Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to live and work in Canada for the rest of your life" |
"Immigrating to Canada is not a rocket science. It is a technical procedure that anyone can complete. It may sound overwhelming, but it is easier than you would imagine. All you have to do is follow a step-by-step checklist, make sure not to skip steps, and you are good to go. During the lessons we will provide you with the immigration terminology and logic to simplify your work.We will take you all the way, from start to finish, until receiving your Invitation to Apply (ITA) and submitting your electronic application for permanent residence (e-APR) on time. We also teach you how to calculate the full immigration costs (to make sure you can truly afford it) and teach you how you can start searching for a job before your arrival. Important notices: we are not here to provide you with a legal advice or represent your case. On the contrary. We are here to share our great knowledge in the immigration process to enable you to complete the process by yourself, without spending thousands of dollars on immigration lawyers. This is also the best way to avoid immigration scams.Therefore, all actions taken are at your sole responsibility.It is also essential for you to know that no one can guarantee a success. Not an immigration lawyer and not us. The only one to decide whether you qualify or not and whether they want you or not is the Canadian government and no one else.Good Luck!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Como adquirir o Foco e Inteligncia Emocional no trabalho" |
"Voc j passou por algum problema e teve dificuldade em super-lo?No nosso dia a dia passamos por frustraes e presses e algumas pessoas tem uma incrvel capacidade em saber lidar com elas usando a INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL, fazendo toda a diferena para ser resiliente e prosseguir sua trajetria.A Inteligncia Emocional a capacidade de reconhecer os prprios sentimentos e saber lidar com eles e com os das outras pessoas.Para falar sobre esses dois assuntos to fundamentais no comportamento do ser humano e que agrega sua vida profissional e pessoalEsse Curso vai desenvolver a sua inteligncia Emocional ensinando a voc lidar com o dia dia e fazer voc subir para prximo nvel, e ter uma vida Extraordinria."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Lerne noch heute erfolgreiches Investieren an der Brse" |
"Der Quick-Guide zum Erfolg. In nur unter einer Stunde lernst Du alles um direkt im Anschluss loslegen zu knnen. Kein unntzes Wissen oder groe Mrchengeschichten. Du lernst, wie du schnell und einfach ein profitables Wertpapier-Portfolio an der Brse aufbaust und in dieses investierst. Einmal eingerichtet, erwirtschaftet es dir vllig automatisch Rendite und arbeitet rund um die Uhr fr Dich.Dieser Kurs richtet sich speziell an junge Menschen die jetzt schon ein Vermgen fr die Zukunft aufbauen mchten. Deshalb ist dieser Kurs auch an die Bedrfnisse junger Menschen angepasst. So zeige ich Dir beispielsweise wie Du mit nur 25,- monatlich ein breit aufgestelltes und krisensicheres Portfolio zusammenbaust und zum Investor wirst. Ich zeige Dir, wie Du mit sogenannten ETF eine wissenschaftlich erprobte Anlagestrategie nachbildest, die unter anderen vom Brsenexperten Gerd Kommer empfohlen wird. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"5 Ferramentas Poderosas para Diminuir a Ansiedade" |
"Hoje em dia muito comum pessoas viverem estressadas e muito ansiosas.E o resultado disso so diversos...Como a sensao de estar sempre cansado, e os pensamentos ficarem desorganizados e acelerados, o rendimento cai em todas as reas as reas da vida, podendo gerar at prejuzos financeiros. Sem falar que prejudica os relacionamentos interpessoais e pode at se tornar um transtorno ansioso como o Pnico.Com um valor menor do que um remdio para a Ansiedade, voc pode adquirir esse curso nico e aprender eficientes tcnicas da Psicologia Cognitiva para controlar as Ansiedade.E com isso, voc vai conseguir administrar melhor suas emoes e ter uma vida mais tranquila, relaxada, podendo ficar livre de vrios problemas de sade.O benefcio de tudo isso vai ser traduzido qualidade de vida, produtividade no trabalho e melhoria nos relacionamentos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"DAS (Cell phone networks for buildings) Project Management" |
"More than 70% of data used over cell phones are from indoor, but less than 30% of indoor areas in U.S. has decent cell phone coverage. DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems) or indoor cellular networks fill in these coverage gaps. Just think of the potential of growth of DAS projects.In every DAS projects, a lot of people from outside the DAS industry have to get involved; they are architects, building construction team, IT, facilities management team, project managers - just to name a few. There is quite a bit of learning curve to the whole engineering and business side of DAS. So, most of these people navigate through these projects somewhat blindly or limited knowledge. Worse is there is really no vendor-neutral on-line or on-site courses available for people outside DAS. Why vendor neutral? Because most webinar, or DAStutorials are made by equipment manufacturers, and it just tells the audience how great their product is.*** Decision makers and project managers deserve to know DAS from a vendor-neutral perspective.***This courseis a vendor-neutral overview of DAS.My goal is to give anyone who is interested in in-building cellular network or DAS, a pretty comprehensive look into the field in a short few hours. Once you go through this course, you will be able to manage DAS projects and interface with all aspects of resources for DAS.You will be able to assess the feasibility of DAS for your organization, and guide your organization into and through a DAS project. No complicated RF theory or formula! In simple diagrams and slides, I will show you how a DAS come together.In less than 4 hours, you will learn about:Basic DAS terminologies,Core architectures of 3 types of DAS,Principal rules and regulations of Public Safety DAS,Typical processes involved in DAS implementations,Types and names of companies involved in the industry,Business & funding models,Budget and bid process, andDAS project management milestones.If you are in any of the following businesses, this course is for you:IT or Information TechnologyCommercial construction or architectureBuilding safety or facilities managementProject Management OREven starting out in DAS industryImagine learning about a whole new field in 1/2 a day. Now lets start with the project, and make that happen. Be a DAS-hero :)***Note: this course does NOT teach softwares such as ibWave or EDX. If you want Level 1, 2, or 3 certifications, please contact ibwave.**"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"SOLID Simplified - Software Design Fundamentals" |
"- Have you found yourself losing interest mid-way on a book on software design that you once started with a lot of enthusiasm?- Have you wished to strengthen your software design foundation but never found enough time to understand it in detail? - Have you struggled in understanding design patterns?- Have you gone through SOLID principles but can not still clearly distinguish among them?This course addresses all the above issues:It is a 1.5 hours comprehensive guide delivered with crystal clear communication. The diagrams and the visual effects keep you focused and interested throughout the course.It is not just the speaker but also the content that talks to you! Do not let the duration and colorful appearance of the training allow you to think that the content is not deep enough. In fact even the software architects and most experienced developers will immensely benefit as the training covers aspects of the SOLID principles that are not readily available. This also lays a strong base for you to understand design patterns as most of the design patterns are based on these principles.Note this course needs you to have a prior experience in software development.Here's some feedback from the course students:- ""I found this very useful, I tried another courses more focused on the concepts instead the examples. In this course I found both. Concepts and Examples. Very clear and well complemented with real life examples. Thanks!!""- ""The SOLID concept is very methodically exposed, with a lot of clarity, through very comprehensible and concrete examples..."" - ""Great analysis of the principles...""- ""I took this course the night before an interview and it paid off. Was able to explain SOLID principles in OOP during the interview, and it made me look very good! ""- "" Must for every developer. Very nice explanation with examples""- ""Very good and precise..."" - ""Although I have had a fair idea about the Design Principles prior to this course, the simple and crisp presentation has only helped me in gaining a newer perspective""The training explains with a simple example and builds on it as you go deeper into it. Examples are not overly simple nor too complex - They have just the right balance to help you relate back to your project. Join the course with a unique, never-seen-before content and delivery style!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
bitcoin_tw |
"? ?BTC?2017? Bitcoin: (Satoshi Nakamoto)BTC: Bitcoin: (Altcoin)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Exceptional Digital Marketing Using ""Rule of Thirds""" |
"This course will help you to create exceptional digital marketing content. Not just great content, all about you, but exceptional and engaging content that inspires, motivates and drives people to do things.I have included lots of practical thinking, ideas and checklists to help reinforce your learning through the videos you'll watch.As you work your way through the course you'll build a digital marketing plan, that will ensure you focus on the most important customers, the profitable ones, create a clear and engaging customer journey for them and then fuel it with your exceptional content.This course is based on the Rule of Thirds, my proven and successful balance of content strategy, that is used across the world by successful digital communicators, marketers, and businesses both large and small. I've taken thousands of people through this course on a face-to-face basis, consistently scoring 9/10 or 10/10 in feedback and I am excited to offer it to you here on Udemy. I hope you enjoy it, I'm always on hand to answer your questions so please message me and I look forward to the journey with you.- Neil Wilkins"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Exclusive practice tests on hypothesis testing" |
"This course offers extensive practice on Statistical inference - Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.Questions on confidence intervals, inferences, formulating hypothesis, selecting appropriate statistical test, calculating p value and concluding hypothesis test are covered59 power packed questions covering various subtopics spanning across difficulty levels.This course is useful for students to quickly revise theconcepts, answerqualitative questions as well as solve complex problems that are similar to free response questions."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a construir sitios web con Photoshop CC 2018" |
"La hermosa carrera de diseo web comienza con un conocimiento prctico de las herramientas y caractersticas de Adobe Photoshop.Este curso, vadestinado tanto para principiantes como para diseadores experimentados, le mostrar cmo usar Photoshop para disear pginas web, grficos personalizados y ms. Que entusiasmen a los usuarios finales e impresionen a los clientes.Preprese para una carrera en diseo web aprendiendo los fundamentos de Photoshop.Domine los principios del diseo web y la tipografa. Aprende a disear grficos personalizados.Obtenga acceso a recursos para sus propios proyectos.Cree sitios web que ganen clientes y mejore su carteraEl diseo web profesional tiene una gran demanda, con todo tipo de empresas, desde grandes corporaciones hasta pequeas boutiques que buscan diseadores web que puedan mejorar su presencia en lnea y crear su marca.Este curso le ensear las habilidades que necesita para crear impresionantes diseos de sitios web utilizando Photoshop para que pueda convertir las visiones de sus clientes en realidad.Este curso le resultar beneficioso al combinar instrucciones claras y concisas con ejemplos del mundo real y ejercicios prcticos.Photoshop y diseo web de la A a la Z:Siguiendo el sencillo proceso paso a paso del curso, aprender los principios de diseo web y las habilidades de Photoshop necesarias para crear pginas web y grficos, comenzando con temas dela tipografa, el diseo del logotipo, el diseo UX/UIyms.Caractersticas del curso:Audio claroGrabado a Full HD: 1920x1080 Photoshop CC 2018(ltima versin) se utiliz durante todo el curso.Recursos a utilizar son proporcionadototalmente gratuito.Zoom constante en reas importantesCdigos de teclas de acceso, las tcnicas repetitivas que aceleran ligeramente el proceso del proyecto.Despus de completar este curso, tendr una slida comprensin de los principios del diseo web y los fundamentos de Photoshop necesarios para crear pginas web y grficos de vanguardia.Tambin estar familiarizado con la industria del diseo web."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Autogenes Training: Entspannung und Stressbewltigung" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du ohne fremde Hilfe das Autogene Training anwendest und dadurch entspannter und stressresistenter wirst. In acht Wochen lernst du Schritt fr Schritt alles, was du zu den Themen Stress, Entspannung und Autogenes Training wissen musst und eignest dir so alles an, um dem Stress im Alltag besser entgegenwirken und leistungsfhiger sein zu knnen."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Kreatives Schreiben: Plotten wie ein Profi - Roman schreiben" |
"Du hast eine Idee fr einen Roman, aber weit nicht, wie du das Ganze in eine spannende Geschichte bersetzen sollst.Du arbeitest gerne strukturiert, hast aber bisher geglaubt, das vertrgt sich nicht mit der kreativen Arbeit an einem Roman.Du hast schon verschiedene Roman-Projekte begonnen, aber immer wieder abgebrochen, weil du zwischendurch den Faden verloren hast oder nicht mehr wusstest, worauf du eigentlich mal hinaus wolltest.Du hast immer nur kurze Zeitrume, um an deinem Roman zu arbeiten, und es fllt dir schwer, dich jedes Mal aufs Neue darauf einzulassen.Mir ging es genau so!Immer wieder habe ich mir vorgenommen, eine tolle Idee, die ich hatte, dieses Mal wirklich in einem Roman zu verarbeiten. Ich fing mit ganz viel Elan an, schrieb 50, 100, manchmal 150 Seiten - und wusste pltzlich nicht mehr weiter. Meine Figuren hatten sich verzettelt, meine Geschichte lief ins Leere und ich wusste beim besten Willen nicht, wie ich das Ganze zu einem sinnvollen Ende bringen sollte. Manchmal hatte ich zwischendurch kaum Zeit zu schreiben, und wenn ich mich dann wieder an den Schreibtisch setzte, war ich sehr berrascht ber das, was da stand. Und ich fand keinen richtigen Anschluss mehr - an meine eigene Geschichte.Das konnte so natrlich nicht bleiben.Also habe ich mich hingesetzt und ein System entwickelt, mit dem ich Schritt fr Schritt den Plot meiner Geschichte planen konnte, ohne mich selbst einzuengen. Und ich schaffte es, meine Ideen endlich in abgeschlossenen Romanen umzusetzen.Alles, was ich hierbei ber das Plotten gelernt habe, habe ich nun zu einem Online-Kurs zusammengestellt. Und ich nenne ihn Plotten wie ein Profi.Dieser Kurs zeigt dir, ... wie du deinem Roman ein durchgngiges Thema gibst, an dem du dich whrend des Schreibens orientieren kannst.wie du die Spannung in deinem Roman durch Konflikte und Wendungen aufrecht erhltst. wie du dein eigenes Plotraster entwickelst, nach dem du deinen Roman dann schreiben kannst.wie du Kapitel in Szenen unterteilst und auf welche Szenen du verzichten kannst.Kurz: Plotten wie ein Profi gibt dir das gesamte Handwerkszeug, das du brauchst, um deinen Roman ""nur noch"" zu schreiben."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unity and MicroBit, Make a game, add electronics!" |
"Course will teach how to connect Micro Bit to Unity and control your own created games with it! We will provide all the necessary scripts for the connection and all the fun part will be left for you. We will be making two interesting games from scratch. All the necessary skills of Unity will be provided for you to make your own games.There are different versions of micro:bit. We use the ones where compass and accelerometer are in separate chips. You can see the labels on the back side pointing to either a single or double parts."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Go Happy Yourself!" |
"""I just want to be happy!"" How many times have you said that or had it said to you? It seems that is the hope and wish of all of us - yet, we don't take the time to define what it actually means to us to be happy. In this course, we'll first determine our level of happiness by using a great tool that you can use now, tomorrow, 10 years from now that will help you focus on where your happiness is lacking...then we'll come up with some ways that you can increase your happiness.Being happy isn't a destination. It's a choice. It's a mindset. You can be happy - and it can start with a click of the button!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Academy of Ads Certification Practice Tests" |
"Google Adwords Certification is considered to be one of the top certifications for a digital marketing professional. Academy of Ads by Google gives a good training. That's more than an enough to learn the content and you don't need to do any other course. These practice tests help you test your knowledge and most of the questions in it are asked exactly in the test. This will make you complete all the certification exams easily.Each question has the explanations for the answer and also the links to knowledge areas are also provided. So after completing this test you will have a great knowledge about digital marketing as a whole and also Google digital marketing.And more questions and tests would be added in the due course of time.If you need any financial aid for this course please mail me on and I can help you.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IELTS General Training Writing Task 1" |
"Look no further if you have a strong desire to achieve the highest possible score in any IELTS General Training WritingTask 1. The IELTS EXPRESS formula holds the key to your success.What is the IELTS EXPRESS formula?Created by IELTS EXPRESS, the formula is an easy to follow, step by step method that includes advice, tips, proven strategies and much more for thefivefrequently presented IELTS Task 1type questions.Who are the courses for?IELTS EXPRESS courses are designed for anyone who needs and welcomes assistance from an experienced native speaking teacher in:Understanding the specific elements of the various IELTS Writing type questions and instructions.Creating a plan, developing and buildingthe structure of paragraphs.Completing a task within the required time.Producing and achieving high scoring results.The course content will also prove to be of great value for anyone who has to produce a piece of writing for other academic purposes."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"IELTS General Training Writing Task 2" |
"Look no further if you have a strong desire to achieve the highest possible score in any IELTS General Training WritingTask 2. The IELTS EXPRESS formula holds the key to your success.What is the IELTS EXPRESS formula?Created by IELTS EXPRESS, the formula is an easy to follow, step by step method that includes advice, tips, proven strategies and much more for the fivefrequently presented IELTS Task 2type questions.Who are the courses for?IELTS EXPRESS courses are designed for anyone who needs and welcomes assistance from an experienced native speaking teacher in:Understanding the specific elements of the various IELTS Writing type questions and instructions. Creating a plan, developing and building the structure of paragraphs. Completing a task within the required time. Producing and achieving high scoring results. The course content will also prove to be of great value for anyone who has to produce a piece of writing for other academic purposes."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Self-Assessment Tools To Make Your Career Work For You!" |
"Do you want to return to work after a breakbut don'tknow where to start? Is fear holding you back from pivoting into the career you really want?Are you afraid no one will want to hire you again? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then this course is PERFECT for you.This 5-lesson coursepresents interactive lecturesand worksheetson how best assess your career to date and create short- and long-term professional goals.You will learn how to consider your passions, your talents, and the hiring market to determine the kind of work you should seek.Thecoursewill alsoaddress the identity shifts that work transitions can bring, especially if you've taken a break from the workforce."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Boostez votre confiance en vous !" |
"S'il vous tait possible de faire exploser votre nergie intrieure, d'utiliser au maximum votre potentiel, de devenir celui ou celle que vous rvez d'tre et d'avoir une confiance en vous qui vous portera vers la russite dont vous serez fier, seriez-vous intress ?Si vous en avez marre qu'on ne vous prenne pas au srieux, marre de passer pour un ou une ""timide"", si vous vous sentez mal dans votre peau, si vous doutez de vous, si vous ne vous sentez pas capable, pas la hauteur, si vous vivez dans la PEUR : la peur de vous affirmer, la peur de dire ""non"" ou de dire ""oui"", la peur du ""qu'en dira-t-on"", la peur du regard des autres, la peur d'tre rejet, la peur que l'on vous compare, la peur de dcevoir, la peur d'chouer...Bref, si vous n'tes pas sr de vous et que a vous empche d'AVANCER.. ou si vous pensez simplement que votre vie serait plus simple, plus riche et plus belle si vous aviez plus de confiance en vous...C'est possible, et c'est mme beaucoup plus simple que ce que vous pouvez imaginer aujourd'hui.Entre vous et moi, si vous vous sentez concern par ces quelques questions, alors, j'ai quelque chose d'important vous dire.Avez-vous peur du jugement des autres ?De craindre leurs ractions et par peur... vous vous taisez ?Quand vous dsirez entreprendre un projet, la peur de l'chec vous paralyse-t-elle ?Est-ce que vous gardez (souvent) le silence, alors que vous avez des ""choses"" dire dans une runion ?Abandonnez-vous vos rvesparce que vous ""croyez"" que vous ne serez pas capable de les mener terme ?Refusez-vous des responsabilitsgratifiantes par crainte de ne pas tre "" la hauteur"" ?Avez-vous peur de dire NON, de crainte de ""froisser"" votre interlocuteur ?Allez, rassurez-vous. Vous n'tes pas seul. Savez-vous qu'un sondage a rvl quepresque 80 % des gens interrogs, ... manquent de confiance en eux.Et vous ? Vous vous sentez concern par ce problme ?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yoga asanas and eye yoga for daily life" |
"Yoga is about being able to return to balance in todays life, a balance between the tension and relaxation, between activity and rest. Unfortunately, yoga asanas are often viewed as a form of gymnastics. But, in essence, asanas meant to be carried out quite consciously, under full awareness of body and mind as opposed to gymnastics. Whilst correctly performed, asanas can influence the body (inner organs, muscles, heart, blood circulation and pressure as well as glands) in various ways depending on which pose you are in and for how long. This course is divided into yoga programmes designed for all levels, beginners to yoga as well as advanced students who have practiced it for many years. By arranging yoga poses in a certain degree of difficulty and a certain order, the video-practices aim to give students the most out of each practice. Some poses are dynamic, whilst the rest are less dynamic or even motionless to achieve a greater effect. The yoga programmes are based on teachings offered by the Haa Retreat Centre, which is internationally recognized center for the in-depth and comprehensive yoga and meditation training. Based on the knowledge acquired during one of such retreats, Irma has gained invaluable knowledge and experience and sharing them as part of this online course. Therefore, this course provides access to authentic yoga within the tantric tradition with video instructions in yoga, targeting both body and eyes, open resources for more in-depth information that people pay 1000 EURO to gain knowledge during intensive yoga and meditation retreats."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Anlise Tcnica para Bolsa de Valores" |
"Todo mundo quer operar o capital da Atom,para isso criamos o Cursinho de Anlise Tcnica. Voc contar com nosso melhor contedo para ser capaz de passar na avaliao da Atom.Com 5 aulas gravadasfalando tudo sobre anlise tcnica,ministradaspela nossa presidente Carol Paiffer, voc aprender os padres grficos mais comuns para opera na mercados futuros e aes.Agarre essa oportunidade e venha aprender a operar na Atom!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Essential Oils of the Bible" |
"Go on an adventure into the history of apothecary. In this course you will learn the in's and out's of essential oils. What they are, how to use them, andthe rich history of their origins. Plus the top 7 essential oils mentioned in the bible along withthe scripture references. How were these oils used in bible times? How are they used today? Learn from a certified aromatherapist and experienced christian."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Training Mandiri: SQL Server 2017 on Linux" |
"Training ini dibuat dan dirancang untuk rekan-rekan yang ingin belajar mengenai SQLServer 2017 yang berjalan diatas platform Linux. Training didesain semudah mungkin sehingga ini mudah diikuti. Kurikulum dibuat secara komprehensif sehingga mengcakup hal-hal yang diperlukan ketika ingin terjun ke real project.SQL Server 2017 pada Linux merupakan fitur baru dari Microsoft. Training ini memberikan wawasan dan ketrampilan dalam mengoperasikan SQLServer 2017 pada platform Linux. Topik utama yang dibahas dalam training ini adalah:Pengenalan SQLServer 2017 pada LinuxInstalasiOperasi dasar pada SQLServer 2017Pemrograman TSQL pada SQLServer 2017Backup dan RestoreAkses SQLServer 2017 dari aplikasi .NET, PHP dan Node.js"
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"The Launchpad: Create & Maintain Goals For Longterm Success" |
"The Launch Pad course was created was created with one goal in mind: To lay the foundation for long term success with the use of goals.In this course, we are going to give you the blueprint to goal setting so that youll know exactly how to set your goals in a way that makes them both ambitious and achievable.However, when I started putting this course together, I quickly found out that theres much more to goal setting than just structure and task completion. While the goal-setting framework is important, its only half of the equation.Heart Based Goal Setting uses Heart Intelligence to ensure that your goals are aligned with your deepest needs and desires.Without this alignment it is difficult to fully commit to your goals. By using Heart Intelligence you will be setting up the right habits in your life to ensure the achievement of your goals.To develop this course we used some of the bestknowledge and cutting edge techniques in the industry:Our first body of knowledge that we used is HeartMath.Since 1991, the HeartMath Institute has researched and developed reliable, scientifically based tools to help people bridge the connection between their hearts and minds, and deepen their connection to the heart.We will be using Heart Intelligence to define your most congruent goals. We will then turn your hearts goals into a S.M.A.R.T. Goal.SMART Goal Setting is commonly attributed as ; SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, AMBITIOUS, REALISTIC and TIMED.It was Sales Master Zig Ziglar who said that A goal properly set is halfway reached and thats great but what about the other 50%?The other 50% is getting the work done so we will be introducing you to the power of habit and setting you up with the right routines and rituals that are both flexible and will also help focus and motivate you to stay on track and to enhance your abilities so that you can achieve even your most ambitious goals.I understood that in order for the launchpad to be a success, I was going to need to bring in the big guns to help explain how to utilize the nearly limitless power of your heart and mind for goal achievement.And thats where Anthony comes in. Anthony Flipovich is an expert in Heart Intelligence and he will show you how to determine the goals that are most aligned with your deepest needs and desires. He will also be introducing you to some powerful and easy to use visualization exercises that Ive ever seen so that you can utilize the power of your mind to start reshaping your beliefs in a way thatll get you to truly believe that you are capable of achieving even your most ambitious goals.You will then learn how to shape your life around goal achievement. We will go over daily rituals designed with exercises that provide you with higher levels of energy greatly assisting in your ability to commit to a routine that will give you the consistency to meet any goal.By the end of this course, youll be a goal setting ninja master who not only knows exactly where you are going but how you are going to get there. Youll have the tools, the training and the belief to get even your biggest, baddest goals achieved."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
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Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"Your Life Purpose - It's Irrepressible!" |
"Have you wondered what your life purpose is?In an attempt to find the answers, we have taken endless inventories, listened to obscure motivational speeches,and crossed our fingers that the heavens will part anda miraculous situation or job will reveal why we're here.The fact is, it's not obvious - because it's as natural to us as breathing.This course is designed to coachyou through decipheringyourpurpose. With acombination of lecture, tools, writing, and self-assessment,itprovides guidanceforuncoveringyour love-to-do in life and work."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Photography - How to create a professional feed!" |
"A full guide on how to take and edit photos for Instagram and how to create a niched account around something you are passionate about!In this course we first start out by creating a solid foundation to build off of as you continue to grow and expand your account.We evaluate what type of photos you like to take and show you how to keep doing this to create a professionallooking feed that helps grow your page,business,and to help you start to develop a personal brand!I go over how traditional photography is very differentfrom Instagram photography and the differentrules you need to know to be successful on the platform!Anyone can take this course evenif you are aprofessionalphotographer or if you have never taken a photo. I do talk about Lightroom a lot in this course and highly recommendyou invest in it but I also give other free alternativesif you cannot invest in it yet!If you are still unsure of this course and want morereassurance,check out my page on Instagram to see what a good page looks like -@gosammyjo"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing and Growth Course" |
"In this course we will go over how to create a strongInstagram profile and how to grow it, bringing you new followers/clients that are interested in your content. I go over real strategiesthat helped me gain my first 10,000 followers and help you develop a game plan of how you can reach your first 10,000 followers."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning A-Z Python ile Derin renme" |
"Yapay zeka alanna giri yapmak ve ""renen"" uygulamalar gelitirmek istiyorsanz derin renme yntemlerini renmek iin sizi temelden ileri seviyeye kadar teorik anlatm ve pratik uygulamalar ieren bu kapsaml ""Derin renmeye Giri"" eitimime davet ediyorum.Eitimi bitirdiinizde, derin renmenin temellerini, yapay sinir a modelleri oluturma ve gelitirme admlarn ve baarl yapay renme projelerini nasl gerekletirebileceinizi reneceksiniz. Uygulayacamz yntemler:Temel yapay sinir alar, Evriimli siniralar (CNN), zyinelemeli sinir alar (RNN), Uzun-ksa vadeli bellek modeli(LSTM), Makine renmesinde optimizasyon ve reglarizasyon yntemlerini, Kapsl alar, Pekitirmeli renme (RL), ekimeli retici alar (GAN) Tm bu yntemleri Python programlama dili kullanarakTensorFlow ve gerisinde alan Keras ktphanelerindeuygulayacaksnz. Yapay zeka ve derin renmeoklu endstrileri gelitirmekte vedntrmektedir. Bu dersi tamamladktan sonra, bunu iinize uygulamak iin yaratc yollar bulabilirsiniz."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Challenging Behaviour" |
"An introduction to challenging behaviours in children and how to handle them.Managing childrens challenging behaviours in the classroom.By the end of this course, you will be able to:Identify challenging behaviours exhibited by young children in the classroom Recognise some of the possible underlying triggers for the challenging behaviours Identify some strategies to support children with challenging behaviours effectively in the classroom"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Child Development (4-6 yo)" |
"A comprehensive look at Child Development specifically for children aged 4-6yo. Find out how the Processes of Development & Theoretical Perspectives can be applied to Child's Development and how it is useful in understanding and raising our young children.The topic of neuroscience can be complicated so let us break them down into insightful tips and important facts, every parent should know. By the end of this course you will be able to:1. Understand the importance of Child Development 2. Identify & Understand Child Development across the Physical, Cognitive & Socio-emotional processes3. Define & Understand the importance of theoretical perspectives in relation to Child Development"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |