Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Virginity, Pregnancy & Abortion in Forensic Medicine" |
"Myths surrounding virginity, the aura behind pregnancy and delivery that pervade todays society and their implications on human lives are all dealt with in this short course on Virginity, Pregnancy and Abortion.This course deals with these aspects separately and binds them together for best establishment in yourunderstanding and memory."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cardiovascular Pathology" |
"A rigorous course that discusses the pathological changes occurring in the heart and blood vessels. The course is in two parts - the first part deals with diseases inflecting the heart and the second with diseases of the vascular system. The pathological processes involved in Ischemic Heart Disease, Hypertension, Rheumatic heart Disease, Atherosclerosis and Vasculitis have been detailed"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3ds Max - V-ray - Jak wymodelowa i wyrenderowa fotel" |
"W tym kursiezobaczycie jak wykona model 3d oraz wizualizacje fotela od zera do finalnego efektu. Przejdziemy przez cay proces pracy nad tego typu projektem. Zaczniemy od zebrania referencji, nastpnie wymodelujemy cay fotel wykorzystujc funkcje dostpne wEditable Poly oraz korzystajc zmodyfikatora Turbosmooth, ktry daje ogromne moliwoci. Gdy model 3dbdzie ju gotowy zajmiemy si przygotowaniem studia, ustawieniem owietlenia, przygotowaniem materiaw V-ray oraz finalnym wyrenderowaniem sceny. Na sam koniec jako bonus zobaczycie jak wykona widoki ortogonalne, aby mc zaprezentowa gotowy model zkadej strony."
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
"3ds Max - V-ray - Modelowanie i renderowanie sofy" |
"W tym kursie zobaczycie jak wykona model 3d oraz wizualizacje sofy Carlton firmy BoConcept w programie 3ds Max. Przejdziemy przez cay proces pracy nad tego typu projektem. Zaczniemy od zebrania referencji, nastpnie wymodelujemy sof wykorzystujc funkcje dostpne wEditable Poly oraz korzystajc zmodyfikatora Turbosmooth. Zobaczycie jak doda nierwnoci, zagicia oraz szwy, aby sofa wygldaa bardziej realistycznie. Dowiecie si rwnie jak wykona naturalnie wygldajce poduszki bezporednio w3ds Maxie bez koniecznoci wykorzystywania dodatkowych programw. Gdy model bdzie ju gotowy zajmiemy si przygotowaniem studnia, ustawieniem owietlenia, przygotowaniem materiaw V-ray oraz finalnym wyrenderowaniem sceny."
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
"Kurs - Android od podstaw - Tworzenie aplikacji" |
"Kurs programowania - Android od podstaw - Tworzenie aplikacji pozwala osobie zpodstawami Javy wej wfascynujcy wiat programowania aplikacji mobilnych. Wsposb zrozumiay zostay przedstawione wszystkie niezbdne zagadnienia, ktre pozwol nam stworzy pierwsz dziaajc aplikacj na system operacyjny Android. Kade techniczne rozwizanie jest omwione, aby wiadomo byo jakie znaczenie ma dla nas dana cecha systemu. Kurs jest prowadzony na nowych narzdziach deweloperskich, oraz zawiera pen instrukcj jak przygotowa stanowisko komputerowe do pracy.Podczas szkolenia tworzona jest aplikacja rejestrujca wydatki ponoszone na rzecz auta, przy okazji ktrej s poruszane najwaniejsze skadniki systemowe. Zaczynajc od rzeczy najbardziej oglnych takich jak budowanie pojedynczego okna aplikacji, przej pomidzy oknami, ukadanie elementw interfejsu iprogramowanie interfejsu uytkownika, przechodzimy coraz gbiej wmechanik systemu dodajc takie funkcjonalnoci jak zapisywanie stanu aplikacji, naprawianie aplikacji, wielojzyczno.Przed Tob kurs podstaw programowania na Androida, po ktrym bdziesz mg pisa adnie wygldajce programy. Od pocztku bdziesz tworzy dziaajc aplikacj imyl, e nie bdzie przesady wstwierdzeniu, e bdziesz czu si jak prowadzony za rk, poniewa wszystko bdzie objaniane na bieco ikady krok zostanie wykonany wramach kursu, nie zostaniesz zniczym sam. Nawet jeli gdzie si pomylisz, pliki dodane do kursu pozwol Ci szybko przywrci dziaajc wersj aplikacji.Szkolenie te da Ci solidne podstawy programowania aplikacji na Androida iumoliwi dalszy rozwj."
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Solidworks Eitimi" |
"Herkese merhaba!Solidworks'teizim yapmakta zorlandn biliyorum. Bunun, retmeninin kaliteli ve deneyimli olmamasndan kaynaklandn dnyorum. Herkes izim yapabilir! Solidworks izim mant senelerdir mhendislik rencilerine yanl anlatlyor. Ve buda boyutluizim yapmay bilmeyen mhendisler ortaya douruyor. izim yapmay, ina etmeyi bilmeyen mhendis olamaz!Alacanz bu eitim sadece Solidworks programnda izim yapmay deil ayn zamanda boyutsal zekanz da gelitirecektir.renebilmek iin renmeyi renmemiz gerekiyor, renmeyi renemessek nasl renicez?"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"AWS Demystified - Featuring Compute Services" |
"This course will take a closer look atthe current Compute Services offered by Amazon Web Services. Currently, there are six Compute Services offered by AWS: Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), Elastic Container Service (ECS), Batch, Lambda, Lightsail, and Elastic Beanstalk. Each service features its own section which includes: a service overview and introduction, key terms, dashboard/ console overview, tutorial(s), resource pageand conclusion.Service overview and introduction: AWSdefinition of the service, reduced definition, features, benefits, and more!key terms: terms that are most frequently associated with the section Service. For example, what is an elastic IP address, or what is a Virtual Private CloudDashboard/ console overview: Quick run time of what you will see when logging into the service dashboard. No surprises!Tutorials: Compute service in action! You will create servers, web applications, Docker images, and more. We also get to break stuff!Conclusion: review of the section and an introduction to the next service.recently, one student had this to say about the course:""The course, so far, is very well explained and introduced on a level with everyone in mind. Anything that is not covered in the course, but needed to understand the information covered within the course before delving deeper into it is mentioned as well."" - Rodney Franklin"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn Some Most Used Photoshop Graphic Designs" |
"Welcome to my course Learn Some Most Used Photoshop Graphic Designs, in this course, I would show how do I do some graphic design cases with the Photoshop skills, after watching this cases, you would know more about Photoshop, and which is helpful to improve your graphic design skill.Make a posteradjustment layerimage modesketch filterblending modemotion blurStitch 3 Images to 1 Fullview Imagephotomergegaussian bluradjustment layerfilterMake a clip artmagnetic lasso toollayer maskexpand selectionbrush toolBlend a photo to a landscapeclone stamp tooleraser toolblending modelayer maskbrush toolsharpen toolMake a nostalgic posterblending modebrush toollayer maskadjustment layermotion blurfilter gallerypolygon toolpolygonal lasso tooltype toolMake an artposterlayer maskbrush toolblending modeadjustment layerdodge toolburn toolgradient toolcustom shape toolbrushespen toolmagnetic lasso tooltype toolMake a cute cartoon designgradient toolbrush toolpen toolpaint bucket toollayer styledefine patterncustom shape toolMake an ice lady style designmagic wand toolfilter gallerylayer maskbrush tooladjustment layerblending modegaussian blurlayer stylepolygon toolMake a logotype toollasso toolgradient toollayer maskblend modebrush toollayer stylepen toolMake a fashion posterlasso toolbrush toollayer maskadjustment layerbrushespen toolgradient toollayer styleblending modeellipse tool"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de ingls completo: Do Zero Fluncia em 30 mdulos" |
"RequisitosEstar conectado a internet e desejar aprender a falar ingls seguindo todo o passo a passo desse curso.Descrio.Curso completo de ingls para iniciantes que precisam comear do zero e sair falando o ingls avanado ou falantes com algum dominio do idioma mas que precisam atingir a fluncia adquirindo mais vocabulrio.A carga horrio desse curso de ingls equivale a mais de 10 anos de estudo em um curso convencional. O curso dividido em duas partes do zero ao nvel intermedirio na primeira parte, e do nvel intermedirio ao avanado na segunda parte.Com apenas 3 aulas voc j aprender a treinar sua pronncia de ingls.RESULTADO IMEDIATO COM O SEU INGLS OU SEU DINHEIRO DE VOLTA!! SE VOC NO SENTIR SUA EVOLUO NO IDIOMA AINDA NO PRIMEIRO MDULO, VOC PODE PEGAR SEU INVESTIMENTO DE VOLTA E VOC TEM 30 DIAS PARA FAZER ISSO, OU SEJA O RISCO TODO MEU!!Na primeira parte o curso mescla somente o necessrio da gramtica inglesa para que voc consiga construir seus primeiros dilogos. Aqui voc ir aprender o ingls britnico.A partir da segunda parte do curso, o foco 100% no ganho de vocabulrio e compreenso do ingls americano.Nesse curso voc ir aprender a como pronunciar e a treinar sua pronncia em ingls, se certificando que de fato est evoluindo aula aps aulaO objetivo desse curso guiar o aluno do absoluto zero e lev-lo at a fluncia no idioma de forma rpida, objetiva, simples e divertida.At o fim desse curso voc estar assistindo filmes sem legendas e fazendo criticas em ingls sobre o que voc assistiu.O QUE VOC CONSEGUIR REALIZAR AT O TRMINO DESSE CURSO DE INGLS?* DESENVOLVER SEU OUVIDO PARA ENTENDER QUALQUER COISA EM INGLS* DESENVOLVER SUA PRONNCIA PARA FALAR INGLS CORRETAMENTE* DESENVOLVER A LEITURA E ESCRITA DE INGLS DE FORMA SIMPLES E OBJETIVA* SER CAPAZ DE PENSAR E SE EXPRESSAR COM FLUNCIA EM INGLS.Aps o trmino voc receber o seu diploma de concluso de curso."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"How to Analyze a Cash Flowing Real Estate Deal" |
"A comprehensive dive into real estate investment deal analyzing. Everything you need to know to analyze a potential deal before you invest your money or move forward with more time invested. The modules go into everything from ROI (return on investment) to CMA (comparative market analysis). If you are new to real estate investing and interested in getting started with it ORyou have some experience with real estate investing, this course will help you to learn new ways of analyzing the deals and coming up with the best way to present an offer to a seller and secure the deal!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete DataScience with Python and Tensorflow" |
"This course is for anyone who is interested in machine learning, deep learning and text analytics. This course assumes no previous knowledge, this course will also cover the basics of python and all the essential libraries(Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Sklearn, TensorFlow, NLTK etc.) that will help students in their data science journey. "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"New Writer's Crash Course" |
"Brooke Warra, published writer and CMO of Sanitarium Publishing, wants to teach you how to get from daydreaming about writing to actuallydoing it. This class covers everything you need to know from writing your first manuscript to building an online following, networking with other writers, and everything in between. All the tips and tools of the trade so you can get started right away! Combine the written assignments with the videos to make the most of this class."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Creative Teacher: Powerful Classrooms" |
"This course examines methods for designing a powerfulclassroom - Grades K Adult Learners -that supports and encourages whole group,small group and independent learning. How do we arrange seating to maximize learning? How do we organize a classroom library? Why is mutual trust important?A powerful classroomIs well designedAllows everyone access to all learning areas, materials and resourcesHas rules, procedures and transitions in place which make students feel safe and secureBuilds a community of learners of mutual trust and respectCourse topics include ClassroomEnvironment, Classroom Climate, and A Community of Learners."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creative Teacher: Getting Freebies!" |
"This course summarizes the basic strategies to seek free money to support a classroom or community program (after school or Saturday programs). Learn how to be an assertive seeker of supplies, furniture, equipment, and more! Understand the basics of grant writing to create successful applications.Course topics include Getting Started, Diving In, and Grant Writing Basics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tablas dinmicas - De Novato a Ninja." |
"Este curso es 100% prctico y estpensado para que obtengas un buen manejo de tablas dinmicas en muy poco tiempo. El pilar del curso es un set de ejercicios prcticos que vamos resolviendo juntos paso a paso. Estos ejercicios van aumentando su complejidad en cada clase, logrando un aprendizaje incremental. Los ejercicios prcticos son casos reales, que surgieronen situaciones reales, en trabajos reales. Por eso tengo plena confianza de que aplicars lo aprendido en este curso, en tus trabajos con tablas dinmicas.Tambin he agregado al cursotodos los archivos Excel y Accessque ocupamos en las clases, para que puedas descargarlos.A medida que paseel tiempo ir agregando al cursonuevos casos prcticos y tambin cmo se solucionan paso a paso.Recuerda que tienes acceso al curso siempre y que siempre puedes contactarte conmigo para un feedback, resolver alguna duda o sugerir agregarun nuevo caso o seccin al curso.Te deseo un buen y prctico aprendizaje.Nos vemos en el curso !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Musculao para quem tem Diabetes do Tipo 2" |
"Entenda como funciona o diabetes tipo 2 e as recomendaes sobre a prtica da musculao. Como carga, volume, tempo de intervalo, ordem do exerccio e progresso influenciam nas respostas metablicas e ajudam a melhorar o quadro clnico da doena. Ideal para estudantes de Educao Fsica ou praticantes de musculao que tem Diabetes do tipo 2 que querem saber mais sobre como o exerccio ir ajudar a melhorar sua sade."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Yoga For Teenagers - Complete Course" |
"This course is a step by step guide on how to get started with yoga and meditation. By the end of this course you will understand how to use yoga to increase the tone, strength and flexibility throughoutyour body. You will also know how to usemeditation and breathing exercises to bring your body and mind into a state of calm, peace and ease and how to discover a tranquil sense of inner peace and wellbeing.This course will take you from complete beginner to having a full understanding of what yoga and meditation are andhow you can use them daily to enhance your life."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Get Unlimited LEADS, Build a List, and Sale - in Any Niche!" |
"Every entrepreneur and business owner needs to generate leads, have a list of prospects, and be able to sell.In this course you will learn:PRODUCTHow to choose a product to promote (if you don't already have one) and identify the key element that makes people buy.SQUEEZEPAGEDiscover the 10 Essential Elements that you MUSThave on a squeeze page that will attract the right audience and guide them all the way to the point of sale.BRIDGEPAGEYou will get access to a framework that makes educates people in a way that once you pitch them your product, your offer becomes irresistible for them not to buy.TRACKINGNo matter what you created and how much you are promoting it if you don't know what works, and what does not. Here you will learn how to implement essential tools to help you track what its working so you can scale.EMAILSEQUENCELess than 1% of people will buy your product on their first interaction with it.That's why you need to have an automated way to follow up with them to build trust and guide them to the point of purchase. Here you will not only learn how to do that, but you will also get access to my own email sequence so you can begin implementing it right away.TRAFFICAfter your whole system is in place and ready to be shown to the world, you will learn how to generate traffic (visitors) to your offer. Learn how to create your first Facebook Ad campaign."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Hack Anxiety Toolbox" |
"The Hack Anxiety Toolbox is acourse designed to help you better understand your anxiety, give you a set oftools totackle it when it arises, and provide the exercises and insightnecessary tobuild an internalstate of being that is far less prone to it longterm.As a former severe anxiety sufferer, Iknow just how crippling anxiety can be. I once believed that Iwas destined to spend the rest of my life either caught up in an anxiety attack or living in fear of the next one, but after several years Ihit a point where Irefused to accept that as my reality.Isought out anything and everything thatI could.From booksto seminarsto counselling to energetic healing and so much more, I stopped at nothing to put at end to the anxiety that was controlling my life. It took me a long time -and the sifting through ofa lot of veryineffective resources -but Ifigured it out, and now I'm incredibly passionate about sharing what I found to hopefullyset you free from anxiety as well!I'vebuilt this course to share with youallof thetools that have not only proven to be the needed antidote to conquering my own anxiety, but even the anxiety of dozens of others I've counselled over the years.HOWTOKNOWIFTHISCOURSEISAGOODFITFORYOU:If you consistently live in fear of your next biganxiety attackIf you regularly let your anxiety hold you back from doing the things you normally would love to doIf you're ready to put the work in to conquer anxiety for good rather than always seek temporary fixesHere's what some of the students who have used the course on other platforms have had to say:""I love how the course teaches you about creating an environment where anxiety cant thrive. It isnt a quick fix, it actually gets to the root of things and gives brilliant tools and techniques that take away the fuel that allows anxiety to exist. If you want to stop letting anxiety take control of your life, youve got to know about these tools!"" - Elina S.""Immediately during and after watching The Hack Anxiety Toolbox, I felt more positive and connected in not only being able to control my own anxiety; but my entire well-being and life as a whole..."" - Valerie B.So if you're ready to reclaim the driver seat of your decision making from anxiety then I'll see you in The Hack Anxiety Toolbox!Course Disclaimer:The Hack Anxiety Toolboxissolely for informational and educational purposes. Application of the tools, techniques, ideas, and course material is done at the user's sole discretion and risk.The creator of this materialmake no representations, guarantees, or warranties of any kind with respectthe course's contents. The Hack Anxiety Toolbox disclaims all such representations, guarantees, and warranties.Neither The Hack Anxiety Toolbox nor any of its creators, representatives or employees will be liable or responsible for any special, incidental, or consequential damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information containedin the course material."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Project Management for all levels" |
"Project Management Best Practice is a complete and step-by-step guide to manage project professionally.This course is designed for everyone who wants to know what it takes to manageproject effectively and efficiently and wants to be able to apply professional skills and tools to arrive at a better result.This course discusses several topics such as project initiation,project planning, project execution and project delivery.It also talks about how to get ideas, how to develop project team and how to build relationships.Sowith this course, you canmanage any project professionally.After completing this course, you should be able to know which project is worth doing and be able to carry out any kind of project effectively and efficiently. You should also be well informed and fully loaded with what it takes to build and manage project team."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"G4 - Smart home Tutorials." |
"Have you imagined before if you can control every thing in your home with your phone anywhere around the world?That is called Smart home system.In smart home you can control Lighting, Air Conditioner, Curtains, Sound System, TV, different appliances ......and maintain Security, Energy management and luxury.and this is the core of our coursewe will learn how to design our smart home, select devices, install them , programming process and mobile App configuration to control your home."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Freight Broker Training" |
"The Best Freight Broker Training Course On Udemy! Look At The Reviews!This training will take you through the steps of becoming a Freight Broker or Freight Broker Agent. Who this course is for:Owner Operators*Brokerage OwnersAny Size Trucking CompanyDispatchers That Want To Transition To A Freight Broker AgentAnyone Wanting To Become A Freight Broker or Freight Broker AgentWhat are some topics that you cover:HistoryOfficeProspectingProspect CallsShippers PackageCalculating RatesAnd more...*Owner Operators with their own authority will find this course very helpful. If you can cut out the broker, which is the middle man, you can have more money in your pocket. Owner operators lose an estimated minimum of 30k per year by using brokers, if you don't know how to get your own freight you will have no choice. This course will teach you how to work directly with shippers. You can have your wife, girlfriend, daughter, son, friend etc... learn how to broker freight and you can drive the truck or vise versa. If they or you know how to broker freight, the money stays in house. After completing our course, you will be able to start brokering freight or open your own brokerage. You will be able to download our Freight Broker Training Manual, articles and documents so you can go along with the course.After taking this course, I recommend taking my ""How To Find Shippers"" and my ""How To Find Carriers"" courses. Taking all three courses will ensure you have all the tools and knowledge needed to become a successful Freight Broker or Freight Broker Agent. After completing this course, type the other two courses in the search bar to view!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Optimal Well-Being Blueprint" |
"Chapter 1- Positive Psychology,Ingredients of The Actualized LifeChapter 2- Toolbox of The Master Practitioner- How to Build a Skill SetChapter 3- Knowledge is Power- Tools for Reading Comprehension and RetentionChapter 4- FoodThe Fuel of Life- Plus Other Optimal Health TipsChapter 5- The More You Give, The More You Receive- Productivity HacksChapter 6- All is One, One is All- Spiritual Principles which Serve our Well-Being"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAS Base Programming" |
"This course describes the basic conceptsof SAS programming language starting from the SASconsole,importing and exporting the datasetsto allthe functions used in SAS.It also describes the different sql statements ,conditional statements andSAS arrays. Also thecharacter,dateand dataconversion functions used in SAS. This course also describesSAS Macro variables,Automatic macro variables,User defined macro variables"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAS programming concepts(Base+Advanced)" |
"This course will prepare you for SAScertifications.It will be a great start to enhance yourcareer asSAS programmer.Additional documents for better understanding and learningReal worldworking experience to the studentsCreation of SAS Arrays and SAS Macros Working with Temporary and Permanent library in SAS PROC and SET statements Basic terms and measures used in Statistics such as mean, median, mode, skewness, kurtosis, standard deviation and variance. Use of statistical procedures to analyses statistical data Descriptive statistics: Proc Means(Summary) with and without options, VAR and CLASS, PROC FREQ , PROC UNIVARIATE using data sets. All data sets are attached with the respective courses.Proc Correlation (Pearson moment correlation coefficient)Proc ANOVA (Example provided using p value to accept the null and alternate hypothesis)Explains hypothesis testing used in SAS using Proc t-test, predictive analytics such as linear regression, logistic regression.Clustering method in SAS using K-means method on an insurance dataset using Proc Fastclus Procedure. Attached Data set.Creation of ARIMA model for forecasting the sales data by using the Box Inkins approach.2 Assignments for practice2 Quizzes to test the understanding of the studentsIntroduction to Big Data"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Career Development for Women: 3 step strategy for success" |
"Are you feeling stuck in your current role and want a clear pathway to moving up the career ladder? Are you looking for a promotion? Or know that you are worth more than you are currently getting in your job?This course has the answers you are looking for! In this course youre going to learn the three step strategy that weve used to achieve amazing success in our own careers. These three steps will teach you how to gain confidence, get recognised, and get promoted in the workplace. In step one you will take a good look at where you are right now, how you see yourself at work, and find out how your colleagues describe you. Well help you to collect the evidence of how awesome you are at your job, and well look together at your pathway to promotion. Step two is all about getting recognised at work. This is where youll put yourself in the spotlight by finding opportunities to provide fantastic value to others, become more visible to those in senior positions, and find out how to work smarter not harder to achieve the recognition you deserve.The final step is step three. Here you bring all your results together into your very own personal action plan for success, one that you can take with you and refer to on a daily basis until you reach your goal. Well also take you through just how to step up and finally ask for that promotion youve been working so hard for.Youll walk away from this course with simple tools that you can start using right now to shine in the workplace. In other words youre going to learn how to boost your confidence and supercharge your reputation with colleagues at work! To complement this course we have developed a workbook to record your exercise results and help you develop your personal action plan so that you can start your journey straight away. This plan will help you take the learning and knowledge from this course and apply it directly into your work life.The small investment you will make in this course will pay off for you for years to come. You'll be able to take on more tasks than your colleagues, which will impress the bosses, and you'll be able to have more free time to enjoy. In short, you have nothing to lose from this course! But, so much to gain.Taking this course is 100% free of risk! If you are not happy with it, you can get your money back within the first 30 days of purchase.What are you still waiting for? ENROLL NOW and boost your future. Let me share with you the strategies, tips and techniques that we've been using for many years to get promoted, climb the career ladder and enjoy amazing success at work."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apprenez la dtection de mensonge" |
"Je suis sur que vous faites partis des nombreuses personnes qui aiment connaitre la vrit sur ce que l'on vous dis!Malheureusement sans entrainement il est difficile de dpasser les 50% de chance de dtecter un mensonge prcisment, il y a 3 raisons qui expliquent cela :Naturellement nous prfrons ignorer le mensonge en se disant que c'est un bon ami et qu'il ne peut pas nous mentir.Plus le mensonge va tre important, plus les signes du mensonges risquent d'tre visibles, la plupart des mensonges tant des mensonges banals, il est doncplus difficile de les dtecter.La dernire raison est que le monde de la dtection de mensonge est rempli de mythes (comme celui du regard que vous dcouvrirez dans la vido gratuite), il est donc compliqu de dceler le vrai du faux dans toutes les choses que l'on entend.On va alors dans cette formation apprendre plusieurs techniques dveloppes scientifiquement, en partie par le docteur Paul Ekman, un grand nom de la dtection de mensonge.Ces diffrentes mthodes utilisent le langage corporel, les expressions faciales, ainsi que les indices vocaux, tout en suivant certaines tapes trs importantes pour tre capable de dtecter les mensonges des personnes autour de vous. Connaissant cette citation du docteur Paul Ekman : Mentir est une caractristique si centrale de l'existenceque mieux la comprendreclaire presque toutes les affaires humaineNotre cours vous rendra capable de mieux comprendre le mensonge.De plus grce aux diffrents Quizsitus dans la formation vous pourrez suivre chaque tape votre apprentissage de la dtection de mensonge."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn to sew fabric and leather tote handbags" |
"Learn the essential techniques of crafting/sewing fabric and leather handbags.It is often tiresome to try and connect the dots across all the information available on the internet, regarding handbag crafting. If not that, you find yourself having bought tons of books on the subject, but starting a project is like jumping through countless hoops. You start on one book, you get stuck a few pages down the line as you can't get how they got from one step to the other. You're further frustrated, as you don't know who to turn to for support. We have all been there, haven't we :-)As Bagstudent, that's where we come in. We, not only just take you through the steps, but we make sure we lay a solid foundation through our detailed mini demonstrations. Often you find most resources will simply list the tools required for the project; we take it a step further by showing you (in video) how the tools work, particularly the less common ones e.g. leather thickness gauge, strap cutter etc.Secondly, we take you through 3 types of handbags in this single course, namely:Fabric handbagLeather handbagLeather pouchIn doing this, we ensure we cover a broad base of skills in one course. In the fabric handbag, we detail zipper fitting, handbag feet and pockets. In the leather handbag, we introduce magnetic snaps and darts to add volume in the handbag. In the leather pouch, we introduce hand stitching, an old tradition in the leathercraft space. I've introduced handstitching, such that, incase you don't have a sewing machine yet, you can start with this small project and use handstitching.I trust you will have an awesome time with us, without stepping a foot outside your home and having constant support. You're in good hands.Best regardsLister"
Price: 650.00 ![]() |
"Learn And Understand Java Testing" |
"Welcome to this course: Learn And Understand Java Testing. Java is a very popular language and JVM is a popular platform to build high performance programs in Java. However, testing is neither an easy process nor remotely exciting for most developers. The value of Java Testing, one of the most established programming languages, is to improve the productivity of programmers, the maintainability and performance of code, and develop a deeper understanding of the language and how to employ it effectively. With the right techniques and tools, testing can become a simple and gratifying part of the development process.In this course, you'll learnDynamic Testing ToolsLearn how to use SpockDrive development using unit testingLearn how unit testing can make the process quickerLearn how to test web apps with JUnit-Based toolsStatic Code AnalysisAt the end of this course, you will have all of the skills needed to benefit from java testing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Linux Performance Analysis Course" |
"Welcome to this course: The Complete Linux Performance Analysis Course. Its really very tough job for every System or Network administrator to monitor and debug Linux System Performance problems every day. When running software on Linux, it's important to have an understanding on various tools available to check how the system behaves. There are many Linux commands available to analyze the performance of a server. This course focuses on the tools available to observe the system activity. There are tools to measure activity in various components of the system, such as Operating System, CPU, Memory, I/O.In this course, you'll learn:Learn about basic observability toolsUnderstand the Linux USE methodologyLearn how to improve CPU utilizationLearn about types of performance toolsLearn and understand advanced observability toolsLearn how to use tracing toolsAt the end of this course, you will be able to recognize and utilize the full potential of Linux performance tools in your Linux environment. So let's get started."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MCSA: Windows Server 2016 Certification (70-742)" |
"Welcome to this course: MCSA - Windows Server 2016 Certification (70-742). This course walks through all of the objectives on the exam, including Install and Configure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), Manage and Maintain AD DS, Create and Manage Group Policy, Implement Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS), Implement Identity Federation and Access Solutions, and more.In this course, you'll learn:Install and configure domain controllersCreate and manage Active Directory users and computersCreate and manage Active Directory groups and organizational units (OUs)Configure service authentication and account policiesMaintain Active DirectoryConfigure Active Directory in a complex enterprise environmentCreate and manage Group Policy Objects (GPOs)Configure Group Policy processingConfigure Group Policy settingsConfigure Group Policy preferencesInstall and configure AD CSInstall and configure Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)Implement Web Application Proxy (WAP)Install and configure Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS)Additional practical resources are also included that will enable you to approach the Identity with Windows Server 2016 exam with confidence. So let's get started."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |