Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Turn your passion into profits" |
"This course is designed to inspire, motivate, andstimulate you to action. The goal of this course for you get closer to owning your own business, and if you already have a business then it would be to inspire you to grow your business. This course will assistyou if you want to launch a home-based business. You will learn how to keep things simple and the power of visualization. At the end of this course you will feel like you have got a great understandingon what you need to do, why you need to do it, and how to do it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Plant-Based Diet and Nutrition Masterclass" |
"Do you want to learn how to eat a plant based diet, develop the right foundations and habits that support optimal health, and nourish your body through whole food nutrition?Hello! My name is Gentry Rosario, I'm a holistic nutritionist and plant based lifestyle specialist and I'm passionate about helping YOU succeed on your plant based journey to ultimate health! By the end of this course you will be equipped with the practical skills and confidence it takes to create your own thriving plant fueled lifestyle. You will also begin to experience optimized health, natural weight loss, improved energy, reduced risk for disease, and countless other benefits through the power of whole plant based food!This course will teach you:How to prepare your mindset for a lasting lifestyle changeHow to complete a health assessment in order to set and achieve realistic goalsHow to remove toxic foods from your kitchenHow to plan nutritious meals & use time saving cooking techniquesHow to stock your pantry and fridge with nourishing foods How to find the right foods at any grocery store you go toHow to make and drink antioxidant rich superfood smoothies And so much more!This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to implement the foundations of a plant based lifestyle and apply the principles of whole food nutrition (with confidence) in order to restore energy, nourish the body, prevent diseases & boost overall health!What students are saying:""This course claims to be life-changing and I must agree. I've flirted with the idea of a plant-based diet and always went back to meat. This course explains why a person would want to go to a plant-based diet. It starts with changing your mindset, so you don't have to rely on willpower. It progresses to simple tricks to ease into a plant-based diet, continues to simple menus and recipes for meals, green juices and smoothies and even snacks. It explains how to prepare your food and equip your kitchen. And it's all very quick, so you can finish and get started on a new, healthy journey. 5 stars!"" -Wilbur R, 2019""Loving the explanations and concepts. The presenter is very knowledgeable and makes the various topics relatable"" Lucille O, 2019""This course is just what I needed to clear up my confusion about dieting and what to eat to be truly healthy. The instructor is knowledgable and friendly."" - Tara L, 2018Here is what's inside the program:MINDSET ALIGNMENT - Avoid common traps and mental blocks with the 5 mindset alignment rules...THE WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED DIET - Understand the evidence behind the diet so you can make intentional decisions about food..PERSONAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT - Assess your starting health and commitment to make realistic and achievable goals..KITCHEN EQUIPMENT - Learn what equipment will help you be most effective in your kitchen..SPECIAL ESSENTIALS - Discover the most important items for a plant based pantry--and how to use them..KITCHEN OVERHAUL - Remove the toxic foods from your kitchen and create a sanctuary of wholeness and health in your home..MEAL PLANNING 101 - Get my ultimate meal planning template and and 7 Day Meal Pan guide to create personalized menus...without the headacheGROCERY SHOPPING 101 - Learn how to apply my 6 principles of plant based grocery shopping to gain confidence and save you $$$..SUPERFOOD DRINKS & SMOOTHIES - Learn how to 10X your antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients, & fiber through whole food plant based superfood smoothies. PLUS easy recipes to get your started..SMART COOKING 101- Skip the trial and error in the kitchen and learn my top secret cooking & meal prep hacks that took me years to figure out..ACCELERATED WEIGHT LOSS - Discover the principles of natural and safe weight-loss WITHOUT restricting portions, counting calories, or buying special products...Each section features additional PDFs, worksheets, & resources to help you take action right away! Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no risk whatsoever. So if you're ready to join the movement of people experiencing extraordinary health through the power of plant based eating then enroll now to get started!I can't wait to see you inside!Gentry"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to make a basic lo-fi chill beat in FL Studio" |
"It's hard knowing exactly where to start if you're trying to get into music.Even more so if you want to make electronic music that requires multiple instruments and a completely separate skill set versus learning a traditional instrument.I want to help you by guiding you through making a very simple, ""lo-fi"" genre style beat. You can use these techniques to start learning about:Structure of a songDrum rythmsChord progressionsHow to make a melodyEqualizing clashing instrumentsMixingFLStudio is the primary program we will be using, but you can use these skills to produce in any DAW(digital audio workstation)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Single Woman's Affirmation Series" |
"I dreaded being aSingle Womanin my 30s. I had prayed that I would have the right one sent to me.As my 20s started to wind down to a close, I was bombarded with tons of questions from friends and familyAre You Gay? (Not to my knowledge)Are You Trying To Find Someone? (Shouldn't he be trying to find me?)Maybe Your Standards Are Too High (If they were any lower, I'd be dating dead people)You Better Hurry Up, You Only Have So Much Time Left! (What the bleep do you think i'm doing?)Don't Wait Too Late, Or You'll Be An Old Cat Lady (Well, they are self sufficient)These questions coupled with my inability find a mate made me feel soNEGATIVE. I started to be annoyed around the holidays because of all the engagement and wedding announcements that would pop up on my social media timeline.Even in dating, I focused so much on trying to make it work so I wouldn't be alone, that I wasaccepting behaviorsfrom men that I should not have accepted. All for the sake of wanting to be in arelationship/married. When my 20s started to close, I looked around and saw that I was still single in a world full of couples.Then, dating in your 30s turned into a race to beat the clock and continued negative feedback from people who felt there was something wrong with your or guys who felt you were less valuable because I was older.Until one day I ran into an old friend who had married in her early 20s. She was so proud to be married that she couldn't help but remind ussingle womenthat we were..well single. I turned out she had recentlydivorced her husbandand was back on the single scene, just like I was.She wasn't the first woman I ran into who had this story. These werehundredsof women who jumped into relationships because of social pressure and their personalfear of being lonely. In the end, because they didn't take the time to get to know themselves and just enjoy life, they rushed into something that didn't work because they weren't secure in self.It was at that point, that I realized thatwhat's for me, is for me. When it's my time to be in a relationship/marriage, it will happen. But until then, I need toENJOYthe life that I was living right now. Time is of the essence and while we are so focused being sad and lonely on social media, we aren't taking the time to really love who we are.Being singleisn't a crime. It is what you make of it. If you focus on all the negatives,you will attract nothingbut negativity. If you are so focused on being in a relationship or marriage, you willFAILto work on yourself so that you can have the tools and mental acuity needed to have a healthy relationship and be a mentally and emotionally healthy partner.My new 5 video course is designed to help you become more secure in being single and gain a more positive outlook on the life of a Single Gal. Read on and check out the video clip below for a look at what I'll teach you.What Will I Learn?Understand how being secure in being single will positively change your world for the better and how you view single life.Feel secure by doing coursework that will help with the following:Identify Negative Attitudes That Creates A Self Defeatist AttitudeLearn How To Be More Confident In How You Feel And Look About YourselfLove Yourself In Spite Of What Others Think Of YouWhat is Included?*5 Video Courses On The Importance Of Self Acceptance, Positivity, And Being Okay With Being Single* Free Access To The Single Gal's Mastermind Group (includes monthly giveaways, safe place for discussion, and girl power in one place)* Course Activities With Each Module To Help Encourage Critical Thinking*Free New eBook, ""How To Get Away With Being Single"" Which focuses on teaching you how to get away with being single and sharing fun anecdotes on why being single is viewed as such a crime!RequirementsYou Must be Able to Dedicate About 30-45 Minutes For Each Section In Order To Take Advantage Of Each Of The ExercisesHave An Open MindBe Some Place Where You Will Have Quiet And Not Be InteruptedIf you have more questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at chbraswell@singlegalguide.comEnjoy!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Producing EDM & Hip Hop music in Logic Pro X" |
"In this course students will learn the basics and the secrets toproducing music anywhere you are in the world. This course will cover keyinformation likeSampling your 808s,Snares, or Synthesizers to creating edits and finding/matchingbpms of music you want to remix. Students will also learn the secrets of automation, Changing/Matching your sample's Key signatureand how to stay organized within your artistic mess you make while painting your music in logic. The goal for you guys by the end of this course is for you to understand the key aspects of producing in logic as Musicproducer, DJ, or Artistand to execute these keyswith quickness while being anywhere aroundthe world with just a laptop."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Yeni Balayanlar in Mzik: Temel Kavramlar" |
"Mzik teorisi, mziin konuma dilidir. Yzyllardr sren tecrbe ve gelenekle bat mziini oluturan ve eserlerin yazlp okunmas ile icrasn salayan kurallar ve kavramlar mzik teorisini oluturur.Bu derste mzik kompozisyonlar olutururken, mevcut eserleri okurken kullanlan mzik kavramlarn (Ses, Frekans, Vuru, BPM, Nota, Oktav, l, Anahtar, Gam, Akor, Aralk) tanyacaksnz. Derslerin sonunda bir arknn notalarna baktmzda onun icra edilmesi konusunda gerekli bir ok kavramn ne olduunu renmi olacaksnz. Mzik ile ilgilenen herkesin bilmesinin son derece mhim olduu ve temel tekil edecek konulara yer vermeye altm. Mzisyen olmak zerine dneceiz. Konular izlemek iin cret demekten imtina ederseniz youtube kanalmdan videolara cretsiz olarak da ulaabilirsiniz.Derslerden sonra bana geri dn yaparsanz sevinirim. Derslere dair takldnz yerlerde, eksikliini hissettiiniz blmlerde veya aklnza gelen her trl soruda bana yazmaktan - benimle iletiim kurmaktan kesinlikle ekinmeyiniz; Baarlar dilerim.Ebubekir"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"TEMEL MZK BLGS ve FL STUDIO (Gncellendi)" |
"Bu kursu aldnzda FL Studio Program arayzn tanyacak, temel mzik kavramlarn (ses, frekans, nota, aralk, tembo, bpm, l, dizek, durak vs...) renecek, Pachelbell'in Canon In D arksnn notalarn okuyacak, FL Studio program ierisindeki piano roll'de bu arknn notalarnn yazlmasn grecek ve kan almay en sonunda dinleyeceksiniz. Pachelbell'in yaamndan, iyi mzisyen olmaya; klasik mzikten geleneksel Trk mziine eitli konulara bu srada hep birlikte deineceiz. Eer dersleri izlemek karlnda cret demekten imtina ederseniz youtube kanalm ierisinden videolara cretsiz olarak da ulaabilirsiniz. Baarlar Dilerim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Klasik Mekanik: Statik" |
"Bu kursun amac Klasik Mekanik ile ilgilenenlere verencilere yardmc olmak ve Statik brannn temel konular hakknda katlmclara bilgi vermektedir; sorular zerek konular hakknda hakimiyet salamaktr. Mekanik konular nelerdir; Rijit Cisimlerin Denge Durumlar, Skaler ve Vektrel Byklkler,Kuvvet Vektrleri, Skaler,Vektrellemler, Kartezyen Koordinat Sistemi, Denge, Dzlemde Denge, Moment ve Denge, Bileke Kuvvetin Bulunmas, Mesnet Tepkileriile ilgili kaynaklardan derlenen sorularla pekitirilmi bir anlatm."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fun with Statistics" |
"In this course, students will gain a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and techniques of using random variablesapplied to a wide variety of disciplines for inferential studiesThis coursecovers identifyingtypes of variables and certainkey probability concepts to understand the content.With easy-to-understand examples from real-world and case studies and assignment to test your knowledge, you will polish your understanding further."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fun With Statistics : Population And Sample" |
"In this course, students will gain a comprehensive introduction to the concepts ofPopulation and sample in statistics.This coursecovers identifying samples and also various sampling techniques.With easy-to-understand examples from real-world and case studies and assignment to test your knowledge, you will polish your understanding further. Mind maps are also the part of this course to help you retain and revise your learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dcuplez vos rsultats avec des habitudes simples" |
"Apprenez dcupler votre bien-tre, votre sentiment d'accomplissement et votre succs dans tous les domaines de votre vie avec des habitudes extrmement simples mais efficaces utilises par les plus grands succs de ce monde. Le tout facilement et rapidement, en toute autonomie.Cette formation vous aide tre extrmement performant tous les jours, pour accomplir tout ce que vous souhaitez le mieux et le plus rapidement possible, tout en prenant soin de vous et de vos proches. Les conseils donns sont directs et tourns vers l'efficacit."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Optimisez votre productivit pour raliser vos objectifs" |
"Apprenez optimiser votre productivit au maximum, facilement et rapidement, pour concrtiser vos rves ou objectifs en un temps record.Cette formation vous aide d'une certaine faon mieux russir dans tous les domaines; ce n'est pas juste une formation qui vous montre comment russir dans un domaine prcis et vous laisse perdu une fois dans un autre."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Obtenez une vision claire et crez votre plan d'action" |
"Apprenez atteindre un niveau de clart maximale dans tous les domaines de votre vie et comment crer votre propre plan d'action concret pour vous permettre d'atteindre votre plein potentiel facilement et rapidement, en toute autonomie.Cette formation vous aide atteindre un niveau de clart maximale dans tous les domaines principaux de votre vie et vous apprend comment crer votre propre plan de dveloppement personnel, de faon concrte, pour vous permettre d'atteindre votre plein potentiel en toute autonomie. Les conseils donns sont directs et tourns vers l'efficacit"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"2018 Anayasa Deiiklikleri" |
"Ksa Sreliine ndirimli Kupon Kodu: SINIRLI012018 de yaplan Anayasa deiikliklerini en ince ayrntsna kadar Anlattm.Yaplan deiiklikleri Srekli Gncelliyorum.Her dersin sonunda o konu ile ilgili olarak online testler yapacaksnz.Dersin sonunda deneme snavlar olacak. Deiiklikleri isterseniz pdf,power point ( slayt) eklinde notlar indirip fotokopisini kartabilirsiniz.Bu dersi aldktan sonra 2018 ylnda yaplan btn deiiklikleri en iyi ekilde renip kpss vatandalk ,sym'nin dier snavlar,Alan Anayasa veidari hukuk derslerinde deiiklikle ilgili kan btn sorular yapacaksnz.zellikle online testleri zn nk testler zel olarakdan en iyi ekilde hazrland.Testleri zdkten sonra kesinlikle soru karmazsnz."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Market Intelligence" |
"As we all know,both Coke and Pepsi are among some of the worlds most powerful brands. Theseare vast financial, industrial, cultural and political empires.Both companiesbelong to a very restricted club of corporations which in fact turn out to bemore powerful than many governments.And it is easy tounderstand why big oil companies, Airbus, or even Apple are members of thisclub: they hold a unique technology, a product the world needs or simply enoughcash to end world hunger if they decided to.But here are twocompanies making a product made of sugar and water. A product that has notechnical uniqueness, which can be duplicated by anyone, and that the worlddoes not actually need.So hy are they so powerful?Of course theirmarketing power, distribution networks and financial reserves are enormous, butthese are consequences: they do not explain how these corporations got there.The answer lieselsewhere, in a science called market intelligence which, when properlyunderstood, will make any entrepreneurs life easier, and certainly facilitatestrategic business decisions.Market intelligenceis in fact in my humble opinion, the most important preamble to any decisionmaking process, and I intend in this short course, using both of thesecompanies all of us are very familiar with as examples, to demonstrate thepower of this business science."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Languages by Yourself" |
"This course is a series of informative and motivational lectures about language self-education. I would like to emphasize, that I'm not going to teach you English or Spanish. However, I'll answer the most frequent questions about languages. I'll give you some tips and tools for self-education; you'll reflect on such topics as motivation, confidence and self-discipline. Also, I'll tell you how I learnt Spanish almost by myself. I hope you'll enjoy the way I share my passion for languages with my students. Besides, you can take an English Proficiency Test to find out, what your level is."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acquire multilogical critical thinking skills" |
"This is a course that helps the person/student's cognition to evaluate arguments properly without sinking into biases:it helps to analyse and comprehend the consistency of arguments, their veracity, plausibility, logicality or illogicality.We must acknowledge that we are living in an age of wonderful possibilities, in terms of self-education and the extensive access to productive information. This age also offers an overload of biased information, false data and quackery of all kinds, especially on line. This is why a sober and therefore productive reasoning is so necessary not only from a personal perspective, as a form of social responsibility, as well as a valuable contribution for the future generations and civilization to come.It is fundamental to develop qualitative thinking in order to identify and understand which information to trust and what to discard both inwardly and outwardly. It is very important to understand how to detect the psychological, social and popular fallacies, the broken logic and the defective arguments in order to prevent unnecessary/irrational cognitive positions and consequential possible problems.This is an unique course because it combines critical thinking with the understanding of memetics, metacognitive approaches, metamemetic thinking skills and applied rationality.Note: The understanding of contents in the course can be extended via private voice classes. If the student is interested in this possibility then please contact or check the wepage www. eofproject. net"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Core Skills for the Future of Work" |
"Anyone involved in transactional, repetitive or predictable work, has an approx. 50% chance of being replaced by computer software within the next 15 years or so.This course will help students begin to understand why and how more human capabilities are being surpassed by Artificial Intelligence (AI), and what they can do about it to remain relevant and valuable in the workplace."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Rapid Aqua Life Save: A High Value Blockchain Innovation" |
"Approximately 360,000 people drown every year. This course will show you how this ancient problem could be addressedwith a new innovation called Rapid Aqua Life Save.The main goal of the course is to provide students with vividexamples of howwearable tech, Blockchain, smart contracts and quantum computing could be applied together in the near future, to save peoples lives at sea. In doing so, participants will alsobe better equipped to understand why Blockchain will become such a transformational technology."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Holistic Health: BEYOND Diet & Exercise" |
"You want to be healthy. You want your clients to be healthy.Then look BEYOND diet & exercise.Its more than the shape of your body or what we see on the outside that makes us healthy.See the bigger picture: A healthy lifestyle with sustainable changes that fit each individual!Health is inside and out. It's the physical, mental & social.Knowing not only what to do and how to do it, but WHY you even do it in the first place!You want confidence, self-value, joy, desire.You want to be able to DO things & have energy so you can enjoy life.All of this comes from taking a holistic view of health, and working on all areas to create successful changes that actually stick!It requires getting to know yourself and putting in some work to practice & adjust, but you are definitely worth the effort!This is why I share my struggles, research & answers with you through the BEDMAS of Wellness formula.It puts the pieces together in an ""order of operations"" style approach to guide you along your specific wellness journey."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Master Course for Python Network Programming" |
"It focuses onnetwork programming using Python script and code at Python prompt.Course will mapa picture how network clients,network servers and network tools can be built from tools provided by the language.Course is framed withSoftware development and operationperspectiveCourse guides developerdeploying the application and managing various aspects of it,such as remote server administration, monitoring, scaling-up, and optimizing.It introduces you to a bunch of open-source, third-party Python libraries, which are ideal to be used in various use cases.The Courseelaborate in detail the configurations of complex networking systems with helpful hints as needed inreal world task"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive bundle:Mi-Services,Istio,Lab,Docker,Kubernetes" |
"Kubernetes is one of the largest open source projects in the world,according to data from GitHub. Its so big that the tools to manage thedevelopment and deployment of Kubernetes are constantly catching upto the momentum behind the open source technology.This continual evolution makes Kubernetes deployment a bit of anunsteady, fast-moving target. Still, the Kubernetes movement is the centerof attention for organizations at the leading edge of technology innovationand adoption. Container technologies remain of great importance, butnow the deepest issues are about scaling containers in orchestrationenvironments. Containers are considered in context with Kubernetes.There is no other standard to speak of that can support the market scalethat will be needed for containers to be used in production. The onlystandard is Kubernetes. Others are supporters of the technology, but onlyKubernetes has enough wind behind it to steer the cloud-nativetechnology market.From this context, I present my courseaboutKubernetes. The market is now beyond the wonder of containers. Itsbeyond the early fascination with distributed architectures that may beused across multiple cloud platforms. Even the Kubernetes technologyitself is getting boring, despite the fast pace of change. Thats a welcomesign for an early market primed for its next big test. The big question isnow about the technologys maturity: How well does Kubernetes work inproduction? We still dont know. Its a question that cannot be resolvedquickly. And until its resolved, we wont know how much of an impactKubernetes will truly have.Containerization is the most important and useful technique in todays world.People along with business and organisations are looking for an easy way to manage their apps.No one needs to do so much work when managing business applications.There is a great need for organizations to scale up to growing number of applications.The best way is to automatethis. Kubernetes is the best answer for the same.This container is very flexible ,highly reliable and can be automated in the most efficient way.This course would Completely guide you on how to use Kubernetes and get the best out !This course will help you to gain understanding how to deploy, use, and maintain your applications on Kubernetes. If you are into DevOps, this is a technology you need to master. Kubernetes has gained a lot of popularity lately and it is a well sought skill by companies.This Course focusses only on LAB and Commands with no theory at all.Looking forward for your participation !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Breaking Grounds in Vipassana Meditation" |
"This course is intended as a preparation course for students who have or will consider completing a10-daymeditation retreat in the tradition of S.N.Goenka. These secularretreats can be completed in more than 90 countriesworldwide (still counting)and do not require any prior meditation experience, academic background, or training of any kind. Besides being highly accessible these unique retreats are as well free of cost and authentic to Buddhist standards.This course is also intended for people who have already completed the 10-day retreatand wish to refresh their understanding of the meditation techniques. Completing this course is thus as mucha preparatory step to takebefore registering for a retreat as a stepping stone to support you in establishing a daily practice of meditation in your life. All in all, the only prerequisite to this courseis to be convinced that meditation could be beneficial to you.The perspective adopted by this course sees meditation asa training of the mind.Sitting and carrying out a meditation task on a daily basis is nothing more than a training of one's mind and of the underlying neural networksand overall physiologicalbasis. As such meditating involves developing astable attention and a sensitive mind, the twoutmostcharacteristics of a mindful person. The first exercise (Anapana meditation) taught in this course and at the meditation retreatis aimed at this.The second main perspective conveyed by this course presents Vipassana meditation as a way to undo one'sconditioning from the past. Whether we want to be happier, more compassionate and present, or more productive and focused, we need to set ourselves free from the impact traumas and past events have had on us and how these had usso farbehave the way we have. So is the purpose of the second exercise(Vipassana meditation): to carry out a careful examination of one's own body in such a way as to let go of the imprint left on us by past events.This course is a condensed version of the teachings received during the 10-day meditation retreat. Itleaves aside lengthy comments about spirituality, philosophy, Buddhism, the cultural background to this tradition, the benefits ofmeditation practice, etc. These are left for you to learn duringthe retreat orto research on your own.The focus of this courseis ratherplaced on the instruction of the meditation techniques, explanations forwhy their regularpractice may have an impact on your life, and the overall structure and organisation of a 10-day Vipassana retreat."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Impara ad Usare Illustrator Cs 6" |
"Con questo video corso imparerai ad utilizzare illustrator CS 6 in maniera tale da impadronirti di questo strumento nella quasi totalit, anche se le tue esperienze grafiche sono solo basilari. Passo a passo verrai guidato e e apprenderai come funzionano le varie strumentazioni che ti consentiranno di avviare una bellissima attivit di operatore grafico vettoriale."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SUIT UP! How to Dress for Success!" |
"We all know that man who walks into the room and everyone can't help but take notice. He's calm, cool,confident and always looks sharp. This course is designedtomakeyouthat guy. Know how to dress for any situation with ease and always be on your game when it comes to clothing. The way we dress and present ourselves plays a huge part in what get in life, so you should always put your best foot forward. Learn how to dress for any occasion and how to turn just a few items into a complete wardrobe appropriate for any situation. Don't desire to be that guy that grabs everyone's attention, become him!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Catia V5 eitimini Tasarm Mhendisinden aln!" |
"Son derece kuvvetli tasarm aralarna sahip olan Catia program ile artk 3 boyutlu tasarmlar yapmak kolay ve zevkli! Her tr sorunuzu Udemy zerinden cevaplamaya hazrm, Catia eitimini tecrbeli bir tasarm mhendisinden almann farkn greceksiniz!Harika yzey modelleme komutlarna sahip olan Catia'nn kat model, montaj, teknik resim ve yzey modelleme modllerini sizlere aktarmaktan keyif aldm, umarm faydam olacaktr! Catia ile altrma yapp pekitirmeniz iin, birlikte onlarca paray modelleyeceiz. Catia programnn temellerini birlikte atacamz bu eimin, her seviyedeki Catia kullancsna bireyler katmasn mit ediyorum. Sayg ve sevgilerimle..@lp hocanz"
Price: 329.99 ![]() |
"Polyworks Modeler ile tersine mhendislie giri! 1.ksm" |
"Trkiye'de en sk kullanlan gltersine mhendislik programlarndan biri olan Modeler ile, bu datalar ilemeyi ve tersine mhendisliin mantn giri seviyesinde greceiz. Bu eitim 2 ksm haline olacaktr, bu 1. ksmda olayn mant, program arayz ve giri komutlar ile tanacaksnz. leri seviye isteyenler iin 2.ksm ekiyor olacam.Sorularnza en ksa zamanda Udemy'den cevap veriyor olacam. Polyworks program altnda alan modeler ile, tersine mhendislik yapmak kolay ve elencelidir."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Build your deep learning portfolio: Meditations with LSTM" |
"In this deep learning course I'm going to teach you to create an LSTM model for generating text using Keras with Tensorflow backend. I am using Marcus Aurelius Meditations as my source text, hence the name of the course. This course is best suited for students, who are already familiar with Python and want to build their deep learning portfolio."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Temel Diki Eitimi" |
"A'dan Z'ye diki eitimi ve retimi,Makine bilgisi,Kalp karma teknikleri,Teyel eitleri,Kuma seimi,Model seimi,Diki malzemeleri,Diki makinesi ve temel sorunlar,Kuma kesim teknikleri,Renk seimi,Renk bilgisi,Kiiye zel model seimi,Kuma nasl alnr?konularnda bilgi vermeyi hedeflemekteyiz. Diki dikmek beceri istedii gibi her eyde olduu gibi sevgi ve heves ister. Sadece azck isteyin ve bana geinyeter. Tecrbelerimi sizinle paylamaya hazrm"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica Bsica Industrial" |
"Matemtica Bsica, direcionada para o setor industrial.Voc ir ver itens como: Adio,Subtrao, Multiplicao e Diviso de Nmeros Naturais,Nmeros Racionais, Conceito de Fraes, Reconhecimento e Leitura, Fraes Prprias, Imprprias, Aparentes e Equivalentes,Fraes de Nmeros Mistos, Transformao para Imprpria e Novamente em Mista e Simplificao de Fraes, Simplificao de Fraes usando o MMC,Operaes com Fraes Adio e Subtrao, Multiplicao e Diviso, Reconhecimento e Conceitos, Leitura, Tabela de Transformao de Unidades, Transformando Nmeros Decimais em Fraes e Vice-versa, Operaes com Nmeros Decimais, Adio, Subtrao, Multiplicao e Diviso.A Matemtica Bsica, mais especificamente chamada tambm de Matemtica Industrial (neste caso), traz conceitos e conhecimentos que ajudaro voc a tornar a sua vida profissional muito mais prazerosa e satisfatria. Voltada para conhecimentos normalmente e diretamente direcionados para a indstria, voc ser capaz de obter compreenso, que agregar muito mais valor quando envolvido com reas como a Metrologia, realizando medies com paqumetros centesimais e em polegadas, que podem ser fracionrias e milesimais. Tambm agregar valor na compreenso de conjuntos e controle de estoques, com divises e multiplicaes, adies e subtraes de produtos, entre outros, uma rpida formao para quem precisa de controle fracionrio, no esquecendo de envolver slidos conhecimentos da matemtica bsica em suas operaes mais simples."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |