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"Curso completo de arranjos em flores profissional." |
"Curso completo de arranjos em flores, seja uma ou um profissional !!Arranjos Arranjos em rosas. De 80 a 100 rosas. ster ou tango (opcional). Uma folhagem (pitosporo, murta ou avenco)Arranjo com flores nobres. Pode usar 40 rosas. 02 pacotes de lisiantus. Um pacote de lrios, ou uma dzia de grberas. Uma folhagem (pitosporo, murta ou avenco)Arranjo com flores nobres. Pode usar 40 rosas. 02 pacotes de lisiantus. Um pacote de boca de leo.. Uma folhagem (pitosporo, murta ou avenco)Arranjos de flores do campo. 02 pacotes com flores do campo. Uma dzia de grberas. Uma folhagem (pitosporo, murta ou avenco). Arranjos de flores do campo. 02 pacotes com flores do campo. Um tango. Uma folhagem (pitosporo, murta ou avenco)Arranjos de flores do campo (arranjo pindodgua. 02 pacotes com flores do campo. Uma folhagem (pitosporo, murta ou avenco)Arranjos de flores do campo (arranjo pindodgua). 04 pacotes de margarida rainha coloridas. Um pacote de lisiantus. ster e folhagem pra fazer o fundo verde."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso de piano desde cero con un sistema que funciona" |
"Curso OFICIAL del youtuber ""El Profe de Piano"", el mayor canal de Youtube de enseanza de piano en espaol.Ahora, CUALQUIERA podr aprender a tocar el piano y a un precio arrasador: Con mi curso de piano obtendrs el temario de 3 aos de piano en el conservatorio por menos del precio de una clase particular de piano.En este curso de piano, t eres el protagonista de tu aprendizaje.Mi Curso de Piano desde cero es, sin duda, el mejor y ms completo curso de piano que vas a encontrar en Internet, y desde luego, en Udemy. Y adems, tiene el sello de calidad de El Profe de Piano. Sigo mtodos contrastados, que funcionan, y voy sin prisas, sin la necesidad de que los vdeos tengan una duracin pequea, como puede pasar por ejemplo en el propio Youtube. Mi Curso de Piano desde cero es precisamente eso, un curso de piano que empieza completamente desde cero, y llega hasta un nivel de TERCERO DE PIANO.Alguna vez has pensado lo estupendo que sera poder tocar el piano? Con este curso aprenders a tocar el piano partiendo desde cero. Llegars a tocar ciertas obras bastante interesantes. Te sorprenders. Al final del trailer del curso tienes unas demos de piezas que tocars al terminar la formacin.Este curso contiene un conjunto increble de vdeos en los que se tratan diversos temas, como por ejemplo el Lenguaje Musical o Solfeo. Mi curso de piano incluye unos ejercicios de solfeo o lenguaje musical, para que puedas aprender tambin a leer partituras. Y adems he grabado algunos vdeos tipo bonnus track que te sern de mucho inters. Estos vdeos de solfeo podrs hacerlos al mismo tiempo que vas aprendiendo con los vdeos de piano. Es decir, no hace falta que sean secuenciales, ya que el mtodo que se sigue es un mtodo donde se van introduciendo poco a poco las notas y los trminos musicales que necesitas ir conociendo.Curso para TODAS LAS EDADESMuchos de vosotros me preguntis frecuentemente si estis en buena edad para aprender piano.Cada uno de nosotros tiene sus propios tiempos. Unos aprenden antes y otros despus, pero la edad no es un problema. A los 25 aos, Mark Cuban, dueo de los Mavericks de Dallas de la NBA, propietario de los cines Landmark, y Magnolia Pictures y presidente de la cadena de cable HDTV AXS TV, era camarero en Dallas. J.K. Rowling public Harry Potter a los 32, despus de que 12 editoriales la rechazasen.Amancio Ortega cre Zara cuando tena 39 aos, y Jack Ma lanz Alibaba a los 35 aos.Morgan Freeman alcanzo el xito a los 52 aos y Steve Carell despeg por fin a los 40 aosRichard Branson cre Virgin a los 34 aos. Cada uno tiene su tiempo y su momento. A veces nos empeamos en algo por culpa de que los dems nos empujan con sus ideas.No es necesario comenzar a aprender piano a los 5 aos. Podis empezar a los 5, a los 15, a los 30, a los 50, a los 80, y cuando os de la gana. Porque lo importante es que cuando sea vuestro momento, estis felices y a gusto con vuestra decisin.Y lo bueno que tiene este curso, queridos pianistas, es que este curso no pasa de moda. Esto no es informtica. Podis aprender cundo queris, cuando estis preparados. Y sabis que el acceso a este curso es de por vida. No hay lmites de tiempo.Hacedme un favor, y compartid esta URL en vuestras redes y con vuestros contactos. Vivid el espritu de Internet, y el que me hizo crear este curso. Tal vez a alguien le interese, y est en el momento adecuado de su vida para empezar a aprender a tocar el piano.Yo, desde aqu, y con la fuerza que me da el tener el mayor canal de enseanza de piano en espaol, te aconsejara que te matriculases hoy, porque el precio ahora mismo es extraordinario, y el acceso es de por vida. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad !!Curso de piano totalmente prcticoPara aprender a tocar hay que tocar. Hay que sentarse delante del piano y tocar. Por lo tanto, este mtodo est repleto de ejercicios y de lecciones que yo he llamado ejercicios incrementales, porque vamos incrementando la complejidad poco a poco, casi sin darnos cuenta, en cada ejercicio.Las lecciones estn desarrolladas de forma que os explico la partitura que se va a interpretar, y os enseo cmo estudiarla. Y todo, paso a paso.Qu NO es este curso?En este curso no vas a encontrar un compendio de ritmos o de armonas que te permitan tocar unas pocas canciones y te den la falsa ilusin de estar tocando el piano de forma correcta. No busco que los alumnos imiten, como podra hacer cualquier animal, comportamientos y movimientos de dedos. Este curso no es, pues, un conjunto de tcnicas para armonizar canciones o para tocar con pocos acordes un rock, o un tango, o una balada, o un jazz...Este curso es un completo curso de piano, de forma que te ensear cmo comenzar a tocar el piano con un mtodo realmente efectivo, y que te permitir sembrar la base para poder tocar cualquier partitura a la que tengas acceso con respecto a tu nivel de habilidad. Y todo con una dedicacin de 20 minutos al da.Con este curso de piano leers msica, y la podrs interpretar. Y no estars restringido a ciertos ritmos y ciertos acordes. Si quieres ver hasta dnde puedes llegar con este curso, mira el vdeo de presentacin.No desaproveches la oportunidad de estudiar piano con El Profe de Piano."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Executive Assistants: Managing Client's Calendar (Beginners)" |
"Managing client calendars can be daunting and overwhelming. But fear not! With Google Calendar, and this course, you'll learn how to use all of the available features to provide flawless calendar management services to your clients.IN THIS COURSE, YOU WILL Set up a Gmail address and calendar.Set up a temporary fake client account to practice interacting with a client calendar.Send a client request to share a calendar with you.Create, edit, and delete one-time events.Create, edit, and delete recurring events.Set up meetings, calls, and conferences both in person and virtually.Set up meetings with a 3rd party with scripts and canned responses.Add text, bullet points, and attachments to a calendar event.Customize calendar preferences like time zones, meeting lengths, and general layout.Implement expert strategies to facilitate your client's experience and increase client satisfaction.THE COURSE INCLUDES:Over 2 hours of video lessons with visual step-by-step instructions.An eBook that contains: Screenshots that are easy to understand and reference at any point.Scripts so you can just copy/paste and save time.Glossary of calendar terminology so you never feel lost or overwhelmed.Tasks to help you test your skills and use Google Calendar with confidence and ease.THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF:You are an Executive Assistant. Although I am a Virtual Assistant, these lessons apply to anyone who manages a calendar for someone else.You manage your clients' calendars on Google Calendar.You are a beginner Google Calendar user, or if you need an in-depth refresher course.You want strategies and scripts to make managing clients' calendars more efficient and less time-consuming.THE COURSE IS NOT FOR YOU IF:You are an experienced, advanced Google Calendar user. You are an Outlook user.You use Gsuite. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ingls prctico, situaciones reales y frases urbanas." |
"Este es un curso de Ingls totalmente prctico, nada de gramtica y teoras tediosas, solo escuchar y repetir, son situaciones de la vida real,palabras y frases de estilo urbano y del da a da de USA.Vas a poder hablar msfluidamente.Este es el comienzo de muchos cursos de la misma linea.Si lo que quieres es no aburrirte estudiando, ya no tienes excusas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 : Aprenda o bsico em 02 horas!" |
"Curso de Python 3 Bsico - Linguagem PythonSrie contendo vdeo aulas que ensinam a Linguagem Pythonna verso 3 desde sua instalao at suas aplicaes prticas, tanto para iniciantes quanto para demais estudantes da linguagem PythonA linguagem ser a ferramenta que proporcionar a voc inovar, analisar dados e a resolver problemas.A sua criatividade o limite!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gerenciamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos e Logstica" |
"O Curso Gerenciamento da Cadeia de Suprimentosdescreve a estrutura e o funcionamento das operaes logsticas das empresas que buscamatender o mercado de maneira eficiente.Com aalta competitividade, desafios complexos easconstantes mudanas no mercado, essencial para as organizaes colaborarem dentro de suas cadeias de suprimentos compartilhando informaes e objetivos para atender as necessidades declientes cada vez mais exigentes.Para atender a estas novas exigncia deve-secompreendera cadeia de suprimentos no qual a empresa esta inseridaidentificando seus principais fornecedores de matria prima, os varejistas que comercializam o produto, os distribuidores chave e os transportadores que realizam a entrega para o cliente final.A partir desta compreenso faz-se necessrio identificar os fatores chave e os obstculos presentes nas operaeslogsticasao longo de toda acadeiade suprimentos com o objetivo de tornar a empresa mais eficiente e alinhada ao planejamento estratgico organizacional.A anlise dasatividades logsticas considerando os seusprincpios, funcionalidades e os papis na cadeia de suprimentos impactam na competitividade da empresa no mercado. Quando bem compreendida a logstica das operaes no atendimento do cliente melhor ser a eficincia da empresa no atendimento do mercado. importante ressaltar que a gesto e a tomada de deciso na cadeia de suprimentos esta permeada de ferramentas denominadas tecnologias da informao (TI) que permitem que as empresas acessem dados de maneira rpida e com qualidade.De uma maneira geral, as empresas que fazem parte de uma cadeia de suprimentos alinhada as necessidades dos clientes e que gerenciam de maneira eficiente suas operaes detransportes, armazenagem, estoques e embalagem se diferenciam frente a concorrncia no mercado global.O Curso Gerenciamento da Cadeia de Suprimentosest alinhado estas novas exignciasde mercado abordandoum programa que ir analisar as operaes logsticasem diferentes ngulos, compartilhando informaes, casos e ferramentas que auxiliaro vocs a se destacar em sua carreira profissional.O curso tambm aborda que, para gerenciar operaes logsticas eficientes, tornar-se essencial a coordenao e compartilhamento de informaes, treinamento edesenvolvimento de pessoas, o clima de trabalho eavaliao de desempenho atravs de indicadores. importante ressaltar queno se pretende esgotar o assunto, mas convidar, caro aluno, a pesquisar ainda mais sobre as metodologias, tecnologias e abordagensna gesto da cadeia de suprimentos.Desejo voc umexcelente curso!Prof. Julio Cesar Passos"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Learn Addition" |
"Everyone can learn how to add. Throughout history people have used the abacus, fingers and other objects to perform addition. I'll teach you different techniques including tallying, number lines and summation. We'll learn how to add single digits, double digits and then very large numbers. There are several tips to learn including adding fives, tens and doubles. This course is taught in a dignified and professional manner for all ages."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Atendimento Eficaz - a arte de influenciar pessoas." |
"Focado em solues comerciais para otimizao de desempenho e multiplicao de resultados. Visamos a qualidade no atendimento e uma venda de impacto, em que a fidelizao do cliente final ser consequncia natural do trabalho desenvolvido.Lembrando que vender muito mais do que a troca de servio/produto por dinheiro, este curso tem como norte a importncia para a pessoa vender-se como profissional em qualquer situao da vida profissional."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda criar um chat profissional com Tawk para o seu site" |
"Um servio de atendimento online torna um site mais socivel. A partir do momento que voc permite um canal aberto e direto para comunicao instantnea com os clientes em potencial, aumenta e melhora e experincia do usurio.E essa melhora no se limita apenas ao quesito ""navegao do site"", mas tambm no processo de compra (ou contratao de um servio) como um todo. A qualidade no atendimento agrega valor uma marca, alm de aumentar as converses.Tawkto um servio de chat online totalmente Grtis e revolucionrio, pois ele no possui grade de planos, 100% grtisA ferramenta no cobra absolutamente nada por servios que normalmente possuem custos adicionais em outras empresas que oferecem esse mesmo servio.CaractersticasConfira a ampla demanda de recursos que, em outras ferramentas, esto presentes apenas em planos Premium, e que noTawktoso inteiramente grtis:Personalizao: 100% personalizvel (cores, textos, tamanhos, imagens). Alm disso, possvel traduzir o idioma da janela de conversao.Histrico completo do chat:Todas as conversas so armazenadas por um perodo indeterminado, mas que voc pode exclu-las a qualquer momento.Mensagens automticas (Triggers): configurao para exibir mensagens pr-definidas aos visitantes.Respostas prontas (Shortcuts): economia de tempo enviando respostas prontas para perguntas mais frequentes.Agentes mltiplos: adicione um nmero ilimitado de agentes.Departamentos: crie diferentes departamentos para cada setor de sua empresa (atendimento, financeiro, comercial, vendas, etc).Monitoramento: acompanhe seus visitantes em tempo real, saiba quantos so, quais pginas eles esto, sua localizao, entre outros.E ainda pode ter muito mais depende de voc. Mas voc pode dizer: comoassim? Veja o curso e veja que voc pode aprender muito mais..."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"What's YOUR Story? A beginners guide to storytelling!" |
"Are you an actor that is tired of waiting around for the phone to ring? Have you dreamed of creatingyour own work but don't know where to begin?Have you been asked to give a speech at your friend's wedding and terrifiedthe crowd will fall asleep during your introduction? Are you a business marketer tired of the same old "" Buy this,it's on sale""campaign?Are you thatperson whentelling astory,often hear the response "" Can you get to the point, you been telling this story since last Tuesday""?It is widely known that stories work! It is the way we recapture and remember human experiences.Stories are part of our DNA. Good looks part of my DNA. Bad joke dont use that. Stories entertain, make a point, teach a lesson, or sell a service, product or idea. No matter how you slice it, everybody relates to stories. The right story will also sell YOU.If you want to make a great impact, hear people saying I heard her speak 8 years ago we got to have her back or would you rather be remembered as, ""Oh yah I remember her speak. Totally caught up on my sleep"".Do you feel, my life is so boring. Ive never climbed to the top of Everest, or overcome adversity, Ive never even had food poisoning. Ive got nothing interesting to say.That is the myth. If youve eaten gas station food, youve had food poisoning. It is not necessary to have experienced a life alternating event to tell a memorable story. Im here to tell you that everybody has a story to tell and I cant wait to hear yours.Whether you are an entrepreneur, a performer, a public speaker, presenter, artist or youre looking for better communication skills so youre not stuck hanging out by the bean dip, or in my case the sangria, this course is for you!In this course you will learn:Your own unique brand, voice and styleHow to brainstorm story ideasFinding your storyWriting the outline of your storyWriting skills that workEssential presentation skills that workHow to find the right story using simple story mining techniques.How to find your unique style of storytelling allowing your authentic self to shine through.The dos and dont of storytellingYou will walk away with your first story and the framework to make further storytelling a cinch.PLEASENOTETHISCOURSEISNOTFORPROFESSIONALWRITERS,AUTHORSORSTORYTELLERS. It is an introduction course for beginners only.Why learn storytelling with Ally Lane ?I live and breathe stories.I started telling stories from the moment I learned to speak. I was a compulsive liar.I started my professional career as a playwright, screenwriter, actor and performer.Today I continue to perform and write, and run a successful event entertainment company producing over 1000 shows including live plays, videos, films and keynote speeches.I am a best selling author including a 'how to' book on writing and my own best selling memoir. I love toteach and Ihave taught writing and acting for over 20years."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React Testing with Jest and Enzyme" |
"Take your React code to the next level by learning Test Driven Development (TDD) with Jest and Enzyme! Jest is a powerful, flexible testing framework, and Enzyme provides tools to test React and Redux applications. In this course, you will learn to test:Connected and unconnected componentsComponent state and Redux stateAction creators and reducersComplex action creators that use Redux Thunk and AxiosAction creators called from connected componentsReact hooks, including useEffect, useState and useReducerReact context, including context with embedded stateUsing Jest mock functions to spy on methods, control their return values or simply prevent them from running during the testPlease Note: This course does not cover Jest snapshots, as they are not compatible with the TDD mode of testing.Why Learn to Test?Test Driven Development will help you write better organized code thats easier to maintain, which will save you time in the long run. Your tests provide value to your software development team, since others know they can rely on your code. Employers want developers with testing skills!Learn the Reasons behind the SyntaxThis course discusses tradeoffs when considering different approaches to testing, leaving you confident in the testing choices you make. Furthermore, you will deepen your understanding of React and Redux as we dig into how and why we test each aspect.Practice your New SkillsYou will also have opportunities to practice what youve learned. There are occasional quizzes while were building the course projects, where you can apply what you learned, and then watch a video to see the solution. There are also two sets of challenges to extend the course projects, with solutions on GitHub. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Animation Workout" |
"If you have never animated in 2Dbefore but always wanted to tryor just want to polish your skills, this course is a great way to learn the foundational principles in a fast and fun way. If you ever wondered how or why an animation goes frompassable to professional to perfect then this is the course for you. Understanding these basics will give you the skills to make fun and eye catching animation using nothing more than a single line.This course is designed so you take one step at a time starting with spacing and easing then later moving on to the principles ofdrag and overlap. The final task will be hand drawing the legs of a walk cycle. The software used isFlash (now called Animate CC) but you can adapt these principles to any 2D animation software. The advantage with this animation workout is that it does not require drawing skills, if you can draw a line you can start animating straight away!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Programmer en R pour la Data Science de A Z" |
"Ce cours est ddi l'apprentissage de la programmation en R appliqu la Data Science. Si vous avez envie d'apprendre coder, d'apprendre manipuler de la data ou les deux, alors n'hsitez pas, ce cours est un concentr de tout a !Ce cours de 8 heures vous permettra dans un premier temps d'acqurir les outils ncessaires pour coder en R et faire de la Data Science.Puis il enchanera sur la partie thorique de la programmation en R, avec des exercices chaque tape, afin de comprendre la thorie en pratiquant.Dans un troisime temps, vous apprendrez manipuler et explorer/visualiser des donnes efficacement.Enfin, un cas pratique de Data Science viendra reprendre tout ces concepts pour les appliquer sur des donnes relles en plus de vous apprendre appliquer des algorithmes de Machine Learning sur vos donnes.A la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable d'aller rcuprer un jeu de donnes qui vous intresse et de l'analyser de A Z pour en sortir les informations qui vous intresse.J'espre que ce cours vous plaira, j'ajouterai d'avantage de cas pratiques au fur et mesure pour le rendre encore plus complet qu'il ne l'est dj.Le but de ce cours de Data Science est rellement de vous apprendre programmer en R, de vous faire pratiquer afin de devenir totalement autonome pour analyser tous les jeux de donnes qui vous intresse.Et je compte bien vous aider chaque tape pour arriver cette finalit !Pourquoi utiliser R ?J'ai choisi R pour la simple et bonne raison que c'est un des langages les plus utiliss en Data Science.De plus,c'est un langage que je matrise et qui a fait ses preuves pour rsoudre tout mes problmes d'analyse de donnes.Mais aussi parce que c'est un langage de programmation libre, intuitif et trs bien document.Enfin, R est un langage extrmement efficace pour effectuer des analyses statistiques et de l'exploration de donnes.Je veux que ce cours soit le plus complet possible.Ainsi, n'hsitez surtout pas me contacter si vous avez la moindre question ou la moindre remarque sur ce cours.C'est aussi grce vous que je pourrais l'amliorer et le faire voluer.Mon objectif est rellement de vous aider devenir un Data Scientist autonome et passionn !Logo cr par Pikisuperstar -"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Dvelopper son audience et crer son business avec Instagram" |
"Comment btir une communaut engage sur Instagram et crer son business.Cette formation s'adresse ceux qui veulentattirer une audience qualifiesur leur compte / page Instagram, et qui veulentmonter un businessgrce leur passion.Le programme est un plan d'action en 6 tapes :1. Cration du compte et lments de base :Choisir une thmatique rentableChoisir un pseudo que les gens n'oublieront pasComment prendre une bonne image de profilRemplir correctement sa biographie et l'organiser (+ rfrencement du compte)2. Crer de bonnes publicationsLe rythme et l'heureLe formatLa qualitLa lgende / descriptionAvoir beaucoup plus de likesAvoir beaucoup plus d'interactions / commentaires3. Les HashtagsQuels hashtags mettre ?Combien en mettre ?L'astuce pour cacher les hashtagstrerfrencdans lesmeilleures publications4. Les StoriesLe rythmeLa localisationLes Hashtags (et oui mme en storie, tu verras !)Avoir plein d'idesde storiesSe faire dcouvrirpar de nouvelles personnesgrce aux stories5. Gagner des abonnsLa mthode infaillible(+ option qui rapporte +30% d'abonns)Les6 mthodes pour gagner des abonnsAvoir sespremiersrsultats les premires minutes!6. Gagner de l'argentLes5 diffrents moyensde gagner de l'argentComment appliquer ces mthodes ?Les meilleures plateformes utiliser"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
slashyounghowtostart |
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"Change Management Influence Change and Evolve your Paradigms" |
"Sliding Paradigms Change Management Course ""Influence Change and Evolve your Paradigms, part one.Who ever you are if yousometimes struggle to cope with change, this courseis perfectfor you!For thousands of years, we have been hard-wired to resist change. Human beings by default don't like or want to change.This resistance to change has developed over time to protect us from danger, however, in today's world real danger does not always exist in the circumstances where we resist change.This short video course focuses on what change is, why we oppose it and how we can accept it. With proven practical ""Aha moments"" that can be used in the real world, to help us live with change."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Informtica para CONCURSOS VUNESP" |
"Este curso oferece um mtodoexcelentede aprendizado para aqueles que desejam conquistar uma vaga em concursos da VUNESP. OProf. Henrique Sholl, atravs da resoluo detalhada de cada questo de informtica dos principais concursos da bancaVUNESP, explicaCOMO CHEGAR ALTERNATIVA CORRETA. A resoluo de provas anteriores sempre foi e sempre ser um recurso extraordinrio para se conhecer a Banca e a sua maneira de abordar os assuntos. No suficiente conhecer os assuntos, mas tambm saber resolver as questes.Voc est no caminho certo!RECURSOS DISPONVEIS NESTE CURSO:Acesso a diversas videoaulas (atualmente so11 videoaulas).Resoluo detalhada e explicada dasquestesde informticados ltimos concursos da PM-SP, Barro Branco e Policia Civil.Downloaddetodas as provas e gabaritos oficiais vistos no curso.Superdicas dos assuntos abordados nas questes.Materiais extras em pdf e muito mais...Observao: Em breve estar disponvel tambm as provas do Tribunal de Justia de So Paulo - TJ-SP.No h dvida!Voc vai aprender a resolver as questes de informtica da VUNESP!E vai gabaritar!Alis, no to difcil passar em concursos pblicos. Basta assinalar todas as alternativas corretas... E isso que voc ir aprender neste curso.Boa sorte e Bons Estudos!!!>>Prof. Henrique ShollH nove anos ajudando osalunos a conquistarem o que elesmais querem:APROVAO!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Plataformas para E-Commerce e Funes importantes" |
"Est precisando buscar uma plataforma para a sua loja virtual?Antes de escolher sem muito embasamento, melhor aprender as diferenas, vantagens e benefcios, bem como quais funes observar. So conhecimentos que te ajudaro a economizar tanto na escolha da plataforma quanto no decorrer do seu uso.Aprenda a diferena entre plataformas de E-Commerceabertas (ex.:WooCommerce ou Magento)e fechadas;O que observar referente aos meios de pagamento, fraude e chargeback;Funes importantes a buscar na plataforma;"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Comeando sua Loja Virtual - O Incio do Sucesso" |
"Este curso voltado para quem deseja abrir uma loja virtual ou j tem e gostaria de aprimorar seus conhecimentos.Dentre os assuntos abordados, esto:Auto-Conhecimento ; Loja Fsica eVirtual ; Tendncias e Cuidados ;Planejamento ;Plataformas abertas e fechadas ; Meios de Pagamento e de entrega ;Cadastro de Produtos ;Relacionamento com clientes ; Inbound Marketing ; Marketing pago e gratuito ; Margens e reinvestimentosVamos estudar?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como Controlar Pequenas Empresas, demonstra a necessidade das micro e pequenas empresa de manter um controle de suas atividades. Apresentacomo este controle deve ser feito com exemplos prticos. Este curso est dividido em trs mdulos e de maneira bastante didtica, ensina como utilizar as ferramentas adequadas para controlar as operaes dasempresas. Mostra o caminho para encontrar as informaes e a forma de montar a estrutura adequada para que as mesmas sejam apresentadas. No final o curso indica os relatrios mais adequados e confiveis, para que os nmeros apresentados possam ser avaliados mensalmente. Desta forma a empresa tem todas as informaes do seu negcio, podendo assim, tomar as decises necessrias."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"4 Part Series: Become a Profitable Social Media Influencer" |
"Are you looking to start your journey into the world of Influencer Marketing?Today, there are more influencers than ever who are able to making a living because of their personal brand. Not only are they generating income, but they are inspiring others with their knowledge and personality.Here are just some of the benefits of becoming a social media influencer in 2018Generate an income and work according to your own scheduleDo paid speaking engagements on the topics in your nicheWork with high level brands to promote goods and servicesWhat will you learn from this course?The facts & myths of influencer marketingWhy you need to pick 1/3 of the foundational pillars of influencer marketingInstagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook strategies to followers &engagementHow to overcome the ""Mental Game"" that comes with growing as an influencerYou will also gain access to EXCLUSIVESOCIALMEDIAPDFsHow to Standout as an InfluencerHow to Effectively Use Each Social Media Outlet5 Steps to Becoming a Social Media Influencer3 Foundational Pillars of Influencer MarketingKeys to Acquiring SponsorshipYouTube Influencer StrategyFacebookInfluencer StrategyTwitter Influencer StrategyInstagram Influencer Strategy"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Diabetes Undone - Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally" |
"Heres a plot twisttype 2 diabetes CAN be undone.Diabetes Undone is a 6 hour, comprehensive program for defeating diabetes type 2 that is used in whole in part by Florida Hospital, Tillamook Regional Medical Center, Loma Linda University, Stanford University Hospital, Kaiser Permanente and other clinics and clinicians across the USA and Canada. Luisa Oliver-Cordero, RDN, LDN, the main diabetic instructor at Florida Hospital calls Diabetes Undone ""the best diabetic education program I have seen in over 30 years of working with diabetics.""The medical community is losing the war on diabetes type 2 because they believe 2 myths about diabetes: 1) that diabetes is a chronic and progressive disease, and 2) that the primary therapy for diabetes type 2 is blood sugar management. They are taught to prescribe drugs for a disease that can be reversed by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle. In fact, it has been scientifically proven that you can experience dramatic health improvement, be free of medications, and even reverse the disease itself with a healthy lifestyle.Understanding the power in your lifestyle is the crucial first step in reversing your type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. You can begin to reverse diabetes, right now, immediately. All without outrageous cost, without drugs, and without surgery.Diabetes Undone is an 8-session program developed and produced by Life and Health Network and hosted by Dr. Wes Youngberg, DrPH, author of Goodbye Diabetes, and Brenda Davis, RD, world-renowned dietitian. Diabetes Undone will clear away the fog around true health, and pave a clear path for your new, diabetes-free life. By applying what you learn, you can beat the odds. Just ask Tom Zapara, the 92-year old man who walked out of his doctors office with a diabetes-free diagnosis after following our program. Diabetes is a big problem that affects all of us to one degree or another. In fact, most people with prediabetes dont even know it. This disease weighs on our countrys public health, our economy, and our future but it doesnt have to be that way. Thats why youre here, isnt it? Because, at the end of the day, the power to prevent and reverse your disease lies right in your hands. Lets get started.Welcome to Diabetes Undone.Welcome to hope and the start of your new health story"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Entendendo o bsico sobre Bitcoin" |
"O avano tecnolgico tem ajudado a sociedade em meio aos problemas financeiros e o Bitcoin foi criado com este intuito, auxiliar pessoas menos favorecidas. Entretanto, a popularidade desta criptomoeda tem crescido e muitas pessoas tm investido em Bitcoins e j possuem resultados positivos. Se voc quer conhecer esta moeda virtual e quer comear aplicar os seus lucros em Bitcoins, o curso Bitcoin Bsico da Seja Guru, uma empresa da Mova.Global, foi feito pra voc.No primeiro mdulo, voc aprender sobre a criptomoeda e a histria a envolve. No segundo mdulo, voc saber os benefcios que ela traz. E tambm voc conhecer a funcionalidade, como obter Bitcoins, sobre Blockchain, minerao e muito mais."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin Intermedirio" |
"O avano tecnolgico tem ajudado a sociedade em meio aos problemas financeiros e o Bitcoin foi criado com este intuito, auxiliar pessoas menos favorecidas. Entretanto, a popularidade desta criptomoeda tem crescido e muitas pessoas tm investido em Bitcoins e j possuem resultados positivos. Se voc quer conhecer esta moeda virtual e quer comear aplicar os seus lucros em Bitcoins, o curso Bitcoin Intermedirio foi feito pra voc.Voc aprender na prtica como funciona e como criar uma carteira virtual. Bem comoaprender na prtica a comprar, vender e transacionar Bitcoins. E nos outros mdulos, voc obter o conhecimento sobre investimentos, negociaes, inflao e um pouco mais sobre a criptomoeda."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Visual Basic with Visual Studio" |
"With this course, you can learn to be a master of the visual basic programming language! Not to be underestimated, visual basic is an entry level to professional level programming language designed and maintained by Microsoft.In this course, you'll become proficient in the basics of both visual basic and the IDE visual studio, with little to no experience with programming assumed.This courseis focused on using console applications to teach the basic principals of programming and visual basic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Your First Educational Game" |
"Are you looking forward to create professional educational game without the need of any coding or programming , sharing it with your students through your blog or LMSbut you don't know where to start?Don't worry, you came to the right place!What are the requirements?You don't need any prior experience.All you need is your computer and internet access.No software programs requiredWhat am I going to get from this course?Know how to create different customized educational games Crossword PuzzleWord search PuzzleAlphabet GameKnow how students can access your created gamesKnow how to follow up students' scores/results of the games created.What is the target audience?Anyone interested in creating professional educational game either Faculty member, Teacher, Student or Parent."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Online Arbitrage Mastery - The Ultimate Step By Step Guide" |
"Still in 2020, Online Arbitrage is the PERFECT business model using Amazon FBA. This is when you BUY stock online from online stores such as Argos or Target, which has been systematically identified as profitable to SELL on the ever increasing in demand Amazon marketplace. Amazon FBA means you would SHIP all your products to Fulfilment Centres where Amazon will do ALL the heavy lifting for you so you don't have to. Whether you are awake or asleep, Amazon ship your SOLD products to which means you never have to ship a product to a customer, EVER. Online Arbitrage is an AMAZING business model which has changed MILLIONS of lives around the world. Amazon's amazing growth over the last 20 years means that anybody (anybody) can sell products for a PROFIT. This course will give you a comprehensive level of knowledge to get you started quickly so you know EXACTLY how to WIN at this business model. I, having sold over 7 FIGURES using this business model will teach you everything you need to know to get up and running and start making PROFIT. I have been BUYING products in NORMAL stores online, and then SELLING them at a PROFIT online on Amazon since 2015 with REAL PROVEN RESULTS!Get started today and be successful in YOUR ONLINE ARBITRAGE BUSINESS!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Data Warehouse - Build with Redshift and QuickSight" |
"This course AWS Data Warehouse - Build with Redshift and QuickSight covers all of the main concepts you need to know about Data Warehouse and Redshift. This course assumes you have no experience of Redshift but are eager to learn AWS solution on Data Warehouse. This course has seven hands-on labs from launching Redshift cluster, loading data, managing cluster, monitoring performance to visualizing data on QuickSight. The advanced experimental bonus sections focus on the latest Redshift features. You will learn Redshift essentials, QuickSight visualization, and Machine Learning prediction. You will also get the basic knowledge of other associated AWS services (e.g. S3, IAM, VPC, CloudWatch, and CloudTrial) during this step-by-step deploying and analytical processing. Plus the advanced knowledge of Redshift usage on data streaming and machine learning.Once you have completed this course, you should be able to deploy your data warehouse on Redshift, operate and maintain data, analyze and visualize data on Quicksight, and set up security for Redshift. Advanced Bonus Sections:Hands-on lab: AWS Machine Learning on Redshift Data Redshift Spectrum Redshift with Kinesis"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop - Vom kompletten Anfnger zum absoluten Profi!" |
"Lerne die Grundlagen von Photoshop + 20 atemberaubende Effekte und erstelle alles was du willst!DEINEVORTEILE Sparedir so unglaublich vielZeit und Mhebeim Erlernen des Programms ErhalteZugangzu tausenden vonkostenlosen Pinseln, SchriftartenundStock Fotosfr Photoshop Keine Vorkenntnisse in Photoshop erforderlich Erhalte kostenlos alle Arbeitsmaterialien die imKurs verwendet werden Lerne alle Funktionendie das Programm bietet kennen! Punkte bei Freunden und Verwandtenmit deinen neuen Photoshop Skills persnlicher Support ber meine Social Media KanleWASKANNSTDUNACHABSCHLUSSDIESESKURSES? Die Grundlagen des Programms bereits nach 45Minuten Am Ende des Kurses kannst du das Programm mit Leichtigkeit benutzen ber 20 einzigartige Effekte erstellen (Duetone, 3DEffekt, Double Exposure und viele mehr...) deine eigenen Projekte umsetzen Logos erstellen - gestalte dein persnliches Logo ANGABENZUMKURSJede Menge Aktivitten, bungen und Herausforderungen Einwandfreie Ton- und Videoqualitt Alle Vortrge sind auf den Punkt gebracht - minimaler Aufwand, maximale Ergebnisse Lernen durch Arbeiten, nicht durch Auswendiglernen! Lerne das Arbeiten mit verschiedenen Ebenen Anwendung von unterschiedlichen Ebenenmodi Erstelle Ebenenmasken und bearbeite diese entsprechenWhle Motive perfekt aus Einstellungsebenen anwendenLerne die gesamte Werkzeugpalette kennen TypografieLogodesign Filter kennenlernen und richtig anwenden Lerne das Arbeiten mit verschiedenen Pinseln und deren Vielfalt kennenLerne das richtige Blenden von Ebenen Viele, viele weitere Anwendungen, Effekte, Tipps und Tricks... Starte jetzt deine Photoshop Reise und werde zum absoluten Profi!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Complex Numbers" |
"Complex numbers arebroadly used inElectrical and Civil Engineering. Hence, it is useful to understand the basics of complex numbers. In this introductory course, we have prepared some examples which coverthe basic knowledge of complex numbers and shall work through themwith you. Hopefully, you are able to solve similarcomplex numbers questionsin an efficient manner."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Never be Lied to Again: Advanced Lie Detection Course" |
"NEVER BE LIED TO AGAIN************************************************************************This is a PREMIUMcourseDr. Lieberman is the author of the New York Times best-selling book, NEVER BE LIED TO AGAIN (St. Martin's Press), which is the #1 best-selling book on lie-detection, with millions of copies sold in more 27 languages. He is the expert's expert and in fact, he conductstraining for elite FBI profilers, NSA, the United States military, and for police departments and private security firms on six continentsand createdprogram that is mandatory for all Psychological Operations (PSYOP) graduates.He has been featured in hundreds of major publications and journals;andappears as a frequent guest expert on national media outlets, including multiple appearances on such shows asThe Today Show,The View, andFox & Friends and CNNDr. Lieberman is one of the top-rated experts in his fieldHighest quality video production and course contentUnconditional money-back guarantee************************************************************************In this course, youll learn exactly, step by step what to say to get the truth in any conversation or situationbe it personal or professional, and youll never have to wonder again if youre being lied to, cheated on or taken advantage of.Dr. David Lieberman conducts training in tactics of lie-detection and interview/interrogation for elite FBI profilers, the NSA, and the United States military. In fact, he created the program thats mandatory for all Psychological Operations (or PSYOP) graduates in the United States Air Forceand hes going to teach you, what he teaches to them. You now have the unprecedented opportunityto use the most important secrets governing human behavior for enhancing and advancing your every encounter; because knowing who is out for you, and who is out to get you, will make your lifeeasier andhappierlet alone safer!Imagine what your life would be likeif youhad the ability to tell whensomeone was lying to you.The possibilities are endless.In fact, these techniques have been proven more effective andversatile than a polygraph testlive,on national television, Dr. Lieberman went head-to-head with a skilled polygraph examiner who brought in heavy equipment and spent hours interviewing mocksuspects. Dr. Lieberman spent about three minutes with all of them and scored better!During an appearance onFox & Friendsthe host shocked the world, whenon live TV she announced that sheused one of Dr. Lieberman'stechniques to learnthat her husband was havingan affair!Whileinterviewing Dr. Lieberman on his nationally syndicated radio program G. GordonLiddy told his listeners,I wish I had these techniquesback when I was in the FBI.Onair, Montel Williams wrapped up his television show after Dr. Lieberman was hishour-long guest with,I rarely give endorsements,but [these techniques]willchange your life.AndyBlackwell, Board Governor and Fellow of the Institute of ProfessionalInvestigators writes,Lieberman's work is the 'Swiss ArmyKnife'of Lie Detection Techniques forinvestigators, a fascinating insight into human behavior at its worst. Whilstlocal laws may precludethe use of some of the methodsdescribed ....others can be used quite freely and will no doubt beparticularly useful for professionalinvestigators. The New York Times put it best, when in a feature article they simply said, Dont lie to David Lieberman.Save yourself time, energy and heartacheand arm yourself today withtechniques that arepresented in the conversational and engaging, no-fluff style, that has made David Liebermans work so popular to MILLIONS OF PEOPLEaround the world. In just about ONE HOUR, heres what you will learn:In Part 1, Stealth Lie-Detection, youll learn how to get the information that you need without the person ever knowing that you may be on to him. These techniques are great for casual conversations, when you think someone might be lying to you, but a full-fledged interrogation is out of the question. In Part 2, Signs of Deceit well cover the four dead-giveaways that a person is lying to you. In Part 3, Time to Confess, you'll gain access tothe most advance psychological interviewing techniques to get to the truth and to a confession.************************************************************************Based on his New York Times bestselling books, he designed this course not just forlaw enforcement professionals but for all of usfrom parents to poker players to small business ownersand certainly, for thegood-natured person whos just tired of being taken advantage of, lied to and manipulated by the world around them. If you've ever heard.... The meeting ran late. I was out with my friends. You can count of me. I'll call you tomorrow. It's nothing personal.If you've ever wondered..... Does he say that to everyone? Is she out to get me? Is the check in the mail? Does he really love me? Can I trust him? If you're tired of...... Looking foolish Feeling helpless Being taken advantage of Hiring the wrong people Loving the wrong person Falling for the same old linesThen take this course andchange everything today.Enroll now to gain mastery of your ability to read people and to detect deceit, so youll never have to worry again,who is out for you, and who may be out to get you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |