Adult Samurai Warrior Costume |
"In a contest involving a ninjas and a samurai, who would win? The samurai of course. Sure ninjas are stealthy and stuff, but out on the battlefield, heavy duty armor and cold steel are sure to come out victorious every time. This samurai warrior costume is sure to give you the appearance of an ancient warrior. With bold armor that looks like it might protect you from an onslaught of ninja stars, you'll have no trouble walking up the the ninja at the party and letting him know that the samurai are top dogs in these parts. Let's just hope things don't escalate from there..."
Price: 49.99

Award Winner Necklace |
"The human race is a competitive one, to say the least. We became the dominant species on the planet then built weapons to ensure our place as top dog among the rest of the predators. After that, we started competing against one another to see which individuals are the best at each feat of strength, speed, endurance, and in various forms of athleticism. To honor the best of the best they are rewarded with a keepsake as memorabilia, some sort of souvenir to take home. Some have trophies, others have belts, but the coolest item awarded to victors is hands down the Gold Medal! It's not as tacky as an oversized belt and it's way more convenient to carry around than an awkward trophy. You will look like the humble champion that everyone knows and loves. When others ask how you earned this medallion say whatever Olympic game you'd like and then do a quick back flip and there won't be any more questions. Everyone believes the person doing backflips! So work on that backflip, grab a red, white"
Price: 5.99

Womens Ghost Costume |
"Orange may be the new black, but for the spirit realm, gray is where it's at. For the last several centuries, ghosts and demons alike have preferred the traditional slimming and classically frightening black for their otherworldly garb. Not only does it hide zombie guts and blood splatter from messy vampire attacks, but it is extremely effective at helping to scare pesky peasants. Plus, black allows one to hide in the shadows located in dark corners of poorly lit rooms, at the top of the stairs, and even at the edge of an ominous forest.Yet, up and coming phantoms and the recently undead are eschewing the traditional black in favor of the much more flattering gray, which complements pale, bloodless skin better. Gray also hides cobwebs well and anyone who has every spent the night in a coffin knows that spiders leave cobwebs everywhere. Plus, you may have been a 'summer' in life but, in the afterlife, everyone's color palette is death. Your rotting green flesh is best accentuated by thi"
Price: 34.99

Womens Ghost Costume |
"Orange may be the new black, but for the spirit realm, gray is where it's at. For the last several centuries, ghosts and demons alike have preferred the traditional slimming and classically frightening black for their otherworldly garb. Not only does it hide zombie guts and blood splatter from messy vampire attacks, but it is extremely effective at helping to scare pesky peasants. Plus, black allows one to hide in the shadows located in dark corners of poorly lit rooms, at the top of the stairs, and even at the edge of an ominous forest.Yet, up and coming phantoms and the recently undead are eschewing the traditional black in favor of the much more flattering gray, which complements pale, bloodless skin better. Gray also hides cobwebs well and anyone who has every spent the night in a coffin knows that spiders leave cobwebs everywhere. Plus, you may have been a 'summer' in life but, in the afterlife, everyone's color palette is death. Your rotting green flesh is best accentuated by thi"
Price: 34.99

Womens Ghost Costume |
"Orange may be the new black, but for the spirit realm, gray is where it's at. For the last several centuries, ghosts and demons alike have preferred the traditional slimming and classically frightening black for their otherworldly garb. Not only does it hide zombie guts and blood splatter from messy vampire attacks, but it is extremely effective at helping to scare pesky peasants. Plus, black allows one to hide in the shadows located in dark corners of poorly lit rooms, at the top of the stairs, and even at the edge of an ominous forest.Yet, up and coming phantoms and the recently undead are eschewing the traditional black in favor of the much more flattering gray, which complements pale, bloodless skin better. Gray also hides cobwebs well and anyone who has every spent the night in a coffin knows that spiders leave cobwebs everywhere. Plus, you may have been a 'summer' in life but, in the afterlife, everyone's color palette is death. Your rotting green flesh is best accentuated by thi"
Price: 34.99

Pirate Gold Tooth |
"X always marks the spot. In your case, no one will think your buried treasure is resting on your teeth. Smart move Mister Pirate Man. And don't forget you can always create a reputation as the most fearsome pirate on the seven seas with this Pirate Gold Tooth. That's right! No need to make that appointment with the busiest dentist in Tortuga, you can just get your own gold tooth right here! It attaches to your real tooth, and it even sports a skull and crossbones on it. Because when a pirate smiles the world should smile with them. Wait, did we say smile? We meant cower in fear. Either way, this gold tooth will look amazing with your pirate costume, matey."
Price: 3.99

Biblical Wig and Beard Set |
Before you venture to Mount Sinai and receive the Ten Commandments be sure you're dressed to meet the Awesome One. It will be a life changing adventure so be sure your Biblical Wig and Beard Set is secured properly. You may want to practice a bow or two.
Price: 19.99

Kids Clown Costume |
"How is it that even a kids clown costume can be creepy? We're not saying every kid in a clown costume, or even every clown has a scary vibe, but even an ordinary, innocent costume sets off our creep alarm if it's a clown. But why is that? Let's start at the obvious: big clown shoes. Now we don't mean that big feet are a problem, but clown shoes always look inflated, like someone stuck a bicycle pump in there and didn't stop pumping for a few days. And now those shoes are close to popping! But does the clown mind? Apparently not. Okay, maybe it's not the shoes. How about the outfit then? We've got some mismatched fabrics, bright flashy colors, plenty of warning signs if you were to see this guy on the street. Why not just get a nice three-piece suit instead of this noisy, off-putting ensemble, right? And another point, how on earth did you use two different fabrics for the body but then switch those fabrics for the arms? That's just creating too much effort. Work smarter, not harder, cl"
Price: 14.99

Kids Clown Costume |
"How is it that even a kids clown costume can be creepy? We're not saying every kid in a clown costume, or even every clown has a scary vibe, but even an ordinary, innocent costume sets off our creep alarm if it's a clown. But why is that? Let's start at the obvious: big clown shoes. Now we don't mean that big feet are a problem, but clown shoes always look inflated, like someone stuck a bicycle pump in there and didn't stop pumping for a few days. And now those shoes are close to popping! But does the clown mind? Apparently not. Okay, maybe it's not the shoes. How about the outfit then? We've got some mismatched fabrics, bright flashy colors, plenty of warning signs if you were to see this guy on the street. Why not just get a nice three-piece suit instead of this noisy, off-putting ensemble, right? And another point, how on earth did you use two different fabrics for the body but then switch those fabrics for the arms? That's just creating too much effort. Work smarter, not harder, cl"
Price: 14.99

Kids Clown Costume |
"How is it that even a kids clown costume can be creepy? We're not saying every kid in a clown costume, or even every clown has a scary vibe, but even an ordinary, innocent costume sets off our creep alarm if it's a clown. But why is that? Let's start at the obvious: big clown shoes. Now we don't mean that big feet are a problem, but clown shoes always look inflated, like someone stuck a bicycle pump in there and didn't stop pumping for a few days. And now those shoes are close to popping! But does the clown mind? Apparently not. Okay, maybe it's not the shoes. How about the outfit then? We've got some mismatched fabrics, bright flashy colors, plenty of warning signs if you were to see this guy on the street. Why not just get a nice three-piece suit instead of this noisy, off-putting ensemble, right? And another point, how on earth did you use two different fabrics for the body but then switch those fabrics for the arms? That's just creating too much effort. Work smarter, not harder, cl"
Price: 14.99

Beaded Indian Necklace w/ Feathers |
"If you're looking for a simple way to accessorize your American Indian Costume, consider this Beaded Indian Necklace w/ Feathers. It looks like an authentic Native American neck piece and will add just the right amount of flare to your costume. Neck candy... you're going to need it."
Price: 4.99

Adult Baby Boomer Costume |
"This big baby needs his bobba! This Adult Baby Boomer Costume is a funny costume idea for men who just never seem to grow up. Maybe you'll be adopted by a hot mom, hey you never know! Pick up a jumbo bottle and fill it with an adult beverage so you can really get the party started!"
Price: 19.99

Indian Quiver and Arrow Set |
"Don't be a gatherer, be a hunter with this Indian Quiver and Arrow Set. It's the perfect way to feed your tribe and accessorize your American Indian costume. The buffalo are plenty and've got a way to take them down!"
Price: 5.99

Adult Moses Wig And Beard |
"Moses pulled off quite a few amazing feats. But he'd be the first one to tell you he couldn't have done it without the help of the big guy upstairs! Go as Moses this year when you rock this over the top wig and beard set with any historical costume. You'll be ready to part the waters, climb to the top of the mountain, or even just stop at the local pizzeria for a slice to go. After all, you're going to want to make sure you have a full stomach if you think you might be wandering around for the next 40 years or so..."
Price: 29.99

Treasure Map Accessory |
"Going out for Halloween (or just any ordinary day) dressed as a pirate? Make sure you have everything you need. You should already have your pirate costume, black or brown boots, and pirate hat on. You ™ve got accessories like a pirate sword, an eye patch, compass and telescope for navigating the high seas. But what is it that you ™re looking for in your adventures on the water? Treasure! How are you going to find the treasure without a treasure map? No worries, you can just get this treasure map accessory and you ™ll know exactly where that gold can be found. This treasure map will take you from Sea Dog City through the Broken Skull Mountains, around the Shipwreck Islands to the Isle of Plenty. Sure, you could try going straight through the Shipwreck Islands, but there is a reason they ™re called that. Dress up in your pirate costume and complete your hunt for treasure with this treasure map accessory!"
Price: 2.99

Indian Costume Pouch |
"Planning to go on a vision quest anytime soon? Is it finally time for you to join the hunting party? Do you have a long trek ahead of you in order to complete a trade with a distant tribe? Well if you plan on leaving for any amount of time make sure to have this Indian Pouch with you! Not only is it a beautiful accessory it is also quite practical and can help you carry supplies along your journey. Carry food and water, weaponry and tools, your phone charger, really anything you may need along the way, and know that it will be kept safe in this faux leather pouch. The beautiful native American designed trim at the top of the satchel and the tiny dream catcher attached to the bag is sure to draw attention from others along your travels. You can tell them that you found this accessory online or you can really make them even more envious and tell them that it was hand made and then passed down from your ancestors."
Price: 4.99

Gothic Vampire Head |
"Display your latest conquest, this Gothic Vampire Head. By day you're a mild mannered (insert job title here). By night you're a vicious vampire hunter, stalking your prey with a supernatural hatred. Creatures of the night beware."
Price: 24.99

Prescription Pad |
"It's time to dish out the pain killers! It's true, you've got the cure to what ails him on your handy Prescription Pad. Just be sure he calls you the next morning!"
Price: 5.99

Women's Tooth Fairy Costume |
I told ya the tooth fairy is real! Surprise your toothless children with this Women's Tooth Fairy Costume. Leave a few bucks under their pillow while you wear this costume so they fully believe that this mystical fairy is real!
Price: 49.99

Adult Airline Pilot Costume |
"Rest assured that you'll have a safe flight when this pilot is manuevering the plane. This Adult Airline Pilot Costume will make you look like a legit captain of a plane. You decide if you want to work for Delta, Jet Blue, or just be a pilot who flies private jets!"
Price: 34.99

Flamingo Nose |
"Want to look like the coolest pink animal (or possibly, the only pink animal) you've ever seen at the zoo?! Yes, or course, we are talking about the Flamingo. These tall standing and light weight symbols of nature's beauty are a perfect costume for any avian-fanatic. This Flamingo Nose is the perfect start to any classic Flamingo costume. Of the seven distinct flamingo species there is only one that is nearing extinction, that being the plastic lawn ornament flamingos. So, go out and do your best to spread flamingo fandom! Remind people of the elegant birds that used to inhabit, not only swamp lands and mud flats, but the lawns of homeowners all across the world and save these poor plastic critters from extinction. Once you're equipped with your Flamingo Nose, all there is left to do is learn the sounds and mannerisms of the pink winged bird and maybe grab some pink feathers as well, then you're well on your way to being a advocate for flamingos everywhere."
Price: 3.99

Adult Abe Lincoln Costume |
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. Of course, that is a wise quote from honest Abe himself. Become the respectable man who ended the American Civil War and restored our Union. This Adult Abe Lincoln Costume is great for plays as well as Halloween or Presidents' Day!"
Price: 39.99

High School Class Ring Necklace |
"Ever wish you could go back in time? Back to the days when everything was simpler? When there wasn't over 1,000 TV channels that you had to decide between, when you didn't have to worry about losing your phone because it was back home securely attached to your kitchen wall, and when social media didn't have so much control over your life? Well, back in the 50's you didn't have to worry about becoming Facebook Official with your sweetheart it was much simpler, he would just give you his class ring and once you threw it on a necklace and wore it around at school everyone knew that you two were exclusive. Why not bring back the good ole days with this Ladies Steady Class Ring Necklace? Make others wish their lives were simpler, and then remind them that they to take the leap back to the 1950's with you this Halloween!"
Price: 3.99

Deluxe Pirate Eye Patch |
"Throughout history there were many different people that used eye patches. Soldiers and sailors were some of the most common people to be seen sporting one, normally to cover a battle wound. Aircraft pilots in the past were also known to use them in order to help preserve their night vision during battles. Now, the most common and stereotypical user of the eye patch was, of course, the dreaded scoundrels of the sea, the pirates. You'll look like a fierce yet fabulous rogue pirate with some mystery behind her eyes...or eye, when you wear this Deluxe Pirate Eye Patch. Do you need this eye patch because you lost an eye in a savage sword battle with Captain Hook or maybe you use it as a tactical advantage when taking over enemy ships? Well, that is up to you while you tell others your tales of being out in the open seas. Whatever you decided to tell all your curious onlookers, this eye patch will be a great addition to any pirate costume!"
Price: 2.99

Buccaneer Bag of Coins And Jewelry |
"Every good pirate has to have swag. As in treasure, mate! Add this buccaneer bag of coins and jewelry to your pirate costume to show off your cut of the big plunder. You'll look like a true marauder of the high seas as long as you have a little bling!"
Price: 2.99

Deluxe Gentlemen's Pipe |
Do you want to know what really separates boys from men? It's not the capability of growing a thick beard or the talent of pounding a six pack of beer. Being a man means appearing like a dashing intellectual gentleman who prefers to smoke from a pipe. Use this Deluxe Gentlemen's Pipe to look distinguished or pair it with your costume for when you transform into Hugh Hefner!
Price: 7.99

Mouse Accessory Set w/Sound |
Introducing the hottest new girl band on the block The Three Blind Mice. They can't see but boy can they move! And what a costume?! Who would have thought a simple Mouse Accessory Set w/ Sound would give them such appeal?
Price: 14.99

Adult Plus Size Greaser Jacket |
"Unless you ™re super into Time magazine or cultural photography, you might never have heard of legendary New York Bruce Davidson. But his landmark photography project, the Brooklyn Gang series, was a prominent example of what Davidson did best - capture, with his camera, the often hidden, inner lives of communities traditionally hostile to outsiders. For this series, Davidson documented a gang of troubled teenagers coming of age in 1959 Brooklyn, capturing the young, gritty underbelly of what was then a conservative, �innocent � society built upon family values. These kids called themselves the Jokers, and one glance at �em milling around a jukebox and you were immediately captivated by how tough and cool each one of them were. They looked like trouble, and you could tell by the way they greased back their hair, toked their smokes, and snapped their fingers that they were not to be messed with. In the photography series, a nation got to see them look tough, get tattoos, ge"
Price: 44.99

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