Women's Crayola Glitz Orange Dress |
This fun Women's Crayola Glitz Orange Dress lets you make a bright color statement when you wear it to your party! Add sexy shoes & stockings.
Price: 34.99

Teen Crayola Ruby Glitz Dress |
"Have a colorful Halloween in this Teen Crayola Ruby Glitz Dress! Add great shoes and tights, and be the best-dressed crayon in the box."
Price: 19.99

Purple Crayola Eyelashes |
"Purple is a color with some history. In the past, due to the fact that purple wasn't the easiest color to obtain for the tailors of the ancient times, it was normally only used on the garments of royalty. So, if anyone saw you wearing any bit of purple you could automatically be thought of as a queen or princess! Now days, anyone can wear this beautiful color without the fear of over-stepping their boundaries and upsetting the royal families of the world. With absolutely nothing to fear, why not add these Purple Crayola Eyelashes to your outfit?! Whether you are sporting a purple crayon costume or maybe even a friendly clown or fairy costume, these purple eyelashes are sure to make your eyes pop while drawing in the attention of everyone around. You'll feel like royalty with all the compliments you receive! Perhaps you are dressing up as royalty this Halloween! If so, then be sure to add these eyelashes to your outfit as a finishing touch!"
Price: 3.99

Breaking Bad Walter White Toxic Suit Costume |
"When you say something like, Stay out of my territory, while wearing this Breaking Bad Walter White Toxic Suit Costume, people tend to listen. It might be because it's licensed from Breaking Bad. It might be because it makes you look like you've been doing some seriously illegal things. It also might be because the guy known for wearing a suit like that likes to go by the name Heisenberg and he blew up his last employer with explosives. We think it's probably because he reminds you of your high school chemistry teacher and you forgot to do your homework one too many times. Whatever it is, wearing it seems to get you the kind of respect you'd expect someone like Walter White to get!"
Price: 49.99

Adult Rocky Dress |
"Become the flying squirrel from Frostbite Falls, Minnesota in this adult Rocky dress for women. You can have lots of hilarious adventures when you team up with your pal Bullwinkle. After all, someone has to keep him out of trouble!"
Price: 19.99

Pink Ribbon Dog Costume |
"If you or someone you love has or had breast cancer, You know how important research is. Even your dog can show support by wearing this Pink Ribbon Dog Costume! It's available in multiple sizes, so we have one to fit almost any breed of dog. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this costume will be donated for breast cancer research."
Price: 2.99

Candy Corn Purse |
"Attempting to be a witch with a bit of a sweeter side to her? Then you may be trying out a classic candy corn witch costume. With the classic orange, yellow and white colors from the candy decorating your costume, you're sure to give someone a toothache when you offer a sweet smile and a friendly wink. Now that you've accomplished the task of finding a sweet witch costume, you'll need somewhere to store your chapstick, phone, hex bags, wallet, you know all the usual items found in a young hip witch's purse. You can't just have your everyday handbag hanging by your side, that would ruin the illusion you've already worked so hard to build! So we suggest you grab one of these Candy Corn Purses. It will match the rest of your candy coated witch outfit perfectly! So, rather than settling for any plain Jane purse, grab this tasty looking pouch and give any costume an upgrade. Just make sure no one mistakes your new handbag for a sweet treat!"
Price: 6.99

Teen Banana Costume |
"Because they are a great source of potassium. Because yellow is our favorite color. Because hey girl, you made us go bananas. Because they have no fat, no sodium, and no cholesterol ""and we take our future seriously. Because we need only our doctors' approval, not yours. Because we wanted to sing 2Pac's All Eyez on Me for karaoke and had to dress accordingly. Because society told us to wear scary costumes but we were born with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Because they're the 4th largest agricultural product in the world. Because after you eat all of the Chex mix, you monster, we'll be the last remaining party favor. Because Americans eat more of these than any other fruit ""and we love our country. Because they're technically radioactive and that seems like the start of a superhero movie. Because no other fruit costume contains tryptophan, which produces seratonin, which alleviates mental depression ""and we are fans of happiness. Because monkeys are cool. Because we felt inspired b"
Price: 24.99

Beer Pong Costume |
"Sometime during the 1980s, colleges had begun playing a game that only required a door, plastic cups, ping-pong balls, and beer--it was called Beer Pong. It took the nation by storm and is being played at any and every moment of the day. Now to play the game you just need to be able to dunk a ping-pong ball into a plastic cup filled with beer, which seems easy enough. The challenge is that while you try to make your shot, the other team tries to distract you. Now when it comes to their turn, you can distract them as well; in this costume you can show them the true scoreboard of their losing numbers. Good luck!"
Price: 44.99

Adult Beer Pong Cup Costume |
"Are you ready for a game of Beer Pong? You will be once you get your head in the game. But how do you do that? You have to put yourself in the mindset of the cup and the ball. Because that is the main part of the game, to get that ping-pong ball into one of those red cups. So many things can get in the way of that though such as wind, moisture, and distractions. Now you and your friend can test out shots in a larger format to improve your skills. So good luck to you all in your Beer Pong games!"
Price: 39.99

Adult Beer Man Costume |
"Whenever thirst hits a bar or tailgate party there is only one man to save the day: Beer Man! He's always ready to fly in, armed with his cans of beer at the ready, to serve up fun to those in need. But what does fizzy hero fear? His weaknesses are being over-shaken and drinking beer past the expiration date;as long as he avoids those two things he cannot be stopped. No one can shot-gun a can faster or chug harder than this hero. Sure, the Flash can run fast, Superman has super strength, and Batman has keen detection skills but our favorite hero has the power to always have beer. So next time you crack open a can, think of Beer Man--because if you run out just shake your can and he'll be there!"
Price: 54.99

Lock and Key Couples Costume |
"Show the world how much you and your significant other are in love with one another when you both go out on the town in this couples costume! Forget trying to scour the world wide web in order to find the perfect costumes that will go together. The two of you will literally complete one another when you dress up as a heart shaped Lock and golden Key. You won't have to worry about unwarranted flirting from other party goers because as soon as they see your half of this couple's costume they'll know that your counterpart is close by and, if they are decent human being, respectfully leave you to be happy with your lover. When people want to ask how you two met, and you know they will, you can feel free to be as cheesy as you want and say something like, 'his love was the only key to open my heart' or 'her heart was the only safe I ever dreamed of cracking and little did I know, I had the key all along'... maybe with a little time you can come up with something even cheesier! Remember t"
Price: 39.99

Shark Costume |
"The ocean is a dangerous place because there is something lurking in the shadows. A creature that never stops moving and is craving a beach side snack. That's right, we're talking about sharks. These carnivorous ocean swimmers spend a great deal of their time chowing down on fish and various other sea life. But when these vicious animals crave something a little more exotic they may take a bite out of a person who is swimming where they shouldn't. Now all they take is a taste because sharks digestion systems can't really deal with the human ratio of bone to muscle and fat. Just be sure though to keep an eye out for that fin on the beach!"
Price: 54.99

Adult Turtle Costume |
"These reptiles are fun creatures who carry their home and protection with them at all times. These shelled critters have the ability to hide their heads when attacked by any mean predator that comes along. But this special feature doesn't come without its drawbacks, because to carry around this defense system can make them slow. So slow, in fact, that rabbits think they can always outrun these guys. But one thing turtles can say that rabbits can't is that they've been in space. Which happened back in 1968 when two turtles were launched into orbit and came back after a week just fine."
Price: 59.99

Killer Whale Costume |
"Orcas are one of the more interesting animals of the sea. These giant mammals can grow to as long as 32 feet and weight up to 6 tons which makes them huge. And not only are these guys large and in charge, but they're also known as one of the strongest carnivores of the ocean. They typically chow down on sea lions, fish, and other marine life and they also hunt in packs. But how do these massive wolves of the sea find their prey? By becoming bat like and using sound waves to pick up where their next meal is. But does this mean that you're in danger if you come across one in your time on the open water? As of now there have been no documented cases of attacks on people in the wild. Just don't be a sea lion out there!"
Price: 59.99

Adult Funky Monkey Costume |
"Do you know the quickest way to tell the difference between an ape and a monkey? Well other then the fact that monkeys are always having fun it is actually that monkeys have tails and apes do not. Which is good to know next time you're out in the jungle needing to know which is which. But did you also know that monkeys eat their bananas just like we do? They peel away the skin of them and eat the delcious inside just like people do. Which then begs the question, which came first? Did monkeys see us do it first or did we see monkeys do it first? Looks like it could be a cause of monkey see, monkey do."
Price: 69.99

Plus Size Zombie Banana Costume |
"Wear this Plus Size Zombie Banana Costume with your own dark pants & shirt, and become the main ingredient in a jumbo loaf of banana bread!"
Price: 34.99

Adult Zombie Penguin Costume |
This penguin has been through the wringer and has the scars and wounds to prove it! Wear this Adult Zombie Penguin Costume for a unique twist on a favorite bird. Bring your own supply of rotten fish!
Price: 29.99

Adult Pint Of Beer Costume |
" �Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer. � - Henry Lawson.Beer. It's more than just a smooth amber liquid you drink to refresh your taste buds. It's a way of life, a mindset. To truly understand beer, you must become one with the beer. You must get into the fluid thoughts of beer. You must focus on your inner hops. Naaaaaaaahhhh! We're just joshing you. Ol' Henry had it right though! Some days, you just need a beer to take the edge off a bad day, or to enliven a celebration, but if you still want to fully become the beer, then give this Pint of Beer Costume a try.The costume comes in a tunic form with a realistic image of the pint of frosty cold beer on the front. Make sure to have a few brews on hand, since one look at this costume might just have you itching to pop open some liquid refreshment of your own!"
Price: 29.99

Adult Spam Can Costume |
"The far off land known as Austin, Minnesota is a magical place where one of the most delicious meats ever is made. Now how this meat is made is a mystery to most but the true story is that there are special types of fairies that exists who take the best parts of edible animals and mixes them together with a wand to bring the world a great thing in a can. But what is further unknown is the best way to eat this treat. Some like to have it simple with eggs, some like it with mac and cheese, and for others the perfect meal is Spam, eggs, Spam, Spam, bacon, and Spam. Now if you're a true lover of this amazing food, this costume that makes you look like the can from heaven is for you!"
Price: 34.99

Breathalyzer Costume |
A night on the town usually means that a few drinks are had. Wheather it be the best of craft beer or great top shelf rum someone who has a few too many should make sure they know where they're at on the scale of drunkness. Luckily for everyone you'll be there ready to help out anyone who wants to find out. All someone needs to do is to blow into the blowing tube and you'll be able to tell them if a few drinks more are needed or if maybe they should have a glass of water. You'll be the perfect party accessory this holiday in this hilarious costume.
Price: 39.99

Beer Mug Costume |
"What is better than an ice cold ale? Nothing that's what. Beer has been making people happy since sometime back in the B.C. era but no one is quite sure on what day it was first created, everyone who was there is a bit hazy on it. Since then it has been enjoyed by princes and paupers throughout the ages and currently can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Some people choose to enjoy a light pale ale while others prefer a hearty stout. But no matter what kind of beer one has the best way to ingest it is with a group of your best friends or at least your newest friends."
Price: 39.99

Adult Deluxe Banana Costume |
"Hanging off a tree in the jungle is something that is extremely tasty, bananas. These yellow peeled pieces of fruit have been known to make all sorts of things better by being added. These things include breakfast cereal, ice cream sundaes, and of course grilled peanut butter sandwiches. Now if you don't have any of those with you when you looking to have a snack you can just eat the banana alone. So if you're a fan of this amazing fruit then this costume is for you!"
Price: 44.99

Shark Attack Costume |
When you're swimming out in the ocean you may notice a fin sticking out of the water. This fin would belong to a Great White Shark and if you're not careful he may notice you. Once this vicious fish sees you you'll see that shark fin turn in your direction and move quite fast. Try to swim away all you want but that shark will catch up with you make you his mid afternoon snack. You can now look a shark's tasty treat in this shark attack costume. This is perfect for fans of the greatest week ever known as Shark Week.
Price: 49.99

Whoopie Cushion Costume |
"Pranks these days... all elaborate in their conception, and secretly filmed no doubt, then uploaded to Youtube... you kids with your cameras, your technology! *shakes fist* Back in our day we didn't have any of that and we still managed to make ourselves laugh at the expense of others. Just look at the old whoopie cushion here! Put it under someones couch cushion and when they'd sit down you got that hilarious toot noise! Look at the diagram on the front; someone probably drew that in 1952, and we're still laughing about it today. The whoopie cushion will never go out of style, and this costume proves that fact. Now if they'd only make a costume of that palm buzzer shocker thing, we could tell you all about that too, and how we once walked fifty miles in the snow just to look at it through the store window!"
Price: 29.99

Gobbler the Turkey Costume |
What makes Thanksgiving a great holiday? Some say it is being with your family having conversations about what's going on with each other. Those who say that are wrong because this holiday is all about the turkey. If there is no golden cooked bird on the table then that holiday is ruined. So make sure that your Thanksgiving for sure has a bird some sort at it be sure to pick up this great Gobbler the Turkey costume.
Price: 89.99

Bacon Strip Costume |
"Think of your favorite sandwich. Imagine that sandwich sitting on a plate right before you. You look down and see that it's familiar, but maybe too familiar. Now, think of that same sandwich and imagine that it has bacon, perhaps a mountain of bacon, and ask yourself whether it's now better than you could have ever possibly imagined? The answer? It is the greatest thing that has ever been conceived by any sandwich artist in the history of such a thing. That is exactly what bacon does; it takes the familiar and makes it amazing. We have a saying around here: it's better with bacon, and now you can make your Halloween legendary by becoming a strip of delicious bacon. (Do not actually eat this costume, however tempted you might be. It's not food... it's awesome)."
Price: 29.99

Baby Hotdog Bunting |
"When you're at the ball park there is just one thing that everyone wants, a hot dog. This classic snack food is beloved by people of all ages. Now your little one can become his or her's favorite food with this fun hot dog costume."
Price: 19.99
