Pop Star Leggings turn your legs into shiny beacons of attention, so you know that they will be stealing the show."
Price: 24.99

Legolas Long Blade |
"Elves live a really long time. Way longer than us humans with our 80 or so years... but when you live that long you really have time to learn how to use your weapons. Have you seen Legolas in action? He knows how to shoot a bow and arrow and wield knives like nobody's business. Even if you hadn't had as much practice as the famous Woodland Elf from Lord of the Rings, you don't have to worry because this long blade is made of safe plastic and won't cut any orcs, dwarves, or wee hobbits that might get in the way of your wild swinging. Just don't poke Gollum's eye out!"
Price: 9.99

TMNT Casey Jones Hockey Stick |
"Unlike the rest of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Casey Jones isn't a ninja. He's just a regular dude...but a determined regular dude. And he knows that just because he might not have been born a tadpole in a laboratory and was later the recipient of a experimental mutation that could cure diseases which then turned him into a mutant with human qualities, he's still got what it takes to when it comes to fighting crime in the streets. For instance, Casey knows how to make the best out of what he's got. In his hands, a closetful of regular old sports equipment instantly transforms into the coolest, baddest vigilante weapons around (also, very few dudes can pull off carrying a golf case the way he does and still look badass...no wonder that whip-smart babe April O'Neill always falls for him). It also doesn't hurt that Casey's a crackerjack hockey player, and knows that butt-ending, hooking, and high-sticking are almost as effective as katana, sai, nunchucks or a bo staff. Who needs to"
Price: 9.99

Ezra Lightsaber |
"When you're a padawan on the run from the Empire, there's really one main question that will be on your mind. Blaster or lightsaber? Ezra decided to choose both! His lightsaber combines the long range wallop of a blaster pistol and the close range combat of a lightsaber. Obi-Wan mind find this thing a little uncivilized, but for Ezra, it gets the job done. This toy version comes straight from the Star Wars: Rebels series and although it might not ACTUALLY shoot blaster bolts, you can still make pew pew noises and pretend like it's taking down bad guys left and right."
Price: 19.99

Rebels Inquisitor Double Lightsaber |
"First we had the single lightsaber. Then we had the double lightsaber. Then we saw the Tri-Saber. And now, just when you think there couldn't possibly be any more, comes the Inquisitor's double lightsaber with round hilt apparatus! What will those Sith think of next... you know they're the ones behind these wicked designs. Still, this one is very imposing and we certainly wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of the Inquisitor OR his lightsaber. You may recognize this from Star Wars Rebels, a FANTASTIC show on Disney XD. Pick this up, and fulfill your destiny with the dark side of the force! Or, you know, just swing it around outside and try not to knock over any plant stands or bird baths... that kind of thing."
Price: 19.99

Child Rocket Raccoon 3/4 Mask |
"It's the furriest little gun loving critter in the universe! He may be smaller , fluffier, and a tad bit more adorable than the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy but all the other aliens still know better than to mess with him. And if they didn't know then they were educated pretty quick. Rocket's tragic past left him more like a mad scientist's monster rather than the animated animals you'd see on television every Saturday morning. He was but a lonely wanderer until Groot and the rest of the guardians excepted him into their lives and hearts. We're sure Star-Lord and the rest of the galaxy's heroes are happy to be fighting beside him instead of against. This anti-hero within the Marvel universe is someone you'd definitely want on your side, especially with his infatuation for weaponry. He isn't afraid to test out a new rocket blaster or homemade bomb at a moment's notice, so everyone knows to watch their mouths around him. Now your child can be the smack-talking Rocket Raccoon from"
Price: 14.99

Deluxe Adult Groot Mask |
"Don't call him a weirdo just because he's made of bark, sprouting leaves, and has branches for limbs! Groot has a serious amount of heart and sensitivity, not to mention the serious amount of damage he can do as a bounty hunter... so, you criminals on the run, you'd better be careful! Lucky for you word has it he's joined the Guardians of the Galaxy and is off running around the galaxy with Star Lord, or possibly (and more likely) growing a new body in a little flower pot, dancing all the way. If you want to have an awesome mask and a limited vocabulary this Halloween, then our Deluxe Adult Groot Mask is the item for you. I Am Groot!"
Price: 28.99

Black Body Paint |
"Art is a form of expression, much like music and writing (Hey, that's what we do over here! Wow, we're artists!). It could even be eating solely the marshmallow pieces when you sit down to a bowl of Lucky Charms. When an artist is in the midst of creation, their goal is to fully express what it is within themselves that is aching to be set free and released unto the world. Whether it's done through a song, a story, or a burning inclination to eat only the sugary bits of cereal, once you express these feelings using actions art has been made. This Black Body Paint lets you express your innermost thoughts and desires by actually creating them on your own body. Now the artist can literally become the art! Paint whatever you'd like on yourself! We suggest puppies and kittens but to each his own. Use this body paint anywhere from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and compliment any costume."
Price: 5.99

Red Body Paint |
"It ™s Brainstorming Day at the Halloween Costumes office, which is pretty much the greatest day ever. There are minds wandering all over the place and the walls are covered in wacky drawings and someone threw their thinking cap in the microwave again. There were sparks. So many sparks. Today ™s topic for brainstorming: the many uses for red body paint.First off, there ™s blood. I mean, that ™s a given. Second, a sporting event. Classic. Third, you ™ve got your demon and devil costumes. Halloween staples, really. Next up, martians. The red kind, not the green kind, obviously. And then you ™ve got your superheroes, which come in all kinds of colors, including red. Beyond this, you ™re probably getting into conceptual Halloween costumes. Human expressionistic paintings. People that can transform into trikes and red wagons. The HTML font color attribute. There aren ™t any rules on Brainstorming Day.So what are you getting in this tube"
Price: 5.99

Blue Body Paint |
"Are you a fan of the New England Patriots? How about the Pittsburgh Steelers or the Dallas Cowboys? Maybe the Denver Broncos, Seattle Seahawks, or New York Giants? And that ™s just the NFL. We could ask the same about the St. Louis Cardinals in the MLB! Or the Los Angeles Dodgers, the New York Yankees, or the Atlanta Braves, Philadelphia Phillies, and Toronto Blue Jays. And then we ™ve got the New York Knicks and the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Los Angeles Clippers in the NBA.That ™s a lot of sports teams, seemingly picked at random, you might be thinking. But you would be wrong, because we ™re talking about team pride here. And team pride means slapping blue body paint on yourself and going into public. There might be some drinking and possibly making a fool out of yourself. But you do that in the name of your team. Because it must be done.What ™s in the package? 3.4 ounces (oz) of blue body paint. Apply it with your fingers or a sponge, neither of"
Price: 5.99

Dorothy Sequined Bow Headband |
"So Dorothy's been around for a long while, but yet, nobody has taken it upon themselves to really give her classic style and updated look. We think it's time she got a little glam into her wardrobe! It's well deserved, after all, she did save the land of Oz a few times. One of her most iconic possessions throughout her adventures in the wonderful land of Oz were her amazing red ruby shoes! They were just SO shiny! So we think that maybe her new look should include even more red and should be even shinier! Grab this Dorothy Sequined Bow Headband and the amazing transformation from bland to glam will be well on its way. Add some more red sequin accessories to your reinvented Dorothy costume and you'll be a sparkly ruby from head to toe! On your next trip back to Oz, your friends will hardly even recognize you, until you smile that is! How could anyone forget that beautiful smile of yours?"
Price: 4.99

Deluxe Wonder Woman Accessory Kit |
This is a licensed Deluxe Wonder Woman Accessory Kit.
Price: 49.99

Child Avengers 2 Ultron 3/4 Mask |
"We know that, deep down, a part of you wishes that your child was an evil genius robot with plans for world domination. Only you can make that happen. This Child Avengers 2 Ultron 3/4 Mask has the look from the movie, so he may just be ready to cook up some evil schemes against those crafty superheroes."
Price: 7.99

Child Avengers 2 Vision 3/4 Mask |
"So, you flunked out of robot school and you'll never have the super-powered android child that you dreamed of during your college days. The good news is that this Child Avengers 2 Vision 3/4 Mask lets your child look like the Marvel Avengers robot hero from the Age of Ultron movie! It's the easiest way to make your child look just look like the android superhero you've always wanted in your family."
Price: 7.99

Adult Avengers 2 Vision 3/4 Mask |
"You don't HAVE to save the world from destruction when you wear this Adult Avengers 2 Vision 3/4 Mask. Sure, it's fully licensed from the Age of Ultron movie and makes you look strangely a little bit like actor Paul Bettany, but there are plenty of other things you can do as the Marvel superhero. You can wear it while shopping for groceries, you can wear it while going on a first date, or you can even wear it while heading out to a job interview."
Price: 12.99

Avengers 2 Trick or Treat Bag |
"When you're a member of the Avengers, you don't have time for trick or treating. They're off saving the world and that sort of thing, but you? You've got time for life's simple pleasures... like going door to door getting candy while dressed as your favorite superhero! While being Thor would be neat, if he doesn't have time to get free candy once a year, we're not sure it's worth it. Be thankful you don't have super powers and instead have this awesome Avengers: Age of Ultron treat bag and can have an awesome Halloween instead of fighting crazy space beings for galactic dominance."
Price: 2.99

Black Widow Avengers 2 Light-Up Batons |
"Bad guys got you down? Got no superpowers to speak of? Not a problem! Just do what Natasha Romanoff does and whack the bad guys with a super-charged stick. It might be kind of basic, but she's gone toe to toe with some of the worst baddies in the Marvel Universe using nothing but these Black Widow Avengers 2 Light-Up Batons. Of course, we can't sell you the real ones she uses, since they're SUPER dangerous, but these ones look like real thing and you can use them with your Age of Ultron costume."
Price: 19.99

Adult Vision Avengers 2 Gloves |
"Want to kick (or punch) some Ultron butt? Most superheroes do, but without the right handwear, it's downright dangerous! These Adult Vision Avengers 2 Gloves will give you a hand. They make your hands look like the androids hand and you don't even need an infinity stone to use them. You just slip them on your hands and you're ready to go!"
Price: 7.99
