Toy Pink Pump Action Shotgun |
"Guns! They are both powerful and practical, given the proper opportunity arises! They aren't all that pretty, though. There are some that are perfectly content with the options they are given, normally a combination of silver and black or black and brown, but not you, right? Don't worry we have the perfect weapon for you that is as pleasing to the eye as it is intimidating! Check out this Pink Pump Action Shotgun! Add this to your outlaw costume or to a cowgirl outfit and you are sure to be the most feared woman in the wild west! Yes, this shotgun may only be a toy but it still has the classic slide action as well as a realistic sound effect to go along with each pump. So when you cross paths with any other bandits or criminals with hefty bounties on their heads load up a couple rounds with confidence. They may laugh at the sight of your pretty pink gun but when they hear you give it a good pump they'll be petrified. They'll place their weapons on the ground and be prepared to comply"
Price: 16.99

Teen Gorilla Costume |
"Being a human isn't all it's cracked up to be. School can be a drag and all those responsibilities can really keep a guy down. Taking a step back on the evolutionary chain might be the best answer. As a gorilla your only real problems are acquiring bananas and going wild. Both of those things are pretty easy problems to take care of. This ape costume can give you a taste of that, even if only for a night."
Price: 69.99

Kids Dark Villain Set |
"If there weren't any villains, there wouldn't be any superheros! Give the good guys something to fight for when you dress your child in this kids dark villain set. This versatile costume will let him invent his own devious bad guy identity and from there who knows what evil plans he'll come up with!"
Price: 1.99

Ace Costume |
"There's nothing tongue in cheek going on with The Ambiguously Gay Duo from Saturday Night Live. It's just a fun animated show about two guys who like enjoy engaging in an intense workout regimen while they wear form-fitting spandex suits and give each other friendly pats on the buttocks for a job well done. Okay, so maybe there IS something going on there, but we're not ones to judge and they spend their time foiling evil schemes of bad guys like Bighead, Dr. Brainio and Lizardo, so they get a big thumbs up from us. (We really don't need those guys succeeding in one of their plans to rule the world!) And now, you can play the role of hero too!This officially licensed Ace Costume comes straight from the Robert Smigel show from SNL. The form fitting jumpsuit, which is made of a super stretchy spandex and nylon blend, comes in the light blue color seen in the animated show, while the signature bright yellow �A � is printed right on the chest. The yellow briefs and boots also have a for"
Price: 49.99

Ace Costume |
"There's nothing tongue in cheek going on with The Ambiguously Gay Duo from Saturday Night Live. It's just a fun animated show about two guys who like enjoy engaging in an intense workout regimen while they wear form-fitting spandex suits and give each other friendly pats on the buttocks for a job well done. Okay, so maybe there IS something going on there, but we're not ones to judge and they spend their time foiling evil schemes of bad guys like Bighead, Dr. Brainio and Lizardo, so they get a big thumbs up from us. (We really don't need those guys succeeding in one of their plans to rule the world!) And now, you can play the role of hero too!This officially licensed Ace Costume comes straight from the Robert Smigel show from SNL. The form fitting jumpsuit, which is made of a super stretchy spandex and nylon blend, comes in the light blue color seen in the animated show, while the signature bright yellow �A � is printed right on the chest. The yellow briefs and boots also have a for"
Price: 49.99

Ace Costume |
"There's nothing tongue in cheek going on with The Ambiguously Gay Duo from Saturday Night Live. It's just a fun animated show about two guys who like enjoy engaging in an intense workout regimen while they wear form-fitting spandex suits and give each other friendly pats on the buttocks for a job well done. Okay, so maybe there IS something going on there, but we're not ones to judge and they spend their time foiling evil schemes of bad guys like Bighead, Dr. Brainio and Lizardo, so they get a big thumbs up from us. (We really don't need those guys succeeding in one of their plans to rule the world!) And now, you can play the role of hero too!This officially licensed Ace Costume comes straight from the Robert Smigel show from SNL. The form fitting jumpsuit, which is made of a super stretchy spandex and nylon blend, comes in the light blue color seen in the animated show, while the signature bright yellow �A � is printed right on the chest. The yellow briefs and boots also have a for"
Price: 49.99

Ace Costume |
"There's nothing tongue in cheek going on with The Ambiguously Gay Duo from Saturday Night Live. It's just a fun animated show about two guys who like enjoy engaging in an intense workout regimen while they wear form-fitting spandex suits and give each other friendly pats on the buttocks for a job well done. Okay, so maybe there IS something going on there, but we're not ones to judge and they spend their time foiling evil schemes of bad guys like Bighead, Dr. Brainio and Lizardo, so they get a big thumbs up from us. (We really don't need those guys succeeding in one of their plans to rule the world!) And now, you can play the role of hero too!This officially licensed Ace Costume comes straight from the Robert Smigel show from SNL. The form fitting jumpsuit, which is made of a super stretchy spandex and nylon blend, comes in the light blue color seen in the animated show, while the signature bright yellow �A � is printed right on the chest. The yellow briefs and boots also have a for"
Price: 49.99

28 Skeleton Spider |
This is a 28 Skeleton Spider.
Price: 24.99

Skeleton Rat |
This is a Skeleton Rat decoration.
Price: 14.99

Skeleton Owl |
This is a Skeleton Owl decoration.
Price: 24.99

17 Inch Metal Candle Holder |
"Looking to transform your lovely living room into a demonic dungeon? One that the Addams family would kill to own, that Dr. Frankenstein would attempt to recreate, that Dracula himself would feel drained from jealousy. Well, that may be asking a lot but it's not impossible! In order to get started you just need to grab a few of these 17 Inch Metal Candle Holders! Place them on a mantel over your fireplace or at the dinner table and instantly you'll start feeling chills from the spooky aura pouring off of these bad boys. The carefully designed chips and scratches in the paint as well as the rusted edges give this decoration a creepy worn look, that of an ancient antique. It will look as if they had been locked up for centuries in an uninhabited castle that you bravely broke into and decided to leave with a few souvenirs."
Price: 14.99

Inflatable Light Up Scary Pumpkin Decoration |
This is an Inflatable Light Up Scary Pumpkin Decoration.
Price: 179.99

Rusty Attic Light Prop |
"Thomas Edison always knew that the light bulb was going to be his ticket into the history books! And why wouldn't it be, it's a great invention! Although he probably didn't expect the creepy effects it would add into creating a horror movie!... He also probably had no idea what a horror movie was... Anyways, this Rusty Attic Light Prop is the pinnacle of his invention, and now you can actually create the frightening look of an old horror film right in your own home. Some of the best parts in horror movies happen within creepy and abandoned looking attics. You know the scenes we're talking about when there is barely enough light to see what's right in front of your face or when light all of the sudden starts to unexpectedly flicker... Yikes, we're getting chills just thinking about it. So go ahead and offer all the visitors at your home this Halloween some good spine tingling chills this year when you have the correct lighting by adding this Rusty Attic Light to your home."
Price: 18.99

Kids Curved Sword |
"Ask some kids what they want to be when they grow up and they might say things like fireman, policeman or doctor. Not your kid. He proudly shouts, PIRATE! when given the chance. You may as well just roll with it and give him this Kids Curved Sword. In a few years, reality will sink in and he'll realize that piracy just isn't a reasonable career option. But until then, he'll have a few glorious years swinging this toy sword around, pretending to go on quests for lost treasure. Actually, you should probably get two, so you can join him on his swashbuckling adventures!"
Price: 4.99

Light Up Reaper Stanchion |
"The Grim Reaper is a pretty busy guy. You can try sending him an invitation to your costume party, but chances are that he'll be all booked up for Halloween, what with being the personification of Death and all. (We tried to get him to come to our haunted house, but he never even sent us an RSVP back.) That leaves you with a couple of options. You COULD just hang your head in despair, knowing that you won't have the Grim Reaper at your party, or you can get creative and bring a little piece of him to your party with this awesome decoration!This Light Up Stanchion brings you the ghastly presence of Death himself. The decoration comes fully shaped like the Grim Reaper, so it will almost be like the undead force of nature is right there at your party. Just plant it in your yard and watch it creep out guests and trick-or-treaters alike. And the best part about this stanchion? Its eyes light up for an extra eerie effect that will terrify anyone that comes near it!"
Price: 19.99

Plastic Realistic Skeleton |
"Some people may see a skeleton decoration and think that it is only good once a year at a Halloween party. Not so. This guy is ready to delight guests at a 40th birthday, or a Day of the Dead fiesta, or hide him in a closet any time of the year for a fun prank. Skeletons are very versatile!"
Price: 19.99

Tree With Open Mouth |
"Dress up your yard with a spooky decoration this year with this open mouth tree decoration. This decoration comes with a black platform and three holes to insert stakes. 3 stakes and 3 connectors are included. Once connected, the tree stands on it's own. The trunk of the tree has fabric material with holes for eyes, nose and mouth. Because the trunk is fabric, it will blow in the wind making the tree look alive. The branches are bendable for easy formation and storage. For easy set up, place all components flat on the ground. Step-by-step instructions are included. Your guests and trick-or-treaters will need to tread carefully."
Price: 99.99

Groundbreaker Zombie Prop |
Looks like the dead are just not wanting to stay dead in the ground! This electronic zombie decoration has light up eyes and turns its head while it moans and plays creepy music. There is an on and off switch underneath neck area where there is also a metal stand to allow the zombie to appear to be coming out of the ground. The arms of the zombie are bendable so you can put them in any position you'd like. The zombie does have white hair that is hard to see to see in the picture. This is the perfect addition to your haunted house graveyard!
Price: 59.99

36'' Tombstone |
"Sure, a big zombie with electronic red eyes would be scary... but you're more about the subtle frights. You like the thrills and chills... the ambiance and atmosphere! That's why you're the kind of person who would love this tombstone decoration. It looks old, it looks creepy, and it says RIP, the universal phrase that means something died. One you put a few of these on your lawn, everyone coming up your step will walk a little slower, their head will swing from side to side, their eyes will be a little bit wider, waiting for something to jump out and get them. The mailman might not appreciate your new and scarier front yard, but the kids are gonna love it."
Price: 24.99

Black Blood Dripping Candles |
"Need some bewitched candles that drip blood? Believe us, it's more trouble than it's worth to get real magic ones. You have call up a witch, bring her newt eyes and other disgusting things and then she'll probably just double-cross you and cook inside a giant cauldron. These black candles create the same macabre effect in your home, but you never have to talk to a creepy witch to get them! Heck, you don't even have to use fire to make them light up and there's no messy melted wax to deal with, since they use lights and batteries light up the night."
Price: 12.99

Three Piece Tombstone Kit |
Do you need to mark the bodies of the dead in your yard? This tombstone set includes three tombstone decorations to turn your yard into a graveyard. They measure from 18 1/2 to 21 1/2 and feature etched phrases like RIP and Rest in Peace on the front. Scary skulls decorate the front as well. Each of them are made out of a foam material and are painted grey and black to look like aged stone. Your yard will become the site of a mass haunting when you place these scary decorations in the yard.
Price: 19.99

Sonic Skull in Cage |
"Oh no! This poor guy has finally lost his head! Not in the figurative sense either... quite literally, unfortunately. Or it could be that his head was stolen off of his freshly reanimated body and placed inside of this medieval looking cage. Either way, it is just terrible. Heads up! There may be a headless skeleton body out there running around, so be careful! For the time being, while no one seems to be claiming this bonehead, why not hang this Sonic Skull in a Cage decoration on a porch? This guy may have lost his entire body but one thing that has not been lost yet is his talkative nature. So he'll draw a crowd in with his baby blue eyes (yes, eyes are actually blue rather than red, as pictured) and once he has their attention he can offer a few good scares, once he surprisingly opens his mouth and recites one of his favorite phrases."
Price: 29.99

Crooked Stone Tombstone Set |
"How can you tell when a graveyard has been abandoned? One clue is that the gravestones are crooked, cracked & weathered. Nobody has cared for them in a long time. This Crooked Stone Tombstone Set perfectly captures the ambiance of an abandoned, haunted cemetery."
Price: 19.99

Hanging Faceless Reaper w/ Lantern |
"This hanging, faceless reaper decoration is sure to make others uneasy. In place of a face there is a dark void, which is oddly more frightening than any scary face could be."
Price: 99.99

Remote Control Spider |
"Remote control cars are cool and all, but we have a bone to pick with them. Can they make your sister or girlfriend shriek like a banshee at the sight of it? Does a remote control car wiggle and squirm like a giant bug? Does a remote control car have creepy glowing eyes that light up the dark? None of the ones we've seen do any of that, but this R/C black widow does! With the simple press of a button, this spider crawls along the floors on a scaring mission. We have to warn you though, if you take it to the office, your productivity will go down by a lot. (We know from personal experience)."
Price: 34.99

String of Bats |
"Have you ever felt or been told that you're acting a bit batty? Well, before you go completely mental and lose your grip on reality, you need to grab a hold of some decorations that will help to make your home a reflection of yourself. After all, they say one's home is supposed to be a reflection of one's personality. So if you want to give someone an accurate peek this String of Bats is a great start! You'll have over sixty inches of bat covered string to hang where ever you want. Got a bare belfry somewhere on your property? Perhaps a staircase leading down into a mysterious dungeon? Even just an ordinary everyday kind of entryway? All of these are prime examples of places to hang this 'batastic' d ©cor, really there are no limits. If you wanted to you could even add this to your costume. Planning on being a symbol of fear and justice or a blood-thirsty vampire? This String of Bats would complement your outfit nicely. So, decorate your home or yourself with this awesome string "
Price: 4.99

Large Book Set |
"One thing that always sparks up a bit of curiosity is an old dusty book, especially a big one! Who knows what could be hiding within the bindings of the ancient literature, maybe a secret compartment concealing some sort of weapon or undisclosed information. Of course, there could just be pages, worn and frayed, holding tales of the past. Either way, there is always a mystery surrounding publications from a distant past. If you want to add a touch of mysteriousness to your home this Halloween but you just can't seem to find any big old books then grab this Large Book Set from us. This set comes with TWO books that are on the larger side and they look absolutely decrepit! Leave them on your coffee table or at your desk, or if you happen to have a bookshelf throw them up there with the rest of your collection of literature. Where ever you decide to place these books they are sure to snag the attention of your guests and make them wonder exactly what it is that you're hiding. Make sure y"
Price: 34.99

Native American Foam LARP Axe |
"You're a level 10 warrior in your LARP group!? Wow! Then you deserve the kind of weapon that will get you through the most vigorous of battles without a problem. No, we're not telling you to upgrade that pink foam pool noodle you've been calling a weapon. How you even made it up to level 10 with just that, we haven't a clue, but moving on... We would like to help you reach your next 10 levels with ease and a bit more style. Check out this Native American Foam LARP Axe! It has the look of a deadly weapon that any warrior, barbarian or shaman would be proud to use! You'll be fighting side-by-side with the spirit of the bear in every mighty blow and the spirit of the eagle will guide each of your swings making them as swift as the wind. It's also made of foam, so you can safely take it to your LARP battles for maximum battle prowess."
Price: 4.99
