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"Tarot Card Readings by Sen Elias" |
"My name is Sen Elias and I am a Professional Tarot Reader. I have been reading tarot cards since I was 12 years old. Since then, I have built a company named Crescent City Conjure where I've had the pleasure of reading tarot professionally for my clients on a daily basis. During my career, I had the privilege to read tarot at vending events and festivals between Salem MA, New Orleans LA and Washington D.C. My experience makes me uniquely qualified to teach a method of tarot that works for those seeking someone they can relate to. Everyone is born with the ability to be intuitive and just like a muscle it will get stronger the more you use it. Ever tried to learn tarot from books and found yourself more confused than when you began?My aim with this course is to make learning the tarot as easy as possible.This course is designed for the complete beginner but also beneficial to those with some experience. In this training, were going to go from the most basic understanding of these infamous cards to the more advanced techniques that all good tarot readers should know how to implement before, during and after a reading. The course teaches you the skills to become a professional tarot reader but it's really up to you how far you want to take it.The Tarot can be used as a tool of self-transformation as well, as you follow the Fool in his journey through each card you will grow and explore these symbols and how they relate to you in depth.What Will I Learn? Use the tarot to rapidly improve your love life Use the tarot to rapidly improve your business, career and finances Consult the tarot for quick questions or more detailed readings up to 1 hour Identify what spiritual lessons you need to master to improve your life Know the best way to consult the tarot for important decisions Understand how to use the tarot to heal any challenge in your life Give accurate psychic readings with the tarot as a professional tarot readerCourse Content :20 Interactive VideosVery easy to understand instructions and guidance"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento de Liderana" |
"Este curso aborda assuntos relacionados ao ambiente de trabalho na relao de equipes e liderana. Busca sensibilizar e conhecer estratgias em Gesto de Pessoas e Liderana com Inteligncia emocional, utilizando de tcnicas para planejar, estimular, treinar e desenvolver talentos, com foco na Liderana eficaz. Falaremos sobre inteligncia emocional, gesto de talentos, comunicao eficaz, treinamento e desenvolvimento, avaliao do desempenho, feedback e estilos de liderana. O curso destinado a pessoas que esto sendo preparadas para assumir a posio de liderana. Este curso no formato didtico em slides e udio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Diabetes Nutrition: Overcoming diabetes naturally" |
"If youve been struggling with your diabetes, you dont have to any longer! In this course, Ill explain the root causes of diabetes, the ways in which fatty foods can keep you ill, why milk could be harming you, and so much more!Youll learn how to develop the best diet possible to control all different types of diabetes, why the foods you think are healthy might actually be making you sick, and how easy it is to create a healthy diet that will leave you brimming with energy, and ready to take on the world.Learning from home will help you to make changes in your lifestyle at your own pace, and as you discover more, I know youll be as thrilled as I was when you realize that it is possible to live a healthy life, free from sickness as a diabetic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Forecasting with Microsoft Excel" |
"This short course will equip you with simple tools that we use to make forecasts. Also, you will also learn more complicated a range forecast. This forecast requires a predicted single-point and estimated deviations from this point compared to simple single-point forecasts in Excel. The range forecast provides more accurate predictions, and it is more valuable for decision making in business. I will show you how to do it in MS Excel in 60 minutes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Sistema Penal Acusatorio" |
"Este es un curso de introduccin al Sistema Penal Acusatorio dictado por el profesor Armando Fuentes quien es un experto en la materia.Se tratan temas como los Fundamentos del Sistema Penal Acusatorio, las Estructuras y las Tcnicas. Este curso busca realizar una introduccin al mismo en orden de preparar a los estudiantes para futuras formaciones."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD - Projeto Executivo Completo" |
"Curso Completo de AutoCAD. Do Bsico ao intermedirio.Aprenda de forma simples, prtica e eficiente a fazer Planta Baixa, Corte, Fachada, Impresso em Escala e demais comandos. Faa a Projeto Executivo (para entregar na sua Prefeitura) completo.Forma Didtica e com vrias Atividades !!Tudo passo a passo ! Aprenda com exemplos reais !!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Lottery Success Strategies With Google Sheets" |
"This course is about using Google Sheets to analyze and understand systems around you. In this case, the lottery system.Google Sheets is a free spreadsheet program from Google that allows you to analyze, calculate, and visualize data.Once students begin to see the power and capabilities of a spreadsheet,the topic of ""how do I crack the lottery code"" with spreadsheet power always comes up.We'll use lottery data to demonstrate some of the features available in Google Sheets that may be helpful in your work, life, or studies. You will also learn how to gain insights into your state lottery games, while learning a few tips, tricks and shortcuts about them as well.What do you need for this course:You will need continuous access to the internet.A laptop or desktop computer. Although a handheld device is fine for viewing content, you'll need a desktop or laptop computer to perform some of the exercises A Google Account.I realize why this topic continues to remain popular. We all want the 4 Gets: Get FIT, Get Rich, Get Love, Get Lifestyle. Keep in mind. Life is not all about money. You are not trulyrich, until you have something money cannot buy. Getting Fit, finding love, living your ideal lifestyle, andgetting smarter are always good things. On that note, let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Glitch Text Animation In Adobe After Effects" |
"This training course consists of 11 lectures. It is divided into 5 sections, each section - it's a few lessons doing that you learn to use animation tools in practice.In this course, we're going through one specific case from importing files to rendering.The videos are made as clear as possible, so that even a person who has never worked in After Effects could make a project. You create the project, do A, do B, do B - ready.You can practice at a comfortable pace and communicate directly with the instructor.By the end of the training in your portfolio will be 1 self-created work.All lessons are recorded on professional equipment."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"HUD Interface Animation in After Effects" |
"This training course consists of 12 lectures. It is divided into 3 sections:In the first section, we animate a ready-made example. Human Water InterfacIn the second section, we create HUD elements from the scratchIn the third section, we integrate into footage graphic from first sectionThe videos are made as clear as possible, so that even a person who has never worked in After Effects could make a project. You create the project, do A, do B, do B - ready.You can practice at a comfortable pace and communicate directly with the instructorAll lessons are recorded on professional equipment."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CH 19 WAVES AND SOUND IIT-JEE & Medical Physics" |
"This course is basically a topic taught in physics for IIT-JEE, Course is giving basic understanding & mathematical aspect of transverse wave, wave equation,by phase concept, by general approach, wave speed in string, speed of particle,slope on wave relating wave speed and particle speed, acceleration of particle,kinetic energy of particles, potential energy, power propagation of wave in string."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CH 14 TEMPERATURE AND HEAT IIT-JEE & Medical Physics" |
"In this course we are going to study different measuring scale of temperature, centigrade, Fahrenheit, kelvin etc. In section 2 I have discussed thermal expansion, And its relation with Moment of inertia ,Time period. apart from this in section 3 i have discused Heat and Calorimetry, About calorimeter, Heat capacity of calorimeter , Water equivalent, , Many example on mixing of ice, Water and steam,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CH 5 2D-3D PROJECTILE MOTION IIT-JEE & Medical Physics" |
"This course is basically a topic of academics 11th 12th standard, I have covered the topic up to the competitive exams like IITJEE/JEE Mains etc .In this topic , I have covered general approach to deal 2d 3d motion with example covering all types like uniform 2d 3d, Uniformly accelerated 2d 3d , Non uniformly accelerated 2d -3d .Then this mathematical approach of 2d 3d is applied in projectile motion as an example to deal, Ground to ground projectile, Projectile from tower, Collision problems."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
bodylanguage |
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"? ! ! SQL! SQL, , Time - based encoded based sqlmap ! !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Practise your English NOW (B1+)" |
"You learn English, but never use it?You learned the language some time ago and now need to do a quick recap?This course is exactly for you. Here you will get 7 tasks and get FULL FEEDBACK FROM A PROFESSIONAL TEACHER afterwords: general assessment, improvement recommendations. Good luck with your studies!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"O curso de Latim Clssico - Ludus Primus A1/2 - Nvel de Dificuldade: Fcil/Moderado - est sendo desenvolvido pela metodologia de ensino Ludus Schola - ainda na fase (Demo) - Verso 1.0 - tendo como espinha dorsal o Trivium e o Quadrivium, mtodos de ensino empregado durante a Filosofia da Escolstica. Este curso envolve lies que relatam pequenos fatos do cotidiano em Roma, na era Imperial, sob p reinado de Csar. aplicada sob cada lio a gramtica especfica. Ao longos dos mdulos, o aluno ter acesso junto com o curso tpicos sobre a cultura romana, o que, de fato, de fundamental importncia para quem se estuda um idioma. E a cultura romana de grande fascnio, ao qual no poderia ser deixada de lado. Latim uma lngua maravilhosssima, tendo como bero a Itlia Central, precisamente a regio do Lcio, o Latim foi uma lngua que se espalhou rapidamente pelo vasto imprio Romano, originando vrios idiomas, conhecidos como o Latim Moderno. Uma lngua cheia de regras, pobre em artigos e essencialmente sinttica, aguando o raciocnio lgico quanto a traduo de suas oraes. O latim de Csar, sem muitos detalhes, mas rica em elegncia, erudio e sonora aos ouvidos. Para alguns a matemticas de todas as lnguas, pelo seu rigor altamente lgico e, para outros a ""Lngua dos Anjos"". a lngua nativa do Lcio, a lngua do mundo. Entretanto, apresentado tambm lies extras como a srie ""Observa et Lude"" com atividades ldicas, alm de explorar campos da msica (sacra/mundana), leitura de textos modernos (publicados em revistas latinas da atualidade) leitura de Fbulas Mitolgicas, Tpicos de LiteraturaLatina, Nmeros, Conjugao de Verbos (1, 2, 3 e 4 conjugao, Declinao (1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 dos substantivos - Declinao dos Pronomes Possessivos, Declinao dos Pronomes Demonstrativos, Meses, Dias da Semana, Estaes do Ano, Dados sobre a construo de Roma - Histria; Oraes Catlicas (Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Salve Regina...) Textos Bblicos, entre outros mtodos que visa transmitir conhecimentos da lngua Latina. Desenvolvido, sobretudo, para amantes da lngua e cultura latina, alunos de Letras, Direito, Filosofia, Espanhol, Francs, Italiano; estudantes do ensino mdio, com noes fundamentais em sintaxe gramatical e demais interessados em aprender Latim."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation" |
"Ilcorso online sul GDPRha lobiettivo di spiegare in modo semplice ed organizzato i principi base del GDPR, il nuovo regolamento in tema di Trattamento dei Dati Personali.Il corso strutturato in 8 lezioni comprensive di test di valutazione.Al termine del Corso verrannosbloccate alcune risorse utiliper affrontare al meglio ladeguamento a questo importante e rivoluzionario testo di legge."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu primer videjuego con RPG Maker." |
"Descripcin del curso RPG Maker XP es un software creado mediante ruby (un lenguaje de programacin japons orientado a objetos 100%) que nos permitir crear y personalizar un RPG (Rol Playable Game) a nuestro gusto.Mediante el uso de dicho software el alumno podr desarrollar videojuegos y programarlos de una forma amigable, sencilla y llamativa.En el transcurso del curso el alumno conocer la interfaz del software, se familiariza con sus herramientas, a usar sprites, tiles y a programar mediante eventos.Al finalizar el curso el alumno, a la par de su equipo de desarrollo entregarn un videojuego con su respectivo guin y planeacin de acuerdo a la problemtica que el profesor les plante.Recursos de freepik"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Advanced Spoofing: How Hackers become Invisible Online?" |
"Spoofing is a malicious attack employed by Hackers to deceive systems, Individuals, and organizations into perceiving one thing in to something else with the Aim of Gaining Access Controls, Spreading Malware and Stealing data etc.Common Spoofing attacks include IP Address Spoof, Email Spoof, and MAC Address Spoofing. In this course we are going to learn how to safeguard against these attacks?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Application Injection : Mobile and Website Hacking" |
"Application Injection attacks are the most popular attacks for web application hacking and mobile hacking technology. These forms of attacks take advantage of an improperly filtered user to manipulate the databases. This course on application injection tells you manual and automated techniques to find vulnerabilities and exploit them in order to gain valuable insights. In addition to this, youll be able to answer followingHow various types of web hacks are performed How various types of mobile hacks are performed The risks associatedwith web appsThe risks associatedwith mobile appsHow these risks convert into threatsRenowned attacks including SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, Reflected Cross Site Scripting"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Social Engineering : Hacking Human Minds by Technology" |
"Social engineering is essentially the art of gaining access to buildings, systems or data by exploiting human psychology, rather than by breaking in or using technical hacking techniques.In this course we are going to learn how these Techniques work and what can be done to form a protective shield for you and your loved ones from them."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cybersecurity for Beginners and Non Techies" |
"Cyber security comprises technologies, processes and controls that are designed to protect systems, networks and data from cyber attacks. Effective cyber security reduces the risk of cyber attacks, and protects organizations and individuals from the unauthorized exploitation of systems, networks and technologies.In this course we will study about various domains of cyber security and penetration Testing and How we can use this knowledge to build our careers."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cloud Security - A Practical Approach to Learning" |
"platforms, standards, migration, security, and storage. In this Course You'll also learn What is Cloud Computing? What are the Advantages and Limitations of Using Cloud Computing? What are the various Categorizations of Cloud Services and How they are implemented? What are PaaS, IaaS, SaaS, CaaS?How Data Security in Cloud is Achieved ?How Security Controls in the Cloud are Implemented and What tools are used for the Implementation. And at last we will discuss the Security Concerns and Limitations of the cloud."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking -Footprinting & Reconnaissance for Beginners" |
"The Footprinting & Reconnaissance is the foremost part of Ethical Hacking. The idea is to extract relevant information about your target before you plan an active attack which is precisely termed as Information Gathering or Footprinting.The course covers basic and beyond sources for collecting this targeted information. How you lurk yet remain uncaught. For this you are going to learn both Active and Passive information gathering techniques.In addition to this, youll be able to answer followingRoutes to be taken for Footprinting & ReconnaissanceUndetected FootprintingHow risk becomes potential threats ?Potential of a digital weaknessWhy its really a first step towards getting Hacked ?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Python for Data Analytics for Beginners by Doing Projects" |
"You will use different tools for different projects in this course. You will experience the full workflow as a data analyst, including data selection, data manipulation, data visualization for report using real-word dataset.After the course, you will have extensive experience on what are the common task and operations as an data analyst.Anaconda isneeded before course start (Installation Manual and Video Tutorial are provided). Download related data set and documents before starting each topic."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Recruiting/Interviewing Skills - Top Human Resources Guide" |
"An intensive, step-by-step recruitment training guide that will teach you how to conduct professional interviews - by one of the highest rated instructors and highly recommended by students!If you do not like interviewing people because you don't know how to conduct an effective interview, or if you would like to refresh and update your interview techniques, then you will be more than satisfied with Don's online business course - Recruitment.If the bottom-line of your business is important to you, then you need to ensure that both you and others in your company are able to master the first stage of increasing productivity - Interviewing, selecting and hiring the best candidate!Are you a recruiter for your company?Do you work in Human Resources or own your own company?Do you want to learn interview techniques and how to ask open-ended questions in an interview?Do you want to learn how to hire employees and conduct an interview?Do you want to learn how to recruit/hire staff?If you answered YES, then this online interview techniques course is perfect for you!Based on much theory, this online business course has been made practical. Don believes in teaching the skills first, not the theory. By mastering the interview skills, you will immediately experience success. You do not have to understand the complexities of the many theories and 'guess' how to apply them! You will master the total recruitment, interviewing and evaluating skills needed to complete the hiring process. The list of open-ended questions, covering various key areas, will also enable you to seek answers in many of your everyday activities, both at work and at home. They add to your life-skills and are invaluable in coaching or training others.The overall objective of this program is to increase the companys ability to select people who are qualified for positions with the company by upgrading the recruiters interviewing skills. Specifically, at the conclusion of the program, you will have learned how to: Understand the overall recruitment process, and the integral role of the interview. Determine critical job requirements and relate these to factual data from resume and application (i.e. screening) Understand the different types of questions which an interview can use (like open-ended questions), and the type of information each can elicit (including EEO considerations). Understand the impact of interview techniques (e.g. note-taking, nodding listening, etc.) How to conduct interviews in a variety of situations so that information about both critical, objective and subjective job dimensions is accurately obtained. Convey a positive image of the company, including EEO compliance. Provide appropriate feedback to the interviewee. Make effective selection/placement decisions based upon job relevant information that is gathered through the interview process."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Top Recruiting: most effective questions for interviewers" |
"How to ask applicants the most effective questions - for InterviewersOne of the top ranked recruitment and interviewing courses!Mini Course - part of The Top Human Resources Guide for Interviewers.If you do not like interviewing because you don't know how to conduct an interview, or if you would like to refresh and update your interview techniques, then you will be more than satisfied with Don's online business course - Recruitment.If the bottom-line of your business is important to you, then you need to ensure that both you and others in your company are able to master the first stage to increase productivity - Interviewing!Do you work in Human Resources or own your own company?Do you want to learn interview techniques and how to ask open-ended questions in an interview?Do you want to learn how to hire employees and conduct an interview?Do you want to learn how to recruit/hire staff?If you answered YES, then this online interview techniques course is perfect for you!Based on much theory, this online business course has been made practical. Don believes in teaching the skills first, not the theory. By mastering the interview skills, you will immediately experience success. You do not have to understand the complexities of the many theories and 'guess' how to apply them! You will master the total recruitment, interviewing and evaluating skills needed to complete the hiring process. The list of open-ended questions, covering various key areas, will also enable you to seek answers in many of your everyday activities, both at work and at home. They add to your life-skills and are invaluable in coaching or training others.The overall objective of this program is to increase the companys ability to select people who are qualified for positions with the company by upgrading the recruiters interviewing skills. Specifically, at the conclusion of the program, you will have learned how to: Understand the overall recruitment process, and the integral role of the interview. Determine critical job requirements and relate these to factual data from resume and application (i.e. screening) Understand the different types of questions which an interview can use (like open-ended questions), and the type of information each can elicit (including EEO considerations). Understand the impact of interview techniques (e.g. note-taking, nodding listening, etc.) How to conduct interviews in a variety of situations so that information about both critical, objective and subjective job dimensions is accurately obtained. Convey a positive image of the company, including EEO compliance. Provide appropriate feedback to the interviewee. Make effective selection/placement decisions based upon job relevant information that is gathered through the interview process."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Java 11Web Java" |
"Java11 + SpringBootWebJavaJavaJavaWeb JavaJava JavaWeb Java JavaSpringBootJava11 + SpringBootJavaSpringBoot(DI)"
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Windows 10 Administration, Security and Troubleshooting" |
"I'm a computer engineer working as an administrator in Jordanian Public sector, we were using windows 7 in our working environment, then my organization upgrade to the latest operating system from Microsoft. First, I felt confused that I have to learn so many things to administrate the new operating system in a very short time, but after installing windows 10 to my domain users and start using windows 10 new features, new updates, and fixes security patches,that's fabulous!!! There are major improvements in security touch support, networking, voice control, the edge browser and most interestingly Linux support. So I would like to share my experience with administrators all over the world to say for them: DON'T BE AFRAID that your organization decided to upgrade to windows 10, on the contrary: enjoy learning it with my course!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Professional Business English and Technical Report Writing" |
"Arabic-Enabled CourseThis is a one integrated course of both Business Management English and Technical Writing.This course tackles all needed skills for managerial communication and technical writing, especially for non-native speakers of English; I mean by that people whose mother tongue is not English, and therefore might find difficulty in using English as a medium of communication in their careers and life in general.This course ensures that you are adequately provided with all the competencies to communicate and write skillfully, professionally and prudently. In this course, what has been accomplished is the restructuring and the selection of the only needed grammatical concepts whichwill facilitate the processes of communication and technical writing without obstructing your fluency and accuracy.You will be provided with all that you need to write effectively, and you will be assisted on how to utilize what will be presented to you to express yourself positively.The course will present you with all that you need to form sentences in any technical documents and communication encounters which are fault free"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |